Book review
With Saussure, beyond Saussure. Between linguistics and philosophy of language. Edited by Marina De Palo & Stefano Gensini.
Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 2022. 169 pp. ISBN 978-3-89323-027-3 € 43

Reviewed by Estanislao Sofía
Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET , Argentina
Publication history
Table of contents

The title of the anthology refers to something situated between linguistics and the philosophy of language, with Saussure, but at the same time beyond Saussure, a formulation that, if taken literally, could apply to much of what has been written about language (at least in Europe) since the beginning of the twentieth century. In fact, more than half of the book is devoted to a much narrower field: it deals with certain linguistic theories or ideas developed, mostly in Italy, during the first decades of the twentieth century. The book fits into the wave of Italian historiographical revisionism that has intensified in the last decades (cf. Cosenza 2019), and to which the editors, as well as most of the authors of the volume, have largely contributed (cf. De Palo 2016; De Palo & Gensini, eds. 2017 and 2018). Most of the articles deal with linguistic approaches that lie somewhere between Croce’s extreme “idealism” (priority reserved to the speaking subject) and what the authors of the time, following Vossler (1904), used to call “positivism”, i.e. the nineteenth century’s historical grammar that “tended to consider language as [a superstructure] independent of its speakers” [89], whether conceived as a natural organism (Schleicher), as an institution (Whitney), as a semiological system (Saussure), and so on.

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Cosenza, Giuseppe
(2019) “Vers une image nouvelle de la réception du CLG (1916) en Italie”. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 72.57–74. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
De Palo, Marina
(2016) Saussure e gli strutturalismi. Roma: Carocci.Google Scholar
De Palo, Marina & Stefano Gensini
(eds.) (2017) Blityri, vol. VI, num. 1. Saussure e i suoi interpreti italiani. Antonio Pagliaro, la scuola romana e il contesto europeo.Google Scholar
(eds.) (2018) Saussure e la Scuola linguistica romana: da Antonio Pagliaro a Tullio de Mauro. Roma: Carocci.Google Scholar
Vossler, Karl
(1904) Positivismus und Idealismus in der Sprachwissenschaft. Heidelberg: Winter.Google Scholar