Publication details [#58806]
Xu, Daqian (徐大千) and Hongyu Liu (刘宏宇). 2022. 翻译标准与原则: 基于文献分析视角 [Translation Standards and Principles: from the perspective of literature analysis]. Language and Translation (语言与翻译) 40 (3) : 45–53. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
In translation practice, translation standards and principles are the guidelines and criteria to guide translation practice, but in the literature of translation practice, translation principles and translation standards are often mixed. Based on the literature analysis of CNKI in the past 20 years (2000-2022), it is concluded that there is a trend of concretization and diversification of translation standards and principles in China. The scientific trend of translation standards and principles is to combine them with the specific disciplines involved in translation content and cross them with other disciplines of linguistics.
Source : Abstract in journal