The Place of Jakób Handel (1888–c.1942) in the History of Language Study in Poland

Marcin Kilarski and Rafał Szeptyński
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | Institute of the Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences

In this paper we examine the life and work of Jakób Handel (1888–c.1942), an underappreciated Polish-Jewish scholar whose interests ranged from comparative-historical linguistics and the history of linguistics to classical history and Jewish studies. Apart from printed publications, his contributions include various forms of outreach directed towards the Jewish community in Lviv (Ukrainian Львів [L'viv], Polish Lwów, German Lemberg). Based among others on the available records of his involvement in professional societies and the reviews of his books, we point to the reasons behind the relative lack of appreciation of his work among contemporary and later scholars despite its in-depth and original nature.

Publication history
Table of contents

This paper examines the life and work of Jakób Handel (1888–c.1942), a much-underappreciated Polish-Jewish linguist, historian, and teacher. Handel’s rich and varied contributions include publications on topics ranging from classical studies and comparative-historical linguistics to the historiography of linguistics. Several common motifs can be distinguished among these publications, including the issue of the putative genetic relationship between Indo-European and Semitic languages as well as the nature and origin of grammatical gender. His contributions also include teaching and various forms of linguistic and social outreach. Handel’s career as a scholar and teacher was atypical: while he was respected in the local scholarly community in Lviv and his works were cited and reviewed by such scholars as Otto Jespersen (1860–1943) and Antoine Meillet (1866–1936), he never became a university professor and remained largely invisible in the mainstream academic linguistics of his time.

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