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Konrad Koerner
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional cases will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.

eds. 1994 . Creolization and Language Change . (= Linguistiche Arbeiten, 317 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , x, 160 pp. [ This book contains the proceedings of a workshop on the subject, organized by the editors and held as part of the 15th annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft at Jena, 3–5 March 1993. This volume contains 8 articles that tackle old and new problems like the substrate/universal issue, the problem of continuity of transmission, the gradual creolization hypothesis, and the role of first and second language acquisition in creolization. Articles include Plag’s “Creolization and language change: A comparison”, Adone’s “Creolization and language change in Mauritian creole”, and Philip Baker’s “Creativity in creole genesis” .]

eds. 1995 . Contemporary Resarch in Romance Linguistics: Papers from the 22nd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, El Paso [Texas]/Cd. Juárez [Mexico], February 1992 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 123 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [vii], 381 pp. [ Given that LSRL XXII was held 500 years after ‘that eventful year of 1492’, it is perhaps not surprising that the volume contains not only references to Antonio de Nebrija’s 1492 Gramática de la lengua castellana, but, surprisingly (given the context within which it appears), also a 30-page essay by Carlos P. Otero, “From Lebrixa’s Grammar to Cartesian language theory: A retrojective [sic] view” (135–166). Unfortunately, it is filled with serious shortcomings in terms of writing, proofing, and scholarship .]

. 1994 . Pidgins and Creoles: An introduction . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiv, 412 pp. [ This introductory course book in the study of pidgins and creolesis structured in such a way that the 11 chapters in parts I and II, “General aspects” and “Theories of genesis”, constitute the core for presentation and discussion in the classroom, while the 13 chapters in parts III and IV, “Sketches of individual languages” and “Grammatical features”, can form the basis for further exploration and research. Part V contains a concluding chapter that draws together the different strands of argumentation and another one that comprises an annotated language list with background information on several hundred pidgins, creoles and mixed languages .]

. 1994 . Watching English Change: An introduction to the study of linguistic change in standard Englishes in the twentieth century . New York : Longman , xiii, 200 pp. [ This textbook examines the ways English has changed linguistically in the 20th century. Unlike most work dealing with on-going linguistic change, this book concentrates on the standard varieties of English. It discusses changes that have occurred in areas such as grammar, pronunciation and usage. Exercises are included throughout the text to test comprehension. The book contains 6 chapters followed by answers to questions and an index .]

eds. 1994 . Lingua et Traditio: Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und der neueren Philologien . ( Festschrift für Hans Helmut Christmann .) 1994 . Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , xxvii, 929 pp. ; 1 portrait. [This special – and indeed massive – volume in the series launched by Christmann and his colleague at Tübingen University, Eugenio Coseriu, some twenty years ago, is divided into three main sections: I, “Geschichte der Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft vom Mittelalter bis zur Aufklärung”; II, “Geschichte der Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart”, and III, “Geschichte der Angewandten Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft”. Under Section I appears, among many other contributions to the history of linguistics, Lia Formigari’s “Droit, mythe et langage dans la Scienza Nuova de Giambattista Vico” (89–96), Hans-Josef Niederehe’s “Frühe italienisch-spanische Sprachbeziehungen im Spiegel von Glossaren, Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken” (97–116), Reinhold Kontzi’s “Der Beitrag deutscher Gelehrter zur Erforschung des Maltesischen seit Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts” (231–258), and Gustav Ineichen’s “Johann David Michaelis: Orientalist und Sprachgelehrter in Göttingen (1717–1791)” (259–273). Some of the other articles are: Klaus Bochmann’s “Matteo Bartoli in der Geschichte der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft” (359–366) and Jörn Albrecht’s “Hermann Paul, ein Strukturalist ante litteram?” (393–408). The full list of Christmann’s publications is provided on pages xvii–xxvii .]

1994 . Religious Polemic and the Intellectual History of the Mozarabs, c.1050–1200 . (= Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 52 .) Leiden-New York-Köln : E. J. Brill , xv, 407 pp. [ A detailed historical study of the religious-controversial works written by Arabic-speaking Christians – often referred to as ‘Mozarabs’ – in Southern, Islamic, Spain, who were set on maintaining their Christian beliefs. Following six chapters devoted to Mozarabic apologetic and anti-Islamic polemic of the 11th and 12th centuries (13–211), the author provides the first English translation (with the critical edition of the unique 16th-century Latin translation on facing page) of the anonymous Liber denudationis sive ostensionis aut patefaciens (manuscript B.N., lat.3394) – also referred to as Contrarietas alfolica – whose Arabic original was referred to by European scholars from the later 13th century onwards, including Riccoldo da Monte di Croce in his Contra legem Sarracenorum and the work of Spanish missionary Ramon Lull (1232–1316). Bib. (389–402) and general index (403–407) .]

, comps. 1994 . The Language of the Middle English Literature . (= Annotated Bibliographies of the Old and Middle English Literature, 1 .) New York : Boydell & Brewer , viii, 279 pp. [ This bib. covers literature written in Middle English by authors other than Chaucer. The purpose of this volume is to provide a resource for scholars working within a particular field of medieval studies and also to help define that field for those considering entering it. The book is divided into three parts: I, “Early Middle English”; II, “Later Middle English” and; III, “Supplementary list of doctoral theses”. It also contains a list of works cited, an index of scholars and critics, as well as an index of authors and works. The bibliography opens with the general editor’s preface and an introduction .]

18th & 19th Century German Linguistics Ed. by Chris Hutton . 8 vols. London & New York : Routledge / Thoemmes Press , 1995 . [ This impressive set reprints important primary texts for the history of linguistics in Germany. Each volume in the set is provided with an introduction by Chris Hutton that covers the biographical details and the works of each author. The page numbers of these original texts has been retained, thus allowing for accurate quotation based on these reprints. (The page numbering in lower case roman provided here within parentheses after each volume refers to the introduction provided by the editor). Volume I (xxxix) includes works by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), Christian Wolff (1679–1754), and Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806). According to Hutton, the best known aspect of Leibniz’ linguistic thought is his (probably utopian) plan for a universal language, one which could be formalized and applied in philosophical analysis. This ideal language would involve symbols that unambiguously represent basic concepts, the combinations of which would isomorphically represent the conbinations of concepts. Wolff, on the other hand, is credited not so much with originality as having made a great contribution to the normalization of academic German, both in vocabulary and sentence structure. For Adelung, the maturity of a nation brings with it linguistic maturity. For him language is a national form, since language, not race, is the ultimate defining characteristic of a people and also the strong belief that linguistic diversity is the repository of culture. – Volume II (xxii) reproduces seminal works by Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700–1766), who argued strongly for reform in German literature on the lines of French neo-classicism and for the use of German rather than Latin or French in intellectual discourse. Gottsched was a language reformer concerned with grammatical reform and the clarification of the lexicon which, in his view, is attained through the action of reason, not artificial high style. – Volume III (xxx) contains works of Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803), Dietrich Tiedemann (1748–1803), and Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762–1814). Herder’s work is significant in that it lay between the intellectualist and the Romantic movement. The logic of Herder’s position is that human beings are defenceless at birth; but they are the great generalists of nature. They have the ability to think, to learn from experience and to pass information on from one generation to the next. He argues that the development of thought cannot be separated from the development of language. Language is a sine qua non of human nature. Tiedemann’s work draws heavily on Leibniz, Wolf,f and Gottsched, as can be seen from his concern with the need for a balanced language, neither too poor in vocabulary nor overflowing with superfluous synonyms. Interestingly, he links the acquisition of different parts of speech to changes in human social structure, e.g., the transition from primitive communism to a property-owning society. The core of his argument is the proposition that sounds or noises are distinct from concepts or ideas. For Fichte, language is an arbitrary or contingent instrument for the expression of thought. He insists that there was no original ‘Verabredung’ or mutual consultation at which the names for things were fixed in the different languages. Fichte is therefore concerned with a boundary between the natural and the human. He wants to show that the origins of human sociability are to be found in an intrinsic difference between human beings and nature. – Volume IV (xxx) reprints – again – Friedrich Schlegel’s (1772–1829) seminal Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier (Heidelberg, 1808) and selections from the work of Franz Bopp (1791–1867). Schlegel’s writings, the editor points out, touch repeatedly on matters concerning language. He claims that language is a key to history. The less advanced peoples of the world have a great variety of languages, but all these languages have the same grammar. Bopp is generally recognized as the founder of comparative Indo-European linguistics; he systematized the notion that Sanskrit was related to Greek, Latin and the modern European languages. For the history of linguistics, Bopp counts as the thinker who freed the discipline from metaphysics and the speculative theorizing of the 18th century. – Volume V (xxiv) deals with the works of Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835) and Heymann Steinthal (1823–1899). Humboldt saw comparative linguistics as a means for understanding human nature. He studied American Indian languages; he worked on Chinese, and he studied Sanskrit. He also worked on the Malayo-Polynesisn languages which he saw as a potential link between China and America. However, Humboldt retained a lifelong interest in classical studies, translating extensively from Greek. He is also seen as the intellectual origin of the so-called ‘Sapir-Whorf hypothesis’. His work emphasizes both linguistic and cultural diversity, while at the same time the universal aspects of speech and the essential unity of mankind. Steinthal is concerned to show that the invention of writing is neither something which emerges from the structure of language without human intervention nor is it totally identical with or formed by the original structure of the language. – Volume VI (xxxvi) reproduces works of Jacob Grimm (1785–1863), August Friedrich Pott (1802–1887), and August Schleicher (1821–1868). Like Herder, Grimm emphasizes that language is a human artifact, one which reflects human freedom and creativity. Language was not created in full with the first humans, nor was it divinely revealed. He therefore downplays the Tower of Babel myth as a case of primitive anthropomorphism. He divides linguistic history into three periods: in the first period roots and words were created; then comes the origin of inflection and in the last stage these inflections became worn out and began to detach themselves. In essence, Grimm suggests that the nature of language differs from period to period. Behind Pott’s work, the editor argues, there is an ideal of racial, national and linguistic unity; these categories are orthogonal in recorded history, but in historical reconstruction, they should coincide. In context, Pott is a progressive, a bourgois liberal anxious not to condemn whole nations to the dustbin of history. Schleicher followed Humboldt’s typological distinctions and sets out a theory of language evolution and change. He notes that the systematic aspects of linguistic description have much in common with the methodology of the natural sciences, with botany in particular. The results obtained by linguists are therefore more reliable than those of the traditional ‘historical’ sciences. – Volume VII (xvii) is devoted to the works of Georg von der Gabelentz (1840–1893), notably his Sprachwissenschaft (Leipzig, 1891). Gabelentz is very concerned about what he regards as the over-concentration on Indo-European languages and the tendency to carry over methodological presuppositions to other language groups. In this sense, he is committed to the possibility of universal human understanding and communication. He assumes that it should be possible to find a neutral point from which to describe individual languages. It is thus possible to present Gabelentz as a thorough-going Humboldtian who rejected the mechanical world-view implicit in the scienticism of Bopp, Schleicher, and Paul. But his strength and weakness as a linguistic theorist is that he wanted to include the natural scientific point of view within linguistics, and reconcile it in some way with the more humanistic tradition. – Volume VIII (xxix), the last volume of the set, details the works of Hermann Paul (1846–1921) and Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920). Paul’s Prinzipien (first ed., 1880; 5th ed., 1920) is widely regarded as the bible of the Junggrammatiker school, in which Paul synthesized the methodological underpinnings of the work of Brugmann, Leskien, Ostoff, Sievers and others. In this sense, the editor regards Paul as belonging to the second generation of Neogrammarians, where the theoretical rigor was modified to make the exceptionless sound law more like a working assumption. Language plays a central role in Wundt’s work. For him it is a bridge between the individual and the collective. Language shows the conceptual amd intellectual boundaries within which a community moves, the dependence of the individual on the group; its history allows us to trace the mutual influences between peoples. In addition to this intellectual interest in language, Wundt was a keen follower of, and participant in, debates within linguistics as they unfolded in the late 19th and early 20th century. – This set of volumes provides essential primary sources for the history of German linguistic thought of two centuries .]

, 1994 . A Prosodie Template in Historical Change: The passage of the Latin second conjugation into Romance . Torino : Rosenberg & Sellier , 154 pp. [ The authors show that if a Latin second conjugation verb’s root had a certain prosodic shape, its descendant was more likely to persist in the special conjugation class. This study offers support both for the general efficacy of strictly morphophological approaches to diachronic problems of this sort and for the theory of Prosodie Morphology. The book is divided into 5 chapters, followed by 4 appendices and a list of references .]

Dhumbadji! (= Journal for the History of Language, 2:1 .) Melbourne : Association for the History of Language , 1994–95 , 103 pp. [ ‘Dhumbadji’ means ‘talk’ in Woiwurrung, the now extinct language of the Melbourne area. The journal exists to promote interest in the history, origins and diversification of language. This issue contains two articles, “Basque: The search for relatives” by Larry Trask (3–54) and “On Lexicostatistics and Glottochronology” by Jacques Guy (55–87), and several brief book reviews .]

. 1994 . Multilingualism . London & New York : Routledge , xv, 256 pp. [ In this broad-ranging and lively book looks at the issues raised by language difference and considers the effects of multilingualism on the individual speaker as well as on society. By examining the social life of language rather than theories of language, the author studies the interaction of language with nationalism, identity, history, politics and education. The book is divided into the following chapters: 1, “An introductory overview” (1–14); 2, “Languages in the world” (15–54); 3, “Bilingualism” (55–88); 4, “Languages in conflict” (89–124); 5, “Languages and identities” (125–145); 6, “The prescriptive urge” (146–174); 7, “Languages, culture and education” (175–203), and 8, “Conclusions” (204–210) .]

ed. 1994 . Reader in the History of Aphasia . (= Classics in Psycholinguistics, 4 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 392 pp. [ This book was born out of a need to make available to every student receiving neurolinguistic training, classical papers pertaining to original aphasiological issues. In order to make these texts accessible to a greater public, all French and German texts are translated into English. Present-day specialists prepared theoretical introductions, highlighting the most significant features of the views of a particular author. To complete the picture, short biographies and lists of references to other works of that author on aphasia have been added. The aim of the book is to present the original text in a readable format and it is not a historical analysis. The book traces the works of 12 authors, such as Franz Gall (1758–1828), Paul Broca (1824–1880), Carl Wernicke (1848–1905), and Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), to name just a few .]

eds. 1995 . Historical Roots of Linguistic Theories . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 74 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 309 pp. [ One of the points that the papers collected in this volume have in common is their theme: they concentrate on the history of linguistic ideas in France and Italy in the modern period (from the Renaissance to the present day). Some of them are specifically focussed on the links between the two traditions of reflection on language. They also have a common methodological outlook. This vol. constitutes a collection of 17 papers originally presented at a conference held at the Univ. of Calabria in 1992. Some of the titles include Lia Formigari’s reflections on “Linguistic historiography between linguistics and philosophy of language” (1–10), Marie-Claude Capt-Artaud’s “The legacy of classical rhetorics” (31–44), and Raffaele Simone’s “The language-user in Saussure (and after)” (233–250). Indexes of authors (295–303) and of subjects & terms (305–309) .]

eds. 1994 . Continuity in Linguistic Semantics . (= Lingvisticae Investigations Supplementa, 19 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 255 pp. [ This book provides an exchange between linguists, philosophers, mathematicians, and computer scientists, dealing with two major questions: which linguistic phenomena call for continuous models, and what can the tools of formalization contribute in this respect. In order to focus the reflexion even further, the authors deliberately restricted themselves to the problems of linguistic semantics, linked to the lexicon, to grammatical categories or to syntactic structures. The book is divided into two parts: I, “Linguistic Issues”, and II, “Modelling Issues”, which display a variety of articles related to linguistic problematics and a philosophical, a mathematical and a computer science viewpoint. A sample of the articles that appear in this volume are: Pierre Le Goffic’s “Is there continuity in syntax?”, Catherine Fuchs’ “The challenges of continuity for a linguistic approach”, Jean-Michel Salanski’s “Continuity, cognition and linguistics”, and Bernard Victorri’s “The use of continuity in modelling semantic phenomena” (241–251) .]

ed. 1994 . The World in a List of Words . (= Lexicographical Series Maior, 58 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , vii, 289 pp. [ This volume is a collection of the revised papers presented at a colloquium of the same name held at the University of Essen in 1992. They mirror the thematic breadth of the colloquium and the high number of research projects being carried out throughout the world. Papers describe the philological and linguistic description of word-lists, thesauri, or topical dictionaries and their lexicographical, scientific, pedagogic, or other goals. In addition, they make a contribution to a general theory of onomasiological lexicography via the individual case study. The papers are classed under 5 sections: The papers under A raise general questions; the papers under B on Hittite and Syriac contribute two examples from the extra-European tradition; the papers under C represent 7 analyses of the onomasiology of English, the papers under D represent 5 analyses of other Eurpean languages and E consists of analyses of the onomasiology of German. Some of the articles are: Stefan Weninger’s “Das ‘Übersetzerbuch’ des Elias von Nisbis im Zusammenhang der syrischen und arabischen Lexikographie” (55–66); David Cram’s “Concordances of words and concordances of things: A neglected aspect of seventeenth-century English lexicography” (83–94); Werner Hüllen’s “Von Kopf bis Fuß: Das Vokabular zur Bezeichnung des menschlichen Körpers in zwei onomasiologischen Wörterbüchern des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts” (105–122); Ekkehard Zöfgen’s “Der Vocabulaire François von Louys Charles du Cloux: Ein ‘modenies’ Sachgruppenwörterbuch aus dem 17. Jahrhundert” (167–184), and Carla Marello’s “Three different approaches in Italian onomasiological reference tools: Alunno’s Fabrica del mondo (1546–48), Chicherio’s Vocabulario domestico (1741) and the Enciclopedia Einaudi’s Zone di lettura (1982–85)” (185–202). Brief bibliographical notes of the authors are provided, along with an index .]

. 1994 . On Language Change: The invisible hand in language . Translated by Brigitte Neriich . London & New York : Routledge , xi, 182 pp. [ The book is an attempt to transfer ideas from political philosophy and national economy to the field of linguistics. The aim of the author is to develop and present a concept of language that does not neglect the fact that languages continuously change. The book is divided into two parts, each containing three chapters: Part I, “Exposition of the Problem”, and Part II, “Solutions and discussion”. The back matter contains exhaustive notes, references and an index .]

1992 . Die gegenwärtige Richtung der indo germanistischen Forschung . (= Archaeolingua; Series Minor, 2 .) Budapest : Archaeolingua Alapítvány , 89 pp. [ This study examines the development of the Indo-European languages in relation to culture and society. The book takes the viewpoint of earlier researchers such as Antoine Meillet, that one must first examine the society and culture, then consider language within this context. The author investigates phonology, morphology, syntax and the lexicon in light of the culture of the time. There is no indix .]

ed. 1994 . History of Linguistics . Volume I : The Eastern Traditions of Linguistics . London & New York : Longman , xiv, 203 pp. [ This series of altogether four projected volumes (cf. “Introduction”, p.vii) on the history of linguistic thought from early times to the present constitutes a parallel, but it would seem updated (cf. vol.II, 132–133), edition of the volumes first published in Italy (Bologna: II Mulino, 1990–1994); on vols. I and II of Storia della lingüistica, see HL XVII:3.459–460 (1990). However, most of the contributions had been written originally in English anyway. Chapter 1 of this volume I, by Goran Malmqvist, describes the development of Chinese linguistics (1–24); Chapter 2, by George Cardona, presents the Indian grammatical tradition (25–60); Chapter 3, by Erica Reiner, investigates linguistic knowledge in civilizations of the Near East (61–96); Chapter 4, by Raphael Loewe, examines language within the Hebrew tradition (97–184), and Chapter 5 deals with Arabic linguistics (164–184) by Henri Fleisch (1904–1985). The book includes a general index (185–203) .]

ed. 1994 . History of Linguistics . Volume II : Classical and Medieval Linguistics . London & New York : Longman , xiv, 380 pp. [ This volume examines Greek, Roman and Medieval European traditions. Chapter 1, by Peter Matthews, deals with classical linguistics, analysing the main Graeco-Roman texts (1–133); Chapter 2, by Edoardo Vineis and, especially for the late medieval period, Alfonso Maierù, provides a detailed discussion of language study from the end of the sixth to the end of the 14th centruy (134–346). Detailed general index (347–380) .]

. 1994 . Storia della Linguistica . Vol. III . Bologna : Società éditrice Il Mulino , 753 pp. [ This is the third, final, and by far the largest volume of the 3-volume History of Linguistics (cf. the entries on the first and second in HL XVII:3.459–460 (1990) and HL XVIII:2/3.447–448 (1991), respectively). The three chapters are: 10, “La linguistica dell’Ottocento”, by Anna Morpurgo Davies; 11, “La lingüistica del Novecento”, by Giulio C. Lepschy; and 12, “Linguistica e dialettologia italiana”, by Paola Benincà. General index for all three volumes (647–745) .]

eds. 1994 . The Reality of Linguistic Rules . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 26 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 480 pp. [ This volume presents a selection of 19 papers from a conference of the same name as the title of this book. A striking observation about the papers is that the authors start from very different assumptions about the definition of linguistic rules. Four broad themes emerged from this conference and they correspond to the four parts that this book is divided into. I, “For the existence of symbolic rules”; II, “Alternatives to rules”; III, “Language acquisition and learnability”; IV, “Modularity and related issues”. The collection of articles is followed by an author and a subject index. The front matter provides the list of contributors and an introduction by two of the editors .]

. 1994 . Language ideology and Language Change in Early Modern German: A sociolinguistic sudy of the consonantal system of Nuremberg . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 119 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiii, 150 pp. [ This book addresses the question of how closely related the written and spoken languages of 16th-century Nuremberg really were. The author examines how much of the graphemic variation observed in written texts is ‘noise’, and how much of it has linguistic, social, or stylistic meaning. The book has five chapters: 1, “Language standardization in ideological context” (1–14); 2, “Nuremberg and its language” (15–39); 3, “The distribution of variable consonant sets” (41–64); 4, “Social identity, stylistic factors and orthographic congruity” (65–84), and 5, “Statistical model of Nuremberg’s consonantal variation” (85–97). There are 4 appendicies (107–138) and a general index (134–150) .]

. 1994 . Benito Martínez Gómez Gayoso en la Teoría Grammatical del Siglo XVIII . Murcia : Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia , 166 pp. [ In this book on Martínez Gómez Gayoso, the authors survey the man and his work in eight sections: 1, “Datos biográficos” (9–12); 2, “La Gramática de Gómez Gayoso en la Historiografía gramatical española” (13–14); 3, “Estructura de la gramática” (15–20); 4, “Ortografía y pronunciacíon” (21–42); 5, “Ideas gramaticales” (43–145); 6, “En torno a la prosodia” (153–158); 7, “Conclusión” (159–160), and 8, “Bibliografía” (161–166) .]

eds. 1994 . Praguiana: 1945–1990 . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 40 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix 250 pp. [ This book is a collection of more recent articles from the Prague School. The first Praguiana was published in 1983 as Volume 12 of the same series, and contained by now ‘classic’ articles from between 1911 and the 1940s. The present volume, which covers the years 1945–1990, shows how Czech and Slovak linguistics has continued to develop over the past 5 decades. The book is divided into 7 parts: “Studies in Syntax and Semantics”; “Studies in Morphology”; “Levels of Language System”; “Graphemics”; “Lexicon”; “Sociology”, and “Contrastive Linguistics”. Much of the focus, however, is on syntax and semantics. The book contains a name (243–246) and a subject index (248–250) .]

. 1994 . Semiotica e Linguaggio nella Scolastica: Parigi, Bologna, Erfurt 1270–1330: La semiotica dei Modisti . (= Nuovi Studi Storici, 26 .) Rome : Nella Sede dell’Istituto Palazzo Borromini , 526 pp. [ This massive study surveys and analyzes the development of modistic grammatical theory during 60 years of the late medieval period, revisiting an area of interest already worked on by the late Jan Pinborg, G. L. Bursill-Hall, Irène Rosier, and many other scholars for a number of years. Apart from an introduction and a concluding chapter, the work has the following main chapters: 1, “Segni e linguaggio nella filosofía del linguaggio del XIII secolo”; 2, “Il piano dell’espressione”; 3, “La significazione comme forma: La semiotica dell’organismo”; 4, “Parti del discorso e significad grammaticali”; 5, “I Modisti su equivocità e analogia”, and 6, “Sintassi universale e ambiguità degli enunciati: I limiti dell’analisi modista del linguaggio”. The back matter consists of a brief index of manuscripts (p. 497), a detailed index of subjects and terms (499–516), and an index of names (517–522). There is no regular bibliography, but at times extensive bib. footnotes, especially in the Introduzione on pages 1–15. – One editorial comment that applies to other books received over the years as well (including Merrilees & Edwards, eds. [1994] below): When are certain publishers going to send out review copies that are at least cut open, if not already properly bound? ]

. 1993 . Grammatical Theory in the United States from Bloomfield to Chomsky . (= Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 67 .) Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xiii, 272 pp. [ The book studies the history of – one should add (since most of the other linguistic activities, historical, sociological, anthropological, and dialectological – cf. Murray (1994) below – are excluded): theoretical and/or general – linguistics in North America from before World War I up to the early 1990s. It follows the development of grammatical theory from Bloomfield’s first book of 1914, Introduction to the Study of Language (republished in 1983, with a new introduction by Joseph F. Kess, Amsterdam: John Benjamins) to Zellig S. Harris (1909–1992) and other ‘Post-Bloomfieldians’, to the latest ideas of Noam Chomsky, and illustrates how much there has been continuity rather than discontinuity, despite the rhetoric to the contrary. One of the main objectives is to trace the origins of ideas which are often taken for granted, such as constituency structure, the attempt to separate syntax from semantics, and the idea of a genetically inherited universal grammar. General Index (266–272). – Cf. the review by Daniel Büring in Linguistische Berichte No. 153.396–400 (Oct. 1994), for a more detailed assessment .]

eds. 1994 . Firmini Verris Dictionarius: Dictionnaire latin-français de Firmin Le Ver . (= Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis series in-4???, I: Lexica Latina Medii Aevi / Nouveau Recueil des Lexiques latin-français du Moyen Age, 1 .) Turnhout : Typographi Brepols Editores Pontificii , xxxv, 545 pp. [ Following a detailed introduction, in French, by the editors (v–xxxv), in which the bilingual Latin-French dictionary be Le Ver (1440) is placed within its historical context (and subsequent scholarship delineated), the manuscript (BN Paris, 1120) itself described and compared with its sources (notably Giovanni di Balbi’s Catholicon, printed, inter alia, by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz in 1460), there follows a critical edition of the dictionary of Latin vocabulary items used in the Christian writings of the Middle Ages and their French approximations. It is doubtlessly a mine for research on the history of early French .]

. 1994 . Ancient Scripts and Phonological Knowledge (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 116 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvi, 139 pp. [ The goal of the book is to determine the phonological knowledge underlying segmental scripts, especially of the linear variety. The author concentrates on Western scripts with segmental coding. The study investigates the properties of several ancient syllabic and linear segmental scripts in order to show the aspects of linguistic knowledge which they are attempting to represent. Three appendices (109–115) and a general index (137–139) .]

. 1993 . Die japanische Sprache: Geschichte und Struktur . Transl. from the original English by Jürgen Stalph et al. . (= Philipp-Franz-von-Siebold-Stiftung, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien: Monographien, 4 .) München : Iudicium , xxv, 543 pp. [ This monograph was first published in 1967 as The Japanese Language. Although the book is firmly founded in the structuralist-descriptive approach of Bloomfield, the author has continually and successfully resisted the ever-growing pressures to revise his work, particularly Chapter 8 on syntax (318–366). An extensive preface (i–xxii), explanation of special characters (xxiii–xxiv), list of tables and illustrations (xxv), and back matter consisting of endnotes (367–401), bib. (402–432), indexes of words (433–475) and of subjects (476–498), reproductions of original documents (497–543) .]

. 1994 . The Story of Webster’s Third: Philip Gove’s controversial dictionary and its critics . Cambridge & New York : Cambridge Univ. Press , xv, 332 pp. [ This book uncovers the story of the controversial dictionary that was published in 1961. Philip Gove who was one of the great lexicographers of the English language, ranking in importance with Samuel Johnson and Sir James Murray made Webster’s “Third New International” a reflection of his own convictions about what a dictionary should be. Morton’s book makes the facts of the controversy clear. Morton has covered his subject knowledgeably, giving fresh information from the files of the Merriam-Webster Company and other sources. The book has four parts consisting of 16 chapters; the back matter contains notes and an index .]

1994 . Theory Groups and the Study of Language in North America: A social history . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 69 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xix, 594 pp. [ Based on extensive archival research, interviews, and participant observation over the course of two decades, the volume provides, in 18 chapters, a detailed social history of traditions and ‘revolutionary’ challenges to traditions within North American linguistics, especially within 20th-century anthropological linguistics. After showing substantial differences between Bloomfield’s and neo-Bloomfieldian theorizing, M. shows that early transformational-generative work on syntax grew out of neo-Bloomfieldian structuralism, and was promoted by neo-Bloomfieldian gatekeepers, in particular longtime Language editor Bernard Bloch. The central case studies of the book contrast the (increasingly) ‘revolutionary rhetoric’ of transformational-generative grammarians (TGG) with rhetorics of continuity emitted by two linguistic anthropology groupings that began simultaneously with TGG in the late-1950s, the ethnography of communication and ethnoscience. The history of linguistics in North America provides a continuum from isolated scholars to successful groups dominating entire disciplines. Although focused on groupings – both ‘invisible colleges’ and readily visible institutions – M. discusses those writing about language in society who were not participants in ‘theory groups’ or ‘schools’ both before and after the three central case studies. He provides a theory of social bases for claiming to be making ‘scientific revolution’ in contrast to building on sound ‘traditions’, and suggests non-cognitive reasons for success in the often rhetorically violent contention of perspectives about language in North America during the last century and a half. Rich bib. of some 1,800 entries (503–576) and detailed biographical index of names (577–594) .]

. 1994 . Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES): Desde los comienzos hasta el año 1600 . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 76 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , [v], 457 pp. [ The impressive volume – which follows 101 years after the publication of La Viñaza’s influential Biblioteca histórica de la filología castellana (Madrid, 1893) – is divided into two major parts: the first part consists of a chronological listing of linguistic texts dealing with Spanish from the 10th century until 1600 (7–289), with exact description and location as well as refences to the critical literature; the second part is an alphabetical listing of some 700 secondary sources and studies (291–337). This important reference tool for the study of Spanish linguistics is rounded of by a series of indexes: manuscript and/or book titles and variants (339–361), places of publication (363–381), scribes and printers (383–386), grammatical and related terms (387–436), and authors with their works listed below their names (437–457) .]

Nordlyd: Tromsø University working papers on language and linguistics . Nos. 20 – 22 . Tromsø : Univ. of Tromsø, School of Languages and Literature , 1994 , 262 and 84 pp. [ No.20 essentially constitutes the proceedings of the First National Fennistic Symposium held in Tromsø, 18–20 April 1991. Each of the 20 contributions has a summary in English. They include: Erling Wande, “Fennistic Research Outside of Finland: A survey” (10–44); Kaisa Rautio Helander, “The semantics of waterway appelatives in dialects spoken by persons of Finnish origin in Northern Norway” (110–120), and Irmeli Oraviita, “Generic null elements in Finnish” (214–225). – The other issue features the articles like Kevin McCafferty, “No Prods or Fenians Here! The absence of Northern Ireland social organisation in sociolinguistic studies” (1–32); Kristin Killie, “The orientation of manner adverbs: A synchronic and diachronic study” (42–77), and Curtis Rice, “A note on Sievers’ Law in Gothic” (78–84) .]

NOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution . Vols. 23 – 25 . Odense : Odense Univ. Press , 1994–1995 , 138, 136, 139 pp. [ No.23 features the following articles: Edgar C. Polomé, “Proto-Germanic and the Reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European” (3–40); Elmer H. Antonsen, “The Earliest Attested Germanic Language, Revisited” (41–68); Frederik Kortlandt, “The Germanic Sixth Class of Strong Verbs” (69–74); Germen J. de Haan, “Inflection and the Cliticization in Frisian -sto, -ste, -st” (75–90), and Anneli Meurman-Solin, “On the Evolution of Prose Genres in Older Scots” (91–138). – No.24 includes: Alfred Bammesberger, “On the Prehistory of Old English sam-/som- “half (3–14); Frederik Kortlandt, “On Breaking” (15–20); Harald Kleinschmidt, “Bede and the Jutes: A critique of historiography”; Eric P. Hamp, “English elk” (21–46); Alfons Moerdijk, “(Mis)use of Semantic Parallelism: Robinson’s etymology of English girl” (49–66); Kurt Gustav Goblirsch, “Consonant Lenition in German Dialects” (67–90), and Hans F. Nielsen, “Ante-Old Frisian: A review” (91–136). – No.25 prints, among others: Volkert Faltings, “Die Kompositionsbildung mit l-Einschub im Friesischen” (3–23); Pétur Knútsson, “Translation or dialectal adjustment?” (103–126), and Frederik Kortlandt, “The Germanic fourth class of weak verbs” (137–139) .]

ed. 1994 . Perspectives on Grammaticalization . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 109 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xx, 306 pp. [ This volume contains a selection of 13 papers on grammaticalization topics which were presented at the Nineteenth Annual Linguistics Symposium of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The book is divided into 3 parts: I “Groundwork”, II “Case Studies”, and III “Universals and Explanation”. The papers in this volume address how grammatical material arises from non-grammatical and how it continues to evolve semantically and formally. The book indicates the broad scope of inquiry in grammaticalization studies, which include phonetic, morphological, syntactic and semantic concerns. The papers represent a variety of theoretical and analytic perspectives. The book includes a language index (289–291), a name index (293–298), and a subject index (299–306) .]

ed. 1994 . Peirce and Value Theory: On Peircean ethics and aesthetics . (= Semiotic Crossroads, 6 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiii, 381 pp. [ This volume is a collection of 24 papers from the Charles S. Peirce Sesquicentennial International Congress, held at Harvard Univ. in 1989, which examine various aspects of the value theory of American pragmatist philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914). The book has four main sections: I, “Peirce on Ethics”, including “Peircean Triads in the Work of J. Lacan: Desire and the ethics of the sign” by Elisabeth Saporiti (73–82); II, “Peirce’s Aesthetics in the Context of Philosophical Thought”, including “Peirce, Saussure and Jakobson’s Aesthetic Function: Towards a synthetic view of the aesthetic function” by Irene Portis-Winner (123–142); III, “Peirce’s Aesthetics in the Context of his Thought”, including “The mediating role of ‘esthetics’ in Charles S. Peirce’s semiotics: Configurations and space relations” by Roberta Kevelson (215–228); and IV, “Peirce’s Aesthetics and its Applications”, including “Peirce and literary studies with special emphasis on the theories of the Prague Linguistic Circle” by Thomas G. Winner (277–300). “References” (359–372), “Index of names” (373–374), and “Index of subjects” (377–381) .]

Perspectives on Indo-European Language, Culture and Religion: Studies in honor of Edgar C. Polomé , Vol. II . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies, 9 .) Virginia : Institute for the Study of Man , 1994 . [265-]510 pp. [ The book as the name suggests, provides insights not only on Indo-European language, but on its culture and religion. There are 9 articles in this volume including Joe Salmons’ “Northwest Indo-European vocabulary and substrate phonology” (265–279) and “Continental Old English and s-plurals in Old and Middle Dutch”, by Hans F. Nielsen. The papers are followed by an index to vols. I and II .]

eds. 1994 . Themes in Greek Linguistics: Papers from the First International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Reading, September 1993 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 117 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvii, 534 pp. [ This volume brings together revised versions of 46 out of a total of 77 papers presented in this conference held at the Univ. of Reading in England, 16–18 Sept. 1993. Following the plenary papers on modern linguistic theories and their application to the analysis of Modern Greek (by George Babiniotis, Dimitra Theophanopoulou-Kontou, Brian D. Joseph, and Angeliki Malikouti-Drachman), there are the various special sections under which the remaining papers have been organized: II, “Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics”; III, “Phonology-Phonetics”; IV, “Discourse and Style”; V, “Variations and Extensions”, and VI, “[The Modern Greek] Language and Computers”. The impressive volume is rounded off by an “Index of authors” (521–528) and an “Index of topics and languages” (529–534). Contributors include many linguists from Greece, but also from other countries, including Great Britain (Anna Roussu & Ianthi Maria Tsimpli, Dimitra Kolliakou, and many others), France (Simos Grammenidis), The Netherlands (Ineke Mennen & Els den Os, Mark Janse, Marina Nespor), United States (Paul D. Fallon, Spyridoula Varlokosta, Maria Tsiapera et al.), and Germany (Artemis Alexiadou). – The volume is dedicated to the memory of Fred W. Householder (1913–1993), “[s]ince he is widely recognised as one of the first American modern linguists to promote and conduct research in Modern Greek”, while also having been the thesis director of the first editor .]

eds. 1993 . Trends in Romance Linguistics and Philology Vol. 5 : Bilingualism and linguistic conflict in Romance . (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Monographs, 71 .) Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , ix, 630 pp. [ The present book is a supplemental fifth volume in a series and concerns itself with the Romance languages from a socio-linguistic point of view. Particular attention is given to the topics of bilingualism among the speakers of Romance languages, both inside and outside Europe, and to the acquisition of Romance languages by immigrants. Contributors include: Ghjacumu Thiers, “Language Contact and Corsican Polynomia” (253–270); Richard Y. Bourhis & Domonique Lepicq, “Québécois French and Language Issues in Québec” (345–382), and Giovanni Meo Zilio, “The Acquisition of a Second Romance Language by Immigrants in Latin America” (559–590). Indices of subjects, languages, and authors .]

. 1994 . La « Conoscenza del Linguaggio » e il Mito della Grammatica Universale . (= Pubblicazioni del Seminario per le Scienze Giuridiche e Politiche dell’ Università di Pisa, 36 .) Pisa , 366 pp. [ The author draws a critique of Chomsky’s theory of Universal Grammar from a philosophical point of view. Following the introduction, the 18 chaps, are: 1, “Il nuovo quadro teorico della Grammatica Generativa”; 2, “Lo stato iniziale della « Conoscenza del Linguaggio » e l’apprendimento di una lingua”; 3, “Osservazioni sul principio « muovi α »”; 4, “Prime riflessioni sulla teoria della Grammatica Universale”; 5, “« Innatismo » e « Conoscenza del Linguaggio »”; 6, “Le implicazioni del prinzipio di Selezione Sinttatica e Semantica”; 7, “Sul principio di Interpretazione Completa”; 8, “La Categoria Vuota PRO e il principio della Teoria del Legamento”; 9, “La nozione di « Soggetto » e i suoi problemi”; 10, “La nozione di « Catena » e alcune sue proprietà”; 11, “La G.U. come sistema di Principi e Parametri”; 12, “Teoria Tematica e Teoría del Caso”; 13, “Dubbi scettici su « La Conoscenza del Linguaggio »”; 14, “Como viene intesa l’applicazione di una regola”; 15, “Le Lezioni di Managua. Allusioni ad una distinzione di pensiero e linguaggio”; 16, “Sul processo di acquisizione di una lingua. La presunta asimmetria di « soggetto » e « oggetto »”; 17, “La G.U. come insieme di Principi e Parametri. Dobbi sull’universalità del « Principio di Proiezione »”, and 18, “Altre osservazioni sulla Teoria dei Casi”. Brief index of names (p. 363) .]

. 1994 . Linguistics, Anthropology and Philosophy in the French Enlightenment . Translated from German by Robert E. Norton . London & New York : Routledge , ix, 287 pp. [ In the long and controversial debates that unfolded among intellectuals from the 17th century to the French Revolution, language was affirmed as an indispensible tool of human creativity. The author presents an explanation and analysis of their debates and of the influence of those debates on the development of philosophical, anthropological and social theory in the European Enlightenment. Although mainly focused on French thought between 1650 and 1800, the author also discusses developments in England, Germany and Italy and covers a broad range of writers and ideas. This study places the history of language philosophy within the broader context of the history of ideas, aesthetics and historical anthropology and should be of interest to scholars and students working in these disciplines. The back matter contains an index, notes and a (not very up-to-date) bibliography .]

. 1994 . La Parole comme acte: Sur la grammaire et la sémantique au XIIIe siècle . Paris : Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin , 369 pp. [ This book presents a little known theory of language as set forth by Robert Kilwardby, Roger Bacon and other 13th-century anonymous scholars (individual texts are discussed in pp. 247–342). The essential features of this theory – where ‘interlocution’ and ‘intent’ were considered central to the ‘speech act’ – are described in six chapters. 1, “Complétude et acceptabilité”; 2, “Les interjections”; 3, “Nature et convention: Actes et signes”; 4, “Imposition et profération”; 5, “Actes signifiés et actes exercés”; 6, “Le pouvoir magique des mots”. In her conclusion, the author reflects on the place of this theory in the history of semiotics and pragmatics. Three indexes are provided – of subjects, authors, and texts .]

1994 . Language Engineering and Translation: Consequences of automation . (= Benjamins Translation Library, 1 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xix, 345 pp. [ The six main chapters are : 1, “The language industry and its raw material” (1–49); 2, “Communication theory for translation” (51–113); 3, “Theoretical aspects of translation” (115–184); 4, “A model of the translation process” (185–242); 5, “The automated dimension of translation” (243–292); and 6, “Industrialisation of translation” (293–312). Bib. (313–320), Glossary (321–331), Subject Index (333–341), and Author Index (343–345) .]

. 1994 . Das Verfahren der Sprache: Humboldt gegen Chomsky . (= Humboldt Studien, [unnumbered] .) Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich : Ferdinand Schöningh , 267 pp. [ Through a historiographical account, the author challenges Chomsky’s claim that he based his model of Generative-Transformational Grammar on ideas which were formulated much earlier by Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835). Sch. first demonstrates that Humboldt’s interpretation of the nature of language was actually quite different from Chomsky’s. Then the author argues in favour of Humboldt’s representation of language over Chomsky’s understanding of it. The book has two main sections: I, “Verhör Chomsky: Methodologie und Historiographie der Linguistik” (44–115); and II, “Plädoyer Humboldt: Wesen und Erscheinung der Sprache” (116–204). Bib. (227–261), index of names (263–267) .]

. 1992 . Die ‘présentatifs’ im heutigen Französisch: Eine funktionale Studie ihrer Vielfalt . (= Hallesche Sprach- und Textforschung, 1 .) Frankfurt a.M. [etc.] : Peter Lang , 211 pp. [ “Das présentatif ist ein formelhaftes Element zum Präsentieren und damit Kennzeichnen eines Rhemas, zu dem das Thema sich aus Situation oder Kontext ergeben oder in der Äußerung selbst enthalten sein kann. Es charakterisiert also die entsprechende Äußerung als rhematisch.” (p. 28). Behandelt werden u.a. “c’est”, “il y a”, “voici und voilà”, “il est”, “il y a” und deren Varianten. Eine Tabelle auf p. 203 faßt die Resultate zusammen. – HJN .]

eds. 1994 . Europäische Sprachwissenschaft um 1800: Methodologische und historiographische Beiträge zum Umkreis der “idéologie” . Band 4 . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 317 pp. [ This volume features 17 different contributions, in French, Spanish, Italian, German and English, relating to the state of European linguistic scholarship around 1800. They are divided into 5 sections: I, “Deutschland” (9–45), including “Humboldt, Condillac, and the analysis of alphabetic writing” by T. Craig Christy (27–40); II, “Italien” (55–154), which includes “Eine ‘schlechte Rezeption’: Die italienischen ‘idéologues’ und der römische Index der verbotenen Bücher im 19. Jahrhundert” by Hermann H. Schwedt (55–96); III, “Spanien” (155–208), containing “La presencia de los ‘ideólogos’ en la gramática española del siglo XIX: La sintaxis oracional (1780–1880)” by Ramón Sarmiento (155–176); IV, “Andere Länder” (209–266), including “Dutch Linguistics around 1800: Between France and Germany” by Jan Noordegraaf (223–244); and V, “Ausklang” (267–300), which includes “Les d’Estutt de Tracy” by Caroline d’Estutt d’Assay (267–278). Index nominum (301–317). – All preceding volumes received similar notices in HL; cf. HL XX: 1.255 (1993) for the entry on volume III, for instance .]

. 1993 . Geschichte der deutschen Sprache: Ein Lehrbuch für das germanistische Studium . 6th ed. Stuttgart & Leipzig : S. Hirzel , Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft , 384 pp . [ This book has become a standard text for students of German; it traces the history of the language from its Indo-European roots to the advent of Early Modern German. Following an introductory section (15–31), there are four main sections: I, “Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der deutschen Sprache” (32–171); II, “Althochdeutsch” (172–221); III, “Mittelhochdeutsch” (222–278); and IV, “Frühneuhochdeutsch” (279–350). The text is accompanied by numerous tables, maps and illustrations. Bib. (353–376), index of names and subjects (377–384) .]

. 1994 . Rúnstafas: Runische Zeugnisse zur Sprach-, Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte vor allem der Angelsachsen. Aufsätze und Rezensionen 1956–1993 . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 427 pp. [ The first part of this book brings together thirteen of Schneider’s previously-published articles which deal with the topic of ancient Runic scripts (11–336). The second part consists of eight of the author’s book reviews on the same topic which had already been published in various journals (337–409). There is a foreword (7–10), initial publication references for each of one the articles and reviews reprinted here (411–413), and a general index (415–427) .]

ed. 1993 . Die Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts . Band 2 , erster Halband : Frankreich und Niederlande . Basel : Schwabe & Co. , xxxiii, 471 pp. [ This is the first half of a volume on 17th-century philosophy in France and the Netherlands; it contains the first five of twelve projected chapters. Contributions in chapter 1 describe the ‘Schulphilosophie’ which characterized the century as a whole (1–86); chapter 2 deals with the ‘Rechtsphilosophie’ of the Protestant tradition (87–112); chapter 3 examines the philosophy of the humanists, the ‘Weltmänner’ and the moralists (113–198); chapter 4 is focused on Pierre Gassendi, Gassendism, and Libertinism (199–270); and chapter 5 features René Descartes and the Cartesian tradition (271–472). Cf. review above, for details .]

. 1993 . Semantik: Ein Arbeitsbuch . Tübingen : Gunter Narr , 223 pp. [ Dieses als Lehrbuch für den akademischen Unterricht konzipierte Buch gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil behandelt “1. Linguistische Semantik: Fragen, Probleme, Ziele”, “2. Aspekte der Wortsemantik”, “3. Referenztheorie: Sprache und Welt” und “4. Semantische Kreativität: Metaphernbildung und Ad-Hoc-Kompositum als zwei Fallbeispiele” und ist von Monika Schwarz verfaßt. Der zweite Teil (von Jeannette Chur) führt in “Das logische Gerüst” ein; er gliedert sich in 5, “Satzsemantik”, 6, “Einführung in die formale Semantik”, und in 7, “Ansätze zu einer Textsemantik”. Der Anhang einhält u.a. “Lösungsvorschläge”, eine ausführliche (allerdings nur deutsche und englische Titel auflistende) Bib. und ein nützliches Glossar. – HJN .]

1994 . Linguistic Typology, Universality and the Realism of Reconstruction . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies; Monograph 12 .) Washington, D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man , ix, 133 pp. [ The topic of this study, put in a nutshell is, what languages really do versus what we think Proto-Indo-European did. The book contains 7 chapters, a concluding note and an index of authors. 1, “Relationship and reconstruction” (1–17); 2, “Principles and typology” (19–31); 3, “Typology and reconstruction” (32–42); 4, “Indo-European Phonology” (44–64); 5, “Phonology” (65–72); 6, “Indo-European nominal morphology” (74–88); 7, “Indo-European verbal morphology” (89–109) .]

. 1993 . Die Semantik des Unbekannten: Historische Bedeutungswörterbücher im 19. Jahrhundert – Schmitthenner und Weigand . (= Germanische Linguistik, 143 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , xi, 371 pp. [ In this volume, the author focuses on the relationship between 19th-century semantic and lexicographical research in terms of their treatment of ‘word meaning’. This is done principally by examining the work of German lexicographers Friedrich Jakob Schmitthenner (1796–1850) and his successor Friedrich Ludwig Karl Weigand (1804–1878) who respectively revised and published successive editions of Schmitthenner’s 1834 Kurzes deutsches Wörterbuch für Etymologie, Synonymik und Or-thographie. The preface (ix–xi) and introductory chapter (1–28) are followed by five main chapters: 2, “Einblicke in die Entstehungs- und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wörterbücher F. J. Schmitthenners und F. L. K. Weigands” (29–94); 3, “Lexikographische Bewertungen” (95–125); 4, “Rekonstruktion der semantischen Begrifflichkeit” (126–218); 5, “Erklärungsmuster in der Lexicographie des 19. Jahrhunderts” (219–274); 6, “Koponenten lexikographischer Bedeutungsbegriffe” (275–320). Conclusion (p. 321), bib. (323–356), and appendix (357–371) .]

. 1992 . La Lingüística: Su historia y su desarollo . Barcelona : Montesinos Editor , 161 pp . [ Following a general introduction to the field of linguistics, the author surveys its history and internal development from Western Antiquity to present times in five chapters. 1, “Antigüedad Greco-latina”; 2, “De Abelardo a Humboldt”; 3, “Siglo XIX”; 4, “Primera mitad del siglo XX”; 5, “Segunda mitad del siglo XX”. The back matter contains an index and a two-page bib .]

ed. 1994 . Iconicity in Language . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 110 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 317 pp. [ The present volume is the fruit of a conference bearing the same title, held in the University of Rome in October 1992. Following the ed.’s foreword “Under the sign of Cratylus” the papers are arranged under four major sub-headings: “History of Linguistics”, “Semiotic Theory”, “Language Description and Linguistic Theory” and “Sign Systems other than Verbal Language”. There is a total of 14 papers under these four headings. Some of the articles include Wolfgang Dressler’s “Interactions Between Iconicity and Other Semiotic Parameters in Language” (21–38); Roberto Ajello’s “The Icon as an Abductive Process Towards Identity” (77–84); Hansjakob Seiler’s “Iconicity between Indicativity and Predicativity” (141–152); Monica Berretta’s “Morphological Markedness in L2 Acquisition” (197–234), and Clotilde Pontecorvo’s “Iconicity in Children’s First Written Texts” (277–308). General index (309–317) .]

1994 . Linguistic Diversity and National Unity: Language ecology in Thailand . Chicago & London : Univ. of Chicago Press , xv, 436 pp. [ The author’s sociolinguistic study reveals how a multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic state such as Thailand has been able to maintain internal order and stability through the enforcement of a social hierarchy based on language. Following an introduction, “Thailand’s sociolinguistic anomalies” (1–10), there are 5 main sections: I, “Languages of the Nation as a Whole” (11–66); II, “Major Regional Languages” (67–114); III, “Marginal Regional Languages” (115–176); IV, “Other Language Categories” (177–276); V, “Trans-Language Issues” (277–360). The front matter has a list of Tables (ix–x), Figures (xi–xii) and Maps (p.xiii) as well as Acknowledgements (xiv–xv). There are appendices on “Languages in the Hierarchy” (361–364), “Language Population Estimates” (365–371), and “Symbols” (372–378). Notes (379–390), a copious bib. (391–426), and a general index (427–436) .]

eds. 1994 . Translation Studies: An interdiscipline . (= Benjamins Translation Library, 2 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 438 pp. [ This volume brings together over forty papers examining the field of translation in terms of its evolution and of the various methodological approaches which it has borrowed from other disciplines. Contributions are divided into 5 main sections: I, “Translation, History and Culture” (1–111); II, “Interdisziplinäres aus der Wiener Werkstatt” (113–145); III, “Interpreting Theory and Training” (147–232); IV, Terminology and Special Languages” (233–360); V, Teaching and Training in Translation” (361–434). List of contributors (435–438); no index .]

. 1994 . Histoire de la grammaire . Ed. by Veronique Xatard . (= Sciences du Language, [unnumbered] .) Paris : CNRS Éditions , 287 pp . [ This book is a collection of the works of the late grammarian and historian Jean Stéfanini (1917–1985). Most of Stéfanini’s work concerns the history of French grammar throughout the ages from Antiquity to the present time. Xatard has chosen texts which show the important contributions of Stéfanini to the history of linguistic theories. No index .]

ed. 1994 . Bopp-Symposium 1992 der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Akten der Konferenz vom 24. 3.-26. 3. 1992 aus Anlaß von Franz Bopps zweihundertjährigem Geburtstag am 14. 9.1991 . (= Indogermanische Bibliothek, dritte Reihe: Untersuchungen [unnumbered] .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter , ix, 313 pp. [ This book brings together some some 24 contributions from the international symposium held in Berlin in 1992 in honour of Franz Bopp (1791–1867)’s 200th birthday. Contributors include: Francisco R. Adrados, “Bopp’s Image of Indo-European and Some Recent Interpretations” (5–14); Daniel Droixhe, “En attendant Bopp: Une dissertation sur la convenance du perse et du gothique de 1723” (53–71); Gerd-Dieter Nehring, “Zu Franz Bopps albanischen Forschung und Schriftsystemen” (173–194); R. Sternemann, “Franz Bopp und seine Analytical Comparison” (254–269), and Stefan Zimmer, “Linguistische Rekonstruktion und Geschichte” (302–313). No index .]

. 1994 . Combinatorial Morphology . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 120 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 206 pp. [ This book is a considerably revised and expanded version of the author’s 1990 Stanford Univ. dissertation. The author addresses the issue of non-concatenative processes and their value within a highly constrained model of morphology, working within the framework of Lexical Phonology and Morphology. It is argued that many transformational processes which have been proposed are unnecessary, and that all morphological operations may reduce to a single operation of combination. General index (199–206) .]

. 1992 . Hugo Schuchardt und die Gründungsphase der Diezstiftung: Stimmen in Briefen . (= Abhandlungen zur Sprache und Literatur, 59 .) Bonn : Romanistischer Verlag , viii, 107 pp. [ Der Band enthält, nach einer kurzen Einleitung, 96 Briefe zwischen (vornehmlich) Romanisten, in denen es um die Gründung der [Friedrich] Diez [(1794–1876)]-Stiftung geht. Namensindex (101–107). – HJN .]

. 1994 . Langue française – langue universelle? Die Diskussion über die Universalität des Französischen an der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften. Zum Geltungsanspruch des Deutschen und Französischen im 18. Jahrhundert . (= Abhandlungen zur Sprache und Literatur, 70 .) Bonn : Romanistischer Verlag , ix, 447 pp. [ Im Jahre 1780 publiziert Friedrich II., König von Preußen, eine Schrift De la littérature allemande, des défauts qu’on peut lui reprocher <…>, die eine lebhafte Debatte um die Bedeutung des Deutschen, aber auch um der Sprache der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, das Französische, auslöst. Ein allgemein bekanntes Resultat ist Antoine de Rivarols Preisschrift von 1784, der Discours sur l’universalité de la langue française. Storost dokumentiert minutiös diese Debatte, an deren Ende (kurz nach dem Tode Friedrichs II. i.J. 1786) der Durchbruch des Deutschen (unter gleichzeitiger Hintansetzung des Französischen) steht. Das Buch von Storost enthält zahlreiche, oft nur sehr schwer zugängliche Dokumente im Abdruck, darunter manche bislang unpublizierten Antworten auf die Preisfrage der Berliner Akademie (inklusiv der erstmaligen Ermittlung vieler ihrer Verfasser). Es bietet damit eine ungewöhnlich reiche Materialsammlung, welche ein genaues Bild von Sprachdebatten und Sprachbewußtsein in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts geben. Der Namensindex am Ende des Bandes ist bei seiner Erschließung außerordentlich nützlich. Insgesamt eine für Romanisten, Germanisten und Wissenschaftsgeschichtler wichtige Neuerscheinung! – HJN .]

. 1995 . The Reception of Jac[ques] van Ginneken’s Language Biology . (= Cahiers voor Taalkunde, 13 .) Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek ; Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 43 pp. ; ill. [This short monograph is devoted to the fate of Jacques (alias Jacobus Johannes Antonius) van Ginneken’s (1877–1945) biologistic views of language and language development which he advanced during the 1920s and 1930s in a climate of growing racism which led to sharp attacks by Eduard Hermann and Trubetzkoy who denied that genetics was in any way involved in articulatory differences between speakers of different languages and social backgrounds .]

. 1994 . Family Business: On dictionary projects of H. Poutsma (1856–1937) and L. E. J. Bower (1881–1966) . (= Cahiers voor Taalkunde, 14 .) Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek ; Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 46 pp. [ This essay is intended as a contribution to the historiography of dictionary making. A comparison of the lexicographical approaches of two compilers, Hendrik Poutsma and his nephew L. E. J. Brouwer, is made. The conclusion of the author is that the two dictionary projects may be seen as complementary operations in a family business. Factual information on both man, their extended families and how the ‘clan’ appear to have interacted is provided. There an index of persons and of subjects .]

ed. 1992 . Joe Larochette: Notice biographique et bibliographique . (= Bibliographies et exposés, 1 .) Leuven : Centre International de Dialectologie Générale , 34 pp. [ This monograph is divided into two parts. The first part presents a biographical sketch of Joe Larochette, followed by a bibliography of his work. The second part presents a brief article written by Larochette .]

ed. 1993 . Georges Straka: Notice biographique et bibliographique . (= Bibliographies et exposés, 2 .) Leuven : Centre International de Dialectologie Générale , 61 pp. [ This monograph is divided into two parts, beginning with biobibliographical information about Georges Straka. This is followed by a brief article written by the late Straka .]

ed. 1993 . Michel Lejeune: Notice biographique et bibliographique (suivie de l’exposé: “D’Alcoy à Espanca: Réflections sur les écritures paléo-hispaniques”) . (= Bibliographies et éxposés, 3 .) Leuven : Centre International de Dialectologie Générale , 87 pp. ; 1 portr . [ This monograph presents the life-time contribution of the French linguist and philologist Michel Lejeune (b.1907), who was a student of Antoine Meillet and Joseph Vendryes as well as a colleague of Émile Benveniste, Alfred Ernout and Pierre Chantraine. The first part contains a short biography of Lejeune written by the ed. (9–16). The second part provides a complete bibliography of Lejeune’s work from 1929 to the present (17–43) as well as an indices of publications and of subjects (44–49). The third part consists of a recent article by Lejeune on the topic of Paleo-Hispanic writing systems (53–86) .]

eds. 1994 . Valenztheorie – Werden und Wirkung: Wilhelm Bondzio zum 65. Geburtstag . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 253 pp. [ The present volume is a collection of twelve papers on the topic of the development and application of Valenztheorie, a theory of syntax which evolved in the mid-60s out of the field of German linguistics, more specifically out of Tesnièrean Dependency Grammar. The papers were brought together here in honour of the 65th birthday of Wilhelm Bondzio, who is credited with founding the Valenztheorie, alongside Gerhard Helbig. Following a foreword which supplies information on each one of the contributors (9–12), and two articles by Bonzio himself (13–60), are the papers which include: Peter Koch, “Verbvalenz und Metataxe im Sprachvergleich” (109–124); Gerd Wotjak, “Funktoren und Modifikatoren: Rückschau und Ausblick” (169–194), and K. Welke, “Valenz und Satzmodelle” (227–244). There is also a complete bib. of Bondzio’s work, spanning from 1958 to 1993 (245–253) .]

ed. 1994 . Foundations of Speech Act Theory: Philosophical and linguistic perspectives . London & New York : Routledge , viii, 499 pp. [ The philosophers and linguists responsible for this volume’s 22 original papers make significant advances toward raising the standards of debate in the area of speech act theory, and their investigations into the semantic, pragmatic and grammatical foundations in this area will prove useful to both scholars and advanced students of the philosophy of language. The articles have been arranged in three parts: I, “Speech acts and semantic theory”; II, “Speech acts and pragmatic theory, and III, “Speech acts and grammatical theory”. There is an introduction by the editor, a general bib., and an index .]

. 1995 . The Explanation of Linguistic Causes: Az-Zağğāğī’s theory of grammar . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 75 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvi, 310 pp. [ This is essentially an English translation, with critical annnotations and copious explantary notes (appended at the end of each individual chapter) of ‘Abū l-Qāsim ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān ibn ‘Isḥāq az-Zağğāğī’s (d. c.950) Kitāb al-’īḍāḥ “The Book of the Explanation” (13–257), preceded by a lengthy, partly autobiographical, preface (xii–xvi) and an introduction (1–12), in which V. sets out the historical frame within which he wants the text to be seen and interpreted and in which he provides its original intellectual context. The carefully arranged back matter consists of a rich bib. of primary (258–267) and secondary (268–279) sources; a list of abbreviations of journals and other major reference works and conference proceedings (280–282), and indexes of names (283–288), of subjects (289–300), and of terms (301–310) .]

. 1993 . Zur Geschichte der finnisch-deutschen Lexikographie 1888–1991: Studien zur Makrostruktur . (= Germanistische Linguistik, 114; Studien zur zweisprachigen Lexikographie mit Deutsch, 1 .) Hildesheim & New York : Georg Olms , 174 pp. [ V. examines the history of Finnish-German lexicography, focussing mailnly on the first Finnish-German dictionary by Karl Erwast (1839–1902) and the dictionaries of Pekka Katara (1882–1971), with some less attention being given to other Finnish-German dictionaries. The study contains both historical data as well as an empirical study of the evolution of the macrostructure of Finnish-German dictionaries. The book contains an appendix comparing 14 dictionaries and 1500 lexical items (154–174) .]

Voortgang: Jaarboek voor de Neerlandistiek , vol. 14 . Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandistiek ; Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 1994 , 302 pp. [ This book consists of 17 articles, all in Dutch. They include Pierre Swigger’s “Anton Reichling: Van semanticus naar algemeen taalkunde” (199–214) and Jan Noordegraaf s “Reichling revisited: Algemene taalwetenschap in Nederland, 1935–1960” (273–302) .]

. 1994 . French Inside Out: The worldwide development of the French language in the past, present and the future Translated by Peter Fawcett . London & New York : Routledge , x, 279 pp. [ This book provides a panoramic view of the development of the French language. The author takes us on a rapid and lively journey through the historical development of the language from its Latin origins to the present day, with milestones in its development clearly indicated. She goes on to place the language in its linguistic context by surveying its surviving and vanished dialects and regional variations of the language within France .]

1993 . The Columbia Guide to Standard American English . New York : Columbia Univ. Press , xv, 482 pp. [ A prescriptive dictionary of American English usage which the author describes as “linguistic good manners, sensitively and accurately matched to context – to listeners or readers, to situation and to purpose” (Introduction, p.ix). Phonetic detail is indicated by following general spelling conventions, not a phonetic alphabet, obviously to be used by journalists, writers, etc. with no linguistic background. The bib. (477–482) includes several scholarly publications of the author, an emeritus professor of English (Univ. of Connecticut), two of them dating back to the early 1970s .]

eds. 1994 . Studies in Language Origins , 3 . Amsterdam and Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xix, 344 pp. [ The book, a collection of papers presented at various Language Origins Society meetings, is arranged under 19 chapters. Like the preceding volumes is devoted to the subject of the origin and evolution of speech and language. Even though the collection is neither completely representative of the whole field of activity nor does it provide a complete review of the state of the art, it serves to illustrate the wide range of subjects covered. Contibutions have been grouped in a manner that reflects the diversity of approach, in the different sciences, in linguistics and in other disciplines. Some of the chapter are: Ron Wallace, “Spatial mapping and the origin of language: A paleoneurological model” (31–44); Abraham Jonker, “The Neanderthals: The origins of langugae and human consciousness?” (101–124); Mary Ritchie Kay, “The red marbles of phonological and semantic stability through the ages”. Index (327–344) .]

ed. and transl. (in collaboration with R. Henry & H. Webster ). 1992 . Concerning the League: The Iroquois League tradition as dictated in Onondaga by John Arthur Gibson . (= Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics, Memoir 9 .) Winnipeg, Manitoba : Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics, Univ. of Manitoba , 755 pp. [ This book is a newly transcribed edition of the text documenting the political culture of the Iroquois, as dictated by Chief John A. Gibson (1849–1912) to Alexander A. Goldenweiser (1880–1940) in 1912. W. re-elicits, analyses, edits and translates the text, relying on four speakers of Onondaga. Included also is an introduction which places the document in the larger context of Iroquois oral tradition. The back matter consists of three appendices: “Morpheme identification” (705–707); “Relationship between the reelicited text and the manuscript” (708–714); and “Onondaga phonology” (715–746), as well as lists of references, tables, and figures .]