Publication details [#58779]
Tan, Yesheng (谭业升). 2024. 译者行为的认知翻译学观 [Translator Behavior/Act from the Perspective of Cognitive Translatology]. Journal of Beijing International Studies University (北京第二外国语学院学报) 46 (4) : 83–100. URL
How can translator behavior/act be well defined? Can we develop an operable analytical framework of translator behavior/act, based on a certain theory or paradigm, to produce new knowledge through systematic research? This study provides a preliminary reflection on these questions from the perspective of cognitive translatology. Specifically, it explores the levels and embodied attributes of translator behavior/act to further clarify the goals, dimensions, problems, analytical categories, and methods of cognitive research on translator behavior/act and to identify the aspects that distinguish the embodied cognitive approach from previous studies.
Source : Abstract in journal