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Stéphane Goyette and E. F. K. Koerner
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.

eds. 1997 . Atti del Terzo Convegno delia Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana . Perugia : Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane [ © Università degli studi di Perugia ], 2 vols. , vii, 1–374; iv, [375-] 733 pp. , respectively . [A collection of thirty-four essays on Italian linguistics which examine various aspects of synchronic and diachronic Italian linguistics, with a particularly large number of essays on phonology. Of particular interest to HL readers may be “La ricezione del modello neogrammatico in Italia negli ultimi decenni dell’Ottocento” by Francesca Dovetti (303–326) and “II Proemio del’Ascoli nei suoi Carteggi” by Domenico Santamaria (657–688). Author index (707–722) and subject index (725–733) covering both volumes.]

eds. 1997 . On Conditionals Again . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 143 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia , John Benjamins , vii, 418 pp. [Fifteen articles, whose range is somewhat broader than what the title might have led one to expect: The articles all fall into one of the following four themes: I, “The core of conditionals”; II, “Single conditional constructions”; III, “Basic dimensions of conditionality”, and IV, “Conditionals in use”. Contributors include, inter alios, Anna Wierzbicka, Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Johann van der Auwera, Ronald W. Langacker, Osten Dahl, and Hansjakob Seiler. “Subject Index” (415–418).]

. 1996 . Gramática filosófica da língua portuguesa . Reprodução fac-similada da edição de 1783 com introdução e notas pelo Académico Correspondente Amadeu Torres . (= Subsídios para a História Portuguesa, 27 .) Lisboa : Academia Portuguesa da História , xvi, 245 pp. [Dieser wichtigen Neuedition sind 4 einführende Artikel vorangestellt, und zwar: 1, “A Grammatica Philosophica de Melo Bacelar”; 2, “Ainda a Grammatica Philosophica de Melo Bacelar”; 3, “Bernardo de Lima e Melo Bacelar na Lexicografia de setecentos” und 4, “A presente edição”. In Faksimile ist die Grammatica philosophica (pp. 47–158) und die Orthographia philosophica (159–242) beigefügt. Bib. Angaben sind ausschlieβlich den Fuβnoten zu den einführenden Artikeln zu entnehmen. – HJN.]

eds. 1996 . Akten des VIII. Internationalen Kolloquiums zur lateinischen Linguistik / Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloqium on Latin Linguistics [Eichstätt, 24–28 April 1995] . Heidelberg : C. Winter Universitätsverlag , 550 pp. [An impressive collection of 38 papers, written mostly in German or French, with a few in English or Spanish, which all examine problems of Latin linguistics, synchronic and/or diachronic. They are organized under 4 headings: “Etymologie, Phonologie, Morphologie”; “Syntax”; “Semantik”, and “Sprache und Stil”. Contributors include Christian Touratier, Guy Serbat, Józef Herman, Hanna Rosén, and many others. No Index.]

1997 . Noam Chomsky: A life of dissent . Toronto : ECW Press [& also: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press ], x, 237 pp. ; illustr. [This is a biography of Noam Chomsky which seeks to examine both the scholar and the political activist, along with the influences that shaped the individual; actually, it devotes much more space to the activist, including Chomsky’s relationship with Zellig S. Harris (1909–1992) on this score, than to the linguist. Bib. (221–228), general index (229–237).]

. 1996 . The Making of Language . Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press , viii, 196 pp. [This book is an attempt at explaining the genesis of human language as a natural by-product of increasingly complex human co-operation in various fields of activity. Bib. (173–188) and indexes of names (189–191) and subjects (192–196).]

1995 . The Study of Indo-European Vocalism in the 19th Century; from the beginnings to Whitney and Scherer . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 3 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia , John Benjamins , xii, 126 pp. [This reprint of a 1974 publication constitutes a critical examination of the various studies on the subject of Indo-European vocalism from Jacob Grimm to the advent of the Neogrammarians, with a view on various authors’ underlying assumptions on the nature of language. Bib. (97–121), index of authors (123–126).]

Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1993, et compléments des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1993 […] Edited by Mark Janse & Sijmen Toi [ with the assistance of a number of international contributors – see pp.v-vi, for their listing ]. Dordrecht-Boston-London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1996 . Pp. lxxxiv, 1,339 pp. [The total number of pages and the coverage (22,050 entries) makes this edition one of the largest annual volumes of the BL in the more than 45-year history of this most important bibliographical sourcebook in the field, representing an increase of over 50% if compared to volumes appearing as recently as 1985. Given the wide areas and periods covered by historiographers, users of the BL will appreciate that the HoL section continues to be subdivided into a variety of subsections from “Western traditions” generally via “Antiquity”, “Middle Ages”, etc. down to “Indian tradition” and “Arab tradition”. However, this should not prevent historians of linguistics from consulting other sections in the Bib., such as the “Festschriften/Mélanges in honorem” rubric, congress reports, and the general subsections in sections devoted to specific language fields or preceding (or sometimes even dispersed in) those devoted to general linguistic theory and philosophy of language, not to mention the “Biographical data” section (100–115) which carries some 250 accounts of scholars in the language sciences, obituaries, testimonials, Gruβadressen, and the like. Another recent – and welcome – feature maintained in the HoL section is the regular addition of life-dates of authors in entries devoted to individual linguists.]

eds. 1997 . Clitics, Pronouns and Movement . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 140 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , v, 375 pp. [A collection of twelve articles, including an Introduction to the theme by Anders Holmberg, which examine clitics and pronouns and their properties in a wide range of articles, including Mandarin Chinese, Niuean, Serbo-Croatian, and Japanese. General index (363–375).]

. 1997 . Introduction à la lecture de Saussure . Paris : Payot & Rivages , viii, 396 pp. [A book which definitely does not deserve to be called an ‘introduction’, it is in fact a highly specialized analysis of Saussure’s thought based on numerous manuscript notes by Saussure himself and by a number of at times very detailed and faithful notes taken by his students in his courses in Geneva between 1891 and 1911, not only on general linguistics, though they remain at the core of the present work. The author makes an all-out attempt to reconstitute the lines of Saussure’s argument in an attempt to counter many of the misinterpretyations and distortions found in the ‘vulgata’ text of the Cours as compiled by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye in 1916. The book has the following main parts, preceded by an important “Préambule: Épistémologie, métaphysique et sciences humaines” (17–53), and concluded with an “Épilogue: Horizons épistémologiques de la sémantique saussurienne” (347–373): I, “De la contemplation d’un sphinx à la philosophie d’une science”; II, “Une épistémologie de la grammaire comparée”; III, “Une métaphysique du signe linguistique”, and IV, “Le programme d’une grammaire du sens”. Bib. (376–386); index of names (387–391).]

eds. 1996 . Concise Encyclopedia of Syntactic Theories . Oxford & New York : Pergamon Press , xxxv, 459 pp. in-small 4° . [The volume contains fifty-four articles, arranged alphabetically, all but three of which have already appeared, in some form or other, in the 10-volume Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (Oxford & New York: Pergamon, 1994) and about a dozen were republished, in revised form in most instances, in Concise History of the Language Sciences: From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists ed. by E. F. K. Koerner & R. E. Asher in 1995 with the same publisher. Each of the entries is followed by a list of references. Contributors include Jerry Sadock, Asa Kasher, Frederick J. Newmeyer, Ribert Freidin, James D. McCawley, Eric Fudge, John Haiman, the late Simon C. Dik, Robert D. Van Valin, Jr., and many others. After the entries come a glossary (pp. 387–421), a list of major language and linguistics journals (423–424), a list of contributors (425–427), a name index (429–435), and a subject index (437–459). – A more detailed review is scheduled to appear in HL XXV/1998.]

. 1996 . Il ‘Mezzo vocabolario’ maltese-italiano del ’700 . Valletta, Malta : Said Intl. , xiv, 177 pp. [Das zwischen 1765 und 1775 zu datierende ‘Mezzo vocabolario’ ist, nach den Regole per la lingua maltese (ed. Cassola, 1992) und dem (bislang nur in Manuskriptform vorliegenden) Wörterbuch Damma tal Kliem Kartaginis des Agius de Solanis, das älteste uns bekannte Vokabular der Maltesischen, der einzigen europäischen Nationalsprache semitischen Ursprungs. Die Ausgabe enthält eine sehr materialreiche Einleitung (pp. 1–49) sowie einen Abdruck des ‘Vocabolario’, dem in in einer zweiten Spalte sehr ausführliche Kommentare beigefügt sind. Man wird sie mit großem Nutzen konsultieren.– HJN.]

. 1997 . Fondations de la Linguistique: Études d’histoire et d’epistémologie . 2nd ed. Louvain-la-Neuve : Duculot ; 219 pp. [A collection of eleven essays by the two authors, either separately or jointly (in addition to an introduction and conclusion), all previously published in various other fora, which show little thematic unity, except for an interest in various individual linguists’ (notably Meillet, Gougenheim, Guillaume, and Bally) and philosophers’ views on language. No Index.]

. 1996 . La linguistique naturaliste en France (1867–1922): Nature, origine et evolution du langage . (= Orbis Supplementa, 6 .) Leuven & Paris : Peeters , ix, 633 pp. [This massive book is a modified version of the author’s 1994 University of Leuven doctoral thesis (thesis dirrectors: Ludo Melis and Pierre Swiggers) examines the French naturalist school of linguistics, which followed to a significant extent the (metalinguistic) teachings of August Schleicher (1823–1868). It was first headed by the Belgian Honoré Chavée (1815–1877) and soon thereafter by the Frenchman Abel Hovelacque (1843–1893) and various other scholars in Paris, who launched the Revue de linguistique et de philologie comparée, which appeared betwen 1867 and 1916, i.e., basically the period circumscribed by the present study. The study investigates this school, which was contemporary and in no small part in opposition to the linguists organized under the umbrella of the Société de Linguistique de Paris (1866-present), not only in terms of its conception of language but also in terms of the individuals who influenced it. After mapping out the epistemological and organizational framework ‘école de linguistique naturaliste’, the author devotes individual chapters to Hovelacque (chapter 3, pp. 223–313), and other active members of this circle such as André (Paul Émile) Lefèvre (1834–1904), Paul Regnaud (18381911), (Élie Honoré) Julien Vinson (1843–1926), and Lucien Adam (1833–1918). A rich bib. (557–620), an index of names (621–626) and an index of subjects (627–633) round out what is the most exhaustive treatment of any school in 19th-century linguistics, that of the Neogrammarians included.]

eds. 1997 . Varia on the Indo-European Past: Papers in Memory of Marija Gimbutas . (= Journal of Indo-Eurpean Studies Monograph, 19 .) Washington D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man , 265 pp. [Twelve essays in memory of UCLA anthropologist Marija Gimbutas (1921–1994), only one of which, Winfred P. Lehmann ‘s, is properly linguistic: The dominant theme of the papers here is Mythology, especially that of Old Europe. Other contributors include E[lizabeth] J. W. Barber, Angela Delia Volpe, Martin E. Huld, and Wolfgang Meid. No Index.]

eds. 1996 . Im Spiegel des Verstandes: Studien zu Leibniz . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 220 pp. [This is a collection of ten papers, including the editors’ Introduction: Four are in English, one is in Italian, and the five others are in German. From the contents: “Organisation, Kommunikation, Formenentstehung: Resonanzen eines begrifflichen Feldes bei Leibniz und in der Gegenwart” by Ludger Kaczmarek; “Leibnizian Strategies for the Semantical Foundation of the Universal Language” by Olga Pombo, and “[Gerold] Ungeheuer über Leibniz und die cognito symbolica-Tradition” by H. Walter Schmitz. Detailed index of names (209–220), but no general index.]

. 1997 . Creole and Dialect Continua . (= Creole Language Library, 18 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 307 pp. [The author seeks to compare the acquisition of the standard by speakers of non-standard varieties in two very different countries: China and Belize, with more attention being paid to the latter country. Bib. (289301); general index (303–307).]

ed. 1997 . Friesische Studien III: Beiträge des Föhrer Symposiums zur Friesischen Philologie vom 11.–12. April 1996 . Odense : Odense Univ. Press , viii, 205 pp. [A collection of six articles on synchronic Frisian Linguistics, with a particular emphasis on language contact, by Kurt Braunmüller, Cor van Bre, Hermann Niebaum, and others. “Teilnehmerliste” (p. 205). No index.]

. 1996 . As concepções linguísticas no século XVIII: A gramática portuguesa . Campinas : Editora da Unicamp , 306 pp. [Diese, für den Druck überarbeitete, Dissertation versucht einen ersten Überblick über die portugiesische Sprachwissenschaft, speziell über die Grammatikographie der Aufklärung zu geben. In einem ersten Kapitel bietet sie zunächst einen Überblick über “As concepções linguísticas em Portugal, nos séculos XVI e XVII”, beginnt also mit den bekannten Grammatiken von Fernão de Oliveira und João de Barros, um dann auf Amaro de Roboredo (17. Jh.) einzugehen. Das 2. Kapitel ist der politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Situation Portugals im 18. Jh. gewidmet; dabei spielen Orden wie die Jesuiten oder Oratorianer, aber auch Bemühungen um eine Reform des Unterrichtswesens in der 2. Hälfte des 18. Jh. eine wichtige Rolle. Kapitel 3 behandelt den Einfluß von Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas, der Grammatik von Port-Royal und der Encyclopédie auf die portug. Grammatikographie, wobei namentlich deren grammatische Terminologie im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen steht. Kap. 4. behandelt die Regras da lingua portugueza, espelho da lingua latina (1721) von Jerônimo Contador de Argote, welche als Propädeutikum der Lateingrammatik konzipiert ist. In Kap. 5. wird der Arte da grammatica da lingua portugueza (1770) von Antonio José dos Reis Lobato als ‘Übergangsgrammatik’ zwischen “um período da gramática latina e um de renovação filosófica” präsentiert, welche zu der Grammatica philosophica da lingua portugueza von Jerônimo Soares Barbosa (1822) überleitet (Kap. 6). Nach der Conclusão und der üblichen Bibliographie findet sich im Anhang der Arbeit ein (sehr knapper) chronologischer Überblick über sprachwissenschaftliche Arbeiten zum Portugiesischen im 18. Jh. [die Gramática filosófica (1783) von Bacelar fehlt hierin; vgl. weiter oben, unter Bacelar] sowie diverse Dokumente, die über Reformversuche im Unterrichtswesen informieren.– HJN.]

. 1996 . Die Struktur von Hermann Brochs Roman ‘Der Tod des Vergil’ . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 110 pp. [This work is of greater interest for the history of linguistics than its title might suggest, as the author, among many other things, analyze the influence of various philosophical schools and ideas on Hermann Broch, as seen through the particular novel under study. Bib. (105–110); no index.]

ed. 1997 . Linguistic Reconstruction and Typology . (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Monographs, 96 .) Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , x, 368 pp. [This collection of fifteen papers, all written in English, have a narrower focus than the title suggests: All but one of the papers examining specific languages or language families deal with an Indo-European language or group of languages. Those that do not focus on a particular language all focus – again, with one exception – on methodological issues having to do with the interface of typology and reconstruction. Index of names (357–363) and index of languages and dialects (364–368), but no general index and no comprehensive bib.]

eds. 1996 . De taal is kennis van de ziel: Opstellen over Jac. van Ginneken (1877–1945) . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 223 pp. [This is a collection of eight papers, all in Dutch, on the life and work of Jacobus van Ginneken. The editors are also the authors of the first of the eight papers, along with the Introduction of the book. Index of names (217–223). No general index or bib.]

eds. 1996 . Language Philosophies and the Language Sciences: A historical perspective in honour of Lia Formigari . Münster : Nodus , 395 pp. [A collection of essays somewhat more diverse in coverage than the title might indicate, in English, French, Italian, German, organized under the following major headings: I, “On the Identity of [the?] Philosophy of Language” (contributions by Tullio De Mauro and Sylvain Auroux); II, “Middle Ages: Towards the modern frame” (contributions by Raffaella Petrilli, Brigitte Schlieben-Lange, and Irène Rosier-Catach); II, “From Port-Royal to Leibniz” (contributions by Raffaele Simone, Daniel Droixhe et al.); IV, “ Empiricism and Naturalism in the European XVIIIth Century” (contributions by Donata Chiricò, Maurizio Maione et al.); V, “Kant’s Criticism of Language” (contributions by Donatella Di Cesare et al.); VI, “Theories and Politics of Language in the XIXth Century” (contributions by Massimo Prampolini, Claudio Marazzini et al.), and VII, “Contemporary Philosophies of Language” (contributions by Demetrio Neri, Annibale Elia et al.). The back matter consists of a bib. of Lia Formigari’s writings (367–373), a “Tabula Gratulatoria” (375–377), and an “Index nominum” (379–395).]

. 1995 . Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans . Part I : The Text . With a Preface by Roman Jakobson . English version by Johanna Nichols , edited by Werner Winter . Part II : Bibliography, Indexes . Compiled by Richard A. Rhodes ; translated by Johanna Nichols . (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Monographs, 80 .) Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , cvi, 864 , with maps and illustr., and xxxiv, 264 pp. [These two volumes constitute a translation of the authors’ by now ‘classic’ Indoevropejskij jazyk i Indoevropejcy: Rekonstrukcija iistoriko-tipologičeskij analiz prajazyka i protokul’tury (Tbilisi: Izd. Tbilisskogo Univ., 1984), xcvi, 1–418 and 440–1328 pp. (The original subtitle ‘A reconstruction and a historical typological analysis of a protolanguage and a protoculture’ has been omitted in the English edition.) The Russian original already provoked a considerable discussion in both the former Soviet Union and in the West, notably in America and in Germany, in Journal of Indo-European Studies (Washington, D.C.) and Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung (renamed Historische Sprachforschung in 1987), respectively. Cf. the respective entry in Diachronica XIV: 1.185 (Spring 1997) for further details.]

1997 . Zum Arbitraritätsbegriff bei F. de Saussure: Eine exetisch-philologische Untersuchung . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft; Beiheft, 28 .) Münster : Nodus , 202 pp. [A revised version of the author’s 1991 doctoral dissertation (thesis director: Peter Schmitter), this is an examination of a crucial aspect of Saussure’s theory on language, namely, of the place of the notion of arbitrariness within his overall framework. The book is in fact broader in coverage than what one might expect from the title, due to the author’s discussion, inter alia, of the post-Saussurean debate on arbitrariness (175–185). Bib. (190202). No index.]

. 1996 . Inventorio de las Gramáticas Hebreas del siglo XVI de la Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Salamanca . Salamanca : Publicaciones Universidad Pontifical , [7-] 190 pp. [A detailed inventary of the Hebrew grammars found in the 16th century at the Salmanca University library, arranged alphabetically by author, beginning with the well-known author ‘Anónimo’ (Alphabetum Hebraicum, Salamanca: M. Gast, 1569) and ending with Al(f)onso de Zamora’s (b. c.1475) Introductiones artis grammaticae hebraicae (Alcalá de Henares: G. de Brocar, 1515). “Conclusiones” (147/149–166). Bib. of primary sources (169–172), of “Catálogos, repertorios y diccionarios” (172–175), and modern “Monografías y estudios” (175–179). Detailed table of contents (183–190), but no regular index.]

ed. 1996 . Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 17: Languages . Washington, D.C. : National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution , xiii, 957 pp. in-4° ; many photographs and illustrations; 2 maps . [This is a monumental piece of work. The first 13 contributions, which include an Editor’s Introduction (in which a detailed classification is advanced), focus on various aspects of North American Indian languages: the history of their description by Europeans, questions of borrowings and language contact, writing systems, place-names. Of particular historical interest are Goddard’s “The Description of the Native Languages of North America before Boas”, Marianne Mithun’s “The Description of the Native Languages of North America: Boas and after”, and Michael K. Foster’s “Language and the Culture History of North America”. The second, larger part consists of twelve articles constituting sketches of various individual American Indian languages by the acknowledged experts in their analysis (such as H. C. Wolfart on Cree, the late Stanley Newman on Zuñi, Wallace Chafe on Seneca, and the late Wick R. Miller on Shoshone). The final article examines sources. A massive bib. of great historical value (762–924) and detailed general index (926–957) round out this impressive volume. A pocket at the end of the volume contains two maps: One of today’s distribution of Native American Language families (developed by the volume editor), the other a reproduction of the “Linguistic Stocks of American Indians North of Mexico” as first published by John Wesley Powell (1834–1902) in 1891.]

eds. 1997 . Towards a Social Science of Language: Volume 2: Social Interaction and Discourse Structures . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 128 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xvii, 358 pp. [A collection of sixteen essays in honour of William Labov, ten of which are on social interaction and discourse structures and six on syntactic and lexical variation in language in use. Bib. (340–352); index (353–358).]

1997 . The Phonology of Coronals . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 149 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , vii, 176 pp. [An attempt at a more rigorous definition, in phonology, of the class of consonants known as ‘coronal’. Bib. (151–171) and indexes of subjects (172–173) and of languages (174–176).]

. 1997 . The Cognitive System of the French Verb . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 147 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 187 pp. [This is an analysis of the French verbal system on the basis of the linguistic theories of Gustave Guillaume (1875–1960). It consists of ten chapters, the first of which is basically an introduction to Guillaumian linguistics. Bib. (158–169), a general index (170–181), and an index of verb forms (182–187).]

. 1997 . Tense and Aspect in Indo-European Languages: Theory, typology, diachrony . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 145 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xii, 403 pp. [This ambitious book consists of nineteen chapters, all but the first and last of which examine the verbal system of single Indo-European languages or subfamilies. The first chapter overviews the description and theory of tense and aspect, while the final chapter presents the authors’ conclusions. Each chapter has been either co-written or written by one of the two authors, who took pains to indicate which parts they wrote together and which individually. Bib. (374–389); indexes of authors (390392) and of languages (393–396), followed by a general index (397–403).]

. 1996 . Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship: An introduction to historical and comparative linguistics . Berlin & New York : Mouton de Grayter , xy, 602 pp. [This impressive volume, basically a thorough introduction to historical linguistics, consists of 18 chapters which present the following themes: ‘Introduction’ (chaps. 1–3), ‘Change in structure’ (chaps.4–6), ‘Change in the lexicon’ (chaps.7–9), ‘Language and dialect’ (chaps. 10–11), ‘Languages in contact’ (chaps. 12–15), and ‘Language relationship’ (chaps. 16–18). The back matter consists of endnotes, “Selected readings” (536–554), a detailed bib. (557–584), and indexes of languages (585–592), subjects and names (593–602).]

ed. 1996[1834] . A Vocabulary of Susquehannock . Translated from the Swedish . (= American Language Reprints, 2 .) Bucks County, Pennsylvania : Evolution Publishing and Manufacturing [ address: 390 Pike Road, Unit 3, Huntington Valley, PA 19006 ], 30 pp. [Transi, into English by the Philadelphia lawyer and amateur anthropologist Peter Stephen Duponceau (1760–1844), originally compiled by Johannes Campanius during the 1640s and first published in 1696 by his grandson. A reprint from the Philadelphia (M’Carty & Davis, 1834) publication A Description of the Province of New Sweden, now called, by the English, Pennsylvania, of a lexicon of an extinct American Indian Language once spoken in Pennsylvania, followed by a few assorted phrases and a comparison of the two different editions (25–30), by the series editor Claudio R. Salvucci, who also provided a “Preface to the 1996 edition” ([v]-[vi]).]

. 1996 . Ideology and Linguistic Theory: Noam Chomsky and the deep structure debates . Paperback ed. London & New York : Routledge , x, 186 pp. [The authors’ goal is to re-examine the evolution of Chomsky’s ideas during the 1960s and 70s, with a particular emphasis on challenges made against it, of which Generative Semantics, in their opinion, was the most important. Five chapters of unequal length, including the Introduction and Conclusion, make up the book itself (1–95); there follow an appendix (97–142), endnotes (143–163), a bib. (165–177) and a name and subject index (179–186). Cf the review by Frits Stuurman in the present issue (405–411).]

. 1995 . A Language Suppressed: The pronunciation of the Scots language in the 18th century . Edinburgh : John Donald Publishers Ltd. , ix, 278 pp. [In diesem Buch geht es um die “grammatical tradition in Scotland in the 18th century” [vii], speziell um (die bislang fast gänzlich vernachlässigten) Beschreibungen der Aussprachevarietäten des schottischen Englisch. Es gliedert sich in folgende Kapitel: I: “Scots in the Eighteenth Century”; II: “The Source Materials and the Nature of the Evidence”; III: “Orthographic Innovations and Their Interpretation”; IV: “Palatal Vowel Segments”; V: “Labial Vovel Segments”; VI: “Sonorant Vowel Segments”; VII: “Diphthongal Sounds”; VIII: “Non-Vowel Segments”; IX: “Suprasegmentals”. In drei Appendices ist interessantes Beispielmaterial beigesteuert. Eine Bibliographie sowie ein kombinierter Namens-/Sachindex beschließen den Band. – HJN.]

1996 . On Personal Deixis in Classical Armenian . (= Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, 17 .) Dettelbach : Roell , ix, 146 pp. [This study focuses on the syntax and semantics of armenian demonstratives on the basis of an examination on their behavior in two manuscripts, both Gospel translations. Bib. (135–136); index of citations (137146).]

. 1992 . Am Anfang war das Wort: Theorie- und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Elemente frühneuzeitlichen Sprachbewußtseins . Berlin : Akademie Verlag , 382 pp. ; 9 figs. [This 1991 doctoral dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin (Harald Weydt, thesis director), illustrates – and documents – the attempts of a variety of authors of the period between 1450 and 1700 who sought to remedy, if not overcome, the situation which, following the perceived disasterous results of the Tower of Babel, which had led to the proliferation of mutually-unintelligible languages, from Nicholas Cusanus (1400–1464) and Giovanfrancesco Pico della Mirandola (1470–1533) to Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670) and others, including such authors as the Orientalist Elias Hutter (1533–1605/09?), the Italian physiognomist Giambattista Delia Porta (1535–1615), the Frenchman Guillaume Postei (1510–1581), the theologian Paul Scaliger (alias Skalich, 1534–1574), the German Naturphilosoph Jacob Böhme (1575–1624), the Swiss professor of Old Testament studies, Theodor Bibliander (alias Buchmann, 1504–1564), and various others. The study consists of two main parts entitled “Das WORT in der christlich-neoplatonischen Tradition” and “Sprachwissenschaftliche Projekte”, five subparts, and altogether 22 chapters. The subparts have the following headings: “Das Problem der Sprache bei Nicolaus Cusanus”; “Auslegung des WORTs in der frühen Neuzeit”; “Die Sprachtheorien J. Böhmes und F[ranciscus] M[ercurius] van Helmonts [(1614–1698)]”; “Aspekte der Linguistik in der frühen Neuzeit”, and “Johann Arnos Comenius: Pädagogische Sprachtheorie vor dem Horizont pansophischer Universalwissenschaft”. The back matter consists of a bib. of primary (355365) and secondary (365–376) literature, an index of names (377–382), and an appendix reproducing various 16th and 17th century illustrations, including title pages of books.]

. 1996 . Omero linguista: Voce e voce articolata nell’enciclopedia omerica . Palermo : Novecento , vii, 138 pp. [A study, inspired by E. Havelock’s 1973 Oxford Preface to Plato, on Homer’s ideas on language, based on his use of metaphors and comparisons between human speech and other sounds. Bib. (123–129); index locorum (130–132); index verborum (133), and index auctorum (134–135).]

( with the assistance of Stefan Blanz, Petra Geiling, Horst Junginger, Susanne Kirst & Florian Vogel ) eds. 1997 . Im Vorfeld des Massenmords: Germanistik im 2. Weltkrieg . Ausstellung im Haspelturm, Schloss Hohentübingen , 15 . 1.-9.3 . 1997 . Katalog . Tübingen : Gesellschaft für interdiszipliäre Forschung Tübingen [ address: Burgholzweg 52, D-72070 Tübingen ], x, 138 pp. [This catalogue from an exposition on the involvement of German academics in the field of German studies, as organizations and/or individuals, documents a number of instances where a considerable number of them were aiding and abetting actions of the Nazi regime, ideologically as well as, at times, in much more concrete terms. They included probably better known instances as well as less widely publicized cases, involving philologists and linguists such as Anneliese Bretschneider (b.1898), Arthur Hübner (1885–1937), André (alias Johannes Andreas) Jolies (1874-post1946), Heinrich Junker (1889–1970), Walter Porzig (1895–1961), Hermann Ernst Schneider (alias Hans Schwerte, b.1909), Leo Weisgerber (1899–1984), Walther Wüst (b.l901), and Eberhard Zwirner (1899–1984) in various vile acts, at times criminal or at least bordering on the criminal. Index of names (135–138).]

eds. 1996 . Germanic Linguistics: Syntactic and diachronic . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 137 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , viii, 192 pp. [A selection of ten articles deriving from the 4th Annual Michigan-Berkeley Germanic Linguistics Roundtable held in Ann Arbor, Mich., in April 1993, plus a foreword by the the editors, all written in English, with a somewhat narrower focus than the title of the book might suggest: the only individual Germanic languages examined are German, Dutch, and Yiddish. Subject index (185–186), language index (187), and author index (189–192).]

. 1996 . Studi su casi e preposizioni nel greco antico . Milan : Franco Angeli , 154 pp. [This book is divided into three parts. In the first, the author examines the structure and function of the case system of Classical Greek, concluding with some comparative and historical considerations. In the second he examines the interrelationship of case and prepositions, and in the third the expression of cause and instrument in the language. Bib. (149–154); no index.]

ed. 1995 . Ferdinand de Saussure , Phonétique: Il manoscritto di Harvard Houghton Library bMS Fr 266 (8) . (= Quaderni del Dipartimento di linguistica, Università degli studi di Firenze; Studi, 3 .) Padova : Unipress , xxvi, 241 pp ; 7 tables . [Careful edition of a 177-page MS – the bulk of which goes back to Saussure’s 1881 revisions of his 1880 Leipzig dissertation on the absolute genitive in Sanskrit – sold in 1968 by Saussure’s sons Jacques and Raymond for $ 2,000 to the Houghton Library of Harvard Univ., and complemented by later MSS by Saussure of his Paris days and his unpublished comments on Johannes Schmidt’s 1895 Kritik der Sonantentheorie (Jena: Böhlau), deposited in the Generva Public and Univ. Library. It would have been preferable had the author chosen to use French as her ‘metalanguage’. “Indice degli autori” (235–236) and “Indice analítico” (237–241).]

. 1996 . Complex Predicates in Japanese: A syntactic and semantic study of the notion ‘word’ . Stanford, Calif. : CSLI Publications ; Tokyo : Kurosio Publishers , xiv, 345 pp. [A revised version of the author’s 1992 Stanford dissertation, this is a study of Japanese complex predicates, the goal being not so much to determine whether they are words or not than to determine what properties are shared with words and which are not. Bib. (319–338); subject index (339–345).]

. 1995 . Summa de modis significando Critical edition with an introduction by L[ouis] G[erard] Kelly . (= Grammatica Speculativa: Sprachtheorie und Logik des Mittelalters, 5 .) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog , lxi, 199 pp. in small-4° . [This is the most comprehensive edition of Michel de Marbais’s (d. ca.1300) Summa modorum significandi, which in addition to giving the text, the editor also supplies variant readings and, on separate levels, testimonia as well as parallel texts from Boethius Dacus’ (fl. 1277–83) works, a major source of Michel’s inspiration. The edition is preceded by a detailed introduction carrying sections on questions of authorship, the metalanguage used by Michel, and the like, plus a thorough exposé of the “Partes and Modi Significandi” (xxvi-xlii).]

Modenia: Revista lucense de lingüística & literatura . Vol. 1 : Lingüística , 501 pp. Santiago de Compostela : Servicio de Publicacións, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela , 1995 . [Of interest to HL readers may be “La presencia de los enlaces extra-oracionales en Is tradición española: La figura de Andrés Bello [(1781–1865)]” by Salvador Pons Bordería (251–267). Possibly also the obituary by Xesús Alonso Montero, “Amable Veiga Arias (1929–1994): Retrato dun lingüista excepcional” (3–9).]

, comp. 1996[1792] . A Vocaluary of the Nanticoke Dialect . (= American Language Reprints, 1 .) Bucks County, Pennsylvania : Evolution Publishing and Manufacturing [ address: 390 Pike Road, Unit 3, Huntington Valley, PA 19006 ], vii, 46 pp. in small 16° . [A reprint of a manuscript first published by the Philadelphia anthropologist Daniel Garrison Brinton (1837–1899) in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society XXXI, 11 Dec. 1893, consisting of an English-Nanticoke (7–20) and Nanticoke-English (23–35) dictionary of some 300 words elicited from an informant in 1792, with some corrections made by Claudio R. Salvucci, the series ed., who also supplied a brief preface [v]-[vi]. This Algonquian language was once spoken in present-day Maryland; “Comparative Algonquian words” from Chipeway, Cree, Lenape, and other related languages have been added (41–46).]

eds. 1996 . nikotwa^sik iskwa^hte^m, pa^skihte^payih! Studies in honour of H. C. Wolfart . Winnipeg, Manitoba : Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics, University of Manitoba , x, 490 pp. [A collection of twenty-two articles, including a preface introducing us to the scholar, Hans Christoph Wolfart (b.1943), in whose honour they were published. All are written in English and all but six focus exclusively on some aspect of Cree/Algonquian language and culture. No index.]

. 1996 . The Dutch Pendulum: Linguistics in the Netherlands, 1740–1900 . Münster : Nodus Publikationen , xvi, 189 pp. [In this book, the author brings together previously published papers of his, all of them somewhat revised and updated. They all deal with certain aspects or personalities of Dutch linguistics from the 18th to the 20th century, from lesser known figures like Johanna Corleva (1698–1752) to important characters like Jacobus van Ginneken (1877–1945) and Hendrik Josephus Pos (1898–1955). Other papers deal with concepts like ‘Volksgeist’ and the debate over language origin. Indexes of names (175–185) and of subjects (187–189).]

Nowele: North-Western European Language Evolution . Vol. 30 ( March 1997 ). Odense : Odense Univ. Press , 158 pp. [From the contents: “Rhyme Evidence of the Great Vowel Shift in The Ashmole Sir Ferumbras (c.1380)” by Masa Ikegami (3–19) and “The Geuisse, the West Saxons, the Angles and the English: The widening horizon of Bede’s gentile terminology” by Harald Kleinschmidt (51–91).]

. 1997 . Syntactic Development . Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press , ix, 409 pp. [A survey on the acquisition of syntax by children. The title is somewhat too broad, inasmuch as the only language concerned (apart from a few fleeting references to other languages) is English. Detailed Bib. (377–402); general index (402–409).]

. 1996 . Topics in Semiotics and Linguistics . Czestokhowa : Czestokhowa Pedagogical College 171 pp. [A collection of essays (in English, Polish, Russian and Spanish), all but three of which were originally published in other fora. There’s little thematic unity between them, except for a strong interest in semiotics. No index.]

Revista de Lexiografía . Vols. I-II ( 1994–1995, 1995–1996 ). La Coruña, Galicia, Spain : Depto. de Filoloxía Española e Latina, Universidade da Coruña , 180, 161 pp. [From the contents: “Hacia una definición del concepto de colocación: De J. R. Firth a I. A. Mel’ouk” by Margarita Alonso Ramos and “Construcción y fuentes utilizadas para términos médicos en el Diccionario de Autoridades” by Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla (1,9–28 and 149–162, respectively), and “El latin y el español en los Diccionarios de los siglos XVII y XVII” by Antonia Ma Medina Guerra and “La recepción del léxico de la electricidad en el DRAE: de Autoridades [(1791)] a 1884” by José Antonio Moreno Villanueva (II, 61–72 and 73–97, respectively).]

. 1996 . The Rudiments of Galician: An examination of early twentieth-century Galician texts (1913–1936) . PhD. thesis , Queen’s College , Oxford , xv, 354 pp. [The thesis is an examination of early Galician texts from a historical point of view, both in view of the ideological leanings of the early authors and their specific linguistic ideas. Bib. (320–354); no index.]

1995 . An introduction to Old Russian . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies; Monograph, 15 .) Washington, D.C. : Institute for the Study of Man , 311 pp. [A grammar along traditional lines, with a few reading selections and an Old Russian vocabulary list. Bib. (303–311).]

ed. 1996 . Hermann Günther Grassmann (1809–1877): Visionary Mathematician, Scientist and Neohumanist Scholar: Papers from a Sesquicentennial Conference . (= Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 187 .) Dordrecht-Boston-London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , xxix, 359 pp. [A collection of twenty-seven papers, all written in English, along with an Introduction by the Editor. The papers are thematically divided into four sections: Biography, emergence of Grassman’s ideas and their context, historical influences of Grassman’s work, and influences of Grassmann’s work on recent developments in science. Index of names (353–359); no general index.]

. 1996 . “Chi ma nkongo”: Lengua y rito acestrales en el Palenque de San Basilio (Colombia) . Frankfurt : Vervuert ; Madrid : Bibliotheca Ibero-Anmericana , 2 vols. , xxiv, 823 pp. [This book’s title is misleading: the subject studied is the language used in various songs still heard in San Basilio de Palenque, a village in Columbia where a Spanish-based creole is in use. These songs contain linguistic material no longer understood by present-day speakers, and which in fact are archaic survivals, of the highest use in establishing the language and belief system of the village. Bib. (735–773), word index (777792), author index (793–800), and subject index (801–823).]

eds. 1996 . Ancient Grammar: Content and context . (= Orbis Supplementa, 7 .) Leuven & Paris : Peeters , xi, 220 pp. [This volume brings together 9 original articles organized under four separate headings: I, “Grammar and Grammatical Knowledge in Antiquity: Definition, setting, and organization; II, “Grammar and Ancient Greece: Grammatical concepts and argumentation”; III, “Grammar in Ancient Rome: Style and argumentation in Varro”, and IV, “Ancient Grammatical Terminology: Content and context”. Contributors include Dirk Maria Schenkeveld, Jean Lallot, Daniel J. Taylor, Wolfram Ax, Wilfried Kürschner, and others. Various indexes of names, Greek, Latin, and general grammatical terms (217–220) round out the book.]

, 1996 . Varro – De Lingua Latina X . A new critical text and English translation with prolegomena and commentary . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 85 ) Amsterdam & Philadelphia , John Benjamins , ix, 205 pp. [This new translation of LL, accompanied by copious comments, has article-length pieces such as “The Varronian Revolution in Lingustics” (10–18) and “Linguistic Theory and Practice in LL X” (1830) as well as the story of “F” the sole manuscript of what survives of this work by the Roman scholar. “Indices Verborum [including one each of names, Greek terms, examples, and inflected Latin forms]” (189–195); bib. (197–205).]

ed. 1997 . Contact Languages: A wider perspective . (= Creole Language Library, 17 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xi, 506 pp. [A collection of twelve articles on various hitherto little-known Contact Languages, along with an Introduction by the Editor. Language index (489–494) followed by an index nominum (495–502) and an index rerum (503–506).]

, 1997 . The Emergence of Semantics in Four Linguistic Traditions: Hebrew, Sanskrit, Greek, Arabic . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 82 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 322 pp. [Along with a preface and a concluding chapter comparing the four linguistic traditions, both of which were written by all four writers together, the book consists of four sections, in which each author individually examines one of the linguistic traditions. The book closes with a chronological table (301–303); indexes of names (305–310) and subjects (311–322).]

ed. 1996 . Linguistica impura: Dieci saggi di filosofia dei linguaggio tra storia e teoria . Palermo : Novecento , 151 pp. [A collection of ten essays, all in Italian, ranging from Aristotle to William Labov, with a particular emphasis on the intersection between norms, attitudes and the philosophy of language of past periods. Authors include Antonino Pennisi, Francesco Aqueci, Marco Capezza, and Francesca Piazza. No index.]

. 1997 . Lexical and Syntactical Constructions and the Construction of Meaning . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 150 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia , John Benjamins , xii, 454 pp. [These are the revised papers from the 1995 ICLA conference held in Albuquerque, N.M., 24 papers in all, divided into 4 groups: ‘Image Schemas and Construal Relations’, ‘Grammatical Morphemes versus Lexical Units’, and ‘Grammaticalization Processes, Degrees of Transitivity’. Index (451–454).]

eds. 1997 . Linguistics inside out: Roy Harris and His Critics . (= Current issues in Linguistic Theory, 148 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xxvii, 344 pp. [This book consists of a series of papers whose authors take a critical stance toward certain aspects of Roy Harris’ linguistic theories, followed by a detailed response by Harris, “From an Integrational Point of View” (229–318). Critics include John E. Joseph, Frederick J. Newmeyer, Philip Carr, Rom Harré, Naomi S. Baron, and others. Master list of references (319–338); general index (339–344).]

1996 . From Grammar to Science: New foundations for general linguistics . Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix, 350 pp. [The author proposes to apply the methods used in the exact sciences – chemistry, physics – to linguistics, in order to allow for the study language to proceed in a more rigorous and systematic fashion. The work is divided into twenty-two chapters (1–307), with a summary (308–311) and endnotes (312–331). Bib. (332–339); general index (340–350).]