Publication details [#58765]
Li, Hanji (李晗佶) and Haiqing Chen (陈海庆). 2021. 翻译技术中“认知摩擦”问题与消解途径 [Cognitive Friction in Translation Technology and Its Solutions]. Foreign Language Research (外语学刊) 44 (5) : 60–65. 
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Driven by the increasing cross-border communication and the development of technologies, translation, an ancient human practice, is now facing a technological turn. The extensive application of translation technology not only improves production efficiency, standardizes quality management, and coordinates translation cooperation, but also brings some negative effects, the most significant of which is the “cognitive friction” between translators and translation technology. Therefore, this paper, examining the issue of "cognitive friction" in translation technology from a design psychology perspective, identifies its root causes, and emphasizes that eliminating "cognitive friction" and achieving positive interaction between translators and translation technology requires the collaborative efforts of technology designers, users, and importers.
Source : Based on abstract in journal