Rhetoric as a methodological basis for 17th-century linguistics: A Danish case study

Wenche Vagle
Oslo University

The purpose of this paper is to throw light on the role of rhetoric as a methodological basis for 17th-century linguistics through a Danish case study. After a presentation of the Danish grammarian Peder Syv (16311702) and the main ideas of his text Nogle Betenkninger om det Cimbriske Sprog (Some Reflections on the Cimbric Language), of 1663, a brief characterization of the rhetorical tradition is given with special emphasis on invention and its topical method of inquiry. Through an analysis of the argumentation in Syv’s text it is found that the author employs topic inquiry as his fundamental method of investigation, and that his line of argument relies on rhetorical evidence of all three kinds: ethos, pathos, and logos. In conclusion, it is suggested that the sociological theory of rationalization offers an explanation as to why we as modern readers have difficulties appreciating the rhetorical method.

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