Crisis in the Linguistic Society of America: The contested presidential election of 1970


This article discusses and analyses the 1970 election for President of the Linguistic Society of America. In that year, Dwight Bolinger challenged the official candidate Martin Joos and defeated him easily. We see that it was mainly personal and generational factors, rather than intellectual ones, that led to Bolinger’s victory.

Table of contents

The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) has been in existence since 1924 and counts thousands of members. Every year the LSA Nominating Committee puts forward an ‘official’ slate of candidates. One nominee is for the office of Vice-President. If elected, he or she serves in that office for one year and as President the following. Any ten members, separately and in writing, can challenge the official candidate and nominate somebody else. In the ninety-six-year history of the LSA, the official candidate for President has been challenged only once. In 1970, Dwight Bolinger opposed the official candidate Martin Joos and defeated him easily. This paper discusses and analyses the election. We see that it was mainly personal and generational factors, rather than intellectual ones, that underlay Bolinger’s successful challenge.

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