Book review
Last Lectures. Collège de France 1968 and 1969. By Émile Benveniste. Edited by Jean-Claude Coquet & Irène Fenoglio. Edited byTranslated by John E. Joseph.
Jean-Claude Coquet & Irène Fenoglio. John E. Joseph. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 2019. xii, 183 pp. ISBN 978 1 4744 3990 9 Hb, 978 1 4744 3991 6 Pb, 978 1 4744 3993 0 epub. Scottish ₤ 29.99

Reviewed by Pierre Swiggers
Table of contents

On Monday December 1, 1969 Émile Benveniste (1902–1976) gave the opening lecture of his cycle of leçons at the Collège de France for the academic year 1969–1970. The first sentences of the lecture are worth quoting:

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