An Annotated Chronological Bibliography of Western Histories of Linguistic Thought, 1822–1972: Part III: 1962–72

E. F. K. Koerner
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Part III: 1962–72


Universität Regensburg

*) Curiously enough, Emmon Bach, in his article, “Structural Linguistics and the Philosophy of Science”, Diogenes 51.111–28 (1965), does not cite Kuhn but other philosophers and historians of science, including Karl Popper and Carl Hempel. It appears that Bob Scholte was the first social scientist to make use of the concept of paradigm; cf. his paper, “Epistemic Paradigms: Some problems in cross-cultural research in social anthropological history and theory”, American Anthropologist 68.1192–1201 (1966).

Collinder, Björn (full name: Eric Alfred Torbjörn, b.1894) “Les origines du structuralisme”. Acta Societatis Linguisticae Upsaliensis, N.S. 1:1.1–15. (Also separately, Stockholm-Göteborg-Uppsala: Almqvist & Wikseil 1962, 15 pp.)Google Scholar

A rhapsodic account of structuralist ideas in the work of Pānini and the Greeks as well as in the work of Saussure’s predecessors and contemporaries, especially Adolf Noreen (1858–1925) and Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929). Cf. also Collin-der’s article, “Kritische Bemerkungen zum Saussureschen Cours de linguistique générale”, ibid. 1:5.181–210 (1968), in which the argument has been continued. On the first-mentioned item, cf. George L. Trager’s response, “A New Linguistic Series – or ‘plus ça change …’”, SIL 17.99–101 (1963[1964]).

Cornelius, Paul (Edwin b.1933) Languages in Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Imaginary Voyages. Ph.D. diss., Columbia Univ., New York, viii + 267 typed pp. (Printed, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms 1967 [c.l963].)Google Scholar

A slightly rev. version appeared under the title Languages of the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Century Imaginary Voyages (Geneva: Droz, 1965), 177 pp., incl. facsimiles. The study investigates those made-up languages to be found in the literature of the genre of Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels in the 17th and 18th centuries, e.g., Francis Godwin’s The Man in the Moone (1638), Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac’s Voyage à la lune et au soleil (1657), etc., and their relationship with contemporary attempts at constructing a universal language (cf. the ‘real character’ of John Wilkins) or universal or general grammars, e.g., the work of Leibniz and of the philosophers at Port-Royal (cf. esp. pp.119–32 of the printed version). Bibliography (159–71); index of persons (173–75).

Cf. the reviews by Werner Bahner in DLZ 89.587–89 (1968), and by Keith Whinnom in ZRPh 84.119–21 (1968), but also James R. Knowlson’s paper, “A Note on Bishop Godwin’s ‘Man in the Moone’ [1638]: The East Indies trade route and a ‘language’ of musical notes”, MPh 65.357–61 (1967–68).

Friend, Joseph H(arold b.1909) The Development of American Lexicography, 1798–1864. Diss., Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. (Rev. version printed, The Hague: Mouton 1967), 129 pp. in small-4º + 1 facs.Google Scholar

A comprehensive study of the early history of American dictionaries of English up to the close of the celebrated ‘dictionary war’ between Noah Webster (1758–1843) and Joseph Emerson Worcester (1784–1865). Bibliography (104–10); Index of Authors (111–13); Index of Words (114–29). Cf. the reviews by George L. Trager in SIL 19.85–87 (1967[1968]), and Philip P. Grove in Lg 45.157–69.

Hughes, John P(aul b.1920) “A Brief History of the Study of Language”. The Science of Language: An introduction to linguistics by John P. Hughes, 34–72. New York: Random House, xiv + 305 pp. (6th printing 1966.)Google Scholar

Similar to the accounts in Bloomfield 1933, Gray 1939, and other textbooks, H. distinguishes between a ‘pre-scientific’ (including the Middle Ages, the ancient grammarians, and pre-19th-century work) and ‘scientific’ linguistics (34–50 and 51–72, respectively). Cf. the review by W. Freeman Twaddell in Lg 39.244–46 (1963).

Iordan, Iorgu (b.1888) Lingvistica romanicǎ: Evolutie, curente, metode. Bucharest: Ed. Acad. Rep. Populare Romîne, 439 pp.Google Scholar

Rev. version of Iordan 1932. Cf. the reviews by Valeria Gutu-Romalo in LbR 12.306–09 (1963), by R. A. Budagov in NDVŠ-F 1965/3.158–62, and, from an American structuralist view, by Robert A. Hall, Jr. in Lg 40.285–87 (1964).


1) Einführung in die Geschichte und Methoden der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft transl. into G. and partly rev. by Werner Bahner. Berlin: Akad. Verlag 1962, ix + 521. The G. version includes a new chap., “Strukturalistische Bestrebungen in der Sprachwissenschaft im Hinblick auf die romanische Sprachwissenschaft: Versuch eines kritischen Ueberblicks”, by Werner Bahner (450–85). The vol. was reviewed by José Joaquin Montes G(iraldo) in Thesaurus 17.200–08 (1963).Google Scholar
2) Linguística románica: Evolución – corrientes – métodos Transl. into Span. by Manuel Alvar. Madrid: Ed. Alcalá 1967, 755 pp.Google Scholar
3) Romanskoe jazykoznanie: Istoričeskoe razvitie, tečnija, metody Transl. into Russ. and with a preface by R(uben) A(leksandrovič) Budagov (b.1902) Moscow: Izd. “Progress” 1971, 619 pp.Google Scholar
Kukenheim (Ezn), Louis (1905–72) Esquisse historique de la linguistique française et de ses rapports avec la linguistique générale. Preface by Maurice Rat. (= Leidse romanistische reeks, 8.) Leiden: Univ. Pers, vi + 205 pp. (2nd rev. ed. 1966), v + 285 pp.Google Scholar

The book (2nd ed.) contains the following chaps. of interest to the history of linguistics: “Des origines à 1800” (9–48), which includes brief sections on the Arab (16–17) and Chinese (p.17) grammarians, 3 chaps. on 19th-century linguistics (49–61, 63–77, 79–96), divided by period and apparent shift of interest – comparative linguistics, dialectology, French grammar, etc., and 2 chaps, (first and second third) devoted to 20th-century structuralism and its various facets (97–127, 129–233). The vol. concludes with a number of appendices (249–57), and an index of authors and subjects (261–80); there are bibliographical footnotes in the text but no comprehensive bibliography. For reviews of the 1st ed., cf. T. B. W. Reid in FS 16.390–92 (1962); Robert-Léon Wagner in BSL 58:2.104–10 (1963); Raphael Levy, “A Survey of the Evolution of French linguistics”, MLJ 47.14–16 (1963); Bartina Harmina Wind in FdL 5.96–101 (1964), and Robert L. Politzer in Lg 41.141–43 (1965); for a review of the 2nd ed., see Werner Bahner in DLZ 89.700–02 (1968).

Pedersen, Holger (1867–1953) The Discovery of Language: Linguistic science in the nineteenth century. Transl. by John Webster Spargo. (= Midland Book, 40.) Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, vi + 360 pp. (5th printing 1972[c.1959].)Google Scholar

Reprint of Pedersen 1931, with a new title (the original appearing as subtitle). Cf. the reviews by Robert Austerliz in Word 19.126–28 (1963), and Neville E. Collinge in FL 1.356–58 (1965).

Righi, Gaetano. Breve storia della filologia classica (= Le piccole storie illustrate, 104.) Florence: Sansoni, 306 pp.Google Scholar

After a detailed introd. discussing the subject matter of writing a history of philology (5–49), the study is divided into 12 smaller chaps. treating the contributions of the Greeks (51–71), the Romans (73–83), the medieval period (85–102), the time of Humanism in Italy (103–19) and the Renaissance (121–34), etc., and concluding the survey with brief accounts of philological work at the turn of the 18th and early 19th century – “Lo spirito romantico tedesco alleato della filologia: Schlegel, Schelling, Ast, Schleiermacher” (189–212) – during the 19th century (213–32, 233–56), and a chap. on “La filologia e 1’umanismo contemporanei” (257–83). No bibliography, no bibliographical footnotes, and no index. For a critical comment on this book, see Scaglione 1970:40–41, note 101.


Historia de la filología clásica
With an appendix by José Alsina Transl. into Span. by J(uan?) M(anuel?) García de la Mora Barcelona Edic. Labor 259 pp.
Apel, Karl Otto (b.1922) Die Idee der Sprache in der Tradition des Humanismus von Dante bis Vico. (= Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, 8.) Bonn: H. Bouvier & Co., 398 pp.Google Scholar

After a detailed Introduction (17–103) devoted to the epistemology of a philosophy of language, the study contains the following major sections: “Dante und die Entdeckung der Muttersprache im Abendland” (104–29); “Die Frage nach dem Sprachbegriff des Humanismus” (130–279); “Der Sprachhumanismus im ‘natürlichen System der Geisteswissenschaften’ “ (280–380). Index of names (381–84); index of terms (385–89). Apart from bibliographical footnotes, there is no bibliography. Despite its title, the study discusses modern structural ideas as well on occasion, e.g., Saussure (117–18). Cf. the reviews by Anton J: Gail in WW 18.283–84 (1968), and by Dieter Wuttke in ZDPh 87.129–30 (1968).

Fónagy, Iván. Die Metaphern in der Phonetik: Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des wissenschaftlichen Denkens. (= Janua Lin-guarum; series minor, 25.) The Hague: Mouton, 132 pp.Google Scholar

A study devoted to the use of metaphor in phonetic descriptions, from antiquity (e.g., Marius Victorinus), the time of Humanism (e.g., Petrus Ramus, J. C. Scaliger, et al.) till modern linguistic usage. Bibliography, 124–32. Cf. Manfred Mayrhofer’s review in Sprache 10.117–18 (1964).

Hung. version, A metafora a fonetikai münyelvben: Adatok a tudományos gondolkodás feijlödésênek történtéhez, Budapest: Akad. Kiadó 1963, 68 pp. (Cf. the review by Edit Hexendorf in ALH 14.173–76 [1964].)Google Scholar
Fries, Charles C(arpenter 1884–1967) “Linguistics: The study of language”. (= Chap. II of Fries’ Linguistics and Reading, 35–92, and 223–32.) Sep. publication, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1965, xii + 62 pp.Google Scholar

Consists essentially of a survey of linguistics from 1820 to 1950; cf. Barbara M. H. Strang’s review in FL 4.453–54 (1968).

Hoenigswald, Henry M(ax b.1915) “On the History of the Comparative Method”. AnL 5:1.1–11 in-4° (Jan. 1963).Google Scholar

A historical sketch of the development of historical-comparative IE linguistics from William Jones and Friedrich Schlegel to August Schleicher and the neogrammarians. Cf. also J(ohn) Peter Maher’s article, “More on the History of the Comparative Method: The tradition of Darwinism in August Schleicher’s work”, AnL 8:3.1–12 (1966).

Hymes, Dell H(athaway b.1927) “Notes toward a History of Linguistic Anthropology”. AnL 5:1.59–103 (Jan. 1963).Google Scholar

Survey of anthropological-linguistic work in North America up to 1960. Introduction (59–61); “Chronological development” (61–70); “Technical development” (70–99); Conclusion (p.99), and “Bibliographical note” (99–103).

Ivić, Milka. Pravci u lingvistici. Ljubljana: Državna Založba Slovenije, 190 pp.Google Scholar

Original not seen by comp.; cf. review by Elisabeth Pribić-Nonnenmacher in WSlav 9.218–22 (1964). For details, see Ivić 1965.


1) Trends in Linguistics transl. into E. by Muriel Heppell. The Hague: Mouton 1965, 260 pp. (2nd printing 1970.)Google Scholar
2) Kierunki w lingwistyce transl. into Pol. by Anna Wierzbicka. Breslau: Zaklad im. Ossolinskich 1966, 263 pp.Google Scholar
3) Kielitiede ennen ja nyt Transl. into Finnish by Auli Hakulinen. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura 1966, 293 pp.Google Scholar
4) Wege der Sprachwissenschaft transl. into G. by Matthias Rammelmayer, with a new preface by the author. Munich: M. Hueber 1971, 283 pp.Google Scholar

– Note: the G. version includes various additions, esp. “Pikes Tagmemik” (149–51), “Algebraische Linguistik” – including stratificational grammar – (226–49), and “Die Linguistik der Neo-Firthianer” (250–55). Cf. the reviews by Erich Hofmann in KZ 85.30–34 (1971), and by Wolfgang Herrlitz in Lingua 29.173–77 (1972).

Leroy, Maurice (b.1911) Les grands courants de la linguistique moderne. (= Université Libre de Bruxelles’, Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, 24 – for 1971-ed.: 44.) Brussels: Ed.. de l’Univ. de Bruxelles; Paris: Presses Univ. de France, x + 198 pp. (6th printing 1967; 2nd rev. ed. 1971), xv + 210 pp.Google Scholar

Contents: Introd., “De l’Antiquité au dix-neuvième siècle” (3–14); Part I, “La formation de la méthode linguistique” (17–60) – surveying the history of comparative-historical IE linguistics, from the early observations of Sassetti, Jones, and Coeurdoux concerning the relationship between Sanskrit and European languages, the work of Bopp until Meillet of the 1920’s and 1930’s; Part II, “Ferdinand de Saussure” (63–74), and Part III: “La linguistique au vingtième siècle” (77–173) – covering the main structuralist trends up to the late 1950’s; Conclusion (177–78). Index of names (181–84); index of topics (185–94); no bibliography. The 2nd rev. ed. contains additional chaps. devoted to aspects of semiotics (108–19), a brief reference to Chomsky (99–100), and further minor, mostly bibliographical additions; cf. H(einz)-Joachim Neuhaus’ review in Kratylos 16:2.209–10 (1971[1973]), for details.

From the many reviews of the book, only the following may be mentioned: Giuseppe Francescato in LeSt 1.231–43 (1966) entitled “Figure e correnti della moderna linguistica”; Moritz Regula in ZFSL 74.362–71 (1964); N(atalija) A(leksandrovna) Sljusareva in NDVŠ-F 8:2.177–81 (1965); Vittore Pisani in Paideia 21.297–308 (1966), and Stephen Ullmann in FMLS 1.78–83 (1965). – For reviews of the 2nd ed., see E. F. K. Koerner in GL 13:1.54–56 (1973), and Giulio C. Lepschy in FL 9.196–98 (1973), which makes brief mention of the translations listed below.


1) Profilo storico della linguistica moderna (= Biblioteca di cultura moderna, 617) transl. into lt., with corrections and additions, by Anna Davies-Morpurgo. Bari: Laterza 1965, 224 pp.; 2nd ed., with an appendix by Tullio De Mauro, “Alcuni caratteri tipici della linguistica contemporanea” (197–208) 1969, 228 pp; 3rd ed., with addenda transl. into It. by Pierro Caracciolo 1973, xii + 248 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the review by Cesare Segre in AGI 50.198–200 (1965).Google Scholar
2) Main Trends in Modern Linguistics transl. into E., with corrections, by Glanville Price. Oxford: B. Blackwell; Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press 1967, xi + 155 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the review by John Lyons in Lg 45.105–08 (1969).Google Scholar
3) Las grandes corrientes de la lingüistica transl. into Span. by Juan José Utrilla. Mexico [City]: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Sección de lengua y estudios literarios 1969, 192 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the review by Fernando Antonio Martínez in Thesaurus 25.303–05 (1970).Google Scholar
4) As grandes correntes da linguística moderna transl. into Port. by Isidoro Blikstein and José Paulo Paes. Sao Paulo: Editôra Cultrix 1971, 196 pp.Google Scholar
Mohrmann, Christine, Alf (Axelssøn) Sommerfeit (1892–1965), and F(rederick) Norman (1897–1968), eds. Trends in Modern Linguistics,… on the occasion of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., 27 August – 1 September 1962..:. Utrecht & Antwerp: Spectrum Pubs., 118 pp.Google Scholar

The vol. contains, inter alia, the following articles of interest to the history of linguistics: R(obert) H(enry) Robins, “General Linguistics in Great Britain, 1930–1960” (11–37); Hisanosuke Izui, “Recent Trends in Japanese Linguistics” (38–58); G(eorge) B(ertram) Milner, “Oceanic Linguistics” (62–94); Roman Jakobson, “Efforts towards a Means-Ends Model of Language in Inter-war Continental Linguistics” (104–08). Each article carries a special bibliography; there is no general index of names and subjects.

Cf. the reviews by John Lyons in JL 1.87–92 (1965), and Fred W(alter) Householder in Lg 41.308–12 (1965) DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Sebeok, Thomas A(lbert b.1920?), et al. [cf. the various associate editors listed on the title pages of the individual vols.], eds. Current Trends in Linguistics. 14 vols, in 20. The Hague: Mouton.Google Scholar

The series covers all geographical areas of the world as well as all established fields of linguistic research; a detailed catalogue on the series can be obtained from the publisher. A considerable number of articles carry historical surveys of the particular (sub-)discipline or area so that the vols. may be used as sourcebooks for the historian of linguistics, though the quality of individual items is uneven. Each vol. contains indices of names and subjects (languages, terms, etc.) as well as biographical statements on the contributors to the individual vols. There are the following vols.:

1. Soviet and East European Linguistics (1963; 3rd printing 1970), xii + 606 pp.Google Scholar
2. Linguistics in East Asia and South East Asia (1967), xix + 979 pp.Google Scholar
3. Theoretical Foundations (1966; 2nd printing 1970), xi + 537 pp.*Google Scholar
4. Ibero-American and Caribbean Linguistics (1968), xix + 659 pp.Google Scholar
5. Linguistics in South Asia (1969), xxviii + 814 pp.Google Scholar
6. Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa (1970), xxii + 802 pp.Google Scholar
7. Linguistics in Sub-Saharan Africa (1971), xvi + 972 pp.Google Scholar
8. Linguistics in Oceania (1971), xv + 1381 pp. (in 2 vols.)Google Scholar
9. Linguistics in Western Europe (1972), xxxii + 1859 pp. (2 vols.) plus Index (1863–1926).Google Scholar
10. Linguistics in North America (1973), xx + 1624 pp. (2 vols.)Google Scholar
11. Diachronic, Areal, and Typological Linguistics (1973), xi + 604 pp.Google Scholar
12. Linguistics and Adjacent Arts and Sciences (in press), 3 vols.
13. Historiography of Linguistics (in press), 1 vol.

This vol. will be the subject of a detailed review in HL once it has appeared.

14. Index to Current Trends in Linguistics, vols. 1–13 (in prep.), 1 vol.

*) Contributors to this vol. are: Noam Chomsky (b.1928); Joseph H(arold) Greenberg (b.1915); Mary R. Haas (b.1910), Charles F(rancis) Hockett (b.1916); Yakov Malkiel (b.1914); Kenneth L(ee) Pike (b.1912); Uriel Weinreich (1924–67); Robert Godel (b.1902), and Edward Stankiewicz (b.1920). This vol. has been reviewed in detail in CAnthr 9:2/3.125–79 (April-June 1968), with brief statements by the authors (125–30) preceding the various comments by a number of reviewers, including Hisanosuke Izui, Rebecca Posner, Dell Hymes, Manfred Bierwisch, and others (130–65), and replies by the authors (165–77); bibliography (178–79).

Tagliavini, Carlo (b.1903) “Storia ed evolutione della linguistica”. Introduzione alla glottologia by C. Tagliavini, vol.1, 5th rev. ed., 19–380, Bologna: R. Pàtron, and 543–66 (notes)Google Scholar

Published separately under the title Panorama di storia della linguistica (Bologna: R. Pàtron, 1963), ix + 400 pp., 66 fig. (including photographs of important linguists); 2nd enl. ed., 1968, x + 426 pp.; 3rd ed., 1970, x + 430 pp. The later additions (383–409) are essentially bibliographical in nature. Index (in the 3rd ed., 411–24). The study contains useful bio-bibliographical information; cf. the review by Giulio C. Lepschy in Linguistics 16.94–96 (1965).

Waterman, John T(homas b.1918)  Perspectives in Linguistics: An account of the background of modern linguistics . Chicago & London: Chicago Univ. Press, viii + 105 pp. (2nd rev. ed. 1970), viii + 119 pp.Google Scholar

The vol. contains four major chaps., “The Study of Language in Ancient Times” (1970.1–10), “Medieval and Early Modern Times” (11–17), and one each devoted to the 19th (18–60), and 20th – “to 1950” – centuries (61–110). There is a brief bibliography (113–15 [1963:101–02]), and an index (117–19).

For reviews of the 1st ed., cf. Dell Hymes in IJAL 31.270–74 (1965); Luigi Romeo in AION-L 7.218–26 (1966), and Karl V(an Duyn) Teeter in Lg 41.512–18 (1965). Changes in the 2nd ed. are indicated in the review by E. F. K. Koerner in GL 12:2.138–42 (1972). Cf. also the review by Jack Fellman in Lingua 32.140–42 (1973).


1. Die Linguistik und ihre Perspektiven Transl. into G. by Wolf Friedrich. Munich: M. Hueber 1966, 103 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the review by Helmut Lüdtke in RF 82.128–30 (1970).Google Scholar
2. Breve storia della linguistica It. transl. ed. by Tullio De Mauro. Florence: La Nuova Italia 1968, xvi + 121 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the reviews by Tristano Bolelli in SSL 8.214–19 (1968), and Vittore Pisani in Paideia 23.374–76 (1968).Google Scholar
Wonderly, William L(ower b.1916), and Eugene A(lbert) Nida (b.1914) “Linguistics and Christian Missions”. AnL 5:1.104–44. (Repr. in BT 15.51–69, 107–116, and 154–66 [1964].)Google Scholar

Presents a historical sketch of linguistic work by missionaries, from the early Middle Ages to the present (106–30), followed by an outline of significant interchanges between linguistics and the Christian missions today. Bibliography (136–42); notes (142–44).

Guxman, M(irra) M(oiseevna), and V(iktorija) N(ikolaj’evna), eds. Osnovnye napravlenija strukturalizma [The main trends in structuralism]. Moscow: Izd. “Nauka”, 360 pp.Google Scholar

Contains the following articles: “The historical and methodological foundations of structuralism” by M. M. Guxman (5–45), surveying the development of linguistic structuralism from Baudouin de Courtenay and Saussure to the various structuralist persuasions of the 1950’s (post-Bloomfieldians, Firth, etc.); “The Prague linguistic school” by T(at’jana) V. Bulygina (46–126); “The glossematic theory” by V. P. Murat (127–76); “American structuralism” by N(ina) D(avidovna) Arutjunova, et al., (177–306), and “P’rom the history of English structuralism – the London school of linguistics” by E. S. Kubrjakova (307–53). Index of authors (355–59); no bibliography.

Cf. the review by G. I. Mačavariani in VJa 14:6.133–37 (1965) and Josef Vachek in Linguistics 37.117–25 (Dec. 1967).Google Scholar
Kobyljans’kyj, B(ronislav) V(ladimirovič). Korotkyj ogljad istorij movoznavstva. [Brief survey of the history of linguistics]. Kiev: “Rad-jans’kaja Škola”, 153 pp.Google Scholar

In Ukrainian; surveys the history of linguistic ideas from antiquity to modern times, from Aristotle (9–13) to a chap. on information theory (127–33), with an emphasis on the development of linguistic studies in Russia, from the work of M. V. Lomo-nosov (33–35) to the studies of A.A. Šaxmatov, F. E. Korš, and L. V. Ščerba (86–95). There is a bibliographical note on p. 151, but no index.

Malmberg, Bertil (b.1913) New Trends in Linguistics: An orientation. Transl. from the Swedish by Edward Carney. Stockholm & Lund: Natur-metodens Språkinstitut, [v] + 226 pp.Google Scholar

For the original title, see Malmberg 1959 (4th ed., 1969) – reviewed by László Antal as late as 1964 in Linguistics 5.92–106. The book contains, among others, the following chaps.: “Historical and Comparative Linguistics” (5–33), surveying the field from Schleicher to work done up to the 1950’s, “Ferdinand de Saussure and the Geneva School” (34–53), in which the origins of structuralism are traced back to Humboldt, “Neo-Linguistics. The Vossler School. The Spanish School” (69–73), “Phonology and the Prague School” (74–97), “Glossematics” (140–57), consisting of a fine analysis of the linguistic views of Hjelmslev, and “Modern American Linguistics” (158–85), from Whitney and Boas to the post-Bloomfieldians. There is no bibliography or subject index, but at least a name index (221–26).

In contrast to Leroy 1963, Malmberg 1964 received few reviews; cf. R. H. Robins’ review in FL 7.431–33 (1971!).

Translations (in addition to the above):

1. Nouvelles tendances de la linguistique. (= Le Linguiste, 3) Transl. into Fr. by Jacques Gengoux. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 1966, 339 pp. (2nd rev. ed. 1968), 348 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the reviews by Georg F(riedrich) Meier in ZPhon 20.574–77 (1967), and by Paul Garde in Lingua 22.380–84 (1969).Google Scholar
2. Los nuevos caminos de la linguistica Transl. into Span. by Juan Almela. Mexico [City]: Siglo Veintiuno 1967, 251 pp.Google Scholar
3. Nowe drogi w jezykoznawstwie: Przeglqd, szkól i metod Transl. into Pol. by Aleksander Szulc. Warsaw: Państwowe Wyd. Naukowe 1969, 383 pp.Google Scholar
4. La linguistica contemporanea Transl. by Franco Brioschi ed. by Edgardo T(ito) Saronne. Bologna: Il Mulino 1972, 322 pp.Google Scholar
Vorlat, Emma. Progress in English Grammar, 1585–1735: A study in the development of English grammar and of the interdependence among early English grammarians. 4 vols. Luxembourg: A. Peiffer.Google Scholar

Vol.I, 9+ 12 + 209 leaves/typed pp., with a bibliography (B1-B12); vol.11, 10 + 266 typed pp.; vol.III (paged consecutively), 3 + [267-] 500, and vol.IV, 6 + 244 typed pp. The work, covering one-and-a-half centuries of English grammatical study, consists essentially of analyses of the 14 oldest known (to V. at the time) grammars from William Bullokar (fl.1586) to William Loughton’s Practical Grammar of the English Tongue published in 1734. It contains five major parts: 1) “The general background of English grammatical studies” (I.1–85); 2) “Synthesis based on the analysis of English grammars (1585–1735)” (I.86–188); 3) “Progress in English grammar, 1585–1735” (I.189–209); 4) “Analysis of the grammatical theory” (covering vols.II and III), subdivided into the following chaps.: i) “The classification of the parts of speech” (II. 1–37); ii) “The noun substantive and adjective” (II.38–185); iii) “The pronoun:’ (II.186–266); iv) “The article” (III.267–83); v) “The verb and participle” (III.284–421); vi) “The minor parts of speech” (III.422–500), an analysis which is rounded off with statements on the “Practical rules on the parts of speech” in 5) the Appendix which follows the same order of the chapters in the main sections of the study, namely, Noun (IV.1–59), Pronoun (60–72), Article (73–86), Verb and Participle (87–166), and ‘minor parts of speech’ (167–224).

A thoroughly revised version is to appear. For reviews of the work, see Nils Erik Enkvist in SNPh 37.247–49 (1965); Martin Lehnert in ZAA 13.401–03 (1965), and Vivian Salmon in RES 16.408–09 (1965).

Zvegincev, V(ladimir) A(ndreevič b.1910), ed. Istorija jazykoznanija XIX i XX vekov; vočerkax i izvlečenijax. [History of linguistics in the 19th and 20th centuries in sketches and extracts]. 2 vols., 3rd enl. ed. Moscow: Izd. “Prosveščenie”.Google Scholar

First ed. (of 1 vol. only) appeared in 1956; the 2nd ed. (1960) was extensively reviewed by Horace G(ray) Lunt in Lg 39.242–44 (1963). The contents of Vol.I (1964), 466 pp., are printed – with E. transl. added – in Linguistics 14.127–28 (1965); it begins with an “Outline of the history of linguistics before the 19th century” (7–26), and presents excerpts from the works of Bopp, Rask, Vostokov, Grimm, Humboldt, Schleicher, Steinthal, Potebnja, Wundt, Osthoff and Brugmann, Paul, Delbrück, Fortunatov, Baudouin de Courtenay, Kruszewski, Schuchardt, Vossler, Bonfante, Saussure, Meillet, Vendryes, and Benveniste, under headings such as “The origins of comparative-historical linguistics”, “The naturalistic trend in linguistics”, “Psychologism in linguistics”, and so forth.

Vol.II (1965), 495 pp., carries, inter alia, excerpts from the works of Marty, Gardiner, and Bühler – all three as representatives of psychological theories of language in the 20th century –, of Bally, Sechehaye, Karcevskij (for the ‘Geneva School’), of Brøndal and Hjelmslev (representing the Glossematicist view of language), of Mathesius, Skalička, and Trnka (for ‘functional’ linguistics), etc., concluding with chaps. on modern linguistic trends (Chomsky, Šaumjan) and selections from the writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin.

The vols. contain no bibliographies or indices; for another review of the 2nd (1960) ed. – I am not aware of one of the 3rd ed. – cf. Otto Ducháček in PhP 6.214–15 (1963).

Balázs, János. “The Forerunners of Structural Prosodie Analysis and Phonemics”. ALH 15.229–86; Russ. summary, 286–87.Google Scholar

An insightful presentation of the theories of the classical Greek rhythmicians and metricians in comparison with modern structural views.

Bolelli, Tristano (b.1913), ed. Per una storia della ricerca linguistica: Testi e note introduttive. (= Collana di storia …, 4.) Naples: Morano, 598 pp.Google Scholar

An anthology of excerpts from the writings of some 50 scholars, beginning with Vico and Herder and ending with Cassirer, Marr, and Spitzer, with brief introductions to each selection by the editor. Cf. the review by Leo Pap in Word 26:2.289–94 (1970[c.l973]).

Dixon, Robert M(alcolm) W(illiam). “Opinions about Language”. What is Language: A new approach to linguistic description by R. M. W. Dixon, 23–104. London: Longmans, xviii + 216 pp.Google Scholar

Covers a wide range of linguistic views beginning with Plato and Aristotle, the Stoics and Dionysius Thrax, and ending with the work of Chomsky, Malinowski, Firth, Halliday, and others. Cf. the review by D. Terence Langendoen in Lg 43.742–51 (1967).

Graur, Al(exandre b.1900), and L(ucia) Wald. Scurtǎ istorie a lingvisticii. 2nd rev. and enl. ed. Bucharest: Editura ştiinţifica, 182 pp.Google Scholar

1st ed. (1961), 142 pp. The book surveys the history of linguistics from antiquity, including Pānini, to the work of the descriptivists in America prior to Chomsky, with an emphasis on 19th and early 20th-century developments; chap.I (9–18) ends with Rousseau and Herder, whereas the 2nd begins with William Jones and Bopp. There is no bibliography and no index. For reviews, see Vasile Stirbu in LbR 15.313–14 (1966) and Vladimir Skalička in JazA 1966/4.8–9.

Ivić, Milka. Trends in Linguistics. Transl. from the Serbo-Croatian by Muriel Heppell. (= Janua Linguarum; Series minor, 42.) The Hague: Mouton, 260 pp. (2nd printing 1970.)Google Scholar

The book (cf. Ivić 1963, above) consists of three major parts of unequal length: 1) pre-19th-century work, from antiquity to the comparative grammar of Finno-Ugric by Gyarmathi (15–33, bib. references, 33–34); 2) 19th-century work in historical-comparative and in general (viz. Humboldt) linguistics (37–66; bib. references appended to each section), and 3) “Linguistic research in the twentieth century” (69–242), ending with work done in the late 1950’s. The book is not very reliable in its factual information; cf. Giulio C. Lepschy in Linguistics 57.102–03 (1970). It has a detailed subject index (242–54) and an index of names (255–60). Cf. the review by John Lyons in Lingua 22.228–32 (1969), and by Georg F. Meier,, and Barbara Flegel in ZPhon 23.96–99 (1970).

Hockett, Charles F(rancis b.1916) “Sound Change”. Lg 41.185–204.Google Scholar

A discussion of the development of linguistics, from Jones’ famed paper of 1786 to issues in linguistic theory of the 1960’s, in which the author puts forward his view of four distinct ‘major breakthroughs’ in linguistics: 1) the genetic hypothesis (following Jones’ statement and concerning the work of Gyarmathi, Rask, Grimm, and Bopp); 2) the regularity hypothesis (put forward by the neogrammarians); 3) the quantization hypothesis (beginning about the same time owing to the work of Sievers, Sweet, Jespersen, and others in phonetics, and worked out in the post-Saussurean era), and 4) the accountability hypothesis (represented by the work of Chomsky and Lamb).

Mounin, Georges (b.1910) Teoria e storia della traduzione. (= Piccolo biblioteca Einaudi, 61.) Transl. from a French MS by Stefania Morganti. Turin: G. Einaudi, 226 pp.Google Scholar

The book is an original ed., not a transl. of Mounin’s Problèmes théoriques de la traduction (Paris: N.R.F., 1963; 2nd ed., Paris: Gallimard, 1967) – as BL 1965:72 suggests – or any other similarly-slanted book by Mounin, e.g., his La Machine à traduire (The Hague: Mouton, 1964). Part II (29–66), entitled “Cenni storici” surveys the history of translation from antiquity to the 20th century; part III (69–128) presents, among others, the linguistic views of Saussure (77–80), Hjelmslev (80–83), Bloomfield (83–86) – under the general heading “Traduzione e sig-nifîcato” – followed by a chap. on semantics and Weltanschauung (87–93) in which ideas of Humboldt, Sapir, Whorf and Trier are presented. Bibliography (225–27); no index.


Die Uebersetzung: Geschichte, Theorie, Anwendung
Transl. into G. by Harro Stammerjohann. Munich: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung 1967, 214 pp. Bibliography (202–05); index (209–14). I have not come across any detailed review of the It. original; of the G. version, Martin Rockel’s review in DLZ 91.301–04 (1970) may be mentioned.Google Scholar
Strunk, Klaus (b.1930) “Probleme der idg. Sprachwissenschaft nach Brugmann”. Glotta 43.199–217.Google Scholar

Picks up the survey of IE studies where Specht 1948 (see above) left off, with particular consideration of problems related to the theory of laryngals, including Saussure’s contribution to the subject (208–10, 213–14). See also Putschke 1969.

Apresjan, Ju(rij) D(erenikovič). Idei i metodi sovremennoj strukturnoj lingvistiki: Kratkij očerk. [Ideas and methods of present-day structural linguistics: A brief survey]. Moscow: Izd. “Prosveščenie”, 302 pp.Google Scholar

Contains a section “From the history of structural linguistics” (7–77) which is of interest to the historian of linguistics. Bibliography (283–301); no index (note that the E. transl. of 1973 contains a detailed index, pp.341–49).


1. Ideen und Methoden der modernen strukturellen Linguistik: Kurzer Abriss Transl. into G. by Brigitte Haltorf and Elisabeth Mai ed. by Fritz Jüttner. Berlin: Akad.-Verlag; Munich: M. Hueber 1971, 303 pp. (2nd ed. 1972.)Google Scholar
2. Principles and Methods of Contemporary Structural Linguistics Transl. into E. by Dina B. Crockett. The Hague: Mouton 1973, 349 pp.Google Scholar
3. Éléments sur les idées et les méthodes de la linguistique structurale contemporaine Transl. into Fr. by Jean-Paul de Wrangel and Sanda Golopentia-Eretescu. Paris: Dunod 1973, xvi + 374 pp.Google Scholar
Bierwisch, Manfred (b.1930) “Strukturalismus: Geschichte, Probleme und Methoden”. Kursbuch ed. by Hans-Magnus Enzensberger; vol. 5.77–152.Google Scholar

A condensed survey of linguistic studies from the beginnings of comparative linguistics and the neogrammarians (79–81) to the work of Noam Chomsky (104–20), followed by a discussion of the theories of ‘performance’, grammar construction, language acquisition, etc. and the applications of linguistics to adjacent fields in the humanities. For a review, see Helmut Schnelle in FL 5.449–53 (1969).


Modern Linguistics: Its development, methods and problems
. (= Janua Linguarum; series minor, 110.) The Hague: Mouton 1971, 105 pp. (Bibliography, 104–05). Cf. the review by J. Peter Maher in HL 1:3.399–403 (1974).Google Scholar
Bolton, W(hitney) F(rench), ed. The English Language: Essays by English and American Men of Lettres, 1490–1839. [Part I] Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, xii + 228 pp.Google Scholar

An anthology of statements by scholars of three-and-a-half centuries on the English language, its grammar, pronunciation, orthography, etc., from William Caxton (c.1422–91), and incl. selections from Richard Mulcaster (c.1530–1611), Ben Jonson (1572–1637), Joseph Addison (1672–1719), Noah Webster (1758–1843), and others, up to Thomas De Quincey’s (1785–1859) essay of 1839. “Select index of literary and linguistic topics” (223–28). Cf. the review by Vivian Salmon in MLR 63.450–51 (1968).

Chomsky, (Avram) Noam (b.1928) Cartesian Linguistics: A chapter in the history of rationalist thought. New York & London: Harper & Row, xvi + 119 pp.Google Scholar

Despite its title this book is not a contribution to the history of rationalist thinking from the 17th century to the present but a modern reinterpretation of what the “Cartesians” – including Humboldt! – ought to have thought. Detailed (and revealing) notes (75–112); bibliography (113–19). From the various reactions to Chomsky’s manner of writing the history, the following accounts may be mentioned:

Hans Aarsleff, “The History of Linguistics and Professor Chomsky”, Lg 46.570–85 (1970); Reginald Lee Hannaford, “Animadversions on Some Recent Speculations concerning the Contemporary Significance of ‘Cartesian Linguistics’ “, Actes du Xe Congrès international des Linguistes II.247–51, 251–54 (discussion). Bucharest: Ed. de l’Acad. R.S.R., 1970; Stephen K. Land, “Cartesian Language Test and Professor Chomsky”, Linguistics 122.11–24 (15 Feb. 1974); Jürgen M. Meisel, “Noam Chomsky’s Umwälzung der Sprachwissenschaft”, Linguistische Perspektiven ed. by Abraham P. ten Cate and Peter Jordens, 1–20, passim. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer, 1973; idem, “On the Possibility of Non-Cartesian Linguistics”, Linguistics 122.25–38 (15 Feb. 1974); W. Keith Percival, “On the Non-Existence of Cartesian Linguistics”, Cartesian Studies ed. by R. J. Butler, 137–45. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1972.

Of more historical (than polemical) interest are Vivian G. Salmon’s review of Chomsky in JL 5.165–87 (1969), Robin T(almach) Lakoffs account in Lg 43.343–64 (1969), and Jan Miel’s article, “Pascal, Port-Royal, and Cartesian Linguistics”, JHI 30.261–71 (1969).


1. La linguistique cartésienne: Un chapitre de l’histoire de la pensée rationaliste Transl. into Fr. by Nelcya Delanoë and Dan Sperber, Paris: Editions du Seuil 1969, 187 pp. (incl. Chomsky’s 1967 paper, “On the Formal Nature of Language”).Google Scholar
2. Lingüística cartesiana: Un capitulo de la historia del pensamiento racionalista Transl. into Span. by Enrique Wulff. Madrid: Edit. Gredos 1969, 158 pp.Google Scholar
3. Cartesianische Linguistik: Ein Kapitel in der Geschichte des Rationalismus Transl. into G. by Richard Kruse. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer 1971, 104 pp.Google Scholar
Christmann, Hans Helmut (b.1929) “Beiträge zur Geschichte der These vom Weltbild der Sprache”. Abhandlungen der Akad. der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz Jg. 1966, No.7, 441–69. Printed also separately, Wiesbaden: F. Steiner 1967, 31 pp.Google Scholar

A very insightful study on the concept of ‘linguistic relativity’ before and after Humboldt, in which, inter alia, the proof is made that the socalled ‘Sapir-Whorf-Hypothesis’ has its source in the teachings of Herder and Humboldt (443ff., esp. 448–50).

Foucault, Michel (b.1926) Les mots et les choses: Une archéologie des sciences humaines. Paris: Gallimard, 400 pp. (Repr. 1969, 1972, etc.)Google Scholar

This book contains a number of chaps. and passages treating aspects and periods of the history of European linguistic thinking, esp. from the late 17th to the early 19th century; e.g., “La grammaire générale” (95–107), and the subsequent chaps. (to p.136 passim), but also the chap. entitled “Bopp” (292–307), on the development of comparative linguistics. Moreover, the work is of particular interest to the historian of linguistics since it presents linguistic ideas within the general intellectual context of their time. There is no bibliography and no index. For critical accounts, cf. Enzo Melardi, “Michel Foucault: L’epistemologia delle scienze umane”, LeSt 2.75–96 (1967), with E. and Russ. summaries; John C. Greene, “Les mots et les choses”, Essays in Semiotics / Essais de sémiotique ed. by Julia Kristeva, et al., 230–38. The Hague: Mouton, 1971.


Ordnung der Dinge: Eine Archäologie der Humanwissenschaften
Transl. into G. by Ulrich Köppen. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 1971, 469 pp.Google Scholar
Juliard, Pierre (Neville b. 1939) Philosophies of Language in Eighteenth-Century France. Ph.D. diss., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., iv+ 199 typed pp. (Printed, The Hague: Mouton 1970), 111 pp.Google Scholar

Though concentrating his investigation on 18th-century Fr. philosophers of language and grammarians, e.g., Condillac, de Brosses, Court de Gébelin, and others, J. traces certain trends back to the 1660 Port-Royal grammar. The main chaps. are: “The orgins and development of language” (21–44); “Language and ideas” (45–58); “Language and the idea of progress” (59–77); “Language and the ideas of the times” (78–89), and “A science of language” (90–100). There is a bibliography (105–07), a “Chronology of major works cited” (108), and an index (109–11). Cf. Martin Rockel’s review in DLZ 92.837–39 (1971); for a partisan review, see Jesse Levitt in Linguistics 95.78–85 (1 Jan. 1973).

Lepschy, Giulio C(iro b.1935) La Linguistica strutturale. (= Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, 79.) Turin: G. Einaudi, 234 pp. (New ed., with a bibliographical appendix 1973), 252 pp.Google Scholar

Based on L.’s earlier studies published in two instalments in 1961 and 1965 (cf. Lepschy 1961, above), the book constitutes the first It. survey of structural linguistics. For details, consult the rev. E. version of this work (Lepschy 1970); cf. also the reviews by Robert A. Hall, Jr. in IRAL 5.148–50 (1967); Luigi Heilmann in LeSt 1.419–20 (1966), and Lucia Wald in LbR 17.473–74 (1968).


1. La Linguistique structurale Transl. into Fr. by Louis-Jean Calvet. Paris: Payot 1968, 241 pp.Google Scholar
2. Die strukturelle Sprachwissenschaft: Eine Einführung. Transl. into G. with an appendix, “Die strukturale Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland” (160–82), by Harro Stammerjohann. Munich: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung 1969, 259 pp. (3rd ed. 1973.)Google Scholar
Cf. the reviews by E. F. K. Koerner in GGA 224:3/4.288–95 (1972), and by Martin Rockel in DLZ 91.397–400 (1970).Google Scholar
3. E. transl., see Lepschy 1970, below.
4. La Lingüistica estructural Transl. into Span. by Carlos Manzano. Barcelona: Edit. Anagrama 1971, 238 pp.Google Scholar

Note: Transl. into Jap., Port., Swed., and Serbo-Croatian are in preparation.

Pinborg, Jan. Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter. (= Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, 42:2.) Thesis, Univ. of Copenhagen. (Printed, Copenhagen: A. Frost-Hansen; Münster: Aschendorff 1967), 367 pp.Google Scholar

Though centred around the work of Johannes Aurifaber (fl. 1330), the study surveys the linguistic theories of the Modistae of the late 13th and the 14th centuries in general. Bibliographie of primary (345–46) and secondary (346–52) sources; index of names (353–58). Cf. also the same author’s articles treating the same period: 1) “Mittelalterliche Sprachtheorien: Was heisst modus significandi”, Fides quaerens intellectum: Festskrift tilegnet Heinrich Roos (Copenhagen: A. Frost-Hansen, 1964), 66–84, and 2) “Pour une interprétation moderne de la théorie linguistique du moyen âge”, AL 12.238–43 (1969). See also Pinborg 1972 (below). Cf. the review by Arno Borst in PBB(T) 90.143–50 (1968–69).

Robins, R(obert) H(enry). “The Development of the Word Class System of the European Grammatical Tradition”. FL 2.3–19. (Repr. in Diversions of Bloomsbury: Selected writings on linguistics by R. H. Robins, 185–203. Amsterdam: North-Holland 1970.)Google Scholar

A ‘classic’ article tracing particular aspects of linguistic theory from the early Greek grammarians, esp. Aristarchus and Dionysius Thrax, to the late medieval period, with reference to modern linguistic doctrines (A. A. Hill, C. F. Hockett, N. Chomsky, et al.)

Sebeok, Thomas A(lbert), ed. Portraits of Linguists: A biographical source book for the history of western linguistics, 1746–1963. 2 vols. Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. Press.Google Scholar

Vol.I (“From Sir William Jones to Karl Brugmann”), xvi + 580 pp.; vol.II (“From Eduard Sievers to Benjamin Lee Whorf”), vii + 605 pp. The vols. contain a good number of informative accounts of important linguists; unfortunately, there are serious omissions – cf. my remarks in HL 1:1.137–38 (1974) – and no bibliographies of the scholars themselves.

Cf. the reviews by Rudolf Engler in Kratylos 12.139–42 (1967); by Harry Hoijer in Lg 44.96–98 (1968), and Giulio C. Lepschy in Linguistics 57.100–02 (1970).

Vachek, Josef (b.1909) The Linguistic School of Prague: An introduction to its theory and practice. Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. Press, [viii] + 184 pp. (2nd printing 1970.)Google Scholar

Though devoted to one particular ‘school’, the book contains valuable information on the background of this influential movement; cf. the first two chaps.: “Some historical aspects of the Prague School” (3–14), and “The general pattern of the Prague theory” (15–39) which include accounts of the neogrammarians, Saussure, Baudouin de Courtenay, and other scholars and ‘schools’. See also the biographical Sketches, “Basic information on some members of the Prague School” (122–36), and the “Selected bibliography” (166–78). Indices of names and subjects (179–81, 181–84, respectively).

Cf. the reviews by Lucia Wald in RRLing 12.66–68 (1967), S(imon) C(ornelis) Dik in Lingua 18.80–88 (1967), and Leonhard Lipka in Anglia 87.412–14 (1969).

Vàrvaro, Alberto. Storia, problemi e metodi della linguistica romanza. Naples: Liguori, 273 pp. (2nd enl. ed. 1968), 414 pp.Google Scholar

Since the 2nd ed. has become more widely known abroad, references are to this ed. The revised ed. surveys the history of Romance linguistic scholarship from Dante to the 20th century, incl. a chap. on Saussure and the Geneva School (331–55) and another on various structuralist trends, incl. transformational grammar (359–401). Bibliographical footnotes; index of names (405–11).

Cf. the reviews by Artur Greive in RF 81.220–25 (1969) and Yakov Malkiel in RomPh 23.331–35 (1969–70).

Zwirner, Eberhard (b.1899) “Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Phonetik”. Grundfragen der Phonometrie by E. Zwirner and Kurt Zwirner, 2nd rev. and enl. ed., 17–110. Basel & New York: S. Karger, ii + 218 pp.Google Scholar

First ed., 1936 (see Zwirner & Zwirner 1936, above). The historical portion of the book has been enlarged considerably; it casts interesting light on the relationship of linguistics with other disciplines, esp. in the 19th century.

Cf. the reviews by Alexandra Roceric-Alexandrescu in SCL 19.198–201 (1968), and Henri M. Hoenigswald in Lg 47:1.189–90.


Principles of Phonometrics
Translated by H(erman) Bluhme. University, Ala.: Univ. of Alabama Press 1970, ix + 193 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the review, esp. of the historical part, by E. F. K. Koerner in Phonetica 24:4.247–52 (1971[l972]).Google Scholar
Aarsleff, Hans (b.1925) The Study of Language in England, 1780–1860. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, vii + 279 pp.Google Scholar

A contribution to the history of ideas and the historical background which led to the foundation of the Philological Society of London in 1842, rather than a history of linguistics. It contains valuable bio-bibliographical information on 18th and 19th-century scholars hardly found elsewhere in the literature. Detailed index (265–79) which, unfortunately, does not seem to include the often very informative footnotes; no bibliography. (Cf. Aarsleff 1960, above).

Cf. the reviews by Gerhard Nickel in Anglia 86.163–66 (1968); Rupert E. Palmer in PhQ 47.325–27 (1968), and Barbara M. H. Strang in FL 6:3.438–40 (1970).

Borba, Francisco da Silva (b.1932) Introdução aos estudas lingüísticos. (= Biblioteca Universitaria, Series 5a, 3.) São Paulo: Edit. Nacional, 305 pp. (2nd enl. ed. 1970), [vi +] 316 pp.Google Scholar

See esp. chap.2, “História da lingüística” (12–35), which gives a brief survey of the development of linguistics from antiquity to this century. Indices of linguistic terms (296–300), authors (301–12), and a bibliography (313–16).

Dinneen, Francis P(atrick), S. J. (b.1923) Introduction to General Linguistics. New York-Chicago-London, etc.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, xi + 452 pp.Google Scholar

See esp. the following chaps.: “The development of language study in the West” (70–124), surveying the linguistic achievements of the ancient Greeks and Romans; “Traditional grammar” (125–175), treating medieval grammatical doctrines (126 -47) and later periods of language study up to the rise of comparative-historical linguistics dealt with in “The nineteenth century” (176–91), though rather unsatisfactorily. Subsequent chaps. present the essential aspects of the theories of Saussure (192–212); Sapir (213–38), incl. an account of Boas (213–20); Bloomfield (239–98); Firth (299–325); Hjelmslev (326–54), and Chomsky (355–99). Each paragraph has a selected bibliography appended, though there is also a “Selected general bibliography” (427–41). Index of authors and terms (442–52).

Cf. the reviews by Archibald A(nderson) Hill in Lingua 22.237–44 (1969); Jiři̇́ Krámský in Linguistics 53.100–06 (1969), and Frank R(obert) Palmer in FL 6.150–51 (1970).


Introduzione alia linguistica generale
Transl. into It. by Marcella Grandi and Teresa Colloca, ed. with a preface (7–10) by Luigi Heilmann. Bologna: II Mulino 1970, 609 pp.Google Scholar
Cf. the reviews by G(iuseppe) C(arlo) Vincenzi in LeSt 6.156–58 (1971), and by Eugen Câmpeanu in CLing 16.201–02 (1971).Google Scholar
Donzé, Roland (André b.1921) La grammaire générale et raisonnée de Port-Royal: Contribution à l’histoire des idées grammaticales en France. Berne: A. Francke, 257 pp. (2nd rev. ed. 1971), 264 pp.Google Scholar

Although essentially an account of the linguistic theories developed in the Port-Royal grammar, the study presents much valuable information on the background and tradition of these doctrines. Bibliography (227–35); indices of authors (237–39) and terms (241–53). The 2nd ed. mainly includes additions to the notes (181–229) and bibliography (242–44).

Cf. the reviews by Jean-Claude Chevalier in FM 37.68–71 (1969); Siegfried Heinimann in Erasmus 20.88–91 (1968), and Robert-Léon Wagner in BSL 63:2.76–78 (1968[1969]).


La gramática general y razonada de Port-Royal: Contribución a la historia de las ideas gramaticales en Francia
Transl. into Span. by Marino Ayerra Regín. Buenos Aires: Edit. Universitaria de Buenos Aires 1970, 29 + 199 pp.Google Scholar
Gǎzdaru, Demetrio (b.1897) Controversias y documentos linguüi̇́sticos. La Plata, Argentina: Inst, de Filologi̇́a, Univ. Nacional de La Plata, 244 pp.Google Scholar

G. surveys and documents two major debates in linguistics of the last decades of the 19th century which still today attract attention, the Lautgesetz-controversy between the neogrammarians and their opponents, and the competing theories of the development and spread of the IE language family, “La controversia sobre las leyas fonéticas en el epistolaria de los principales lingüi̇́stas del siglo XIX” (13–44, documented by letters addressed to Ascoli, written by Bezzenberger, Brugmann, Curtius, Henry, J. Schmidt, and others, 46–143), and “A propósito de Stammbaumtheorie y Wellentheorie” (144–64), consisting of a brief exposé of the argument, letters by Schleicher addressed to Ascoli and various accounts of 20th-century linguists on the topic. Further, the vol. contains epistolary documentation of less important controversies and issues, though some of the letters by 19th-century G. scholars are very revealing in themselves (165–241). There is neither a bibliography nor an index. Cf. the review by Thomas E. Seward in GL 10.220–23 (1970), and Yakov Malkiel in RomPh 21.360–61 (1967–68), and Gǎzdaru’s rejoinder to the latter, “Réplica a una nota ‘critica’ “, Romanica 1.205–07 (1968).

Heinimann, Siegfried (b.1917) “Zur Auffassung des Geschichtlichen in der historischen Grammatik des 19. Jahrhunderts”. Festgabe Hans von Greyerz zum sechzigsten Geburtstag ed. by Ernst Walder, et al., 783–807. Berne: H. Lang.Google Scholar

Survey of the concept of ‘historical’ in linguistics from Herder to the post-Saussurean era, with particular attention to the work of Friedrich Diez (1794–1876) and Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke (1861–1936). This article may be complemented by Telegdi 1967 (below) and the one by Hans-Heinrich Lieb, “ ‘Synchronic’ versus ‘Diachronic’ Linguistics: A historical note”, Linguistics 36.18–28 (1967).

Kretzmann, Norman P(aul? 1928) “History of Semantics”. Encyclopedia of Philosophy ed. by Paul Edwards, vol.7, 358–406. New York: Macmillan & Free Press.Google Scholar

A succinct account of the semantic theories of more than two millenia: “Antiquity” (359–65); “The Middle Ages” (365–75); “The Renaissance and the Enlightenment” (375–90), and “The 19th and 20th centuries” (390–404), incl. Humboldt (392–93). Bibliography (404–06).

Lehmann, Winfred P(hilipp b.1916) ed. A Reader in Nineteenth-Century Historical-Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. Press, vi + 266 pp.Google Scholar

Reproduces, with brief introductions, selections – at times much too short – from the work of William Jones, F. Schlegel, Rask, Bopp, J. Grimm, Humboldt, Raumer, Schleicher, Lottner, Grassmann, Verner, Hübschmann, Osthoff and Brugmann, Sievers, Saussure, and Whitney, all transl. into E. unless they appeared originally in that language. There is no bibliography and no index.

Cf. the reviews by Henry M. Hoenigswald in Lingua 26.423–27 (1970–71); George S(herman) Lane in Lg 45.132–35 (1969); Oswald Panagl in Linguistics 82.124–26 (15 April 1972), and W(alter) Keith Percival in IJAL 36.228–35 (1970).

Llorente Maldonado de Guevara, Antonio. Teori̇́a de la lengua e historia de la lingüi̇́stica. (= Collección Romania; Serie lingüi̇́stica, 3.) Madrid: Edic. Alcalá, 484 pp.Google Scholar

Contains the following chaps. of interest to the topic: “Caracteri̇́sticas de la lingüi̇́stica contemporanea: La prima etapa (1928–1945) y los Congressos de Bruselas y Paris” (405–39), and “Glosemática, lingüi̇́stica funcional y lingüi̇́stica general en la segunda etapa (Etapa postbélica, 1945–50) de la lingüi̇́stica contemporánea” (441–63). Bibliography (467–84); no index.

Mounin, Georges (b.1910) Histoire de la linguistique: Des origines au XXe siècle. (= Le Linguiste, 4.) Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 226 pp. (2nd enl. ed. 1970), 230 pp.Google Scholar

The book consists of five major chaps.: 1) “L’Antiquité” (17–98, Bibliography, 98–102), incl. brief accounts of the ancient Egyptians (32–47), Sumerians and Akkadians (47–57), Chinese (57–62), Hindus (62–70), Phoenicians (71–81), Hebrews (81–83), Greeks (84–93), and Romans (93–98); 2) “Le Moyen Age (IVe – XIVe siècle)” (103–115); 3) “Les temps modernes” (116–50; Bib., 150–51), and 4) “Le XIXe siècle” (152–221; Bib., 221–22). No index.

Cf. the reviews by Nik. G. Koutosópoulos in Athena 69.365–70 (1966–67[1968]); Emilio Arcaini in LeSt 3.101–02 (1968), and Leon Zawadowski in Linguistics 67.95–97 (1971) as well as the following two review articles: Maurice Leroy, “Histoire de la linguistique”, RBPh 47.927–31 (1969) – which includes reviews of Malmberg 1964 (2nd Fr. ed., 1968) and Robins 1967 – and G. L. Bursill-Hall, “The History of Linguistics”, CJL 15:2.143–50 (1970[1971]).


1. Historia de la lingüística; desde los orígines al siglo XX Transl. into Span. by Felisa Marcos. Madrid: Edic. Gredos 1968, 235 pp.Google Scholar
2. Storia della linguistica; dalle origini al XX secolo Transl. into It. by Maria Maglione. Milan: Feltrinelli 1968, 204 pp.Google Scholar
Neumann, Günter (b.1920) Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft 1816 und 1966: Zwei Gastvorträge …. (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Sonderheft 24.) Innsbruck: Sprachwissenschaftliches Inst., Univ. Innsbruck, 35 pp.Google Scholar

Contains two papers: “Franz Bopp – 1816” (7–20), and “Zum Stand der Hethitologie” (23–35), the first consisting mainly of an appreciation of Bopp’s achievements, the second essentially of a Forschungsbericht of studies of Hittite (1940–65).

Quemada, Bernard (b.1926) Les Dictionnaires du français moderne (1539–1863): Étude sur leur histoire, leurs types et leurs méthodes. Thesis, Univ. of Paris. (Printed, Paris: M. Didier 1968), 683 pp.Google Scholar

The book is more of an analytical than a historical study; this includes chap.I, “Histoire et typologie des dictionnaires français” (37–261), though more or less chronological accounts are given from Robert Estienne’s (1503–59) Dictionarium; seu, Linguae latinae thesaurus (Paris, 1539) to Emile Littré’s (1801–81) Dictionnaire de la langue française (Paris, 1863).

Cf. the “Relevé chronologique de répertoires lexicographiques français (1539–1863)” (567–634). Bibliography (25–33); index of authors (635–56). For a more historical account of roughly the same period (including earlier periods), consult Matoré 1968 (below). Cf. the reviews by Jean Bourguignon in RLR 34.429–32 (1970), and W. L. Wiley in FR 43.394–95 (1969–70).

Robins, R(obert) H(enry b.1921) A Short History of Linguistics. London: Longmans; Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press 1968, viii+ 248 pp. (2nd printing 1970.)Google Scholar

After an introduction (1–8), in which the author treats the problem of writing the history of linguistics, the following epochs are presented: the linguistic scholarship of ancient Greece (9–44) and Rome (45–65), the linguistic work of the medieval period (66–93), “The Renaissance and after” (94–132), “The eve of modern times” (133–63), comparative-historical linguistics in the 19th century (164–97), and linguistics in the 20th century (198–240), with emphasis on pre-Chomskyan structural work. Index (241–48). Each chap. has a selected bibliography and notes appended. Cf. the reviews by Francis P. Dinneen in GL 8.97–101 (1968); Georges Mounin in Lingua 22.389–92 (1969), and Maurice Leroy in JL 6.148–50 (1970).


Breve storia della linguistica
Transl. into It. by Giacomo Prampolini ed. by Edgar-do T(ito) Saronne. Bologna: Il Mulino 1971, 314 pp. Note: Span. and Fr. transl. are in preparation.Google Scholar
Rosiello, Luigi. Linguistica illuminista. Bologna: Il Mulino, 217 pp.Google Scholar

Contains the following three major chaps.: “Razionalismo, empirismo e illuminis-mo” (11–104); “La grammatica generale” of the 17th and 18th centuries, with a critique of Chomsky’s views on the topic (105–66), and “La linguistica come scienza empirica”, 1816–1961 (167–210). Index of names (213–15); bibliographical footnotes.

Cf. the reviews by Luigi Romeo in FI 3.321–23 (1969) and Giuseppe Carlo Vincenzi in LeSt 5.158–59 (1970).

Telegdi, Zsigmond (b.1909) “Struktur und Geschichte: Zur Auffassung ihres Verhältnisses in der Sprachwissenschaft”. ALH 17.223–43.Google Scholar

An investigation of the concepts of structure and history, from the first edition of Grimm’s Deutsche Grammatik (1819) to Chomsky’s Current Issues (1964). Cf. also the following articles by the same author: 1) “Ueber die Entzweiung der Sprachwissenschaft”, ALH 12.95–107 (1962); 2) “Zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft (‘Allgemeine Grammatik’)”, ALH 16.225–37 (1966), and 3) “Begründungen der historischen Grammatik: Zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft”, To Honor Roman Jakobson III, 1996–2005. The Hague: Mouton, 1967. See also Heinimann 1967 (above), for a similarly slanted article.

Zeller, Otto. Problemgeschichte der vergleichenden (indogermanischen) Sprachwissenschaft. Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag, 151 pp., with portraits and facsimiles.Google Scholar

Surveys, through the work of distinguished representatives of a given epoch, the development of IE linguistic studies from the 16th to the early 20th century. It contains the following chaps.: 1) “Die ersten Tastversuche der Humanisten Gesner, Megiser und [J. J.] Scaliger” (9–38); 2) “Leibnizens genialer Geistesblitz” (39–48); 3) “Der Durchbruch Friedrich Schlegels zur Indogermanistik” (49–67); 4) “Das Dreigestirn Rask – Bopp – Grimm” (68–110); 5) “Schleicher, der Vollender des sprachvergleichenden Systems” (111–24); 6) “Die Ursprungsfrage im Vordergrund [i.e., the debate of the IE Urheimat]” (125–47), from the work of Hehn (1870) to the study of Hirt (1905). Bibliographical note (150–51); no index.

Berezin, F(edor) M(ixajlovič). Očerki po istorii jazykoznanija v Rossi: Konec XIX – načalo XX v. [Sketches for the history of linguistics in Russia: From the close of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century]. Preface (3–24) by A(leksej) A(lekseevič) Leont’ev. Moscow: Izd. “Nauka”, 310 pp.Google Scholar

Surveys the development of linguistic studies in Russia from the late 1860’s to about 1930 in chaps. devoted to four main figures in the field: Filipp Fedorovič Fortunatov (1848–1914) and his work in IE philology (28–99); Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929) and his studies in general linguistics and Indo-European (100–50); Mikolaj Kruszewski (1851–87) and his linguistic theory (151–200), and Vasilij Alekseevič Bogorodickij (1857–1941) and his work in typology, phonetics, and other subjects (201–46). Concluding chap. on “German and ‘Russian’ Neo-grammarians” (247–84). Detailed bibliography (290–303); no index. Cf. the reviews by D(onald) Barton Johnson in Linguistics 80.85–90 (15 March 1972), José Joaqui̇́n Montes Giraldo in Thesaurus 24.517–20 (1969), and Heinz Pohrt in DLZ 92.106–10 (1971).

Chevalier, Jean-Claude (b.1925) Histoire de la syntaxe: Naissance de la notion de complément dans la grammaire française (1530–1750). (= Publications romanes et françaises, 100.) Geneva: Libr. Droz, 776 pp. (Also published as Thèse, Univ. of Paris, under the title of La Notion de complément…, etc.)Google Scholar

The book consists of four major parts, each devoted to a particular epoch in the development of the study of (French) grammar in Western Europe: 1) “La génération de 1530” (27–170), actually beginning with Priscian and his followers, and including a brief survey of the Modistae (49–58), for instance; 2) “La seconde génération” (173–307), covering the period from J. C. Scaliger (1540) to Petrus Ramus (d.1572); 3) “De Ramus à Port-Royal” (311–479), treating the period from Sanctius’ Minerva (1587) up to the first appearance of the Port-Royal Grammar (1660), and 4) “La grammaire générale” (483–721), devoted to the Port-Royal grammar and the aftermath, incl. the grammatical entries in the Encyclopédie. Detailed bibliography (733–56); index of names (757–64) and index of ‘words and concepts’ of primary and secondary sources (765–68).

Cf. the review article by Julia Kristeva, “Objet, complément, dialectique”, Critique No. 285.99–101 (Feb. 1971) and the reviews of the work by Jean Stefanini in LFr 1.110–15 (1969); Jacques Chaurand in FM 38.361–64 (1970); Alexandre Lorian in RomPh 23.581–85 (1969–70), and Birgit Scharlau in ASNS 207.227–30 (1970–71).

Diderichsen, Paul (1905–64) Sprogsyn og sproglig opdragelse: Historisk baggrund og aktuelle problemer. Ed. posthumously by Niels Rosenkjaer, with a Preface (5–6) by Poul Levin. Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, 254 pp.Google Scholar

Contains much of interest to the history of linguistics, from the late 18th century to the early 20th century, with particular attention to Danish scholars, e.g., Jacob Baden (1735–1804), Johan Nikolai Madvig (1804–86), Hylling-Georg Wiwel (1851–1910), and others. Detailed notes (215–47); index of authors (249–54).

Esper, Erwin A(llen 1895–1972) Mentalism and Objectivism in Linguistics: The sources of Leonard Bloomfield’s psychology of language. (= Foundations of Linguistics, 1.) New York: American Elsevier, ix + 246 pp.Google Scholar

Although intended as an intellectual biography of Bloomfield, the study surveys particular (psycho-)linguistic ideas in Europe and America, from the views of Lazarus Geiger (1829–70), through Max Meyer (1873–1967) and Albert Paul Weiss (1879–1931), to Leonard Bloomfield (1887–1949), including brief summaries of those held by Herder (86–88), Humboldt (52–54), and others. To this (85–208, 209–19) is appended a criticism of post-1957 views of the relationship between linguistics and psychology held by Chomsky and his associates (219–33), views which E. feels had been treated much more adequately at the beginning of this century by Wundt, Delbrück, and Paul (15–81). Bibliography (234–44); Index of names and topics (245–46).

Cf. the detailed reviews by David L. Olmsted in Lg 46.131–40 (1970) and John C. Marshall in Semiotica 2.277–93 (1970). See also Arthur L. Blumenthal’s review, “Mentalism: A ghost in psycholinguistics”, Contemporary Psychology 14:8.465–67 (1969), Esper’s reply, “Blumenthal on Chomsky on Bloomfield”, ibid. 15:3.253–54 (1970), and Blumenthal’s rejoinder, loc.cit, p.255.

Hockett, Charles F(rancis b.1916) The State of the Art. (= Janua Lin-guarum; series minor, 73.) The Hague: Mouton, 123 pp.. DOI logoGoogle Scholar

Of interest to the history of (20th-century North American) linguistics, despite its display of personal views, is chap.1 of the book, which mainly constitutes a violent attack on Chomskyan linguistic ideas, “The background” (9–37), which offers a “survey of the development of linguistic theory largely in the United States, from about 1900 up to about 1950”. Cf. also Hockett 1965 (above). Bibliography (119–23); no index.

Cf. Fred W(alter) Householder’s review in JL 6.129–34 (1970) and the one by Frank R(obert) Palmer in Lg 45.616–21 (1969).

Loja, Ja(n) V(iljumovič Jānis Viļuma 1896–1969) Istorija lin-gvističeskix učenij: Materialy k kursu lekcij. [History of linguistic science: Materials for lectures]. Moscow: Izd. “Vysšaja Škola”, 308 pp.Google Scholar

Rev. Russ. version of Loja 1961 (see above). A survey of the history of linguistics, with particular emphasis on post-1786 developments in the field, giving much bio-bibliographical information on European, incl. East European, and American scholars. Bibliography (259–77, for Russ. titles, 277–98, for others). Unlike Loja (1961:295–309), this book does not have an index of names. For a brief review, cf. Ladislav Horalík in JazA 1969/2.19–20.

Matoré, Georges. Histoire des dictionnaires français. Paris: Larousse, 278 pp in-16°.Google Scholar

Complements Quemada 1967 nicely (see above); see esp. part II, “Histoire des dictionnaires” (39–188) which surveys lexicographic work from antiquity to the 20th century. Index (271–75); no bibliography.

Cf. the reviews by Jean Bourguignon in RLR 32.408–10 (1968), and Emilio Arcaini in LeSt 3.105–08 (1968).

Pfeiffer, Rudolf (b.1889) History of Classical Scholarship: From the beginnings to the end of the Hellenistic age. Oxford: Clarendon Press, xviii + 311 pp.Google Scholar

Though mainly concerned with philological scholarship and philosophy, the book contains sections of interest to the linguist, e.g., from the discussion of Plato’s Cratylus (59–65) to the presentation of Dionysius Thrax’s Téchne grammatiké (266–72). Extensive “General index” (291–307); no bibliography, but bibliographical footnotes.

Cf. the reviews by Arnaldo Momigliano in Rivista Storica Italiana 80.377–80 (1968) and N(igel) G(uy) Wilson in CR N.S. 19.366–72 (1969).


Geschichte der klassischen Philologie: Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des Hellenismus
Transl. into G. by M. Arnold. Reinbeck/Hamburg: Rowohlt 1970, 374 pp. Cf. the review by Jürgen Werner in Gymnasium 78.559–61 (1971).Google Scholar
Rocher, Rosane. Alexander Hamilton (1762–1824): A chapter in the early history of Sanskrit philology. (= American Oriental Series, 51.) New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Society, xii +128 pp.Google Scholar

Though conceived as a biography of Hamilton, the study contains much valuable information for the history of Sanskrit studies in the West from the 1780’s to the 1820’s. Cf. esp. chap. 4, “The introduction of Sanskrit on the Continent” (34–63), which includes brief accounts of Louis Mathieu Langlès (1763–1824), the Schlegel brothers, Antoine-Léonard de Chézy (1773–1832), and a number of other scholars of the period. “Index nominuum” (125–28); no bibliography. For a suppl. to the study, consult R. Rocher, “New Data for the Biography of the Orientalist Alexander Hamilton”, JAOS 90.426–48 (1970).

Cf. the review notes by A. L. Basham in JAOS 89.635–36 (1969) and P. J. Marshall in BSOAS 33, p.221 (1970).

Soida, E(milija). Galvenās strukturālisma skolas aizrobežu valodniecíbā. [Main structuralist schools in foreign linguistics]. Riga: Latvijas Valsts Univ.Google Scholar

I have been unable to locate a copy of this book; it is not mentioned in LB 1968–71 (1970–73).

Tagliavini, Carlo (b.1903) Storia della filologia germanica. Bologna: R. Pàtron, xv + 231 pp., 65 fig. in the text.Google Scholar

Survey of the development of Germanic philology, from the turn of the 19th cent., viz. the work of F. Schlegel, Rask, Bopp, J. Grimm, and others, to present-day research in the field (1–172, bibliographical notes, 173–82), and an additional section, “La filologia germanica in Italia” (183–216). Contains useful bio-bibliographical data. Index of authors (219–31). Cf. also the review by K(àroly) Mollay in ALH 19.445–46 (1969).

Arens, Hans (b.1911) Sprachwissenschaft: Der Gang ihrer Entwicklung von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. (= Orbis Academicus, I:6.) 2nd rev. and enl. ed. Freiburg & Munich: K. Alber, xvi + 816 pp. (Repr., in 2 vols., Frankfort/M.: Fischer & Athenäum 1974.)Google Scholar

See Arens 1955, for 1st ed. The new ed. has in particular material of post-Second-World-War linguistics added (the 1st ed. ended with selections from Brøndal and Hjelmslev). The annotated anthology – the author prefers the term Problemgeschichte to characterize his work – consists of three major parts: 1) “Die Wege zu einer Wissenschaft von der Sprache” (3–152), from the earliest (mythological) beginnings until the inception of the 19th century; 2) “Die Sprachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert” (155–399), from the ‘founding fathers’ of the ‘new philology’ to the public controversy between the neogrammarians and their opponents in the 1880’s, and 3) “Die Sprachwissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert” (403–736). Detailed bibliography arranged according to periods (758–98); index of authors (799–805) and subjects (806–16).

For further information, consult the review article by E. F. K. Koerner in Lg 48:2.428–45 (1972). See also the review by Maurice Leroy in AC 39.642–44 (1970).

Bolton, W(hitney) F(rench), and David Crystal (b.1941), eds. The English Language. Vol. 2: Essays by Linguists and Men of Lettres (1854–1964). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, xiii + 325 pp.Google Scholar

For vol.1, see Bolton 1966. This vol. is more linguistically oriented than the first one; the anthology includes selections from the work of Sweet, Sapir, Bloomfield, Fries, and a number of others, incl. living authors (Robert B. Lees, Hans Kurath, et al.) There is a “Select index of literary and linguistic topics” (314–25).

Bruno, Lidia. Parantesco lingüi̇́stico. (= Filología y lingüi̇́stica, 2.) Buenos Aires: Inst. de Filologi̇́a y Lingüi̇́stica, Univ. del Salvador, viii + 85 pp.Google Scholar

A historical sketch of the debate of the relationship among IE languages, offering at the same time a brief survey of the development of comparative-historical linguistics from William Jones or, rather, the observations made by Gaston Coeurdoux (1691–1779) a few years before Jones, until the work of Schleicher (11–78). The most informative portion of the study is the one on Lorenzo Hervás (1735–1809) and his compilatory work (14–23). Bibliography (79–83); index (85).

Coseriu, Eugenio (b.1921) Einführung in die Strukturelle Linguistik. Authorized transcript from a course held in Winter 1967–68, comp. by Gunter Narr and Rudolf Windisch. Tübingen: Romanisches Seminar der Univ., 157 pp.Google Scholar

Attempts, among other things, a historical account of the evolution of structural linguistics, which, according to C., begins with the work of Georg von der Gabe-lentz (1840–93) rather than Saussure (cf. pp.24, 38); cf. also E. Coseriu’s art., “Georg von der Gabelentz et la linguistique synchronique”, Word 23.74–100 (1967[1969]), in which views are put forward by C. not shared by the present writer. The book contains no bibliography and no index.

Coseriu, Eugenio. Die Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart: Eine Uebersicht. Part I: Von der Antike bis Leibniz. Comp. from lectures delivered in 1968–69 by Gunter Narr and Rudolf Windisch. Tübingen: Romanisches Seminar der Univ., vi + 162 pp. (Also as No. 11 of “Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik” 1970 A rev. version is to appear in 1974.)Google Scholar

The survey includes the following major sections – after a discussion of the „philosophische Problematik” (11–17): Heraclitus (19–26); Plato (27–31), philosophical questions of language immediately preceding him (31–34), his Cratylus (35–51), and problems in the philosophy of language discussed in other works of Plato (52–56), followed by a summary of Plato’s most important ideas (57–58); Aristotle (59–83), and his most influential concepts (84–95); the Stoics (96–104); St.Augustine (105–23); language philosophy in the middle ages (124–36); language philosophy of the Renaissance, e.g., Juan Luis Vives (1492–1540), and of John Locke and Leibniz (137–38, 139–48, and 149–55, respectively), with a concluding chap. entitled “Kurzer Ausblick auf die Sprachphilosophie nach Leibniz” (156–62). No index; annotated bibliography (1–10).

Jacob, André. 100 points de vue sur le langage: 270 texts choisis et présentés, avec introduction et bibliographie. (= Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines de Paris-Nanterre; Points de vue, 1.) Paris: C. Klincksieck, 637 pp.Google Scholar

The complication of texts from the writings of philosophers, philologists, linguists, semioticians, theologians, etc. of two-and-a-half millenia contains five major parts: 1) “Langage et philosophie” (19–156); 2) “Langage et art” (157–258); 3) “Langage et culture” (259–360); 4) “Langage et science” (361–479), and 5) “Langage et linguistique” (481–605). Index of names (607–17) and subjects (618–25); bibliographies, often unreliable and incomplete, are sandwiched between the sections and the many subsections of this ‘anthology’. Cf. the reviews by E. F. K. Koerner in Linguistics 95.86–94 (1 Jan. 1973), and by M. Pravda in ČMF 52.173–74 (1970).

Kelly, Louis G(erard b.1935) 25 Centuries of Language Teaching: An inquiry into the science, art, and development of language teaching methodology, 500 B.C. – 1969. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, xi + 474 pp., 27 ill.Google Scholar

In his many chaps. devoted to all aspects of language teaching, e.g., “Getting the language across” (5–87), “Making the language a habit” (89–180), etc., the author offers selections from ancient and modern authors, illustrating their particular views on the topic. The book contains a large bibliography (409–65) of almost 1,500 titles of primary (411–55) and secondary (456–65) sources. Index of authors (472–74).

Lockwood, W(illiam) B(urley). Indo-European Philology: Historical and comparative. London: Hutchinson, 193 pp.Google Scholar

Includes a chap. entitled “Language study before the nineteenth century” (11–22) and another on the “Foundations and development of comparative Indo-European philology” (23–33), which discuss the contributions of Dionysius Thrax, Varro, Dante, and others, before 1800, and, in the second chap., the contributions of Rask, Bopp, Grimm, the neogrammarians, esp. Saussure and his Mémoire (28–29), in the 19th century. The information given here is less reliable than the accounts in Gray 1939 or Meillet 1912 (see above), to cite only two similar accounts. Cf. the review by Gordon B. Ford, Jr. in Lg 46:1.146–49 (1970).

Malkiel, Yakov (b.1914), and Margaret (Hoffman) Langdon (b.1939?) “History and Histories of Linguistics”. Romance Philology 22.530–74.Google Scholar

This survey of the ‘state of the art’ in the history of linguistic contains a number of insightful remarks on the subject matter of writing the history of the study of language by Malkiel (532–40, and 541–66 where he reviews the books by Sebeok 1966, Leroy 1963, Ivić 1965, Malmberg 1964, and Lepschy 1966). The co-author reviews the studies by Leroy (567–69), Ivić (569–71), and Malmberg (571–72) from the North-American linguist’s point of view. “Bibliographical guide” (573–74). In 1964, Malkiel published “Bibliographical Notes: History of linguistics”, RomPh 17.823–28, on the occasion of Waterman 1963 (see above).

Putschke, Wolfgang. “Zur forschungsgeschichtlichen Stellung der junggrammatischen Schule”. Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 1 (= Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung 36), 19–48.Google Scholar

Supplements nicely the accounts by Specht 1948 and Strunk 1965 (see above). The article surveys the development of historical-comparative linguistics from around 1800 to the 1880’s, with an analysis of both the non-linguistic influences on the discipline and the successive stages in the reconstruction of the IE vocalic system.

Salus, Peter H(enry b.1938), comp. On Language: Plato to von Humboldt New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, v + 201 pp.Google Scholar

An anthology with selections from the works of Plato, Aristotle, Varro, Quintilian, Donatus, St.Anselm, Peter of Spain, Arnauld and Nicole, Rousseau, Herder, William Jones, and Humboldt, with an Intr. (1–17) and a bibliography (199–201) by the ed. Cf. the reviews by E. F. K. Koerner in Lingua 25.419–31 (1970) and by W. Keith Percival in GL 10.51–56 (1970).

Stephenson, Edward A.Schools of Modern Linguistics: Is a rapprochement possible?”. Emory University Quarterly 23:4.222–61, 261–62 (discussion) (1967[c.1970]).Google Scholar

Inspired by Hockett’s 1965 paper (see above), the author expatiates on the four ‘breakthroughs’ in linguistics since Bopp before investigating traditional and structural approaches to phonology, esp. with regard to the questions of sound change, and syntax (traditional, structural, transformational, and stratificational approaches).

Uitti, Karl D(avid b.1933) Linguistics and Literary Theory: A structural and historical overview of the relationship governing linguistics and literary speculation in the Western tradition. Foreword (vii–x) by Richard Schlatter. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, xv + 272 pp.Google Scholar

See esp. part I, “Language, thought, and culture” (1–104), which surveys the study of language from Plato and Aristotle to modern times. There is no bibliography but an index (267–72).

Cf. the critical reviews by Michael J. Gregory in CJL 14:149–52 (1968–69) and by D. Wilson in Glossa 6:2.225–33 (1972); for a more sympathetic account, see Yakov Malkiel’s review article, “Linguistics (including its History) and the Humanities: Two new approaches to a fluid relationship”, RomPh 23.323–35 (1969–70), esp. pp. 326–31.

Arrivé, Michel and Jean-Claude Chevalier, eds. La Grammaire: Lectures. (= Initiation à la linguistique; Serie A, 3.) Paris: C. Klincksieck, 321 pp.Google Scholar

An anthology of linguistics texts from the 16th to and including the 20th century, with commentary by the editors: I., “La grammaire française du XVIe au XIXe siècle” (15–120), presented by Chevalier; II, “De Saussure à Togeby” (113–210), and III, “Les grammaires contemporaines” (213–306), presented by Arrivé. The vol. contains selections from and/or accounts of the works by Palsgrave, Sylvius, Ramus, Vaugelas, and others in the 16th and 17th centuries as well as by Guillaume, Tesnière, Brøndal, Greimas, and others in the 20th century. Cf. the reviews by Alexandre Lorian in RomPh 26:2.407–11 (1972) and by Maurice Leroy in RBPh 50.972–73 (1972).

Blumenthal, Arthur L. (b.1936) Language and Psychology: Historical aspects of psycholinguistics. New York-London-Toronto: J. Wiley & Sons, xii + 248 pp.Google Scholar

Combining introductory comments and selections from particular authors, the book offers a survey of the development of the various psychological, biological, experimental, philosophical, etc. approaches to language, from Wundt, Paul, Marty, Bühler, and others during the period 1875–1930 to the theories of Lashley, Chomsky, G. A. Miller, Lenneberg, and others during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Bibliographical footnotes; index of names (245–48).

Cf. the reviews by Erwin A. Esper in Lg 47.979–83 (1971) and Wilbur A. Hass in HL 1:1.111–16 (1974[c.1973]).

Chevalier, Jean-Claude. “L’histoire de la grammaire: Quelques ouvrages récents”. Revue Romane 5.145–58.Google Scholar

Cf. also Chevalier 1968 and Arrivé & Chevalier 1970 (above). Survey of recent studies in the history of 17th and 18th-century Fr. linguistics, e.g., Donzé 1967; cf. also Karl D. Uitti, “Descartes and Port-Royal in two Diverse Retrospects”, RomPh 23:1.75–85 (1969).

Drǎganu, Nicolae (1884–1939) Storia della sintassi generale. Transl. by Paola Bardelli Plomteux from the Rumanian, with a Preface (vii–xvi) by Carlo Tagliavini, and a bio-bibliographical account of Draganu (xvii–xxvii). Bologna: R. Pàtron, xxx + 490 pp., and many fig. in text.Google Scholar

It. version, with notes by Tagliavini, of Drǎganu 1945 (see above). The book constitutes a condensed survey of the study of syntax from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century. Accounts of the linguistic ideas of most scholars presented in this volume are much too brief to be satisfactory; the wealth of bio-bibliographical information – see esp. the bibliography (399–476) – and the index of authors (479–86), however, render it a useful reference work.

Dubois, Claude-Gilbert. Mythe et langage du seizième siècle. (= Collection Ducros, 8.) Bordeaux: G. Ducros, 175 pp.Google Scholar

A study of Renaissance opinions on language and its origin; the main chaps. are entitled “La mythologie du verb” (17–92); “Quelques bases d’une science du langage” (93–138), and – the probably most important chap. – “Contre le mythe de la langue originelle: Eléments pour une étude génétique positive du langage” (95–108). Bibliography of primary (145–56) and secondary (157–61) sources; index of names (163–67) and subjects (169–72).

Helbig, Gerhard. Geschichte der neueren Sprachwissenschaft; unter dem besonderen Aspekt der Grammatik-Theorie. Leipzig: Bibliogr. Inst.; Munich: M. Hueber 1971, 392 pp. (2nd ed. 1973.)Google Scholar

After a brief discussion of the linguistic methods of Bopp, Rask, and Grimm (11–14), the neogrammarians (14–20) and the aftermath (20–32), including the neo-idealist movement (22–26), Helbig presents the essentials of Saussure’s doctrine (33–45). He then surveys and, frequently, explicates the various structural approaches to grammar, including various ‘functional’ and ‘inhaltsbezogen’ ones, but esp. the models put forward by Tesnière, Glinz, Fries, Harris, and Chomsky. Detailed bibliography (355–81), and indices of authors (382–85, excluding those mentioned in the footnotes) and of subjects and terms (386–92).

Cf. the review by Bernhard Sowinski in Germanistik 12:668–69 (1971[1972]).

Herndon, Jeanne H. A Survey of Modern Grammars. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, xiii + 208 pp.Google Scholar

See esp. the introd. chap., “Two thousand years of language study” (7–23), which gives a brief account of the development of the field from the Greeks to transformational-generative theories.

Jacobson, Rodolfo. “Some Aspects of the History of Linguistics”. The London Dialect of the Late Fourteenth Century: A transformational analysis in historical linguistics by R. Jacobson, 14–29. The Hague: Mouton, 193 pp.Google Scholar

Summarizes briefly the essential linguistic views of Humboldt, Steinthal, Hermann Paul, and others as well as those of Whitney, Boas, Sapir, Bloomfield, Harris, and Chomsky.

Kovács, Ferenc. Nyelvi struktúrák, nyelvi törvények Budapest: Akadé-miai Kiadó, 309 pp.Google Scholar

For details, see E. transl. below (Kovács 1971).

Lepschy, Giulio C(iro). A Survey of Structural Linguistics. London: Faber & Faber, 192 pp.Google Scholar

Rev. and updated E. version of Lepschy 1966 (see above). After a general introd. (21–41), in which the author presents the background of structural linguistic notions, the theories of Saussure (42–52), the Prague (53–64) and Copenhagen (65–73) schools, and various other structuralist trends in Europe and America are surveyed. The vol. contains very useful bibliographical details in the notes section (151–79); it carries an index of terms (183–86) and of names (187–92).

Cf. the reviews by Francis P. Dinneen in JL 287–91 (1971), E. F. K. Koerner in Linguistics 91.93–101 (15 Oct. 1972), and – though based on the original It. ed. – Yakov Malkiel in RomPh 22.561–66 (1969).

Michael, Ian. English Grammatical Categories, and the tradition to 1800. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, xvi + 622 pp.Google Scholar

A very thorough study of the works on English grammar from Bullokar’s Bref Grammar (1586) to around 1800, preceded by a survey of the European grammatical tradition from antiquity to the Renaissance (9–143). The vol. contains very informative bibliographical appendices of Greek and Latin grammatical works (540–44; listed in chronological order, 545–46), English grammars (547–87, listed in chronological order, 588–94), and other primary and secondary works (595–606). Index of subjects and authors (609–22). Cf. the reviews by Emilio Lorenzo in RSEL 1.434–37 (1971) and by Jeffrey F. Huntsman in HL 1:2.264–75 (1974).

Morelli, Giuseppe. Ricerche sulla tradizíone grammaticale latina. I:1 (= Ricerche di storia della linqua latina, 9.). Preface (9–10) by Alfredo Ghiselli. Rome: Ediz. dell’Ateneo, 130 pp.Google Scholar

The book consists of the following major sections: “Sulla tradizione del de metris di Aftonio” (25–68); “Struttura del de syllabis di Mario Vittorino” (71–76); “I modi delle sillabe … in … Vittorino” (79–90), and “Apollonio Discolo e i grammatici latini del IV secolo” (93–130). There is no index; bibliographical footnotes throughout the text; selected bibliography (16–19).

Posner, Rebecca. “Thirty Years on”. (Supplement to) An Introduction to Romance Linguistics, its schools and scholars by Iorgu Iordan (and John Orr), 2nd ed., 393–579. Oxford: B. Blackwell, xi + 593 pp.Google Scholar

Cf. Iordan 1937 (above), for details on the first E. transl. Posner’s supplement covers the period of roughly 1937–1967 in Romance linguistic scholarship, with a detailed bibliography (548–79) including post-1967 references. “Index of proper names” (588–93). Cf. the reviews by Curtis Blaylock in GL 11.140–42 (1971), Zarko Muljacić in AGI 56.71–75 (1971), E. F. K. Koerner to appear in Linguistics (written in 1971), and, for a partisan account, Yakov Malkiel, “A Straightforward Report on the Latest ‘Crises’ in Romance Linguistics”, RomPh 216–24 (1971–72).

Scaglione, Aldo D(omenico b.1925) Ars Grammatica: A bibliographic survey. Two essays on the Grammar of the Latin and Italian subjunctive, and a Note on the ablative absolute. (= Janua Linguarum; series minor, 77.) The Hague: Mouton, 151 pp.Google Scholar

Of particular interest for historians of linguists is the first section of the book, “The historical study of ars grammatica: A bibliographic survey” (11–43), which contains much useful bibliographical material on the topic of the study of classical grammar as reflected in 19th and 20th-century scholarship. Index of authors (145–51). From the large number of reviews, the following deserve mention: David H. Kelly in American Classical Review 2:1.53–54 (1972); W. Keith Percival in Lg 50:3 (to appear); Corrado Rosso in Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate 24:1.68–71 (1971); Karl Uitti in RomPh 27:2.221–26 (1973), and Diego Zancani in HL 1:3.418–21 (1974).

Steiner, Roger J(acob b.1924) Two Centuries of Spanish and English Bilingual Lexicography, 1590–1800. (= Janua Linguarum; series practica, 108.) The Hague: Mouton, 130 pp. in small-4°. DOI logoGoogle Scholar

Presents the lexicographic work from John Thorius in 1590 to Thomas Connelly and Thomas Higgins in 1797–98 (15–102), with a concluding chap., “Summary, evaluation, and conclusions” (103–07). See also Appendix D, “A chronological listing of Spanish dictionaries before 1600’ (115–19). Bibliography (120–26); index (127–30). Cf. the review by Jacob Ornstein in Linguistics 132.123–25 (1974).

Bolelli, Tristano, ed. and transl. Linguistica generale, strutturalismo, lin-guistica storica: Testi, note introduttive, indici. Pisa: Nistri-Lischi, xvii + 578 pp.Google Scholar

Sequel to Bolelli 1965 (see above), this anthology includes selections from the ‘Theses’ of the leading members of the Prague School of 1929 (1–21) to a paper by Maurice Leroy of 1969 on the question whether linguistics is an abstract or a human science (538–54). Index of proper names (555–60); index of subjects (560–77). See also the review by Giulio C. Lepschy in Linguistics 117.115–17 (1 Dec. 1973).

Bursill-Hall, G(eoffrey) L(eslie b.1920) Speculative Grammars in the Middle Ages: The doctrine of partes orationis of the Modistae. (= Approaches to Semiotics, 11.) The Hague: Mouton 1972, 424 pp.. DOI logoGoogle Scholar

This thorough and very detailed analysis of the linguistic work of the late Middle Ages (37–326) contains also two chaps. of more general interest: “A short history of grammar in ancient and mediaeval Europe” (15–36), and the conclusion, “The Modistae and modern linguistic theory” (327–41). Bibliography (400–06), and indices of authors (407–13), examples cited (414–17), names (418–19), and subjects (420–24). See also Bursill-Hall 1972. Cf. the review article by Jean Stefanini, “Les modistes et leur apport à la théorie de la grammaire et du signe linguistique”, Semiotica 8.263–75 (1973), and the review by Louis G. Kelly in CJL 18:2.177–81 (1973).

Cloeren, Herman-Josef (b.1934), ed. Philosophie als Sprachkritik im 19. Jahrhundert: Textauswahl I. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 244 pp.Google Scholar

An anthology with selections from the linguistic-philosophical writings of Karl Leonhard Reinhold (1758–1823), Otto Friedrich Gruppe (1804–76), and Conrad Hermann (1819–97), son of the great classical philologist Gottfried Hermann (1772–1848). Index of names (243–44); brief bibliographical note (p.23). Cf. also Schmidt 1971 (below), for a sequel to this vol.

Hymes, Dell (Hathaway). “Morris Swadesh and the First ‘Yale School’”. The Origin and Diversification of Language by Morris Swadesh (1909–67), ed. posthumously by Joel Sherzer, 228–70. Chicago: Aldine-Atherton; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1972, xviii + 350 pp.Google Scholar

Cf. also Hymes 1963 (above); the article is a critical historical account of the Boas-Sapir linguistic-anthropological tradition in which Swadesh figured so prominently.

Kovács, Ferenc. Linguistic Structures and Linguistic Laws. Transl. from the Hung. by Sándor Simon. Budapest: Akad. Kiadó; Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 398 pp.. DOI logoGoogle Scholar

E. transl. of Kovács 1970 (see above); of particular interest to the historian of linguistics is the chap. entitled “Genesis and evolution of the concept of linguistic law” (220–44), in which the work in comparative linguistics in the 19th century is presented. The subsequent chaps. (244–96, 297–302, 302–07, etc.) investigate the influence of neogrammarian thought on Hungarian linguistics, an account which may be supplemented by István Szathmári’s paper, “An outline of the history of Hungarian linguistics”, The Hungarian Language ed. by Loránd Benkö and Samu Imrc, 349–77 (Bibliography, 375–77). Budapest: Akad. Kiadó; The Hague: Mouton, 1972. Bibliography (385–92); index of authors (393–98). Cf. the reviews by Zoltán Szabó in RRLing 16.446–48 (1971), by István Terts in ALH 22.206–10 (1972), and by John Hewson in HL 1:3.411–18 (1974).

Kühlwein, Wolfgang (b.1940), ed. Linguistics in Great Britain, I: History of linguistics. (= English Texts, 14.) Tübingen: M. Niemeyer, viii +148 pp.Google Scholar

A book of extracts from the work of King Alfred (849–901) in the 9th century to Henry Sweet (1845–1912) in 1900, with a bibliography (139–46); in 1970, the same ed. published a compilation of linguistic writings by British scholars which had appeared between 1931 and 1969 entitled Linguistics in Great Britain, II: Contemporary linguistics (Tübingen: Niemeyer); cf. the review of the latter item by E. F. K. Koerner in JL 8.342–45 (1972). For a critical account of the 1971-book, see E. F. K. Koerner in ASNS 211.108–15 (1974).

Romeo, Luigi (b.1926), and Gaio E(ugene) Tiberio. “Historiography of Linguistics and Rome’s Scholarship”. Language Sciences 17.23–44 (Oct. 1971).Google Scholar

A survey of recent studies devoted to Latin grammar (including Scaglione 1970), with detailed notes (37–41) and a bibliography (41–44).

Schmidt, Siegfried J. (b.1940), ed. Philosophie als Sprachkritik im 19. Jahrhundert: Textauswahl II. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 251 pp.Google Scholar

Cf. also Cloeren 1971 (above). Selections from the linguistic-philosophical writings of Gustav Gerber (1820–1901), F. Max Müller (1823–1900), and Georg Runze (1852–1922), with a preface (9–16), a brief bibliography (17–18), and an index of authors (249–51).

Szemerényi, Oswald (John Louis b.1913) Richtungen der modernen Sprachwissenschaft. Part I: Von Saussure bis Bloomfield, 1916–1950. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 148 pp.Google Scholar

The book consists of the following major sections: “Ferdinand de Saussure [sources of his linguistic ideas, the main components of his theory, and the ‘Geneva School’]” (19–52); “Die Prager Schule” (53–97) – including an analysis of Karl Bühler’s Sprachtheorie (90–96); “Die Kopenhagener Schule” (98–104), and “Die amerikanische Linguistik I (bis 1950)” (105–48). Bibliographical footnotes; no index. Cf. the reviews by Robert Godel in Kratylos 16.87–88 (1971[1973]), by Herbert L(eopold) Kufner in Lingua 33:2.167–69 (1974), and by T(homas) L(loyd) Markey in HL, 1:1.129–36 (1974[c.1973]).

Antal, László, ed. Aspekte der Semantik: Zu ihrer Theorie und Geschichte, 1662–1969. Frankfurt/M.: Athenäum, 348 pp.Google Scholar

An anthology consisting of extracts from the work of Arnauld and Nicole’s Port-Royal Logic (1662), Karl Reisig’s (1792–1829) posthumous Vorlesungen über lateinische Sprachwissenschaft (Leipzig, 1839), Bréal’s 1883 statement on the place of semantics in linguistics, via the various post-Saussurean writings on the topic (e.g., Weisgerber, Trier, Benveniste, Hjelmslev) to Ullmann and the semantics debate in America in the period between 1943 (Bloomfield’s article on “Meaning”) and 1969 (papers by Bar-Hillel and Chomsky). There is neither a bibliography nor an index.

Bursill-Hall, G. L., ed. Thomas of Erfurt: Grammatica speculativa. Latin text with English translation and commentary. London: Longman, xii + 340 pp.Google Scholar

Cf. also Bursill-Hall 1971 (above). Apart from the text-ed., the book contains two introductory chaps. of a more general interest: “Ancient and mediaeval grammatical theory” (4–28), and “De Modis significandi or Grammatica speculativa” (28–126). Cf. the review of this vol. (together with Bursill-Hall 1971) b L. G. Kelly in HL 1:2.201–19(1974).

(28–126). Cf. the review of this vol. (together with Bursill-Hall 1971) by L. G. Kelly in HL 1:2.201–19 (1974).

Coseriu, Eugenio. Die Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Part II: Von Leibniz bis Rousseau. Comp, from lecture notes by Gunter Narr. (= Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 28.) Tübingen: G. Narr, [viii +] 250 pp. (2nd rev. ed. 1975.)Google Scholar

Sequel to Coseriu 1969 (1970), see above. After a general introduction (1–16) devoted to a discussion of the status of language philosophy within linguistic science, and a résumé of the contents of part I (17–56), the book contains the following chaps. under the general heading “Die verschiedenen Richtungen der Sprachphilosophie in der Neuzeit”: (British) Empiricism, esp. George Berkeley (1685–1753) and David Hume (1711–76) on pp.58–68, Giambattista Vico (1668–1744) on pp.69–128, Christian Wolff (1679–1754) on pp.129–39, Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–77) on pp.140–49), Johann Werner Meiner (1723–89) on pp.150–68, Johann Peter Süssmilch (1707–67) and Dietrich Tiedemann (1748–1803) on pp.169–70, James Harris (1709–80) on pp.171–81, Adam Smith (1723–90), Joseph Priestley (1733–1804), James Burnett, Lord Monboddo (1714–99), and John Horne Tooke (1736–1812), as representatives of 18th-century English philosophers of language – in addition to Harris (pp.183–88, 188–93, 193–204, and 204–211, respectively). The book concludes with a chap. on 18th-century French philosophers, in particular Condillac, Diderot, and Rousseau (212–47), and an “Ausblick” (248–49). There are a few bibliographical references dispersed in the vol. (cf. pp.2, 69–71, 250) but no comprehensive bibliography has been supplied. Many other philosophers of language are mentioned in the book, but there is no index to facilitate their location.

Ducrot, Oswald, and Tzvetan Todorov (b.1939) Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langage. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 470 pp.Google Scholar

See esp. the first major section entitled “Les écoles” which offers a survey of western linguistic thinking from the Port-Royal Grammar (1660) to linguistic theory in 1970 in the following chaps.: “Grammaires générales” (15–19); “Linguistique historique au XIXe siècle” (20–28); “Saussurianisme” (29–35); “Glosséma-tique” (36–41); “Fonctionalisme” (42–48); “Distributionalisme” (49–55), and “Linguistique générative” (56–63), but also the appendix, “Linguistique ancienne et médiévale” (64–67), all of which include useful bibliographical footnotes. Index of terms (455–67) and of authors (468–70).

Hentschke, Ada (Babette b.1942), and Ulrich Muhlack (b.1940) Einführung in die Geschichte der klassischen Philologie. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, [v+] 150 pp.Google Scholar

Though it contains little information on linguistics proper, useful information may be gleaned from it, especially the periods of the Renaissance and Humanism (14–65), and the 19th-century trends (Idealism, Neo-Humanism, and Positivism, 65–106). See also the interesting chap. on Nietzsche’s critique of Positivism and Historicism in philological studies (106–14). Selected bibliography of primary (143–46) and secondary (147–50) sources; no index.

Malmberg, Bertil (b.1913), ed. Readings in Modern Linguistics: An anthology. Stockholm: Läromedelsförlagen; The Hague: Mouton, [vii+] 384 pp.. DOI logoGoogle Scholar

A collection of articles devoted to various aspects of linguistic study which appeared between 1937 (E. and K. Zwirner’s paper on phonometrics) and 1964 (E. H. Lenneberg’s “Biological perspective of language”). Apart from a 2-page introd. by the ed. (1–3), there are no annotations of the papers selected, nor is there a bibliography or index. For the historian of linguistics the following texts are of particular interest: Antonio Tovar, “Linguistics and prehistory” (1954, 28–50); Ernst Cassirer, “Structuralism in modern linguistics” (1945, 78–96); Louis Hjelmslev, “Structural analysis of language” (1947, 97–105); Einar Haugen, “Directions in modern linguistics” (1951, 252–66), and Eric Buyssens, “Origine de la linguistique synchro-nique de Saussure” (1961, 267–81).

Mounin, Georges. La Linguistique du XXe siècle. (= Le Linguiste, 13.) Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 253 pp. in-16°.Google Scholar

Sequel to Mounin 1967 (see above), though less an attempt at history-writing than the earlier volume. In 11 individual chaps. the life and work of the following linguists is presented: Whitney (15–26), Baudouin de Courtenay (27–37), Meillet (38–47), Saussure (48–68), Jespersen (69–81), Sapir (82–96), Trubetzkoy (97–110), Bloomfield (111–25), Hjelmslev (126–36), Jakobson (137–53), Martinet (154–69), Harris (170–88), and Chomsky (189–224). There is a general introduction (5–13) and a concluding chap., “Marxisme et linguistique” (225–52), but no index. Each chap. has bibliographical references appended; a more general (though very brief) bibliography is on pp.11–12.

Pinborg, Jan. Logik und Semantik im Mittelalter: Ein Ueberblick. Epilogue (209–11) by Helmut Kohlenberger. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 216 pp.Google Scholar

A survey of medieval logic and semantics from Gerbert of Aurillac (Pope Silvester I, d.1003) to Paulus Venetus (d.1429). Bibliography (181–95); index of names (213–14) and a selected index of terms and subjects (215–16). Cf. the review article by Francis P. Dinneen, S.J. in HL 1:2. 221–49 (1974).

Salmon, Vivian. The Works of Francis Lodwick: A study of his writings in the intellectual context of the seventeenth century. London: Longman, xii + 263 pp.Google Scholar

Though centred around the 17th-century merchant-scholar Francis Lodwick (1619–94), author of treatises on orthography, phonetics, and universal language, the study contains, in addition to a biographical account (3–11) of Lodwick, an evaluation of his linguistic work (105–56) as well as an annotated edition of several of his writings (166–230, 235–46, 251–54), etc., two more chaps. offering a general picture of the intellectual scene of 17th-century England, one more general (43–71), concerned with religion, commerce, science, education and various aspects of communication (oral, kinematic, written, etc. codes), the other (72–104) more devoted to linguistic work and debate on language, especially where the relationship between ‘words and things’, the question of the origin of language, and the standardization of the vernacular are concerned. There is a brief bibliography (255–58) and an index of names and topics (259–63).

Cf. the reviews by Michael Dobrovolsky in CJL 19:1.84–86 (1974) and by Herbert E. Brekle to appear in Anglia vol.92.

Scaglione, Aldo (Domenico b.1925) The Classical Theory of Composition; from its origins to the present: A historical survey. (= University of North Carolina Studies in Comparative Literature, 53.) Chapel Hill, N.C.: Univ. of North Carolina Press, [viii +] 447 pp.Google Scholar

A study on the evolution of the (rhetorical) theory of sentence structure, including word order, from antiquity until the mid-20th century. The chaps. are entitled: “Antiquity” (8–96); “The Middle Ages” (97–125); “The Renaissance” (126–58); “Baroque and Enlightenment” (159–336) – surveying the philological, esp. syntactic and stylistic, work done during 1600–1800 in France, Italy, and England – and “Modern Theory: Linguistic approaches to the problem” (337–97). The vol. contains a “Basic bibliography” (405–33), arranged alphabetically by epoch, and an index of authors and topics (434–47).

Cf. the reviews by Corrado Rosso in LeSt 8:2.356–61 (1973), by Susan Gallick in Language Sciences 29.25–28 (Febr. 1974), and – together with Scaglione 1970 (see above) – Diego Zancani in HL 1:3.422–26 (1974). See also Paolo Valesio’s review article, “The Art of Syntax and its History”, LeSt 9:1.1–30 (1974).

Timpanaro, Sebastiano (b.1923) “Friedrich Schlegel e gli inizi della lin-guistica indoeuropea in Germania”. Critica Storica 9:1.72–105.Google Scholar

Though primarily concerned with the linguistic ideology behind F. Schlegel’s On the Language and Wisdom of the Indians (1808), the article offers an insightful analysis of late 18th and 19th-century views of language and their intellectual background. A rev. E. version prepared by J. Peter Maher is to appear in the new ed. of Schlegel’s Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier (Amsterdam: J. Benjamins).

Vàrvaro, Alberto. “Storia delle lingua: Passato e prospettiva di una cate-goria controversa”. Romance Philology 26:1.16–51, 2.509–31.Google Scholar

A survey of the study of language from the 18th century to contemporary linguistic pursuits, with particular attention to Romance linguistics and a discussion of present-day commitments in the field. Cf. also Vàrvaro 1966 (above).