On the Origins of the Term Phoneme

Joachim Mugdan

Hitherto unknown works by Antoni Dufriche-Desgenettes (1804–1878) show that he used the term phonème earlier than assumed until now: the word is attested in manuscripts of March 1865 but the publication of the first article in which it occurs was apparently delayed until 1868. Possibly, Dufriche did not “invent” the expression himself but borrowed it, at least indirectly, from the Bulgarian philosopher Petăr Beron (c. 1799–1871), who had used it several years previously for the sound aspect of a word. This usage may also be the reason why some later authors applied the term phonème to sound sequences.

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Archival materials

17. I am most grateful to Jean Leclant, Secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, for granting me permission to use these materials and to Piero d’Houin for his generosity in locating the documents, providing me with photographs and allowing me to reproduce them.

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AN F7* 2555: Archives nationales (Paris), Fonds publics postérieurs à 1789, série F: Versements des ministères et des administrations qui en dépendent; sous-série 7: Police générale; cote 2555: Passeports, juillet – déc. 1820 (registre). Fol. 953: Enregistrement du 21 août 1820.

AN F18* IV 143: Archives nationales (Paris), Fonds publics postérieurs à 1789, série F: Versements des ministères et des administrations qui en dépendent; sous-série 18: Imprimerie, librairie, presse censure; IV: Enregistrement du dépôt légal à Paris, ouvrages périodiques; cote 143: Année 1868, A-B (registre).

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