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Adamska-Sałaciak, Arleta
Andreeva, L. S.
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan
1903 “Lingvističeskije zametki i aforizmy: Po povodu novejšix lingvističeskix trudov V. A. Bogorodickogo [Linguistic sketches and aphorisms: On the occasion of V. A. Bogorodickij’s new linguistic writings”. Žurnal Ministertva Narodnogo Prosveščenija No. 346.279–334; No.347.1–37. (Abridged version in Baudouin 1963.33–55.)
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan (= Ivan Aleksandrovič Boduen de Kurtènè)
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan
Berezin, Fedor M[ixajlovič]
Boduen de Kurtene i sovremennaja lingvistika
Baudouin de Courtenay and contemporary linguistics.] Program of the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001.
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič
1884–1885 “O prepodavanii russkogo jazyka v Kazanskoj tatarskoj učitel’skoj škole” Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 1884, Vol. XII, No. 2, p. 26–35; Vol. XII, No. 4, pp. 1–6; 1885, Vol. XIV, No. 3, pp. 1–10. (Separate reprint. 2nd ed., Kazan 1899; 3rd ed. O prepodavanii russkoj grammatiki v tatarskoj škole, Kazan 1921; 4th ed., Kazan: Tatocizdat 1935; 5th rev. ed., Kazan: Tatgosizdat 1951.)
1887 Kurs grammatiki russkogo jazyka. Čast’ 1-aja. Fonetika [A Course of Russian Grammar. Part I: Phonetics]. Warsaw. Part II was published in Russkij Filologičeskij Vestnik 1892 (according to, accessed on 14 August 2006).
n.d. Archive f. 898, Akademija Nauk. St. Petersburg. [Includes Kruszewski’s manuscripts; razr. 6, op. 62.]
Bogorodickij, Vasilij Alekseevič”. Internet article in Mir Imen [The World of Names], (Accessed on 14 August 2006.)
Galiullin, K. R. & G. A. Nikolaev
eds. 2001 Boduenovskie čtenija: Trudy i materialy. Volume I and II. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001, on the theme “Baudouin de Courtenay and contemporary linguistics”. Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta.
eds. 2002a Boduen de Kurtene i sovremennaja lingvistika [Baudouin de Courtenay and contemporary linguistics]. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001. = Učenye zapiski Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, vol. 143.
eds. 2002b Nikolaj Kruševskij: naučnoe nasledie i sovremennost’ [Mikołaj Kruszewski: his scientific heritage and contemporary linguistics]. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2001, from the section “Nikolaj Kruševskij: žizn’ i naučnoe tvorčestvo (k 150-letiju so dnja roždenija)” [“Mikołaj Kruszewski: Life and scientific work (on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth)”.] Kazan: ZAO “Novoe znanie”.
eds. 2003 II Meždunarodnye Boduenovskie čtenija: Trudy i materialy. Volume I and II. Materials from the international conference “Boduenovskie čtenija” [“Baudouin readings”] held in Kazan, 11–13 December 2003, on the theme “Kazanskaja lingvističeskaja škola: Tradicii i sovremennost’” [“The Kazan School of Linguistics: Tradition and contemporary linguistics”.] Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta.
Ivanova, I. S.
Jakobson, Roman
Jakobson, Roman & Krystyna Pomorska
Jankowsky, Kurt R.
Koerner, E. F. K.
Koerner, E. F. K. & Aleksander Szwedek
Kruszewski, Mikołaj (= Kruševskij, Nikolaj Vjačeslavovič)
Kruszewski, Mikołaj
1880 “Lingvističeskie zametki. I. Novejšie otkrytija v oblasti ario-evropejskogo vokalizma. II. Izmenenie soglasnyx grupp vida EE; III: O morfologičeskoj absorpcii [Linguistic remarks. I: Newest discoveries in the domain of Indo-European vocalism; II: Changes of the consonant groups of type EE; III. On morphological absorption]”. Russkij filologičeskij vestnik 4:2.33–62.
1883 Očerk nauki o jazyke [An outline of the science of language]. Učenye zapiski imperatorskogo Kazanskogo Universiteta 50: 1 (January-April 1883), Supplement. (German transl. = Kruszewski 1884–1890; Polish transl. in Kruszewski 1967.47–150; extracts in Zvegincev 1964.289–294 and in Berezin 1977.382–398; English transl. by Gregory M. Eramian in Kruszewski 1995.43–173.)
1884–1890 Prinzipien der Sprachentwicklung. [German transl. of Kruszewski 1883] (Friedrich Techmer’s) Internationale Zeitschrift für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 1.295–307 (1884), 2.258–268 (1885), 3.145–170 (1887), 5.133–144, 360–399 (1890) Leipzig: J. A. Barth. (Repr., Amsterdam, John Benjamins 1973.) [Excerpts from 1.301, 304 and 3.172, 174 in Hans Arens, Sprachwissenschaft: Der Gang ihrer Entwicklung von Antike bis zur Gegenwart, 2nd rev. and enlarged ed., 359–361. Freiburg & München: Karl Alber 1969 Excerpts from 1.295–307 (1884) in Sprachwandel: Reader zur diachronischen Sprachwissenschaft ed. by Dieter Cherubim, 62–77. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 1975.]
n.d. Archival materials deposited in the St. Petersburg branch of the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Russkaja Akademija Nauk], reference: f.r. IV, op. 62, No. 1–8. 1) Konspekty inostrannyx knig, 1881–1882 [Summaries of foreign books]; 2) Leksičeskij material k kursu lekcij po drevneevropejskomu, drevnegrečeskomu i latinskomu jazykam, čitannyx v 1883–1884 akademičeskij god [Lexical material for a course of lectures in ancient European, ancient Greek and Latin, taught in the academic year 1883–1884]; 3) Sravnitel’naja fonetika drevnejšix predstavitelej arioevropejskix semej jazykov: Kurs lekcij, 1883–1884 učebnyj god [Comparative grammar of the oldest representatives of the Indo-European family of languages: A course of lectures, academic year 1883–1884]; 4) Leksičeskij material po drevnim indoevropejskim jazykam: sanskritskomu, baltijskomu, persidskomu i drugim [Lexical material from ancient Indo-European languages: Sanskrit, Baltic, Persian and others]; 5) Lingvističeskie materialy i nabroski po sravnitel’nym indoevropejskim jazykam i drugim [Lexical materials and notes on comparative Indo-European and other languages]; 6) Materialy k lekcijam po lingvističeskoj paleontologii [Materials for lectures on linguistic paleontology]; 7) Materialy po sravnitel’noj grammatike drevneevropejskix jazykov [Materials on the comparative grammar of ancient European languages]; 8) Materialy po sravnitel’noj fonetike slavjanskix jazykov [Materials on the comparative phonetics of Slavic languages].
Kuhn, Thomas S.
Kuryłowicz, Jerzy
Mill, John Stuart
Mironosnickaja, A. N.
Niederehe, Hans-Josef & Konrad Koerner
Nikolaev, G. A.
ed. 1995a Boduen de Kurtene: Teoretičeskoe nasledie i sovremennost’ [Baudouin de Courtenay: His scientific legacy and contemporary linguistics.] Materials from the conference held on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Baudouin’s birth. (=
Učenye zapiski, 131.) Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta.
Nikolaeva, T. M.
Paxolok, Zinaida Oleksadrivna
2002b “Nieznany Mikołaj Kruszewski.” [The unknown Mikołaj Kruszewski]”. Alma Mater: Miesięcznik Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, January 2002 (No. 37), 17–20. Available online:, accessed on 10 August 2006.
2005b “Genealogia Nikolaja V. Kruševskogo [The genealogy of Mikołaj Kruszewski]”. Paper presented at the international conference “Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929): Linguist, Publicist, Man”, Cracow University, 19–20 September 2005.
Radwańska-Williams, Joanna
Williams, Joanna Radwańska.
Rozwadowski, Jan Michał
Safarewicz, Jan
Saussure, Ferdinand de
Smoczyńska, Magdalena
2005 “Baudouin de Courtenay’s Child Language Data”. Paper presented at the international conference “Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929): Linguist, Publicist, Man”, Cracow University, 19–20 September 2005.
Smoczyński, Wojciech
Vasil’ev, M.
Vengerov, S. A.
Williams, Joanna Radwańska
Zvegincev, V[ladimir] A[ndreevič]