Publication details [#58785]
Zhang, Lin (张凌) and Xingyu Li (李星宇). 2024. 《习近平谈治国理政》英译的体认解析 [On the English Translation of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China from the Embodied-Cognitive Translatology]. Translation Research and Teaching (翻译研究与教学) 7 (2) : 16–22. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Target language
Title as subject
Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, a model for telling Chinese stories, has been translated into thirty-seven languages and featured numerous related research achievements. However, the discovery that the English translation of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, which is characteristic of embodied cognitivity, serves as the result of translators’ embodied cognition out of their purpose for publicity has been left unnoticed in the translation studies. In light of this fact, this article, with a focus on the English translation of the volumes’ table of contents, interprets the process of embodied cognition in which the translator exchanges generically the form, meaning, or function from the source text. On the one hand, it demonstrates the value of the embodied-cognitive translatology, and on the other hand, it helps deepen the study of translation, reflect on the nature of translation, and propose new views of translation.
Source : Based on abstract in journal