The Beginning of Quantitative Sociolinguistics in the Nineteenth Century: The Dane Anker Jensen (1878–1937) and his pioneering study “The Linguistic Situation in the Parish of Aaby, Aarhus County” (1898)

Kristoffer Friis Bøegh, Peter Bakker, Inger Schoonderbeek Hansen and Carsten Levisen

In 1898, a young Dane, Anker Jensen (1878–1937), published a pioneering study in which he investigated the linguistic situation in Aaby, then a village and parish located just west of Aarhus (the second-largest city of Denmark, in Jutland), and today an integrated part of the city. Anker Jensen’s article can safely be considered the first sociolinguistic study in a Danish context, and it may in fact be the world’s first quantitative sociolinguistic study altogether. Jensen’s research was ahead of its time, and written in Danish, and for these reasons it has gone largely unnoticed internationally. In this article, we present an introduction to Anker Jensen’s Aaby study, providing background information and additional context for modern readers, as well as offering an overview of the author’s collected works, both published and unpublished. We also briefly discuss our translation into English of the original 1898 article. The translation is likewise published in this issue of Historiographia Linguistica.

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Quantitative sociolinguistics may have first started in the late 19th century in Denmark – more specifically, in Aarhus (the country’s second-largest city, in Jutland), and even more specifically, in the parish and former village of Aaby, today an integrated part of the city. In 1898, at the age of 20, the Dane Anker Jensen (1878–1937) published a pioneering study in which he investigated the linguistic situation in Aaby. Anker Jensen’s article, “Sproglige forhold i Åby sogn, Århus amt” [The Linguistic Situation in the Parish of Aaby, Aarhus County], deserves recognition today because of its focus on correlated social stratification and linguistic variation and change, based on a systematic, quantitative approach and meticulous analysis. The approach in Anker Jensen’s Aaby study might be called Labovian avant la lettre (on Labov’s key role in sociolinguistics in the 20th century, see, e.g., Bell et al. 2016). As things stand, Anker Jensen’s research can best be characterized, above all else, as being very much ahead of its time. Chambers et al. (2008) have called the Swiss linguist Louis Gauchat (1866–1942) a “patriarch of variationist linguistics”. Anker Jensen’s study precedes Gauchat’s (1905) article by seven years, and whereas Gauchat’s article focuses on age, Jensen’s focuses more on class differences. In addition to his Aaby study, Anker Jensen also produced a number of other linguistic works. Some of his works are published, others exist only in manuscript form.

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