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E. F. K. Koerner and Evelyn Bishop
Hull, Québec | Ottawa
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies in the study of language, with particular attention being given to discussions pertaining to the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional cases will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher. It should be pointed out, however, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are published as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of works reviewed, including those briefly commented upon in the present rubric.

* This and other titles in the series (incl. those listed under Schroder and Seidelmann below, can be obtained through the Institute of English, Univ. of Augsburg, D-8900 Augsburg, Fed Rep of Germany.

* The compiler gratefully acknowledges the help of Evelyn Bishop, Ottawa, with the proofreading of the rubric. Remaining errors are his own.

. 1983 . Caracterización de la literatura española y otros estudios . Madrid : Tapia , 215 pp. [ The following chaps, are of interest to readers of HL: “Para una historiograpfía de la literatura española” (86–90) ; “El humanismo filológico-cristiano de Fray Luis de León” (122–28); “El principio gramatical de Andrés Bello” (197–200), and “Semblanza de filólogos: Dámaso Alonso” (205–209) .]

. 1984 . Estudios léxicos: Primera serie . (= Dialect Series, 6 .) Madison : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , [vii], 215 pp. [ A collection of some 20 papers, most of them etymologically oriented, by this distinguished Spanish linguist. Unfortunately, the original sources (i.e., place and year of original publication) are not given; nor is there any comprehensive bib. or an index .]

eds. 1983 . Langue, dialecte, littérature: Etudes romanes à la mémoire de Hugo Plomteux . (= Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum et Philosophiae Lovaniensis, Series A, vol.12 .) Leuven : Leuven Univ. Press , 467 pp., 1 table . [ This memorial volume for H. Plomteux (1939–1981) – cf. F. J. Mertens’ brief obituary (7–11) and P’s ‘Publications scientifiques’ (13–18) prints close to 40 contributions by (most Belgian) scholars in the field of Romance studies. The papers are organized under 3 major headings: I, “Itali-anistica”; II, “Dialectologie”, and III, “Langues et littératures romanes”. There is no paper of particular interest to the history of linguistics .]

eds. 1985 . La linguistique fantastique . Paris : Denoël (Joseph Clims, Editeur) , 380 pp. [ The volume, actually the proceedings of a conference by the same title held at Fontenay-aux-Roses in southern France on 19–23 Sept. 1983, contains a number of papers of interest to readers of HL, e.g., Kees [not Keith!] Versteegh, “La ‘grande étymologie’ d’Ibn Ǧinnī [c.932–1002]” (44–50); “Le mirage celtique: antiquaires et linguistes en Grande-Bretagne au XVIIIe siecle” by Patrice Bergheaud (51–60); “Le basque et la racine du savoir” by Ramón Sarmiento (61–73) – on El mundo primitivo (1815) by Juan-Baptis-to Erro y Aspiroz and similar works by earlier scholars interested in questions of language origin, and “La première encyclopédie française de linguistique”, namely, the dictionnaire de Linguistique et de Philogie comparée (Paris, 1858) by L.-F. Jéhan de Saint-Clavien (74–82) by Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand, and “Une glossolale et ses savants: Elise Muller alias Hélène Smith [1861–1929]” by Mireille Cifali (236–244), which is of particular interest because of Saussure’s involvement, during the 1890s, in the analysis of the linguistic output of this medium. Two papers, one by Michel Arrivé (300–310), the other by Jean Claude Milner (311–23), deal with Sigmund Freud’s exploitation of ideas developed by the Egyptologist Karl Abel (1837–1906) in his essay “Ueber den Gegensinn der Urworte” of 1884, and Emile Benveniste’s less than careful criticism of the latter. – One regrets the absence of any index, but welcomes the inclusion of biobibliographical notes on the contributors (378–80). (In Versteegh’s entry, read ‘langues sémitiques’in lieu of ‘sémiotiques’ .]

eds. 1984 . Actes du Colloque de Rennes (Université de Haute-Bretagne) . (= Lingvisticae Investigations: Supplemental 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 388 pp. [ Contributions by Alice Cartier, Benoît de Cornulier, Denis Cressels, Nelly Danjou-Flaux, Anne-Marie Diller, Claire Fondet, Maurice Gross, Jacqueline Guéron, Amr Helmy Ibrahim, Richard Kayne, Georges Maurand, Jacques Neuburger, François Recanti, Paul Sabatier and Ryszard Zuber .]

eds. 1984 . Medieval Studies Conference Aachen 1983: Language and literature . (= Bamberger Beiträge zur Englischen Sprachwissenschaft, 15 .) Frankfurt/M.-Bern-New York-Nancy : Verlag Peter Lang , 243 pp. [ Proceedings of a conference on medieval studies in Anglistics held at the Technical Institute of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), 25–27 August 1983. The 16 papers are organized under 6 headings: I, “Old English language”; II, “Old English literature”; III, “Middle English language”; IV, “Middle English literature”; V, “Late medieval to Renaissance language”, and VI, “Late medieval to Renaissance literature”. The volume contains several papers of philological and linguistic interest, such as the contributions by the 2 editors and Ralph W. V. Elliott’s paper on “Runic mythology: The legacy of the Futhark [i.e., the runic alphabet]” (37–50). Useful “Index of Names and Subjects” (223–43) .]

. 1984 . Ausgewählte Werke in deutscher Sprache . Mit einem Vorwort von Ewelina Malachowska [ one of Baudouin’s daughters, b.1892 – cf. ed.’s Preface, p. viii ], herausgegeben von Joachim Mugdan . Munich : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , xxiv, 278 pp. [ Original paginations given in square brackets]. [The vol. constitutes an anthology of studies by this distinguished Polish linguist (1845–1929) – see also Mugdan (1984) below, for details – written in German and published between 1884, by which time he had exchanged his professorship at the University of Kazan’ for one at the German-speaking University of Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia), and 1929, the year of his death. For the history of the Kazan’ period, Baudouin’s 1895 Versuch einer Theorie phonetischer Alternationen (Strassburg: Karl J. Trübner) is of some interest, esp. the introd. in which he refers to his and Kruszewski’s work (pp. 3–9). Those interested in the early Baudouin would have liked to see at least one of his articles written while Baudouin was a student of Schleicher in Jena, e.g., Baudouin’s elaboration of a topic first discussed by Schleicher, “Einige beobachtungen an kindern”, published in Kuhn & Schleicher’s Beiträge 6.215–20 (1869); for other studies, s. Mugdan’s Preface, p. ix. One regrets especially the absence of any index .]

. 1983 . Die Zeitschriften der Brüder Schlegel: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Romantik . Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , ix, 192 pp. [ The study deals, in individual chaps., with the 4 periodicals founded and edited (and usually written) by August Wilhem (1767–1845) and Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829) during 1798–1800 (“;Das Athenäum”), 1803–1805 (“Europa”), 1812–13 (“Deutsches Museum”), and 1820–23 (“Concordia”). Indeed, these essays have their origin in afterwords written by the author for reprints of these four journals in 1960, 1963, 1967 and 1975 (cf. Vorwort, p. vii). For historians of linguistics the story of F. Schlegel’s “Europa” is of particular interest, since its founding and production coincides with his arrival in Paris, where he soon began learning Sanskrit under the guidance of Alexander Hamilton and were he wrote his epoch-making Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier (1808; new ed., Amsterdam, 1977). “Personen-und Werkregister” (185–92) .]

. 1984 . Friedrich Schlegels Geschichtsphilosophie (1794–1808): Ein Beitrag zur politischen Romantik . (= Studien zur deutschen Literatur, 78 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , vii, 296 pp. [ This study on F. Schlegel’s philosophy of history, which ends with 1808, the year of Sch’s important contribution to the development of comparative and historical Indo-European linguistics (see preceding entry) as well as the year in which he converted to Roman Catholicism and became a political conservative and an employee of the Austrian imperial court, rarely touches on matters concerning linguistics (cf. however his ‘Philosophie der Philologie’, esp. pp. lOOf.). It consists of 4 chaps.: “Antike und klassische Philologie (1794–96)”; “Progressive Universalhistorie und Republikanismus (1796–1802)”; “Mittelalter und Universalhistorie (1802–08)”. Bib. of primary (275–78) and secondary (278–96) sources; no index .]

eds. 1982–83 . Dialektologie: Ein Handbuch zur deutschen und allgemeinen Dialektforschung . (= Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 1:1–2 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , 2 vols. , xxxiv, 806 , and xix, [807-] 1714 pp. in- 4° . [ This voluminous manual constitutes the first of a multi-volume series, which will cover subjects such as Sociolinguistics, Computational Linguistics, Lexicography, Philosophy of Language, and Semiotics. It is a most impressive enterprise, and one cannot but wish that the price (DM 480,- = ca.US $155.00 per volume) and the ‘metalanguage’ (the text – of the present volume at least – is entirely in German) won’t prove an obstacle to its wide dissemination. – This volume devoted to dialectology in all its facets comprises altogether 102 article-length contributions by specialists in the field; these are organized under the following 15 headings (some of them containing up to a dozen articles): I, “Zur Geschichte der Dialektologie des Deutschen: Forschungsrichtungen und Forschungsschwerpunkte”, which is a particular interest to readers of HL, followed by: II, “Theorienbildungen und Theorienansätze der Dialektologie”; III, “Theorien in der Anwendung und Theorieansätze in der Erprobung: exemplarische Dialektbeschreibung”; IV, “Methodologische Problemfelder und wissenschaftssystematische Aspekte in der Dialektologie”; V, “Arbeitsverfahren in der Dialektologie: Datenerhebung und Datenbearbeitung”; VI, “Arbeitsverfahren … : Datenpräsentation und Ergebnisdarstellung”; VII, “Computative Arbeitsverfahren in der Dialektologie”; VIII, “Ergebnisse dialektologischer Beschreibungen: areale Bereiche deutscher Dialekte im Überblick”; IX, “Ergebnisse … Zur Rolle von Dialekten bei der Herausbildung überregionaler Sprachen”; X, “Ergebnisse … : phonetisch-phonologische Eigenschaften.. ..”; XI, “Ergebnisse … : lexikalisch-semantische Eigenschaften deutscher Dialekte”; XII, “Ergebnisse … : morphologische und syntaktische Eigenschaften …”; XIII, “Kommunikative Dialektologie: der Dialektsprecher im gesellschaftlichen Spannfeld”; XIV, “Interdisziplinäre Aspekte der DialektologieÄ, and XV, “Dialekt und Dichtung”. The volume contains copious illustrations, maps, diagrams, etc. as well as a very detailed index of subjects and terms (1667–1714). The list of contributors is a veritable ‘who is who’ in the fields of dialectology and sociolinguistics in German-speaking lands. – Cf. also Joan Leopold’s brief review of Tome I in Language 60:-3.654 (1984) .]

. 1983 . Léxico hispanoamericano del siglo XVII . Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , 14 pp. plus 8 microfiches . [ Vol. II of the projected 4-volume description of the evolution of the Hispano-American lexicon from the 16th to the 19th centuries. – For details concerning the importance of this work as a reference tool, see HL IX.194 (1982) .]

. 1981 . Deutsche Einflüsse auf die englische Sprachwissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert . (= Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 324 .) Göppingen : Kümmerle Verlag , viii, 451 pp. [ This University of Münster dissertation of 1980 constitutes a thorough investigation of the specifically linguistic impact of German scholarship in historical and comparative as well as philological fields on the study of language in Britain; as such it complements (and frequently corrects) H. Aarsleff’s The Study of Language in England, 1780–1860 (Princeton, 1967), which essentially studies the pre-history of the New English Dictionary, leading to the creation of the Philological Society, which in Aarsleff’s own words (p. 221) “did not create a forum for the new philology in England”. The present study consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Einleitung” (1–21), in which the subject of the investigation is outlined and the thrust of the investigation justified; 2, “Zur Entwicklung der englischen Sprachwissenschaft bis 1830: Die ersten Aufnahmen deutscher Arbeiten” (22–86), in which the influence of the works of Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806), Bopp, Grimm, the Schlegels as well as works by classical philologists is traced; 3, “Die Entwicklung der englischen Sprachwissenschaft zwischen 1830 und 1860 als Phase der ersten Aufnahme und Anwendung historisch-vergleichender Methoden” (87–204), which deals in particular with the efforts of John Mitchell Kemble (1807–1857), a student of Jacob Grimm, and of Benjamin Thorpe (1782–1870), who was a student of Rasmus Rask, to introduce the ‘new philology’ into England, and the work of Thomas Hewitt Key (1799–1875) and John William Donaldson (1811–61) following their footsteps, though more broadly and with regard to Indo-European, in particular classical, linguistics; 4, “Die Sonderstellung der Jahre 1860–1870”, in which especially Max Müller played an important role, and 5, “Die Jahre von 1870 bis zum beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert als Phase der Wiederaufnahme und Durchsetzung historisch-vergleichender Methoden” (240–382), in which Alexander J. Ellis, Henry Sweet, Richard Morris, James Murray, and others played an important role. The back matter consists of a “Schlussbetrachtung” (383–84), a bibliography (385–445), divided into English sources (386–419), which includes many translations from the German, German sources (419–35) and secondary sources (436–45), a diagram on “Einflußstränge zwischen 1800 und 1860” (447), an English summary of the study (449–50), and a brief vita of the author, but no index. – The study is an important account that should find a translation into English; the bibliographical references require considerable revision, correction as well as completion .]

ed. & introd. 1984 . Teutscher, Und Reussischer Dictionarium (Dictionarium Vindobonense). Das Wiener deutsch-russische Wörterbuch (Cod. Conv. FF. Minorum Vindobonensis XVI) . Weinheim : Acta humaniora [= ed. by permission of Akademie-Verlag, Berlin ], xxxviii, 931 pp., 16 facsimiles . [ Critical ed. of a German-Russian dictionary of the early 18th century compiled by different hands probably in the Vienna area and for the use of Roman Catholic authorities in their efforts to convert Islamic people to Christianity or to free Christians from captivity among the Muslim, especially in the Balkan region. The ed’s introduction, esp. the section entitled “Geistesgeschichtliche, kulturhistorische und kulturpolitische Aspekte” (x–vix, notes, xiv–xvi), discusses the origin and fate of the manuscript, of which no other copy exists. The next section deals with the dictionary’s sources (xvii–xx), whereas the subsequent one, “Das Verhältnis des Wiener Wörterbuchs zur ostslavischen Lexikographie des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts” (xxi–xxiii, notes xxiiixxxi), places it in the historical tradition and context of East Slavic lexicography. The remainder of the introduction describes the manuscript (xxxii–xxxiv) and comments on the procedures followed in the establishment of the critical text (xxxv to xxxviii), which takes up pp. 3–670. The back matter consists of an apparatus criticus (673–87), an alphabetical index of the Russian terms, and a series of facsimiles of the title and selected pages of the ms. (nos. 1–10) as well as of titles of other, earlier dictionaries, such as the ones by Matthias Krämer (1678), Josua Maaler (1561), Petrus Dasypodius (1592), and Georg Henisch (1616), all of which deal with languages other than Russian .]

. 1983 . A Procedural Manual for Entry Establishment in the “Dictionary of the Old Spanish Language” . 2nd ed. , with Spanish translation by Ángel Gómez Moreno . Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , ii, 39, 42, 16 pp. [ A detailed outline of how to establish the Dictionary of Old Spanish, in particular with regard to the main entries and their related ‘vocabulary items’, the characterization of the material as ‘part of speech’, the morphemic information to be stored, and related subjects .]

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge grec et latin, publiés par le directeur de l’institut . Copenhagen : Eric Paludan – International Boghandel for the Inst of Greek and Latin Medieval Philology, Univ of Copenhagen , Nos. 44 – 48 ( 1983–84 ), 192, 99, 113, 144, and 190 pp. ( in that order ). [ No.44 celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Institute (cf. Sten Ebbesen’s account on pp. 3–6); apart from contributions by various scholars, this large number includes an index of all 44 ‘Cahiers’ in alphabetical order by author (187–92). [From the contents of the issues: Alessandro D. Conti, “A short Scotist handbook on universals: The ‘Compendium super quinque universalia’ of William Russell, O.F.M” (39–60), Christian Knudsen, “Das gewisse Wort: Johann Georg Hamans Sprachtheorie zwischen Tradition und Vernunftskritik” (86–101), and Mary Sirridge, “Socrates’ hood: Lexical meaning and syntax in Jordanes and Kilwardby” (102–121), all in No.44; No.45 constitutes a ‘preliminary edition’ of “The Hagiopolites: A Byzantine treatise on musical theory” by Jørgen Raasted; No.46 contains the edition of a text by a pupil of Gilbert of Poitiers, preceded by an introd. by the editors, Sten Ebbesen, Karin Margareta Fredborg & Lauge Olaf Nielsen (iii–xvii), and an article by Christopher J. Martin, “The Compendium logicae Por-retanum: A survey of philosophical logic from the school of Gilbert of Poitiers” (xviii–xlvi); No.47 contains, inter alia, an ed. by the late Jan Pinborg & Sten Ebbesen of “Thirteenth century notes on William of Sherwood’s Treatise on properties of terms” (64–102), and No.48 contains editions of and commentaries on a variety of texts, none of which are of particular interest to historians of linguistics .]

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saus sure: Revue de Unguistique générale publié par le Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure . 1983–1984 [for 1982–83 ]. Geneva : Li-brairie Droz , 159 and 157 pp. [ No.36 contains, apart from a variety of book reviews which deal with French or general linguistic matters, the following accounts of Charles Bally (1865–1947): “Charles Bally disciple de Ferdinand de Saussure” by Georges Redard (3–23), a “Bibliographie chronologique des publications de C.B. (2[recte: 4] février 1865- 10 avril 1947)” compiled, it would seem, by G. Redard as well; “Les papiers C.B.” by Claire-A. Forel (43–47); “C.B., l’homme” by Jean Marteau (1903–1907), published from MS (50–54), and “Le souvenir de C.B. …” by the late Robert Godel (1902–1984) on pp. 55–61. Of particular historical interest is the transl., from the Russian, of a paper by M. O. Cudakova & E. A. Toddes, “La premiere traduction russe du Cours de linguistique générale de F. de Saussure et l’activité du Cercle linguistique de Moscou (Matétiaux pour 1’étude de la diffusion d’un livre scientifique dans les années 1920)”, by C. Depretto-Genty (63–91) – cf. the note on the Russ. original of 1981 by Tom Priestly in HL X.363–64 (1983). See also Peter Wunderli’s paper, “Problèmes et résultats de la recherche saussurienne” (119–37). – No.37 carries, inter alia, “Le même et l’autre: Le problème de l’identité en linguistique chez Saussure et Wittgenstein” by Brigitte Neriich (13–34); “Sul Saussure delle legge germaniche” by Aldo Prosdocimi (35–106), and an account of the activities, status, and membership of the Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure (147–54) .]

Cahiers linguistiques d’Ottawa , No. 12 ( February 1984 ). Published by the Department of Linguistics/Département de Linguistique, Univ. of Otta-wa/Univ. d’Ottawa , Ottawa, Canada , 118 pp. [ From the contents: “Bibliographie linguistique de 1’Ontario français” by André Lapierre (1–38), with annotations; “Second fronting in the Old English dialect of the Omont Leaf” by Bezalel Elan Dresher (39–48), and “David Tappan Stoddard (1818–1857) and Neo-Aramaic linguistics” by Jack Fellman (115–117) .]

. 1983 . A Grammar of the English Language . The 1818 New York first edition with passages added in 1819, 1820, and 1823 . Ed. by Charles C. Nicherson & John W. Osborne . Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi , 185 pp., 1 portrait, 1 facs . [ The vol., published in the New Series of “Costerus” as its No.39, constitutes an ed. of the above-mentioned text (25–182), preceded by an introd. by the editors (7–20), acknowledgments (21), and a Note on the text (22), and concluded by a Select Bibliography (183–85). There is no index. – The introd. reports on the motives that led Cobbett (1763–1835) to the writing of his Grammar, which was a great success when it appeared in 1818 in New York as well as subsequently, in several editions, in London, amounting to some 40 editions by 1923 !]

1983 . The Mirror of Language: A study in the medieval theory of knowledge . Revised edition . Lincoln, Nebraska & London : Univ. of Nebraska Press , xvii, 339 pp. [ Originally a Yale Univ. doctoral dissertation (cf. abstract in Linguistics No.30.44 [1967]), it was first published, in 1968, with Yale Univ. Press, xxiii; 404 pp. – Following a brief introd. (1–5), the book consists of 4 main chaps., I, “Augustine: The expression of the word” (7–54); II, “Anselm [of Canterbury]: The definition of the word” (55–109); III, “Thomas Aquinas: The conception of the word” (110–151), and IV, “Dante: Poet of rectitude” (152–220), rounded off by a “Conclusion” (221–26), endnotes (225/27–87), a bib. of primary and secondary sources (289–328), and a general index (329–39). According to the author (p. 221), her “study of the theory of signs in religious knowledge in the thought of Augustine, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, and Dante Alighieri [shows] that there are powerful links binding the four together as well as many points of difference among them.” – Cf. the following reviews of the first (1968) edition: W. Charlton in The Classical Review 20.107 (1970) and W. Keith Percival in Foundations of Language 8.412–20 (1972) .]

. 1983 . Pragmatics and the Philosophy of Mind I: Thought in Language . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, IV:1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 207 pp. [ The work consists of 3 major parts: I, “Introduction: Language – mirror of the mind” (1–58); II, “Thought in Language: Transparency” (61–125), and III, “Thought in Language: Indirectness” (127–63). Endnotes (165–81), bib. (183–98), general index (199–207) .]

comps. 1984 . Transfer and Interference in Language: A selected bibliography . (= Library & Information Sources in Linguistics, 14 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 488 pp. [ Part I (pp. 3–296) gives all titles in alphabetical order by author; it is followed in Part II by a language index (289–93), a list of languages (295–370), a topic index (371–73) and a list of topics (375–488) .]

. 1983 . La Grammaire française au XVIème siècle: Les grammairiens picard . Thèse présentée devant l’Université de Paris IV, le 5 octobre 1979 . Lille : Atelier national, Reproductions des Thèses, Univ. Lille III ; Paris : Diffusion Didier-Erudition ( 6 rue de la Sorbonne, F-75005 Paris ), 2 vols. , viii, 433 , and [435-] 1096 pp., 11 facsimiles . [ The study of 16th century French grammarians, all of which originating in the province of the Picardie (capital: Amiens), has 2 main parts. They are preceded by an introduction (1–47), in which the background of the grammarians is mapped out in a general way, including the grammatical traditions sketched. Part I, “Les hommes et les oeuvres” (49–433) deals, in successive chaps., with the works of Jacques Dubois dit Sylvius (1478–1555), Gilles du Wez (c.1470–1535), Charles de Bovelles or Bouelles (Carolus Bouillus, 1479–1566), Gabriel Meurier (c.1520-c.1587), Pierre de la Ramée (Petrus Ramus, 1515–1572), Antoine Cauchie (Caucius, Van Cuyck, c,1535-after 1590), and Jean Bosquet (c.1530-c.1595). Each time, the analysis of the grammarian’s work is preceded by an extensive biographical and historical account, in which all available sources are consulted. Part II deals more properly with linguistic matters; it is entitled “Leurs témoignages et leurs réflexions sur la langue française” (435–886). It deals, in 5 chaps., with 1, “Le choix de la langue: place respective du picard, du latin et du français”; 2, “Ecriture et prononciation: les problèmes d’orthographe”; 3, “Part des grammairiens picards dans 1’élaboration d’une grammaire française”; 4, “Recherches étymologiques”, and 5, “Applications pédagogiques”. “Conclusion” (887–93): “L’oeuvre et la vie des grammairiens picards du XVIème siècle, ..., témoignent de leur attachement, sans restrictions à ce que leur ont légué leurs ancêtres lointains, les hommes de l’antiquité, et leurs proches aïeux sur la terre de France” (p. 893). The back matter consists of a list of illustrations (894), an appendix on Meurier (895–900), a bib. (901–923) and indices of place names, proper names, concepts, and words (169 pp.)

ed. 1984 . Edward Sapir’s Correspondence: An alphabetical and chronological inventory, 1910–1925 . (= National Museum of Man Mercury Series; Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper No.97 .) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : National Museums of Canada , xii, 278 pp. in- 4° . [ The volume lists all of Sapir’s correspondence written during his time as Chief of the Anthropological Division of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, between 1910 and 1925, the year he accepted a professorship at the Univ. of Chicago. Although the correspondence is classed ‘professional’, it contains much more than simply administrative material. Sapir’s output as a correspondent was enormous; the number of letters contained in the listing – and now available on microfiche – goes into the thousands. There are some 320 letters between Sapir and Marius Barbeau (1883–1969), the well-known French-Canadian anthropologist; 475 (!) letters exchanged between Sapir and Boas (pp. 13–22), 187 between S. and Pliny Earle Goddard (1869–1920), 237 between S. and Alfred Louis Kroeber (1876–1960), 174 between S. and Robert Harry Lowie (1883–1957), 330 (!) between S. and Paul Radin (1883–1959), 350 (!) between S. and S’s informant James Alexander Teit (1864–1922) of 592 pp., etc. – For a free copy of the catalog, write to: Canadian Ethnology Service, National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0M8, from where microfiches can also be obtained. – For other information on Sapir, see Koerner (1984) below .]

eds. 1982 . Sprache beschreiben und erklären . Band I of ‘Akten des 16. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Kiel 1981’ , Tübingen : Max Neimeyer Verlag , x, 287 pp. [ In this vol., the papers are organized under the following 4 headings: I, “Wissenschaftstheorie und Geschichte der Linguistik”; II, “Morphologie und Lexikologie”; III, “Syntax”, and IV, “Psycholinguistik und Spracherwerb”. Actually none of the 7 papers under rubric I constitutes a contribution to the History of Linguistics; several deal with terminological and metalinguistic issues, others with questions of Historical Linguistics (language evolution in general, dia-chronic syntax, etc.). The vol. concludes with a “Verzeichnis der Autoren und Herausgeber” (285–87), listing institutional affiliation, professional rank, and areas of specialization; there is no index .]

, … [ as above ] eds. 1983 . Sprache erkennen und verstehen . [=] Vol. II [ of ] ‘ Akten des 16. Linguistischen Kolloqiums , … (= Linguistische Arbeiten, 119 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , x, 307 pp. [ This vol. prints 27 papers organized under the following 4 headings: I, “Semantik und Logik”; II, “Linguistik und Datenverarbeitung”; III, “Textlinguistik”, and IV, “Konversationsanalyse und Pragmatik”. Brief academic information on each contributor (305–307); no index .]

Diachronica: International Journal for Historical Linguistics / Revue internationale pour la linguistique historique / Internationale Zeitschrift für Eistorische Linguistik . Vol. I , No. 2 ( Fall 1984 ). Hildesheim- Zürich-New York : Georg Olms Verlag , [161-] 306 pp. [ Contributions by Francisco R. Adrados, William Cowan, Esa Itkonen, Yakov Malkiel, Ralph P. de Gorog, Bernard Comrie, Joseph L. Subbiondo, David Light-foot, Douglas C, Walker, Roger W. Wescott, and others .]

comps. 1983 . Systematischer Katalog der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft . Überarbeitete und ergänzte Fassung. Mit Registern . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft; Beiheft 1; Arbeiten zur Klassifikation, 2 .) Münster : Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft & MAKS Publikationen, Univ. Münster , 120 pp. in- 4° . [ This systematic catalog of General Linguistics consists of the following section: “Projektbeschreibung” (9–30); “Systematischer Katalog ..., [rev. and much enl, version of one done by Hans J. Wulf alone in 1980]” (31–64), “Register der Deskriptoren” (65–89), and “Register der Interpretatoren (Zuordnungstermini)” (91–120). Some 3,500 terms are analysed for classificatory purposes .]

. 1984 . La naissance de la grammaire moderne: Langage, logique et philosophie à Port-Royal . Brussels/Bruxelles : Pierre Mardaga Editeur , 2 Galérie des Princes , 256 pp. [ Following an introduction (7–25), in which the author defends his reasons for following, by and large, the interpretations given to the Port-Royal Grammar and Logic by Chomsky and J.-C Chevalier during the 1960s in his analysis, and addresses ‘Les énigmes de Port-Royal’, including the Jansenist heresy of Arnauld, Nicole, and others, the book analyses the logical underpinnings (or what he believes them to be in a more complete, modern perspective) of the philosophical argument of the Grammaire générale et raisonnée, in the following chaps,: 1, “L’idée et le jugement” (27–72); 2, “La théorie du signe” (73–96); 3, “Une pragmatique générale” (97–145); 4, “La théorie de la proposition” (147178), and 5, “Le pronom relatif et le terme complexe” (179–225). Conclusion (227–29), bib. of primary (231–32) and secondary (233–53), and “Table des matières” (255–56), but no index .]

. 1984 . Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language . London : Macmillan Press [ sole distribution rights for Continental Europe are held by John Benjamins B.V., Publisher , Amsterdam ], ix, 242 pp. [ Contents: Introduction (1–13); 1, “Signs” (14–45); 2, “Dictionary vs. Encyclopedia” (46–86); 3, “Metaphor” (87–129); 4, “Symbol” (130–63); 5, “Code” (164–88); 6, “Isotopy” (189–201), and 7, “Mirrors” (202–226). Bib. (227–35), indices of authors (237–38) and of subjects (239–42). The book contains references to various classical authorities such as Aristotle, Porphyry, St. Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, and others, and also a brief section on the sign theory of the Stoics (29–32) .]

Ehrenpromotion Yakov Malkiel am Fachbereich Neuere Fremdsprachliche Philologien der Freien Universität Berlin am 6. Oktober 1983 . Berlin : Duncker & Humblot , 1984 , 92 pp. [ Publication on the occasion of the conference on Yakov Malkiel (Dr. phil., Univ. of Berlin, 1938) of honorary doctorate, containing the following contributions: “Yakov Malkiel und die Berliner Romamistik” by Jürgen Trabant (5–17); “Yakov Malkiel” by Kurt Baldinger (18–50), which includes a select, classified bib. of Malkiel’s writings (39–45), a facsimile of the investiture document (51–53), an address by the president of the Freie Universität Berlin, Eberhard Lämmert (54–57), and last but not least a paper by Malkiel, “Tobler, Gröber und der junge Meyer-Lübke”, which deals with the history of Romance philology & linguistics, with particular attention to Adolf Tobler (1835–1910), the first incumbent of the Chair in Romance philology at the Univ. of Berlin, Gustav Gröber (1844–1911), and Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke (1861–1936), and with sidelights on Ernst Robert Curtius (1886–1956), Erhard Lommatzsch (1886–1975), and other Romanists (58–91) .]

eds. 1984 . Simon of Faversham: Quaestiones super Libro Elenchorum . (= Studies and Texts, 60 .) Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies , xiv, 270 pp. [ Critical ed. of a text deriving from lectures given by Simon of Faversham (d.1306) at Paris around 1280 and first edited before the end of that century. These dealt with a variety of logical and linguistic topics presented as ‘Quaestiones veteres’ and ‘Questiones novae’ devoted to Aristotle’s Sophistioi elenchi. Following the introductory matter, consisting of detailed tables of contents, list of abbreviations, etc., the volume has the following sections: Introduction (1–22), which places Aristotle’s text in the context of the 12th-century revival of interest in his work, presents biographical information on Simon (as much as can be ascertained), the organization of the material, the nature of Simon’s argument, the intellectual sources, and description of the available MSS. (The introduction is authored by the main editor.) Pages 25–232 take up the critical ed. of the altogether 48 Quaestiones. The back matter consists of a bibliography (237–41) of primary and secondary sources which goes back to a 1977 thesis on Simon by John L. Longeway, updated to about 1980, an index of citations (243–247), and a very detailed ‘Index of Terms and Names’ (248–70) .]

. 1983 . Studies on Laterality: Controversial issues in the approach to hemisphere specialization . Proefschrift van de graad van doctor in de sociale wetenschappen aan de Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen …. Nijmegen , ix, 128 pp. [ Doctoral thesis, portions of which have also appeared in Neuropsychologia 19.321–24, 19.767–73, and 21.419–23 (1981 and 1983 respectively), Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology 4.367–71 (1982) and 5.135–47 (1983). It consists of 8 chapters dealing with various aspects of laterality in anatomical and clinical studies of the brain, of which the first in particular, “The investigation of laterality as an approach to the study of the brain” (1–11) has a strong historical component. The book ends in a detailed bib. (118–27) and a short curriculum vitae (128); there is no index .]

ed. 1983 . Neuer Anglistenspiegel: Biographische und bibliographische Angaben, mit Hilfe von über 500 Anglisten und unter Mitarbeit von Rita Stoll [ et al., cf. Vorwort, p. vi ]. Teil I : Achilles bis Kord-Lütgert . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 26 .)* Augsburg : Univ. Augsburg , viii, 409 pp. [ This vol. contains autobiobibliographies of some 250 scholars at institutions of higher learning in the Federal Republic of Germany who teach in the fields of English language, linguistics, or literature, incl. Horst Arndt (10–11), Alfred Bammesberger (23), Hans Ulrich Boas (44–45), Hans-Wilhelm Dechert (123), Thomas Finkenstaedt (188–97), Vilérn Fried (211–17), Werner Hüllen (351–58), Jens-Peter Köster (402–404), and many others .]

ed. 1983 , Neuer Anglistenspiegel … Teil II : Kohrhammer bis Zydatiss . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 27 .) Augsburg : Univ. Augsburg , viii, [410-] 837 pp. [ Continuation of the preceding entry; includes biobibliographical information on some 250 more Anglicists, e.g., Gerhard Leitner (452–53), Gerhard Nickel (530–537), Herbert Pilch (578–83), Karl Reichl (610–11), Rüdiger Schreyer (665–66), Konrad Schröder (667–77), Gabriele Stein (717–20), Horst Weinstock (790–91), and many others .]

eds. 1983 . Towards a History of English Studies in Europe: Proceedings of the Waldsteig-Symposium, April 30 – May 3, 1982 . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 21 .) Augsburg : Univ. of Augsburg ( Inst of English ), iv, 322 pp. [ Following the first editor’s “Introductory remarks” (3–7), the are altogether 16 papers by scholars of English from a variety of countries, including France, Italy, Britain, and Belgium, of which the following are of particular interest to readers of HL: Eric Stanley, “The continental contribution to the study of Anglo-Saxon writings up to and including that of the Grimms” (9–38, discussion, p. 39); Arne Zettersten, “The pre-his-tory of English studies at Swedish universities” (41–47); Konrad Schröder, “The pre-history of English studies in Germany, 1554 to 1813” (49–65); Dieter Götz, “Phonetics and ‘Anglistik’” (75–90; discussion, p. 91); Godfrid Storms, “A short history of Anglistics in the Netherlands” (93–107); Jacek Fisiak, “English studies in Poland: A historical survey” (125–73; ‘Notes from the discussion’, 174–75) – this report has also been published separately, Poznań 1983; cf. HL X.381; Ivan Poldauf, “The rise and development of English studies in the country of the Prague school” (177–87); Franco Mareno, “English studies in Italy, 1930–1980: A survey” (211–24); Gunta Haenicke, “The sociological background of German ‘Anglisten’ between 1850 and 1925/ [19]45” (267–82), a most interesting study, and Hans Helmut Christmann, “Romance philology versus English studies in Germany in the nineteenth century: Selected aspects of a vast subject” (283–302). The back matter consist of indices of persons (309–318), place names (319–21), and of ‘languages and implied languages’ (322) .]

eds. 1984 . Anglistenspiegel Österreich – Schweiz: Biographische und bibliographische Angaben von über 100 Fachvertretern . (= Augsburger I- & I- Schriften, 31 .) Augsburg : (Inst of English), Univ. Augsburg , vii, 161 pp. [ From Bahn to Zaic in Austria (3–66), and from Allerton to Zimmermann in Switzerland (71–161). From the contents: Dieter Kastovsky (18–21), Manfred Markus (34–35), Urs Dürmüller (76), Udo Fries (86–88), Ernst Leisi (98–101), and Brian Vickers (147–54), among many others .]

ed. 1984 . Contrastive Linguistics: Prospects and problems . (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and monographs, 22 .) Berlin -New York – Amsterdam : Mouton Publishers , x, 449 pp. [ This vol, brings together the papers prepared for (and mostly presented at) the 4th International Conference of Contrastive [Linguistics] Projects held at Charzykowy, Poland, on 3–6 Dec. 1980. It constitutes, as the ed. states in the Preface (p. v), a selection from these papers. Contributions on various aspects of contrastive linguistics are by Robert D. Borsely, Stefam Dyƚa, Nils Erik Enkvist, Claus Faerch & Gabriele Kasper, Rudolf Filipović, Charles J. Fillmore, Maria Grzegorek, Edmund Gussmann, Raymond Hickey, Georg M. Horn, Ewa Jaworska, Andrzej Kop-czyński, Tomasz P. Krzeszowski, Wolfgang Kühlwein, Lewis Mukattash, Wiesƚaw Olesky, Jerzy Rubach, Kari Sajavaara, Michael Sharwood Smith, Aleksander Szwedek, and Tadeusz Zabrocki. Some 60 scholars from many countries participated in the conference (cf. list on pp. ix–x). The vol. has an index of names (445–49) only. – The present vol. is complementary to the other one edited by the same scholar, Theoretical Issues in Contrastive Linguistics (Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1980), x, 430 pp., which contains also an index of subjects & terms (425–30) .]

eds. 1984 . Extending the Rafters: Interdisciplinary approaches to Iroquoian studies . Albany, N.Y. : State Univ. of New York Press , xvi, 422 pp. [ This ‘Publication of the Center for the History of the American Indian of the Newberry Library’, Chicago, is dedicated to the anthropologist William N(elson) Fenton (b.1908), on whom Anthony F. C. Wallace contributes an account, “The Career of William N. Fenton and the Development of Iroquoian Studies” (1–12); a “Bibliography of William N. Fenton’s Publications to 1982”, comp. by Michael K. Foster & Doris E. Foster, has been added at the end of the vol. (401–417). The 20 papers in the volume are organized under 4 major headings, each introduced by succinct statements by the editors: I, “Changing Perspectives in the Writing of Iroquoian History” (13–123); II, “Aspects of Iroquoian World View” (125–235); III, “Iroquoian Origins: Problems in reconstruction” (237–339), and IV, “The Fenton Tradition and Fenton as Applied Anthropologist” (341–69). In addition to papers by each of the 3 editors, there are papers by Wallace L. Chafe, Gordon M. Day, Ives Goddard, William C. Sturtevant, Bruce G. Trigger, and many others. The back matter consists of (in addition to the Fenton bib, already mentioned): A list of contributors (371), a comprehensive “Bibliography of References Cited” (373–99), and a general index (419–22) .]

. 1984 . The Sapir-Kroeber Correspondence: Letters between Edward Sapir and A. L. Kroeber, 1905–1925 . Edited with notes and an index . Berkeley, Calif. : Survey of California and Other Indian Languages [ Published as its 6th Report ], x, 494 pp. [ The vol. publishes 363 letters exchanged between Edward Sapir (1884–1939) and Alfred Louis Kroeber (1876–1960) between 1905 (when Sapir was sent by Boas to study the language of the Wishram Indians in southern Washington) and 1925 (when Sapir was getting ready for his move from the Museum of Man, Ottawa, to the Univ. of Chicago). The original letters are deposited at the Bancroft Library of the Univ. of California at Berkeley and the Archives of the National Museum of Man in Ottawa, where S. had spent the most important period of his career as Chief of the Anthropological Division (1910–1925). The correspondence is almost complete (for the period in question) and the ed. assures us (Preface, p. vi) he has “censored absolutely nothing, leaving in even the most routine acknowledgements”. However, the ed. had added a number of explanatory notes, identifying the various persons mentioned in the correspondence (though Benjamin Ide Wheeler [1854–1927], p. 4, n.7, for instance, should have been identified as a distinguished Indo-European-ist, not only as a one-time President of the Univ. of California) as well as specifying the background to particular ethnological or linguistic issues discussed between Sapir and Kroeber, – The back matter prints the discussion between the two (as well as John Peabody Harrington [1884–1961]) concerning the conventions to be adopted for the phonetic transcription of American Indian languages of early 1913 (425–48), “Materials relating to [Sapir’s 1920 AAAS paper on] “A Bird’s-Eye View of American Languages North of Mexico” … “, together with the text published by Sapir in Science summarizing the paper [see facsimile reproduction in Koerner 1984:140 (below)] (449–57), a list of references (459–75), and a general index (477–94) .]

ed. 1983 . Topic Continuity in Discourse: A quantitative cross-language study . (= Typological Studies in Language, 3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , 492 pp. [ This volume is an outgrowth of the editor’s own research and, in part, of a seminar on the subject held at UCLA during the winter term 1981 as well as other related or parallel investigations. It includes 3 studies by Givón himself, a theoretica introduction (1–41), a study on topic continuity and word order in Ute (141–214), and an investigation of the subject in English (343–63). The other contributions are: John Hinds on Japanese (45–93), Michael Gasser on written Amharic (97–139), Andrew Fox on Biblical Hebrew (217–54), Paola Bentivoglio on Spoken Latin-American Spanish (257–311), Cheryl Brown on written English narrative (315–41), Philip J. Jaggar on Hausa (367–424), and Ann Cooreman on Chamorro, an ergative language on the island of Guam (427–89). Index of names (491–92) .]

. 1984 . On the Origin of Language . Translated [from the German] by Raymond A. Wiley , Leiden : E.J. Brill , xvii, 30 pp., 1 portrait . [ This is an English transl. of Grimm’s (1785 to 1863) paper, “Ueber den Ursprung der Sprache”, delivered in the Prussian Academy of Sciences, Berlin, on 9 January 1851, and published in the same year (Berlin: F. Dümmler), 5th ed., 1862. The text is preceded by an introduction by the translator (ix–xvii), which places the essay in the context of Grimm’s life and work, and rounded off by explanatory notes (25–27) and an “Index of Proper Adjectives and Nouns” (28–30) ,]

. 1983 . Zagadienia metalingwistyki: Lingwistyka – jej przedmiot, lingwistyka stoswana [ Issues of metalinguistics: Linguistics, its object, applied linguistics ]. Warszawa : Państwowe Wydanictwo Naukowe , 501 pp. [ The work consists of 4 major parts; the first (17–136) discusses general issues of science and the scientific status of linguistics; the second (137–273) deals with the views of the subject the major 20th-century linguists, beginning with Saussure (137–49), and ending with linguistic trends in the Soviet Union and the two Germanies during the 1970s; Part III (274–340) and Part IV (341–454) present the author’s own approaches to general linguistic theory and the philosophy of science and develop his particular view of ‘applied linguistics’, i.e., bringing to bear ‘applicative linguistic knowledge’. The books ends with an impressive bib. (476–501), but without an index. – Cf. the review, in English, by Barbara Kielar & Waldemar Wozniakowski in Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 31:3.369–73 (1984) .]

. 1984 . Foundations for a Science of Language . Excerpts from manuscripts [ seleted by Roch Valin and ] translated by Walter Hirtle & John Hewson . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 31 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , xxiv, 175 pp. [ This is an English transl. of a text first published in French under the title Principes de linguistique théorique (Quebec: Presses de l’Univ. Laval; Paris: Kincksieck, 1973), to which the translators have added an introduction (xi–xviii) and “Notes to the Reader” (xix–xxiv) as well as a “Selected bibliography of the principal publications of Gustave Guillaume” (167–68), a list of secondary sources in English – for those who read French, there is ample literature available (169–70), and a useful index of subjects and terms (171–75). – Cf. Roch Valins biographical account of Guillaume (1883–1960) in the present issue (above) .]

. 1982 . Les emprunts gallo-romans au germanique (du ler à la fin du Ve siècle) . (= Bibliothèque française et romane; Serie A; Manuel et etudes linguistiques , 44 .) Paris : Klincksieck , 212 pp. [ The study – in effect an attempt at a new interpretation of Germanisms in Galloromance and, at the same time, a detailed critique of the general literature on the subject, esp. Emil Gamillscheg’s and Walther von Wartburg’s findings – consists of 3 major parts: I, “Du latin au vieux français” (15–16), a brief résumé of the external history of Old French; II, “Romanisation des mots germaniques” (17–24), which deals with questions of accent, the Romanization of Germanic verbs, etc., and III, “Le critère phonétique” (25–179), a detailed discussion of the various sound developments in Gallo-Romance. According to the author (p. 180), the ‘critère de géographie linguistique’ est ‘non utilisible’, and his own research follows Georges Straka’s model concerning the relative chronology of the sound development of Latin to French, The vol. contains a variety of indices (201–207): “Etymons germaniques”; “Anthroponymes germaniques” and “… français”, “Toponymes et hydronumes français”. Brief select bib. (209–212), in which Lexer’s well-known Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch is listed under the author’s first name, Matthias, ironically enough, since in most other instances the author does not supply first names of authors .]

. 1981 [ recte: 1982 and sent out early 1983 ]. Critical Reflections on Generative Grammar . Transl. from the French by Robert A(nderson) Hall, Jr. (= Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture, and Cognition, 10 .) Lake Bluff, Illinois : Jupiter Press , vii, 196 pp. [ The French original, La Grammaire générative: Réflections critiques (Paris: PUF, 1976), was reviewed widely in France (by A. Rugaloff in BSL 72:2.25–26 [1977], and Georges Mounin, Henri Frei and others; cf. BL for 1979, No.970 [p. 50], for details), but largely ignored in North America, except for a (understandably) supportive review by Robert A. Hall in FLing 2.75–79 (1977–78), and a critical one by Paul Newman in Lg 54.925–29 [1979]. – The critique of TGG is pursued in 4 major sections entitled: I, “The Intellectual and Social Framework” (5–35); II, “Linguistics and Science and the Generativist Vision” (36–67); III, “Operations and Levels” (68–123), and IV, “Formal Procedure and Theoretical Implications” (124–64). These are followed by a “Non-Conclusion” (165–66), an appendix consisting of excerpts received by the author from 11 scholars in the course of 1979 commenting on various aspects of TGG (Raimo Anttila, Dwight Bolinger, Henry Allen Gleason, Jr., Robert Hetzron, Charles Francis Hockett, Yoshihiko Ikegami, Adam Makkai, Igor Mel’čuk, Eugene Albert Nida, Kenneth Lee Pike, and Herbert Pilch, 167–71), a bib. (172–91), an index of languages (192–93), and an “Index of principal topics” (194196). The book has been slightly updated. Cf. the review of the present text by James Kilbury in Languaae Sciences 6:2.385–88 (1984).] Haiman, John & Pamela Munro, eds. 1983. Switch-Reference and Universal Grammar: Proceedings of a Symposium on Switch Reference and Universal Grammar, Winnipeg[, Manitoba, Canada], May 1981. (= Typological Studies in Language, 2.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, xv, 342 pp [Contributions by Peter Cole, Bernard Comrie, Karl J. Franklin, Talmy Givón, Lynn Gordon, Jeffrey Heath, William H. Jacobsen, Jr., Robert E. Longacre, John Lynch, Johanna Nichols, and the editors. Data mainly from North and South American Indian languages. Index of language families & areas (337–42), preceded by a master list of references (317–335) .]

, 1984 . PROLID: Ein Programm zur Rollenidentifikation . (= Linguistische Arbeiten; Neue Folge, 8 .) Saarbrücken : Univ. des Saarlandes, SFB Elektronische Sprachforschung , 76 pp., 1 microfiche . [ Presentation of a computer program – COMSKEE, a program developed at the university there and which is added to the publication in the form of microfiches – which constitutes a further development of a case grammar analysing natural language texts with regard to the roles they contain .]

ed. 1984 . LEXeter ‘83 Proceedings: Papers from the International Conference on Lexicography at Exeter, 9–12 September 1983 . (= Lexicographica; Series Maior, 1 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , [xi], 452 pp. [ This vol. contains the bulk of the papers presented at the conference (55 in all), which are arranged here under the following major headings: I, “Historical Lexicography and the General Dictionary”, with papers by John M. Sinclair, Herbert Ernst Wiegand, Arthur J. Bronstein, Alan Kirkness, and many others; II, “Bilingual Lexicography and the Pedagogical Dictionary”, with contributions by Ladislav Zgusta, Sandra A. Thompson et al., and III, “Computational Lexicography and the Terminological Dictionary”, with 18 contributors from 12 countries. – For readers of HL, the following 2 papers are of particular interest: Fredric Doležal, “The construction of entries in the Alphabetical Dictionary (1668) of John Wilkins and William Lloyd” (67–72), and Johan Kerling, “Franciscus Junius, 17th-century lexicography and Middle English” (92–100). No index .]

ed. 1983 . Die französische Sprache von heute . (= Wege der Forschung, 496 .) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , vii, 458 pp. [ This is an historically interesting selection of 26 papers dealing with modern French, written between 1877 and 1982. In particular, the reprinting of 3 articles from the 19th century, by Arsène Darmesteter (1846–88) on “La langue française d’aujourdhui” (1877), Eduard Koschnitz (1851–1904) on “Phonetik und Grammatik [of modern French]” of 1890, and Siegfried Hosch (18541909) on “Französische Flickwörter” of 1895–97, remind us that non-historical, ‘synchronic’ work was done in the 19th century – cf. the editor’s Introduction for a discussion of the synchrony/diachrony relationship in the past century (1–16, esp. pp. 1–2). The ed. also reports that he followed the conception of the late Ludwig Söll (d. 1974), who was to produce the reader (cf. p. 16, n.19). – The remaining selections deal with all levels of French, both in terms of style and of grammar, as well as with its lexicon (neologisms, foreign influence), ‘la défense de la langue française’, etc. The contributions are by scholars such as Ernst Lewy (1881–1966), Eugen Lerch (1888–1952), Viggo Brøndal (1887–1941), Karl Michaëlsson (b.1890), Jules Marouzeau (1878–1964), Wolfgang Pollack (b.1915), Harald Wein-rich (b.1927), Albert Valdmann (b.1931), Wolfgang Rothe (1920–74), Lewis Charles Hamter (1902–1975), Marcel Cohen (1884–1975), Mario Wandruszka (b.1914), Hans-Wilhelm Klein (b.1911), Klaus Hunnius (b. 1933), Richard Baum (b.1935), Hans Helmut Christmann (b.1929), and a number of others. – The ed. regrets (p. 7) not having been able to secure the copyright to reproduce papers by Leo Spitzer (1887–1960), Elise Richter (1865–1943), Albert Dauzat (1877–1955), and Andreas Blinkenberg (b.1893) and regrets also (p. 13) the exclusion of “den leider nicht abdruckbaren [why?] Aufsatz von G. G. Ellerbroeck, “A propos de la crise du françáis”, Neophilologus 19, 1934, 1–12.” – The back matter consists of a “Systematische Auswahlbibliographie zum heutigen Französisch” (441–58) and an index of names (447–57) as well as of subjects (457–58) .]

ed. 1983 . Lautzeichen und ihre Anwendung in verschiedenen Sprachgebieten . Von Fachgelehrten zusammengestellt unter Schriftleitung vin Msrtin Heepe . Nachdruck mit einem einleitenden Kapitel herausgegeben von Elmar Ternes . (= Forum Phoneticum, 27 .) Hamburg : Helmut Buske Verlag , xxviii, [ix], 116 pp. in small-4° . [ The volume presents the state of the discussion during the mid-1920s regarding the phonetic transcription systems of the world’s languages. It contains the systems proposed by Richard Lepsius (1810–84), as developed further by Carl Meinhof (1857–1944); the ‘Anthropos-Lautschrift’ as P. Wilhelm Schmidt (1868–1954) advocated it, followed by proposals made by Johan August Lundell (1857-c.1940), Jörgen (Ebbesen) Förchhammer (1873–1953), Daniel Jones (1881–1967), presenting the API system, and M. Heepe, the ed. himself. The second part of the book contains treatments of various languages (German dialects, Romance languages, Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Chinese, Burmese, and American Indian languages) by Hans Neumann, Willy Paulyn, Ernst Lewy, W(ilhelm?) Simon, and K. Th. Preuss. The Introd. to the new ed. has 4 parts, “Einführung in den Gegenstandsbereich of phonetics in general” (vii–xvi), the bulk of the front matter, “Anmerkungen und Ergänzungen zu Heepes ‘Lautzeichen’” (xvi–xxii), “Zur Person Heepes”, which gives a sketch of the life & work of Heepe (1887–1961), a former student of Meinhof and specialist of African languages (xxiii–xxv), and a bib. (xxv–xxviii). – The original publication appeared in 1928 (Berlin: Reichsdruckerei); there is no index .]

. 1982 . Hieronymus Freyers Anweisung zur Teutschen Orthographie: Ein Beitrag zur Sprachgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts . (= Germanische Bibliothek; Reihe 3: Untersuchungen, [unnumbered] .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter Univ.-Verlag , 376 pp. [ This 1982 dissertation, Univ. of Augsburg, is a monographic treatment of Hieronymus Freyer’s (1675–1747) Anweisung zur Teutschen Orthographie, which appeared in four editions (1722, 1728, 1735 and 1746) in the Verlag des Weisenhauses in Halle, and which had a considerable impact on the discussions in 18th-century Germany – cf. the life (62–66) and work (66–72) of Freyer in the present study. Following the preliminary matter (preface, table of contents, list of abbreviations, and bib. of primary and secondary sources), the very thorough study consists of the following 15 parts: 1, “Einleitung” (38–42); 2, “Forschungsstand” (43–51); 3, “Geschichtlicher Hintergrund” (52–61); 4, “Hieronymous Freyer” (62–72); 5, “Die ‘Anweisung zur Teutschen Orthographie’” (73–93); 6, “Freyers normatives vorgehen” (94–118); 7, “Die Behandlung der Orthographieprinzipien” (119–43); 8, “Phonem – Graphembeziehungen in Freyers Orthographie” (144–78); 9, “Fremdwortschreibung” (179–90); 10, “Majuskelgebrauch und Interpunktion” (191–206); 11, “Die grammatischen Aussagen” (207–230); 12, “Freyers Stellung in der Geschichte der Orthograohietheorie” (231–78), which deals with the work of various other 16th-18th century reformers and grammarians such as Fabian Frangk (1490-after 1538), Johann Bödiker (1641–95), Justinus Töller (1656–1718), Friedrich Andreas Hallbauer (1692–1750), Gottfried Berndt (no dates), Johann Christian Steinbart (ditto), Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700–1766), and Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806); 13, “Freyers ‘Wirkung’ in der Geschichte der orthographischen Praxis” (279–344); 14, “Gesamtergebnis” (345–47), and 15, “Aufstellung der Werke Freyers”, which includes locations, throughout the world, of copies of his works (348–74). Index of authors treated and major subjects (375–76) .]

. 1984 . Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology . Oxford & New York [ in association with Basil Blackwell ] and Cambridge : Polity Press , viii, 336 pp. [ A study of the theories of the American sociologist Harold Garfinkel (Ph.D., Harvard, 1952). Bib. (315–331), index (331–6) .]

transl. 1983 . Geng o – Bunka-Personality: Sapir -Gengo Bunka Honshu [ Language, Culture and Personality: Selected writings of (Edward) Sapir in language and culture ]. Tokyo : Hokuseido shoten , [4], 352 pp. [ Jap. transl., with notes, of the bulk of the 1949 volume of Sapir’s writings ed. by David G. Mandelbaum; cf. the detailed analysis it the volume’s contents by Tetsuro Hayashi in HL XI.464–65 (1984) .]

Histoire Epistémologie Langage . Tome 6 , fasc. 1 ( 1984 ). Lille : Les Presses de l’Univ. de Lille 3 ( for the Société d’Histoire et Epistémologie des Sciences du Langage , Paris ), 131 pp. [ This issue is devoted to “Logique et grammaire”, printing papers given at a colloquium by that title organized by the Society in January 1983 and directed by Suzanne Bachelard of the Univ. de Paris I (cf. note on p.[l] of the issue). It includes the following contributions: “Remarques sur la théorie du nom propre” by Jacques Brunschwig (3–19); “Grammaire, logique, sémantique: Deux positions opposeés au XIIIe siècle – Roger Bacon et les Modistes” by Irène Rosier (21–34); “Du latin médiéval au pluriel des langues, le tournement de la Renaissance” by Luce Giard (35–55); “Grammaire et logique à Port-Royal” by Jean-Claude Pariente (57–71); “La notion grammaticale de sujet au XIXe siècle” by Jean Stefanini (73–90); “Sujet, prédicat, objet, concept chez Frege” by Philippe de Rouilhan (91–99); “Le problème de [l’ouvrage “Universals” (1925) de Frank Plumpton] Ramsey [(1903–1930)]”, a colleague of Wittgenstein’s at Cambridge, by Jacques Bouveresse (101–116), and “Un quart de siecle de grammaire generative: de 1’énumeration à la restriction” by Blanche-Noëlle Grunig (117–26), which includes a critique of Chomsky’s Government & Binding ‘theory’. The back matter prints English summaries of all papers (127–29) .]

History of Arabic Grammar . Newsletter 3 ( 1984 ). Nijmegen, The Netherlands : Instituut voor Talen en Culturen van het Midden-Oosten, Univ. Nijmegen , 51 pp. [ This Newsletter, created and ed. by Kees (= Cornells Henricus Maria) Versteegh, informs scholars interest in the history of Arabic grammar and related subjects, incl. the History of Linguistics in general, about ongoing research, publications, etc. as well as information on past and forthcoming scholarly meetings (see pp. i–ix); the bulk of this issue consists of a listing of scholars in the field, their affiliations and current interests (1–49). It is distributed free of charge, though a cheque covering the shipping cost will be appreciated .]

History of Psychology . Vol. XVI , No. 1 ( Jan. 1984 ). Published by Division 26 of the American Psychological Association . [ Contains, inter alia, “Max Wertheimer [the gestalt psychologist]” by Mitchell G. Ash (1–7) and “The Examined Life: Competitive examinations in the thought of Francis Galton [(1822–1911)]”, a grandson of Erasmus Darwin and a cousin of Charles Darwin, by Raymond E. Fancher (13–20). For subscription to this newsletter, write to the editor, Professor Wolfgang G. Bringmann, Department of Psychology, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688, U.S.A. ]

ed. 1982 . La lexicographie française du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle: Actes du Colloque International de Lexicographie dans la Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel (9–11 octobre 1979) . (= Wolfen-bütteler Forschungen, 18 .) Wolfenbüttel : Herzog August Bibliothek , 158 pp. [ The volume prints the following papers: Kurt Baldinger, “[Robert] Estienne [(c.1500–1559)] et son importance pour 1’histoire du vocabulaire français” (9–20); Terence R(usson) Wooldridge, “Projet de traitement informatique des dictionnaires de Robert Estienne et de Jean Nicot (TIDEN)” (21–32); Margaret Lindemann, “Les apports du Thesaurus theutonicae linguiae [de Christophe Plantin] dans la lexicographie du XVIe siècle” (33–47); Manfred Höfler, “Le Catholicon ou Dictionnaire universel de la langue françoise de Johann Joseph Schmidlin [(1720–1779)]” (49–63); Hans-Josef Niederehe, “Les vocabulaires techniques dans la lexicographie française du 16e au 18e siècle” (65–79); Gilles Roques, “Les régionalismes dans Nicot 1606” (81–101); Wolfgang Rettig, “Les dictionnaires bilingues des langues française et allemande au 18e siècle: Questions de méthode” (103–113); Raymond Arveiller, “Lexicologie (XVIe – XVIIe s.): quelques difficultés” (115–120); Barbara von Gemmingen-Obstfelder, “La réception du bon usage dans la lexicographie du 17e siècle” (121–36), and Josette Rey-Debove, “Le métalangage dans les dictionnaires du XVIIe siècle (Richelet, Furetière, Académie)” (137–47). The vol. concludes with Kurt Baldinger’s closing address, “Le Colloque dans le cadre de la lexicologie historique du français” (149–58). There is no index. – Cf. the editor’s report of the meeting in HL VII.409–410 (1980) .]

. 1983 . Understatements and Hedges in English . (= Pragmatics and Beyond, IV:6 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , ix, 192 pp. [ Revised English version of the author’s habilitation dissertation, Univ. of Duisburg, 1981, this study makes use of the material of the Survey of English Usage, University College, London, directed by Randolph Quirk. Bib. (183–92); no index .]

. 1984 . Kulturpatriotismus und Sprachbewusstsein: Studien zur deutschen Philologie des 17. Jahrhunderts . (= Germanistische Arbeiten zu Sprache und Kulturgeschichte, 5 .) Frankfurt/Main-Bern-New York-Nancy : Verlag Peter Lang , 318 pp. [ This 1982(?) doctoral thesis, Univ. of Münster, is devoted to 17th-century linguistic thought in German-speaking lands. It consists of 7 chaps.: 1, “Grammatik [i.e., the works of Wolfgang Ratke, Christian Gueintz, and others]” (28–100); 2, “Lexikographie [esp. the work of Josua Maaler, Conrad Gesner, Georg Henisch, Justus Georg Schottelius, Kaspar Stieler, and others]” (101–141); 3, “Rhetorik [esp. the work of Johann Matthäus Meyfahrt, Daniel Richter, and Christian Weise]” (142–65); 4, “Poetik [esp. the work of Martin Opitz, August Buchner, Philip von Zesen, Georg Philipp Hars-dörffer, and Daniel Georg Morhof]” (166–223); 5, “Die Argumente zur Legitimation des Deutschen in ihrer Entwicklung” (224–42); 6, “Kulturpatriotismus und Sprachbewusstsein bei der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft” (243–47), and 7, “Sprache und Politik: Politisch-sozialgeschichtliche Implikationen kulturpolitischer Sprachlegitimation” (248–283). There is an introduction (13–27) as well as a concluion (285–288). Detailed bib. (289–318); no index .]

. 1984 . Invitation to Linguistics . Oxford : Martin Robertson & Co. [ to be ordered through Oxford Univ. Press ], x, 182 pp. [ A textbook, carrying chapters entitled “The Pleasures of Linguistics” (18–37), “Ordinary Language is Good” (38–56), “Strange Goings-On in Language” (78–95), and “The Great Issues (Grey Tissues?)” (131–51). Select bib. (167–69), a glossary of terms (170–78), and a subject index (179–82) .]

. 1985 . Uber die Sprache: Ausgewählte Schriften . Munich : Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag , 216 pp. [ Reprints papers by Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835) on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his death, most of which have previously been made available in vol.III of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Werke in fünf Bänden, entitled “Schriften zur Sprachphilosophie” (ed. by Andreas Flitner & Klaus Giel, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftl.Buchgesellschaft, 1963). Most of them are papers presented by Humboldt between 1820 and 1828 to the Berlin Academy of Sciences, and a selection (titled “Charakter der Sprachen. Posie und Prosa”) from his posthumous work on the Kawi language of Java (1835). To this has been added an Afterword by the ed., Jürgen Trabant (159–74), who also supplied a note on the choice of texts (175–77), comments on the 9 selections (178–211), and a bib. (212–16), but no index .]

. 1983 . Gerade und Ungerade: Die Asymmetrie des Gehirns und der Zeichensysteme . Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von … Winfried Petri . Mit einem Geleitwort von … Bruno Preilow-ski . Stuttgart : S. Hirzel Verlag , 221 pp. [ This is a German transl. of Čet i neč: Asimmetrija mosga i znakovyx sistem (Moscow: Sovjets-koe Radio, 1978) by the well-known Russian comparative philologist and linguist. It consists of 3 major parts, 1, “Rechts – Links”, which compares the functioning of the human brain to a computer model, treats the question of the origin of language and other subjects; 2, “Zwillinge”, which deals with binary symbolic functioning and the asymmetry of sign systems, and 3, “Dialog”, in which communication systems are discussed. Bib. (214–221), no index .]

eds. 1983 . Lexikon der Afrikanistik: Afrikanische Sprachen und ihre Erforschung . Unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von : Stephan Hollah, Rudolf Leger, Ulrich Kleinewillinghöf er, Gudrun Miehe & Roland Werner . Berlin : Dietrich Reimer Verlag (Dr Friedrich Kaufmann) , 351 pp. [ This dictionary of African linguistics, to which a great number of scholars have contributed (inter alios, Ayo Bamgbose, André Coupez, Andrzej Zaborski, István Fodor, Jacqueline Thomas, Luc Bouquiaux, etc. – cf. p. 10 for complete list), combines a terminological reference tool with information on particular specialist subjects and on pioneers in the field. It begins with ‘Ablaut’ (p. 17) and ends with an entry on (Ernst) Zyhlarz (1890–1964) on p. 276. Entries on scholars include Roy Clive Abraham (1890–1963), Heinrich Barth (1821–65), Dorothea Frances Bleek (18731948), and many others. The back matter consists of a list of sigla (277–81) and a rich bib. (282–347, with addenda, 347–51). It is a most useful reference work, not only for specialists in Afrikanistik .]

. 1984 . Sprachpsychologie: Ein Beitrag zur Problemgeschichte und Theoriebildung . (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 51 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , vii, 399 pp. [ This study constitutes, at least in part, a reappraisal of the work done in the late 19th and early 20th century (Wilhelm Wundt, Hermann Paul, Heyman Steinthal, Philip Wegener, karl Bühler, and others), which recognized the importance of a psychological underpinning for the understanding of language. Following an introduction (1–46), which sets the stage for the discussion, there are three major parts and one appendix: “Der Steuerungsaspekt in der Sprachpsychologie” (47–151); “Der Gebildeaspekt …” (152–246); “Der Erlebnisaspekt …” (247–322), and “Das ‘innere Lexikon’ in der Sprachpsychologie” (323–84). Bib. (385–99); no index .]

ed. 1984 . Edward Sapir: Appraisals of his life and work . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 36 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia , xxviii, 224 pp. [ Following the front matter, incl. an introd. (xi–xxviii), the books consists of four parts: I, “Obituaries and Biographical Sketches [of Edward Sapir (1884–1939)], 19391952” (1/3–36), which reprints biographical accounts by Franz Boas, Franklin Edgerton, Diamond Jenness, Harry Stack Sullivan, Leslie Spier, Ruth Benedict, Morris Swadesh, David Mandelbaum, and C. F. Voegelin; II, “Comments on Sapir’s work, 1919–1953” (37/39–118), which reproduces reviews by Robert H. Lowie, Leonard Bloomfield, A. L. Kroeber, Harry Hoijer, Joseph H. Greenberg, Zellig S. Harris, Stanley Newman, and Mary Haas of particular works by Sapir published during his lifetime or in retrospect; III, “Appraisals of Sapir’s life and work, 1956–1980” (119/121–94), which contains either hitherto unpublished accounts by Lowie (1956) and Kroeber (1959) or recently published appraisals by Swadesh (1961), James D. McCawley (1967), Regna Darnell (1976), and Richard J. Preston (1980). Part IV reprints, with minor corrections the bib. of Sapir’s scientific writings found in David G. Mandelbaum’s edition of Sapir’s work (1949), with a supplement (1916–1984) of his scientific output, incl. translations (211–17). Index of names (219–24). – The book contains many photographs and facsimiles related to Sapir .]

. 1984 . Phonetik, Phonologie und die “Relativität der Verhältnisse”: Zur Stellung Jost Hintelers in der Geschichte der Wissenschaft . (= Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik; Beihefte, 47 .) Wiesbaden & Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag , [ix], 118 pp., 15 illustr . [ This is a most interesting monograph, dealing with the life and work of the Swiss dialectologist Jost Winteler (1846–1929), a close contemporary to such distinguished phoneticians and/or phonologists as Henry Sweet (1845–1912), Eduard Sievers (1850–1936), and Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929). In careful analyses of both Winteler’s works and his biography, the author convincingly demolishes several ‘fables convenues’ in the history of linguistics put into (pseudo)scientific discourse by N. S. Trubetzkoy and Roman Jakobson, and copied by many modern linguistic writers, incl. historians of linguistics. Bib. (106–116); no index .]

. 1984 . Textes sacrés et textes profanes de l’ancienne Egypte: Des Pharaons et des hommes . Traductions et commentaires. Préface de Pierre Grimal . Paris : Editions Gallimard , 345 pp. [ Apart from the preface by Grimal (7–19), which in effect is more like an introduction (which the ed. failed to undertake herself), and a series of explanatory notes at the end of the volume (279–342), the book constitutes translations of literary texts going back to the 1500–2000 B.C. period of classical Egypte, divided into two major parts, “Des Pharaons ou le mythe sacré du roi-dieu” (27–158), and “Des hommes de l’ancienne Egypte” (161–276). There are various subsections, many of them preceded by introductory comments. No index ,]

. 1983 , Les verbes de mouvement en français et en espagnol: Etude comparée de leurs infinitives . (= Lingvisticae Investigations: Supplementa, 11 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins ; Leuven : Leuven University Press , xiii, 323 pp. [ Rev. version of the author’s 1981 doctoral diss., Univ. of Leuven. Bib. (311–23) .]

. 1982 . Diotionnaire topographique du Départment Oise . Préface de … J. Chaurand , président de la Société Française d’Ono-mastique. Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Conseil général de 1’Oise et du Conseil Régional de Picardie . (= Collection de la Société de Linguistique picarde, 23.) Amiens : Musée de Picardie , xvi, 624 pp. [ This dictionary of the toponomastics of this northern French department/province was published posthumously with the help of Maurice Lebègue. Though its title reminds the reader of the (incomplete) series of ‘Dictionnaires topographiques départementaux’, it follows a different approach, with individual entries characterizing and localizing the place name in question, before citing its oldest attestations in chronological order and presenting historical and archaeological commentaries. This reference work is an important tool for language historians and dialectologists alike .]

ed. & introd. 1983 . Fridericus Berghius’ Partial Latin Translation of ‘Lazarillo de Tormes’ and its Relationship to the Early ‘Lazarillo’ Translations in Germany . Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , xxx, 112 pp. [ The original story of the Spanish pícaro ‘Lazarillo de Tormes’ first appeared in 1554, and was translated four times into German, on the basis of different redactions. The first German translation appeared in Breslau i- 1614, and others followed, incl. translations into Latin. The present text reproduces the first German translation and the Latin translation (published in Cologne in 1623) side by side, adding a number of comments. An important document reflecting the impact of Spanish literature on 17th-century Germany .]

. 1984 . The Semantics of Coordination . Transl. into English by John Pheby . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 9 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 300 pp. [ Transl. of Lang’s 1977 book, Semantik der koordinativen Verknüpfung (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag); cf. the reviews by F. G. Droste in LB 67.213–15 (1978) and Z. Kanyo in JPrag 4.275–78 (1980) .]

1983 . Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, Archpriest of Tala-vera: Atalaya de las Coronicas . (= Spanish Series, 10 .) Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , xxii, 157 pp., 4 microfiches [ consiting of text-edition and 3 vols, of complete list of all word forms], [First complete ed. of the text, a historiographic work by the ‘arciprestre de Talavera’ (c.1398-c.1468), who is particularly known for the work Corbacho. The back matter consists of two glossaries of difficult words and a select bib. – See Naylor(below) .]

. 1983 . Iz blizkoto minalo na slavjanskoto ezikoznanie: Dejci i nasoki [ The recent past of Slavic linguistics: Representatives and directions ]. Ed. posthumously – Lekov, the greatest Bulgarian Slavicist of this century had died in 1878  – by Ivan Bujukliev & Janko Băčvareov . Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo , 205 pp. [ Lekov had planned to write a history of Slavic linguistics, but this did not materialize. The present volume constitutes a collection of his obituaries of various Slavic scholars, including J. Baudouin de Courtenay (47–50) and N. S. Trubetzkoy (73–77), which first appeared in 1930 and 1939 respectively (25–108) and 8 papers devoted to particular aspects of Slavic linguistics and philology, brought together under the title ‘Contours of the state of the art and directions’ (109–199). Brief bib. (200–201), no index .]

Linguistics and Linguistic Evidence: The LAGB Silver Jubilee Lectures 1984. R. H. Robins – Victoria A. Fromkin . Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Published for the Linguistics Association of Great Britain by Grevatt & Grevatt [ non-commercial publishing house, 9 Rectory Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1XT, England ], xi, 38 pp. [ This booklet prints the two special lectures given by Robert Henry Robins, the ‘doyen of British linguistics’ (as N. V. Smith puts it in his Preface, p. ix), and Victoria A. (Vicki) Fromkin, (then) President of the Linguistic Society of America, respectively. Robins’ paper is entitled “Linguistics in 1984: Retrospect and prospect” (1–17), and Fromkin’s “Evidence in Linguistics” (18–38) .]

ed. 1983 . Biblia Romanceada I.I.8.: The 13th-century Spanish bible contained in Escorial MS I.I.8 . (= Dialect Series, 4 .) Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , xxi, 333 pp., 10 microfiches [= 2 of text; 8 of a full listing of all word forms ]. [ This is the text of one of the earliest Span, translations of the Bible; between 1200 and 1500 there were 14 altogether, and this is from the 13th c. Its language exhibits typical traits of “Riojan, an integrated dialect mixture reflecting elements of Castillian and Nava-rese” (Introd., p. x). Detailed bib.(325–32). The text is of importance to language historians .]

. 1983 . Augusto Malaret, Diccionarista: Discurso de incorporación de Humberto Lopez Morales a la Academia de Artes y Ciencias de Puerto Rico . San Juan, Puerto Rico : ( Impr. Editora Corripio, Santo Domingo ), 67 pp. [ A bibliographically rich monography on the important Venezuelan linguist Augusto Malaret (1878–1966), whose contribution to Latin American lexicology are evaluated competently and in detail. – The back matter carries a brief curriculum vitae of López Morales and a list of his publications .]

. 1984 . C. L. Pasius, T. Linacre, J. C. Scaliger: En hun beschouwing van het werkwoord. Een kritisch-verglikende studie omtrent XVIde eeuwse taalkundige theorievorming. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de letteren aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen … . Groningen : Drukkerij Dijkstra Niemeyer , [xii], 573 pp. [ This Groningen Univ. dissertation undertaken at the behest of Pieter Adrianus Verburg and with Johannes Hospers and Emma Vorlat serving as ‘promotores’ is devoted to the contribution of three distinguished Renaissance scholars to grammatical theory and, in a second part, what may be called their ‘linguistic practice’ is analysed. – Following a introd. (1–12), in which the scholarship in late medieval and pre-19th-century history of linguistics is discussed, there are altogether 10 chapters and a conclusion. The first two set the stage (“Het woordsorten-accidentia-model” [13–34] and “Verglijkingspunkten” [35–47]), and are followed by a chap. each devoted to the 16th-century Parmese scholar Cario Lancellotto Pasio (probably born in Ferrara, as he referred to himself, in Latin, as Curius Lacillotus Pasius Ferrariensis) (48–171), Thomas Linacre (c.1460–1524) of Canterbury (172–216), and the Italian Julius Caesar Scaliger (1484–1558), who had moved to Agen in France in 1529 (217–353). Chap. 6 (“Geschiedenis van de behandlung van het werkwood”, 354–436) traces back the discussion to the Greeks (Plato, Aristotle, Thrax, Apollonius), the Latin grammarians down to the Modistae, before Pasius, Linacre, and Scaliger are taken up again in individual chapters discussing their theoretical positions. Chap. 10 deals with the treatment of tense and mood in western grammatical theory, beginning with antiquity and again concentrating on the 3 authors (with a sidelight on Nebrija, p. 515) -pp. 507–550. There is a conclusion (551–58), followed by endnotes (559–564), and a li-page. English summary, which offers but a superficial idea of the study. The bib. (of which a revised version has been added to the copy received by this writer) on pp. 567–73 concludes the dissertation. (One regrets the absence of an index.) ]

. 1983 . Die Sprache . Aus dem Englischen übertragen und für den deutscher Leser eingerichtet von Christoph Gutknecht in Zusammenarbeit mit Heinz-Peter Menz , unter Mitarbeit von Ingrid v. Rosenberg . München : C. H. Beck Verlag , 318 pp. [ German transl. of Language and Linguistics (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1981), with German examples replacing many of the English ones. The bib. (294–312) having a number of titles in German added, with references, wherever applicable, to German translations. The 10 chaps, are titled: 1, “Sprache”; 2, “Linguistik”; 3, “Phonetik und Phonologie”; 4, “Grammatik”; 5, “Semantik”; 6, “Sprachwandel”; 7, “Einige moderne Schulen und Strömungen der Linguistik”; 8, “Sprache und Geist”; 9, “Sprache und Gesellschaft”, and 10, “Sprache und Kultur”. General index (313–18) .]

. 1984 . Piemonte e Italia: Storia di un confronto linguistico . (= Collana di Testi e Studi Piemontesi; nova serie, 3 .) Torino : Centro Studi Piemontesi [ address: Via 0. Revel 13, I-10121 Torino ], 266 pp. [ This study delineates the history of the battle over the literary standard in Italy, as seen from the point of view of the role played by the Piemontese dialect/variety (first culminating in the 1577 manifesto of Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Savoy, on the use of Italian at the court of Piemont). The study has 6 chaps.: 1, “I conti con la lingua: Influenze esterne e proposte ‘regionali’ nel Quattro e Cinquecento” (19–68); 2, “IL Principe et il volgare: Gli spazi di intervento della corte et dello stato” (69–118); 3, “L’italiano rinnegato: Politica lingüistica e resistenza nazionale nel Piemonte francese” (119–60); 4, “Carlo Denina linguista [(1731–1813)]” (161–78) -cf. the same author’s paper, “Carlo Denina Unguiste: Aux sources du comparatisme [Unguistique]”, HL 10.77–96 (1983), which constitutes a much longer version; 5, “Didattica popolare dell’Italiano e discussioni linguistiche dell’Ottocento” (179–215), and 6, “La soluzione letteraria” (217–27), which in effect is a summing-up of the study. The back matter consists of a bib. (229–42), an index of names and subjects (245–58), and an index of lexical items (261–63), followed by the table of contents (265–66) .]

eds. 1984 . The Text and Concordances of Escorial Manuscript M.III.7. “Viajes de John of Mandeville” . (= Dialect Series, 7 .) Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , 7 pp., 3 microfiches . [ Microfiche ed. of the 1st Span. transl. (15th c.) of this famous fantastic travel report, together with a word form index. (The MS is of Navarro-Arragon origin and, as it was transl. from the French, it contains numerous Gallicisms.) ]

ed. 1985 . The Philosophy of Language . Oxford & New York : Oxford Univ. Press , xi, 492 pp. [ This advanced reader consists of 8 major sections reproducing between 2 and 7 selections from the writings of Anglo-Saxon philosophers of language: I, “Truth and Meaning” (contributions by: Carl G. Hempel, Willard V. [0.] Quine 1953, Alonzo Church 1951, Alfred Tarski 1944, Donald Davidson 1867, H. P. Grice 1969, and Peter F. Strawson 1969); II, “Speech Acts” (John L. Austin 1961, John R. Searle 1965, Zeno Vendler 1972 [twice], Grice 1975, Searle 1975); III, “Reference and Descriptions” (Peter Geach 1962, Gottlob Frege 1892, Betrand Russell 1919, Strawson 1956, Keith Donnellan 1966, and Saul Kripke 1977); IV, “Names and Demonstratives” (John Searle 1958, Kripke 1972, Gareth Evans 1973, Hilary Putnam 1970, and David Kaplan 1975); V, “Propositional Attitudes” (Quine 1956, Davidson 1968, Kaplan 1968); VI, “Possible worlds and Situations” (Robert Stalnaker 1976, David Lewis 1981, Jon Barwise & John Perry 1975); VII, “Metaphor” (Searle 1979 and Davidson 1978), and VIII, “Private Lamguages” (A[lfred] J[ules] Ayer 1954, John Cook 1965, and Kripke 1982). Each section is preceded by a brief introduction by the ed. as well as a list of “Suggested further readings”. There is, however, no comprehensive bib, and no index .]

ed. 1983 . Carteggio Hasdeu – Schuchardt . (= Romanica Neapolitana, 15 .) Napoli : Liguori Editore , 241 pp. [ This vol. publishes the correspondence between the German-born (not Austrian, as one still finds in many present-day books!) Romance scholar and pioneer in ereole linguistics, Hugo Schuchardt (1842–1927) and the Rumanian philologist and linguist Bogdan Petriceĭcu Hasdeŭ (1836–1907), of which 36 items by the latter, and 54 by the former are extant. The exchange begins with a letter from Schuchardt to Hasdeo of 16 April 1874 (35–36), and ends with a letter going in the same direction dated 31 Dec. 1886 (219–20). The appendix prints an exchange between Schuchardt and H’s daughter, Iulia Falicia (though Sch’s letter was addressed to Mme H., 223–26). The back matter contains facs. of several book titles related to the work of the two scholars (227–30), and index of the major Romance forms discussed in the correspondence (233–34), and an index of authors (235–38). The ed. produced an introd. (5–26), and added explanatory notes to each letter, making the book informative reading .]

. 1983 . Meaning and Reading: A -philosophical essay on language and literature . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, IV:3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , ix, 176 pp. [ Following a brief introd., the book has 6 chaps.: 1, “The classical conception of meaning and its shortcomings” (9–21); 2, “Toward an integrated theory of meaning” (23–59); 3, “The rhetoric of textuality” (61–86); 4, “Ideas and ideology” (87–103); 5, “The nature of literariness” (105–140), and 6, “The interpretative process” (141–68). “Footnotes [read: endnotes]” (169–71) and bib. (173–76); no index .]

eds. 1984 . Research in Composition and Rhetoric: A bibliographic sourcebook . Westport, Connecticut & London : Greenwood Press , xviii, 506 pp. [ According to the first ed., “The purpose [of the present book] is to make the research tradition in composition more explicit. This tradition, though now vigorous, languished for many years in part because the field lacked a strong sense of its historical development.” (Preface, p. vii). It brings together original eontributions by a variety of authors which are organized under 3 major headings: I, “Current Research” (3–188), dealing with subjects like ‘the writing process’, ‘psychology of composition’, ‘writing anxiety’, ‘philosophy and rhetoric’, etc.; II, “Major Issues” (191–262), including topics like ‘grading and evaluation’ and ‘assignment making’, and III, “The Basics” (265–450), dealing with particular linguistic skills like spelling and vocabulary development. The back matter has two appendices (on textbooks and their evaluation), and indices of authors (477–97) and of subjects (499–501). Brief statements about each contributor (503–506) round off the volume .]

comps. 1984 . Spanish Literature, 1500–1700: A bibliography of Golden Age studies in Spanish and English, 1925–1980 . (= Bibliographies and Indexes in World Literature, 3 .) Westport, Cennecticut & London : Greenwood Press , lxiii and 765 pp. [ This impressive bib. is structured as follows: Following the regular front matter, incl. an introduction (ix–xi), the is a list of acronyms and sigla used in the book of periodicals (xiii–xxxii) and collective volumes (xxxiiilxiii), respectively. The more than 11,000 items are listed under various headings (General, Bibliography, Drama, Picaresque, Poetry, Prose, and Romancero), followed by studies devoted particular authors (137–678), actually the bulk of the bib. The back matter consists of an author index (679–726) and a subject index (727–765) .]

. 1984 . Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929): Leben und Werk . München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , vii, 238 pp. [ A monograph on the life and work of this important Polish scholar, with a fairly detailed bib. of his writings (191–205), a list of secondary sources (206–237), and indices of persons (236–37) and terms (238). – Cf. the review by Helmut Jachnow in the present issue (above) .]

eds. 1983 . Richtungen der modernen Semantikforschung . Mit Beiträgen von Manfred Bierwisch, Ewald Lang, Renate Pasch, Anna Ufimceva, Dieter Vieweger und Ilse Zimmermann . (= Sammlung Akademie-Verlag – Sprache, 37 .) Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , 425 pp. [ After an introd. by the editors (7–14), the vol. prints the following contributions: “Psychologische Aspekte der Semantik natürlicher Sprachen” (15–64) by Bierwisch; “Die logische Form eines Satzes als Gegenstand der linguistischen Semantik” (65–144) by Lang; “Semantik und Sprechakttheorie” by Vieweger (145–245); “Die Rolle der Semantik in der Generativen Grammatik” (246–362) by Pasch & Zimmermann, and “Wortschatzbeschreibung mittels Systemmethode in der sowjetischen Sprachwissenschaft” by Anna Ufimceva (363–425). No index .]

ed. 1983 . Renaissance Eloquence: Studies in the theory and practice of Renaissance rhetoric . Berkeley-Los Angeles-London : Univ. of California Press , x, 472 pp. [ As the editor informs us (Preface, p. ix), the papers brought together in this volume go back to the 26th annual Renaissance Conference held in April 1979 at the Newberry Library, Chicago, though they have been revised subsequently. They are brought together under 4 headings: I, “The Scope of Renaissance Rhetoric”; II, “Rhetorical Trends in Renaissance Europe”; III, “Ethics, Politics, and Theology”, and IV, “Rhetoric and other Literary Arts”. From the 23 contributions, the following may be of particular interest to readers of HL: “The Scope of Renaissance Rhetoric” by Paul Oskar Kristeller (1–19); “Problemd and Trends in the History of German Rhetoric to 1500” by Helmut Schanze (105–125); “The Byzantine Rhetorical Tradition and the Renaissance” by John Monfasani (174–87); “Lorenzo Valla: Humanist Rhetoric and the Critique of the Classical Languages of Morality” by Nancy Struever (191–206); “Grammar and Rhetoric in the Renaissance” by W. Keith Percival (303–330). A select bib. (437 to 446), notes of each contributing author (447–48), and a very useful general index (449–72) rounds of the informative volume .]

( with the collaboration of Irena Regener, Gunther Schnidt, Heidrun Schmidt & Jürgen Storost ) eds. 1984 . Jacob Grimm: Reden in der Akademie . Ausgewählt und herausgegeben von … . Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , 364 pp., 1 portrait, and 16 facs . [ As the imprint on the back of the title-page states, this volume was edited “im Auftrage des Zentralinstituts für Sprachwissenschaft der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR anläßlich des 200. Geburtstages Jacob Grimms.” – Following a lengthy introd. by Werner Neumann (7–36) entitled “Zum geschichtlichen Hintergrund der ausgewählten Akademiereden Jacob Grimms”, the volume reprints altogether 12 such papers by J. Grimm (1785–1863): “Über das Pendantische in der deutschen Sprache” (1847, 41–63); “Über den Ursprung der Sprache” (1851, 64–100); “Über Etymologie und Sprachvergleichung” (1854, 101–126); “Über den Personenwechsel in der Rede” (1856, 127–80); “Über einige Fälle der Attraction” (1858, 181–211); “Über Schule, Universität, Academie” (1849, 212–49); “Rede auf [Karl] Lachmann [(1793–1851)]” (1851, 250–65); “Rede of [Friedrich] Schiller [(1759–1805)]” (1859, 266–88); “Rede auf Wilhelm Grimm [(1786–1859)]” (1860, 289–303), and “Rede über das Alter” (1860, 304–323). The back matter consists of comments on the selections (325–44) , a “Vollständige Übersicht über die Akademiereden Jacob Grimms” (345–52), explanatory notes to the facsimiles (added at the end of the vol., 353–56), and a general index (357–64) .]

Namenkundliche Informationen , Heft 45 ( 1984 ). Leipzig : Karl-Marx-Universität , 105 pp. [ This issue published on the occasion of 15th International Congress of Onomastics constitutes a Forschungsbericht of the work done in the DDR since 1949. Bib. (65–105) .]

ed. 1983 . The Text and Concordances of the Escorial Manuscript h.iii.10 of the “Arcipreste de Talavera [= El Corbacho] of Alfonso Martinez de Toledo . (= Spanish Series, 12 .) Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , 7 pp., 3 microfiches . [ Computer-aided edition of the only copy extant of the work that is usually referred to as ‘E1 Cobacho’, together with a listing of all word forms. The material is intended for inclusion in the projected Dictionary of Old Spanish. One regrets the absence of a bibliography and the lack of a reference to the different names under which the work has been transmitted. – Cf. also Larkin (1983) in this rubric (above) .]

. 1985 . Norm, geest en geschiedenis: Nederlandse taalkunde in de negentiende eeuw. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de grad van Doctor in de Letteren aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, … 6 februari 1985 . n.p. [ Dordrecht : ICG Printing ], xv, 619 pp. [ This Leiden Univ. doctoral dissertation devoted to 19th-century linguistics in The Netherlands consists of 6 main parts: 1, ‘Introduction’ (1/3–60), which distinguishes two currents in pre-19th-century linguistics: ‘classical’ (Graeco-Roman) and ‘general’ grammar; 2, ‘Varia linguistic ca: Selected chapters of the 18th century’ (61/63–141), which deals with the work of Gabriel Girard (c.1677–1748), Adam Smith (1723–90), Hugh Blair (1718–1800), and Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806), whose work had a considerable influence on Dutch linguistic scholarship. The center of Noordegraaf’s study are the next three chapters, in which the work of one author is the subject: Pieter Weiland (17541842), whose Neederlandse Spraakkunst (Amsterdam, 1805), which constitutes something like a summing-up of 18th-century views and thus sets the stage for the new trends [with side-lights cast on Matthijs Siegenbeck [1774–1854] and his 1804 work devoted to Dutch spelling); Taco Roorda (1801–1874), who in the mid-19th century followed the philosophical trend established by Humboldt and subsequently maintained by Steinthal, and Matthias de Vries (1820–1892), who introduced the principles of historical-comparative grammar as especially developed in Germany into Dutch linguistics. Chap. 5 (415/417–490) deals with the competing currents of general grammar and historical linguistics in mid-19th-century Dutch linguistics, which by and large follows German developments, with the advent of the Neogrammarians on the one hand, and the continuation (as a somewhat lesser trend) of the psychological orientation (Steinthal, Wundt), which has its ultimate source in Humboldt. Chap. 6 (491/93–502) is a summing-up. The back matter consists of endnotes (503–558), bib. (559–94), an index of authors (595–606), a subject index (607–609), and a summary in English (611–18) as well as a brief vita of the author (619) .]

Nordlyd: Tromsrϕ University Working Papers on Languages and Linguistics . No. 8 ( 1984 ), 71 pp. [ The issue contains 2 papers: “The functions of the inessive-elative and the dative-illative in Kola-Lappish” by Lász1ó Szabó (4–52), and “Case-marking and parasitic gaps in Finnish” (53–71) .]

. 1984 . “ [Arnold] Geulincx’ [(1624–1669)] Karakterisering van relationele predicaten en van voegwoorden ”. Mededelingen van de Koninktijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie ; Klasse der Letteren, Jaargang 46 , 1984 , Nr. 1 . 73 – 89 . [ On the language philosophy of this Dutch scholar in relationship to modern logical concerns such as those by Gottlob Frege (1848–1925) .]

Obščestvennye nauki v SSSR . Serija 6: Jazykoznanie . Nos. 5–6 ( 1983 ) and Nos. 1–6 ( 1984 ). Moskva : Institut naučnoj informacii po obščestvenym naukam, Akademija Nauk SSSR , [ between 185 and 220 pp. each ], [ No.5/ 1983 reports (18–19) on a paper by L(ev) R(afailovič) Zinder on Eduard Sievers originally published in Phonetica 39.368–72 [1982]; No.1/1984 carries reviews of several papers on 16th to 20th century studies on Slavic as well as IE and non-IE languages; No.2/84 contains accounts of a work on Linguistics in Japan (15–19), incl. the work of Esio Jamada (1873–1958), Daisaburo Machusita (1878–1935), Motoki Tokieda (1900–1967), Minoru Nisio (1889–1979), Akira Mikami (1903–1971), and others, and another (19–20) on Ferdinand Bekker (1775–1849); No.3/84 contains, inter alia, a summary of a paper on Charles Bally’s typological theory (23); No.4/84 reports on a volume ed. by A(leksandr) S(avič) Mel’ničuk on Modern Foreign Linguistics (Kiev, 1983), reviewed by N(atalija) A(leksandrovna) Sljusareva (17–22). There are many additional reviews of recent Soviet publications in HoL contained in these volumes .]

Obščestvennye nauku za rubežom . Serija 6: Jazykoznanie . Nos. 5–6 ( 1983 ), and Nos. 1–6 ( 1984 ). Ibid. [ No.5/83 summarises, inter alia, Henning Andersen’s account of Bredsdorff in HL IX.24–41 (1982) as well as Martin L. Manchster’s paper on Humboldt in the same issue (9–11 and 11–13), Beyer’s 1981 book (see account in this rubric above) and Manfred Mayrhofens 1981 book on Saussure’s Mémoire (cf. HL IX.214) on pp. 13–16 and 16–18; No.6/83 reviews, inter alia, Robert Innis’ book on Karl Bühler (cf. HL IX.208); No.1/84 gives an account of, for example, Ba-ration & Desbordes’ book of 1981 (cf. HL X.309–320 for Daniel J. Taylors review) and also a summary of a paper by Koerner on Schleicher and Haeckel which appeared in KZ 95.1–21 (1981); 3/1984.carries a review of Rudolf Engler’s paper, “Das sprachliche Zeichen bei Saussure, Bally, Sechehaye”, published in ZPSK 36.533–42 (1983) by N. A. Sljusareva (9–11) as well as reviews, by S. A. Romaško, of the books by Mary Slaughter on Universal Languages in the 17th c. of 1982 10–14; cf. HL X.369/1983) and by Victor Hanzeli on Gyarmathi (15–17; cf. HL XI.474–79/1984); No.5/84 prints a detailed review of W. Terrence Gordon’s 1982 History of Semantics (9–15) by A. M. Kuznecov (cf. also HL X.335–39, 1983); No.6/1984 contains, inter alia, reviews of Klaus Grotsch’s Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung of 1982 (14–16; cf. HL XI.467–74, 1984) and of Sylvain Auroux’s paper, “General Grammar and Universal Grammar in Enlightenment France” (General Linguistics 23.1–18, 1983) by N. Bokadorova (17–19) .

1980 . An tAthair William Bathe, C.Í., 1564–1614: Ceannródaí sa Teangeolaíocht . Baile Átha Cliath : Oifig An tSoláthair , xi, 244 pp. [ Life and work of William Bathe; cf. the same author’s account of Bathe in HL VIII.131–64 (1981) .]

Onoma: Bibliographical and Information Bulletin . 26 : 1/3 ( 1984 for 1982 ). Leuven : International Centre of Onomastics . [ Contains, inter alia, biographical sketches of Herman M. Ölberg (b.1922) by Johann Knobloch, and of Emile Benveniste (1902–1976), Robert-Léon Wagner (1905–1982), and Roman Jakobson (1896–1982) by Pierre Swiggers .]

. 1985 . Grammatical Theory in Western Europe, 15001700: Trends in vernacular grammar J. Cambridge-London-New York, etc. : Cambridge Univ. Press , xv, 414 pp. [ This is in effect part 2 of a multi-volume enterprise by Padley on Western history of linguistics from the Renaissance to 1700, the first of which (subtitled ‘The Latin Tradition’) appeared in 1976 (cf. the review by André Joly in HL IV.392–401, 1977). The present volume consists of 2 major parts, entitled “Grammar and Pedagogy” and “Universal Grammar”, respectively, with altogether 5 chaps.: 1, “The Impact of Ramism: history of a withdrawal” (7–83); 2, “The pedagogical motive: vernacular grammar as instrument” (84–215); 3, “The beginnings of the universalist approach” (219–68); 4, “Language the mirror of thought: from Sanctius to PortRoyal” (269–324), and 5, “Language the mirror of things: from Campanella to Wilkins” (325–81). The study covers the work done in these areas in five European language areas: English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. The main parts of the book are preceded by regular front matter, including an Introduction (1–5), in which the author subscribes to Percival’s distinction between “a logic-chopping North and a rhetorically oriented South” (p. 3), and concluded by a summing-up (382–84), in which the author characterizes German general grammar from Wolfgang Ratke to Wilhelm von Humboldt as ‘idiosyncratic’ (384), followed by a bib. (385–408) and a general index (409–414) .]

, 1983 . Semiotics and Pragmatics: An evaluative comparison of conceptual frameworks . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, IV:7 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia , xii, 136 pp. [ Introd,(1–3), “Semiotics as a paradigm” (5–21); “The two semiotics: Peirce and Hjelmslev” (23–87), and “The homologation of semiotics and pragmatics” (89–126), Bib, and index .]

. 1983 . Language, Science, and Action: Korzybski’s general semantics – a study in comparative intellectual history . (= Contributions in Intercultural and Comparative Studies, 9 .) Westport, Connecticut & London : Greenwood Press , viii, 163 pp. [ An account of the life and work of the Polish mathematician Alfred (Habdank Skarbek ‘Count’) Korzybski (1879–1950), who came to the United States during World War I and is best known for his book Science and Sanity: An introduction to non-Aristotelian systems and general semantics of 1933 (4th ed., Lakeville, Conn.: Institute of General Semantics, 1958), in part perhaps because of the exploitation of his philosophy of language use by the Canadian-born Samuel Ichiyé Hayakawa. The book has 4 major chaps.: 1, “The Polish intellectual milieu, 1890–1914” (11–23); 2, “Between Poland and America, 1914–1933” (25–43); 3, “Science and sanity: A historical critique” (45–63), and 4, “Ideology and praxis: General semantics and analytical philosophy in America and Poland, 1930s -1960s” (65–79). The remainder is taken up by a conclusion (81–91), endnotes (93–143), a “Bibliographic essay” (145–56), revealing the author’s sources of information and inspiration, and a general index (157–63) .]

1983 . Linguistic Necessity and Linguistic Theory . Katowice : Uniwersytet Slaski , 128 pp. [ Contents: 0, “Introductory remarks” (9–14); 1, “Logos and logic” (15–30); 2, “The rise of grammar [in Antiquity, esp. with the work of the Stoics]” (31–57); 3, “Two logical approaches to language [the first being initiated by the grammar of Port-Royal, the second with the work of Carnap and other ‘antipsychological’ linguistic oriented logicians]” (58–92); 4, “Language, truth, and linguistic necessity” (93–113), and 5, “Conclusion” (114–116). Bib. (117–20); index of proper names (121–22), and subject index (122–25, Greek terms, 125–26), followed by brief Polish (127) and Russian (127–28) summaries .]

. 1983 . The Imagery of the ‘Libro de Buen Amor’ . (= Spanish Series, 9 .) Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , iii, 292 pp. [ Literary-historical study of a Spanish treatise in autobiographical form and didactic moral intentions (c.1330/40) .]

. 1983 . The Perception of Nonverbal Behavior in the Career Interview . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, IV:4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , viii, 148 pp. [ An empirical study of nonverbal behavior and its importance in job interviews, in particular from a point of view of perception. Bib. (143–48); no index .]

. 1983 . Presupposti filosofici della lingüistica di Chomsky . Milano : Franco Angeli Editore , 191 pp. [ A philosopher’s coming to terms with the vagaries of Noam Chomsky’s linguistic theories, this study consists of 9 chaps.: 1, “Carattere mentalistico della lingüistica” (9–23); 2, “Il primo modello della grammatica generativa” (24–42); 3, “La teoria standard” (43–62); 4, “Riflessioni sulla tesi della indipendenz del componente sintattico e sul concetto di ‘competenza’” (63–80); 5, “I presupposti della semantica interpretativa” (81–106); 6, “I limiti della semántica interpretativa” (107–136); 7, “Una alternativa alia semántica interpretativa: il principio della distinzione di sintattico e semantico” (137–52); 8, “II carattere convenzionale della regola sintattica” (153–59), and 9, “Considerazioni e appunti critici sulla Teoria Standard Estesa” (160–91). No bib. and no index .]

1983 . “ Die altisländische grammatische Literatur: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven zukünftiger Untersuchungen. (Für Piergiuseppe Scardigli zum 50. Geburtstag [13.10.1983]) ”. Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 235 : 3/4 . 271 – 315 ( 1983 ). [ Review article on the four Islandic grammatical treatises of the Middle Ages, ca.1150-c.1350; cf. Bjarne Ulvestad’s article in HL 3.203–223 (1976) .]

1983 . The Birth and Death of Language: Spanish literature and linguistics, 1300–1700 . Potomac, Maryland & Madrid : Studia Humanitatis , xii, 213 pp. [ Volume of 7 chapters, several of which had previously appeared in MLN PhQ, and FMLS between 1976 and 1981. They are entitled: 1, “Of words and deeds: A study of the role of language in the Poema de Mio Cid” (1–21); 2, “Man against language: A linguistic perspective on the theme of alienation in the Libro de buen amor” (22–48); 3, “Juan Luis Vives: The rise and fall of a humanistic linguist” (49–69); 4, “The rhetoric of social encounter: La Celestina and the Renaissance philosophy of language” (70–96); 5, “The word made flesh: Magic and mysticism in Erasmian Spain” (97–135); 6, “Language adrift: A re-appraisal of the theme of linguistic perspectivism in Don Quijote” (136–60), and 7, “Balthasar Gracián, the lost childhood: Perspectives in Baroque linguistics” (161–207). “Conclusion” (208–13), “no comprehensive bib. and no index .]

. 1984 Sprache, Anthropologie, Philosophie in der französischen Aufklärung: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Verhältnisses von Sprachtheorie und Weltanschauung . (= Sprache und Gesellschaft, 18 .) Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , 368 pp. [ The study has the following structure: Following a brief introduction (7–9), there is a lengthy section devoted to pre-18th-century French linguistic thought, “Im Vorfeld der Aufklärungsdebatte: Die Sprache im Spannungsverhältnis von geistiger und körperlicher Natur des Menschen” (11–76), which deals, inter alia, with “Descartes und seine sensualistischen Gegenspieler im 17. Jahrhundert”, “Sprache und Affekte in der ‘Logik’ von Port-Royal”, and the linguistic ideas of Cordemoy, Bernard Lamy, Jean-Baptiste Du Bos, Malebranche, and others. The main part of the study is entitled “Sprache, Menschenbild, GeSchichtsdenken in der Aufklärung”, which the author characterises as ‘ein Jahrhundert der Sprachdiskussion’ (77–273). Here Condillac (who is seen as the heir to Locke’s sensualist theory of language) takes centre stage (see 77–135 passim and frequently in the subsequent chapters). Chap. 2.3, “Grammatik, Philosophie, Anthropologie: Das Problem der Wortstellung” (135–63) resumes the author’s 1978 book, Grammaire et philosophic au siègele des Lumières (Univ. de Lille III) – cf. HL VII.429 (1930), for details. The next chapters deal with language and evolutionist ideas, language and cognition, sources of ‘linguistic relativity’, and other topics; others are devoted to the ‘grammairien-patriote’ Urbain Domergue, Louis-Sébastien Mercier and his ‘Néologie’, and the work of the ‘Idéologues’ at the turn of the 19th century. The conclusion is entitled “Abschließende Bemerkungen: Zur Bilanz der Sprachdiskussion in der französischen Aufklärung” (274–81). The back matter consists of an impressive bib. – one regrets only that the author follows the German tradition of chopping off authors’ first names and of leaving publisher’s names unmentioned – which is divided into primary (282–307) and secondary sources (307–355, supplement, 355–56), an index of names (357–61), and a “Analytisches Inhaltsverzeichnis” (362–68) in lieu of a regular index of subjects and terms .]

Real Academia Española . 1981[1771] . Gramática delta Lengua Castellana . Edición facsímil y apéndice documental [by] Ramon Sarmiento , with an introduction . Madrid : Editora Nacional , 541 pp. [ Facs.-repr. of the 1771 Grammar of the Spanish Academy (84–494 = [xxxviii], 376 pp.), preceded by a detailed introd. (9–81), which places the Grammar in its original historical context, describing the history of the earlier efforts by the Academy and analysing the achievement of the 1771 text – cf. also the same author’s article, “The Grammatical Doctrine of the Real Academia Española (1854)”, HL XI.231–61, 1984, which deals with a later edition. (One regrets only that the bib. on pp. 79–81 is marred with errors.) The documentary appendix prints two texts concerning pre-1771 efforts, namely, a grammatical project by Antonio Angulo of 1741 in the form of a letter concerning the “Sistema de gram. cas de diferentes lenguas” (497–524), and a reply by Ig[nacio] Ceballos (525–35) commenting on the project. Table of contents ([539] to [541]); no index .]

Rivista di Letteratura Italiana . No. l ( 1983 ). Pisa : Giardini Editori , 224 pp. [ Editor: Umberto Carpi. – This newly established journal is divided into 3 sections, “Saggi” (i.e., articles of literary concern), “Testi e documenti”, and reviews. For HL readers the documentation by A. Brambilla, “Postille ascoliane all’ ‘Archivio Glottologico Italiano’” (187–92) is of particular interest, since it informs the reader of the fact that portions of Graziadio Isaia Ascoli’s (1829–1907) personal library are deposited in the fairly new Biblioteca Comunale of Milan, and that many volumes carry rich annotations by Ascoli. As well, it contained a letter each to Ascoli from the Indo-Europeanist Heinrich Zimmer (1851–1910) and the Romance scholar Adolfo Mussafia (1835–1905), both of which are printed in this first issue .]

. 1983 . Etude de la phonologie et de la morphologie de la koiné arabe . 2 vols, [paged consecutively] . Aix en Provence : Publications de l’Univ. de Provence ; Marseille : Jean Lafitte (diffusion) , 1 . 190 pp. (in all) . [ This massive study constitutes a detailed phonetic/phonological and morphological analysis of the structure of Classical Arabic, taking into account the work of the medieval Arab grammarians, in particular Sībawayhi’s Kītab. The back matter consists of an “Index des auteurs cités de la tradition grammaticale et philologique arabe” (1021–29), an “Index des termes techniques árabes” (10311062), bib. references (1063–1149, Addendum, 1151–54), tables of symbols (1155–64), and a “Table générale des matières” (1165–90), which may well serve as a index of subjects. – Cf. Diachronica 2:1.132 (1985) for further details .]

. 1984 . Die Werke James Elphinstons (1721–1809) als Quellen der englischen Lautgeschichte: Eine Analyse orthoepistischer Daten . (= Anglistische Forschungen, 172 .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter – Univ.-Verlag , [xi], 380 pp. [ This monographic study of the work of the English phonetician James Elphinston, who wrote several grammars of English as well as works devoted to stylistic matters and, in particular, various works dealing with English spelling and ‘diction’ (cf. the list on p. 373), makes use of these publications in order to establish facts of the pronunciation of 18th-century English. This analysis takes up the bulk of the present study, in chapters entitled “Die Aussprache der Vokale” (44–181), “Vokale in nebentonigen Silben” (182–99), “Die Aussprache der Konsonanten” (200–360), and “Wortbetonung” (361–369). Concluding remarks (370–71); appendix “Elphinstons Vokalsystem” (372), and bib. (373–80); no index. The introductory portion of the study (1–43) deals with Elphinston’s life and work .]

. 1983[1984] . Introduction à la terminologie . Deuxième édition . Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada : Gaëtan Morin éditeur [ Distributeur exclusif pour l’Europe et l’Afrique: Editions Eska S.A.R.L., 30 rue de Domrémy, F-75013 Paris], xlv, 238 pp. [First ed., 1981, this is a manuel of terminology of scientific (incl. linguistic) discourse and transfer. Its main (six) chapters deal with: 1, “Généralités”; 2, “Documentation et terminologie” (35–60); 3, “Méthodologie des travaux terminologiques” (61–90); 4, “La normalisation terminologique” (91119); 5, “La néologie …” (121–42), and 6, “Les banques de termes” (143–74). Various appendices, a bib. (211–27), and indices round of this informative tool .]

. 1983 . La Grammaire spéculative des Modistes. (Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Conseil Scientifique de Paris VII.) Lille : Presses Universitaires de Lille , 226 pp. [ This study, which goes back to work essentially completed in 1978 (hence the references to more recent publications in the Avant-propos, p.[7]), “a pour objet les grammaires modistes [which the author dates as having originated at the Univ. of Paris around 1255], Il s’agissait, avant tout, de montrer, de l’intérieur, l’économie de la théorie grammatical des Modistes, … On comprendra, par là-même, pourquoi nous n’avons pas toujours pris compte, de manière systématique, certains aspects historiques (conflits politiques, religieux, institutionnels) ou linguistiques …”. The work has 4 main chaps.: 1, “Présentation” (13–44), which presents the grammatical and philosophical sources, their authors (such as Martin, Boethius, John, and Simon of Dacia, Thomas of Erfurt, and Siger de Courtrai); 2, “Les modes de signifier” (45–70); 3, “Les parties du discours”, and 4, “La syntaxe” (71–135 and 137–98, respectively). Conclusion (199–203), bib. (205–208), endnotes (209–219), “Index rerum” (221–23), and table of contents (225–26).- Cf. the review note by Michael A(aron) Covington in Language 61:1.212 (March 1985). – Cf. also the same author’s contribution to Histoire Epistémologie – Langage 5:1.31–42 (1983) on Roger Bacon .]

. 1983 . Selected Writings of Edward Sapir . Ed. with notes by Yoshio Nagashima . (= Nan’un-do’s Contemporary Library, C-S45 .) Tokyo : Nan,un-do , vii, 129 pp. in- 16° . [ This little textbook reprints Sapir’s well-known Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (1933) articles on “Fashion” (24–41) and “Language” (42–93) and “Speech as a personal trait” from The American Journal of Sociology of 1927 (1–23). These are followed by explanatory notes in Japanese (95–129). – For other books dealing with Sapir (1884–1939) listed in this rubric, see the entries under Golla (1984), Koerner (1984), and Hirabayashi (1983) above .]

Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie / Copostavitel’noe jazykoznanie / Contrast-ive Linguistics . Nos. 1–6 ( 1983 ) and Nos. 1–6 ( 1984 ). Sofia : Univ. of Sofia [ for subscriptions, write to “Hemus”, Foreign Trade Organization, 6 Blvd Ruski, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgaria], between 125 and 140 pp. each individual issue. [Although devoted to ‘Contrastive Linguistics’, this journal prints a variety of papers of general linguistic interest, both historical and descriptive. In addition to the article and review sections, there are smaller rubrics under which biographical and bibliographical information can be found as well as reports on scholarly events. – For instance 1/1983 contains a sketch of Gustave Guillaume (1883–1960) by Asen Čaušev (112–14); 2/83 carries a biobibliographical account of Miroslav Janakiev (b.1923) on pp. 122–33); 3/83 contains biographical accounts of Ljubomir Miletic (1863–1937), Beno Čonev (1863–1926), Irži Polibka (1858–1933) on pp. 117–24 as well as obituaries of Ivan Kăncev (1893–1982) and Milan Romportl (1921–1982) on pp. 128–29 and 130–31, respectively; 4/83 contains, inter alia, a short notice on Meletij Smotricki (1578–1633) on pp. 111–13; a death notice on Bohumil Trnka (1895–1983) is found in 5/84.126–27; 6/1983 contains a short paper by Malina Ivanova on ‘The influence of the Enlightenment on attitudes towards translation during the third quarter of the 19th century’ (49–53). – The same ‘tradition’ is continued in the 1984 issues: No.l contains a biographical sketch of Edward Sapir (111–14) by Živko Bojažiev (Jivco Boyadjiev), another on Fran Kurelac (1811–1874) by Najda Ivanova (115–18) as well as an obituary of Aksela Todorova Lazarova (1937–83) on pp. 127–29, with bib. (130–31), and a brief death notice on Valentin Kiparsky (1904–1983) on p. 132; 2/84 carries death notices on Dimităr Spasov (1923–1983) and Vladimir Šmilauer (1895–1983) on pp. 123–125; 3/84 contains memorial notices on Dimităr Matov (1864–1896) and Antonín Frinta (1884–1975) on pp. 125–26 and 126–31 resp.; 5/83 contains a biographical sketch of Ivan Ivanovič Meščaninov (1883–1967) – see pp. 122–23 – and obituaries of Vladimir Barnet (1924–1983) and Eugen Paulini (1912–83) on pp. 130–34 – see also earlier for other items. – 6/1984 contains, among other things, a “Bibliografía na trudovete na Kiril Vlaxov (1973–1983)” on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birth (92–94), followed by a comparable work on Jordan Jordanov Elenski (b. 1924) on pp. 94–96 .]

. 1984 . Malinowskis Pragmasemantik . (= Britannica et Americana; Dritte Folge, Band 4 .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter – Universitätsverlag , 253 pp. [ Doctoral diss., Univ. of Marburg, 1980, which in effeet was entitled “Das linguisyische Werk Bronislaw Malinowskis als bedeutungstheoretische Grundlage des Britischen Kontextualismus und früher Entwurf einer Gebrauchstheorie der Bedeutung”. It is the thesis of this work that the school associated with John Rupert Firth (1890–1960) and his followers, John Lyons, Michael A. K. Halliday, and many others,owes much more to the ethnolinguistic and contextualizing work of the Polish-born Malinowski (1884–1942). The study consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Die schwache Rezeption des britischen Kontextualismus” (13–21); 2, “Einführende Diskussion gebräuchlicher Theoriebeziehungen und grundlegender theoretischer Positionen” (23–30); 3, “Das linguistische Werk Malinowskis: Rezeptionslage und Analyseprobleme” (31–37); 4, “Erste sprachtheoretische Überlegungen Malinowskis” (39–60); 5, “Definition der Bedeutung über die Funktion sprachlichen Handelns im situativen / kulturellen Kontext und funktional-semantische Erklärung phylo- und ontogenetischer Entwicklung formaler Kategorien” (61–217) – the ‘heart’ of the study – and 6, “Überblicksartige sprachphilosophische Einordnung Malinowskis” (219–26); 6, “Schluss: Nur ein Anfang” (227–37). Bib. (239–53); no index. -The author has (unfortunately) not taken notice of the following book: Claude Germain, La Notion de situation en linguistique (Ottawa: Editions de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1973), of which an English translation (by B. J. Wallace) appeared with the same publisher in 1979, xi, 133 PP. ]

. 1983 . Schizophrene Sprache in Monolog und Dialog: Psycholinguistischer Beitrag zu einer Charakteristik psychotischer Sprechakte mit Vorschlägen für das Gespräch in Klinik und Psychotherapie . Mit zahlreichen Zeichnungen . Hamburg : Helmut Buske Verlag , 380 pp. [ The study of schizophrenic speech has two major parts, I, “Die Sprache des Patienten: Syntaktische und semantische Beobachtungen als Grundlage für eine Beschreibung von schizophrenen Sprechakten”, and II, “Der’ Dialog mit den Patienten: Beobachtungen an Gesprächssituationen und Vorschläge für sprachliches Handeln in Klinik und Psychotherapie”. On the basis of her practical experience and the interdisciplinary approach she has been advocating, the author characterizes the speech of schizophrenics by its ‘aktuale Dialogabhängigkeit’, arguing (p. 344): “Der Nachweis scheint erbracht, daß schizophrene Sprachmuster momentane Streßreaktionen sind, von denen sich der Patient in dem Maße, wie das Gesprächsthema günstiger wird, spontan wieder erholt.” The back matter consists of brief summaries in English, German and French (346–49) and a detailed bib. (350–80); there is no index, however .]

1984 . Introducción a la poesía de Gómez Manrique . (= Spanish Series, 14 .) Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , 109 pp. [ Brief but well documented introd. to the poetic oeuvre of Gómez Manrique (c.1412-c.1490). In an appendix a “Repertorio de formas métricas” has been added. There is a bib., but no index .]

. 1980 . Linguarum recentium annales: Der Unterricht in den modernen europäischen Sprachen im deutschsprachigen Raum . Band I , 1500–1700 . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 10 .) Augsburg : [Published by and to be obtained through] Englisches Seminar, Univ. Augsburg , Alter Postweg 120, D-8900 Augsburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany , xv, 205 pp. [ This is not a regular narrative, a history of the teaching of modern European languages in German-speaking land`s, but a chronological, annalistic account of incidents, taken from primary or secondary sources in which such teachings have been reported, e.g., item 096 for the year 1602: “Michael Potier d’Estain richtet zu Köln eine Schreibund Rechenschule ein, in der er auch französischen Unterricht erteilt. D’Estain gibt 1603 in Köln eine ‘Grammatica gallica’ heraus.” (Source: Schmidt 1931:21 = B. Schmidt, Der französische Unterricht und seine Stellung in der Pädagogik des 17. Jahrhunderts, Diss., Univ. of Halle, 1931, p. 21). This important source book is structured as follows – and all subsequent volumes (6 are planned according to the Einführung, p. xi) are organized in the same manner: Index of languages (vii–ix), introd. (xi–xv), chronology of events/excerpts/reports, etc. (1–158), index of places (of private or public schools, colleges or universities, 159–64); index of names (165–75); index of subjects (177–81), index of sources (183–91), and other bib. references (193–205) .]

. 1982 . Linguarum recentium annales: Der Unterricht in den modernen europäischen Sprachen im deutschsprachigen Raum . Band 2 : 1701–1740 . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 18 .) Augsburg : Univ. Augsburg [ see full address above ], xiii, 248 , 2 facs . [ Sequel to Schröder 1980 (above) this vol. covers a much shorter time span, suggesting an increase in the activities concerning the teaching of foreign languages in German-speaking countries. Entry No.42 (p. 18) reads: “In Nürnberg erscheint [in the year 1703], von Peter Canel besorgt, ‘Der vollkommene französische Secretarius’.” (Stengel 1890:66 [cf. the Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1976, ed. enlarged by Hans-J. Niederehe of Stengel’s Chronologisches Verzeichnis …]). – In this vol. the chronology has, given the rich material at hand, introduced a distinction between ‘Universitäten’, ‘Übrige Hochschulen’, ‘Schulen’, ‘Lehrmaterialien’, and ‘Allgemeines’ in order to increase the informativeness of the excerpts (1–191). Indices of places (193–98), of persons (199–207), and – another innovation – of dates (a number of them going back before 1701, 209–212), and of subjects (213–18). Bib. of sources (219230) and of other books consulted (231–48) .]

. 1983 . Linguarum recentium annales: Der Unterricht … Band 3 : 1741–1770 . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 23 .) Augsburg : Univ. Augsburg , xi, 207 pp., 4 facs . [ Sequel to Schröder 1980 and 1982 (above) – see there for further details. This vol. covers a still shorter period of time than the preceding one, suggesting that the material at hand is on the increase again. Entry No.304 (p. 83) reads for the time ‘um 1760’: “Di Strado [no further information available, see Personenregister, p. 163] weilt als Sprachmeister des Italienischen an der Universität Giessen.” (Behrens 1907:346 – cf. Quellenverzeichnis, p. 182). This vol. follows the organizational structure of the two preceding ones, together with the innovations introduced in vol.2. – For other publications in the same series, see the entries under Finkenstaedt (above) and Seidelmann (below) .]

, with the assistance of Franziska Rogger et al. eds. 1984 . Hochschulgeschichte Berns 1528–1984: Zur 150-Jahr-Feier der Universität Bern 1984 . Bern : Hallwag AG for Univ. of Bern , 800 pp. [ Supplement: Die Dozenten der bernischen Hochschule: Ergänzungsband ..., ibid., 1984, 272 pp. – Of particular interest to readers of HL is the contribution by Rudolf Engler, “Zum Sprachbegriff der Berner Philologen” (297–317), which contains interesting accounts of the work of Ludwig Tobler (1827–95), Jules Gilliéron (1854–1926), Heinrich Morf (1854–1921), Louis Gauchat (1866–1942) , and Karl Jaberg (1877–1958) .]

. 1984 . Tractatus philosophico-phi-lologus de Methodo recte tractandi Linguas exoticas speciatim Gallicam, Italicam et Anglicam (1724) . Faksimiliert, übersetzt und herausgegeben von Franz Josef Zapp und Konrad Schröder , mit einer Darstellung der Geschichte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts an der Universität Wittenberg . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 30 .) Augsburg : Univ. Augsburg [ see entry ‘Schr der 1980’ (above) for details regarding full ordering address ], lvii, 220 pp. [ Facs.-ed., with German translation on opposite page, of 1724 treatise by Seidelmann, of whose biography (cf. “Zur Person des Autors”, xli–xliii) very little is known (1–213). The front matter consists of a “Vorwort” (vii–viii) and the following materials (in addition of those already mentioned): “Die Anfänge des Unterrichts in modernen Fremdsprachen im deutschsprachigen Raum” (ix–xxvii), from the Middle Ages to 1725, when Thomas Lediard publishes his Grammatuca Anglicana Critica (in Hamburg?), “Die Universität Wittenberg als Pflanzstätte neusprachlicher Studien im XVI. und XVII. Jahrhundert” (xxvii–xli), details regarding the item which served as the basis of the reproduction as well as locations (and their histories) of other specimens (xliii–li), and bib. (li–lvii). The back matter consists of a “Glossar wichtiger Fachtermini” (215–20) .]

. 1981 . Cas et fonctions: Etude des principales doctrines casuelles du Hoyen Âge à nos jours . Paris : Presses Universitaires de France , 211 pp. [ Following an introduction, which in effect is an “Aperçu des théories de l’Antiquité” (9–19), passing revue of the proposals by Dionysius Thrax, Varro, and Priscian, there are 3 major sections: I, “Du Moyen Âge au XVIIIe siècle: Age spéculatif” (19–73), which deals (only too briefly) with scholastic grammar, the work of Sanctius, Scioppius, the Port-Royal grammarians down to Chomsky (!); II, “Le XIXe siècle: L’espace et le temps ouverts à la grammaire” (7595), which deals for the most part with the work of Berthold Delbrück and ignores such interesting work as Hermann Jacobi’s Compositum und Nebensatz (Bonn: F. Cohen, 1897) and, to cite just another Junggrammatiker, Heinrich Hübschmann’s Zur Casuslehre (München: Th. Ackermann, 1875), not to mention a series of monographs by Brugmann himself (e.g. those of 1917 and 1925), and III, “Les structuralismes: L’âge ‘total-iste’” (97–202), which treats the theories of Hjelmslev, Jakobson, Kuryƚowicz, Heinz Happ (a follower of Lucien Tesnière’s dependency grammar), Martinet (!), and Charls Fillmore. Bib. (206–211), no index. – Cf. the reviews by René Amacker in Kratylos 27,5–8, by Marc Domininicy in AC 52.430–31, and B. Cambiaghi in Aevum 56.594–95, 1982 .]

1984 . “ Stoic and Peripatetic Kinds of Speech Act and the Distinction of Grammatical Moods ”. Mnemosyne 37 : 3/4 . 291 – 353 . [ Offprint. A welcome addition to the still rather limited scholarship concerning the Stoic contribution to grammatical theory available .]

. 1984 . The Oriental Renaissance: Europe’s rediscovery of India and the East, 1680–1880 . Translated [from the French] by Gene Patterson-Black & Victor Reinking . Foreword by Edward W. Said . New York : Columbia Univ. Press , xxiv, 542 pp. [ Transl. of Schwab’s (18841956) book, La Renaissance orientale (La découverte du Sanscrit – le siècle des écritüres déchiffrees – Vavènement de l’humanisme intégral – grandes figures d’orientalistes – philosophies de l’histoire et des réligions – sciences linguistiques et biologiques – I’hypo-thèse aryenne – I’Inde dans la littérature occidentale – I ‘Asie et le romantisme – I ‘hindouisme et Christianisme), which was the principal thesis of Schwab’s doctoral program and appeared in 1950 (Paris: Payot, 1950), 526 pp., with a Preface by the Sanskritist Louis Renou (1896–1966), which, however, has not been included in the present text but instead been replaced by a paper on “Raymond Schwab and the Romance of Ideas” by Edward W. Said, which first appeared in Daedalus 105.151–67 (1976), and here simply titled “Foreword” (vii–xx). – The very informative work is divided into 6 major parts: I, “The Phenomenon [of an ‘Oriental Renaissance’]” (11–47); II, “Integral Humanism” (49/51–128); III, “The Oriental Renaissance in Operation” (129/131221), which contains the important chap. 7, “The birth of linguistics” (168–89); IV, “The Personnel” (223/225–349), which largely deals with French letterati and hommes de lettres, but which, in chap. 11, “Founders and intermediaries” contains informative accounts of important figures such as Eugène Bournouf (1801–1852), A. I. Silvestre de Sacy (1758–1838), Antoine-Léonard de Chézy (1774–1832), and a section on “The parallels between linguistics and biology” (302–306); V, “Erudition Meets Creativity” (351/53–424), and VI, “Detours and Continuations” (525/27–469). The conclusion consists of three brief chaps.: 24, “An age of relativism”, and 25, “Aesthetic Incompatibilities” (473–78 and 479–81, resp.) and, finally, 26, “The Orient, the supreme Romanticism” (482–86). The back matter consists of endnotes (487–99), a select bib. (501–526), which, as the translators state (p. 501), “confines itself to those works Schwab indicated to be of importance to his own research”, and a general index (527–42). – For reviews of the original French text, cf. Emile Benveniste in BSLP 46:49 (1950) and G. Ryckmans in Muséon 63.287–88 (1950). For subsequent reviews, consult BL 1951, p. 18 .]

. 1982 . Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums . Band VIII : Lexikographie bis ca. 430 H . Leiden : E. J. Brill , xii, 389 pp. [ Following an introduction (1–20), which surveys the history of research in this field, the beginnings and subsequent development of Arabic lexicography, and the (bio)bibliographical sources available, there are brief accounts of scores of authors organized under the various headings, namely, II, “Frühe Lexikographen und Fuṣaḥā’” (21–49); III, “Lexikographen im Irak” (50–187); IV, “Lexikographen in Persien” (188–239); V, “Lexikographen in Arabien – Ägypten (240–48); VI, “Lexikographen in Nordafrika – Spanien” (249–56), and “Unbekannte Verfasser und Anonyma” (257–62); supplementary information (263–77). The remaining portion of the volume consists of a “Literaturverzeichnis” (281–95), an accounting of “Bibliotheken und Sammlungen arabischer Handschriften” (296–312), an indices of authors (315–41), of book titles (242278), and of modern authors and editors (379–85). Finally, there is a list of locations of MSS of anonymous authors .]

. 1984 . Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums . Band IX : Grammatik bis ca.430 H . Leiden : E. J. Brill , xiii, 406 pp. [ This vol. follows the same organization as the preceding one (Sezgin 1982) – see above. Like volume VIII of the ‘History of Arabic writing’, it is not really a history, but a carefully presented accounting of the material, primary as well as secondary (though with emphasis on the former), available for the actual writing of such a history. As such it will be an important research tool for many years to come. – HL XII:3 will carry a review of these two books .]

Sprache und Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht . 15 : 2 . 1 – 128 ( 1984 ). Munich : Wilhelm Fink Verlag ; Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh . [ This issue of the journal (which represents No.54 of the former “Linguistik und Didaktik”), contains sketches of three major figures in (or towards the development of) ‘modern linguistic’, under the heading of “Klassiker der Sprachwissenschaft”. These are: Hermann Paul (1846–1921) by Lauri Seppänen (2–18); Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) by Ludwig Jäger (19–30), who continues his 1975 position of an ‘authentic’ Saussure who followed the ‘hermeneutic’ trend of 19th century (German) philosophy (of language), and Noam Chomsky (b.1928) by Gisbert Fanselow & Sascha W. Felix (31–56) .]

. 1984 . Grammars and Dictionaries of the Slavic Languages from the Middle Ages up to 1850: An annotated bibliography . Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Mouton Publishers , xiv, 190 pp. [ In accord with the traditional division of Slavic into West, South, and East Slavic, the bib. arranges the material according to language subgroup and, within each subgroup, according to individual language. Thus it is arranged in the following order: “Czech” (3–24); “Slovak” (25–32), “Polish” (33–60); “Sorbian” (61–66); “Bulgarian” (69–76); “Croatian” (77–93); “Serbian” (94–97); “Slovene” (98–109); “Russian” (113–46); “Ukrainian” (147–57). Each section separates between grammars and dictionaries and lists the texts, published as well as unpublished, in chronological order, at times with brief annotations, cross references, and/or references to modern editions. The back matter consists of an “Index of authors” (159–67), which omits the name of Johann Gabriel Sparfvenfeld (1655–1727), for instance, whose 2,300 folio-page MS is mentioned on p. 128, with a “ca.1700” date. (The index completes the names of various authors, but no biographical dates of individual authors are provided, something which would have increased the value of the book.) On pp. 169–70, there is an “Index of cities with variant names”, followed by a bib. of secondary sources (171–86) and a “List of facsimiles and critical editions” (187–90). – In this connection, mention should perhaps (have) be(en) made of the following paper by the late Constantine Bida (1916–1979): “16th and Early Seventeenth Century Church Slavonic Grammars”, Studies in the History of Linguistics 20.71–85 (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1980) .]

. 1984 . Franz Bopp und die vergleichende indoeuropäische Sprachwissenschaft: Beobachtungen zum Boppschen Sprachvergleich aus Anlaß irriger Interpretationen in der linguistischen Literatur . (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft; Vorträge und Kleinere Schriften, 33 .) Innsbruck : Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck , 52 pp. [ Rev. and extended version of the author’s paper published in the same year in Zeitschrift für Germanistik 5:2.144–58, this essay patently ignores western scholarship on Bopp published since 1975, especially the writings of Anna Morpurgo Davies. An appendix (41–52) provides a list of Bopp’s courses at the Univ. of Berlin (1822–1864/65), which gives an interesting idea of the variety of subjects he treated, especially during the first 15–20 years of his tenure .]

. 1983 . Social Order and Child Communication: A study in microethnography . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, IV:8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 130 pp. [ This study deals with “contextualization by which children organize their interaction”, including verbal interaction. Bib. (119–30); no index .]

. 1984 . Johann Christoph Adelung: Ein Beitrag zu seinem germanistischen Schaffen mit einer Bibliographie seines Gesamtwerkes . (= Studia Lingüistica Germanica, 21 .) Berlin-New York-Amsterdam : Walter de Gruyter , xii, 290 pp. [ This monograph devoted to the life and work of Adelung (1732–1806) is an attempt to redress the traditional picture of this influential 18th-century grammarian and lexicographer as “normativer Grammatiker, and phantasieloser Wissenschaftler, der alles umständlich sammelte und streng rationalistisch oder spätaufklärerisch ordnete.” (Vorwort, p. vii). [The author appears to have especially in mind Wilhelm Scherer – not Scherrer, as on p. 5, note and in the ref., p. 227 – in his entry on Adelung in ADB 1.81–84 (1875).] – The study has 4 parts: I, “Uebersicht über das allgemeine und germanistische Schaffen Adelungs” (1–92), which includes a biographical sketch of A. (3–7) as well as an annotated, select bib. of his writings (8–35); II, “Grundlinien des germanistischen Denkens” (93–245), which in effect constitutes the heart of the investigation, and which is an analysis of Adelung’s linguistic work seen within the framework of the work of his predecessors, incl. Fabian Frangk, Valentin Ickelsheimer, Laurentius Albertus, Albert Oelinger, Johannes Clajus, Georg Schottelius, Caspar Stieler, and Leibniz, his contemporaries such as Christian Wolff and Johann Christoph Gottsched as well as his successors, notably Jacob Grimm (whose work appears to have eclipsed A’s). Part III is nothing but an appendix printing, for the first time, it appears, of a poem by A. (the only one extant) and a few “Stimmen zu Adelung” (256–68), i.e., statements by well-known authors about A. (1779–1859). Part IV consists of various indices, incl. references to modern reprints of his work, and a bib. (269–90) .]

. 1984 . Les conceptions linguistiques des Encyclopédistes: Etude sur la constitution d’une théorie de la grammaire au siède des Lumières . (= Sammlung Groos, 21 .) Heidelberg : Julius Groos Verlag ; Leuven : University Press , [vii], 165 pp. [ This rev. version of the author’s doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Louvain/Leuven, 1982, consists of 4 main chaps., following a brief introd. (1–4), in which the author points to the emphasis of his study on the concept of ‘grammaire’ of the Encyclopédist es instead of that of ‘langue’, given its importance in 18th-century scientific discourse: 1, “La grammaire: Definition et division” (5–38); 2, “La théorie du mot: Etymologie et valeur” (39–60); 3, “Le matériel des mots: Phonétique et prosodie” (61–105), and 4, “La syntaxe” (106–140). “Conclusion” (141–45), bib. of primary (146–51) and secondary (152–62) sources, and 3 appendices reproducing 4 schemata presented in the Encyclopédic (163–66), namely, the “Systeme figuré des parties de la grammaire”, the “Système figuré des espèces de mots”, and the tables of the consonants and of the vowels. (These are taken from the entries/articles on “Grammaire”, “Mots”, “Articulation”, and “Voix”, respectively.) No index .]

( sous la direction de ), avec la collaboration de : Michel Le Guern, Odile Le Guern-Forel, Franz-Jozef Mertens et Jean Stéfanini . 1984 . Grammaire et méthode au XVIIe siècle . Leuven : Peeters , 110 pp. [ This booklet brings together, introduced by an “Avant-propos” (7–8) of the main ed., and concluded by an annotated bib. – the compilers speak of ‘bibliographie raisonnée’ on “La grammaire française au XVIIe siecle” (95–110), which includes bibliographical tools, primary as well as secondary sources – the following articles: “La méthode dans la grammaire française au dix-septieme siècle” (9–34) by Pierre Swiggers; “Méthode et pédagogie dans les grammaires françaises de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle” (35–48) by Jean Stéfanini; “La méthode dans La Rhétprique ou l’Art de parier de Bernard Lamy” (49–67) by Michel Le Guern; “Methode et description grammaticale chez Denis Vairasse d’Allais” (68–87), again by the main ed., and “Louis Thomas-sin: La Méthode d’étudier et d’enseigner chrétiennement et utilement la grammaire ou les langues, par rapport à I’Ecriture Sainte, en les réduisant toutes à l’Hebreu (1690)” (88–94) by Odile Le Guern-Forel. (The bib. was compiled by the ed. and Jozef Mertens, his thesis director and mentor.) No index .]

. 1983 , Les patois du canton de Saint Seine L’Abbaye . Fontaine-lès-Dijon : Association Bourguignonne de Dialectologie et d’Onomastique , vi, 76 pp. [ A careful study of a dialect in Burgundy in the process of falling into disuse, both from a point of view of the lexicon (incl. toponomastics) and the phonology. (The author is also the author of the Linguistic Atlas of Burgundy.) Numerous maps .]

. 1984 . Les noms de lieux du Jura . Ibid. , [vii], 72 pp. [ Following a concise introd. to the history of the place names in the Jura region (with photographs and maps), there is a detailed analysis given of altogether 535 place names, arranged alphabetically .]

. 1984 . Latino, Grammatica, Volgare: Storia di una questione umanista . (= Medioevo e Umanesimo, 53 .) Padova : Editrice Antenore , xxiv, 327 , 1 page of errata . [ The study consists of two major parts of unequal length, introduced by a brief description of the period investigated carefully (namely, 1435-ca.1485, in Italy, pp. ix–xvii) and a list of primary and secondary sources (xviiixxiv): I, “Storia della questione” (1–193), and II, “Testi” (195–301, notes, 302–304). The back matter consists of a short postscript (305–306), an indices of sources cited (307–308), including unpublished material (p. 309), an index of subjects and linguistic terms (311–20), and an index of names (321–27). – Part I consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Leonardo Bruai [(1370–1444)] e Biondo Flavio [(1392–1463)]” (3–41); 2, “Leonardo Bruni e Leon Battista Alberti [(1404–1472)]” (42–72); 3, “Guarino [Guarini, (1374–1460)] e l’ambiente ferrase” (73–104); 4, “Poggio Bracciolini [(1380–1459)]” (105–116); 5, “Lorenzo Valla [(1407–1457)]” (117–69); 6, “Francesco Filelfo [(1398–1481)]” (170–81), and 7, “Paolo Pompilio [(c.1455–1491)] e la situazione romana” (182–93). – Cf. Mirko Tavoni’s paper (which in effect is an outcome of his research on the same subject), “The 15th-century controversy on the language spoken by the ancient Romans: An inquiry into Italian humanist concepts of ‘Latin’, ‘Grammar’, and ‘Vernacular’”, HL IX:3.237–64 (1982) .]

ed. 1983 . Metaphor and Religion . (= Theolinguistics, 2 .) Brussels : Vrije Universiteit Brussel [ Study Series , n.s. 12 .], [v], 290 pp. [ The vol. brings together 14 papers approaching the subject of metaphor and (in about half of them also of) theology or religion, two of them in French, the rest in English. They include a paper by Mary B. Hesse, “The Cognitive Claims of Metaphor” (27–45); János S. Petöfi, “Metaphor in Everyday Communication, in Scientific, Biblical, and Literary Texts” (149–79); Earl R. MacCormac, “Religious Metaphor: Linguistic expressions of cognitive processes” (47–70). There is a list of biographical sketches on the contributors (283–90), but no comprehensive bib. and no index .]

ed. 1983 . Cancionero de las obras de Juan del enzina, Salamanca, 1496: Edición y concordancias . (- Spanish Series , Madison, Wisconsin : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , 24 pp., 5 microfiches . [ Computerized ed. of the sole text available done by Juan del Encina himself, with a word-form index .]

ed. 1984 . An Edition of the Middle English Grammatical Texts . (= Garland Medieval Texts, 8 .) New York & London : Garland Publishing , xxxii, 287 pp. [ According to the author, this “edition should be regarded as a companion volume to (his) Descriptive Catalogue of Middle English Grammatical Texts (Garland, New York and London, 1979), where full information on the manuscripts and matters of background to the treatises will be found.” (Preface, p. vii). – For information on this earlier book, see HL VII436 (1980). – The present book presents the grammatical texts themselves (1–220), with “Notes to the texts” following (221–80), and a glossary of grammatical terms and concepts (281–87) concluding the volume. In the Introduction (xi–xxix), the author reports, i.a., that only late 14th-century texts dealing with grammar (i.e., usually = Latin grammar) survived, since following the Norman Conquest in 1066, English had fallen into disuse as the language of elementary instruction. As a matter of fact, most MSS date from the mid-15th century. (The texts here presented “are essentially in the form in which they were presented in (the author’s) Oxford doctoral [D.Phil.] thesis and retain the lineation given there and referred to in (his) Catalogue” [Introd., p. xxv. – The unpublished dissertation of 1977 is entitled A Study of the Middle English Treatises on Grammar.) ]

Travaux de Linguistique: Publication du service de linguistique fran-gaise de l’Université d’Etat à Gand . No. 9/10 ( 1982–83 ), 196 pp. Gent : Rijksuniversiteit te Gent . [ This double issue of the journal is devoted to the following subject: “Tradition grammaticale et linguistique: L’Essai de grammaire de la langue française de Jacques Damou-rette [(? -1944)] et Edouard Pichon [(1890–1940)]”. In effect, the 7-volume_enterprise by Damourette & Puchon was entitled Des Mots à la Pensée: Essai de grammaire de la langue française (Paris: d’Ar-trey, [1911-]1927–1952); cf. p. 181–82 for details, incl. reviews of (usually parts of the) work, which, however, does not mention Gaston Esnault’s review in Mercure de France (1 June 1935), 406–414. – Following Marc Wilmet’s ‘Présentation’ (15–19) the volume prints papers by Jacques Pohl, André Joly, Catherine Fuchs, Dominique Willems, Jean Marie D’Heur, Olivier Soutet, Liliane Tasmowski-De Ryck, Eugeen Roe-giest, Co Vet, Karinne Eyckmans, and the bib. of Damourette and Pichón by Bruno Callebaut (181–87). – The bib. does not include Damourette ‘s review of Emile Benveniste’s famous article “Nature du signe linguistique” of 1939 in Revue des Langues romanes 68.483–84 (1939 for 1937), as this touches on the question of what Bertold Brecht referred to ‘Fragen des geistigen Eigentums’ (for which he himself didn’t care too much): It appears that Benveniste took the essentials of his argument from E. Pichon’s 1937 article, “La linguistique en France: Problèmes et méthodes”, Journal de Psychologie normale et pathologique 34.25–48, where Pichon criticized Saussure’s ‘arbitraire’ (pp. 25–31); see also Pichón’s comment on Benveniste’s paper, “Sur le signe linguistique: Complément à 1’article de M. Benveniste”, Acta Linguistica’ 2.51–52 (1940/41), mentioned in the bib. (p. 187), but apparently not consulted by the compiler. (For another example of Benveniste’s apparent dishonesty in not referring to his sources and presenting certain insights as his own, cf. Bengt Löfstedt in Lang. 56.221, 1980) .]

. 1982 . Zur Geschichte des Englischunterrichts an höheren Schulen: Die Entwicklung bis 1900, vornehmlich in Preußen . (= Augsburger I- & I-Schriften, 20 .) Augsburg : Englisches Seminar der Universität Augsburg [ for full address, see entry under Finkenstaedt above ], vi, 328 pp. [ This 1981 Univ. of Augsburg dissertation on the teaching of English in German high schools until 1900 consists of the following major chaps.: 1, “Die Entwicklung des höheren Schulwesens in Preußen von der Bildungsreform W. v. Humboldts bis 1900” (5–24), i.e., after 1810; 2, “Die Verbreitung des Schulfachs Englisch an den höheren Schulen in Preußen bis 1874” (25–41); 3, “Die Stellung des Englischunterrichts in den preußischen Lehrplänen” (42–66); 4, “Die Entwicklung einer didaktischen Konzeption des Englischunterrichts” (67–114); 5, “Die Englisch Lernenden” (115–44); 6, “Die Englisch Lehrenden” (145–210), the most detailed chapter of the study which examines the training, career possibilities, and the ‘Berufsethos und wissenschaftlicher Status’ of highschool teachers of English in 19th-century Germany; and 7, “Schulfach und Fachwissenschaft” (211 to 241). Following the endnotes (242–73), which include interesting statistics on dissertations, publication outlets of schools, etc., there are 2 appendices, one concerning the spread of instruction of English in Prussia from 1760 [unless we want to include Hanover and its surroundings, which in fact were not part of Prussia at the time] to 1874 (274–300), which lists places (and the relevant schools of higher learning) in chronological order, the other on the development of English as a subject of instruction in other German-speaking lands, Baden, Bavaria, Saxony, Wurttemberg, and Austria (301–311). Detailed bib. (312–28); no index .]

Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik . 12 : 1 . 1 – 130 ( 1984 ). Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter . [ Pp. 86 – 90 print a report of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists held in Tokyo , 29 August4 September 1982 , by Yoshihiko Ikegarni .]

Zeitschrift für Slawistik . 26 : 2 . 167 – 311 ; 26 : 4 . 479 – 628 ( 1981 ), and 28 : 3 . 337 – 500 ( 1983 ). [ These issues of the journal published by the Akademie-Verlag in Berlin (address: Leipziger Strasse 3–4, DDR-1086 Berlin) contains valuable information on the history of the neogrammarian school in Leipzig, in particular August Leskien (1840–1916), on whom (and whose work) the Sektion Theoretische und angewandte Sprachwissenschaft of the Karl Marx Univ. in Leipzig held a colloquium on 24 April 1980 (cf. p. 167). This issue (26:2) prints altogether 10 papers by Ernst Eichler, Hilmar Walter, Rainer Eckert, Heinz Schus-ter-Vewc, Gerhard Schlimpert, Wilhelm Zeil, Heinz Pohrt, and Gerhart Schröter, the latter actually contributing a bib. of Leskien (271–78). Of particular interest are the following: G. Schlimpert, “August Leskien im Lichte seiner Briefe an Karl Brugmann” (216–21), in particular the edition of the letters themselves, dating from 1880–1885, the period of the growing debate over the neogrammarian doctrine (224–37) See also letters by Leskien to Johannes Schmidt of 1872–1900 (243–53) – 26:4 contains, inter alia, a sequel to “Briefe Leskiens an Karl Brugmann” ed. by G, Schlimpert & R, Eckert (524–42) covering the important period of the ‘War of Monographs’ between the Neogrammarians and their opponents, notably Curtius and Schuchardt. – 28:3 (1983) contains part III of this correspondence (440–64), covering the years 1887–1916, i.e., until and including the year of Leskien’s death (in fact the last two were written by one of his daughters, as Leskien was ill and bedridden). The publication of this material in one separate volume, with a detailed index would be a valuable project for the history of linguistics .]

Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 37 : 1 ( Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , 1984 ). [ Contains 2 papers on Jacob Grimm by Werner Neumann (3–10) and Burkhard Löther (11–18), resp .]

Word & Image: A journal of verbal/visual enquiry . Volume I , No. l ( January-March 1985 ), 131 pp. in- 4° . London & Philadelphia : Taylor & Francis ( International Scientific and Educational Publishers ; address: Rankine Rd., Basingstoke, Hants. RG24 OPR, England ). [ This journal has mainly to do with visual art, especially painting and other graphic techniques, e.g., “The dialogue between bodies and souls: Pictures and poesy in the English Renaissance” (16–30) by Michael Leslie or “Of antique and other figures: Metaphor in early Renaissance art” (31–58) .]

1984 . Systems of Discourse: Structures and semiotics in the social sciences . (= Contributions in Sociology , 51 .) Westport, Connecticut & London : Greenwood Press , xiv, 158 pp. [ Of some interest to readers of HL may be chap. l, “Language and social science: The historical background” (3–14); but as the rest of the book makes clear, the author is interested in scientific discourse in sociology (as found in Dürkheim, Max Weber, and others), not in linguistics. Bib. (143–47); index (149–58) .]

. 1983 . Bon-Declarative Sentences . (= Pragmatics & Beyond, IV:2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publ. Co. , ix, 123 pp. [ A theoretical discussion of particular syntactic questions pertaining to English. Bib. (121–23); no index. Indeed, the author states (p. ix): “Given the form of the book, a complete reading is necessary for a full understanding.” ]

Last-minute addenda

Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1982 et compléments des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1982 … Edited, with the assistance of J. J. Beylsmit , by Hans Borkent & Mark Janse . Dordrecht – Boston – Lancaster : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , Iii, 892 pp. [ This 15,000 item bib. contains 190 entries under the rubric of “History of Linguistics” (92–102), but many additional items can be found in various other places, such as “Biographies” (28–46), “Philsophy of Language” (62–67), and in general sections or subsections .]

ed. & transl. 1984 . Contributions to Functional Syntax, Semantics, and Language Comprehension . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 16 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins (publisher in the western hemisphere for Academia, Academy of Sciences, Prague) , 379 pp. [ The volume contains orginal contributions as well as English translations of recent papers written in Czech by P. Sgall, P. Materna, M. Plátek, E. Hajičová, and others on subjects such as typology, dependency grammar, topic & focus, case frames, valency, and computational linguistics .]