El funcionalismo de rodolfo lenz: Una tradición de América a España

José A. Martínez

This paper deals with the contributions to Hispanic Linguistics by the German-Chilean linguist Rodolfo Lenz (1863–1935), some of whose proposals – often attributed to other scholars – may be seen as an alternative to the ideas of the prestigious Andrés Bello (1781–1865). The paper first reviews those aspects of his work which anticipate some of the basic tenets of Functional Grammar, such as the notion of ‘transposition’ (function shifting), his views on sentential structure, and his treatment of passives as attributive constructions. The paper also explores Lenz’s contributions to Indo-European linguistics and his theoretical affinities with, if not anticipations of, the work of other well-known linguists like Búhler, Tesnière, Hjelmslev, and Benveniste. In sum, the author seeks to vindicate Rodolfo Lenz and his insightful views in both general linguistic theory and Spanish grammar.

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