Edward Sapir’s coursework in linguistics and anthropology

Stephen O. Murray and Wayne Dynes
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Murray, Stephen O.
1983Group Formation in Social Science. Edmonton: Linguistic Research.Google Scholar
1985 “A pre-Boasian Sapir?HL 12.267–69.Google Scholar
1986 “Edward Sapir in ‘the Chicago School of Sociology’”. New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1–3 October 1984) ed. by William Cowan, Michael Foster & Konrad Koerner, 241–87. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
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Appendix I.Life dates, highest degree, source and year of highest degree for Sapir’s teachers at Columbia University*

*[The source of these professors’ academic credentials are the Columbia University annual catalogs for the years 1904 through 1907. Most probably, Boas’ degree was a ‘Dr. rer. nat.’, as his dissertation on Beiträge zur Erkenntnis der Farbe des Wassers (published in his home town, Minden: Korber & Freytag, 1881) was in natural sciences, not the arts (where the regular doctorate would have been a ‘Dr. phil.’).

Franz Boas
(1858–1942), Ph.D., Kiel 1881Google Scholar
William Henry Carpenter
(1853–1936), Ph.D., Freiburg 1881Google Scholar
Livingston Farrand
(1867–1939), M.D., Columbia 1891Google Scholar
John Laurence Gerig
(1878–1957), Ph.D., Nebraska 1902Google Scholar
William Addison Hervey
(1870–1918), A.M., Columbia 1894 (Leipzig student 1896)Google Scholar
A(braham) V(alentine) Williams Jackson
(1862–1937), Ph.D., Columbia 1886 (LL.D. 1904)Google Scholar
Berthold Laufer
(1874–1934), Ph.D., Leipzig 1897Google Scholar
Arthur F(rank) J(oseph) Remy
(1871–1954), Ph.D., Columbia 1901Google Scholar
Marshall H(oward) Saville
(1867–1935), special student at Harvard’s Peabody Museum 1889–1893Google Scholar
Rudolf Tambo
, Ph.D., Columbia 1901 (Leipzig student 1899–1900)Google Scholar
Calvin Thomas
(1854–1919), A.M., Michigan 1877 (Berlin student 1891–1893)Google Scholar
Abraham Yohannan
(1853–1925), Ph.D., Columbia 1902Google Scholar

Appendix II.Textbooks used in language courses taken by Sapir

D’Arbois de Jubainville, Henri
(1827–1910). 1903Eléments de la grammaire celtique. Paris: A. Fontemoing.Google Scholar
Holthausen, Ferdinand
(1860–1956). 1899Alt sächsisches Elementarbuch. Heidelberg: C. Winter.Google Scholar
Kahle, Bernhard
(1861–1910). 1896Altisländisches Elementarbuch. Heidelberg: C. Winter.Google Scholar
Strachan, John
(1862–1907). 1901Select Old Irish Glosses. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.Google Scholar
Streitberg, Wilhelm August
(1864–1925). 1910Gotisches Elementarbuch. 3rd ed. Heidelberg: C. Winter.Google Scholar
Uhland, Ludwig
(1787–1862). 1844Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche Volkslieder. Stuttgart: J.G. Cotta.Google Scholar
Uhlenbeck, Christianus Cornelis
(1866–1951). 1900Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wörterbuch der gotischen Sprache. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: J. Muller. (1st ed. 1896.)Google Scholar
Windisch, Ernst
(1844–1918). 1882Compendium of Irish Grammar: Dublin: M. Gill & Sons.Google Scholar