The first Russian translation of Saussure’s Cours : A note

Tom M. S. Priestly
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Toddes, Ε.Α., and Μ.O. Čudakova
1981 “Pervyj russkij perevod ‘Kursa obščej lingvistikiF. de Sossjura i dejatel’nost’ Moskovskogo Lingvističeskogo Kružka (Materialy k izučeniju bytovanija naučnoj knigi v 1920-e gody) [The first Russian translation of F. de Saussure’s ‘Cours de linguistique générale’, and the activity of the Moscow Linguistic Circle (Materials for the study of the history of conditions existing for scientific books)],” Fedorovskie čtenija 1978 (Moscow: Nauka 1981), 229–249.Google Scholar