
Publication details [#58767]

Lu, Zhi (卢植) and Youyao Zheng (郑有耀). 2021. 英汉隐喻视译过程中注意资源分配的眼动实验研究 [An Eye-tracking Study on Attention Resources Allocation in the Process of Sight Translation of Metaphors from English to Chinese]. Foreign Language Research (外语学刊) 44 (5) : 72–79.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


In this study, an eye-tracking experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of metaphoricity on the allocation of attention resources in the sight translation of metaphors from English into Chinese by 36 subjects. The findings are as follows: (1) Metaphoricity can significantly affect the allocation of overall attention resources during the whole sight-translation and the allocation of attention resources onto both metaphor comprehension and production during sight-translation. The higher the metaphoricity is, the more overall attention resources were allocated by the subjects in sight-translation of metaphors, and the more attention resources were called for both metaphor comprehension and production as well. (2) There is a significant positive correlation between the allocation of overall attention resources and the allocation of attention resources for metaphor comprehension and that of metaphor production. Additionally, the allocation of attention resources in the metaphor comprehension accounts for a larger proportion of the overall allocation of attention resources compared with the production of the translated metaphors. (3) Compared with metaphorical expression, the sight translation of literal expression requires somehow more attention resources, and the translation of metaphor is highly context-dependent.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

