Johann Joachim Becher (1635–1682), a little known opponent of Comenius’ Theory of Language and Language Learning

Werner Hüllen
Universität Essen

Concerning the methods of language teaching, Johann Joachim Becher (1635–1682), one of the encyclopedic philosophers of the 17th century, stood in opposition to Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670), the pedagogue of Europewide influence. He published Methodus didactica (1668) and Novum organon (1672), the latter being a universal nomenclator as they were popular in the 17th century. This nomenclator is organised according to Aristotelian categories which Becher saw expressed in word-classes. It assembles groups of synonyms in Latin and German under headwords which were taken as the simple notions, i.e., the building-blocks, of the human mind. Becher demanded didactic principles to be developed out of these linguistic assumptions. Whereas Comenius shaped his teaching methods according to the situational learning abilities of the individual, Becher regarded them as being dominated by the structures of language seen as structures of the mind, thus foreshadowing Cartesian thinking.

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A.Primary sources

Joannis Joachimi Becheri Spirensis, […] NOVUM ORGANUM PHILOLOGICUM Pro Verborum Copia in quavis Materia acquirenda, Das ist: Neuer Werkzeug Der Wohlredenheit / Worinnen Von jeder Sach zu reden Wörter gnugsam erfunden werden können
Editio secunda Paragraphorum distinctione & versione Germanica adaucta. Cum Privilegio & Censura. Francoftirti ad Maenum Impensis Joan. Davidis Zunneri. Typis Wendelini MÖwalti M DC lxxiv.
Joannis Joachimi Becheri Spirensis, Sacrae Caesareae Majestatis Consiliarii, […]/Methodus Didactica Seu Clavis ET Praxis Super Novum Suum Organon Philologicum
, Das ist: Gründlicher Beweis / daß die Weg und Mittel / welche die Schulen bißhero ins gemein gebraucht / die Jugend zu Erlernung der Sprachen / insonderheit der Lateinischen / zu füren / nicht gewiß / noch sicher seyen / sondern den Regulen und Natur der rechten Lehr / und Lern-Kunst schnurstracks entgegen lauffen / derentwegen nicht allein langweilig / sondern auch gemeiniglich unfruchtbar / und vergeblich ablauffen: Samt Anleitung zu einem besseren. Zweyte Edition. Franckfurt / in Verlag Johann Davis Zunners / Druckts Balthasar Christoph Wust/ 1674.Google Scholar
Nicodemi Frischlini NOMENCLATOR TRILINGVIS, GRAECO-LATINO-GERMA-NICUS, CONTInens omnium rerum, quae in probatis omnium doctrinarum auctoribus inueniuntur, appellationes: quarum aliquot millia nusquam sunt obuia
OPVS NOVA QVADAM METHODO, SECVNDVM CATHEGORIAS ARIS-TOTElis, non sine labore maximo concinnatum. ET QVARTO IAM, NOVA VOCABVLORVM GERMANICORVM HISCE IN REGIOnibus vsi tatotum accessione, te cognitum, atqua a mendis omnibus diligentissime repurgatum. Cum Gratia & Pruilegio Caesareae Maiestatis. FRANCOFVRTI AD MOENVM, EXcudebat Wolffgangus Richter, Impensis Ioannis Spiessij. ANNO M. DC.

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