Publication details [#58775]
Zhang, Mi (张汨) and Wei Zhang (张威). 2024. 中国政治话语对外翻译政策研究:机制与成效: 以《习近平谈治国理政》英译项目为例 [Research on Translation Policy in the Outward Translation of Chinese Political Discourse: Mechanism and Effect: a case study of the English translation program of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China]. Foreign Language Research (外语学刊) 47 (5) : 61–67. 
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Title as subject
Translation policy is the set of explicit rules regulated by a translation agency, either governmental or non-governmental, to guarantee the successful operation of translation projects. Research on translation policy has gained momentum in the past two decades, and the main focus has been on the translation phenomenon of judicial and immigrant cases, media translation, or culture dissemination. However, two aspects can be further explored. First, from the perspective of research object, studies on Chinese political discourse are insufficient. Second, research on the effect of translation policy has barely been touched upon. With the English translation project of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China by the Foreign Languages Bureau as the case study, this article presents the translation policy mechanism based on historical literature and translator’s oral material and examines the translation policy effect with target readers’ responses on the English translation revision of the core concept “yi... wei he xin.”. It is discovered that translation management, translation practice, and translation belief are mutually beneficial; thus the translation policy is reasonable, and the reception effect of the core concept is guaranteed.
Source : Based on abstract in journal