Publication details [#58728]
Liu, Yuan (刘媛) and Xiaohan Ying (应小寒). 2023. 生态翻译学视域下爱国主义电影字幕英译研究: 以《长津湖》为例 [Research on Subtitle Translation of Patriotic Film from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology: a case study of The Battle at Lake Changjin]. Journal of Changchun University (长春大学学报) 33 (9) : 65–70. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Title as subject
Film is a carrier of culture, containing abundant information of local culture and custom, while subtitle translation is a bridge of communication, connecting different countries. Therefore, it is self-evident that subtitle translation plays an important role in promoting film abroad. In eco-translatology, subtitle translation can be regarded as a special ecological environment of translation, whose three-dimensional transformation strategy is of great value to the research of eco-translatology. This paper analyzes the adaptive conversion strategies of language, culture, and communication in the subtitle translation of the patriotic film The Battle at Lake Changjin from the perspective of eco-translatology, which is helpful to expand the research in Chinese subtitle translation and provides insight for sharing Chinese culture with other countries.
Source : Based on abstract in journal