
Publication details [#58803]

Li, Jin (李晋) and Weiqing Xiao (肖维青). 2023. 社会翻译学视阈下的中国当代科幻文学海外译介: 发起、生产与传播 [Overseas Translation of Chinese Contemporary Science Fiction Literature from the Perspective of Social Translatology: initiation, production, and dissemination]. Language and Translation (语言与翻译) 41 (2) : 63–69. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject


The translated works of Chinese contemporary science fiction literature have attracted more and more attention and love from overseas readers, providing valuable cases for the study of Chinese culture going global. With the sociological turn of translation studies, translation is regarded as a production process, and various factors outside the text can be included in the scope of observation, so as to reveal the essence of translation more deeply. With the help of Bourdieu's social practice and Latour's actor network theory, two important branches of the framework of social translation, this study analyzes the initiation, production and dissemination of overseas translation of Chinese contemporary science fiction literature, and explores the factors affecting the translation, so as to promote Chinese science fiction literature abroad.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

