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E. F. K. Koerner and Daming Xu
Les Jardins du Chateau, Hull, Québec, Canada
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.

1991 . Discourse Particles: Descriptive and theoretical investigations on the logical, syntactic and pragmatic properties of discourse particles in German . (= Pragmatics & Beyond: New Series, 12 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 338 pp. [ This volume brings together eight articles such as the following: Arnim von Stechow, “Focusing and backgrounding operators”; Ekkehard König, “Identical values in conflicting roles: The use of German ausgerechnet, eben, genau and gerade as focus particles”; and Werner Abraham, “Discourse particles in German: How does their illocutive force come about?”. Indices (329–338). ]

. 1990 . L’umbrias nel quadro linguistico dell’italiana: Incontro de studi, Gubbio, 18–19 giugno 1988 . Napoli : Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane , xvi, 244 pp. [ The volume brings together articles such as the following: Manlio Cortelazzo, “Progresso della ʃ sonora intervocalica”; Gabriella Giacomelli, “Contatti e confini linguistici tra Umbria e Toscana”; and Antonio Batinti, “Per l’osservatorio linguistico dell’Umbria: note e proposte”. ]

. 1991 . Stœfcrœft: Studies in Germanic Linguistics: Selected papers from the First and the Second Symposium on Germanic Linguistics, University of Chicago, 24 April 1985, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 3–4 October 1986 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 79 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 217 pp. [ The volume contains thirteen papers such as the following: Elmer H. Antonsen, “On the morphological analysis of German: In defense of the category adjective/adverb”; Peter Coopmans, “On two casebased reanalysis representations of the causative construction in Dutch”; Hans Henrich Hock, “On the origin and development of relative clauses in Early Germanic, with special emphasis on Beowulf”; James W. Marchand, “The sound-shift revisited – or Jacob Grimm vindicated, and many others. “Master List of References” (195–212), and “Index of Names” (213–217). ]

. 1991 . A Case for Psycholinguistic Cases , Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 195 pp. [ The volume contains ten articles such as the following: Ragnar Rommetweit, “Psycholinguistics, Hermeneutics, and Cognitive Science”; Johannes Engelkamp, “Language and Modes of Thought”; Catherine E. Snow, “Language Proficiency: Towards a definition”, and many others. Subject Index (189–192) and Author Index (193–195). ]

. 1991 . Die synchrone Prozeßbasis des natürlichen Lautwandels (= Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistiik, Beiheft, 71 .) Stuttgart : Franz Steiner , xix, 268 pp. [ The book is in German text but contains a “Geleitwort” by Oswald Szemerényi in English, “To the reader about this work”. The four chaps. of the book are: 1, “Vorbemerkungen”; 2, “Zur Typologie natürlicher Lautprozesse”; 3, “Analysen diachroner Prozesse”, and 4, “Nachbemerkungen”. Indices (253–268). ]

. 1990 . Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists, Berlin, August 10-August 15, 1987 . Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , Vol. I , xiv, 938 pp ; Vol. II , xii, [939-] 1895 pp; Vol. III , xii, [1836-]2818 pp. [ The three-volume proceedings contain more than seven hundred papers presented at the conference organized under the headings of “Plenary sessions”, “Round tables”, and “Sections”. The plenary sessions include six sessions such as the session on “Wilhelm von Humboldt and Modern Linguistics” with contributions by B. Malmberg, W. Neumann, and R. H. Robins. There are twenty-one “Round Tables” on various topics. The sections include: 1, “Phonetics-phonology”; 2, “Morphology”; 3, “Word formation”; 4, “Syntax”; 5, “Syntax and semantics”; 6, “Lexical semantics”; 7, “Language change”; 8, “Social and regional variation of language”; 9, “Language planning and language policies”; 10, “Language contacts”; 11, “Language acquisition”; 12, “Neurolinguistics”; 13, “Language and poetics”; 14, “Text and discourse”; 15, “Computational linguistics”; 16, “Universals and typology”; 17, “Historical-comparative linguistics”; 18, “Theory of translation” and 19, “History of linguistics”. Of particular interest to the readers of this journal should be the section on “History of linguistics”, which contains thirty-seven papers such as: J. A. Argente, “What do linguists deal about?”; B. Bartschat, “Ideengeschichtliche Bezüge zwischen Haijim Steinthal und Aleksandr Afanas’evič Potebnja”; Ž[ivko] Bojadžiev, “A propos des fondements théoriques de l’école linguistique sociolinguistique française (A. Meillet, J. Vendryes)” – cf. Boyadjiev (1991) below; R[anko] Bugarski, “Towards integration in linguistics”; H. Cohen, “Hugh Blair’s theory of language and style”; B[eatriz] Garza Cuarón, “Past and present trends in Ibero-American linguistics”; E. FreibergerSheikholeslami, “Wilhelm von Humboldt and Gustav Shpet: The inner form of the world”; W. T[errence] Gordon, “Semantics and C. K. Ogden: Interdisciplinary initiatives in the 1930s”; J. Grabarek, “Ludwik Zabrockis Beitrag sur Entwicklung der modernen Linguistik”; B. Hammer, Zur Humboldt-Rezeption in der sowjetischen Linguistik: Sprache als Tätigkeit. L. V. Ščerba”; G[erda] Haßler, “Kontinuität und Innovation in der Entwicklung des Wertbegriffs bis Saussure”; E[sa] Itkonen, “The notion of ‘progress’ in the history of linguistics”; M[ark] Janse, “Wackernagel’s law”; K[onrad] Koerner, Continuities and discontinuities in the history of linguistics”; D. Krüger, “Zu Lamberts sensualistischer Sprachphilosophie”; J[oan] Leopold, “Friedrich Max Müller within the parameters of Berlin linguistics of the 1840’s”; T. Lewaszkiewicz, “Die Bedeutung A. Ch. Vostokovs in der Sprachwissenschaft”; Y. Liao, “A continuation of Jespersen’s theory in TG Grammar”; R[onald] Lötzsch, “Das Problem der Sprachmischung in der Linguistik des 19 Jahrhunders”; M. Mikó, “József Márton (1771–1840)”; A. Möller, “„Ausbruch” der Orthographie aus der Sprachwissenschaft? – Zum Verhältnis von Sprachwissenschaft und Orthographie im 19. Jahrhundert”; B[ernd] Naumann, “Der Einfluß erdgeschichtlicher und deszendenztheoretischer Modelle auf die Sprachursprungsforschung und die deutsche Sprachgeschichtsschreibung der 60er un 70er Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts”; R. Neurath, “Zum Grammatik-Konzept Wilhelm von Humboldts”; J. Petr, “Die Sprache vom Standpunkt des Monismus des dialektischen Materialismus”; B. Plötner, “Jacob Grimm und die Regionalsprachen Frankreichs”; E. Schankweiler, “Wilhelm von Humboldts Humanitätsideale: Mensch – Nation – Sprache. Ein Beitrag zur Humboldtexegese”; G. Schmidt, “Die Völkerpsychologie im 19. Jahrhundert – Neuanfang oder Schlußpunkt”; L[auri] Seppänen, “Homo und animal rationale: Bedeutungsprobleme der mittelalterlichen Scholastiker”; T[atjana] Slama-Cazacu, “Roman Jakobson and the ‘Gestaltpsychologie’”; H[arry] Spitzbardt, “Critique of Glottochronology”; J[ürgen] Storost, “Zur Kritik von Littré und Steinthal an der These von Fuchs über den Ursprung der romanischen Sprachen”; W. H. Strauß, “System- und Tätigkeitsaspekt in englischen Grammatiken an deutschen Universitäten im 18. Jahrhundert”; P[ierre] Swiggers, “L’historiographie des sciences du langage: intérêts et programmes”; M[ária] Tsiapera, “Medieval Cypriot Greek: Its development and influence”; J[oanna] R. Williams & M. Tsiapera, “The influence of the Kazan School on the Prague School”; J. Wallmannsberger, “The generative enterprise: Galilean or Ptolemaic?”, and H. Weber, “Zur Geschichte eines pragmatischen Wortbegriffs”. Index of authors (2809–2818). ]

. 1991 . The Emergence of Black English: Text and commentary . (= Creole Language Library, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 352 pp. [ The book is divided into two parts: “Part I: Texts”, containing transcripts of the recordings with former slaves born over a centuary ago; and “Part II: Commentary”, containing nine interpretive essays based on research on Black English Vernacular in the United States done using those recordings. Among the essays included are: Paul D. Escott, “Speaking of slavery: The historical value of the recordings with former slaves”; Salikoko S. Mufwene, “Is Gullah decreolizing? A comparison of a speech sample of the 1930s with a sample of the 1980s”; and Shana Poplack & Sali Tagliamonte, “There’s no tense like the present: Verbal -s inflection in Early Black English”. Bib. (331–350). ]

. 1991 . Towards a Critical Sociology of Reading Pedagogy: Papers of the XII World Congress on Reading . (= Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 19 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxi, 278 pp. [ The volume contains, apart from an introduction by the editors, eleven chapters written by different authors. The chaps. are organized under the following headings: 1, “The politics of pedagogy” (Chap. 1–4); 2, “Reading in classroom” (Chap.5–7); 3, “Reconstructing theory” (Chap.8–9); and 4, “Reading the social” (Chap.10–11). The contributors include Peter Freebody, Pam Gilbert, Bill Green, Judith L. Green, James L. Heap, Ian Hunter, Alec McHoul, Jacob L. Mey, Lois A. Meyer, and the two editors of the book. Author Index (269–274), and Subject Index (275–278). ]

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft , Volume I , No. 1 ( 1991 ), 96 pp. Münster : Nodus Publikakationen . [ This first issue of the newly-founded journal – edited by Klaus D[ieter] Dutz & Peter Schmitter – carries the following rubrics: Articles, Reports on meetings, Reports on projects, Reviews, and Announcements of new publications in the field. The leading articles are: H[einrich] Walter Schmitz, “Sprache versus Sprechen: Beitrag zu einer Problemgeschichte der Sprachwissenschaft”; Brigitte Neriich, “Heinz Werner’s (1890–1964) Psychological Approach to Metaphor, Expressivity and Semantic Change”; Frits Stuurman, “Towards Two-Dimensional Progress in Poutsma: A pilot-study in linguistic historiography of H[endrik] Poutsma (1856–1937)”. ]

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft , Volume I , No. 2 ( 1991 ), 183 pp. Münster : Nodus Publikakationen . [ This second issue of the journal carries articles such as: Frank J. M. Vonk & Will J. M. Tummers, “Dietrich Tiedemann (1748–1803): Philosophische und empirisch-psychologische Aspekte der Spracherwerbsforschung im 18. Jahrhundert” and a review by Peter T. Daniels, “Personal Recollections of a Linguistic Giant” on the occasion of A Life for Language. A biographical memoir of Leonard Bloom-field by Robert A. Hall, Jr. (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1990) – cf. Joseph F. Kess’s review in HL 18.205–210 (1991). ]

1990 . Anfangsgründe der Sprachwissenschaft . (= Grammatica Universalis: Meisterwerke der Sprachwissenschaft und der Sprachphilosophie, 18 .) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog , 56*, xii, 432 pp. [ This is a facsimile reprint of the 1805 edition of the book, with a bio-bibliographical introduction by Roswitha Wild-Schedlbauer. The book is divided into three parts under the following headings: 1, “Einleitung”; 2, “Reine Sprachwissenschaft”; and 3, “Angewandte Sprachlehre”. ]

. 1991 . Historiographiegeschichte als Historik . (= Fundamenta Historica; Texte und Forschungen, 3 .) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog , 814 pp. [ This massive volume is divided into two main parts of unequal length: 1, “Wissenschaftsgeschichte als Metatheorie der Wissenschaft. Vorüberlegungen zu einer neuen Historiographiegeschichte” (21/23–66), and 2, “Geschichtswissenschaft – Wissenschaftsgeschichte – Historik. Zur systematischen Rekonstruktion der Wissenschaftsparadigmen der Geschichtswissenschaft, zugleich ein Versuch einer geschichtlichen Skizze der geschichtswissenschaftlichen Selbstreflexion” (67/69–750). A select bib. of (of some 700 entries) brings togetherr what the author regards as relevant for a systematic reconstruction of the history of (German) historiography (751–785). There is a full index of authors (786–809), but no index of subjects and terms. As the English summary (p.8) indicates, “The theoretic model of analysis is the disciplinary matrix J[örn] Rüsen has developed on some of Th[omas] S. Kuhn’s reflections”. ]

. 1990 . Studi Glottologici Filologici Orientali . Brescia : Paideia Editrice , xliii, 421 pp. [ The volume consists of, apart from “Presentazione” by Giuseppe Restelli (ix-xvi), “Tabula gratulatoria” (xvii-xxx), and “Bibliografia degli scritti dal 1947 al 1988” (xxxi-xvi), a collection of fifteen articles such as the following: “Sul п∈ρτ ∆τλ ∈ктων di Gregorio di Corinto”, “Note critico-linguistiche sugli «Inni di Murbach»”, “Sul vocalismo degli imprestiti iranici in armeno”, etc. Indexes (399–419). ]

. 1987 . Linguistica e Filologia: Atti del VII convegno internazionale di linguisti ( tenuto a Milano nei giorni 12–14 settembre 1984 ). Brescia : Paideia Editrice , 573 pp. [ The proceedings contain the following items: Eight “Relazioni” such as: G. Bolognesi, “Linguistica e filologia”; W. Belardi, “Filologia, grammatica, linguistica”; R. Arena, “Linguistica e filologia classica”, and others. Thirty-eight “Comunicazioni” such as: F. Albano Leoni, “Osservazioni morfosintattiche su uno spoglio automatico di carte del Codex diplomaticus cavensis”; G. Belloni, “Alle origini della filologia e della grammatica italiana: il Fortunio”; O. Longo, “Le denominazioni di parentela in Aristofane di Bisanzio”, and many others. ]

. 1991 . Functional Grammar: Afield approach . Translated from the Russian by I. S. Chulaki ) (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 35 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 207 pp. [ The book is an enlarged English version of Funkcional’ naja grammatika (Leningrad: Izd. “Nauka”, 1984). Various sections taken from other writings of the author have also been included. The three main chaps. of the book are: 1, “Functional grammar: subject matter and goals”; 2, “Structural types of functional-semantic fields”; and 3, “Categorical situations”. “Subject index” (201–204) and “Name index” (205–207). ]

. 1991 . Languages of the Aboriginal Southeast: An annotated bibliography (= Native American Bibliography Series, 15 .) Metuchen, N.J. & London : The Scarecrow Press , xxi, 241 pp. [This is the only published bibliography devoted to the speech of the American Indians inhabiting the southeastern quadrant of the U.S. at the time of first European contact. It covers more than twenty-five languages from five language families (Algonquian, Caddoan, Iroquoian, Muskogean, Siouan), several genetically unaffiliated languages and a trade language (Mobilian Jargon). The bibliography includes references to over 1,900 published works, reviews, doctoral dissertations, and master’s theses with entries annotated for linguistic content. A single index is organized by individual languages and by linguistic and related topics.]

. 1991 . Teoretičnite osnovi na frenskata sociologičeska lingvistična škola [ The theoretical foundations of the French sociolinguistic school ]. Sofia : Univ. izd. “Sv. Kliment Oxridski” , 81 pp. [This essay on the ‘French school’ of linguistics deals essentially with the general linguistic writings of Antoine Meillet (1866–1936) and his one-time student and subsequent co-worker Joseph Vendryes (1875–1960). In it, the influence of Saussure’s Cours is minimized (though mentioned in passing are his semiological ideas and the langue/parole distinction), whereas an attempt is made to trace the impact of Émile Durkheim’s (1858–1917) sociological theories on these two researchers. The front matter (p.4) includes both an English and a Russian abstract; the back matter consists of a classified bib. (72–78) and a 3-page French summary (78–81). – Cf. the same author’s contribution to Bahner et al. (1990), mentioned above.]

. 1991 . Neurolinguistics: Historical and theoretical perspectives . Transl. from the French by Terence MacNamee . New York & London : Plenum Press , viii, 278 pp. [This work may be called something like a history (including its prehistory) – the author would prefer the term ‘archaeology’ (Prefaced, p.5) – of neurolinguistics, largely avant la lettre. Its main parts are entitled as follows: I, “The Prehistory of Linguistics” (130), which begins with the first reported case – dating back to c.1700 B.C. – of ‘traumatic aphasia’, down to the the medieval period; II, “The Mythology of Body and Mind” (33–86), in which the contributions of Albertus Magnus, Descartes, Géraud de Cordemoy (1636–1684), Antoine Court de Gébelin (1725–1784), and various other 18th-century French authors, such as Condillac, La Mettrie, are discussed; III, “From the Realm of Words to the Realm of Objects” (89–152), deals largely, but by no means exclusively, with the study of the location of speech before Pierre Paul Broca (1824–1888), with whose findings Part IV, “The Birth of Neurolinguistics” (155–227), begins. The narrative ends with observations made in the 1960s by Roman Jakobson (1896–1982) and Aleksandr Romanovič Luria (1902–1982). The book has many informative notes, a bib.of more than 400 entries (rarely reaching beyond 1976 – not a single of the relevant papers by William Orr Dingwall, Yvan Lebrun, and others published in HL since the mid-1970s has been noted), and an index (269–278), which however does not cover the notes (where first names of authors and many useful biographical dates can be found).]

. 1991 . Humanistische Grammatik und Volkssprache: “Gramática de la lengua castellana” von Antonio de Nebrija . (= Studia humaniora, 21 .) Düsseldorf : Droste Verlag , x, 555 pp. [The book, devoted to Antonio de Nebrija (1446–1522) and his time, his vernacular grammar of 1492 and its impact, contains chaps. such as the following: 1, “Zum Stand der Nebrija-Forschung”; 2, “Nebrijas Leben und Werk”; 3, “Wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Kontext der GC [= “Gramática de la lengua castellana”]”; 4, “Kursorische Präsentation der GC”; 5, “Thematische Schweipunktanalyse”; and 6, “Schlußbetrachtung”. Substantive bib. (478–528), “Namensindex” (529–539), and “Sachindex” (540–555). – A detailed review is to appeal* in a future issue of HL.]

. 1991 . Die skandinavischen Sprachen im Überblick . (= UTB für Wissenschaft: Uni-Taschenbücher, 1635 .) Tübingen : Francke , xi, 289 pp. [This valuable survey of the North Germanic languages contains the following chaps.: 1, “Schwedisch”; 2, “Dänisch”; 3, “Norwegisch: Bokmål und Nynorsk”; 4, “Isländisch”; 5, “Färöisch”; and 6, “Interskandinavische Kommunikation und Mehrsprachigkeit in Skandinavien”. “Anhang: Karten” (279–285); “Register” (286–289).]

eds. 1991 . Development and Structures of Creole Languages: Essays in honor of Derek Bickerton (= Creole Language Library, 9 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 222 pp. [The volume contains five sections: 1, “Identifying creoles”; 2, “Language variation”; 3, “Creole processes”; 4, “Creole syntax and semantics”, and 5, “Serial verbs”. The contributors include Francis Byrne, Salikoko Mufwene, Pieter A. M. Seuren, Pieter Muysken & Hein van der Voort, Ian Hancock, and others. No index.]

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 44 , 1990 (1991) . Genève : Librairie Droz , 230 pp. [This issue of CFS contains materials organized under the following headings: “Document”, “Articles”, “Discussion critique”, “Publications reçues”, and “Chronique”. The titles of the contributions are such as the following: Paola Villani, “Documenti saussuriani conservati a Lipsia e a Berlino”; Aldo L. Prosdocimi & Anna Marinetti, “Saussure e il saturnio: Tra scienza, biografia e storiografia”, and Kim Sungdo, “Notes sur la traduction de la terminologie saussurienne en écriture chinoise. Le cas de la terminologie saussurienne en coréen”.]

. 1990 . The Life and Mind of Oriental Jones. Sir William Jones, the Father of Modern Linguistics . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xix, 409 pp. [This study on the life and work of Sir William Jones (1746–1794) contains the following chaps.: 1, “A Barbaric Oriental Conqueror (to 1770)”; 2, “Delicate Arab Maidens and Liquid Ruby (1770–1772)”; 3, “Persian Jones and Constitutional Law (1772–1777); 4, “The Athenian and Eleutherion (1778–1780)”; 5, “An Ass Laden with Gold (1780)”; 6, “Politics: Writings and activism (1780–1782)”; 7, “James River Property (1782–1783)”; 8, “A Vision in the Indian Ocean (1783–1785)”; 9, “A Sacred Oriental Language (1785)”; 10, “A Genetic Explanation: Indo-European (1786–1787)”; 11, “Sanskrit Literary Treasures (1787–1788)”; 12, “An Indian Renaisssance (1789)”; 13, “A Burning Tropical Sun (1790–1791)”; 14, “Scholar-Martyr (1791–1794)”, and 15, “Jones Today”. Bib. (386–390), Index (391–409).]

. 1990 . Dante and Modern American Criticism . (= Annali D’ltalianistica, 8 .) Chapel Hill, N.C. : The Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , 536 pp. [The volume contains an introductory essay with the same title as that of the volume by the editor and twenty-one articles that are organized into four parts: 1, “Perspectives on Dante and Modern American Criticism”; 2, “From the Vita nuova to the Commedia: Phenomenology, Historicity, Authority, and Philosophy”; 3, “The Commedia: Narrative and Interpretive Strategies”, and 4, “Textuality and Intertextuality”. The contributors include Ricardo J. Quinones, Charles S. Ross, Robert P. Harrison, John A. Scott, Paolo Valesio, John Took, and many others.]

( avec la collaboration de Hans-Martin Gauger, Frank Lestringant, Georges Pinault ) eds. 1991 . Discours étymologiques: Actes du Colloque international organisé à l’occasion du centenaire de la naissance de Walther von Wartburg: Bâle, Freiburg i. Br., Mulhouse, 16–18 mai 1988 . Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , vi, 324 pp. [This volume publishes the commemoration of the well-known author of the French etymological dictionary, Walther von Wartburg (1888–1970), and a celebration of etymology as a human response to language on many levels, exemplified in three parts by scholars such as Kurt Baldinger (“Walther von Wartburg und die Sprachwissenschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts”), Albert Henry, Jean Haudry, and Yakov Malkiel. The proceedings include an “Ouverture du colloque” by Max Pfister and approaches of the ancient Greeks both before and after Plato’s well-known treatment in the Cratylus (Jean Lallot [135–148]), those of the Latin poets of the Augustan period (Françoise Desbordes [149–160]), for example, as well as etymology in the thinking of scholars like Martin Heidegger. The volume ends with a list of organizers, committee of honor, and conference participants, but has no index.]

, 1991 . Child Language and Developmental Dysphasia: Linguistic studies of the acquisition of German . Translated by Karin Richman . (= Studies in Speech Pathology and Clinical Linguistics, 2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 350 pp. [The volume contains eight chaps. organized under two headings: “Part I: First Language Acquisition”, and “Part II: Developmental Dysphasia”. The chaps. are: 1, “Theoretical approaches in language acquisition research”; 2, “Early child grammars”; 3, “The grammar of a three year-old”; 4, “Grammar acquisition and dysphasia (with particular reference to the research situation in West Germany)”; 5, “Grammatical units”; 6, “Selected areas of the inflectional system”; 7, “Word order”; and 8, “Learnability theory and the acquisition of grammar”. Bib. (337–344) and Index (345–350).]

. 1991 . New Studies in Latin Linguistics: Selected papers from the 4th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Cambridge, April 1987 . (= Studies in Language Comparison Series, 21 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 478 pp. [The volume brings together twenty-nine papers selected from all those read at the conference, with an introduction by the editor. The papers were organized under the following headings: 1, “Phonology”; 2, “Lexical morphology and semantics”; 3, “Syntax of the noun phrase”; 4, “Miscellaneous syntax and semantics”, and 5, “Textual cohesion”. The contributors include Philip Baldi, David Lang-slow, Christian Lehmann, Claudia Casadio & Anna Orlandini, Ernst Heilig, and many others. Index (475–478).]

ed. 1990 . An Encyclopaedia of Language . London and New York : Routledge , xvii, 1011 pp. [This book contains twenty-six major articles organized under three headings: “Part A: The inner nature of language”, “Part B: The larger province of language”, and “Part C: Special aspects of language”. The contributors include Jean Aichison, Bernard Comrie, James Milroy, David Wilkins, and many others. Of particular interest to readers of this journal will be the article by Vivien Law, entitled “Language and its students: The history of linguistics” (784–842). The article contains three sections: 1, “Linguistics and its history”; 2, “The Western tradition to 1900”, and 3, “Non-European traditions”. Of the three sections, Section 2 is the most detailed, containing sub-sections such as the following: 1, “Greece: Language as a tool for understanding reality”; 2, “Rome: Codification and transmission”; 3, “Grammar in the Middle Ages”; and 4, “The Renaissance and after: Universal and particular”. Section 3 contains subsections on the linguistic traditions in the Arab world, in India and in China. The volume is rounded off with back matter such as “Index of topics and technical terms” (984–992), and “Index of names” (993–1011).]

eds. 1991 . Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics III: Papers from the Third Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 80 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 274 pp. [The volume contains eleven papers presented at the Third Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, which was held at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, March 3–4, 1989. The papers were organized under the following headings: 1, “Arabic in relation to other languages”; 2, “Grammatical perspectives” and 3, “Socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives”. The contributors include Sabah Safi-Stagni, Keith Walters, Elabbas Benmamoun, John McCarthy, Bernard Comrie and others. Index (271–274).]

ed. 1991 . Papers on the Twenty-second Algonquian Conference . Ottawa : Carleton Univ. , vi, 378 pp. [The volume contains twenty-seven papers presented at the Twenty-Second Algoquian Conference, which took place at the Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, from October 26 to 28, 1990. The papers include: William Cowan, “Philological spadework in the Jesuit Relations: A letter in Algonquin”; Regna Darnell, “Thirty-nine postulates of Plains Cree conversation, ‘power’ and interaction: A culturespecific model”; Toby Morantz, “Colonial French insights into early 18th-century Algonquians of Central Quebec”; Pierre Swiggers, “Philologists meet Algonquian: Du Ponceau and Pickering on Eliot’s Grammar”; François Trudel, “Les relations entre les Français et les Indiens au Québec-Labrador méridional”, and many others.]

ed. 1991 . Proper English? Readings in language, history and cultural identity . (= Politics of Language Series, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Routledge , x, 268 pp. [The volume contains nineteen selected texts debating on the state and status of the English language and an introduction by the editor who relating the debates on the language to the socio-cultural history of the people who speak the language. Covering a period of three hundred years, the writers of these nineteen selected texts, who include Locke, Swift, Webster, James, Newbolt and Marenbon, wrestle with questions of language change and decay, correct and incorrect usage, what to prescribe and proscribe. Reread in the light of recent debates about cultural identity – how is it constructed and maintained? what are its effects? – these texts clearly demonstrate the formative roles of race, class and gender in the construction of ‘proper Englishness’. Bib. (261–264) and Index (265–268).]

eds. 1990 . Homenaje a Jorge A. Suárez: Lingüística indoamericana e hispánica . (= Estudios de Lingüistica y Literatura, 18 ). México : El Colegio , 521 pp. [This volume brings together articles dedicated to the memory of J. A. Suarez (1927–1985) such as: Karen Dakin, “Tepito y el origen de -kp- en náhuatl”; Barbara E. Hollenbach, “Semantic and syntactic extensions of Copala Trique body-part nouns”; Norman A. McQuown, “Relaciones históricas del huasteco con los idiomas y las culturas adyacentes”, and some twenty others. No index.]

eds. 1990 . Romanticism and the Sciences . Cambridge-New York-Port Chester : Cambridge Univ. Press , xxii, 345 pp. [This volume is divided into four parts: 1, “Romanticism”; 2, “Sciences of the Organic”; 3, “Sciences of the Inorganic”; and 4, “Literature and the Sciences”. The contributors include Jeremy Adler, Dietrich von Engelhardt, Andrew Cunningham, Frederich Gregory, L. S. Jacyna, and many others. From the contributions: “Romantic philosophy and the organization of the disciplines: The founding of the Humboldt University of Berlin” by Elinor S. Shaffer (38–54); “Morphotypes and the historicalgenetic method in Romantic biology” (119–129), “Transcendental anatomy” by Philip F. Rehgbock (144–168), and “caves, fossils, and the history of the earth” by Nichola A. Rupke (241–259). For anyone interested in the background to much of early comparative-historical thinking in linguistics, this volume’s many contributions offer fascinating reading. Index of names (341–345).]

eds. 1990 . H[enrikus].J[osephus] Pos (1998–1955), taalkundige en geëngageerd filosoof Amsterdam : Huis aan de Drie Grachten , 227 pp. [The book is divided into four parts: 1, “Pos’ publieke persoonlijkheid”; 2, “Pos’ taalkundig werk”; 3, “Tradities en tijdgenoten”, and 4, “Bibliografisch overzicht”. It contains contributions such as Herman Langeveld, “Van gereformeerd hoogleraar tot voorzitter van het Comité van Waakzaamheid: De levensbeschouwelijk-politieke ontwikkeling van H. J. Pos, 1925–1940”; Reinier Salverda, “Over de grondslagen der taalwetenschap: Pos’ Zur Logik der Sprachwissenschaft (1922)”, and Jan Noordegraaf, “Pos als geschiedschrijver van de taalwetenschap”. Index (219–226). – Cf. the review by Paul Salmon in Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society No. 16 (May 1991), p.27.]

eds. 1991 . Zur Geschichte der Grammatiken romanischer Sprachen: Romanistisches Kolloquium IV . (= Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 357 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , xxx, 298 pp. [The volume contains fourteen contributions organized under the following headings: 1, “Grammatiktheorie”; 2, “Rumänien”; 3, “Graubünden”; 4, “Italien”; 5, “Frankreich”, and 6, “Spanien”; including articles such as: Jens Lüdtke (Berlin), “Zur Tradition der Äußerungskategorien: Aristoteles und die allgemeine Grammatik”; Edgar Radtke (Heidelberg), “Französische unde italienische Gebrauchsgrammatiken des 17. Jahrhunderts”; Perter Wunderli (Düsseldorf), “Die Grammatik von Ramus zwischen Tradition und Innovation”; and Gustav Ineichen (Göttingen), “Zur Stellung der spanischen Grammatik Nebrijas”. “Sachindex” (285–291), and “Wortindex” (292–298).]

eds. 1990 . Redefining Linguistics . London & New York : Routledge , vii, 172 pp. [This book consists of the following chaps.: Hayley G. Davis, “Introduction”; Roy Harris, “On redefining linguistics”; Nigel Love, “The locus of language in a redefined linguistics”; Talbot J. Taylor, “Normativity and linguistic form”; and Paul Hopper, “The emergence of the category ‘proper name’ in discourse”. “References” (163–168). Index (169–172).]

eds. 1991 . Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective . (= Studies in Bilingualism, 2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 276 pp. [The volume brings together seventeen articles such as the following: Charles A. Ferguson & Thom Huebner, “Foreign language instruction and second language acquisition research in the United States”; Ralph B. Ginsberg, “Introduction to the section measurement and research design”; Christopher Brumfit, “Problems in defining instructional methodologies”, and Willis J. Edmondson, “Some ins and outs of foreign language classroom research”.]

ed. 1991 . The Seventeenth LACUS Forum, 1990 . Lake Bluff, Ill. : Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States [ address: P.O. Box 101, Lake Bluff, IL 66044 ], x, 550 pp. [The forty-six contributions to the volume are organized under the following headings: 1, “Special Lectures”; 2, “General Linguistics”; 3, “Phonology”; 4, “Morphology and Syntax”; 5, “Semantics”; 6, “Discourse and Literary Studies”; 7, “Historical Studies”; 8, “Typology”; 9, “Sociolinguistics and Dialectology”; 10, “Language Writing”, and 11, “Human Linguistics”. The contributors include the 1990 Presidential Address by the late Robert J. Di Pietro (1932–1991), “Operatic discourse and the nauralness criterion”. The proceedings print altogether 9 contributions in historical linguistius but not a single one devoted to the history of the field. Contributors include Charles J. Fillmore, Jonanthan J. Webster, Haru Yamada, Cynthia Ford Meyer, Minoji Akimoto, Saul Levin, Connie C. Eble, Janet Duthie Collins, Victor H. Yngve, and many others.]

eds. 1990 . Estudios de lingüstica de España y México . México : Universidad Nacional Auónoma & El Colegio de México , 646 pp. [This large volume brings together articles such as the following: José Manuel Blecua, “Actual panorama de las ideas lingüísticas de España”; Carlos Piera, “Nociones y notaciones en la teoría del acento”; Leonardo Manrique Castañeda, “Pasado y presente de las lenguas indígenas de México”; Gemma Rigau, “Los pronombres de sujeto en las lenguas románicas”, and many others.]

. 1991 . Vondels zoon en Vondels taal: Joannes Vollenhove en het Nederlands . Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek VU , viii, 121 pp. [A linguistic analysis, followed by a critical text edition, of Vollenhove’s (1631–1708) poem “Aan de Nederduitsche schryvers” of 1686, preceded by a survey chapter, “De grammaticastudie van het Nederlands in de tweede helft van de zeventiende eeuw” (1–12), and concluded by a bib. (113–118) and an index of names (119–121).]

ed. 1991 . Perspectives on Aspect and Aktionsart . (= Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 6 .) Bruxelles : Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles , 181 pp. [The volume contains the following articles: Carl Vetters & Willy Vandeweghe, “Introduction”; Bernard Kortmann, “The triad «Tense-Aspect-Aktionsart»: Problems and possible solutions”; Hans-Jürgen Sasse, “Aspekt and Aktionsart: A reconciliation”; Laurel Brinton, “The Mass/Count Distinction and Aktionsart: The grammar of iteratives and habituais”; Anita Mittwoch, “In Defence of Vendler’s Achievements”; Antonio Sanfilippo, “Thematic and Aspectual Information in Verb Semantics”; Abraham ten Cate & Willy Vandeweghe, “Aspectual Properties of Complexe Predicates”, Werner Abraham, “How much of the German Tense System is «Aspect» and «Aktionsart»?”, and Yishai Tobin, “Tense-Aspect-Aktionsart: A question of lexicon as well as grammar”.]

. 1991 . Linguistics in the Netherlands 1991 . (= AVT Publications, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 170 pp. [This volume publishes 17 papers given at the 2nd annual meeting of the Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap (General Society for Linguistics) held in Utrecht on 19 January 1991. From the contents: “Serial verbs, ‘object sharing’, and the analysis of dative shift” by Marcel den Dikken (31–40); “Hiatus deletion, phonological rule or phonetic coarticulation?” by Vincent van Heuven & Annelies Hoos (61–70); “Old French proclisis and enclisis: The clitic group or the prosodic word?” by Haike Jacobs (91–100); “The dummy DE in Chinese resultatives” by Rint Sybesma (131–140). No index.]

eds. 1991 . Linguistic Theory and Grammatical Description . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 75 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 355 pp. [This volume – whose subtitle was supposed to read ‘Nine current approaches’ – brings together up-to-date presentations of altogether 9 frameworks for the treatment of language: 1, “Government & Binding Theory”; 2, “Relational Grammar”; 3, “Lexical Functional Grammar”; 4, “Generalized Categorial Grammar”; 5, “Logical Semantics”; 6, “Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar”; 7, “Functional Grammar”; 8, “Cognitive Grammar”, and 9, “Word Grammar”. Authors include Judith Aissen, Simon C. Dik, Richard A. Hudsen, Ronald W. Langacker, and others. These chapters are preceded by a survey article by the editors (1–21), and followed by a master list oif references (337–347) and an onmdex of terms & concepts (349–353).]

eds. 1991 . Muttersprachlicher Unterricht im 19. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen zu seiner Genese und Institutionalisierung . (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 117 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , 402 pp. [The volume brings together six articles such as the following: Rüdiger Gans, “Erfahrungen mit dem Deutschunterricht. Eine Analyse autobiographischer Zeugnisse im Zusammenhang mit der Geschichte des Bildungsbürgertums im 19. Jahrhundert”; Astrid Greve, “Die sprachdidaktische Konzeption Schleiermachers”, and Clemens Knobloch, “Der ‘antipraktische’ Motivkreis in der Diskussion um den muttersprachlichen Unterricht”. The backmatter consists of “Anhang: Äußerungen von Lehrern zum Deutschunterricht und zum muttersprachlichen Unterricht in Schulschriften und Schulprogrammen”, and “Chronologische Liste: der Jahresberichte zum muttersprachlichen Unterricht bis 1913”.]

ed. 1991 . Point Counterpoint: Universal grammar in the second language . (= Language Acquisition & Language Disorders, 3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 439 pp. [The volume contains, besides an introduction by the editor, nine pairs of debating articles on the role of Universal Grammar in second language acquisition, such as: 1, “Seven trivia of language acquisition” by Wolfgang Klein, and “Seven not-so-trivial trivia of language acquisition: Comments on Wolfgang Klein” by Nina Hyams; 2, “The accessibility of Universal Grammar in second language acquisition” by Sascha Felix, and “Issues in the accessibility debate: A reply to Felix” by Jacquelyn Schachter; 3, “Age-dependent effects in language acquisition: An evaluation of ‘Critical Period’ hypothesis” by Suzanne Flynn & Sharon Manuel, and “On the notion of ‘Critical Period’ in UG/L2 theory: A response to Flynn and Manuel” by David Birdsong, and several others. Index (421–439).]

eds. 1991 . Studies in Brythonic Word Order . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 83 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 360 pp. [The volume contains, besides an introduction by the editors, nine articles such as the following: John Koch, “On the prehistory of Brittonic syntax”; Lenora A. Timm, “Discourse pragmatics of NP-initial sentences in Breton”; Maggie Tallerman, “The directionality of the head subcategorization in Welsh”. “Subject Index” (353–360).]

. 1991 . An Index to Dialect Maps of Great Britain (= Varieties of English Around the World, 10 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 150 pp. [The volume contains an introduction (9–26), an alphabetical word-list (27–138), and a bibliography (139–150). The introduction is not only on the organization of the index, but it also introduces the dialect surveys of Great Britain and the results of the survey, the Dialect Maps of Great Britain, for which this Index is compiled. The index itself contains over two thousand lexical entries identifying the original survey by questionnaire number and listing the references to printed maps in which these words and phrases are contained.]

. 1991 . Yiddish: Turning to Life . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 522 pp. [The book, with a “Foreword” (ix-xii) by Mordkhe Schaechter, contains five parts: 1, “Yiddish and Hebrew: Conflict and symbiosis”; 2, “Yiddish in America”; 3, “Corpus Planning: The ability to change and grow”; 4, “Status Planning: The Tshernovits Conference of 1908”; and 5, “Stock-Taking: Where are we now?”. “References” (351–375). “Appendix: Statistical Tables: Yiddish in the USA, Israel, The Czarist Empire, the USSR, Poland and Other Counties (20th Century)” (377–522).]

ed. 1990 . Further Insights into Contrastive Analysis . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 30 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 610 pp. [This volume brings together thirty-five articles such as the following: Jacek Fisiak, “On the present status of some metatheoretical and theoretical issues in contrastive linguistics”; John M. Anderson, “Case grammar contrasts”; Tomasz P. Krzeszowski, “Prototypes and equivalence”. There is only an “Index of names”.to this bulky volume.]

ed. 1990 . Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics . Vol. 25 . Poznań , 220 pp. [This issue contains fifteen articles such as the following: Niels Davidsen-Nielsen, “Auxiliaries in English and Danish”; James L. Wyatt, “On derivational and phrasal adverbials of manner”; and Roman Kopytko, “Verbs of sensory cognition: A contrastive analysis of a lexical field in the lexicon of Polish and English”.]

eds. 1990 . Renaissance Linguistics Archive 1350–1700: A Third Print-out from the Secondary-sources Data-base . Ferrara : Presso l’Tstituto , xiv, 313 pp. [This bibliography is divided into three parts: 1, “Sources: Periodicals, collections of essays” (1–24); 2, “Bibliography” (25–236); and 3, Indices of “Subjects-authors” (239–276), of “Key-terms” (277–296), of “Countries and localites” (297–306), and of “Languages and dialects” (307–313).]

. 1991 . La Langue de l’Etre: Essai sur l’étymologie ancienne . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 206 pp. [The volume contains six essays: 1, “Etymologie comme citation d’un faire”; 2, “Les traits constitutifs du langage à l’époque du mythe”; 3, “Le ,Cratyle’ comme liquidation de l’étymologie archaïque”; 4, “L’étymologie stoïcienne comme transcription de l’étymologie archaïque dans les termes de la nouvelle épistémologie”; 5, “L’étymologie des sectes philosophico-religieuses: survivances et métamorphoses”; and 6, “Vairon et l’étymologie romaine”. Bib. (199–206). No index.]

. 1992 . Political Stylistics: Popular language as literary artefact . London & New York : Routledge , 231 pp. [A stylistic analysis of French literary texts (by Zola, Céline, Quesneau) and a chap, on American English words in Modern French and their specific uses.]

. 1991 . Die Oberdeutschen fescht-Mundarten des Banats (= Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, 67 ). Stuttgart : Franz Steiner , xxi, 343 pp. ; various tables and maps . [At a time when the majority of ethnic Germans are leaving Romania, this study, largely based on materials colected by the author in situ and originally submitted as a dissertation in 1976 at the Univ. of Timishvara, is of particular interest. The work is devoted to the phonology of the various South Franconian dialects and their vocabulary connected with agriculture in the widest sense of the term, including “Umwelt”, “Pflanze”, “Tier”, “Ackerbau”, “Viehzucht”, and “Andere landwirtschaftliche Beschäftigungen”. Primary (258–260) and secondary sources (260–274); a variety of appendices, and a “Stichwortregister” (328–343) conclude the work.] .

. 1990 . Syntax: A Functional-Typological Introduction . Volume II . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxv, [465-] 1017 pp. [This second volume continues the first published in 1985; it begins with chap. 12 (p.465) and contains the following chaps.: 12, “Noun phrases”; 13, “Verbal complements”; 14, “Voice and de-transivization”; 15, “Relative clauses”; 16, “Contrastive focus constructions”; 17, “Marked-topic constructions”; 18, “Non-declarative speech-acts”; 19, “Interclausal coherence”; 20, “The grammar of referential coherence: a cognitive re-interpretation”, and 21, “Markedness and iconicity in syntax”. “Bibliographical References” (987–1012). Index (1013–1017).]

. 1990 . Die Wissenschaft von der englischen Sprache: Ihre Entwicklung bis zum Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts . (= Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften; Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-historischen Klasse, Jahrgang 1990, Heft 1 .) München : Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften & C. H. Beck , 129 pp. [The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Die angelsächsische Zeit”; 2, “Die mittelenglische Zeit”; 3, “Die frühe Neuzeit: Vom 16. bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts”; 4, “Das 19. Jahrhundert”; 5, “Neue Disziplinen in der Sprachwissenschaft”; and 6, “Ausblick: Das 20. Jahrhundert”. The volume is rounded off with an extensive, classified “Bibliographischer Anhang” (74–125) and an index (126–129). – Cf. the review by Vivian Salmon in Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society, No.17 (Nov. 1991), 19–20.]

. 1991 . Englishes: Studies in Varieties of English 1984–1988 . (= Varieties of English Around the World, 9 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 222 pp. [This is a collection of eight papers authored by Görlach, representing his most influential writings in the field of varieties of English. The titles of the papers are such as the following: 1, “English as a world language – the state of the art [1988]”; 2, “Lexicographical problems of New Englishes [1985]”; 3, “Jamaica and Scotland – bilingual or bidialectal? [1988]; etc. Indexes (206–211).]

eds. 1991 . The Copenhagen Study in Urban Sociolinguistics , Part 1–2 . Copenhagen : C. A. Reitzel , 446 pp. [This is the report of a sociolinguistic project investigating on the speech of residents of Copenhagen. Interviews with around 80 Copenhageners born and raised within the confines of particular Copenhagen community in the center of the old city are analyzed with focusses on stylistic, phonological, syntactic variations in spoken Danish. The introduction of the book places the research subject in its theoretical and historical context and sketches out the design of the research project. The remaining three chapters (aticles with “References”) deal with “style”, “vowel variables”, “narratives”, and “conversational discourse”, respectively. The contributors inlcude Jon Albris, Frans Gregersen, Henrik Holmberg, Erik Møller, Inge Lise Petersen, and Ole Nedergaard Thomsen. No index.]

eds. 1990 . Learning Keeping and Using Language: Selected Papers from the 8th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987 . 2 vols. Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , Vol. I : xv, 508 pp ; Vol. II : xv, 489 pp. [These two volumes contain 53 papers presented at the 8th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, which are organized under three headings. Volume I contains “Part I: Learning Language” (26 papers), “An Overview of Applied Linguistics” by G. Richard Tucker, “Interaction: The Key to Communication” by Wilga M. Rivers, and a “Foreword” by the editors. Volume II contains “Part II: Keeping Language” (13 papers), “Part III: Using Language” (14 papers), and an “Afterword”. No index.]

eds. 1991 . "Die deutsche Sprache – Gestalt und Leistung": Hennig Brinkmann in der Diskussion . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 251 pp. [The volume brings together twelve articles brought together on Brinkmann’s 90th birthday, such as the following: Jean Fourquet, “Der deutsche Aussagesatz: Gestalt und Leistung”; Shoko Iguchi, “Das Spatio-Temporale in der finiten Verbalphrase des Deutschen und des Japanischen”; Franz Hundsnurscher, “Die ,Satzkonstanz’ als Grundbegriff der Rede”, and many others. No index.]

eds. 1991 . Significs, Mathematics and Semiotics: The Signific Movement in the Netherlands, Proceedings of the International Conference, Bonn, 19–21 November 1986 . (= Materialien zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und der Semiotik, 5 .) Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 208 pp. [The book contains thirteen articles under four headings: 1, “Significs as a Starting Point of Research”; 2, “On the History of Significs”; 3, “Significs Compared”, and 4, “On the Topicality of Signific Methods for Analysis”. The articles include such as the following: H. Walter Schmitz, “Empirical Methods of Signific Analysis of Meaning: Transformation and exhaustion of linguistic acts”; Christian Thiel, “Brou-wer’s Philosophical Language Research and the Concept of the Ortho-Language in German Constructivism”, and Klasien Horstmann, “Victoria Welby, a Moralistic Pragmatist!”. “Index of Names” (204–208). – Cf. the review by Brigitte Neriich in Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society No. 17 (Nov. 1991), 20–22.]

, 1991 [1789] . Semiological Investigations, or Topics Pertaining to the General Theory of Signs . (= Foundations of Semiotics, 4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxxi, 116 pp. [The volume is a reprint of the original Latin text Tentamina semiologica, sive quaedam generalem theoriam signorum spectantia (1789), edited, translated and with an Introduction by Robert E. Innis. “Tanslator’s Introduction” (vii-xxii), “Biographical Sketch of Johann Christoph Hoffbauer (1766–1827), translated from the 1832 entry in Ersch & Gruber’s Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste” (xxiii-xxxi), “Translation: Semiological Inverstigations or Topics Pertaining to the General Theory of Signs” (1–42), and photo-copy of the original Latin of Hoffbauer’s dissertation, Tentamina semiologica, sive quaedam generalem theoriam signorum spectantia (43–116). No index.]

. 1991 . Philosophie und Grammatik in der französischen Aufklärung: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Sprachtheorie und französischen Grammatikographie im 18. Jahrhundert in Frankreich . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft Beiheft, 13 .) Münster : Nodus Publikationen , xi, 611 pp. [The volume contains the following chapts.: 1, “Einleitung”; 2, “Der Sensualismus als Grundlage der Sprachtheorie: Zum Zusammenhang von Sensualität, Erkenntnisfähigkeit und Sprache”; 3, “Die Sprachtheorie im Rückgriff auf ihre anthropologische Basis: Zur Beziehung zwischen Sprache und Natur des Menschen”; 4, “Die Sprache als eigenständiger Reflexionsgegenstand: Zur Einsicht in das Wesen des Sprachlichen”; 5, “Die Sprachstruktur als Untersuchungsobjekt des Philosophen: Zur Analysehaltung gegenüber der sprachlichen Realität”; 6, “Die Allgemeine Grammatik und ihre besondere Betrachtungsweise des Satzes: Zur Konstitution einer eigenständigen Wissenschaftsdisziplin”; 7, “Die grammatische Deskription des Französischen im philosophischen Bewußtsein der Aufklärungsepoche: Zur theoretischen Bestimmtheit der französischen Grammatikographie im geistigen Umfeld der großen französischen, Encyclopédie’”; and 8, “Schlußbemerkung”. Bib. (572–606) and “Namenregister” (607–611).]

. 1991 . Saussure: Sign, system, and arbitrariness . (= Modern European Philosophy, [unnumbered] .) Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , x, 180 pp. [The book – a sympathetic appraisal of Saussure’s work by a philosopher interested in structuralist thought – contains the following chaps.: 1, “Saussure’s work: its context and significance”; 2, “The distinction between langue and parole”; 3, “Language as a system of signs, I: Signs, arbitrariness, linearity, and change”; 4, “Language as a system of signs, II: Diachronic and synchronic linguistics”; 5, “Language as a system of signs, III: Identities, system, and relations”; 6, “Language as a system of signs, IV: Values, differences, and reality”, and 7, “Successes and failures”. Rather selective bib. (175–177) and brief index (178–180).

eds. 1991 . Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories . (= Language Acquisition & Language Disorders, 2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 435 pp. [The volume brings together nineteen articles such as the following: Thom Huebner, “Second language acquisition: Litmus test for linguistic theory?”; Irene Vogel, “Prosodic phonology: Second language acquisition data as evidence in theoretical phonology”; James Emil Flege, “Perception and production: The relevance of phonetic input to L2 phonological learning”; Charles A. Ferguson, “Currents between second language acquisition and linguistic theory”. No index.]

. 1991 La Diversità delle Lingu . Introduzione e traduzione a cura de Donatella Di Cesare . Premessa di Tullio De Mauro . (= Biblioteca Universale Laterza, 344 .) Roma & Bari : Editori Laterza , cii, 373 pp. [The bulk of this book constitutes the first Italian translation of Humboldt’s (1767–1835) famous Einleitung to his 3-volume ‘Kawi-Werk’, Über die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaus [...] (Berlin, 1836). The front matter, “Premessa” (v-ix), “Introduzione” (xi-xcvi), “Nota alla traduzione” (xcvii-cii), is followed by “Sulla diversità di struttura delle lingue umane e il suo influsso sulio sviluppo spirituale dell’umanità” (1–293), a “Cronologia della vita e delle opere” (294–302), a “Bibliografia” (303–346), and “Indici” (347–370).]

ed. 1991 . The Empire of Signs: Semiotic essays on Japanese culture . (= Foundations of Semiotics, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 333 pp. [The volume brings together fourteen articles such as the following: Yoshihitko Ikegami, “Introduction: Semiotics and culture”; Tomonori Toyama, “The notion of sign in Japanese tradition”; Tadahiko Higuchi, “The images of Japanese landscapes: A typological approach”; and Toshihiko Kawasaki, “Literary semiotics of suburban houses”. Index (327–333).]

. 1991 . Universal History of Linguistics: India, China, Arabia, Europe . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 65 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 368 pp. [The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “India”; 3, “China”; 4, “Arabia”; 5, “Europe”; 6, “Implications for the philosophy of science”, and 7, “Conclusion”. Detailed references (349–362) and name index (363–368).]

. 1990 . Rhetorical Philosophy and Philosophical Grammar: Julius Caesar Scaliger’s theory of language . (= Humanistische Bibliothek; Texte und Abhandlungen, 46 .) Müchen : Wilhelm Fink , 220 pp. [This important monograph consists of the following chaps.: 1, “Life and works of Julius Caesar Scaliger [(1484–1558)]”; 2, “The grammatical background”; 3, “Method and order in the de causis linguœ latinœ; 4, “Is grammar a science?”; 5, “Causa materialis”; 6, “Causa formalis”; 7, “Partes dictionis as parts of speech”; and 8, “Causa efficiens”. Bib. (191–214). Index (215–220).]

. 1991 . Repetition in Arabic Discourse: Paradigms, syntagms, and the ecology of language . (= Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 18 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vii], 130 pp. [The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Paradigmatic structure and parallelistic discourse”; 3, “Lexical couplets and semantic paradigms”; 4, “Morphological repetition”; 5, “Paraphrase and rhetorical presentation”; 6, “Parallelism and parataxis”; and 7, “Reasons for repetition: Sources of constraint on Arabic discourse”. “References” (123–130). No index.]

ed. 1990 . The Sixteenth LACUS Forum, 1989 . Lake Bluff, Ill. : Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States [ address: P.O. Box 101, Lake Bluff, IL 66044 ], x, 523 pp. [The 46 contributions to the volume are organized under the following headings: 1, “Special Lectures”; 2, “General Linguistics”; 3, “Syntax and Morphology”; 4, “Lexis and Semantics”; 5, “Phonology and Phonetics”; 6, “Pragmatic Phonology”; 7, “Discourse and Pragmatics”; 8, “Language and Society”, and 9, “Historical Studies”. The contributors include Walter Hirtle, Adam Makkai, Roy Harris, Barbara Bacz, Marcel Danesi, Talbot J. Taylor, Minoji Akimoto, Saul Levin, Terrell A. Morgan, Daan De Jong, Michael P. Jordan, Connie C. Eble, Janet Duthie Collins, and many others.]

. 1991 . The Historiography of Grammatical Concepts: 19th and 20th-century changes in the subject-predicate conception and the problem of their historical reconstruction . Amsterdam & Atlanta, Ga : Rodopi , [iii], 357 pp. [The monograph contains the following chaps.: 1, “Metamethodology”; 2, “Subjectivity and objectivity in linguistic historiography”; 3, “Values in intellectual historiography”; 4, “Concepts”; 5, “Conceptual change”; 6, “Grammatical categories”; 7, “Subject and predicate as grammatical concepts”; 8, “The episode of the twofold subject-predicate conception (TSPC). Problems of its historical reconstruction”; 9, “Non-correspondence phenomena and ‘redoubling’ subject and predicate”; 10, “Grammatical and psychological subject and predicate as grammatical categories”; 11, “Reactions to TSPC”; and 12, “Later TSPC proponents”. “Epilogue: Linguistics and its historiography” (327–334). Index of names (345–348). Index of subjects (349–357). – A more detailed review is to appear in HL XIX: 1/1992.]

1992 [ published December 1991 ]. Psycholinguistics: Psychology, linguistics, and the study of natural language . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 86 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 360 pp. [This advanced textbook covers the interdisciplinary subject in the following chapters: 1, “Introduction[: The nature of psycholinguistic inquiry]”; 2, “A History of psycholinguistics”; 3, “Speech perception and production”; 4, Morphology and the mental lexicon”; 5, “Syntax”; 6, “Discourse”; 7, “Semantics”; 8, “Language and thought”, 9, “Biological prerequisites”, and 10, “First language acquisition”. The volume is rounded off by a large bib. (323–351) and a general index. (353–360).]

. 1991 . For to Speke French Trewely. The French language in England, 1000–1600: Its status, description, and instruction . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 60 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 268 pp. [The volume consists of seven chapts.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Period I: Immediately before and after the Conquest”; 3, “Period II: From the Marriage of Henry II (1152) to the Provisions of Oxford (1258)”; 4, “Period III: From the Provisions of Oxford (1258) to the Parliamentary Statute of 1362”; 5, Period IV: From the Statute of 1362 to the Age of Printing”; 6, “Period V: The Age of Printing, Humanism and Reformation (1470–1600)”; and 7, “Conclusions”. Bib. (221–244), and Index (245–268). – Cf. the review by Vivian Salmon in Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society No. 17 (Nov. 1991), 23–24; a more detailed one is to appear in HL XIX: 1/1992.]

. 1990 . Berlin oder Leipzig? Eine Studie zur sozialen Organi-sation der Germanistik im «Nibelungenstreit» . (= Studien und Texte zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur, 30 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , vii, 121 pp. [The book, which exemplifies the social organization of a philological-linguistic discipline on the basis of the wide-ranging controversy surrounding the interpretation of the ‘Nibelungenlied’ among 19th-century Germanists, is divided into the following parts: “Erster Teil: Wissenschaft und Ethos”, “Zweiter Teil: Zum Prozeß der Gruppenbildung in der Germanistik”, and “Dritter Teil: Konsequenzen einer Kontroverse”. Bib. (103–118). Index (119–121).]

. 1991 . Conflict and Cooperation in Job Interviews: A study of tal;k, tasks and ideas . (= Pragmatics & Beyond: New Series, 15 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 252 pp. [The study has chaps. such as the following: “Research problems and methodologies”; “The structure of the interviews”; “The distribution of knowledge”; “The exchange of information”, and “Disengagements and commitments”. Bib. (235–246); general index (247–252).]

. 1989 . Language the Unknown: An invitation into linguistics . Translation of Le langage, cet inconnu ( Paris : Seuil , 1981 ) by Anne M. Menke . (= European Perspectives: A series of Columbia University Press, [unnumbered] .) New York : Columbia Univ. Press , viii, 366 pp. [The book is divided into three parts: 1, “Introduction to Linguistics”; 2, “Language in History”; and 3, “Language and Languages”. Bib. (341) and Index (343–366). Behind these prosaic headings are chapters dealing with topics like the following: “The Egyptians: Their writing [read: script]”; “Mesopotamian civilization: The Sumerians and Akkadians”; “Indian linguistics”, “Rome: The transmission of Greek grammar”, “Arab grammar”, “The Grammar of Port-Royal”, and many others. [Translator’s] notes (331–340) render the book more useful than the French original which does not supply detailed information on the quoted material.]

eds. 1991 . Sprung from Some Common Source: Investigations into the prehistory of languages . Stanford Calif. : Stanford Univ. Press , xiv, 411 pp. [The volume is divided into five parts: 1, “Sir William Jones and his legacy”; 2, “Indo-European in context”; 3, “The search for relatives of Indo-European”; 4, “Linguistic genealogy in Europe, Asia, and America”, and 5, “Methods in genetic classification of languages”. The contributors include Robert Austerlitz, Garland Cannon, J. C. Catford, Søren Egerod, Sheila Embleton, Marija Gimbutas, Joseph H. Greenberg, Carleton T. Hodge, Winfred P. Lehmann, Saul Levin, Samuel E. Martin, Roy Andrew Miller, Robert L. Oswalt, Edgar C. Polomé, Jaan Puhvel, Alexis Manaster Ramer, Merritt Ruhlen, and Vitaly Shevoroshkin. Index (405–411). – Cf. Diachronica 9:1.160 (1992), for further details.]

. 1991 . Nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement et en peu de temps la langue espangole . Edición facsimilar y estudio de Eulalia Hernández, M.a Isabel López Martinez . Murcia : Univ. de Murcia, Secretariado de Publicaciones , 240 pp. [The intyroductory part of the book (1–87), in Spanish, is organized under the following headings: 1, “Noticias sobre el autor y su obra”; 2, “La obra”; 3, “Prefacio”; 4, “Partes de la grammática”; 5, “Breve instrucción sobre versificatión”; and 6, “La enseñanza del español a extranjeros”. The rest of the book (88–240) is taken up by the facsimile reproduction of the 1660 edition of Nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement et en peu de temps la langue espangole published by Pierre Le Petit of Paris.]

ed. 1991 . Serial Verbs: Grammatical, comparative and cognitive approaches . (= Studies in the Sciences of Language Series, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 210 pp. [The volume brings together the following articles: Ken Hale, “Misumalpan verb sequencing constructions”; Claire Lefebvre, “Take serial verb constructions in Fon”; Mark Baker, “On the relation of serialization to verb extensions”; Yafei Li, “On deriving serial verb constructions”; T[almy] Givón, “Some substantive issues concerning verb serialization: Grammatical vs. cognitive packaging”; and Richard K. Larson, “Some issues in verb serialization”. No index.]

eds. 1991 . Language Typology 1988: Typological models in reconstruction . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 81 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vi], 182 pp. [The volume brings together the following articles: Winfred P. Lehmann, “The importance of models in historical linguistics”; Georgij A. Klimov, “On two kinds of reconstruction in comparative studies”; Henry M. Hoenigswald, “Morphemic change, typology, and uniformitarianism: A study in reconstruction”; Viktoria N. Yartseva, “Some problems of syntactic reconstruction”; Yakov Malkiel, “Vowel gamuts in Romance derivational suffixation”; A. A. Kibrik, “Maintenance of reference in sentence and discourse”; Marianne Mithun, “The development of bound pronominal paradigms”; Eric P. Hamp, “On reconstructing morphology and syntax”; Edgar C. Polomé, “Linguistics and archeology: Differences in perspective in the study of prehistoric cultures”; Calvert Watkins, “Latin tarentum Accas, the ludi Saeculares, and Indo-European Eschatology”, and Agnija Desnitskaja, “Über den Ursprung des Albanischen (sprachvergleichend und historisch betrachtet)”. “References” (157–176), “Index” (177–182).]

ed. 1991 . English Traditional Grammars: An international perspective . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 62 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 392 pp. [The volume brings together the following articles: Ian Michael, “More than enough English grammars”; Charlotte Downey, “Trends that shaped the development of 19th century American grammmar writing”; Robert Burchfield, “The Fowler brothers and the tradition of usage handbooks”; John Algeo, “American English grammars in the twentieth century”; Konrad Macht, “Karl and Max Deutschbein’s English grammar manuals”; Flor Aarts, “Traditional grammars of English: facts and explanations”; Heinrich Ramisch, “The role of American English in traditional grammars of English”, and many others. “Summaries” (381–386). “Name index” (387–392).]

. 1990 . Storia della linguistica . Volume II (= Strumenti, Linguistica e critica letteraria, [unnumbered] .) Bologna : Il Mulino , 400 pp. [Since this is the second volume – cf. the entry on the first in HL XVII.3.459–460 (1990) – of the 3-volume History of Linguistics, it starts with Chap.7 and ends with Chap.9. The three chaps. are: 7, “La linguistica medioevale”, by Edoardo Vineis & Alfonso Maierù; 8, “La linguistica rinascimentale”, a cura di Mirko Tavoni; and 9, “Seicento e Settecento”, by Raffaele Simone. Bib. (387–395). – Cf. the review notice by R. H. Robins in Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society No.16 (May 1991), p.21.]

. 1991 . Developmental Orthography . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvi, 273 pp. [The book is a collection of eleven articles devoted to the subject of English orthography and its acquisition by German learners of English as a foreign language. With an introduction by Uta Frith, the eleven articles, some reprints and some co-authored with others, include titles such as the following: 1, “English vowel spellings”; 2, “A formal approach to error taxonomy” (co-author: Wojciech Buszkowski); and 3, “Pocessing strategies in bilingual spellers”. “Index of Names” (247–248) and “Index of Subjects” (249–262). “References” (263–273).]

. 1990 . Utterance Particles in Cantonese Conversation . (= Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 9 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v, 329 pp. [The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction: Utterance particles in Cantonese”; 2, “Conversation and conversation analysis”; 3, “The establishment of common ground in conversation: The utterance particle LA”; 4, “The accomplishment of endings in conversation: The utterance particle LO”; 5, “Expectation and noteworthiness: The utterance particle WO”; 6, “Utterance particles as conversational objects”; and 7, “Towards a socially constituted linguistics”. Bib. (313–324), and Subject Index (325–329).]

. 1991 . Phonotaktisch gesteuerte Konsonantenveränderungen in der Geschichte des Englischen . (= Linguistische Arbeiten, 272 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , ix, 316 pp. [The book contains the following chaps: 1, “Konsonantisches Segment und phonotaktische Position: Die Geschichte des englischen /h/”; 2, “Konsonantisches Segment und phonotaktische Position: Parallelentwicklungen bei den übrigen stimmlosen Frikativen des Germanischen in der Geschichte des Englischen”; 3, “Veränderungen in der Coda akzentuierter Silben”; and 4, “Veränderungen im Kopf akzentuierter Silben”. Bib. (289–316); no index.]

, 1991 . Major Pillars of German Syntax: An introduction to CRMS-Theory . (= Linguistische Arbeiten, 258 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , ix, 404 pp. [The book contains the following chaps. devoted to the author’s Constituent Relations Markings Suprasegmental [CRMS] Theory: 1, “Where does it all start?”; 2, “Limitations for the notion ‘sentence’”; and 3, “Inner organization of sentences”. “Literature” (377–404); no index.]

. 1991 . Histoire de la linguistique: de Sumer à Saussure . Paris : Presses Universitaires de France , 496 pp. [This history of linguistics from the earliest beginnings to the inception of structuralism consists the following chaps.: 1, “La Chine, le Japon et autre régions est-asiatiques”; 2, “Le pays des deux fleuves. Les Sumériens. Langues sémitiques. Les hiéroglyphes d’Egypte et des Aztèques. L’Inde”; 3, “L’analyse linguistique dans l’Antiquité. Remarques générales”; 4, “Les Grecs”; 5, “Les Romains”; 6, “Le Moyen Age”; 7, “La Renaissance”; 8, “La période des grands philosophes (le XVIIe siècle)”; 9, “Les encyclopédies et le siècle des Lumières”; 10, “Wilhelm von Humboldt”; 11, “Les premiers contacts avec les langues de l’Inde et la naissance du comparatisme, surtout indoeuropéen”; 12, “L’établissement définitif d’une science comparative de l’indo-européen. L’école de Leipzig”; 13, “L’application des principes du comparatisme en dehors des langues indo-européennes”; 14, “Le débat autour des thèses néo-grammairiennes. La dialectologie. La tradition humboldienne”; 15, “Naissance et évolution d’une science phonétique indépendante”; 16, “Le ‘Mémoire’ de Saussure. La tradition fançaise jusqu’à Meillet. Précurseurs de nouvelles tendances”; 17, “Les concepts et les thèses du comparatisme traditionnel modifiés ou mis en question”; 18, “La création d’une linguistique comparée des langues romanes”; 19, “Linguistique américaine de Whitney à Boas et à Sapir. Peirce”; and 20, “Vers une différenciation de la linguistique. Débuts d’écoles modernes”. “Index des noms” (481–491).]

ed. 1990 . A Short History of Writing Instruction: From Ancient Greece to Twentieth-Century America . Davis, Calif : Hermagoras Press , v, 241 pp. [The book contains seven chaps. by different authors. They are: Kathleen E. Welch, “Writing instruction in Ancient Athens after 450 B.C.”; James J. Murphy, “Roman writing instruction as described by Quintilian”; Marjorie Curry Woods, “The teaching of writing in Medieval Europe”; Don Paul Abbott, “Rhetoric and writing in Renaissance Europe”; Winifred Bryan Horner, “Writing instruction in Great Britain: Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries”; S. Michael Halloran, “From rhetoric to composition: The teaching of writing in America to 1900”, and James A. Berlin, “Writing Instruction in School and College English, 1890–1985”. “Glossary of key terms” (223–234). Bib. (235–241).]

. 1991 . Nouvelle Classification des Sciences: Etude philosophique . Paris : Didier Erudition , ix, vii, 180 pp. [This is a reprint of Naville’s (1845–1930) 1901 Nouvelle classification des sciences: Etude philosophique, whose claim to fame rests largely with the fact that he cites Saussure (p.104) with regard to ‘sémiologie’. There is a brief new introduction by Pierre Caussat.]

ed. 1989 . Linguistic Evolution . (= Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics, vol. 77, No.2 .) Amsterdam : North-Holland & Elsevier Science Publishers , [99-] 222 pp. [This special issue of Lingua contains the following articles on ‘linguistic evolution’: Brigitte Nerlich, “The evolution of the concept of ‘linguistic evolution’ in the 19th and 20th century”; Rudi Keller, “Invisible-hand theory and language evolution”; Erica C. García, “Quantitative aspects of diachronic evolution: The synchronic alternation between O.SP. y, allí ‘there’”; Jean Aitchison, “Spaghetti junctions and recurrent routes: Some preferred pathways in language evolution”; N. J. Allen, “The evolution of kinship terminologies”, and James R. Hurford, “Biological evolution of the Saussurean sign as a component of the language acquisition device”.]

eds. 1991 . Accidentia: Taal- en letteroefeningen voor Jan Knol . Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek , [viii], 248 pp. ; 1 portr. [This collection of papers in memory of Jan Knol (1937–1991), author of Bibliografie van de geschriften op het gebied van de Nederlandse taalkunde uit de periode 1691–1804 (Amsterdam & Nijmegen, 1977), includes altogether 26 contributions on a variety of philological, literary, and linguistic topics, largely within the contetx of Dutch studies. Papers of particular historiographical interest are Tony Feitsma’s piece on “Over de interpretatie van de systematiek van [Petrus] Montanus [(c.1595–1638)]” (3–8); Anthony J. Klijnsmit’s discussion of a critique of Spinozian philosophy in the work of Adriaen Verwer’s (c.l655-c.l720) Mom-aensicht der Atheistery of 1683 (9–20), and Berry Dongelmans’ recounting of the fate of the same author’s Lingua belgicae idea grammatica, poetica, rhetorica of 1707 (21–25).]

. 1991 . Categories and Case . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 71 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 297 pp. [The monograph contains the following chaps.: 1, “The problem”; 2, “The grammar”; 3, “Grammatical relations and thematic roles”; 4, “The case system”; 5, “Passivization and dative advancement”; 6, “Possessor ascension”; 7, “Inversion constructions”; 8, “Focus constructions”; 9, “Subject-object raising”; 10, “Lexical causatives”; 11, “Syntactic causatives”; 12, “Case and word order”; 13, “Floated quantifiers”; 14, “Some special challenges”; 15, “The acquisition problem”; and 16, “Concluding remarks”. “References” (283–292), “Index” (293–295).]

. 1991 . A History of the Spanish Language . Cambridge & New York : Cambridge Univ. Press , xvi, 319 pp. [This history of Spanish down to 1985 contains the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction [which traces much of the external history of the language]”; 2, “Phonology”; 3, “Morphosyntax”; 4, “Lexis”, and 5, “Semantics”. The back matter consists of “References” (270–276), “Index of Latin words” (277–287), “Index of Spanish words cited” (288–313), and “Subject index” (314–319).]

eds. 1991 . Language Bases ... Discourse Bases: Some aspects of contemporary French-language psycholinguistics research (= Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 17 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 341 pp. [The volume brings together fourteen articles such as the following: F. Bresson, “Phylogeny and ontogeny of languages”; J. Bertoncini, “Initial equipment for speech perception”; G. Piéraut- Le Bonniec & J. P. Pille, “Verbs as sentence organizers”; and E. Esperet, “The development and role of narrative schema stoytelling”. References (269–334); index (335–341).]

ed. 1990 . Hispanica Posnaniensia: La Revista International de la Universidad Adam Mickiewicz de Poznań dedicada al estudio de filolog ías y culturas del Mundo Hispánico , 1 . Poznań : Universytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Departamento de Filologías Hispánicas , 278 pp. [This first issue of Hispanica Posnaniensia contains materials such as articles by Manuel Ariza Viguera, Marta Ayala Castro, and Josef Dubský.]

. 1989 . Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch . 2 vols. 2nd ed. Bern : A. Francke Verlag , vol. I : 1183 pp. ; vol. II : 495 pp. [These two volumes represent the second edition of the standard etymological dictionary of Indo-European organized alphabetically by reconstructed PIE root. The other major IE etymological dictionary by Carl Darling Buck (Univ. of Chicago Press, also recently re-released) is organized, by contrast, in terms of semantic word classes. Volume 1 of Pokorny’s dictionary gives the alphabetical list of PIE roots from A to U-, while Vol.II contains the Foreword (1–10), word indices by IE language family and language (11–480) and non-IE languages (481–482). A list of abbreviations (483–491) and table of contents (493–495) conclude Vol.II. – Cf. the review by Winfred P. Lehmann in Diachronica IX:1.115–118 (1992), for further details.]

eds. 1991 . Studies in Language Origins . Vol. 2 . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxi, 348 pp. [The volume brings together twenty-two articles such as the following: Walburga von Raffler-Engel, “Introduction: Why study the origin of language?”; Brunetto Chiarelli, “The origin of human language”; and Roger W. Wescott, “Defining language”. “Name index” (331–338) and “Subject index” (339–348).]

. 1991 . Liber Tytan . Edited with an introduction, notes and indices by C[ornelius] H. Kneepkens . (= Artistarium, 8 .) Nijmegen : Ingenium Publishers , xlii, 151 pp. [“The present edition of the Liber Tytan of Ralph of Beauvais intends to contribute to our knowledge of twelfth-century grammar as it was practised at the level of secondary instruction. The text offered is based on a collation of all the extant manuscript material. The edition is preceded by a short introduction to the life and writings of Ralph, the manuscripts involved, and a preliminary sketch of the position of Ralph’s grammatical theory insofar as it can be derived from his two surviving works” (Preface, v-vi). Text (1–96); “Appendices” (97–100), and “Apparatus criticus” (101–122). The indices consists of “Index locorum” (125–135), “Index locorum incertorum & exemplorum” (136–141), and “Index rerum” (142–151).]

. 1990 . Il Circolo Linguistico di Praga (1926–1939): Radici storiche e apporti teorici (= Scienze Filologiche e Letteratura, 48; Biblioteca del Dipartimento de Lingue e di Letterature straniere, 5 .) Milano : Vita e Pensiero , xv, 446 pp. [The book, on the history of the Cercle linguistique de Prague, has the following chaps.: 1, “L’ambiente praghese e la sua cultura, austriaca tedesca e ceca, tra XIX e XX secolo”; 2, “La fondazione del Circolo e le sue attività”, and 3, “Structure delia lingua e dell’enunciazione in prospecttiva funzionale”. Bib. (383–434). Index of names (435–446).]

. 1990 . A Short History of Linguistics . 3rd, revised ed. (= Longman Linguistics Library, [unnumbered] .). London & New York : Longman , x, 271 pp. [Third edition of the monograph first published in 1967 and whose second (corrected) edition appeared in 1979. In the “Preface to third edition”, the author says, “In the present edition I have done my best to draw attention to the major breaks with traditional views that have appeared in the past decade or so, not necessarily accepting the conclusions of their proponents, but, I hope, giving readers the inclination and the means to follow up the relevant literature and to come to their own conclusions. Otherwise, rightly or wrongly, I have left the organization of the subject as set out in the 1967 edition” (Foreword, p.ix). Therefore, this edition contains, as the previous editions, the following chaps.: 1, “Introduction”; 2, “Greece”; 3, “Rome”; 4, “The Middle Ages”; 5, “The Renaissance and after”; 6, “The eve of modern times”; 7, “Comparative and historical linguistics in the nineteenth century”, and 8, “Linguistics in the present century”. Index (265–271). – Cf. the review by Vivian Salmon in Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society No. 16 (May 1991), 23–24.]

, comp. 1990 . Roman Jakobson (1896–1982): A complete bibliography of his writings . Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , xii, 187 pp. [This bibliography has two parts of listings and a part of indexes: Part I, “The Writings of Roman Jakobson, 1912–1982: Original Works and Translations (including works published between 1915 and 1985)” (1–97), and “Addenda (works published between 1986 and 1988)”; Part II, “The Selected Writings of Roman Jakobson: Volumes I-VII” (101–128), detailing the history and organization of this on-going project, and “Addendum (Volume VIII)” (129–134). Indexes of titles (135–165), of “Major Collections by Language” (166), of co-authors (167), of names (168–176), and of periodicals (177–187).]

( sous la direction de ). 1991 . La Constitution du document en histoire des sciences du langage . (= la licorne, 19 .) Poitiers : l’UFR de langues et littératures de l’Université de Poitiers , v, 228 pp. [This issue contains twelve articles and five reviews. The articles include: Wendy Ayres-Bennett, “Observations et remarques sur la langue française, histoire d’un genre”; Jan de Clercq, “Les ‘Mémoires de Trévoux’ (1701–1762) et la réception de la grammaticographie française”; Brigitte Nerlich, “De la phonétique à la phonologie. Eléments pour une histoire de la ‘Science des sons’”; Guy Serbat, “Priscien et l’énigme de l’ablatif; Sylvie Mellet, “Élaboration progressive d’une catégorie grammaticale: à propos du temps verbal”; Claire Lecointre, “Les turbulences du signifiant: Ellipse et sousentenu dans la tradition grammaticale de Despautère à Port-Royal”; Pierre Swiggers, “Creuser dans l’histoire des sciences du langage: vers une archéologie du savoir linguistique”; Bernard Colombat, “L’autorité de l’exemple face au renouvellement des stratégies explicatives dans la syntaxe latine de l’accord”; Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand, “De l’écho au miroir: passage des poétiques anciennes à la critique du poétique, au début du XIXe siècle français”; Gérard Dessons, “Avatar d’une notion: La poétique, signification de la vie, selon [Wilhelm] Dilthey [(1833–1911)]”; Jean-Claude Muller, “Des correspondances de linguistes et de leur valeur historiographique”, and Daniel Baggioni, “Linguistique fantastique ou théorie prophétique? Le ‘cas’ Gustave Fallot”.]

eds. 1991 . Europäische Sprachwissenschaft um 1800: Methodologische und historiographische Beiträge zum Umkreis der “idéologie” . Band 2 . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 332 pp. [This book is divided into the following parts: 1, “Die Sprache in Aufklärung und Spätaufklärung”; 2, “Sprachtheorie um 1800 in Europa und Übersee”; 3, “Aus der Projektarbeit”, and 4, “Methodologische Überlegungen”. The contributors of the book include Brigitte Schlieben-Lange, Klaus D. Dutz, Elisabeth Volck-Duffy, Erika Hültenschmidt, and many others. Index nominurn (319–332).]

ed. 1991 . Multum – non multa? Studien zur ,,Einheit der Reflexion” im Werk Wilhelm von Humboldts . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft, 14 .) Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 174 pp. [The volume brings together articles such as the following: Peter Schmitter, “Einheit und Differenz im Werk Wilhelm von Humboldts: Eine Vorbemerkung”; Stefan Bucher, “Naturphilosophie, Teleologie und Sprachtheorie bei Wilhelm von Humboldt”; Manabu Watanabe, “Zum Verhältnis von Natur und Sprache bei Wilhelm von Humboldt”, and many others. “Personenregister” (171–174).]

. 1989 . Biographisches und bibliographisches Lexikon der Fremdsprachenlehrer des deutschsprachigen Raumes, Spätmittelalter bis 1800 . Band 2 : Buchstaben D bis H – Erste Nachträge zum Quellenverzeichnis . (= Augsburger I & I- Schriften, 51 ). Augsburg : Inst, für Englische Sprachwissenschaft, Univ. Augsburg , xvii, 349 pp. [Continuation of Schröder’s voluminous enterprise; cf. HL XVL3.460 (1989), for comments on the first volume.]

. 1991 . Young Children s Dyadic Pretend Play: A communication analysis of plot structure and plot generative strategies . (= Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 14 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [v], 152 pp. [The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “The investigation of propositional content in play: Initial research formulation; 2, “Theoretical framework for analysis: Play content as play plot”; 3, “Methodology of analysis”; 4, “Master Text I: Analysis of Text I”; 5, “Master Text II: Analysis of Text II”; 6, “Comparative analysis of Master Text I and II”; and 7, “Play plot structure and plot generative strategies: Integration of results and further considerations”. “References” (91–100).]

. 1991 . Functional Grammar . (= Linguistic Theory Guides, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Routledge , xxi, 279 pp. [The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Functional grammar as a theory of natural language”; 2, “The organization of the grammar”; 3, “States of affairs and semantic functions”; 4, “Syntactic functions”; 5, “The layered structure of the clause”; 6, “Pragmatic functions and the pragmatics of discourse”; 7, “Form-determining expression rules”, and 8, “Linearization”. “References” (249–268), “Language index” (269–270), “Name index” (271–274), and “Subject index” (275–279).]

. 1991 . Error Analysis: A comprehensive bibliography (= Library and Information Sources in Linguistics, 12 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xliii, 552 pp. [This is a trilingual (English, German, and French) bibliography on error analysis. It is dividied into two parts: “Part I” is further divided into “Periodicals: List of Acronyms”, “List of Titles”, and “List of Titles: Addenda”; and “Part II” is further divided into “Chronological Index”, “List of Languages”, and “Subject and Key Word Index”.]

. 1991 . The English Dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson 1604–1775 . (= Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, 57 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , cxi, xxiv, 299 pp. [This is a new edition with an introduction and a selected bibliography by Gabriele Stein (vii-cxi) of the ‘classic’ work first published in 1946. The original text consists of a “Foreword” (iii-vi), “Illustrations” (vii-xxiv), thirty-two chaps. (1–196), and Appendices such as: I, “Medieval and Renaissance Vocabulaires and the English Dictionary” (197–211); II, “The Development of Cant Lexicography in English, 1566–1785”; and III, “A Bibliography and Census of Dictionaries in American Libraries” (228–241). Index (289–299). – Cf. the review note by Edwina Burness in Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society No.17 (Nov. 1991), p. 26.]

eds. 1991 . A nyelvészetröl – egyes szám, elsö személyben . Budapest : A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelvtudományi Intézete , viii, 270 pp. [The book brings together thirty autobiographical accounts by distinguished Hungarian scholars such as László Derne, Iván Fónagy, József Herman, Ferenc Kiefer, Éva B. Lörinczy, Ádám Makkai, András Róna-Tas, and Edit[h] Moravcsik. Index (261–267). – As the publishers acknowledge in their accompanying note, the volume was to a certain extent modelled after First Person Singular (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1980), of which a sequel has recently been published (cf. William G. Moulton’s review in HL XVIII.211–220, 1991).]

eds. 1990 . Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics No. 10 . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 34 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 199 pp. [The book is divided into two parts: 1, “Quantitative Linguistics”, and 2, “Algebraic Linguistics”. The articles contained therein include the following: Marie Tĕšsitelová, “On Semantics of Nouns from the Quantitative Point of View”; Miroslav Novotný, “On a Construction of Linear Grammar”, and twelve others. No index.]

eds. 1990 . Meaning and Lexicography . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 28 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxvii, 325 pp. [This volume is divided into four parts: 1, “General Foundations and Historical Perspective”; 2, “Word Formation and Syntax”; 3, “Semantics and Pragmatics”; and 4, “Diachrony”. The contributors include Gideon Toury, Tadeusz Piotrowski, Robert F. Ilson, and many others. No index.]

eds. 1991 . Approaches to Grammaticalization . Volume I : Focus on theoretical and methodological issues . (= Typological Studies in Language, 19:1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 360 pp. [This volume is divided into two parts: 1, “General Method”; and 2, “Directionality”. It contains articles such as the following: Paul J. Hopper, “On some principles of grammaticization”; Frantisek Lichtenberg “On the gradualness of grammaticalization”; Joseph H. Greenberg, “The last stages of grammatical elements; contrastive and expansive desematicization”; and many others. Index of languages (343345), Index of names (347–351), and Index of subjects (353–360).]

eds. 1991 . Approaches to Grammaticalization . Volume II : Focus on types of grammatical markers . (= Typological Studies in Language, 19:2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , (ix), 556 pp. [This volume is divided into five parts: 1, “Verbal structure”; 2, “Argument structure”; 3, “Subordination”; 4, “Modality”; and 5, “Spectra of grammaticalization patterns”. It contains articles such as the following: Peter Edwin Hook, “The emergence of perfective aspect in IndoAryan languages”; Noel Rude, “Verbs to promotional suffixes in Sahaptian and Klamath”; Christian Lehmann, “Grammaticalization and related changes in contemporary German”; and many others. Index of languages (537–540), Index of names (541–546), and Index of subjects (547–556).]

. 1988 . Bibliotheca Lexicologiae Medii Aevi . Vols. I-X . Lewiston, New York-Queenston, Ont., Canada-Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales : Edwin Mellen , xliii, 3646 pp. [This ten-volume bibliography devoted to the study of Latin medieval lexicology constituts a milestone in the field and will serve as an important reference tool for scholars in many fields for many years to come. The volumes (which have continuous pagination) are organized as follows: 1, “Classics in the Middle Ages” (5–60) and “Education in the Middle Ages” (61–308); 2, “Medievalia Generalia” (310–468) and “Lexicons (A-F) in the Middle Ages” (469–643); 3, “Lexicons (G-Z) in the Middle Ages” (644–998); 4, “Grammars in the Middle Ages” (1001–1363); 5, “Rise of Vernacular Languages” (1366–1602); 6, “Influence of Vulgar Latin” (1605–2069); 7, “Lexicographical Manuscipts (A-L)” (2072–2528); 8, “Lexicographical Manuscipts (M-Z)” (2529–2750) and “Journals and Periodicals” (2751–2940); 9, “Author Index” (2947–3091) and “Title Index” (3092–3317); and 10, “Geographical Index” (3320–3337), “Abbreviation Index” (3338–3351), “Chronological Index” (3352–3618), and “Index of Incipits” (3619–3642). – Cf. the detailed entry (with full addresses of the Publisher) on the first (paperbound) volume in HL XVI:3.463 (1989).]

. 1991 . Language and the Modern State: The reform of written Japanese . (= The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Series, [unnumbered] .) London & New York : Routledge , xiii, 329 pp. [The volume contains the following chaps.: 1, “Language and modernization: The Japanese experience”; 2, “Pre-modern styles”; 3, “Early stirrings: Education and the press”; 4, “Language and politics”; 5, “The role of literature”; 6, “The final stages”; 7, “The opposition”; 8, “The standardization debate”, and 9, “The problem of orthography”. Bib. (303–326), Index (327–329).]

. 1991 . La modalizzione assertiva: Avverbi modali e verbi parentetici . (= Materiali Linguistici, 5 .) Milano : Francoangeli , 172 pp. [The book contains the following chaps.: 1, “Gli avverbi modali”; 2, “I verbi parentetici”; 3, “Sottoscrizione o non sottoscrizione”; 4, “Gardi di soggettività nella sottoscrizione”; and 5 “Sottoscrizione e performatività”. “Bibliografia” (151–164), an “Indice analitico” (165–170), and an “Indice dei nomi” (171–172).]

. 1990 . Att Forska om Språkliga Minoriteter . (= Stockholm Studies in Finnish Language and Literature, [unnumbered] .) Stockholm : Department of Finnish, Stockholm Univ. , 87 pp. [The volume contains four articles in Swedish with summaries in English: Erling Wande, “Majority and Minority Perspectives: Introductory remarks”; Marijut Aikio, “The Ethnic Dilemma of the Sami”; Jarmo Lainio, “Abbé Grégoire, the French Revolution and the Sweden Finns’ Plosives”, and Marika Tandefelt, “To be a Scholar in a Small World”.]

eds. 1991 . New Analyses in Romance Linguistics: Selected papers from the XVIII Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages Urbana-Champaign, April 7–9, 1988 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 69 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xviii, 406 pp. [Revised versions of twenty papers for LSRL XVIII are included in the volume and are organized into two parts: 1, “Phonology and Morphology”; and 2, “Syntax and Semantics”. The contributors are Maria Carreira, Yves-Pierre Y. Montreuil, Philippe Barbaud, Georg Bossong, and many others. The back matter consists of an “Index of Names” (389–395), an “Index of Languages and Language Families” (396–399), and an “Index of Concepts” (400–406). – Cf. Roger Wright’s review in Diachronica IX:1. 131–133 (1992).]

eds. 1991 . New Vistas in Graamar: Invariance and variation . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 49 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , x, 540 pp. [The present volume publishes revised versions of twenty-five papers first presented at the second international conference devoted to the legacy of Roman Jakobson (1896–1982), held at New York University in October 1985. They are here organized under the main following headings: I, “The Question of Invariance” (contributors: Edward Stankiewicz, Erica García, Yishai Tobin); II, “Invariance and Grammatical Categories” (Igor Mel’čuk, Howard I. Aronson, Rodney B. Sangster, Monique Monville-Burston, John S. Robertson, Pierre Swiggers, Madeleine Newfield & Linda R. Waugh); III, “Grammar and Discourse” (Linda Waugh, Nils B. Thelin, Henning Andersen, Flora Klein-Andreu); IV, “Grammar and Pragmatics” (Herman Parret, Cornelis H. van Schooneveld, Olga T. Yokoyama, Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Edna An-drews), and V, “Typology and Universals” (Joseph H. Greenberg, Hansjakob Seiler, Elmar Holenstein, Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, John A. Hawkins, Ivan Fónagy). These papers are preceded by an Introduction by Waugh (1–7) in which the thew background to the ‘invariance in the midst of variation’ theme, and rounded off by indexes of names (517–523) and of ‘topics’ (525–540), actually a fully-fledged, informative index of subjects, terms, and languages.]

. 1991 . Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen des Sprachlebens . (= Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science; Series II: Classics in Psycholinguistics, 5 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , li, viii, 214 pp. [This newly edited reprint, with a foreword by Konrad Kperner, of Wegener’s (1848–1916) 1885 classic, which influenced scholars like Bronislaw Malinowski (1884–1942), J. R. Firth (1890–1960), and Alan H. Gardiner (1879–1963), comes with a thorough introduction in English by Clemens Knobloch. Moreover, the volume also contains “Works cited by Wegner in his ‘Untersuchungen’” (209–210), and “Chapter-by-chapter analysis in English” (211–214), both prepared by the editor.]

. 1991 . De l’Ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes comparées aux langues modernes: Question de grammaire générale . Paris : Didier Érudition , ix, viii, 103 pp. [This is a reprint of the 3rd, 1879, edition of Weil’s (1818–1909) classic text, first published in 1844, together with a brief new introduction by Simone Delesalle. – The 1887 English translation by Charles W. Super, The Order of Words in the Ancient Languages compared with that of the Modern Languages, was reissued, together with an introduction by Aldo Scaglione, in 1978 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins).]

. 1990 . Deutsch: Eine Sprachgeschichte bis 1945 . (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 93 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , xvi, 574 pp. [This book – a German translation of the author’s German: A linguistic history to 1945 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1985) – consists of following chaps.: 1, “Die Anfänge des ,Deutschen’”; 2, “Die Phonologie des Frühdeutschen (Ahd.)”; 3, “Die Mittelalterliche Periode (1050–1500); 4, “Die Morphologie des mittelalterlichen Deutsch (Mhd.); 5, “Der Übergang zum frühen modernen Deutsch (Mhd.)”; 6, “Die Syntax in der Übergangsperiode (Fnhd.); 7, “Die frühmoderne Periode II: Grammatiker, Literaten und Kulturpolitik im achtzehnten Jahrhundert”; 8, “Die frühmoderne Periode II: Grammatiker, Literaten und Kulturpolitik im achtzehnten Jahrhundert”; 9, “Die moderne Periode (1800–1945) I: Einheit und Vielfalt”, and 10, “Die moderne Periode (1800–1945) II: Semantik, Sprachreinigung und Politik”. “Bibliographie” (472–521); “Namenregister” (522–535); “Sachregister” (536–574).]

. 1990 . La vita e lo sviluppo del linguaggio . Introduzione e note di Giuseppe Carlo Vincenzi . Milano : Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli , xxii, 451 pp. in-16° . [This book is basically a reprint of the 1876 Italian translation (Milano: Fratelli Dumolard) of Whitney’s Life and Growth of Language (New York & London, 1875), prepared by Francesco d’Ovidio (1849–1925), to which the following items have been added: A short “Presentazione” by Luigi Rosiello (i-iii), an introductory article by G. C. Vincenzo, “Continuatà di Whitney nella linguistica del novecento” (v-xxxix, Bib., xl-xliv), and detailed notes provided by the editor (393–449). On the significance of D’Ovidio’s transl. of the book, cf. Maria Patrizia Bologna, “Whitney in Italia”, HL 18.43–70 (1986).]

. 1990 . Language as Behavior, Language as Code: A study of academic English (= Pragmatics & Beyond; New Series, 8 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 304 pp. [This book is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation and it contains the following chaps: 1, “The social functional tradition and approach”; 2, “Analysis”; 3, “Results”; and 4, “Conclusion”. “References” (295–304).]