Publication details [#58752]
Li, Penghui (李鹏辉) and Mingle Gao (高明乐). 2021. 译者行为批评视域下19世纪英译群体行为研究: 以《三国演义》为例 [Studies on Translators’ Behaviors as a Group in the 19th Century Based on Translator Behavior Criticism: a case study on the Chinese classical novel Sanguoyanyi]. Foreign Language Research (外语学刊) 44 (6) : 55–60. 
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
Title as subject
This paper makes a comparison among English introductions of Sanguoyanyi composed by eight missionaries led by Robert Morrison in the 19th century based on translator behavior criticism, making a distinction between “intra-translation behavior” and “extra-translation behavior”. The findings suggest that there is a close relationship among translation environment, translator’s roles in society, translation purpose, translation method, and translation effect. There exists both interaction and universality in translators’ behaviors as a group. This paper aims to provide a practical method and experience for culture promotion in the light of “going global policy” in China.
Source : Based on abstract in journal