Koerner’s Korner
Koerner’s Korner

Table of contents

    Those readers of this note who have attended this year’s International Conference for the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIV) held in Paris may have heard of the serious accident that caused me to stay three months in hospital – the entire summer in other words. As a result, my attention was drawn to many other thoughts and concerns than pondering about the History of Linguistics. I am sure that many others did, which is a good thing.

    The following scholars listed below have (since October 19th, 2016) served as referee in one form or another, several have evaluated more than one submission. (As always, my sincerest apologies go to anyone whom I inadvertently may have omitted.)

    Michael G. Carter (Sidney)

    Sweiam Mengel (Halle/Saale)

    W. South Coblin (Iowa City)

    Antonio Rollo (Naples)

    Roger Comtet (Toulouse)

    Stephanie Roussu (Oxford)

    Gonçalo Fernandes (Vila Real)

    Sébastien Moret (Lausanne)

    R. Fernández Rodríguez (Amsterdam)

    G. Rex Smith (Leeds)

    Andreas Gardt (Kassel)

    Daniel J. Taylor (Lawence, Ks.)

    Martina King (Bern)

    Kees Versteegh (Nijmegen)

    Clemens Knobloch (Siegen)

    Yang Hope (Beijing)

    James McElvenny (Potsdam)

    Otto Zwartjes (Amsterdam)

    In situations like the one that has befallen me, I must be particularly grateful to those members of the editorial team who have taken over the responsibilities that are largely mine. In order of chronology, I must first express my very special thanks to Klaas Willems (Ghent) for agreeing to read the proofs of the first 2017 issue of this journal. Even more special thanks are due to John E. Joseph (Edinburgh) who stepped in to serve as Executive Editor while I was in hospital.

    That both scholars in addition to Ekaterina Velmezova (Lausanne), the third member of the editorial junta, also served as referee and commentators on incoming submissions, hardly requires any mention. As in previous years I have to thank Pierre Larcher (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille) for providing the résumés of an English “faussement facile” into clear French prose virtually by return mail.

    Finally, as on earlier occasions, I wish to express my gratitude to the authors of articles and reviews, since, without their contributions, there could be no journal.

    Last but by no means least, special thanks have to go to Anke de Looper of John Benjamins in Amsterdam, who for many years has taken care of the tasks that have to be performed on the publisher’s side, and this with great care, attention to detail, and patience. Nor would I like to forget the work and generous support from Patricia Leplae of the Production Department at the same Company.

    Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, 8 September 2017 E. F. K. Koerner