Authors are asked to keep footnotes to a minimum. Relevant citations are to be supplied in the text, and the full bibliographical detail should be supplied in the References at the end of the manuscript. The following conventions apply:
Book, monograph, or collective volume
Baratin, Marc & Françoise Desbordes
(avec la participation de Philippe Hoffman & Alain Pierrot) 1981L’Analyse linguistique dans l’Antiquité classique. Vol.I: Les théories. Paris: Éditions Klincksieck.
Budagov, R[uben] A[leksandrovič]
1988Portrety jazykovedov XIX-XX vv. [Portraits of linguists of the 19th and 20th centuries]. Moskva: Izd. “Nauka”.
Robins, R[obert] H[enry]
1967A Short History of Linguistics. London: Longmans; Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1968 (2nd ed., London: Longman 1979; 3rd ed. 1993.)
Versteegh, Comelis H. M. [= Kees], E. F. Konrad Koemer & Hans-J. Niederehe
eds.1983The History of Linguistics in the Near East. (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 28.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Articles in a periodical or collective volume*
* Acronyms of well-known journals should follow the conventions of the annual Linguistic Bibliography / Bibliographie Linguistique (Dordrecht/Holland). Whenever in doubt, supply the full name.
Auroux, Sylvain
1986 “Actes de pensée et actes linguistiques dans la Grammaire générale”. HEL 8:2.105–120.
Salmon, Vivian G.
1974 “John Wilkins’ Essay (1668): Critics and continuators”. HL 1.147–163. (Repr. in The Study of Language in 17th-Century England by V. Salmon, 191–206. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 1979; 2nd ed. 1988.)
Sarmiento, Ramón
1983 “La gramática académica del siglo de las Luces”. Serta Philologica F. Lázaro Carreter natalem diem sexagesimum celebranti dedicata, vol.I: Estudios de lingüística e lengua literaria ed. by Emilio Alarcos [ et al.], 571–585. Madrid: Cátedra.
Boyadjiev, Jivco
. Forthcoming. Review of Budagov (1988) HL 17:3.
Michael, Ian
1980 Review of Salmon (1979) IF 85.304–306.
Provided that the full reference to the book reviewed is supplied in the bib-lio-graphy; otherwise, the conventions of the next entry are to be followed:
Cowan, William
1983 Review of Arab Linguistics: An introductory classical text with translation and notes by Michael G. Carter (Amsterdam: John Benjamins 1981) HL 10.120–124.
Note: Underscore (or italicize) titles of books and journals; enclose titles of articles in double quotation marks. If other than original edition is quoted from, this should be made clear in the entry, possibly by a statement added in parentheses at the end (after the publisher’s name), or by simply referring to the most recent date of publication of the source (adding the date of the original publication in square brackets right after the new date, e.g., Robins, R. H. 1993[1967]).
If a translation is being used, this fact must be stated, with the name(s) of the transla-tor(s) supplied. The date of the original edition should be added in square brackets, right after the date of the translation, for instance:
1980[1975]Abriß der Geschichte der Linguistik. Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Barbara Meier, herausgegeben von Georg Friedrich Meier. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut.