Historiographia Linguistica | International Journal for the History of the Language Sciences
Historiographia Linguistica (HL) serves the ever growing community of scholars interested in the history of the sciences concerned with language such as linguistics, philology, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, neurology, and other disciplines. Central objectives of HL are the critical presentation of the origin and development of particular ideas, concepts, methods, schools of thought or trends, and the discussion of the methodological and philosophical foundations of a historiography of the language sciences, including its relationship with the history and philosophy of science. HL is published in 3 issues per year of about 450 pages altogether. Each volume contains a dozen articles or more, at least one review article or a bibliography devoted to a particular topic, a great number of reviews and review notes as well as information on important recent or forthcoming activities and events in the field.
HL publishes its articles Online First.
Latest articles
3 October 2024
9 September 2024
6 September 2024
29 August 2024
27 May 2024
13 May 2024
3 May 2024
29 March 2024
18 March 2024
4 March 2024
12 February 2024
1 February 2024
18 January 2024
12 January 2024
9 January 2024
12 December 2023
11 December 2023
9 November 2023
23 October 2023
17 October 2023
4 September 2023
25 August 2023
18 August 2023
25 July 2023
11 July 2023
15 June 2023
21 April 2023
Volumes and issues
Online-first articlesVolume 50 (2023)
Volume 49 (2022)
Volume 48 (2021)
Volume 47 (2020)
Volume 46 (2019)
Volume 45 (2018)
Volume 44 (2017)
Volume 43 (2016)
Volume 42 (2015)
Volume 41 (2014)
Volume 40 (2013)
Volume 39 (2012)
Volume 38 (2011)
Volume 37 (2010)
Volume 36 (2009)
Volume 35 (2008)
Volume 34 (2007)
Volume 33 (2006)
Volume 32 (2005)
Volume 31 (2004)
Volume 30 (2003)
Volume 29 (2002)
Volume 28 (2001)
Volume 27 (2000)
Volume 26 (1999)
Volume 25 (1998)
Volume 24 (1997)
Volume 23 (1996)
Volume 22 (1995)
Volume 21 (1994)
Volume 20 (1993)
Volume 19 (1992)
Volume 18 (1991)
Volume 17 (1990)
Volume 16 (1989)
Volume 15 (1988)
Volume 14 (1987)
Volume 13 (1986)
Volume 12 (1985)
Volume 11 (1984)
Volume 10 (1983)
Volume 9 (1982)
Volume 8 (1981)
Volume 7 (1980)
Volume 6 (1979)
Volume 5 (1978)
Volume 4 (1977)
Volume 3 (1976)
Volume 2 (1975)
Volume 1 (1974)
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Available back-volumes
Online-only | Print + online | ||
Complete backset (Vols. 1‒49; 1974‒2022) |
147 issues; 22,050 pp. |
EUR 17,275.00 | EUR 18,134.00 |
Volumes 47‒49 (2020‒2022) | 3 issues; avg. 450 pp. | EUR |
Volume 46 (2019) | 3 issues; 450 pp. | EUR |
Volume 45 (2018) | 3 issues; 450 pp. | EUR |
Volume 44 (2017) | 3 issues; 450 pp. | EUR |
Volume 43 (2016) | 3 issues; 450 pp. | EUR |
Volume 42 (2015) | 3 issues; 450 pp. | EUR |
Volume 41 (2014) | 3 issues; 450 pp. | EUR |
Volume 40 (2013) | 3 issues; 450 pp. | EUR |
Volumes 1‒39 (1974‒2012) | 3 issues; avg. 450 pp. | EUR |
1. Historiographia Linguistica welcomes submissions on all aspects of the history of the language sciences. Central objectives of HL are the critical presentation of the origin, development, and transmission of particular ideas, concepts, methods, schools of thought or trends, and the discussion of the methodological, epistemological, and philosophical foundations of a historiography of the language sciences, including its relationship with the history, sociology, and philosophy of science as well as with intellectual history generally.
2. Manuscripts submitted for publication in Historiographia Linguistica should be in English, French, or German; occasionally, contributions in other languages using Latin script may also be considered. Prior to formal submission, authors are encouraged to send the editors an inquiry together with a summary of their paper, preferably by electronic mail (as regular text). The availability of such a summary in electronic form may also help in the search for suitable referees.
3. If manuscript submission in paper form is considered, three copies should be sent. However, electronic submissions at various stages of the evaluation process are preferred. The texts could be in RTF, MS Word or similar, or in PDF. (Authors may remove their names and affiliations from a submission in order to permit blind refereeing.)
4. Before sending a manuscript, contributors should familiarize themselves with the style adopted in HL and outlined below, as manuscripts deviating significantly from its conventionsmay be returned without being evaluated for their contents. Particular attention should be paid to the conventions employed in the presentation of data and the citation of sources. Contributors who write in a language other than their native tongue are kindly requested to have their manuscript carefully checked by a native speaker. Please note that for articles to appear in HL, summaries in English, French, and German of no more than 100 words each will also be required. Summaries, résumés and Zusammenfassungen produced by DeepL, Google Translate or any other automatic translator, will not be accepted. The corresponding author is kindly invited to have the translations checked by native speakers before submitting the manuscript.
5. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, contributors will be asked to submit revised versions in both hard copy and electronically. In addition to a file in the word processing program in which the paper was written, contributors should also supply a copy saved in Rich Text Format (RTF). The first sheet of the hard copy should provide the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), as well as full address(es), indicating -- in case there is more than one author -- who will be responsible for proofreading.
6. Please use 1.5 spacing throughout, also for Notes and References.
7. Please number all pages.
8. Tables and illustrations should appear on separate sheets which bear the author's name; the place where they are to appear in the text should be clearly marked in the manuscript. The text should refer to the tables and illustrations by number; please do not use expressions like "the following table". Please keep the captions short.
9. Transliteration of foreign scripts:
- Arabic script must adopt the "DMG-Umschrift" (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft).
- For transcribing Indian (including Tibetan) scripts, internationally acknowledged systems should be used.
- Transcription of Chinese characters (traditional) should follow either the system of Thomas F. Wade or the PRC Pinyin.
- For Russian, Old Church Slavonic, and other languages using Cyrillic script, the conventions adopted in the Linguistic Bibliography / Bibliographie Linguistique are to be followed, with the exception that the velar fricative should be transcribed as x, not ch.
- Greek script does not have to be transliterated.
Please make sure that all special characters are presented correctly in the hard copy of your manuscript. If you cannot produce them on the computer, please insert them by hand using red ink.
10. Citations from secondary sources. Quotations form the critical literature, if not exceeding three lines, should be inserted in the regular text, marked by double quotation marks and with the source reference supplied. Quotations longer than three lines should be indented and set off from the regular text, with the source of quotation added at the end. Those quotations require no quotation marks.
11. Linguistic data and glosses. Citation forms in the body of the text should be italicized and followed (without a comma) by the gloss ("meaning"), which is to be enclosed in double quotation marks.
12. For cited data in numbered examples the following conventions should be observed:
- Italicize the original for any language.
- Type morpheme-by-morpheme gloss underneath (not beside) the original; align to the left boundary of the corresponding morpheme of the original, using tabs.
- Type the approximate "meaning" underneath the morpheme-by-morpheme gloss and enclose it in double quotation marks.
- Indent all numbered examples.
- Enclose each number in parentheses, and use such parenthesized numbers also in the body of the text when referring to an example.
For detailed instructions please see these Leipzig Glossing Rules for HL.
13. Notes may be submitted as footnotes, using the footnote/endnote functionality of your word processing software. They will be typeset as footnotes. Please keep notes to a minimum and at a reasonable length. Notes should not be used to supply bibliographical references: these should be placed in the References section.
14. References in the body of the text. For references to a publication, use author's last name plus year (plus page numbers if required). Either all of that, or all minus the author's name should be put in parentheses, as the context may demand. For
According to Jakobson (1944:188), Boas later "regretted never having attended" Steinthal's Lectures (see also Harrington 1945:98)
On Gerber's theory of figurative meaning, cf. Nerlich & Clarke (1996).
Full references should be placed in the Reference section. The following conventions apply:
Book, monograph or collective volume
Baratin, Marc & Françoise Desbordes (avec la participation de Phillipe Hoffmann & Alain Pierrot). 1981. L'Analyse linguistique dans l'Antiquité classique. Vol. I: Les théories.
Paris: Éditions Klincksieck.
Budagov, R[uben] A. 1988. Portrety jazykovedov XIX-XX vv. [Portraits of linguists of the 19th and 20th centuries]. Moskva: Izd. "Nauka".
Robins, R[obert] H[enry]. 1967. A Short History of Linguistics.
London: Longman; Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1968. (2nd ed., London: Longman, 1979; 3rd ed., 1993; 4th ed., 1997)
Versteegh, Cornelis H. M. [= Kees], E. F. Konrad Koerner & Hans-Josef Niederehe, eds. 1983. The History of Linguistics in the Near East.
(= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 28.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Articles in a periodical or collective volume
(Acronyms of well-known journals should follow the conventions of the Linguistic Bibliography / Bibliographie Linguistique. Whenever in doubt, please supply the full name.)
Sylvain. 1986. "Actes de pensée et actes linguistiques dans la Grammaire générale". HEL 8:2.105-120.
Salmon, Vivian G. 1974. "John Wilkins' Essay (1668): Critics and continuators". HL 1.147-163. (Repr. in The Study of Language in 17th-Century England by V. Salmon, 191-206. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1979; 2nd ed., 1988.)
Sarmiento, Ramón. 1983. "La gramática académica del siglo de las Luces". Serta Philologica F. Lázaro Carreter natalem diem sexagesimum celebranti dedicata, vol. I:
Estudios de lingüística e lengua literaria ed. by Emilio Alarcos [et al.], 571-585. Madrid: Cátedra.
Boyadjiev, Jivco. Forthcoming. Review of Budagov (1988). HL 17.3.
Michael, Ian. 1980. Review of Salmon (1979). IF 85.304-306.
Provided that the full reference to the book reviewed is supplied in the bibliography; otherwise:
Cowan, William. 1983. Review of Arab Linguistics: An introductory classical text with translation and notes by Michael G. Carter (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1981). HL 10.120-124.
If other than the original edition is quoted from, this should be made clear in the entry, possibly by a statement added in parentheses at the end (after the publisher's name), or by simply referring to the most recent date of publication of the source (adding the date of the original publication in square brackets right after the new date, e.g., Robins, R. H. 1993[1967]). If a translation is being used, this fact must be stated, with the name(s) of the translator(s) supplied. The date of the original edition should be added in square brackets, right after the date of the translation.
All correspondence concerning editorial matters (submission of manuscripts, discussions, and reports) should be directed to the editors:
Jean-Michel Fortis | |
Otto Zwartjes |
Editor, HL | |
Editor, HL |
CNRS, Université Paris Cité |
Université Paris Cité |
fortis.jean-michelneuf.fr | |
otto.zwartjesu-paris.fr |
Books for reviewing and correspondence concerning book reviews should be directed to the Reviews Editor:
Klaas Willems |
Reviews Editor, HL |
Ghent University |
Department of German |
Blandijnberg 2 |
B-9000 GHENT, Belgium |
klaas.willemsugent.be |
Historiographia Linguistica welcomes submissions on all aspects of the history of the language sciences. Central objectives of HL are the critical presentation of the origin, development, and transmission of particular ideas, concepts, methods, schools of thought or trends, and the discussion of the methodological, epistemological, and philosophical foundations of a historiography of the language sciences, including its relationship with the history, sociology, and philosophy of science as well as with intellectual history generally.
Prior to formal submission, authors are encouraged to send the editors an inquiry together with a summary of their paper, preferably by e-mail.
Before sending a manuscript, contributors should familiarize themselves with the style adopted in HL and outlined in the journal's guidelines , as manuscripts deviating significantly from its conventions may be returned without being evaluated for their contents. Particular attention should be paid to the conventions employed in the presentation of data and the citation of sources.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in Historiographia Linguistica should be in English, French, or German; occasionally, contributions in other languages using Latin script may also be considered. Contributors who write in a language other than their native tongue are kindly requested to have their manuscript carefully checked by a native speaker.
HL invites proposals for Special Issues; for more information, see these Guidelines for Special Issue Proposals .
All correspondence concerning editorial matters (submission of manuscripts, discussions, and reports) should be directed to the editors:
Jean-Michel Fortis | Otto Zwartjes | |
Editor, HL | Editor, HL | |
CNRS, Université Paris Diderot |
Université Paris Diderot |
fortis.jean-michelneuf.fr | otto.zwartjesu-paris.fr |
Books for reviewing and correspondence concerning book reviews should be directed to the Reviews Editor:
Klaas Willems |
Reviews Editor, HL |
Ghent University, Department of German |
Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 GHENT, Belgium |
klaas.willemsugent.be |
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