Jivco Boyadjiev: A select Bibliography of his publications

E. F. K. Koerner
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There are other reviews of publications by Koerner such as those in Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics 15:6.65–68 (1990), 19:5.106–108 (1994); 21:4.88–90 (1996), and 22:1.95–99 (1997), as well as about 20 more reviews of books published by Benjamins.


Ezikăt kato obštestveno javlenie
Language as a social phenomenon]. Sofia: “Nauka i izkustvo”, 119 pp.


Neolingvistikata – idejni osnovi, săštnost, teoretični problemi
The neolinguistic school: Ideological foundations, essence, and theoretical problems]. Sofia: University of Sofia, 85 pp.


Review notice on Historiographia Linguistica 1:1 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins 1974 [©1973]) Bălgarski Ezik 25:6.583.Google Scholar
Compte rendu de T. A. Amirova, B. A. Ol’xovikov & Ju. V. Roždestvenskij, Očerki po istorii lingvistiki (Moskva: Izd. “Nauka1975) Historiographia Linguistica 2:3.379–385.Google Scholar


Together with Mosko Moskov). Uvod v ezikoznanieto [Introduction to linguistics]. Sofia: “Nauka i izkustvo”, 189 pp.
Compte rendu de F. M. Berezin
, Russkoe jazykoznanie: Konca XIX – načala XX v. (Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Nauka1976) Historiographia Linguistica 4:3.388–391.Google Scholar


Review of E. F. K. Koerner
, Western Histories of Linguistic Thought, 1822– 1976: An annotated, chronological bibliography (Amsterdam: John Benjamins 1978) Bălgarski Ezik 29:6.532–534. DOI logoGoogle Scholar


Ezik i obštestvo
Language and society]. Sofia: “Nauka i izkustvo”, 113 pp.


Review of E. F. K. Koerner
, Saussurean Studies / Études saussuriennes. Avantpropos de Rudolf Engler (Geneva: Éditions Slatkine 1988) Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics (Sofia) 14:5.139–142.Google Scholar


Compte rendu de R. A. Budagov
, Portrety jazykovedov XIX–XX vv. (Moskva: Izd. “Nauka1988) Historiographia Linguistica 17:3.394–399.Google Scholar


Toretičnite osnovi na frenskata sociologičeska škola
The theoretical foundations of the French sociolinguistic school]. Sofia: Univ. izd. “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, 81 pp.
Compte rendu de N. A. Sljusareva
, Ferdinand de Saussure: Zametki po obščej lingvistike (Moskva: Izd. “Progress1990) Historiographia Linguistica 18:2/3.402–405.Google Scholar
Review of Konrad Koerner
, Practicing Linguistic Historiography: Selected essays (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1989) Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics (Sofia) 16:4.76–82. 1 DOI logoGoogle Scholar


Uvodv ezikoznanieto
[Introduction to linguistics]. Plovdiv: “Xristo Danov”, 254 pp. (2nd printing 1997.)Google Scholar


Review of Mikołaj Kruszewski
, Writings in General Linguistics: On Vocalic Alternation; An Outline of Linguistic Science (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1995) Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics 21:4.91–95 [with an abstract in English]. (Repr. in 1997.96–101.) DOI logoGoogle Scholar


Portreti na imeniti ezikovedi: Iz istorijata na svetovnata lingvistika
Portraits of famous linguists: From the history of world linguistics]. Sofia: Marina Todorova, 191 pp.


Ferdinand de Saussure en Bulgarie”. The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences: Studies on the transition from historical-comparative to structural linguistics in honour of E. F. K. Koerner ed. by Sheila Embleton, John E. Joseph & Hans-Josef Niederehe Vol. I Historiographical Perspectives 187 198 Amsterdam & Philadelphia John Benjamins


Uvodv romanskoto ezikoznanie
Introduction to Romance linguistics]. Sofia: “Paradigma”, 125 pp.
Uvod v obštoto ezikoznanie
Introduction to general linguistics]. Sofia: “Paradigma”, 318 pp.