Publication details [#58805]
He, Huaqian (何华倩) and Guijun Zhou (周桂君). 2022. 《道德经》英译的历时演变及其动因研究: 基于核心概念“道”英译的统计与分析 [A Study on the Diachronic Evolution and Its Motivation in the English Translation of Tao Te Ching: based on the statistics and analysis of the core concept "Tao"]. Language and Translation (语言与翻译) 40 (4) : 56–61. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Source language
Target language
Title as subject
Tao Te Ching is a classic of Chinese traditional culture, and its English translation took more than 150 years. In this paper, 143 English versions of Tao Te Ching (1868-2020) are built into a homogeneous micro-corpus. Taking the translation of the core concept "Tao" as an example, the translators’ translation and interpretation of Lao Zi’s thoughts are examined from a diachronic perspective. The English translation of "Tao" has gone through four stages: the creation period ("Tao" without definite translation), the definite period ("Tao" with "Dao" as the mainstay and "Way" as the supplement), the traceability period, and the pluralistic period (multiple paths co-existing). Looking back to the relevant historical and cultural context, the mainstream ideology in different times determines the translator's translation and interpretation of the source text. In the process of cultural communication between China and the West, the status and role of Chinese culture are constantly changing, and Chinese discourse has encountered various difficulties and obstacles in the process of entering the western discourse system.
Source : Based on abstract in journal