Koerner’s Korner 2019

Table of contents

The field of historiography of linguistics has expanded significantly in recent years. Submissions come in from many corners of the world, countries that only now have come to realize that the history of linguistics may be important even for their own specialties, including theory-construction, syntax, semantics, morphology or phonology, not to leave out various new cognitive strands of linguistics.

Apart from the high standards we intend to meet, which requires that Historiographia Linguistica practices double-blind refereeing, the widening of interest in the field also means that the editor will have to find suitable referees, a task that has not been easy in various instances. And having been able to identify knowledgeable specialists does not mean that one succeeds in persuading them to serve by writing a report on a manuscript. Some people never respond; others ask for rather long periods of time for submitting their comments, to cite only two typical examples.11.Experience tells me that everyone wishes to publish in a refereed journal, but not too many are ready to serve as referee themselves.

I do not wish to appear as a complainer, and so I had better stop on this topic; after so many years in the editing business, I think I could write a book about my experience. There is, however, a point that I think I should mention for history’s sake. After having become more established in my own “checkered career” (T. A. Sebeok 1977 to my publisher at an international congress held in Vienna), I felt it was time to organize the first International Congress for the History of the Language Sciences” (ICHoLS) to be held in Ottawa in August 1978. At the general meeting toward the end of the conferences, I suggested that we should organize an International Society for the History of Linguistics with HL as its official organ, naturally hoping that I could continue as editor for some definite period of time. Those present at the general meeting will remember why this has not come to pass.22.It is ironic that those who had opposed my suggestion, since they held their own plans, launched a journal and created an association supported by public funding or by membership fees. The result was that I have had to soldier on until the present day.

The following scholars listed below have (since the last issue of HL) served as referee; several have evaluated more than one submission. (As always, my sincerest apologies go to anyone whom I may have inadvertently omitted.)33.It would only fair that I also include members of the editorial team, since they also served as referees in one form or another.

Jörn Albrecht (Karlsruhe) Marc Pierce (Austin, Tex.)
Mark Atherton (Oxford) Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer (München)
Joan C. Beal (Sheffield) Patrick Sériot (Lausanne)
David Branner Prager (New York) Joseph L. Subbiondo (San Francisco)
Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr. (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois)
W. South Coblin (Iowa City) Frederick Newmeyer (Vancouver)
John Considine (Alberta) Heike Liebau (Berlin)
Michael Cysouw (Marburg.) Joaquin Sueiro (Vigo/Spain)
Jean-Michel Fortis (Paris) Pierre Swiggers (Leuven)
Manuel Galeote (Málaga) Wolfgang Teubert (Birmingham)
Martin Glessgen (Zürich) Margaret Thomas (Boston)
Thomas Godard (Nottingham) I. Tieken-Boon van Ostade (Leiden)
Joshua M. Griffiths (Austin, Tex.) Kevin Tuite (Montreal)
Lilián Guerrero (Mexico) Birgit Umbreit (Tübingen)
Christoph Harbsmeier (Oslo) Kees Versteegh (Nijmegen)
Christopher Hutton (Hong Kong) Klaas Willems (Ghent)
Ludwig Jäger (Aachen) Yang Huiling (Beijing)
Daniel Jeyaraj (Liverpoool) Bernard Ycart (Grenoble)
Almog Kasher (Ramat Gan, Israel) Michael Lackner (Berlin)
Pierre Larcher (Aix-en-Provence) Liesbeth Zack (Amsterdam)
Otto Zwartjes (Paris)

Very special thanks must always be extended to Klaas Willems, our Review Editor, for ‘hauling in’ a number of informative reviews and editing them in line with our stylistic conventions. Without his help I wouldn’t know how to cope with the many books devoted to the history of linguistic thought that have appeared in recent years. I also have to thank Pierre Larcher (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille) and Klaas Willems (Ghent University) for providing or editing the résumés of summaries in English into clear French and German prose virtually by return mail.

It is with great pleasure that I present Professor Jean-Michel Fortis (“Histoire des Théories Linguistiques”, CNRS, Université de Paris) to our readership, who has taken the place of one of our close Associate Editors, joining Klaas Willems and Ekaterina Velmesova (Université de Lausanne).

Finally, as on earlier occasions, I wish to express my gratitude to the authors of articles and reviews, since, without their contributions, there could be no journal.

Last but by no means least, special thanks go to Anke de Looper of John Benjamins in Amsterdam, who for many years has responded quickly to my queries, and this with care, attention to detail, and patience. Nor would I like to forget the work and generous support from Patricia Leplae, Production Manager at the same Company.

Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, 20 November 2019



1.Experience tells me that everyone wishes to publish in a refereed journal, but not too many are ready to serve as referee themselves.
2.It is ironic that those who had opposed my suggestion, since they held their own plans, launched a journal and created an association supported by public funding or by membership fees.
3.It would only fair that I also include members of the editorial team, since they also served as referees in one form or another.