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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics, in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed. Items preceded by an asterisk have been chosen for review in one of the forthcoming issues of HL. They will only be listed here.
. 1975 . Sprache und Philosophie . Berlin : VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften , 327 pp. [ Of particular interest to historians of linguistic ideas are the following chaps.: I, “Ueber die Herausbildung der Einheit von Seinslehre, Erkenntnistheorie und Sprache in der Antike” (23–45); II, “Sprachlogische Reflexionen im Mittelalter” (46–61); III, “Die soziale und gnoseologische Funktion der Sprache in der sich herausbildenden klassischen bürgerlichen Philosophie [in the 17th and 18th centuries]” (62–93); IV, “Die Erkenntnistheorie Kants und ihr Einfluss auf die Herausbildung der Sprachphilosophie im 19. Jahrhundert” (94–130), and V, “Hegel und das Problem von Sprache und Bewusstsein” (131–48). Bibliographical footnotes; index of subjects (317–20) and authors (321–27). ]
ed. 1975 . Pierre-Nicolas Bonamy: Vier Abhandlungen zum Vulgärlatein und zur Frühgeschichte des Französischen . (= Lingua et Traditio: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 1 .) Tübingen : G. Narr , 48+115 pp .
. 1973 . l’Encyclopédie: “grammaire” et “langue” au XVIIIe siècle . (= Collection “Repères”; série bleu .) Paris : Maison Mame , 175 pp. in-16° . [ The booklet consists of a general introduction by A. outlining the main theses of the 2 famous articles in the Encyclopédie and commenting upon their theoretical acumen (9–59), followed by re-editions of François Douchet and Nicolas Beauzée’s article “Grammaire” of 1757 (Encyclopédie 7.841–47) and Beauzée’s contribution to tome 9 (pp. 245–66) of 1765 entitled “Langue” (63–90 and 93–172, respectively). No index. ]
. 1975 . Beauzée’s Grammaire générale: Theory and methodology . (= Janua Linguarum; series maior, 82 .) The Hague & Paris : Mouton , 202 pp. in small-4°. Cloth, Hfl . 58.00 . [ Rev. version of a 1969 Simon Fraser Univ. doctoral diss. It contains the following main chaps.: 1, “Universalism and universal grammars” (13–17); 2, “Beauzée – intellectual milieu, work and sources (18–30); 3, “Theory and methodology” (31–45); 4, “Beauzée’s metalanguage” (46–61); 5, “Thought and the synthesis of content” (62–122); 6, “Content and the synthesis of expression” (123–72); 7, “Validity in theory and grammar” (173–82), and 8, “The modern relevance of Beauzée’s Grammaire générale” (183–88). Detailed bibliographies (189–93), several appendices and indexes conclude the vol. ]
. 1975 . Die grundlegenden Texte von Ludwig Wittgenstein . Frankfurt/M. : Suhrkamp , 218 pp. [ The book constitutes an attempt to synthesize, to bring together statements made by Wittgenstein on various topics central to his philosophy, e.g., ‘certainty’, ‘world’, ‘subject’, ‘temporality’, ‘language’, ‘Verstehen’, ‘meaning’, etc., using all accessible sources of W’s papers (cf. the index of quotations and references, 209–18). ]
ed. 1975 . Sprachwandel: Reader zur diachronischen Sprachwissenschaft . (= Grundlagen der Kommunikation .) Berlin : W. de Gruyter , X+368 pp. Paper, DM 28 ,–. [ The vol. consists of a detailed introductory discussion of the problem of language change, together with a select bibliography (1–51, 51–61), followed by excerpts or entire reeditions (in German translation) of papers by the following linguists: Mikołaj Kruszewski (62–77), Roman Jakobson (78–98), Walther von Wartburg (99–115), Mirra Moiseevna Guxman (116–33), Eugenio Coseriu (134–49), André Martinet (150–76), Alf Sommerfeit (177–89), Josef Vachek (190–207), Horst Isenberg (208–36), Paul Kiparsky (237–75), Elizabeth Closs Traugott (276–304), William Labov (305–34), and John J. Gumperz (335–54). Each individual article has its original bibliography appended; index of authors (356–61) and subjects (362–68). ]
ed. 1976 . The Concepts of Space and Time: Their structure and their development . (= Synthese Library, 74 = Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 22 .) Dordrecht/Holland & Boston : D. Reidel , LVII+570 pp. Cloth, Hfl . 150 ,–. [ An anthology of 20th-century studies on the concepts of time and space together with selected statements by Western philosophers from antiquity to modern times, arranged under the following 3 main headings: I, “Ancient and Classical Ideas of Space” (3–134), II, “The Classical and Ancient Concepts of Time” (137–264), and III, “Modern Views of Space and Time and their Anticipations [in Berkeley, Leibniz et al.]” (267–566). Index of names (567–70), no bibliography. The selection is preceded by a lengthy introd. by the ed. (XVII-LVII). ]
. 1974 . Form und Funktion in der Wortbildung: Die Diminuitiv- und Augmentativmodifikation im Lateinischen, Deutschen und Romanischen. Ein kritischer Forschungsbericht 1900–1970 . (= Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 47 ). Tübingen : G. Narr , VIII+170 pp. [ Bibliography , 163 – 70 .]
. 1975 . Pallas und andere afrikanische Vokabularien vor dem 19. Jahrhundert: Ein Beitrag zur Forschungsgeschichte . (= Kommentare zu Peter Simon Pallas, Linguarum totius orbis vocabularia comparativa, 1 .) Hamburg : H. Buske , IX+294 pp.+ folding tables. Cloth, DM 60 ,–. [ After a brief introductory chap. outlining the purpose and scope of the study (1–4), F. offers a detailed background study of the famous 18th-century compilation of words undertaken in Russia, originally initiated by Catherine II, but generally associated with the name of the scientist-traveler Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), an account largely based on Friedrich Adelung’s report of 1815, Catherinens der Grossen Verdienste um die vergleichende Sprachenkunde (5–63). After presenting contemporary or later vocabularies by Johann Christoph Adelung and his successors (64–68), Christian Georg Andreas Oldendorp (69–78), Jean Barbot (79–83), and Anders Sparrman (84–92), F. analyses them in view of the African materials they contain (93–166). A brief evaluation of the value of these vocabularies, notes, bibliographies (191–215), and various appendices follow. ]
Gesellschafts- Wissenschaften 3/1975 . Moscow : Akad. der Wissenschaften der UdSSR , 310 pp. [ Includes a report by A. A. Ufimceva, “Theoretische Fragen der Sprachwissenschaft” (275–77), on a conference held in Moscow in November 1974. ]
. 1975 . Einführung in die anglistische Sprachwissenschaft . (= Studienreihe Englisch, 2 .) Düsseldorf : A. Bagel ; Bern & Munich : A. Francke , 190 pp. [ A competent introduction to English linguistics largely based on the ‘standard theory’ of transformational-generative grammar, in particular where part I, “Sprachstand” (9–90), i.e., the synchronic aspects of Modern English, are concerned. The second part, “Sprachwandel”, treats the stages of Old to Modern English and theories of language change in general. There is a selected bibliography (144–52), followed by copious notes (153–84) as well as indexes of authors (185–87) and subjects (188–90). ]
ed. 1974 . On Noam Chomsky: Critical essays . Garden City, NY : Anchor Books & Doubleday , XII+ 348 pp. Paper , $ 4.95 . [ A collection of papers, critical or ecumenical, on Chomsky and Transformational-Generative Theory; it includes John Searle’s “Chomsky’s Revolution in Linguistics” of 1972 (2–33), Robert B. Lees’ review of Syntactic Structures of 1957 (33–79), Hilary Putnam’s 1961 critique of the same book (80–103), excerpts from John R. Ross’ 1967 dissertation, Constraints on Variables in Syntax (165–200), Gilbert Harman’s partisan review of the 2nd and enl. ed. of Chomsky’s Language and Mind, originally published in 1973, and Dell Hymes’ review of 1972 of John Lyons’ 1970 book on Chomsky (316–33). The original bibliographies have been reprinted without updating; the vol. concludes with an index of names and terms (335–45). ]
ed. 1974 . Phonetik und Phonologie: Aufsätze 1925–1957 . (= Kritische Information, 20 .) Munich : W. Fink , 231 pp. Paper, DM 28 ,–. [ An anthology of important articles on phonological and phonetic theory which appeared between Sapir’s “Sound Patterns in Language” of 1925 (14–28) and Sebastian K. Saumjan’s “Der Gegenstand der Phonologie” (219–31) of 1957, most of which having been translated here for the first time. They include Bloomfield’s 1926 “Postulates”, Daniel Jones’ 1932 “Theory of Phonemes”, Morris Swadesh’s 1934 “The Phonemic Principle” (but not William Freeman Twaddell’s study of the same year), and a number of other cogent arguments of the period. Apart from the ed.’s brief introd., there is no bibliography and no index to guide the reader. ]
. 1975 . Hegel und Jacob Grimm . (= Philologische Studien und Quellen, 76 .) Berlin : E. Schmidt , 366 pp. Paper, DM 69 ,–. [ The study devoted to 19th-century intellectual history in Germany consists of the following major portions: “Einführung: Die Erkenntnis-interessen Jacob Grimms und Hegels und ihre Funktion innerhalb der Geschichte germanistischer Wissenschaftstheorie” (15–47); “Jacob Grimm – Persönliche und problemgeschichtliche Voraussetzungen und historisch-politische Intentionen seines Werkes” (48–114), “Die Philosophie Hegels” (115–51), viewed as being in sharp contrast to Grimm’s philosophical outlook in the subsequent chaps.: “Die historistische Volksgeist-Metaphysik Jacob Grimms” (152–77); “Hegels Volksgeist als geschichtliche Erscheinungsform des absoluten Geistes” (178–98); “Jacob Grimms mythologisches Geschichtsverständnis” (199–222); “Hegels panlogistisch-systematische Geschichtsinterpretation” (223–53); “Jacob Grimms historisches Verständnis der Sprache” (254–83); “Die systematische Funktion der Sprache in Hegels Philosophie des Geistes” (284–97); “Hegel und Jacob Grimm – Ein Vergleich ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen Positionen” (298–343). A chronological table of Hegel and Grimm’s curriculum vitae (344–50), a detailed bibliography (351–62), and an index of authors (363–66) round off the study. ]
. 1974 . Wittgenstein . Transl, from the E. (Penguin, 1972) by Hermann Vetter . Frankfurt/M. : Suhrkamp , 271 pp. Paper, DM 12 ,–. [ Introductory outline of Wittgenstein’s philosophy which includes the following chaps.: 1, “Eine biographische Skizze der Philosophie Wittgensteins” (11–30), 2, “Das Erbe Freges und Russells” (31–57), 3, “Die Kritik an den Principia [mathematica]” (58–69), etc., concluding with chap. 12, “Die Einheit der Philosophie Wittgensteins” (255–70), and a bibliographical note (271). There is no index. ]
1975 . Universal language schemes in England and France, 1600–1700 . Toronto & Buffalo, NY : Univ. of Toronto Press , XII+301 pp. Cloth, $ 17.50 . [ Cf. Vivian Salmon’s review, “A Tongue for Everyone”, Times Literary Supplement of 28 Nov. 1975, pp. 1403–04. ]
Linguistics: An international review No . 144 ( 15 Jan. 1975 ), 128 pp. [ This issue is devoted to language typology, with contributions by Henrik Birnbaum, W. Lehfeldt & G. Altmann, Ju. K. Lekomcev, and others, including a review by Vladimir Skalička of Gabriel Altmann and Werner Lehfeldt, Allgemeine Sprachtypologie (Munich: Fink, 1973). For a historical account of the typologies suggested by F. and A. W. Schlegel and W. von Humboldt, see esp. pp. 57–68. ]
Lingvistica . (= Istoria ştiinţelor în România, 1 .) Collective vol. ed. by Iorgu Iordan . Bucharest : Edit. Acad. Rep. Soc. România , 175 pp. [ The vol. contains the following main chaps, devoted to particular periods of linguistic work in Rumania: ‘Pre-1780’ (13–17), ‘1780–1828’ (18–32), ‘1828–1870’ (33–54), ‘1870–1918’ (55–84), ‘1918–1944’ (85–119), and ‘1944–1970’ (120–154); there is an 11-page Fr. summary of the book (159–68), and an index of authors (169–75), but no bibliography. ]
. 1975 . Prinzipien der ersten Textkritischen Editionen mittelhochdeutscher Dichtung: Brüder Grimm – Benecke – Lachmann. Eine methodenkritische Analyse . (= Philologische Studien und Quellen, 77 .) Berlin : E. Schmidt , 521 pp. Paper, DM 64 ,–. [ A study of the philological methods developed by Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859), Georg Friedrich Benecke (1762–1844), and Karl Lachmann (1793–1850) during the period of 1800–1843. The very detailed analysis concludes with a full bibliography of primary and secondary sources (480–515) and various indexes (516–21). Linguistic and philological ideas of other 19th-century scholars, e.g., Adelung, the Schlegels, and others, are also taken into account on various occasions. ]
. 1974 . Ueber Sprache, Stil und Ueber-setzung . Ed. by Heinz Ruschinski and Bruno Retzlaff-Kresse . Berlin : Dietz , 726 pp. Cloth, M 30 ,–. [ A very informative anthology bringing together from the work of Marx and Engels, including their correspondence with other contemporaries, statements, detailed analyses as well as shorter observations concerning the study of language, here arranged under the following major headings: “Ueber die Rolle der Sprachen im Leben von Marx and Engels” (23–338), which bear witness to the importance both Marx and Engels attached to linguistic problems and to their command of a variety of western and Slavic languages; “Zu Fragen des Sprachgebrauchs und des Stils” (341–72), and “Zum Uebersetzen” (475–586). Apart from supplying the locations of the passages printed in the volume, the editors have added a considerable number of explanatory footnotes (595–640). A detailed bibliography of primary (641–49) and secondary sources (650–70), followed by contemporary periodicals (67078), and a very informative “Personenverzeichnis” (679–723) conclude the vol. ]
. 1975 . Principles of Firthian Linguistics . (= Longmans Linguistics Library, 19 .) London : Longman , XVIII+213 pp. Cloth, £ 6.50 . [ A collection of previously published articles devoted to theoretical and methodological issues raised in the work of John Rupert Firth (1890–1960), and developed in his school of thought, e.g., the questions of collocation, colligation, context of situation, prosody, syllabication, etc. Bibliography (201–06), index (207–13). ]
. 1974 . Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: A history of rhetorical theory from Saint Augustine to the Renaissance . Berkeley-Los Angeles-London : Univ. of California Press , XIV+395 pp. [ The study consists of the following chaps.: I, “The four ancient traditions” (3–42); II, “Saint Augustine and the age of transition, A.D. 400 to 1050” (43–88); III, “Survival of the classical traditions” (89–132); IV, ’Ars poetriae: Preceptive grammar, or the rhetoric of verse-writing” (135–93); V, “Ars dictaminis: The art of letter-writing” (194–268), and VI, “Ars praedicandi: The art of preaching” (269–355). An “Epilogue: Rediscovery and implications” (357–63), an appendix on “Figures of diction and of thought from Rhetorica ad Herennium, Book IV” (365–74), and an extensive index (375–95) round off the informative study, for which the author received two national awards in Feb. 1976. ]
. 1975 . Die Sprachauffassung Alfons des Weisen: Studien zur Sprach- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte . (= Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 144 .) Tübingen : M. Niemeyer , XII+204 pp. Cloth, DM 42 ,–. [ Study on the philological work of Alfonso X, “el Sabio” (1221–84). ]
Papiere zur Linguistik 7 . Kronberg/Taunus : Scriptor , 1974 , 80 pp. [ Consists of 3 papers by Theo Vennemann, Jorge Hankamer, and John Robert Ross devoted to word order. ]
ed. 1976 . History of Linguistic Thought and Contemporary Linguistics . Berlin & New York : W. de Gruyter , IX+816 pp. Cloth, DM 180 ,–. [ The vol. comprises articles by some 30 scholars arranged under the following major headings: “Aims and methods of the historiography of linguistic thought” (1–31); “Through the history of linguistic thought” (32–101); “Sanskrit and ancient theories of language” (102–63); “Medieval and Renaissance linguistic and logical theories of language” (164–330); “Rationalism versus empiricism in France and Great Britain: From the Cartesians to the Anti-Tooke” (331–517); “Leibnizian and Humboldtian paradigms in German linguistic thought” (518–684), and “Towards contemporary linguistics and philosophy of language” (685–810). “Index of Names” (811–16). ]
. 1975 . Die Etymologie: Geschichte – Fragen – Methode . (= Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 26 .) Transl. from the It. by Irene Riemer . Munich : W. Fink , 210 pp. Paper, DM 36 ,–. [ It. original, L’etimologia: Storia, questioni, metodo, 2a ed. riveduta e accresciuta (Brescia: Paideia, 1967). For historians of linguistic thought only the first of altogether 8 articles, “Geschichte und Begriff der Etymologie” (11–47), is of interest. There are bibliographical references for each individual chap. (185–90), indexes of subjects (191–93) and lexical items (194–206) as well as an index of names (207–10). ]
1975 . Textwissenschaft und Textanalyse: Semiotik, Linguistik, Rhetorik . (= Uni-Taschenbücher, 328 .) Heidelberg : Quelle & Meyer , 354 pp. Paper, DM 22,80 . [ The study consists of 2 major parts, “Von der Literaturwissenschaft zur Textwissenschaft” (14–119) and “Von der Textwissenschaft zur Literaturwissenschaft” (120–308), and introduces modern linguistic methods in the analysis to literary texts. The vol. contains a detailed bibliography (311–38), and indexes of authors (339–45) and subjects (346–54). ]
. 1974 . Selected Works: Articles on general linguistics . Comp. by A(leksej) A(lekseevič) Leont’ev . Transl. from the 1968 Russ. ed. by (James) Daniel Armstrong . (= Janua Linguarum; series maior, 72 .) The Hague & Paris : Mouton , 386 pp. in small-4°. Cloth, Hfl . 120 ,–. [ The vol. contains some 20 papers by Polivanov (1891–1938) arranged under the following headings: “Introductory Section”, which consists of a brief historical survey of linguistic work done in Russia between 1917 and 1927 (57–61); “The Theory of Language Evolution” (65–136); “Methods of Comparative Historical Linguistics” (139–66); “Sociological Linguistics” (169–219); “Applied Linguistics” (223–72), and “Linguistics and Poetics” (275–91). The selection is preceded by a very informative bio-bibliographical account of the author, “The Life and Activities of E. D. Polivanov” (11–31) and “List of the Works…” (32–50), followed by a list of publications on Polivanov (51–53). An appendix includes two commentaries on P’s articles, one by A. A. Leont’ev (295–307), which is mainly concerned with illucidating certain passages and references in terms of their historical setting, and another by Vjač(eslav) V. Ivanov (308–34), analyzing certain passages and observations by P. in terms of present-day findings and commitments. In addition, two studies by P. which had been published in other places (and therefore were not included in the Russ. ed. of the present vol.) have been printed in the E. ed.: “Historical linguistics and language policy” (335–49, previously printed in V. A. Zvegincev’s History of Linguistics in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Part II, 263–78 [Moscow, 1960] – cf. HL 1:3, p. 360 [1974]), and “The general phonetic principle of any poetic technique” (350–67, first published in VJa 12:1.99–112 [1963]). Indexes of subjects (369–71), authors (372–75), and of words by language (376–86) conclude the vol. ]
. 1975 . The New Grammarians’ Funeral: A critique of Noam Chomsky’s linguistics . Cambridge-London-New York-Melbourne : Cambridge Univ. Press , XIV+189 pp. Cloth, £ 4.50 . [ The book contains the following chaps.: “The Science of Language” (1–14); “Chomsky’s Grammar to the Rescue” (15–35); “The Limits of Transformational-Generative Grammar” (36–52); “Chomsky’s Temptations and Falls, …” (53–86); “The Wild Goose Chase of Meaning out of Language: Chomskyan Semantics I: Universal concepts” (87–103); “Chomskyan Semantics II: Making propositions” (104–44); “Linguistics and Philosophy: Chomsky’s failure with Wittgenstein” (145–55); “Linguistics and Everything Else” (156–68), and ‘“The Science of Language’ Revisited” (169–86). The book concludes with an index of names and terms (187–89); there are only scattered bibliographical footnotes and a list of the essential writings by Chomsky (xiii-xiv). ]
. 1974 . Das Vernersche Gesetz in Forschung und Lehre 1875–1975 . (= Acta Reg. Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis, 71 .) Lund : C. W. K. Gleerup , 180 pp. Paper, Swed. Crowns 50 ,–. [ The monograph devoted to the discussion of ‘Verner’s law’ from its first formulation in 1875 to the early 1970s consists of the following chaps.: I, “Verner, seine Anhänger und Kritiker” (23–121), which constitutes a very detailed chronological account of the reception and, at times, partial dismissal, of Verner’s epoch-making findings; II, “Parallelen aus neueren Sprachen” (122–26), i.e., application of the ‘law’ to modern languages; III, “Das Vernersche Gesetz im Gotischen” (127–31); “Die Chronologie des Vernerschen Gesetzes” (132–35), and “Das Vernersche Gesetz in phonologisch-synchronischer Sicht” (136–44). The introduction (9–22) reprints Verner’s Statement “Zur Frage der Entdeckung des Palatalgesetzes” (17–20), originally published in 1886 in Literarisches Centraiblatt 49, coll. 1707–10; the conclusion (145–62) is followed by an appendix reproducing a letter of recommendation by Verner on behalf of Hermann Mø11er (1850–1923), a bibliography, and an index of authors (164–67, 169–77, 178–80, respectively). ]
. 1975 . F. de Saussure: Cours de linguistique générale . Paris : Hatier , 96 pp. in-16°. [ The booklet consists of a condensation of Saussure’s Cours under the following major headings “Définition de l’objet de la linguistique” (13–36); “La langue comme système de signes” (37–65), and “Les langues dans l’espace et dans le temps” (66–83). The mixture of paraphrase, commentary and verbatim quotation is prefaced by an introduction which attempts to place Saussure’s linguistic thinking in proper historical perspective, and concluded by a statement on “L’influence du ‘Cours’ de Saussure” (84–94) and a brief bibliography (95–96). ]
ed. 1975 . Russkie jazykovedy . [ Russian linguists]. Moscow: Tambovskij gosud. Pedagogičeskij Inst., 114 pp. in-16°. [A collection of papers devoted to distinguished Russian linguists: V. G. Rudelev, “F. F. Fortunatov’s grammatical theory” (6–25); I. V. Olonceva, “A. M. Peš-kovskij’s grammatical views” (26–33); R. P. Afanas’eva, “I. I. Meš-čaninov’s theory of the parts of speech” (34–41); I. K. Nosova, “L. V. Ščerba’s grammatical doctrine” (42–54); M. I. Makarevič, “A. A. Šaxma-tov’s views concerning the classification of the parts of speech in contemporary Russian” (55–62); A. P. Slovjagin, “18th-century Russian grammarians about the how of a norm of the literary language” (63–69); “E. V. Avdošenko, “Mixail Lomonosovskij’s Russian Grammar (1755)” (70–81), and V. V. Kolesov, “The quest for methods: Aleksandr Xristoforovič Vostokov” (82–113). No bibliography; no index. ]
ed. 1975 . Logischer Empirismus – Der Wiener Kreis: Ausgewählte Texte mit einer Einleitung . (= Kritische Information, 21 .) Munich : W. Fink , 227 pp. Paper, DM 19.80 . [ An anthology of papers by the most distinguished members of the so-called ‘Vienna Circle’, originally published during 1927–1934, namely, by Rudolf Carnap (1891–1970), Hans Hahn (1880–1934), Otto Neurath (1882–1945), and Moritz Schlick (1882–1936). The vol. includes the 1929 programme of the Circle (written by Carnap, Hahn and Neurath), “Der Wiener Kreis der wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung” (201–22), a biographical note on the 4 philosophers in question (223), a selected bibliography (224–26), and a (not very exact) list of sources (227); no index. ]
ed. 1973 . Wortfeldforschung: Zur Geschichte und Theorie des sprachlichen Feldes . (= Wege der Forschung, 250 .) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , XVIII+502 pp. Cloth, DM 72 ,–. [ An anthology of the most important articles on the ‘semantic field’ or ‘Wortfeld’ discussion, 1931–1968, with contributions by Jost Trier (1894–1970), Leo Weisgerber (b. 1899), Gunther Ipsen (b.1899), André Jolles (b.l874), Walther von Wartburg (1888–1971), Walter Porzig (1895–1961), Karl Reuning (b.1889), Suzanne Öhman (b.1906), Günther Kandler (b.1914), Helmut Gipper (b.1919), Hans Schwarz (b.1923), and Otto Ducháček, whose “Différents types de champs linguistiques et l’importance de leur exploration” of 1968 has been given in G. transl. (436–52). The ed. has added an introd. commenting upon the articles printed in the vol. (vii-xviii), a bibliography of publications devoted to the topic (465–83), and a index of authors (485–89) and terms (489–500). A brief biographical note on each of the contributors (except Ducháček and the ed. himself) concludes the vol. (501–02). ]
. 1971 . Untersuchungen zur Sprachauffassung Dr . [Samuel] Johnsons . Doctoral Diss., Universität des Saarlandes , Saarbrücken , III+219 pp. [ The study consists of the following major parts: “Johnsons Sprachphilosophie und ihre Bedeutung” (5–93); “Johnsons Theorie der Sprachgeschichte unter Berücksichtigung der englischen Sprachgeschichte” (94–134), and “Die Fixierung der englischen Sprache” (135–208). Bibliography of primary and secondary sources (209–18); curriculum vitae (219). ]
Studi linguistici in onore di Tristano Bolelli . Pisa : Pacini , 1974 . XI+309 pp. Paper, L . 15.000 . [ The Festschrift on the occasion of T. Bolelli’s 60th birthday consists of 17 articles contributed largely by his former pupils (which include Marcello Durante, Giulio C. Lepschy, Roberto Peroni, and others), only few of which are of interest to historians of linguistics, e.g., Walter Belardi, “L’ordinamento dei casi nella grammatica tradizionale greca e latina” (38–90), and Cristina Vallini, “La linguistica della parole – coincidenza o divergenza fra A. Sechehaye e F. de Saussure?” (268–78). The vol. includes a portrait of Bolelli, a ‘Tabula gratulatoria’ (vii-xi), and a bibliography of the scholar (3–8) through 1973. There is no index. ]
. 1975 . Il discorso linguistico di Bartolomeo Benvoglienti . (= Biblioteca degli studi mediolatini e volgari, N.S. 3 .) Pisa : Pacini , 109 pp. Paper, L . 3.800 .
Teoria e storia degli studi linguistici. Atti del settimo Convegno internazionale di Studi (Roma, 2–3 giugnio 1973) . A cura di Ugo Vignuzzi, Giulianelle Ruggiero e Raffaele Simone . 2 vols . Rome : Bulzoni , 1975 , VI+610 pp. in all . [ For readers of HL the following papers appear to be the most interesting ones: Rudolf Engler, “La dissociazione del segno [in Saussure’s theory]” (27–30); Robert Godel, “La nozione della lingua [in Saussurean linguistics]” (39–49); Luigi Rosiello, “Rilevanza teorica degli studi di storia della linguistica” (91–97); Raffaele Simone, “Teoria linguistica e storia della linguistica” (115–50) – cf. the revised Fr. version, “Théorie et histoire de la linguistique”, HL 2:3.353–78 (1975) –; Francesco Antinucci, “I presupposti teorici della linguistica di Franz Bopp” (153–74); René Amacker, “Saussure e gli universali linguistici” (175–205); Bice Garavelli Mortara, “Per una storia della ‘grammatica ragionate’ in Itallia: l’’Analisi del linguaggio’ di Mariano Gigli [1782-?]” (247–59); Maria Vittoria Giuliani and Annarita Puglielli, “Aspetti teorici dell’ellissi nella tradizione grammaticale” (261–80); Paolo Ramat, “Friedrich Engels tra antropologia e linguistica” (347–59) – cf. the revised G. version, “Friedrich Engels zwischen Anthropologie und Sprachwissenschaft”, HL 2:3.335–51 (1975) – Leonardo Maria Savoia, “Prospettive teoriche e potenzialità di confronti nell’opera di Gustave Guillaume” (361–89); Emilio d’Agostino, “Storia, problemi e metodi dell’insegnamento linguistico negli Stati Uniti (1940–1960)” (419–42), and Annibale Elia, “I fondamenti scientifici della didattica linguistica in Europa tra Ottocento e Novecento” (443–507). The discussions on a number of papers presented at the conference printed in the proceedings (543–95) include statements by Tullio De Mauro, Luis J. Prieto, and many others on the papers by Engler (548–50), Godel (551–57), Simone (561–70), Elia (570–72), Amacker (572–74), and Ramat (578–86). An “Indice analitico” (579–610) adds to the usefulness of the 2 vols. ]
. 1974 . Linguistics and Literary Theory . New York : W. W. Norton & Co. , XV+272 pp. Paper , $ 3.95 . [ A repr. of the 1969 original – cf. HL 1:3, p. 376 (1974), for details. In 1975, a Span. transl, appeared: Teoría literaria y lingüística (Madrid: Anaya). ]
. 1975 . The Development of English Grammatical Theory 1586–1737; with special reference to the theory of parts of speech . Leuven : Leuven Univ. Press , XIV+478 pp. Paper, Hfl . 72,50 . [ “The present work is not a rewriting of this memoir [i.e., Vorlat’s 1963 doctoral dissertation; cf. HL 1:3.359–60 (1974), for details], though the largest part of my earlier findings have been included in it.” (Preface, p. viii). ]
Vox Romanica: Annales Helvetici explorandis Unguis Romanicis destinati . 32/1 ( 1973 ), and 33 ( 1974 ). Berne : A. Francke , 216 and VII+389 pp., respectively . [ Vol. 32/1 includes Peter Wunderli, ‘“Sémiologie’, ‘temps opératif’ und ‘chronogénèse’: Aus Anlass des ersten Bandes von Gustave Guillaume nachgelassenen Schriften” (1–21); Germán Colón’s review note on Gazdaru 1967 (p. 186; cf. HL 1:3.367–68 (1974), for details), and Federico Spiess’ obituary (213–16) of Silvio Sganzini (1898–1972); vol. 33 contains, inter alia, Peter Wunderli, “Saussure und die Kreativität” (1–31), and the same author’s review (237–40) of Marc Wilmet, Gustave Guillaumes nachgelassenen Schriften” (1–21); Germán Colón’s review note on Gazdaru 1967 (p. 186; cf. HL 1:3.367–68 (1974), for details), and Schorta (365–73), with a portrait and a bibliography, and “Ludwig Söll, 1931–1974” by Max Pfister (374–75). ]
ed. 1974 . Language Origins . Silver Spring, Maryland : Linstok Press , XII+296 pp. Paper , $ 6.50 . [ Papers from a symposium that took place on 2 Dec. 1972 at the Toronto meeting of the American Anthropological Association. The vol. includes the following papers: Gordon W. Hewes, “Language in early hominids” (1–33); William C. Stokoe, Jr., “Motor signs as the first form of language” (35–49) and “Appearances, words, and signs” (51–68); Harvey B. Sarles, “A sense for language – in the context of human ethology” (69–82); Charles R. Peters, “On the possible contribution of ambiguity of expression to the development of proto-linguistic performance” (83–102), and Roger W. Wescott, “The origin of speech” (103–23) and “Types of apophony in proto-speech” (125–76). In addition, the vol. prints commentaries made by Frank B. Livingstone, Adam Kendon, Jane H. Hill, M. Estellie Smith, Alan Lomax, John L. Fischer, and Joel Sherzer (177–217), an additional paper by Harvey B. Sarles, “Could a non-h?” (219–38), an “Abridged bibliography on the origin of language” (239–86) by Gordon W. Hewes, and “Closing comments” by Hewes, Stokoe, and Wescott (287–97). There is no index. Cf. the review by Robert J. DiPietro in CJL 20:2.224–28 (1975). ]
Wissenschaft und Weisheit: Zeitschrift für Augustinisch-Franziskanische Theologie und Philosophie der Gegenwart 38 : 2/3 ( Düsseldorf : Patmos , 1975 ), 81 – 240 . [ The issue includes an article by Heinz W. Enders, “Nominalistische Positionen und ihre Entwicklung im mittelalterlichen Universalienstreit” (189–219). ]
. 1974 . Vvedenie v strukturnuju lingvistiku . [ Introduction to structural linguistics ]. Moscow : Izd. “Vysšaja škola” , 319 pp. Cloth , 73 kop . [ The vol. consists of the following major parts: I, “The formal conditions of structural linguistics” (5–44); II, “The problem of the subject matter” (45–156), in which the theories of Saussure, Trubeckoj, Hjelmslev, Bloomfield, and their adherents are discussed; III, “Methods [of structural linguistics]” (157–290), and IV, “Conclusion” (291–310). There is a brief bibliography which includes only Russ. publications (312–16), but no index. ]
Compiled by E. F. K. Koerner [ Closing date: 20 March 1976 ]