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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgment of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints of the works reviewed, will be sent to the publishers, including tear sheets of the book notices in this section.
Analecta Malacitana: Revista de la Sección de Filología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras: Índices Vols. I–XV (1978–1992) . Malaga : Universidad de Málaga , 149 pp. [ A classified index of the first 15 volumes of this essentially philological journal. Among the 3 major sections – literature, linguistics, and philosophy – there is no subsection on history of linguistics, but individual articles, e.g., on classical scholarship (75–81), can be traced. Usefulness of the index is reduced by consequential initialization of first names of authors, past and present .]
ed. 1995 . Historical Linguistics 1993: Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Los Angeles, 16–20 August 1993 . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 124 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 460 pp. [ The 34 contributions are organized in alphabetical order by authors (from Andrew Allen to Nigel Vincent, with many regular ICHL participants in between, such as Kate Burridge, Andrei Danchev, Jadranka Gvozdanović, Dieter Kastovsky, Silvia Luragi, Jaap van Marie, and many others). Topics range from ‘regrammaticalization’ and ‘functional renewal’ to reconstruction, word-order change, clitic placement, and ‘genetic congruence’ vs ‘areal congruence’. Full indices of names (449–456) and of languages (457460), but no index of subjects .]
eds. 1993 . Text and Technology: In honour of John Sinclair . Philadelphia & Amsterdam : John Benjamins , xii, 361 pp. [ The volume contains three main themes dedicated to John McH. Sinclair (b.1933): discourse, corpus-driven studies, and computational tools. The introductory paper by Michael Stubbs, “British traditions in text analysis: From Firth to Sinclair”, provides a comprehensive overview of British linguistics. The volume is divided into three sections and 16 articles. The titles of sections and some sample articles are given below: Section I, “Spoken and Written Discourse”: Anna Mauranen, “Theme and prospection in written discourse; II, “Corpus Studies: Theory and practice”: Gill Francis, “A corpus-driven approach to grammar – principles, methods and examples”; III, ‘Text and Technology: Computational tools”: Geoff Barnbrook, “The automatic analysis of dictionaries – parsing Cobuild explanations”. The book has a general index (353–361) .]
. 1995 . The Verb in Contemporary English: Theory and description . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 313 pp. [ The book features a collection of essays including: “The Expression of Root and Epistemic Possibility in English” by Jennifer Coates, “The English Perfect as a Secondary Past Tense” by Rodney Huddleston and “Competence without Comp” by Richard Hudson. The central concern of the volume is to demonstrate that the verb can only be adequately and properly understood if studied from both a descriptive and theoretical perspective. Such theoretical topics as determining the properties of the verb and the notions of tense, aspect, voice and modality were discussed in part one of the volume while in part two, computer corpora are used to study various types of verb and verb complementation and collocation, etc. Names and subject indices are provided (303–313) .]
. 1995 . Comparative Indo-European Linguistics: An introduction . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxii, 376 pp. ; maps and illustr . [ The book – an updated translation of a book originally published in Dutch – gives a comprehensive introductiion to the field. It starts with a presentation of the languages of the family (from English and the other Germanic languages, the Celtic and Slavic languages, Latin Greek and Sanskrit through Armenian and Albanian) and a discussion of the culture and origin of the Indo-Europeans. The book also gives an introduction into the nature of language change and the methods of reconstruction of older language stages, with many examples (from the Indo-European languages).A full discussion is given of sound changes, the development of all morphological categories of Proto-Indo-European. The back matter provides maps and illustrations, mostly of early inscriptions (302–347) and indexes of the various IE language forms discussed in the text (348–376) .]
. 1994 . Aux Origines de la Linguistique Française . Textes choisis et présentés . (= Agora: Les Classiques, [unnumbered] .) Saint-Armand (Cher) : Imprimerie Bussière , 366 pp. in -16°. [ Following an overview of the evolution of linguistics in France from the late 18th century to about 1940 (7–48), the author/editor presents selections from the work of François Raynouard (1761–1836), Gustave Fallot (1807–1836), Jean-François Champollion (1790–1832), Émile Littré (1801–1881), Eugène Burnouf (1801–1852), Ernest Renan (1823–1892), Gaston Paris (1839–1903), Abel Hovelacque (1843–1896), Jules Oppert (1825–1905), Joseph Halévy (1827–1917), Abel Bergaigne (1838–1888), Paul Broca (1824–1880), Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–1893), Paul Passy (1859–1940), Jean-Pierre Rousselot (1846–1924), Maurice Grammont (1866–1946), Arsène Darmesteter (1846–1888), Michel Bréal (1832–1915), Charles de Tourtoulon (1838–1913), Jules Gilliéron (1854–1926), Marcel Schwob (1867–1905), Lazare Sainéan (alias Lazar Saineanu, 1859–1934), and Antoine Meillet (1866–1936). Each selection is introduced by the editor. No index .]
. 1995 . Il Great Vowel Shift: Dalla fenomenología del dati ai modelli di interpretazione . Presentation by Fausto Cercignani . (= Episteme dell’ Antichità e oltre, 2 .) Roma : II Calamo , xxxi, 353 pp. [ The monograph deals with the so-called Great Vowel Shift of early modern English, first identified by Karl Luick (1865–1935) and soon thereafter christened by Otto Jespersen. It first treats the classic statements by these two scholars, followed by those made by Robert Eugen Zachrisson (1880–1937), Henry Cecil Wyld (1870–1945), Eric John Dobson (1913–1984) in individual chapters and then, in part, presenting the subsequent discussion from André Martinet (b.1908) in 1955 and Bohumil Trnka (1895–1984) in 1959 to Roger Lass, Charles Jones and others during the 1980s before offering a synthesis. It includes a lengthy summary in English (283–346) and a bib. (347353), but no index .]
. 1995 . Dimensions of Register Variation: A cross-linguistic comparison . Cambridge & New York : Cambridge Univ. Press , xvii, 428 pp. [ This book constitutes a detailed linguistic and statistical study of ‘register variation’ in four languages: English, Nukulaelae Tuvaluan, Korean, and Somali. ‘Register’, much in line of what this writer heard as a student at the University of Edinburgh during 1964–1965 from (applied) linguists like Ronald Mackin, Jean N. Ure, and others, is here defined as “a cover term for any [speech] variety with particular situational contexts or purposes”. Endnotes (403–414), bib. (415–424) – which includes a reference to John Rupert Firth’s (1890–1960) famous 1935 paper, “A Technique of Semantics”, which makes use of Philipp Wegener (1848–1916) and Bronislav Malinowski’s (1883–1942) concept of ‘context of situation’ –, and general index (425–428) .]
Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1992, et compléments des années précé-dentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1992 […] Edited by Mark Janse & Sijmen Toi [ with the assistance of a number of international contributors – see pp. v–vi, for their listing]. Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, lxxvii, 1,314 pp. [The total number of pages and the coverage (23,052 entries) constitutes one of the largest annual volume of the BL to date, representing an increase of over 50% if compared to volumes appearing as recent as 1983. Given the wide areas and periods covered by historiographers, users of the BL will appreciate that the HoL section continues to be subdivided into a variety of subsections from “Western traditions” generally via “Antiquity”, “Middle Ages”, etc. down to “Indian tradition” and “Arab tradition”. However, this should not prevent historians of linguistics from consulting other sections in the Bib., such as the “Festschriften/Mélanges in honorem” rubric, congress reports, and the general subsections in sections devoted to specific language fields or preceding (or sometimes even dispersed in) those devoted to general linguistic theory and philosophy of language, not to mention the “Biographical data” section (117–134) which carries some 480 accounts of scholars in the language sciences, obituaries, testimonials, Gruβadressen, and the like. Another recent – and welcome – feature maintained in the HoL section is the regular addition of life-dates of authors in entries devoted to individual linguists .]
eds. 1995 . Yearbook of Morphology 1994 . Dordrecht-Boston-London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 309 pp. [ This book focusses on a number of current issues in morphological theory: the principles of inflection, acquisition of morphology, the mechanism of morphological change, synthetic compounds and the interaction of morphological structure and prosodie constraints. It features from such scholars as Gregory Stump, Hiroyuki Peperkamp and Harold Koch. No indices are provided .]
. 1994 . Histoire sommaire et philosophique de la langue françoise (1784); Considérations sur le dictionnaire de la langue allemande, conçu autrefois par Leibnitz (1792) . Mit einer Einführung und Anmerkungen versehen von Jürgen Storost . (= Lingua et Traditio: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenshaft, 12 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , ix, 157 pp. [ This volume provides a reprinting of two works by B. (1738–1815), from 1772 till his dismissal (because of his publicly expressed sympathies for the French Revolution) in 1792, regular member of the Académie Royale des Science et Belles Lettres de Prusse and living in Berlin, addressed, as ‘professeur d’éloquence’, issues of concern to the Berlin Academy, such as those regarding the universality of French, and later became involved in a project suggested by Leibniz of the development of a German dictionary. To the texts of the works, the editor has added an extensive biobibliographical and historical introduction (1–47) and annotations (154–162) to the texts which provides useful information on the various authors mentioned by B .]
]. 1995 . Uvod v ezikoznanieto [ Introduction to linguistics ]. Plovdiv : Izdatelstvo “Xristo G. Danov” , 254 pp. [ The chapter entitled “Stranici ot istorijata na ezikoznanieto [Pages from the history of linguistics]” (189–228) contains portraits of Humboldt, Baudouin de Courtenay, Saussure, Delbrück, accounts of French sociolinguistics (Meillet and his followers), the ‘idealist’ school (Karl Voßler and the Italian ‘neolinguists’), Bohumil Trnka’s (1895–1984) functionalist approach, and a résumé (227229) of Koerner’s 1980 “Models in Linguistic Historiography”, reprinted in his Practicing Linguistic Historiography (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1989), 47–59. The book concludes with a schematic presentation of schools and trends in linguistics, from August Schleicher to Noam Chomsky (229–234) and a succinct account of modern histories of linguistics (234–242). Bib. (243–254); no index .]
. 1994 . La didáctica de las lenguags en el Renacimiento” Juan Luis Vives y Pedro Simón Abril. Con selección de textos . Bilbao : Universidad de Deusto , 270 pp. [ This attractively produced book is essentially an anthology of writings of two influential Spanish Renaissance scholars, Juan Luis Vives (1492–1540) and Pedro Simón Abril (1530–1600), each introduced by essay-length appraisals, containing a biographical account, an evaluation of their work and method of instruction, and a concluding assessment of their impact. The textual selections are reprinted from the original works (though greatly reduced in print size), with translations into Spanish provided, as all of Vives’ writings and several of Abril’s were in Latin. The back matter consists of a bib. (259–264) and indices of names (265–268) and of subjects (269–270) .]
eds. 1995 . Estilos de Antropologia . Campinas, São Paulo : Editora da Unicamp , [ 5- ] 213 pp. ; illustr. [ The book, resulting from a seminar held at the Univ. of Campinas, 10–11 Oct. 1990, on the subject announced in its title, is devoted to the manner in which anthropology is approached – questions of sociology of science and epistemology loom large – in other countries, connecting work undertaken in Brazil with research in India, Argentina, Australia, and Canada, notably Quebec. The back matter reproduces a variety of photographs of scholars from Brazil and other countries, individuals and group pictures, e.g., from international meetings, dating from the turn of the century to 1985 (the latter depicting Claude Lévi-Strauss [b.1908] on a visit to Campinas). No index .]
. 1995 . Storia, Memoria е Conoscenza Nell’inghilterra Medioevale; Dalla verità delia parola all’autorità del testo scritto . Presentation by Diego Poli . (= Episteme dell’ Antichità e oltre, 3 .) Rome : Il Calamo , [ 5- ] 428 pp. [ As the English summary (413–428) indicates, the large study examines “[t]the consequences of the introduction of writing in Anglo-Saxon England and the effects of the subsequent abandonment of illiteracy [‘orality’] … through […] the whole corpus of Old English poetical texts” (p. 313). Detailed bib. of primary and secondary sources (379–394), index of biographical authors (p. 395) and modern ones (396–399), and index of Old English passages .]
eds. 1994 . Antonio de Nebrija: Edad Media y Renacimiento . (= Acta Salmanticensia; Estudios filológicos, 257 .) Salamanca : Ediciones Universida de Salamanca , 599 pp. [ This impressive volume constitutes the carefully edited proceedings of the second Nebrija Conference held in 1992 in Spain (on the proceedings of the first, held in Murcia in April 1992, see HL XXI:3.484 [1994]) by the same title. In it Nebrija’s (and, at times, his predecedessors’ and/or contemporaries’) grammatical work is given some promience (9 papers, pp. 235–328, discussion, 329–332), but there are many sections devoted to subjects other than linguistics, such as history, religion and law, poetics and rhetoric. A descriptive and classified bib. of Elio Antonio de Nebrija’s (1444?–1522) work (575–595) concludes the volume, which prints the table of contents (597–599) where one would nowadays expect regular indices. A fuller account is to appear in HL XIII/1996 .]
. 1995 . The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 489 pp. in small 4 °; many illustr. [ In this attractively designed volume, the author explores the history, structure, variety and range of uses of the English language worldwide. Some aspects of English covered include: grammar, pronunciation and spelling; spoken and written English; variation in the English language and the lexicon. It also examines English language in literature, teaching and learning English, English as a world language and the future of the English language.The book provides a glossary giving a brief definition of all the specialized language terms used in the text along with some of the associated linguistic terminology. It also features colored illustration, a list of special symbols and abbreviations, indices of linguistic terms, names and topics .]
. 1995 . Cognition and Representation in Linguistic Theory . Edited, introduced and translated, with the assistance of John T. Stonham , by Michel Liddle . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 112 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v , 163 pp. [ This seven-chapter book is grounded in Émile Benveniste’s (1902–1976) revolutionary answer to Saussure’s opposition between language as a(n underlying) system (langue) and individual performance (parole). Among the topics discussed in the chapters – essentially derived from Culioli’s (b.1924) 1984 Univ. of Paris VII lectures – are “Notional domains”, “Uttering, asserting and interogatives” and “Modalizing”. Each of the seven chapters begins with an Editor’s introduction. A general index of terms and concepts are provided .]
1995 . De Woordsoorten in de Nerdelandse Triviumgrammatica . Amsterdam : Stichting Neerlandiestiek VU Amsterdam ; Münster : Nodus Publikationen , iv , 349 pp. ; illustr. [ This thorough study analyzes the parts of speech in the grammars of Dutch written or published between 1530 and 1650, in part in comparison with vernacular grammars in other countries, such as Italy (Alberti), Spain (Nebrija), France (Palsgrave), Britain (Bullokar), and others. The most representative works are, in chronological order: the anonymous Twe-spraack vande Nederduitsche letterkunst (Leiden, 1584, Christiaen van Heule’s De Nederduytsche grammatica ofte spraec-konst (Leiden, 1625; 2nd rev. ed., 1633), A[llard] L. Kók’s Ont-werp der Neder-duitsche letter-konst (Amsterdam, 1649), and Petrus Leupenius’ Aanmerkingen op de Neederduitsche taale (Amsterdam, 1653). Bib. (335–342); general index (3453–344) .]
ed. 1995 . Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics VII: Papers from the Seventh Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics [held at Austin, Tex., 5–6 March 1993] . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 130 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 192 pp. [ Contributions on agreement in Arabic and experiment-based studies by Naomi Bolotin, Mark S. Letourneau, Ibrahim Mohamed & Jamal Ouhalla, Bruce Derwing, Dilworth Parkinson & Richard Beinert, and others. Brief index of subjects (191–192) .]
. 1995 . Vocabularium Sibiricum (1747). Der etymologisch-vergleichende Anteil . Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von János Gulya . (= Opuscula Fenno-Ugrica Gottingensia, 7 .) Frankfurt/M.-Berlin-Berlin-Paris-Wien : Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften , 247 pp. [ Edition, from a manuscript in the library of the Univ.of Göttingen (but also taking the manuscript deposited in St. Petersburg into account), of a vocabulary Asian languages compiled by Fischer (1697–1771) from written sources provided by others and on travels to Siberia (1739–1747). Bib. (243–247) .]
ed. 1995 . Medieval Dialectology (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and monographs, 79 .) Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , 331 pp. ; maps, illustr. [ The volume contains 11 papers, authored by Peter R. Kitson, Marijke Mooijaart, Piter van Reenen, Lene Schøsler, Wolfgang Viereck, Laura Wright, and others, 9 of which were presented at the workshop on medieval dialectology held at the 10th International Conference on Historical Linguistics in Amsterdam on 16 August 1991. The papers cover a wide range of issues concerning language variation in Old and Middle English, Old French, Middle High German, Middle Dutch and Slavic languages. Comprehensive indices of subject (323–324), languages & dialects (325–326), and names (327–331) are provided .]
. 1994 . Sprachreflexion in Barock und Frühaufklärung: Entwürfe von Böhme bis Leibniz . (= Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, N.F. 108 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , vii, 520 pp. [ This major study of language thought in German-speaking lands from the mysticism of Jacob Böhme (1575–1624) to the linguistic speculations of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) consiss of two main parts, I, “Sprache, Denken und Wirklichkeit” (19–338) and II, “Historische, pragmatische und soziale Aspekte” (339/341–465). It contains, among many others, chapters on language universais, the teaching of the mother tongue as well as on the attitude toward foreign languages, the history of the German language, language affiliation, and questions of etymology and language change. Detailed bib. of primary sources (467491) and secondary literature (492–512). Index of biographical names – but without providing life-dates of any of these anywhere in the book (513–515), and index of subjects (516–520) .]
. 1995 . Syntax and Parsing . (= Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 76 .) Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xi, 180 pp. [ The book examines the role of syntax in theories of sentence comprehension and argues for a distinct processing component which is devoted to the recovery of syntactic structure and which utilizes the contrasting types of information found within a Government-Binding grammar. General index (178–180) .]
1994 . The Kensington Rune-Stone: Authentic and important . (= Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture, and Cognition, 19 .) Lake Bluff, I11. : Jupiter Press , xvii, 138 pp. ; illustr. [ The author of this book sees it as a continuation of his 1982 volume on the Kensington Rune-Stone discovered in 1898. The book recapitulates the author’s earlier findings and incorportes recent discoveries in medieval Scandinavian documents. The author sees these as providing further evidence of the authenticity of the Kensington text. Bib. (123–129); indices of names (130–132) and of subjects (132137) .]
ed. 1995 . Johannes de Garlandia: Compendium Gramatice. Auf der Grundlage aller bekannten Handschriften erstmals herausgegeben . (= Ordo: Studien zur Literatur und Gesellschaft des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, 5 .) Köln-Weimar-Wien : Böhlau Verlag , vii, 327 pp. [ This 1994 Univ. of Freiburg dissertation constitutes a first critical ed. of Compendium Gramatice by the Englishman John of Garland (c.1190-post 1258), who lived and taught in France from about 1220 onwards. The ed. (61–269) is preceded by biographical information on the author, questions of attribution of certain works to him, the manuscript tradition, and the available scholarship – readers of HL may recall G. L. Bursill-Hall’s studies on John of Garland in 1976 and 1977 – and rounded out by indices of key terms, of locations, and of names (excluding those of modern authors) & subjects as well as a bib. of secondary sources (316–327) .]
. 1995 . Ideology and Linguistic Theory: Noam Chomsky and the deep structure debates . London & New York : Routledge , 187 pp. [ The book assumes a passing familiarity with the goals and methods of modern generative linguistics. It provides a revisionist account of the development of ideas about semantics in modern theories of language, notably between 1965 and the late 1970s. Focussing on Chomsky’s disagreement with Generative Semanticists, represented notably by James D. McCawley, John Robert (”Háj”) Ross, and George Lakoff, about the concept of ‘deep structure’, it argues that many central issues raised in these debates have not been resolved. The book details the principal theoretical arguments and demonstrates that the theories are more compatible than has been assumed by many. General index (179–186) .]
ed. 1993 . History of Linguistics 1993: Papers from the Sixth International Conference on the History of the Language Science (ICHoLS VI), Washington, D.C., 9–14 August 1993 . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 78 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 380 pp. [ The volume features a selection of 32 papers presented at the triennial conference, grouped into 6 sections including issues of general concern, oriental linguistics and related issues, Western linguistic thought from the early Middle Ages to the end of the 17th century, 19th- century European linguistics, “On the verge of modenity: From the 19th to the 20th century” as well as “Contemporary issues”, dealing with women linguists in early 20th-century Americas, post-Bloomfieldian phonological theory, and generative grammar. Contributors include John E. Joseph, W. Keith Percival, Sergej A. Romaschko, Karin C. Ryding, Even Hvdhaugen, Anneli Luhtala, Robert H. Robins, Manuel Breva-Claramonte, Douglas A. Kibbee, Jan Noordegraaf, Edgar C. Polomé, Brigitte Nerlich, Julia S. Falk, Frederick J. Newmeyer and others. A detailed index of biographical names (368–380) rounds out the volume .]
. 1994 . Destructiones modorum signicandi: Herausgegeben und mit Einleitung und Registern versehen . (= Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie, 9 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : B. R. Grüner (John Benjamins) , lx, 138 pp. [ Following detailed front matter, consisting of an account of anti-modistic treatises of the 14th century, a discussion of the authorship of Destructiones modorum signicandi, another chapter considering the possibility that the author may not be Peter of Ailly (c. 1550–1420). but a certain Thomas Maulfelt, whom K. regards as more likely a later redactor, not the author of the treatise, and a detailed bib. (xlvii–lx). There follows a first critical ed. of “Tractatus de improbatione modorum ignificandi sive Destructiones modorum signicandi” (1/7–100). The back matter contains an “Index auctorum”, and “Index exemplorum”, and a detailed “Index vocabulorum et formarum eorum” (106–134), and a general table of contents of the edited text, here titled “Index generalis editionis” (135–138) .]
. 1994 . Idealization VII: Structuralism, Idealization and Approximation . (= Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Science and the Humanities, 42 .) Amsterdam & Atlanta, Ga. : Rodopi , 323 pp. [ This book is a collection of 17 papers dealing with structuralism, idealism and ‘approximation’. Some of the papers featured in the volume include Theo A. F. Kuiper’s “The Refined Structure of Theories”, which introduces the basic ideas of the structuralist reconstruction of empirical theories, Rantala and Vaden’s “Idealization in Cognitive Science”: “A Study of Counterfactual Correspondence” which details Smolensky’s proposal that in cognitive science the symbolic is an idealization of the subsymbolic, and Pekka J. Lahti’s “Idealisation in Quantum Theory of Measurement” which attempts to show how an increase in the degree of idealization in measurement leads to a further structural specification of a measurement and opens perspectives for enriching the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics .]
. 1995 . Semitic and Indo-European: The principal etymologies; with observations on Afro-Asiatic . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 129 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , 514 pp. [ This book presents in minute detail vocabulary items of Semitic and Indo-European languages, notably those that embody shared etymologies between Indo-European and various Semitic languages. The author (modestly) considers the present work an improvement on his earlier works including Indo-European and Semitic Languages of 1971 (Albany: State Univ. of New York Press). Detailed indices of scholars, of languages, of grammatical or linguistic terms, and a very useful “Index of linguistic forms (alphabetical by languages)” of all items analyzed round out the volume .]
eds. 1994 . L’École de Prague: L’apport épistémologique . (= Cahiers de I’IlSL, No.5 .) Lausanne : Université de Lausanne , 288 pp. [ This volume brings together papers presented at a conference held in Lausanne in June 1993 on “Problèmes théoriques de la définition des unités linguistiques” with a particular focus on origin, development, and present-day status of the teachings of the ‘Prague School’. Among the 14 contributions are: Jacqueline Fontaine, “La conception du système linguistique au Cercle de Prague” (7–18); Jindrich Toman, “Remarques sur le vocabulaire idéologique de R. Jakobson” (59–68); Françoise Gadet, “La genèse du concept de marque (19261931)” (87–100); Jirí Cerný, “La tradition de l’École de Prague et la linguistique contemporaine” (121–129). Other contributors include the editors, Henry Schogt, Savina Raynaud, Carl Ebeling, Cornelis Hendrik van Schoonevelt, and Part Bhatt. No index .]
ed. 1995 . Romani in Contact: The history, structure and sociology of a language . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 126 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvi, 207 pp. [ The editor’s introduction (ix-xvii) provides an interesting historical background to the study of the language of the Gypsies, beginning with Johann Christian Christoph Rüdiger’s (1751–1822) 1782 identification of their language as coming from India, but, curiously enough, leaving out August Friedrich Pott’s (1802–1887) important contribution to the field. From the contents: “On typological changes and structural borrowing in the history of European Romani” by Vit Bubenik (1–24); “On the migration and affiliation of the Dōmba” by Ian Hancock (25–51), and “Notes on the genesis of Caló and other Iberian Para-Romani varieties” by Peter Bakker (125–150). No index .]
1995 . Biology Takes Form: Animal Morphology and the German Universities, 1800–1900 . Chicago & London : Univ. of Chicago Press , xii, 414 pp. ; portr., illustr. [ The book examines the relationship of the histories of morphology to the broader enterprise and demonstrates that the study of form was central to investigations of such issues as the relationship between an animal’s structure and function, between an organism and its environment, and between living species and their ancestors. It provides a comprehensive account of morphological ideas and a sociological and historical examination of the German life sciences in the 19th century. Those familiar with the life and work of August Schleicher (1821–1868), who introduced the term ‘morphology’ into linguistic nomenclature in 1858 (among other things), will read the chapters “Evolutionary morphology at Jena” (143–167), notably the many passages (pp. 147–150 and elsewhere in the book) on Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919); “Evolution and morphology among the zoologists, 18601880” (168–206), and “Evolutionary morphology in anatomy: Carl Gegenbaur [(1826 – 1903)]” and his school” (207–240) with particular interest. Bib. (375–402), general index (403–414) .]
. 1995 . Zum philologischen Werk J. A. Schmellers und seiner wissenschaftlichen Rezeption: Eine Studie zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Germanistik . (= Studia Linguistica Germanica, 37 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , xii, 255 pp. ; illustr. [ This former 1993 Bayreuth dissertation (supervisor: Robert Hinderung) is devoted to an appraisal of the life-work of Johann Andreas Schmeller (1785–1852), a close contemporary of Jacob Grimm (1785–1863), who is best known for his 1821 study of Bavarian dialects. Aoart from an introduction, the study has the following two major chapters: “Zum forschungsgeschichtlichen Schmellerbild” and “Zur Rezeption von Schmellers philologischem Werk”. The back matter consists of a conclusion, a bib. (240–248), which, unfortunately, leaves out first names of authors and names of publishers like many German (and indeed European) publications, and an Anhang reproducing 5 manuscript pages from Schmeller’s extracts he made from an Old High German literary St. Gall text. No index .]
. 1995 . Der Typus der Sprache: Eine Rekonstruktion des Sprachbegriffs Wilhelm von Humboldts auf der Grundlage der Sprachursprungsfrage . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft; Beiheft 24 .) Münster : Nodus Publikation , 388 pp. [ This Spring 1995 dissertation, Univ. of Wuppertal (supervisor: Bernhard Weisgeber), approaches Humboldt’s concept of language from the point of view of language genesis in the tradition of Leibniz and Herder and Kant’s philosophy. It has the following major chapters such as “Zur Sprachursprungsdiskussion des 18. Jahrhunderts”, “Zur Grundlegung der Sprachtheorie Humboldts in seinen anthropologischen und ästhetischen Schriften”, “Sprache, Sprachstudium und Sprachursprung in Humboldts Schriften”, “Wilhelm von Humboldt’s Begriff des allgemeinen Sprachtypus”. The last chapter is devoted to “Humboldt’s genetische Sprachdefinition und die Linguistik in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts”, notably in the light of Chomsky’s and Eric Heinz Lenneberg’s (1924–1975) theories of language acquisition. Bib. (347–380) and index of names (381–388) .]
ed. 1995 . Preserving the Anthropological Record . 2nd revised and extended ed. New York : Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research , 254 pp. [ This book contains a series of papers that deal with a wide variety of issues relating to anthropology, notably archival work, documentation and record keeping. These include reports on existing institutional resources, repositories available to anthropology or providing models for future preservation strategies, concrete problems of preserving records and some technical aspects of preservation. Contributors include Regna Darnell, Catherine Fowler, Victor Golla, and many others. Master list of references (225–248); general index (249–254) .]
. 1995 . Sciences and the Self in Medieval Poetry: Alan of Lile’s “Anticlaudianus” and John Gower’s “Confessio Amantis” . (= Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature .) Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , xi, 321 pp. [ The book examines two great poems of the medieval period, the Latin philosophical epic, Alan of Lille’s Anticlaudianus (1181–1183), and John Gower’s English poem, the Confessio amantis (1390–1393). A general index is provided .]
eds. 1995 . Linguistic Theory and the Romance Languages (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 122 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 239 pp. [ The book features a collection of papers first presented at a May 1989 Conference on Romance Linguistics, including “Aspects of quantification in French in its regional and diachronic varieties” by Adrian Battye; “The prepositional accusative in Sardinian: Its distribution and syntactic repercussions” by Michael Allan Jones; “Voice, aspect and arbitrary arguments” by Christopher Lyons; “Evidence from the Italian dialects for the internal structure of prosodie domains” by Martin Maiden; “Perceptual factors and the disappearance of agreement between past participle and direct object in Romance” by John Charles Smith, and “Segmental and suprasegmental structures in Southern French” by Jean-Philippe Watbled. The book also contains two other papers not presented at the conference. These are “Some observations on the syntax of clitic pronouns in Piedmontese” and “Underspecification and misagreement in Catalan lexical specifiers” by Mair Parry & Max Wheeler, respectively. Comprehensive index (231–239) .]
eds. 1994 . Towards a Standard English 1600–1800 . (= Topics in English Linguistics, 12 .) Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , vi, 325 pp. [ The present volume represents a collection of twelve papers presented at a 1990 Univ. of Helsinki workshop on standardization and literacy in English in the period of 1600 to 1800. Working on the assumption that “the notion of the rise of a standard language is not broad enough to capture all of the processes involved in the rise of […] prestige forms, but must encompass the type of society or societal change [involved]” (p. 1), the editors include papers on a variety of topics: “Sorting out the variants: Standardization and social factors in the English language 1600–1800” (Dieter Stein), “The notion of ‘standard language’ and its applicability to the study of Early Modern English pronunciation” (James Milroy), “‘Politeness’ as linguistic ideology in late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century England” (Lawrence Klein), “Language standardization in eighteenth century Scotland” (Thomas Frank), “Proliferation and option-cutting: The strong verb in the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries” (Roger Lass), “Standardization and the English irregular verbs” (Jenny Cheshire), ”Its strength and the beauty of it: The standardization of the third person neuter possessive in Early Modern English” (Terttu Nevalainen & Helena Raumolin-Brunberg), “Standard and non-standard pronominal usage in English, with special reference to the eighteenth century” (Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade), and “The critic and the grammarians: Joseph Addison and the prescriptivists” (Susan Wright). A useful index rounds out the volume .]
ed. 1995 . Language and the History of Thought . (= Library of the History of Ideas, 13 .) Rochester : Univ. of Rochester Press , 257 pp. [ This volume brings together 17 essays on intellectual history that have appeared in the Journal of the History of Ideas over the last thirty years. Their common theme is the role of language in aspects of the history of Western thought from the Renaissance to the 19h century. The essays cover questions in epistemology, religion, anthropology, lexicography, evolution, the theory of signs and the origin of language. Attempts are made to discuss such issues as whether language is divine or secular, how well language functions as a means of recording and communicating knowledge and whether or not science can rely on language etc. The contributors include Sidonie Clauss (on John Wilkins), Lia Formigari (on language and society in the late 18th century), Stephen K. Land (on 18th-century translation theory), Jan Miel (on ‘Cartesian Linguistics’), Jules Paul Seigel (on evolution in French and English enlightenment), and many others. No index .]
. 1995 . August Schleicher und Böhmen . Transl. from the Czech by Jiří Holub . Prague : Karls-Universität , 157 pp.; illustr. [ This richly illustrated monograph consists of two main parts, an original appraisal of Schleicher’s (1821–1868) life-time relationship with Prague and Slavic, in particular, Czech scholars and scholarship, and the reproduction or first edition from manuscript sources, of various of Schleicher’s writings, notably his 1851 inaugural lecture on the occasion of his appointment as professor of comparative linguistics and Sanskrit at the Univ. of Prague, but also a memorial by Alois Vaníček (1825–1883) of 1869 (92–99). The back matter carries a number of portraits and other pictures and an index of names (155–157) .]
ed. 1994 . Historiography between Modernism and Postmodernism: Contributions to the methodology of historical research . (= Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, 41 .) Amsterdam & Atlanta, Ga. : Rodopi , [ 7- ] 221 pp. [ The volume is a collection of papers intended to characterize historical narration under of the impact of stronger challenges coming from new trends in philosophy and postmodernist Reconstruction in particular. The volume features nine papers including “A Non-postmodernist analysis of historical narratives” by Jerzy Topolski; “The Origin of Postmodernist Historiography” by Frank Ankersmit; “Getting the story straight: Narrative and historical knowledge” by David Carr, “At the crossroads of epistemology and psychology: Prospects of a didactic of history” by Nicole Lautier, and “Soviet Historiography as a Normal Science” by Gwidon Zalejko. No index ]
eds. 1995 . Handbook of Pragmatics: Manual . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 658 pp . in small-4° . [ This big reference volume attempts to provide background information on ‘traditions’ (from ‘Accommodation theory’, via ‘Catastrophe theory’ to ‘Typology’ and ‘Universal and transcendental pragmatics’), methods of research, and notational systems. For a rather rapid history of pragmatics, see “Formative traditions” (2–4) in the first editor’s contribution, “The pragmatic persoective” (1–19). The rather short index (657–658) “lists traditions and methods for which separate articles have not been provided” .]
. 1994 . Empire of Words: The reign of the OED . Princeton, N.J. : Princeton Univ. Press , vii, 258 pp. [ The book analyzes the common citations of the three editorial periods of the compilation of the so-called ‘Oxford English Dictionary’: the Victorian, imperial first edition (10 vols., 1888–1928; the modern supplement (1957–1986), and the contemporary second edition (1984–1989). It challenges the authority of the OED, discussing what he sees as its inherent prejudices. There are twelve chapters in the book. Chapters 1–7 recount much of the history and the persons (notably James Murray) behind the original New English Dictionary on Historical Principles . Others include: “A supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, 1957–1986”, “Modern citation” and “The sense of omission”. Appendix of tables (209–221); endnotes (223–237), and general index (251–258) .]