Publication details [#58753]
Yang, Zhenyuan (杨镇源). 2024. 从“译者的任务”到“译论家的任务”: 论译论话语之“纯理论”问题 [From “The Translator’s Task” to “The Translation Theorist’s Task”: on the pure theory issue of translation theories]. Foreign Language Research (外语学刊) 44 (6) : 49–54. 
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
As an inheritor of the German Romantic spirit of purity, Walter Benjamin identifies the translator’s task to be a return toward pure language as the metaphysical aim through literal translation as the physical method. Extending the mindset to the fragmenting map of translation theories (TT), this paper elaborates purity into the perfectly harmonious pure theory, which is the ultimate origin of diverse TT discourses. Besides, the physical cognition of mindfulness echoes the metaphysical appeal from pure theory. Hereby, the translation theorist’s task is identified as follows: supposed to be dissatisfied with the fragmenting map of translation theories, the theorist needs to approach the ultimate original truth of pure theory through the conventional thinking of mindfulness. With this pilgrimage, the TT development is led gradually from separating to harmonizing, from isolating to compatibilizing.
Source : Abstract in journal