
Publication details [#58776]

Xiao, Haiyan (肖海燕) and Jun Xu (徐珺). 2024. 模因论视角下术语译名规范化过程探析: 变异、选择与保持 [Analysis of the Normalization Process of Terminology Translation from the Perspective of Memetics: variation, selection, and retention]. Foreign Language Research (外语学刊) 47 (5) : 68–75.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Terminology translation is essentially the replication and dissemination of academic memes across languages and cultures. It represents the collision and communication of academic ideas between two different cultures, as well as the integration and fusion of two knowledge systems. It is a cross-linguistic practice constrained by multiple factors, involving the interchangeability of concepts between heterogeneous cultures, the equivalence between the translated terms and their original versions, and the matching of the translated concepts and their linguistic symbols. With the cross-cultural dissemination of science, technology, and humanistic ideas, terminology translation exhibits complexity, multi-dimensionality, and dynamism in the normalization process. Based on memetics theory, this paper conducts a diachronic comparative analysis of different versions of terminology translations. It explores three cross-linguistic replication modes of academic meme—variation, selection, and retention—and their manifestations and reasons in the normalization process of terminology translation. It also attempts to provide an interpretation of the normalization process of terminology translation, aiming to offer theoretical references for terminology translation practice and the exchange of academic discourses between China and foreign countries.
Source : Abstract in journal

