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E. F. K. Koerner
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – and historiography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgment of receipt be issued; no book can be returned to the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It should be pointed out, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is implied that it will be reviewed in any detail in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.

. 2002 . Sobre la persona grammatical . Edición, índices y comentario [de] Antonio Ruiz Castellanos . Cádiz : Servicio de Publicaaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, Diputación de Toledo , [ 69 ], 72 [ actually double the number ], [ 73–]123 pp. [ The book has altogether 5 parts: A detailed introduction, which brings together all relevant biobibliographical information on Fernando Alonso de Herrera (c.1462–1527) available, followed by a discussion of the grammatical scholarship of the period ([13]–[69], an edition of the Latin text of De personis, with a Spanish translation on facing page (1–46), and back matter consisting of a brief epilogue written by Antonio Nebrija, Alonso de Herrera’s former teacher; letters exchanged between a certain Lucius Marineus Siculus and our author, and an exposition by Alonso de Herrera of Lorenzo Valla’s famous De elegantia linguae Latinae (47–72), a bib. marred by a series of ‘typos’ (73–101), and a very detailed “Index verborum” of De personis (103–123) .]

. 2002 . Abgeleitete Personalbezeichnungen im Deutschen und Englischen: Kontrastive Wortbildungsanalysen im Rahmen des Minimalistischen Programms und unter Berücksichtigng sprachhistorischer Aspekte . (= Studia Linguistica Germanica, 62 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , xx, 769 pp. [ This massive doctoral dissertation submitted at the University of Wuppertal in July 2001 (thesis supervisor: Gisa Rauh) analyses altogether 15 suffix constructions found in German and English, including those derived from Lat. -arius (which are found in borrowings from French) and others derived from French -eur, -euse as well as those (like -ent and -ant) found in both German and English. Other suffixes investigated are -ist, nomina agentis ending in -e, -it and -ite, -ling, -ard, -ee, notably in English, and Modern German suffixes -er, -e, -ler, and -aner. Classified bibliography (753–762), only a 3-page index of subjects, and an index of names (which includes more references to generative theoreticians than to empirical analysts, which is also evident from the bib.). At least the important work of Hans Marchand (1907–1978) receives its due .]

coordinator 2001 . Les relaciones germano-mexicanas: Desde el aporte de los hermanos Humboldt hasta el presente . Mexico : El Colegio de México, Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico [= Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)] & Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , 438 pp. [ This most interesting volume goes much beyond the history of linguistics, of course, but it provides the background for the impact that both Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859), the scientist, and Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835), the linguist, had on the development of various fields in 19th and 20th century Mexico. The contributions go back to an international conference held at the Colegio de México on 11–13 December 1999. A year earlier the Cátedra Extraordinaria Guillermo y Alejandro de Humboldt for the ‘investigation of the social, political, economic and cultural development of present-day Germany’ was established, with the editor of the present volume as its first incumbent. The volume has the following major sections, each carrying between one and four individual articles: I, “El legado de Alejandro y Guillermo de Humboldt”; II, “Las relaciones germano-mexicano en el siglo XIX”; III, “Las relaciones germano-mexicano en el siglo XX”; IV, “Aportes alemanes a la investigación lingüística, arqueológica y etnológica en México” – which includes, inter alia, contributions by Luis Fernando Lara (“Noticia de un viage de Max Leopold Wagner [(1880–1962)] por México en 1914”) and by Klaus Zimmermann (“La contribución de lingüistas alemanes al conocimiento de las lengas de México”); V, “Impacto de la filosofía alemano en México”; VI, “Intercambio cultural”; VII, “La recepción literaria”; VIII, “Imágine del otro”; IX, “La cooperación científicotecnológica”, and a closing X, “Balance y perspectivas”, which consists of a evaluation of the relationship between Mexico and Germany by a political scientist. Name index (425–438) .]

eds. 2001 . Bio-bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachwissenschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Grammatiker, Lexikographen und Sprachtheoretiker des deutschsprachigen Raums mit Beschreibungen ihrer Werke , vol. 7 : Pe – Schr . Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , xviii, 427 pp. in 4º . [ This project, first announced by Brekle & Höller in HL 8.171–190 (1981) and whose first instalment appeared in 1993, is nearing completion. An 8th volume will appear in the not too distant future. Like previous volumes, the present one offers detailed (as much as the available sources permit) biobibliographical information on 18th-century authors in Germanspeaking lands in the established format. Well-researched information (biographical data, analysis of scholarly output, bibliography, and references to secondary sources) is provided for each entry chosen by the editors. It begins with an entry on a certain Josef Johann Nepomuk Pehem (1740–1799), author of an Abhandlung von Einführung der Volkssprache in den öffentlichen Gottesdienst (Vienna, 1783), a proposal that led to Pope Pius VI call him a heretic (Pehem was almost 200 years ahead of his time), and ends with an entry on Friedrich August Schröter (1751–1828), who wrote a number of books of linguistic content, like a Terminologietechnisches Wörterbuch (Erfurt, 1788; 4th ed., 1811) and a Deutsche Sprachlehre für das schöne Geschlecht (Erfurt, 1789). In between, we find entries on a certain Isaac Peyer von Flaach und Haslach (1698–1761) and better known scholars like Johann Siegmund Valentin Popowitsch (1705–1774), Karl Wilhelm Ramler (1725–1798), Elias Caspar Reichard (1714–1791), Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694–1768), Johann Jacob Reiske (1716–1774), Johann Christoph Friedrich Rist (1607–1667), Georg Michael Roth (1769–1817), Johann Christian Christoph Rüdiger (1751–1822), Johann Heinrich (alias Johan Henrich) Schlegel (1724–1780), uncle of the much more famous August Wilhelm Schlegel (1767–1845), who properly belongs to the 19th century (pp. 321–336), Ernst August Schmid (1746–1809), and (the poet) Christoph Otto Freiherr von Schönaich (1725–1807). – Notices on earlier volumes of this Bio-bibliographisches Handbuch have been printed in HL 20:2/3.528 (1993) on volume I, 21.239 and 21.479 (1994) on vols. II and III, respectively, 23:1/2. 256–257 (1996) on vol.IV, 25:3.444–445 (1998) on vol.V, and 26:1/2.239–240(1999) on vol.VI .]

eds. 2002 . Language and Evolution . (= Antwerp Papers in Linguistics, 101 .) Antwerp : University of Antwerp , 100 pp. Apart from an Introduction by the editors (7–13), the booklet prints six papers, among them the following: “The Evolution of Language: A neurolinguistic perspective” by Marco Haverkort (27–37), “Consciousness, Communication, Speech: A condensed view of the origins of language” by Walter A. Koch (39–69), and “Language as a Complex Adaptive System” by Luc Steels (79–88) .]

eds. 2002 . Linguistics in Britain: Personal histories . (= Publications of the Philological Society, 36 .) Oxford & Boston : Blackwell , viii + 319 pp. [ In a manner comparable to the First Person Singular series (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1980, 1991, 1996), the present volume prints autobiographical accounts of 21 male and only 3 female scholars from Britain (one misses contributions from Theodora Bynon, Rebecca Posner, and Vivian Salmon, for instance, and wonders whether they had been approached but declined to contribute). The volume carries, in alphabetial order, autobiographical sketches of unequal length – between 10 (Bendor-Samuel’s) and 30 (Lyons’) pages – and significance by Jean Aitchison (b.1938), W(illiam) Sidney Allen (b.1918), R(onald) E(aton) Asher (b.1926), John T(heodore) Bendor-Samuel (b.1929), Gillian Brown (b.1937), N(eville) E(dgar) Collinge (b.1921), Joseph (Anthony) Cremona (b.1922), David Crystal (b.1941), Gerald (James Michael) Gazdar (b.1950), M(ichael) A(lexander) K(irkwood) Halliday (b.1925), Richard A(nthony) Hudson (b.1939), John (David Michael Henry) Laver (b.1938), Geoffrey (Neil) Leech (b.1936), John Lyons (b.1932), Peter H(ugoe) Matthews (b.1934), Anna Morpurgo Davies (b.1937), Frank R(obert) Palmer (b.1922), Randolph Quirk (b.1920), Robert Henry Robins (1921–2000), Neil(son) V(oyne) Smith (b.1939), John L(eslie) M(elville) Trim (b.1924), Peter J(ohn) Trudgill (b.1943), and J(ohn) C(hristopher) Wells (b.1939). Together these linguists represent two generations; those born between 1918 and 1925, and those of the more closely-knit cohort of 1939 and 1943; Lyons and Gazdar, respectively, are the exceptions in terms of chronology. At least two contributions (Quirk’s and Gazdar’s) were based on interviews. There is a general index covering names, subjects, and terms (305–319).

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure ed. by René Amacker et al. Volume 54 / 2001 . Genève : Librairie Droz , 2002 , 514 pp. [ This is a most impressive, and certainly the most sizable to date, volume of the Cahiers (as they are usually referred to by Saussureans of various stripes). It prints the following items: the Actes du Colloque international « Charles Bally »: De la stylistique à la linguistique générale, held in Geneva, 5–6 December 1997 (3–144); the Actes du Colloque international « Ferdinand de Saussure et l’interdisciplinarité des sciences du langage », held in Zurich, 12–13 November 1999 and edited “sous la responsabilité de Simon Bouquet et Johannes Fehr” (145–337), followed by the regular sections of each CFS number, namely, “Articles”, “Documents”, and “Comptes rendus”: – From this embarrassment of riches, the following contributions may be mentioned: René Amacker, “Charles Bally juge de la Grammaire des fautes [(Paris: Geuthner; Geneva: Kundig; Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1929)] d’Henri Frei [(1899–1982)]” (5–20); Christian Stetter, “Am Ende des Chomsky-Paradigmas – zurück zu Saussure?” (219–267); Jürgen Trabant, “Signe et articulation: La solution humboldtienne d’un mystère saussurien” (269–288); the French transl. (by the author) of Dubravko Škiljan’s postface to the 1997 Slovenian translation of the Cours, “Le silence créatif de Ferdinand de Saussure” (407–425) .]

eds. 2001 . Boletim Historiografia da Lingüística Brasileira No.VI: Em Homenagem a Ataliba Teixeira de Castilho, por ocasião do seu 65o aniversário . São Paulo : Centro de Documentação em Historiografia da Lingüística Brasileira (CEDOCH), FFLCH-USP [i.e., Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciêncas Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo] , 146 pp. ; 1 portrait . [ This Bulletin is published by the History of Linguistics section of the Associaçao Nacional de Pós-Graduaçao e Pesquisa em Letres e Lingüistica (ANPOLL), i.e., the Brazilian association for post-graduate studies and research in philology and linguistics, a huge organization indeed. The research centre is housed at the University of São Paulo and co-ordinated by Cristina Altman. The present issue contains encomia on the Brazilian linguist Ataliba Teixeira de Castilho, the current President of the LatinAmerican Association of Philology and Linguistics (ALFAL), on the occasion of his 65th birthday (93–128). These were written by colleagues, friends and former students such as Francisico de Silva Borba, Mary Kato, Miguel Salles, and others. They are preceded by an autobiographical sketch by the honoree (11–53), who also provided reports on the history and mandate of ALFAL (57–69) – in English – and on the June 2000 meeting of ANPOLL, held at the Univesidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói (71–90) – in Portuguese. CEDOCH constitutes the organizational centre of not only Brazilian but also Latin American efforts of co-ordination of research in the history of linguistics, especially with regard to Latin American traditions .]

. 2002 . Variations sur la linguistique . Entretiens avec Frédéric Fau . Préface et notes de Michel Viel . Paris : Klincksieck , 262 pp. [ Antoine Culioli (b.1924), a professor of English at one of the universities of the Université de Paris system for most, if not all his academic life, is a phenomenon. As far as I know, his reputation as THE theorist of ‘enunciation’, in France and beyond, rests of his lectures and the notes that his students have taken of them over the past 35 or more years and the books they have put together in his name or on his behalf. The present volume is no exception, based on a transcription of seven interview sessions (no exact dates are supplied) conducted by a young discourse analyst, Frédéric Fau (b.1964), with the assistance of Michel Viel (b.1946), himself a professor of English at Paris IV, who also provided a detailed foreword (7–15) and a series of helpful annotations throughout the transcribed interviews. The “Table de matères” (259–262) offers summaries of each session; there is an index of names (255–257), but no index of subjects. In an appendix, Jean-Pierre Desclés offers “Quelques concepts empruntés par A. Culioli à la logique [e.g., de Gottlob Frege} et aux mathématiques” (243–253). For those who don’t read French, the following publication offers a fair introduction to Culioli’s ‘théorie de l’énonciation’: Cognition and Representation in Linguistic Theory, texts selected, edited and introduced by Michel Liddle; translated with the assistance of John T. Stonham (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995), x, 161 pp. ]

2002 . Indo-European Origins: The anthropological evidence . Washington, D. C. : The Institute for the Study of Man , xxiv, 546 pp. ; two colour reproductions, 93 tables and illustrations [ This former Ph.D. dissertation, prepared under the supervision of James P. Mallory of Belfast, the distinguished Indo-European archaeologist, constitutes a comprehensive survey of the available evidence from biological anthropology (but not exclusively) for Indo-European origins. The author first considers the various ways that languages can spread and the possible implications of these expansions. He then embarks on an almost exhaustive survey of over some 2,500 publications, books and articles, relating to or touching upon the physical anthropology of the earliest identified speakers of Indo-European languages, based on ancient texts, artwork, and (possibly) shared vocabulary. Covering both Europe and Asia from the neolithic period onward, Day’s study surveys areas such as dermatoglyphs, mummified corpses, skeletal remains, and genetic material for evidence of ancient population movements. The author then undertakes to integrate findings from biological anthropology with data from linguistics, archaeology as well as social anthropology in an attempt to test the validity of various migration theories in relation to the dispersal of the Indo-European languages, and, eventually, the possible location of the hypothesized Proto-Indo-European homeland. The bibliography (369–546) is impressive. One regrets only that the author has adopted the European tradition of initializing all first names rather than represent them in the manner the authors use their names themselves. No index, but fairly detailed table of contents (v–vi) .]

. 2002 . Aristotle – Semantics and Ontology . Volume I : General Introduction. The Works on Logic . (= Philosophia Antiqua: A series of studies on ancient philosophy, 91:1 .) Leiden – Boston – Köln : Brill , xviii, 749 pp. [ This first of a twovolume undertaking is not for the faint-hearted; it promises to be another opus magnum of the author of the three-volume Logica modernorum: A contribution to the history of early terminist logic (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1962–1967). As the author states in his Preface (p. xvii), he hopes that “the reconstruction of Aristotle’s semantics – ‘semantics’ being taken as a set of more or less consistent semantic views, rather than a system of formal semantics – as advanced in the present study as being genuinely Aristotelian and [that] it will give a new impetus to the study of Aristotelian thought.” In so doing, he expects that his analysis will settle “controversial matters” and clear Aristotle “of the habituel charges of obscurity” by providing “fresh evidence for the fundamental doctrinal consistency of his work” (ibid.). Following the first chapter (“Preliminary matters” [1–74]), in which the critical literature is analyzed and the scene for the subsequent discussion is set (this chapter alone carries 217 footnotes out of a total number of 561), this massive volume deals with the following subjects: Chapter 2, “Statement-making, categorization, and argumentation”, essentially based on Aristotle’s Categories and the secondary literature (75–189); Chapter 3, “Apophantis: The semantics of statement-making in De interpretatione” (190–357); Chapter 4, “The doctrine of categorial being” (358–471); Chapter 5, “The Topics and the Sophistic Refutations” (472–561), and Chapter 6, “The Prior and Posterior Analytics” (562–749). Volume II (see next entry) contains the full bibliography – to make footnote references like the following useful: “For this non-propositional ‘knowledge by acquaintance’ in Plato see De Rijk (1986), 341–7” [p. 749] – and the indexes .]

. 2002 . Aristotle – Semantics and Ontology . Volume II : The Metaphysics. Semantics in Aristotle’s strategy of argument . (= Philosophia Antiqua: A series of studies on ancient philosophy, 91:2 .) Leiden – Boston – Köln : Brill , xi, 498 pp. [ The second volume – received at closing time – continues where the first had left off; it has the following main chapters: 7, Preliminaries to metaphysical enquiry” (1–97); 8, “The proper subject of metaphysics” (98–147); 9, “The claimants for the title ‘true ouisia’” (148–243); 10, “True ousía finally defined as the enmattered” (244–301); 11, “Actual and potential being: The mathematicals” (302–353), 12, “The unity of Aristotle’s thought: The other works” (354–395), and “Epilogue: Making up the balance” (396–416). The back matter consists of the following: “Bibliography” (417–431); a detailed “Index locorum” (432–467) an “Index nominum” (468–476), and an “Index verborum et rerum” (477–498) .]

. 2002 . The Domain of Language . Copenhagen : Museum Tusculum Press, University of Copenhagen , 391 pp. [ A beautifully produced, but rather idiosyncratic textbook, which “is intended as counter-evidence to the perception (one widespread these days) of Linguistics as the domain of dusty schoolroom grammar, where proponents of one theoretical orientation or the other spend their brief breaks in the playground bashing the other lot over the head with their favourite abstractions” (Preface, p. 7). It carries chapters inscribed “Semiotics at gunpoint”, “Nursery talk”, “Back to the apes”, “Pull-ups and putdowns: how to transform your life by hopping on bars.” There is no bibliography and no index .]

( with the assistance of Stephan Bialas, Wilhelm Braun & Ingrid PergandeKaufmann ) ed. 2001 . Brüder Grimm Gedenken: Jahresgabe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Geisteswissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts . Volume 14 . Stuttgart : S. Hirzel Verlag , [viii], 214 pp. , 1 frontispiece; illustr . [ This annual volume contains, among others, the following articles: “Rastlos nach ungedruckten Quellen der deutschen Geistesgeschichte spürend: Albert Leitzmann [(1867–1950)], Philologe und Literaturkritiker” by Ulrich Joost (46–79); “Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Katalogs der Grimm-Bibliothek” by Friedhilde Krause (80–88); “Zur Geschichte der Germanistik im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel des Briefwechsels zwischen Rudolf von Raumer [(1815–1876)] und Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm” by Ulrich Schröter (161–175), and “Zwei Bittschriften Alexander Vollmers [(c.1805–1876)] an Jacob Grimm und König Maximilian II” by Heiko Fiedler-Rauer (176–190). – In addition to the frontispiece, the volume contains 4 more pictures of Leitzmann, who is best known in the history of linguistics for his 7-volume edition of Wilhelm von Humboldt’s linguistic works (Berlin: B. Behr, 1903–1907) .]

. 2002 . Le Son à l’école: Phonétique et enseignement des langues (fin XIXe siècle – début XXe siècle) . Brescia : Editrice la Scuola , 228 pp. [ The book, which carries a twopage editorial “La jeunesse de l’autrefois” by a certain Luis Porcher (7–8) and a “Préface” by the well-known phonetician Ivan Fónagy (9–18), has the following chapters: 1, “La phonétique ‘fin de siècle [i.e., beginning in 1875]’”, 2, “Les grands initiateurs: Paul Passy, Jean Rousselot, Théodore Rosset [(1877–post 1918)], 3, “Physiologie de la parole et enseignement de la prononciation fin XIXème / début XXème siècle”, which mentions the work of Sievers, Sweet, Techmer, Viëtor, and others, and the many scholars and educators in Europe that followed in their footsteps; 4, “Machines qui apprennent à parler à machines qui parlent: un rêve technologie d’autrefois”; 5, “Les grammaires du français parlé: l’époque des grammairiens phonétistes” like Léon Clédat (1851–1930) and Gustav Rolin (1863–1937); 5, “L’Alphabet Phonétique International à ses débuts: alphabet universel et variations”, and 7, “Étude de cas: La méthode phonétique pour l’enseignement du FLE en Italie à travers la lecture du ‘Maître phonétique’ et du ‘Bollettino di Filologia Moderna’ (1894–1895; 1901–1909).” Conclusion (187–199). Bib. (201–220); “Index des noms propres contenus dans le texte” (221–225) .]

. 2002 . Indo-European and Its Closest Relatives: The Eurasiatic language family . Volume I : Lexicon . Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press , [xi], 216 pp. [ This posthumous publication of the late “Joe” Greenberg (1915–2001) carries the following assessment on the dustcover: “This last (and posthumous) work of the twentieth century greatest anthropological linguist is fundametal to the cross-disciplinary conversation among linguists, archaeologists, and geneticists. As a lexicon comparing a unique set of languages, it is also a reference book that scholars would want to refer to, not simply read and put back on its shelf” (Carol F. Justus, University of Texas at Austin). Time will tell whether this assessment will come true, namely, that many of the suggested lexical parallels between Indo-European and other language families such as Uralic, Altaic, Eskimo-Aleut, Old Japanese, etc., borrowings apart, attest to the original existence of an Eurasiatic language family as the author tried to prove. Cf. his own description of the contents of the book (p. 9): “The following 437 etymologies are intended to complement the 72 grammatical etymologies given in Volume 1 [(Stanford, 2000)] and to show that the genetic evidence for the Eurasiatic family is both lexical and grammatical, […]. The lexical etymologies given here focus on those that involve languages and families that have generally been excluded from the Nostratic [also called Afroasiatic, which essentially claims an original Indo-European-Semitic genetic relationship] family, namely, Etruscan, Ainu, Gilyak, Chukotian, and Eskimo-Aleut.” This Eurasiatic family is claimed to be “most closely related to the Amerind family” (p. 2), on which Greenberg published a book in 1987, Language in the Americas (also published by Stanford UP), which tries to suggest a grouping of all American Indian languages into 7 families and 1 macro family. The back matter consists of “References Cited” (196–202), which essentialy lists sources on a great variety of languages published between 1892 – Wilhelm Grube’s (1810–1905) Gilyakisches Wörterverzeichnis nebst grammatischen Bemerkungen (St Petersburg) – and 1995-a monograph by Christopher Ehret on Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic (Univ. of California Press), a “Semantic Index” (205–210), and a “Phonetic Index” (211–216) .]

eds. 2002 . World Lexicon of Grammaticalization . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , xii, 387 pp. [ This is not the run-of-the-mill type of a dictionary of technical terms in linguistics generally, but a well-thought-out treatment of the key terms and concepts in the discussion of the phenomenon of grammaticalization first enunciated by Antoine Meillet in 1912, and which over the past twenty and more years has led to a host of both theoretical and empirical works. What is particularly satisfying – and extremely useful – about this work is the combination of definition, theoretical discussion, and empirical illustration of the individidual observation. Examples are taken from an impressively wide range of languages, from 10th-century Middle Chinese, many African languages (the first author is a well-known Africanist) like Baka (an area of specialization of the second editor), Nama, Swahili, etc. and of course European languages, notably Slavic and Romance, but also Amerindian, Creole languages, Japanese, and Basque, to name only a few. The book is organized as follows. Apart from the regular front matter and a list of “Abbreviations and Symbols”, there is an Introduction, which not only surveys the discussion and recent scholarship but also explains the general approach taken for the production of this work. Chapter 2, “Grammatical Concepts Used in This Work” (15–26) illustrates the manner in which the Lexicon is presented, Chapter or Part 3, “Source-Target Lexicon” constitutes the bulk of the book (27–316), from “Ability > (1) Permissive” to “Yesterday > Past.” The back matter consists of 3 appendices, 1, “Source-Target List”, “Target-Source List”, and (an impressive) “List of Languages” from which examples have been drawn (337–349). Bib. (351–387) .]

( in collaboration with Laurie Bauer, Betty Birner, Ted Briscoe, Peter Collins, David Denison, David Lee, Anita Mittwoch, Geoffrey Nunberg, Frank Palmer, John Payne, Peter Peterson, Leslie Stirling, Gregory Ward ). 2002 . The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , xvii, 1842 pp. [ This massive volume is not a grammar of the regular kind (beginning with phonetics and ending with syntax, with chapters on semantics and suprasegmentals), but something like a reference grammar in the post-Chomskyan fashion which, including the main editors’/authors’ “Preliminaries” (1–42, especially pp. 18–31), is syntax-centred. Thus we have, apart from Chapter 2, “Syntactic overview”, chapters like “The clause: complements”, “Nouns and noun phrases”, “The clause: adjuncts”, “Relative constructions and unbounded dependencies”, “Comparative constructions”, “Non-finite and verb less clauses”, and the like, and a couple of chapters (out of a total of 20) on “Inflectional morphology and related matters” and “Lexical word-formation”, but none devoted to the lexicon proper or to phonology. The concluding chapter is devoted to punctuation. The back matter consists of a list of “Further reading” (1765–1778) and both a ‘lexical’ (1780–1812) and a ‘conceptual’ index (1813–1842) .]

. 2002 . The Syntax of Hungarian . (= Cambridge Syntax Guides, [unnumbered] .) Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , xii, 278 pp. [ As the table of contents suggests, and as the Acknowledgments confirm, this book has been written within the traditional generative framework, dealing with the subjects that are regarded as central (such as topicpredicate articulation, focusing, negation, “The noun phrase”, etc.) with syntactic trees familiar to those who grew up linguistically during the 1960s. Bib. (265–273); general index (275–278) .]

2002 . Toward a History of American Linguistics . (= Routledge Studies in the History of Linguistics, 5 .) London & New York : Routledge , x, 316 pp. ; illustr, 2 portraits . [ From the contents (apart from front and back matter, including detailed indexes): Chapter 1, “The Historiography of American Linguistics”; Chapter 2, “Toward a History of Americanist Linguistics”; Chapter 3, “On the Sources of the ‘Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis’”; Chapter 4, “Leonard Bloomfield and the Cours de linguistique générale”; chap 5, “American Structuralist Linguistics and the ‘Problem of Meaning’”; Chapter 6, “On the Rise and Fall of Generative Semantics”; Chapter 7, Noam Chomsky’s Readings of Saussure after 1961”; Chapter 8, “The ‘Chomskyan Revolution’ and its Historiography”; Chapter 9, “On the Origins of Morphophonemics in American Linguistics”, and Chapter 10, “William Labov and the Origins of Sociolinguistics in America” .]

ed. 2000 . Estructuras sintácticas 40 años después . (= Jornadas, 133 .) Mexico : Centro des Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios, El Colegio de México , 204 pp. in16º . [ This booklet brings together the papers presented at a meeting initiated by the editor to evaluate critically the impact of Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures (The Hague, 1957) on linguistics generally and not merely in the Hispanic world. While the initiator’s intention may not have been fully realized – his own contribution (61–78) appears to be the most critical of the 8 papers – it contains a couple of contributions that may at least be termed ‘interesting’. Josefina García Fajado asks herself whether Chomsky gave the impetus to a ‘semántica de la oración’ (109–137), Ester Herrera Z. gives still celebrates The Sound Pattern of English for the insights it didn’t have in her “La fonología: contexto, texto y actualidad” (as if the works of John Goldsmith and others of the late 1980s and the 1990s had not become available in Mexico); at least she lists Theodore Lightner’s devastating critique of 1976 (p. 154). Of particular interest to the historian of American linguistics may be James Fidelholtz’s (b.1941) recollections of how he got into linguistics as a 20-year-old student of physics and mathematics at M. I. T. in “Los primeros años de la gramática generativa desde la perspectiva de un joven neófito” (157–180), also because it confirms many of the points made by an outsider (see Koerner, this section, Chapter 8). No index .]

. 2002 . Romani: A linguistic introduction . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , xiv, 291 pp. [ This very informative advanced textbook has, apart from a brief introduction (which contains some historical information on the earlier, at times pioneering, work on the language of the ‘Gypsies’ and its various dialects, in which the names of Andrew Borde (1490?–1549), Hiob Ludolf (1624–1704), Johann Christian Christoph Rüdiger (1751–1822), Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), August Friedrich Pott (1802–1887), and others make their appearance, and a ‘brief overview’ of Romani dialects as well as a chapter on “Historical and linguistic origins”, there follow the regular chapters dealing with phonology, morphology, and syntax of Romani. The book also includes chapters on “Grammatical borrowing”, “Dialect classification”, “Romani sociolinguistics”, and a concluding one devoted to “Language planning and codification.” The back matter carries, in addition to a bib., indexes of dialects, names, and subjects .]

eds. 2002 . Anthropology, History, and American Indians: Essays in honor of William Curtis Sturtevant . (= Smithonian Contributions to Anthropology, 44 .) Washington, D. C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , ix, 357 pp. in-4º . frontispiece of William C. Sturtevant [p. x]; many illustrations and (at times coloured) photographs . [ The honoree (b.1926) is a nephew of Edgar Howard Sturtevant of Yale (1875–1952), who is best known as an Indo-Europeanist and specialist of Hittite. William Curtis Sturtevant has been “since 1956 a research anthropologist, and since 1965, a museum curator, at the Smithsonian Institution […] He is one of the world’s leading scholars of the cultures, languages, and histories of the indigenous peoples of the New World. Over the course of his career, he has also served as general editor of the Handbook of North American Indians, [and as] president of four of anthropology’s major professional organizations” (from the “Abstract’ [p. ii]. The 31 contributions, which also include a memoir by his sister Harriet Sturtevant Shapiro (3–10), a vita and a full bibliography by the first editor (11–36, 37–44, respectively), cover many areas of ethnological research. From the contents: “George A[mos] Dorsey [(1868–1931)] and the development of Plains Indian anthropology” by Raymond J. DeMallie & Douglas R. Parks (59–74); “‘A very great harvest of souls’: Timucua Indians and the impact of European colonization” by Jerald T. Milanich (113–120); “Classifying North American Indian languages before 1850” by Elisabeth Tooker (173–178); “Starring the anthropologists in the American Men of Science” [1906–1937]” by David J. Meltzer (221–238), and “The linguistic writings of Alfred Kiyana [(1877–1918)] on Fox (Meskwaki)” by Ives Goddard (285–294). No index .]

2002 . English Corpus Linguistics: An introduction . (= Studies in English Linguistics, [unnumbered] .) Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , xvi, 168 pp. [ The author’s long Preface (xi–xvi) affirms that the subject of ‘corpus linguistics’ is not “a separate paradigm in linguistics”, but just “a way of doing linguistics.” One misses any kind of historical background to this activity, which has grown in importance since the availability of computers. One needs not be told that “Jespersen’s multi-volume A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles (1909–49) would not have been possible had it not been based on a corpus representing the canon of English literature” (p. xii); no word about the fact that Jespersen did the compiling of the materials himself, like the pioneers of the OED, and by hand in painstaking fashion. The chapters of the book are entitled “Corpus analysis and linguistic theory”, “Planning the construction of a corpus”, “Collecting and computerizing data”, etc. certainly a hands-on task. Bib. (153–161); general index (162–168) .]

. 2002 . James Harris’s Theory of Universal Grammar: A synthesis of Aristotelian and Platonic conceptions of language . (= Materialien zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und Semiotik, 12 .) Münster : Nodus Publikationen , 271 pp. [ This work, originally submitted at Sophia University, Tokyo (chair of the examining committee: Shoichi Watanabe; external examiner: Masatomo Ukaji, Tsurumi University) has James Harris’ (1709–1780) opus magnum of 1751, Hermes; or, a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Language and Universal Grammar (4th ed., Dublin: James Williams; 7th ed., London: J. Collingwood, 1825; German translation of Part I, Halle, 1788; French translation, Paris, 1796) as its centre-piece. Apart from a brief introduction, it consists of 3 parts of 9 chapters altogether. Part I is devoted to the ‘origin and development of universal grammar’, beginning with the ideas of Plato and Aristotle; Part II offers, after a biobibliography of Harris, ‘an interpretative reading of Hermes’, and Part III deals with “The Two Dimensions of Harris’s Theory of Universal Grammar.” The back matter consists of a list of references of primary (251–258) and secondary sources (258–264), and an Index Nominum (265–271) with lifedates, but no subject index .]

2001 . The Ecology of Language Evolution . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , xviii, 255 pp. [ “The book presents some of [the author’s] positions over the past decade regarding the development of the creole vernaculars in relation to language evolution in general. The latter notion is used here to cover long-term changes observable in the structure and pragmatics of a language” (Preface, p. xi). Several of the chapters in the present book had previously been published, at times in different form, in specialist journals such as Diachronica and in collective volumes like Historical Linguistics 1997: Selected papers from the 13th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 13), Düsseldorf, 10–17 August 1997 ed. by Monika Schmid et al. (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998), 315–338. (The author gives a rather truncated reference to the latter source in his Acknowledgments, p. xvii; the volume is not included in the References [226–245].) The main chapters of the book carry the following headings: “The Founder Principle in the development of creoles”; “The development of American Englishes: Factoring contact in and the social bias out”; “The legitimate and illegitimate offspring of English”; “What research on the development of creoles can contribute to genetic linguistics”; “Language contact, evolution, and death: How ecology rolls the dice”; “Past and recent population movements in Africa: Their impact on its linguistic landscape.” Endnotes (208–225); indexes of authors (246–248) and of subjects (249–255) .]

2001 . A Definitive Reconstructed Text of the Coligny Calendar . (= Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph, 39 .) Washington, D. C. : Institute for the Study of Man , ii, 49 pp. ; 72 unnumbered pages reproducing plates . [ Transcription, illustration, and interpretation of the Gaulish calendar found in Coligny near Lyon, and probably dating back to the 2nd century A. D., although this 25-year-cycle calendar “probably originated early in the first-century BC” (Introduction, p. 1). Bib. (47–48) .]

ed. 2001 . Dal ‘paradigma’ alla parola: Riflessioni sul metalinguaggio della linguistica. Atti del Convegno Udine – Gorizia, 10–11 febbraio 1999 . (= Lingue, Linguaggi, Metalinguaggio, 2 .) Roma : Editrice “il Calamo” , 422 pp. [ Under the headings “Principi generali, aspetti metodologici”, “Tipi terminologici nel domino del plurilinguismo e dell’interferenza”, “Livelli di analisi, ambiti di interesse”, and three others, the volume brings together 24 articles of differing length and importance. If linguists have to be concerned about metalanguage – note the troublesome lack of distinction in English between linguistic “sprachlich, langagier” and linguistic “sprachwissenschaftlich, linguistique”, which allows people of the stature of Chomsky to remain frustratingly ambiguous (Roberto Gusmani’s note [61–66] deals with Saussure’s terminology) – historians of the field operate more often than they are aware of on the level of metametalanguage. Of interest to readers of HL may be the following articles: “Storia e statuto dei termini indogermanico e indoeuropeo” by Giancarlo Bolongnesi, which, curiously enough, omits any reference to Koerner, “Observations on the Sources, Transmission, and Meaning of ‘Indo-European’ and Related Terms in the Development of Linguistics”, Indogermanische Forschungen 86.1–31 (repr. in Koerner, Practicing Linguistic Historiography: Selected essays, 149–177. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1989), “L’asterisco dalla linguistica storica alla linguistica teorica e descrittiva” by Giorgio Graffi (53–60), of which a revised and somewhat enlarged version appears in the present issue of HL, “La terminologia dell’approccio relativistico” by Žarko Muljačić (151–160), and Amedeo De Domincis, “Un’interferenza della terminologia metalinguistica sulla descrizione fonologica” (257–276). No index .]

eds. 2001 . A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature . Oxford & Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers , xviii, 529 pp. ; 1 map . [ This beautifully produced volume “will be of substantial importance for all academics and students in the field of early medieval studies, and Anglo-Saxon in particular” (Preface, p. xi). From the list of 25 contributors (x–xiv), which includes Robert E. Bjork, Rolf Bremmer, Nicholas Howe, Fred C. Robinson, Donald G. Scragg, Jonathan Wilcox, and many others, it is obvious that for each special area of interest scholars of distinction have been chosen. Under (fairly bland, if in part fashionable) section headings such as I, “Contexts and Perspectives”; II, “Readings: Cultural framework and heritage”; III, “Genres and Modes”; IV, “Intertextualities: Sources and influences”, and V, “Debates and Issues”, we find the following contributions, at least some of which may be of interest to HL readers: “Anglo-Saxon manuscript production”; “The Benedictine reform and beyond”; “Biblical and patristic learning”; “The Irish tradition”, and Anglo-Saxon studies in the various centuries, from John Leland (c.1502–1552), chaplain and librarian to Henry VIII, to the end of the 20th century (and the place Anglo-Saxon Studies hold in the annual meetings of the MLA). Also covered are AngloSaxon Studies in Denmark and German-speaking lands in the 19th century. The back matter consists of “Selected Further Reading” in the various areas covered in the volume (506–510) and a general index (511–529) .]

. 2001 . A Revolution in Language: The problem of signs in late eighteenthcentury France . Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press , viii, 410 pp. ; illustr . [ In her Introduction (p. 5), the author argues “that during the Enlightenment, a moment of exceptional attention to linguistic questions, there developed an acute and singular sense of the power of language to shape human destiny.” Her well-researched study of consists oif the following chapters: 1, “The gestural origins of semiosis and society: An Enlightenment solution, 1745–60; 2, “Pantomime as theater, 1760–89”; 3, “Pantomime as pedagogy, 1760–89”; 4, “Revolutionary regeneration and the politics of signs, 1789–84”, and 5, “Ending the logomachy, 1795–99.” The conclusion is entitled “The savage, the citizen, and the language of the law after 1800.” Given the many hundreds of notes (some of them merely of the kind “Ibid., 3”), one regrets the use of endnotes, which take up almost 100 pages (249–344), instead of footnotes, something which should not be too difficult to produce in our electronic age. Very full bibliography of “Manuscript sources” (345–346), lists of periodicals, newspapers, bulletins, and other scholarly outlets (346–348), primary (348–374) and secondary sources (374–397). General index (399–410) .]

. 2000 . Geschichte der deutschen Sprache: Ein Lehrbuch für das germanistische Studium . 8 ., völlig überarbeitete Auflage, erarbeitet unter der Leitung von Helmut Langner & Norbert Richard Wolf . Stuttgart : S. Hirzel Verlag , 407 pp. ; 6 separate tables, many illustrations, 1 map . [ This history of the German language, whose first edition goes back to efforts begun during 1966/67 by the person mentioned as author, was first published in 1969 in the former DDR (Berlin: Volk & Wissen). It has since gone through considerable revisions, notably beginning with the 6th edition of 1992. In addition to the current editors, chapters or part of chapters have been contributed by Rudolf Bentzinger, Elisabeth Berner, Brigitte Döring, Erwin Koller and Horst Naumann. – The chapters are entitled: 1, “Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der deutschen Sprache” (35–189), which surveys the development of German from its Indo-European roots to the present day; 2, “Althochdeutsch” (190–239) treats the phonology, morphology and syntax of Old High German; 3, “Mittelhochdeutsch” (240–297) proceeds in similar fashion; likewise the Chapter 4, on Early Modern German (“Frühneuhochdeutsch” [298–376]). The back matter consists of an important bib. (377–401), which unfortunately still initializes first names (instead of writing them out as they appear in the publications themselves) and omits the names of publishers, and a general index (402–407) .]

ed. 2001 . Briefwechsel zwischen Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm . (= Briefwechsel der Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, 1:1 .) Stuttgart : S. Hirzel Verlag , 802 pp. [ According to the “Vorwort”, signed by Uwe Meves & Jens Haustein, at least 30,000 letters were written by the Grimm brothers as much of their work was accompanied by correspondence with other scholars throughout Europe. The present volume is devoted only to the correspondence between Jacob and Wilhelm between October 1793 and August 1858 (575 letters), to which have been added two other kinds of text, detailed notes written by Wilhelm for his brother in 1811 and 1812 and the two brothers’ testaments written at various points in their lives (795–798). The back matter consists of the editor’s description of the method followed in the present critical edition; the name index for the present volume is promised for the “Apparatband 1.3” .]

ed. 2002 . American Languages in New France: Extracts from The Jesuit Relations . (= Annals of Colonial America, 1 .) Bristol, Pa. : Evolution Publishing [ address: 10 Canal St., Suite 231, Bristol, PA 19007–3900 ], [ v ], 331 pp. , 1 map . [ As we have learned from the late Victor Egon Hanzeli’s (1925–1991) 1969 study, Missionary Linguistics in New France (The Hague: Mouton), the reports that the Jesuit Order produced and published in Paris between 1632 and 1673, and much later made available in English translation by Reuben Gold Thwaites’s 73-volume Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: Travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610–1791. The original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes (Cleveland, Ohio: Burrows Brothers, 1896–1901), constitute the primary sources of our knowledge of American Indian languages in what are today known as Quebec, Ontario and the Mississippi Valley (and some adjacient areas, such as the American Northeast and Wisconsin), since the missionaries also made entries on their studies of the indigenous languages and added comments on their difficulties and at times provided lists of lexical items and grammatical sketches of the Algonquian, Iroquian, and other languages they encountered. The present volume represents extracts from the Jesuit Relations which carry linguistic and related information on the languages of the Algonquins and Hurons, the Montagnais, the Iroquois, and others (21–257). To these excerpts, the editor has added three appendices, a “Native Language Concordance” (291–311), “Jesuit Linguistic Classification” (313–321), and “Selected Jesuit Biographies” (323–331), taken from Arthur E. Jones’ Catalogue in Thwaites, Volume 71. The latter is particularly valuable as no such information was provided in Hanzeli’s book .]

eds. 2001[1998] . The Handbook of Morphology . First paperback ed. Oxford & Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers , xvi, 815 pp. [ This massive volume contains 32 articles/chapters organized under the following major sections: I, “The Phenomena [of morphology, such as inflection, derivation, compounding, etc.]; II, “Morphology and Grammar”; III, “Theoretical Issues”, which includes a contribution on “Prosodic Morphology [and Phonology]” by Alan S. Prince (283–305), without any mention of J. R. Firth; IV, “Morphology in a Wider Setting”, which includes articles by Brian D. Joseph on “Diachronic Morphology” and James M. McQueen & Anne Cutler on “Morphology and Word Recognition”, among others; and V, “Morphological Sketches” of languages such Archi (Daghestanian), Celtic, Chukchee (Paleo-Siberian), Slave (Northern Athapaskan), and others. “Subject Index” (791–809); “Author Index” (810–815). This is obviously a textbook that concentrates on the machinery and, therefore, the synchronic aspects (apart from Joseph’s article). Given that the contributions are, arguably, written by the best authors in the field possible, it reflects the ‘state of the art’ to a great extent. What readers of HL will miss is any evidence for an awareness among at least some of the (mostly North American but also British) contributors that Morphology has a much longer history than Hockett’s 1954 “Two Models of Grammatical Description.” Typically, the chapter on Morphonological operations” (123–143) by the first editor contains no reference to Bloomfield’s 1939 “Menomini Morphophonemics”, nor is there any mention of the pioneering work of N. S. Trubetzloy. Like the bulk of the contributions, it deals with the mechanics of the trade exclusively. Studying the master list of references (737–790), one gets the impression that Morris Halle’s 1973 “Prolegomena to a Theory of Word-Formation” – the bibliography (p. 755) does not even get its title right – ‘opened of the field’. The work of the Tübingen school led by Hans Marchand (two works of his are mentioned, p. 768), for instance, such as that by Dieter Kastovsky, Leonhard Lipka, or Gabriele Stein are totally ignored .]

eds. 2001 . New Essays on the Origin of Language . (= Trends in Linguistics, 133 .) Berlin & New York : Mouton de Gruyter , vi, 258 pp. ; 1 illustr . [ Following an introduction by the first editor, “New perspectives on an old academic question”, which, although it begins with Leibniz, shows the strong influence. Trabant he also defends the originality of Herder (1772): his answer to the question of the Prussian Academy about the origin of language “is revolutionary because he inverts the traditional conception of language” (p. 4). The 11 original contributions by scholars such as Wolfgang Klein, James R. Hurford, Jean Aitchison, Volker Heeschen, and Henri Meschonnic are organized under three headings: I, “Biological Aspects of the Question; II, “The First Language”, and III, “Beyond biolinguistics.” Combined bibliography (229–255); brief general index (257–258) .]

eds. 2001 . Sprachbeschreibung & Typolgie: Publikation zum Workshop vom 16. Dezember in Bern . Bern : Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bern , vi, 98 + 5 pp. [ From the contents: “Serielle Verbkonstruktionen im Kreolischen von Haiti: Eine typologische Annäherung” by Claudia Bucheli; “Nomen-Verb Unterscheidung im Santali” by Lukas Neukom; “Keep it complicaed: Inverse and inverse-like marking in Mapudungun [a native Amerindian language spoken in Argentina and Chile]” by Fernando Zúñiga, and two other papers. No index .]

. 2001 . Verwandlung der Welt in Sprache: Aristotelische Ontologie im Sprachdenken Wilhelm von Humboldts . (= Humboldt-Studien, [unnumbered] .) Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich : Ferdinand Schöningh , 656 pp. [ This massive opus goes back to the author’s University of Düsseldorf dissertation of 2000 (thesis director: Georg Stötzel). It consists of four main parts, following an introduction entitled “Die Verwandlung der Welt [in Sprache]”, which derives from Humboldt’s famous 1827 paper “Ueber den Dualis” (cf. p. 37): I, “Rekonstruktionen Humboldts”; II, “Humboldts Gedächtnis”; III, “Die Ordnung der Wirklichkeit”, and IV, “Die Ordnung der Sprache.” The concluding part, “Nachwort: Humboldts Welt: Schock und Schöpfung der Sprache”, consists of three sections: 1, “Sprachhandel als Welthandel: Wirkliches Verstehen”; 2, “Geschichtsvermögen: Über die Aufgabe des Sprachschreibers”, and 3, “Genesis: Schock und Schöpfung der Sprache.” The back matter carries a detailed Literaturverzeichnis, first a bibliography of the various text editions of and secondary sources on Aristotle (591–605), then primary and secondary literature concerning Humboldt (605–643), followed by “Sonstige Literatur” (643–650). Regrettably, there’s only a name index (651–656) .]

. 2002 . Projekt Üsserschwyz: Dialektanpassung und Dialektloyalität von Oberwalliser Migranten . (= Arbeitspapier, 39 .) Bern : Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bern , iv, 147 pp. [ This Arbeitspapier, the first in the series of which appeared in 1970 (consisting of two lectures by Urs Egli on Transformational Grammar), reports on the 3-year research, funded by the Fonds national suisse and directed by the first author, on the sociolinguistic behaviour of migrants from the Wallis into German-speaking Switzerland. (While the Alsatians refer to the rest of their country as ‘la France intérieure’, the Walisians refer the area outside their canton as ‘Outer Switzerland’.) The investigators found that these migrants are determined to maintain as much of their regional, dialectal identity while at the same time feeling the need to accommodate their variety to the dialects of Bern and other places in order to assure successful communication. The back matter consists of a presentation of the essential data the researchers worked with and/or collected and a bib. There is no index .]