Publication details [#58789]
Fu, Jingmin (傅敬民) and Xiaorong Sun (孙晓蓉). 2024. 翻译与中国学科发展 [Translation and the Development of Academic Disciplines in China]. Foreign Languages in China (中国外语) 21 (2) : 16–22. URL
The relationship between translation and the formation and development of modern Chinese disciplines is a hot topic in academia. The current paper points out that while the importance of translation in knowledge production and dissemination has been overshadowed by the emphasis on its linguistic and semiotic communicative functions, its social, cultural, historical, and political roles have been obscured. Translation has been intentionally or unintentionally marginalized or even disregarded in the study of disciplinary histories. In order to gain the appropriate discourse power and disciplinary status, Translation Studies needs to proactively incorporate relative academic issues into its research scope, including the production and dissemination of knowledge via translation. This paper emphasizes the need to examine the relationship between translation and other disciplines in China and to explore historical translation materials and translators that are closely related to China's social progress, economic development, and scientific prosperity. By uncovering overlooked and obscured historical facts in translation history, it aims to integrate the history of social and economic development as well as scientific advancement in modern China with translation. By tracing the translation clues and achievements in the process of disciplinary introduction, development, and localization with systematic and in-depth research, it not only expands the research fields of translation theory and translation criticism but also provides theoretical references and practical foundations for constructing an academic and discourse system with its own characteristics. Meanwhile, it prompts translation and translation studies to recognize the challenges they are in the face of.
Source : Based on abstract in journal