Bloomfield as an Austronesianist


Bloomfield’s contribution to Austronesian linguistics was quantitatively small, but qualitatively of high importance. He published only one book and one article on Philippine languages. His gigantic Tagálog Texts with Grammatical Analysis (1917) is still, after seventy years, the best single source of information in existence for an Austronesian language. It exemplified a successful application of descriptive analytical method to material dictated by an informant, and as such was an important step in the development of Bloomfield’s principles of linguistic analysis. As such, it represents a major advance over his 1914 Introduction to the Study of Language. The importance and value of his Tagálog Texts have never been given fully adequate recognition. His other contribution, the short “Outline of Ilocano Syntax” (1942) is a tour de force in demonstrating the possibility of making so economical statement as to cover in less than seven pages the entire taxonomic syntax of a language.

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