Eingegangene Schriften
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E. F. K. Koerner
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics, in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed. Items preceded by an asterisk have been chosen for review in one of the forthcoming issues of HL. They will only be listed here.

. 1977 . Sprache und Bedeutung . Transl, from the Span, by Wilfried Böhringer . (= Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 24 .) München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 264 pp. Paperbd., DM 48 ,-. [ Under the major headings “Allgemeine Semantik” (13–125), “Angewandte Semantik” (126–92), and “Bedeutungseinheiten im Allgemeinen” (193–264) excerpts from two major studies by Adrados have been arranged, namely, Estudios de lingüística general, 2nd ed. (Barcelona: Planeta, 1974), and Estudios de semántica y sintaxis (ibid., 1975). There is no bib. and no index .]

. 1977 . Fondamenti di una teoria tipologica del linguaggio (= Studi linguistici e semiologici, 7 .) Bologna : Il Mulino , 206 pp. Paperbd., L.5. 660 . [ This modem outline of a theory of language typology consists of the following chaps.: I, “Fondamenti teorici” (9–56), II, “Verifica empirica” (57–83), III, “Interazione tra i sistemi” (85–124), IV, “Il mutamento diacronico” (125–77), and (a brief) V, “La natura del linguaggio” (179–94). The book is rounded off by a bib. of recent literature in the field (195–200) and by indexes of languages (p. 203) and of the general content of the volume (205–06) .]

. 1975 . La Lingüística: Sus textos y su evolución desde la antigüedad hasta neustros días . Versión española de José María Díaz-Ragañón López . (= Biblioteca Románica Hispánica; III. Manuales, 37 .) Madrid : Editorial Gredos , 2 tomes (= 1097 pp. in all ). Pesos 1.300 for paperbd. ed. [ Span, transl, of A’s Sprachwissenschaft: Der Gang ihrer Geschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, 2., verb. u. erw. Aufl. (Freiburg i.Br. & München: K. Alber, 1969) – cf. HL 1:3.373–74 (1974) for details. The Span, transl, follows the G. original very closely; there is no translator’s preface or any other addition to the text. Vol.11 (pp. 531ff.) begins with Part 3 of the original, “La lingüistica en el siglo XX”; it includes the following back matter: ‘Index of [the primary] sources [of the excerpts made in the book]’ (973–87); ‘Bibliography’ (989–1058) of both primary and secondary literature, arranged in accordance with the individual chaps, and sections of the Problemgeschichte; an index of authors, either excerpted or mentioned or both, and an index of terms (1059–69 and 1070–92, respectively). A table of contents, covering both vols., concludes the book (1093–97). For a detailed account of the volume(s)’s contents, see Lg 48: 2.428–45 (1972). The enormous bib. has been slightly updated, though, apparently for reasons of economy, printed in lumps and with many abbreviations; the index of authors does not cover the bibliographical portion and appears to exclude the names of authors of the secondary sources altogether. The index of terms is detailed and useful; it runs from ‘abstraciòn’ to Vocabulario (básico)’, and does not include a reference to ‘zero’ for example, a term introduced into Western linguistics by F. de Saussure in 1878 and widely used in the literature ever since .]

Ars Semeiotica: International journal of american semiotic . Vol. I , No. 1 ( 1977 ). [ Editor-in-Chief: Luigi Romeo ; Managing Editor: Hope Hamilton-Faria ; address: P.O.Box 600, Boulder, CO 80306, U. S. A. – The first issue contains the following contributions : “Foreword” by the Editor (3–5) , [ Letter by Charles Morris, to whom the first issue is dedicated (p. 9)], “Lettre aux sémio-logues”, attributed to Saussure, but in fact authored by the Editor himself (an historically interesting piece of scholarship indeed) (11–17); Max H. Frisch, “Peirce’s Place in American Thought” (21–37); John N. Deely, “’Semiotic’ as the Doctrine of Signs” (41–68); D[onna] Jean Umiker-Sebeok and Thomas A. Sebeok, “Aboriginal Sign ‘Languages’ from a Semiotic Point of View” (69–97); Eugen Bär, “Myth and Primary Process: A psychoanalytic approach” (101–119), concluded by “Bibliographical Notes” (121–29), “Publications Received” (129–32), and an “Editorial Notes” (133–34), all of which written by Romeo .]

ed. 1975 . The Scope of American Linguistics : The First Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America . Lisse/Holland : The Peter de Ridder Press , 210 pp., paper , $7.00 . [ The vol. prints the papers read at the 50-year anniversary symposium of the LSA held “at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, on July 24 and 25, 1974”: Kenneth L. Pike, “On Describing Languages” (9–39); Winfred P. Lehmann, “The Challenge of History” (41–58); Charles A. Ferguson, “Applications of Linguistics” (63–75); William Labov, “Empirical Foundations of Linguistic Theory” (77–133); Charles J. Fillmore, “The Future of Semantics” (135–57), and Noam Chomsky, “Questions of Form and Interpretation” (159–96). The vol. also prints Raimo Anttila’s comments on Pike’s and Lehmann’s papers (59–62), and Barbara Hall Partee’s comments on the papers by Fillmore and Chomsky (197–209). There is no index .]

ed. 1977 . Bibliografie van Geschriften op het ge-bied van de Nederlandse Taalkunde uit de Negentiende Eeuw . Deel I : A-H .; Deel II : I-S ; Deel III : T-Z . Amsterdam , III, 60, 60, and 31 pp. , respectively, followed by 2 supplements of XII and 13 pp. [ This bib., the result of a project “Geschiedenis von de Nederlandse taalkunde”, cover linguistics titles arranged alphabetically by author produced and published in The Netherlands during the period 1805–1900. Unfortunately, the bib. does not supply either full first names of authors or their life-dates, something which would have made the present compilation more useful. – Cf. also Maas n.d. (probably 1977) below .]

Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan Niecisław. 1974–76 . Dzieła wybrane . Tomes I–II . Warszawa : Państwowe Wydanictwo Naukowe , 616 and 230 pp., respectively; cloth, zi. 100,- and 75 ,-. [ These two vols, of Baudouin de Courtenay’s (1845–1929) Collected Works reproduce the following (mostly Polish) studies, introduced by an article by the late Witold Doroszewski (1899–1976), “Jan Baudouin de Courtenay as a linguist and a philosopher” (9–97), and a bib. of BdC’s works (99–143), comp, by Maria Jasińska: Szkice jeȩzykoznawcze, Tom I (Warsaw: P. Laskauer, 1904) of 464 pp. (147–616), and his 1870 dissertation, 0 drevnepol’ skom jazyke do XIV stoletija (Leipzig: Behr & Hermann), IV, 99, 84 and IV pp. (= vol.11, 23–218), followed by BdC’s ‘Selbstanzeige’ of the book (224–30). The latter vol. is prefaced by an evaluation of BdC as a ‘pioneer of the historical grammar of the Polish language’ by Przemysław Zwoliński (7–22); it also contains a brief commentary of BdC’s 1870 study (219–22). Vol. I prints a portrait of BdC; there is no further addition to the texts, which constitute uncorrected reprints. – For recent Western appreciations of BdC’s work, cf. E. Rigotti, “La linguistica in Russia dagli inizi del secolo XIX ad oggi, I: Da Lomonosov a Baudouin de Courtenay”, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-scolastica 64:2.239–64 (1972); Maria Di Salvo’s (1975) Il pensiero linguistico di Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (cf. the review in EL 4:2.259–62, for details), and Edward Stankiewicz, Baudouin de Courtenay and the Foundations of Structural Linguistics (Lisse/Holland: P. de Ridder Press, 1976), 62 pp .]

eds. 1976 . Beschreibungsmethoden des amerikanischen Strukturalismus . (= Linguistische Reihe, 16 .) München : Max Hueber Verlag , 362 pp. [ This book is not an analysis and critical evaluation of American structuralist methods but a reader, in G. transl., of important articles written by North-American scholars between 1925 and 1954. In fact it follows Martin Joos’ (1957) Readings in Linguistics fairly closely. The vol. consists of a preface (7–8), an introduction (9–35), in which the editors give a survey of American linguistics from Boas to Chomsky, followed by translations of the following ‘classic’ articles: Bloomfield’s “A Set of Postulates for the Science of Language” (1926), Sapir’s “Sound Patterns of Language” (1925), Hockett’s “A System of Descriptive Phonology” (1942), and papers by Bernard Bloch (1950), Zellig S. Harris (1942, 1946 and 1952), Eugene A. Nida (1948), and Rulon S. Wells (1947), followed by two further articles by Charles F. Hockett (1948 and 1954). The editors decided to add a transl, of chap.II (“The Problem of Meaning in Linguistics”) from Willard V. 0. Quine’s From a Logical Point of View (Harvard Univ. Press, 1953) to round off their selection. The back matter of the vol. contains a glossary of terms (346–54) and a bib. of structuralist writings and related publications (355–62), but it lacks an index .]

. 1975 . Commentum Sedulii Scotti in Maiorem Dona-tum Grammaticum . (= Studies and Texts, 27 .) Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies , 300 pp. Paperbd. , $ 17.00 . [ The vol., a rev. version of the author’s doctoral diss., Department of Classics, Univ. of Toronto, 1967, constitutes a critical ed. of Sedulus Scottius’ (9th cent.) commentary on Donatus’ Ars Maior. The Lat. text (32–272), with variant readings and a few critical notes, is preceded by a Preface (9–10), a statement on Editorial Principles (11–12), an Index of Works Consulted (13–17), and an Introduction (19–29), in which the author gives an account of previous scholarship in the field. The volume is rounded off by the following important indices: “Index of Poetry and Biblical Quotations” (275–77), “Index of Sources and Proper Names cited in the Arundel Manuscript” (278–83), “Index graecitatis” (284–86), “Index orthographicus” (287–95), “Index locorum et nominum propriorum” (296), and an “Index rerum verborum locutionum” (297–300) .]

. 1977 . Meaning and Form . (= English Language Studies, 11 .) London : Longman , XI , 212 pp. Cloth, P. St. 6.50 . [ The book explores the various meanings of function words such as any, some, it, there, etc. in present-day English, approaching the analysis on the levels of syntax, semantics, and intonation .]

eds. 1977 . Biographical Dictionary of the Phonetic Sciences . New York : The Press of Lehman College [ of the City Univ. of New York], XXVII, 255 pp. Cloth, $14.95. [“A decade in the making, the Biographical Dictionary …, is a major scholarly achievement, completed through the cooperation of over 200 scholars in the United States, Canada, and Europe. These scholars gathered data (including vital statistics, education, degrees, employment history, research interests, publications) on over 400 significant contributors to phonology and the phonetic sciences from classical Greek times to 1960.” (From the dustjacket). A number of entries – the BDPS has two columns on every page – especially those on major figures in the history of the study of sound, e.g., Roger Ascham (1515–68), Baudouin de Cour-tenay, C. E. Bazell, J. W. Black, Bernard Bloch, Boas, Dwight Bolinger, and many others – have received a fairly detailed treatment; there are a number of less than satisfactory items (e.g., those on Hermann Paul, Kruszewski, Scerba) and several omissions, most of them probably due to lack of cooperation on the part of scholars in the field. An Index of Names (243–55), which also includes the authors of individual entries, concludes the volume, which must be regarded as a mile-stone in linguistic (auto-) biography (many contemporary scholars having contributed their own entries) .]

. 1976 . Panini: A survey of research . (= Trends in Linguistics; State-of-the-Art-Reports, 6 .) The Hague & Paris : Mouton [ Now to be ordered through: Walter de Gruyter, New York & Berlin], XVI, 384 pp. Cloth, DM 95,-. [This volume consists of 3 major parts: A bib. of Sanskrit scholarship from 1841 (cf. Niels Ludvig Westergaard’s [1815–78] Radices linguae Sanscritae) to 1975 of some 120 printed pp. (13–136), an in-depth Forschungsbericht on the major school of Indian grammatical theory associated with the name of Panini (139–311), and a concluding part, consisting of altogether 558 notes (315–71) and an index of modern scholars treated or at least mentioned in the research report (373–84) .]

ed. 1976 . American Indian Languages and American Linguistics : The Second Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America . Lisse/Holland : The Peter de Ridder Press , 133 pp. Paper , $6.00 . [ This vol. brings together the papers read at the 2nd Golden Anniversary Symposium of the LSA – for the papers of the first, cf. Austerlitz 1975 above-held at the Univ. of California, Berkeley, on 8–9 Nov. 1974. They consist of the following: Einar Haugen, “Introductory Remarks” (9–10), Dell Hymes, “The Americanist Tradition” (11–28), Kenneth Hale, “Theoretical Linguistics in Relation to American Indian Communities” (35–50), Mary R. Haas, “Boas, Sapir, and Bloomfield” (59–69), Charles F. and Florence M. Voegelin, “Some Recent (and not so Recent) Attempts to Interpret Semantics of Native Languages in North America” (75–98), and Norman A. McQuown, “American Indian Linguistics in New Spain” (105–27). All presentations were followed by one discussant’s comments, beginning with Hymes’ paper: Bruce Rigsby (29–33), Margaret Langdon (51–58), David S. Rood (70–74), Ronald W. Langacker (99–104), and Viola Waterhouse (128–33). There is no index .]

. 1977 . … et il fallut apprendre à écrire à tous les petits français: Histoire de la grammaire scolaire . Paris : Payot , 306 pp. Paperbd., FF 50.00 . [ This history of school grammars in France from 1700 to the middle of the 20th century consists of the following chaps.: “L’écriture et la langue française à la fin du XVIIIe siècle” (31–50), “Le premier manuel de grammaire scolaire [Ch. refers to Lhomond’s Elemens of 1780]” (51–67), “La linguistique française à la fin du XVIIIe siècle” (69–88), “La production grammaticale au XIXe siècle” (89–98), “[François-Joseph-Michel] Noël [1755–1841] et [Charles Pierre] Chapsal [(1788–1858) et leur Nouvelle grammaire française de 1823]” (99–140), “L’analyse grammaticale et l’analyse logique” (141–59), “La deuxième grammaire scolaire: Le complément circonstanciel [after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71; cf. le Projet de réforme de la grammaire (1871) by Comte d’Esterno]” (161–85), “Le sujet, le verbe et l’attribut dans la seconde grammaire scolaire” (187–203), “La nouvelle analyse logique” (205–234), “Les parties du discours dans la nouvelle grammaire scolaire” (235–54), and “La grammaire scolaire depuis un siècle” (255–74), followed by a concluding chap. (275–283), 2 supplements consisting of quotations from Dumarsais in 1751 till writers of French school grammars of the late 1960s (285–88) and “La production grammaticale de l’année 1840” (289–290), a “Liste des ouvrages utilisés” divided by centuries, 18th-20th (291–302), and an “Index des mots et des notions” (303–04). This informative vol. is prefaced by an “Avant-propos: Grammaire et rhétorique” (7–22) and a brief “Introduction” (23–30), in which the study is placed in historical perspective .]

, 1714–80 ]. 1977 [1746] . Essai über den Ursprung der menschlichen Erkenntnisse, ein Werk, das alles, was den menschlichen Verstand betrifft, auf ein einziges Prinzip zurückführt . Herausgegeben und aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Ulrich Ricken . (= [Reclams] Universal-Bi-bliothek, 680 .) Leipzig : Verlag Philipp Reclam jun. , 337 pp. Paper, M 2,50 . [ This transl, of Condillac’s influential Essai sur l’origine des connaissances humaines has been prefaced by an “Einführung des Herausgebers” entitled “Condillacs ‘Essai […]’ im Rahmen der philosophischen und sprachtheoretischen Diskussion der Aufklärung” (7–53), in which the work is placed in its historical context and recent scholarship analysed. To this the ed. has added a brief bib. of primary and secondary sources (327–30) and a list of authors mentioned in Condillac’s Essai (331–34) .]

XIV Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza. Atti vol. IV : Communicazioni Ed. by Alberto Vàrvaro . Napoli : Gaetano Macchiaroli ; Amsterdam : John Benjamins , 1977 , 675 pp. [ This vol. – cf. EL 4:1.117–18 (1977) for a brief note on the first vol. (1976) – contains papers devoted to lexicology (7–315), semantics (319–532), and ‘Texts and language’ (535–672). It does not contain any article of importance to the history of linguistics, but a number of contributions of interest to philologists working with late medieval or Renaissance texts .]

. 1975 . Sprache und Funktionalität bei Fernão de Oliveira (1536) . Lisse/Netherlands : Peter de Ridder Press , 26 pp. , $1.30 . [ Repr. from Ut Videam: Contributions to an understanding of linguistics, 67–90. Lisse, 1975. – An appraisal of the work of the Portuguese grammarian F. de Oliveira (1507–81) .]

Current Trends in Linguistics , vol. 14 : Indexes . The Hague & Paris : Mouton [ Now: Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter ], 1976 , XLVII, 952 pp. in small-4°. Cloth, Dfl. 360 ,-. [ This valuable index to all previous volumes of the series – cf. EL 1:3, p. 357 for details – consists of the following sections: “Contents of Volumes 1–13”, practically reprinting the tables of contents of all vols, of the series (IX–XXVIII) and, subsequently, arranged alphabetically by the individual contributor’s name and the title of his contribution(s) (XXIX–XLVII). This is followed by an “Index of Languages” (1–235), a “Subject Index”, which contains particular concepts, names of linguistic research institutions, terms of particular branches of linguistic inquiry, etc. (237–535), an “Index of Names” (537–864), which includes the names of authors of the contributions as well as (also) of those mentioned in the bibliographical references, in addition to the names of those treated in the series, and, finally, “Biograhical Notes” (865–952), which reproduces the biographical entries of the previous vols., unfortunately without revisions, thus containing many that are completely out-of-date. – This enormous index concludes the largest enterprise to date in linguistic scholarship; it will prove useful for many years to come, especially with regard to the languages and subject indices .]

. 1976 . An Essay on Nomos and Euman Language . (= Bet Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab; Hist.-filosfiske Skrifter 7:4 .) København : Munksgaard (Kommissionær) , 160 pp. [“ This book is an attempt to disclose the universe of human language in terms of simple devices of analysis. It is a challenge to any theory of language which claims the scientific validity of monoglottic deep structure operations.” (From the author’s synopsis). The study consists of the following chaps.: “Introduction” (5–8), “Nomic Analysis” (9–44), “Transversal Relations” (45–122), “Kinetic Analysis” (123–46), and “The Critical Field of Distribution” (147–57). There is “A Concise List of the Most Important Symbols and Abbreviations used in Nomic Analysis” (p. 157), and a bib. (158–60), but no index .]

1975 . Language and Creativity: An interdisciplinary essay in Chomsky an humanism . (= Philosophy of Language, 1 .) Lisse/Netherlands : Peter de Ridder Press , 107 pp. Paper , $4.70 . [ This study consists of the following chaps.: “Introduction: Philosophical humanism and interdisciplinary methodology” (7–10), “Cartesian Linguistics: Descartes and the Port Royal grammarians” (11–22), “Early German Philosophy of Language [Herder, Hamann, Humboldt, A. W. Schlegel, etc.]” (23 to 43), “Creative Language Use in View of Chomsky’s Evidence” (44–59), “The Chomsky vs. Skinner Controversy” (60–78), “Auxiliary Evidence for Chomsky’s Contentions” (79–93), and “Summary and Conclusion: Dialectics, dialogue, creativity, and truth” (94–103). A brief bib. (104–06) concludes this apologetic essay on Chomsky .]

. 1976 . Einleitung in das Studium der indogermanischen Sprachen . Hildesheim & New York : Georg Olms Verlag ; Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel , XVI, 251 pp. Cloth, DM 38.50 . [ Actually a repr. of the 6th and last, entirely recast ed. of the author’s well-known Einleitung in das Sprachstudium (1st ed., 1880), which appeared in Leipzig in 1919, with the subtitle “Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Methodik der vergleichenden Sprachforschung”. Nowadays, the entire book can be regarded as an important historical account of linguistics from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century. – For further details on this book and its preceding editions, cf. the ed.’s introd. to the 1974 republication of the 1882 E. transl, of Delbrück’s Einleitung, Introduction to the Study of Language (Amsterdam: J. Benjamins), VII–XIX .]

eds. 1977 . The Third LACUS Forum 1976 . Columbia, S.C. : Hornbeam Press , IX, 630 pp. [ This vol. prints 62 papers presented at the Third Annual Forum of LACUS, the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States, held in E1 Paso, Texas, on 20–24 Aug. 1976. These are arranged under the following major headings: I, “Personalities across the Atlantic: New and old in American and European linguistics” (13–45), II, “Continuing in the Oldest Tradition: The study of Amerindian languages” (49–83), III, “English in America: Its varieties and social contexts” (87–136), IV, “Language Contact and its Impact on Other Languages in America” (139–216), V, “Onomastics in the New World” (219–233), VI, “Toward a Greater Understanding of Bilingualism” (237–66), VII, “The Semiotics of Language” (269–334), VIII, “Discourse Structure: Some new dimensions for linguists” (337–90), IX, “Improving the Theory of Grammar” (393–494), X, “Clarifying Some Specifics of Grammar” (497–556), XI, “Phonology Visited and Revisited” (559–602), and XII, “New Ideas about Old Problems in the History of Languages” (605–30). This is prefaced by Dwight Bolinger’s Presidential Address, “The Price of Language” (3–11); there is no index. Chap. I (above) contains papers by William M. Christie, Jr., John M. Sharp & John B. Frerichs, Kurt R. Jankowsky, and Mary Ritchie Key that are of interest to historians of linguistics .]

. 1977 . The Role of Prescriptivism in American Linguistics, 1820–1970 . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 13 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , X, 130 pp. Clothbd., Hfl. 40.00 . [ This study on prescriptivist currents in the United States from the early 19th century to the beginning of the 1970s consists of the following major sections: “Introduction” (1–5), “The Challenge of Prescriptivism (1820–1850)” (6–16), “The Revival of Prescriptivism (1851–1875)” (17–30), “The Persistence of the Prescriptive Notion: The 20th century” (31–49), “The Dictionary War [i.e., the controversy over the 1961 edition of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary]” (50–77), “Black English and the American Dream” (78–106), and “Conclusion” (107 to 109). There is an informative bib. (113–23), and a detailed index of names and terms (125–30) .]

. 1973 . A Treatise on the Organ of Hearing . (= Language, Man and Society [cf. HL 4 : 1 , p. 129 and elsewhere, for info, on this series ].) New York : AMS Press , [XXVI], XII, 160 pp. [ The .yol. consists of a reprint of the 1737 (London: S. Baker) E. transl, of Duverney’s 1683 Traité de l’organe de l’ouie, to which has been added a very informative introductory article by John W. Black on the French anatomist (16481730), his life and work .]

. 1975 . Taxonomy and Ideology: On the boundaries of concept-classification . (= The Theory of Cultural Knowledge, 1 .) Lisse/Netherlands : Peter de Ridder Press , 17 pp. Paperbd. , $.70 . [ Sep. publ, of contribution to Linguistics and Anthropology : In honor of C. F. Voegelin ed. by M. Dale Kinkade et al., 183–197. Lisse, 1975 .]

Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen Herausgegeben von István Futaky . 1.Jahrgang, Heft 1 ( März 1977 ). [ For further info, write to Dr. I. Futaki, Finnisch-Ugrisches Seminar, Universität Göttingen, Theaterstraße 14, D-3400 Göttingen, F. R. of Germany. This 1st issue contains contributions on Finno-Ugric philology and linguistics as well as the history of linguistics and reports on research projects. Authors include Harald Haarmann, Rudolf Zimmer, Günter Stipa, Jaan Purga, M.-E. Schmeidler, and others .]

. 1974 . Le Cercle linguistique de Prague . (= Repères; série bleue “Linguistique”. ) Paris : Maison Mame , 185 pp. [ This account of the Prague School consists of the following chaps.: “Naissance du C[ercle] L[inguistique de] P[rague]” (9–22), “Le manifeste [of the CLP of 1929]” (25–40), “Le C. L. P., héritier de Saussure” (43–70), “La phonologie [praguoise]” (73–103), “Les études grammaticales” (107–32), “L’étude poétique” (135–46), and “Place du C. L. P. dans l’histoire de la linguistique” (149–77). There is a concluding chap. (181–83) and a disappointingly brief “Bibliographie sommaire sur le Cercle linguistique de Prague”, consting of 5 titles only (3 of which authored by J. Vachek) .]

. 1977 . La logica del pensiero vivente: Il linguaggio nella filosofia della Romantik . (= Biblioteca di Cultura Moderna, 800 .) Roma & Bari : Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa , XI, 129 pp. Paperbd., L. 4000 . [ This study on the philosophy of language of the German Romantic Movement and its epistemological background consists of three major chaps., namely, “La linguistica romantica: Cesura e continuità” (3–34), “Critica, meta-critica, grammatica generale [Kant – Hamann – Herder – Bern-hardi]” (35–60), and “La filosofia del linguaggio nell’età della Restaurazione” (61–114), which is devoted to the ideas of Schelling, F. Schlegel, A. W. Schlegel, W. von Humboldt and his emulators (K. W. L. Heyse, Steinthal and others). The bib. notes consist of a brief listing of recent secondary literature (117–18), followed by a chronological list (1773–1851, i.e., from Fr. H. Jacobi’s Betrachtung über die von Herrn Herder in seiner Abhandlung vom Ursprung der Sprache vorgelegte genetische Erklärung der thierischen Kunstfertigkeiten und Kunsttriebe to J. Grimm’s Ueber den Ursprung der Sprache) of the major publications of the period under study. An index of names and terms rounds off this informative work (125–27) .]

. 1976 . Mimologiques : Voyages en Cratyle . Paris : Edtitions Seuil , 431 pp. [ The author attempts to treat afresh the question of the origin of language as formulated in the Platonic dialogue, tracing it from antiquity down to the 19th century. The book, written in a literary rather than a scientific style, consists of the following chaps.: “L’éponomie du nom” (11–37), “De ratione verborum” (39–48), “Soni rerum indices” (49–57, which deals largely with the views held by John Wallis, 1616–1703), “Hermogène logothète” (59–70, which mainly discusses Leibniz’ views on the question), “Mimographismes” (71 to 83, which makes mention of ideas put forward by F. M. van Helmont, J. G. Wachter, Rowland Jones, and other 18th-century scholars), “Peinture et dérivation” (85–118, which is almost exclusively devoted to the theories advanced by Charles de Brosses in his 1765 Traité de la formation mécanique des langues), “L’hiéroglyphe généralisé” (119–48, which concerns itself with the ideas held by Antoine Court de Gébelin, 1725–1784), “Onomatopoétique” (149–81, which analyses the work of Charles Nodier, f1.1808–34), “Blanc bonnet versus bonnet blanc” (183–226, which gives an account of the word-order debate in 17th and 18th century France), “Flexion interne” (227–40, which deals with certain ideas of German romanticist writers such as F. Schlegel, J. Grimm, and W. von Humboldt), “Langues du désert” (241–55, which is an exposé of the work of Ernest Renan, 1823–92, especially his writings on Semitic), “Au défaut des langues” (257–314, which treats linguistic questions as seen by literary writers, esp. Stéphane Mallarmé and Paul Valéry), “L’âge des noms” (315–28), “L’écriture en jeu” (329–49), “Signe : singe” (351–75), “Le parti pris des mots” (377–81), “Le genre de la rêverie” (383–93), “Mimophonie restrainte” (395–428) – this and the 5 preceding chapters deal with linguistic questions only in passing. There is no comprehensive bib. and no index .]

( unter Mitarbeit von Anna-Liisa Värri-Haarmann ). 1974 . Die finnisch-ugrischen Sprachen: Soziologische und politische Aspekte ihrer Entwicklung . (= Fenno-Ugrica, 1 [On vol.2 see HL 3:3, p. 387 (1976)] .) Hamburg : Helmut Buske Verlag , 309 pp. Paper, DM 36 ,-. [ The vol. constitutes a sociolinguistic and historio-political account on the Finno-Urgic language family, richly documented with 44 maps., 12 facs., 7 graphic sketches and many statistical tables. It consists of 3 major chaps.: I, “Finnisch-ugrische Sprachen in Skandinavien” (19–86), II, “Finnisch-ugrische Sprachen in der Sowjetunion” (87–244), and III, “Das Ungarische in den Donaustaaten” (245–99). An appendix (302–09) informs about the Finno-Ugric family relationship, the statistical distribution of the languages of this non-IE language family, and an index of languages and peoples treated in the book. There is no comprehensive bib .]

eds. 1976 . Sprachen und Staaten: Festschrift Heinz Kloss . 2 vols. Hamburg : Stiftung Europa-Kolleg (Selbstverlag) , 378 and 401 pp. [ Part I: Der politische und soziale Status der Sprachen in den Staaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft; Part II: Nationalitäten- und Sprachenfragen in weltpolitischer Perspektive. Contributors include Niels Danielsen, Joshua A. Fishman, Heinrich P. Kelz, Johann Knobloch, William F. Mackey, and many others. Of interest to historians of linguistics may be at least the following contributions: Leopold Auburger, “Überblick über die äußere Geschichte mekedoslavischer Ausbausprachen (Altkirchenslavisch und moderne mekedoslavische Standardsprache)” (II, 9–122), and Rudolf Grulich, “Ethnos, Glotta Kai Ekklesia: Katholische Kirche und nationale Minderheiten” (ibid., 287–317). Bib. of Heinz Kloss (II, 377–99) .]

. 1976 . La Grammaire générative: Réflexions critiques . (= Le Linguiste, 17 .) Paris : Presses Universitaires de France , 244 pp. [ This critical evaluation of Transformational-Generative Grammar consists of the following major chaps.: I, “Le cadre intellectuel et social [which includes an account of the interpenetration of organisational linguistics by TG]” (11–51); II, “Linguistique et science dans la vision générativiste” (52–96); III, “Les operations et les niveaux” (97–172); IV, “La démarche formelle et la portée théorique” (173–226), and a concluding statement, “Pour ne pas conclure” (227–29). There is a detailed bib. (131–42), and a language index (243–44) .]

ed. [“ im Auftrag der Humboldt-Gesellschaft ]. 1976 . Universalismus und Wissenschaft im Werk und Wirken der Brüder Humboldt . (= Studien zur Philosophie und Literatur des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 31 .) Frankfurt am Main : Vittorio Klostermann , 342 pp. Paperbd., DM 66 ,- [ Cloth, DM 74 ,-]. [ This vol. devoted to the work of Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt and its impact on 19th-century intellectual life includes the following articles of importance for the historian of linguistic thought: “Individuelle und universelle Züge der Sprachen in der Sicht Wilhelm von Humboldts” (199–216; discussion, 217 to 223) by Helmut Gipper; “Von der Poetik zur Linguistik – Wilhelm von Humboldt und der romantische Sprachbegriff” (224–40) by Kurt Müller-Vollmer; “Zur Editionsgeschichte der Korrespondenz Wilhelm von Humboldts”, an informative up-to-date account of the fate of Humboldt’s world-wide correspondence, by Philip Mattson, Director of the Heidelberg Wilhelm von Humboldt-Briefarchiv (241–53, discussion, 254–55), and the appendix, “Wilhelm von Humboldt und der Anfang der amerikanischen Sprachwissenschaft: Die Briefe [Humboldts] an John Pickering” by Kurt Müller-Vollmer (259–334), a critical ed. of H’s letters to the American linguist John Pickering (1777–1846) written between 1821 and 1834, with an introd. and informative notes. The entire vol. is rounded off by an index of names (335–41) .]

. 1976 . Adjektivasverb oder adverbiales Adjektiv? Ein Beitrag zur Forschungsgeschichte der deutschen Grammatik . (= Acta Academiae Aboensis; Series A: Humaniora, 54:1 .) Åbo, Finland : Åbo Akademi , 75 pp. [ in this study the author analyses in particular the grammatical theories of Gottlieb Benedict Funk (1734–1814), Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806), Karl Philipp Moritz (1757–93), and a number of 19th-century school masters as well as those of scholars such as Heinrich Bauer (1773–1846), Johann Severin Vater (1772–1826), and others (cf. esp. chap. 2 [pp. 19–27]). Subsequent chaps, include the discussion of ideas put forward by 20th-century linguists who have worked on German grammar to a considerable degree such as Hans Glinz, Gerhard Helbig, Vladimir Admoni and others .]

eds. 1976 . Origins and Evolution of Language and Speech . (= Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 280 .) New York : The Academy of Sciences , VII, 914 pp. Paper , $59.00 . [ This vol. contains the result of a conference entitled ‘Origins and Evolution of Language and Speech’ held by the New York Academy of Sciences on 22–25 Sept. 1975; it consists of papers followed by discussions. Although the bulk of the contributions was made by natural scientists, philosophers, and behavioural scientists, the linguistic input is clearly in evidence, viz. the papers by Charles J. Fillmore (“Frame Semantics and the Nature of Language”, 20–32), Noam Chomsky (“On the Nature of Language”, 46–57), William S-Y. Wang (“Language Change”, 61–70), Paul Ki-parsky (“Historical Linguistics and the Origin of Language”, 97–103), and Roger W. Wescott (“Protolinguistics: The study of protolanguage as an aid to glossogonic research”, 104–16). The first session was in fact devoted to ‘The History of Language-Origins Theory’, with Hans Aarsleff presenting a paper titled “An Outline of Language-Origins Theory since the Renaissance” (4–13). Other contributors include philosophers and logicians working in linguistics such as Donald Davidson, Patrick Suppes, Edward L. Keenan, and others. There are further contributions by anthropologists, psychologists and linguists that deserve particular mention here, all of them devoted to sign language theory: Gordon W. Hewes, “The Current Status of the Gestural Theory of Language Origin” (482–504), William C. Stokoe, “Sign Language Autonomy” (505–13), and Ursula Bellugi & Edward S. Klima, “Two Faces of Sign: Iconic and abstract” (514 to 538). There are no indices .]

. 1973 . Hartley’s Theory of the Human Mind . (= Language, Man and Society .) New York : AMS Press , [XVII], LXII, 372 pp. [ Repr. of the 1775 London (J. Johnson) ed. prepared by Joseph Priestly (1733–1804), who took this study from Hartley’s (1705–57) major work, Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and his Expectations (1749). Priestly was particularly interested in Hartley’s ‘principles of the association of ideas’ included therein, principles that were influential until the end of the 19th century. To this repr. has been added an informative article by Thom Verhave, “An Introduction to … Hartley’s Theory of the Human Mind”, of some 25 pp., which gives a detailed account of the Wirkungsgeschichte of Hartley’s principles and concepts concerning the mind .]

1976 . Wilhelm von Humboldt nella cultura contemporanea . Bologna : Società Editrice il Mulino , 436 pp. Paper, L. 6.000 . [ Vol.8 of the journal “Lingua e Stile” devoted two of its quarterly issues to Humboldtian ideas of language and mind; the papers have been collected in the present vol., with only Maria-Elisabeth Conte’s (1973) ‘bibliografia ragionate’ on W. von Humboldt in contemporary linguistics extended to cover the years 1973–76 and add previously omitted references (281 ff., esp. 319–24). Each paper treats a particular aspect of Humboldt’s linguistic work or related field of interest: comparative anthropology (Luigi Marino), language typology (Paolo Ramat), linguistic analysis and its method (Eva Picardi – cf. now her article in EL 4:1.31–57), the concept of ‘diversity’ (John Viertel), the study of Basque (Luis Michelena), on A. F. Pott’s addition of a 4th category to H’s tripartite typology (Eugenio Coseriu), the study of Sanskrit (Giorgio Renato Franci), literary criticsm (Ezio Raimondi). – The vol. also includes Ital. transl, of (1) fragments of an autobiography of H., (2) H’s well-known letter addressed to the Sinologist [Jean-Paul] Abel Rémusat (1788–1832) of 1822, (3) his essay on the dual (1827), and the famous Introduction (1830–35) to his voluminous work on the Kawi language of Java (pp. 329–37, 339–85, 387–408, and 409–36, respectively). There is no index .]

1976 . A Survey of Modern Grammars . 2nd [ much enlarged ] ed. New York-Chicago-San Francisco, etc : Holt, Rine-hart & Winston , X, 374 pp. [ The bulk of the book is taken up by the chap, on Transformational-Generative Grammar (117–258), with only a slim chap, entitled “Two Thousand Years of Language Study” (9–26); the rest is devoted to ‘Structural Grammar’ (69–113), “Varieties of American English” (261–86), and “Linguistics in the Classroom” (289–361). There is a select bib. (362–67), and a detailed index of terms and concepts (368–74) .]

introd. & ed. 1976 . Dansk Rigssprog: En beskrivelse fra 1700-tollet (Gl. kgl. Saml. 789 fol.) . København : Akademisk Forlag , XIII, 608 pp. in small-4°. Paperbd., Dan. Kr. 192 ,-. [ This vol. consists of a critical ed. of an anonymous MS treatise on the Danish language of 1727, to which the ed. has added an extensive introduction (1–124) in English discussing the historical background of the MS, the question of authorship, the author’s intent and approach to the subject matter. (DG introduced on p. 7 appears to stand for Danish Grammarian by analogy to FG = First Grammarian of the Icelandic grammatical treatises; cf. also p. XIII, “Editor’s Abbreviations and Symbols”.) Apart from the descriptive standpoint taken by the DG he also puts forward an orthographic system of its own, and makes interesting comments on matters such as language origin, language development and relationship, and other topics .]

. 1977 . The View from Language: Selected essays 1948–1974 . Athens, Ga. : Univ. of Georgia Press , VII, 338 pp. Cloth , $15.00 . [ The vol. brings together the most important articles by H. written over a period of 25 years; they include: “Biophysics, Linguistics, and the Unity of Science” (1948, 2–18), “Chinese versus English: An exploration of the Whorfian theses” (1953, 53–70), “Ethnolinguistic Implications of Recent Studies in Linguistics and Psychiatry” (1958, 107–23), “The Problem of Universals in Language” (1961, 163–186), “Where the Tongue Slips, there Slip I” (1966, 227–56), and “Information, Entropy, and the Epistemology of History” (hitherto unpublished, 290–322). All papers are preceded by a bio-bibliographical notes by the author indicating the history of the paper in question. The vol. is rounded off by a bib. of H’s publications, 1939–1974 (323–29), and an index of names and terms (331–38) .]

, with the collaboration of Harriet Penensick and Jerome Bunnag . 1977 . Studies in Descriptive and Historical Linguistics : Festschrift for Winfred P. Lehmann . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 4 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , X, 502 pp. Clothbd., Hfl. 100 .- [ This vol. contains contributions to various areas of linguistic and philological inquiry by 29 scholars, among them Anders Ahlqvist, Aaron Bar-Adon, Simon C. Dik, Robert M. W. Dixon, Maurice Gross, Robert T. Harms, Einar Haugen, Yakov Malkiel, Jacob Mey, D. Gary Miller, William G. Moulton, Don L. F. Nilsen, Edgar C. Polomé, Gary D. Prideaux, Luigi Romeo, Sol Saporta, Sanford A. Schane. The vol. includes a portrait of W. P. Lehmann, a list of his publications (1938–1976), comp, by Helen-Jo Jakusz Hewitt (1–18), and an index of names (498–502) .]

. 1977 . Über den Ablaut: Zwei Abhandlungen, and Über den Umlaut . New ed. with an introductory article by Wilbur A. Benware . (= Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics, 12 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XXIX, 48, 77, 3 pp. [ A repr. of A. Holtzmann’s (1810–70) important essays of 1843 and 1844, with a foreword by the series ed. (VII–VII), an introd. by W. A. Ben-ware (IX–XX), and a bio-bibliographical account (with several posthumous works added) by Ernst Martin (XXI–XXIX). The back matter consists of a “Bibliography of Works mentioned in Über den Umlaut and Über den Ablaut”, and an index of authors .]

ed.-in-chief 1977 . Tradicii russkogo jazykoz-nanija na Ukraine [ The Russian linguistic tradition in the Ukraine ]. Kiev : Izd. “Naukova dumka” , 283 pp. Cloth, 2 R, 13 kop . [ This historical sketch from the early 19th century to the present written by a team of scholars consists of the following major chaps.: I, “The development of Russian linguistics in the oldest scientific centers of the Ukraine (Xar’kov, Nežin, Kiev, L’vov, Odessa)” (12–135), II, “Creative Contacts between Ukrainian and Russian linguists” (136–95), III, “Basic Trends in the Development of Russian Linguistics in the prerevolutionary period” (196–236), and IV, “Development of Russian Linguistics in the Ukraine since the Revolution” (237–279). The vol. contains full-page portraits of I. I. Sreznev-skij (1812–80), Nikolaj Kuz’mič Grunskiji (1872–1951), A. A. Potebnja (1835–91), Leonid Arsen’evič Bulaxovskij (1888–1961), and A. A. Saxmatov (1864–1920), highlighting their contributions to linguistic science .]

. 1975 . Coup d’oeil sur le développement de la sémiotique . (= Indiana University Publications ; Studies in Semiotics, 3 .) Lisse : Peter de Ridder Press , 23 pp. [ This brief aperçu manages to cover the period from antiquity to modern-day pursuits in the field, mentioning Locke, Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–77), Bernhard Bolzano (1781–1848), Husserl, Saussure, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), et al .]

eds. 1977 . La Grammaire générale: Bes modistes aux idéologues . Villeneuve-d’Ascq : Publications de l’Univ. de Lille III, IX, 255 pp. Paper, FF 59 ,-. [ This vol. brings together the following articles (several of them transl, into French): Louis G. Kelly, “La grammaire à la fin du moyen âge et les universaux: Essai de bibliographie” (1–10), Charles Porset, “Grammatista philosophans: Les sciences du langage de Port-Royal aux Idéologues (1660–1818): Bibliographie” (11–95), Jean Stefanini, “De la grammaire aristotelicienne” (96–106), L. G. Kelly, “La Physique d’Aristote et la phrase simple dans les ouvrages de grammaire speculative” (107–24), Geneviève Clerico, “Sanctius: Histoire d’une réhabilitation” (125–43), Jean-Claude Chevalier, “Grammaire générale de Port-Royal et tradition grecque: La constitution des parties du discours; classement et signification” (145156), Daniel Droixhe, “Sentiment du phonème et omission des voyelles nasales chez Port-Royal” (157–64), André Joly, “La linguistique cartésienne: Une erreur memorable” (165–99), Ulrich Ricken, “L’ordre naturel du fançais: Naissance d’une théorie” (201–16), and Hans Aarsleff, “Guillaume de Humboldt et la pensée linguistique des idéologues” (217–241). There is a detailed index of authors (243–55), but no index of subjects and/or terms .]

ed. 1977 . Toward a Psychology of Reading and Language: Selected Writings of Wendell W. Weaver . Athens, Ga. : Univ. of Georgia Press , XI, 219 pp. Cloth , $12.00 . [ This vol. brings together the most important articles by the late W. W. Weaver (d.1972) published between 1961 and 1972. They are grouped under the following two major headings: “Theoretical Papers” and “Empirical Studies”. The back matter of the volume contains a brief bio-bibliogr. sketch of W. (209–11), an index of authors (213–16), and an index of subjects (217–19) .]

. 1977 . La Prononciation de anglais: Regles phonologiques et exercises de transcription . (= Collection Hachette Université .) Paris : Hachette , 127 pp. [ An important new textbook for the teaching of English to Francophones .]

, comp. [ 1977 ]. Bibliografie von Nederlandse Geschriften of taalkundig gebied uit de période 1550 tot 1690 . Nijmegen : Katholieke Universitet , mimeographed [unpaginated] . [ Cf. the bib. compiled by D(irk) M(iente) Bakker and G(erar-dus) R(utgerus) W(ilhelmus) Dibbets above, which constitutes the 1805–1900 portion of the present bib. produced with the help of a grant by the Stichting Zuiver Wetenschappelijk On-derzoek. The present bib. lists Dutch publications in linguistics which appeared from the mid-16th to the end of the 17th century .]

. 1977 . Obščaja teorija sravnitel ‘no-go jazykoznanija [ General theory of comparative linguistics ]. Moskva : Izd. “Nauka” , 205 pp. Paperbd., 1 R. 26 kop . [ An expose of over-all principles of historical-comparative study, of IE as well as non-IE languages by one of the leading Soviet scholars in the field .]

. 1976 . Einführung in die Phonetik als Wissenschaft . Transl, from the Swedish by Herbert Bartholmes . (= Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 38 .) München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 220 pp. Paper, DM 28 ,-. [ This introduction to phonetic science includes a chap, of particular interest to historians of linguistics, “Aus der Geschichte der Phonetik” (15–30), which offers a brief account of the development of the subject from antiquity to the present, with particular emphasis on 18th and 19th century scientists, such as von Kempelen, Hellwag, Chladni, Brücke, Helmholtz, and many others .]

. 1971 . Sprachtheoretische Abhandlungen . Im Auftrage der Gesellschaft für dänische Sprache und Literatur hrgg’ von Karsten Friis Johansen . Copenhagen : C.A. Reitzels Boghandel , VII, 493 pp. Bound, Dkr. 120 ,-. [ This vol. brings together, in German, transl, (items 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 transl, by Hans-Martin Junghans), J. N. Madvig’s (1804–86) most important statements on general linguistics, the first 5 of which had previously been published by the author himself in Kleine philologische Schriften, vom Verfasser deutsch bearbeitet in Leipzig (B. G. Teubner, publisher) in 1875. These were:l)“Über das Geschlecht in den Sprachen” of 1835 (47–80), (2) “Über Wesen, Entwickelung und Leben der Sprache” of 1842 (81–116), (3) “Vom Entstehen und Wesen der grammatischen Bezeichnungen”, Part I (1856) and (4) Part II of 1857 (117–72 and 172–257, respectively), and (5) “Zerstreute sprachwissenschaftliche Bemerkungen” dating from 1871 (258–305). To these titles the ed. has added: (6) an extract from an early (1832) statement by M. on applied linguistics (’gelehrter Schulunterricht’), followed by (7) an extract from an article on Latin syntax, first published in German in 1843 (306–26 and 327–36, resp.), (8) a paper on th place of language in cultural development of 1842 (337–44), (9) an address of 1881 entitled ‘What is linguistics?’ (345–57). Item (10) constitutes selections from lecture notes taken by one of M’s students (358–92); (11) prints the Preface M. wrote for his ‘Kleine Schriften’ of 1875, and, finally, (12) gives excerpts from M’s autobiography of 1887 which pertain to his general linguistic views (393–97 and 398–402, resp.). To this the ed. has added some 90 pages (403–93) of commentary, including a select bib. (403–06) of primary and secondary sources, and, still more valuable, an introductory article (1–46), which offers a detailed account of M’s contribution to general linguistics, with reference to both 19th-century theorists, e.g., Humboldt, Steinthal, and others, and modern linguists, e.g., Saussure, Hjelmslev, et al. The vol. contains little biographical information on Madvig and no index .]

ed. 1976 . Sounds Sign and Meaning: Quinqua-genary of the Prague Linguistic Circle . (= Michigan Slavic Con-ributions, 6 .) Ann Arbor, Mich. : Dept. of Slavic Langs, and Literatures, Univ. of Michigan , XXXIV, 622 pp. [ Contributions to the various facets of Prague school persuasions by scholars such as René Wellek, Roman Jakobson, Ludwig Landgre-be, Dmitrij Tschižewskij, L’ubomir Durovič, Bertil Malmberg, Morris Halle, Edward Stankiewicz, Susumu Kuno, Henry Kučera, Milka Ivić, I. R. Titunik, Peter Steiner, Maria Renata Mayen-ova, Lubomír Doležil, and many others. To this vol. the editor has added an informative Preface (IX–XXXIV), in which the history of the Prague School and its activities are sketched. A “List of Lectures given in the Prague Linguistic Circle (1926-to 1948)”, comp, (with Czech and Russian titles translated into English) by Bruce Kochis (607–22) rounds off the vol .]

. 1976 . American Indian Linguistics in New Spain . Lisse/Netherlands : Peter de Ridder Press , 25 pp. $1.20 . [ Repr. from American Indian Languages and American Linguistics ed. by Wallace L. Chafe [for details, see Chafe 1976 above], 105–27. – A bibliographical-historical survey of linguistic work done in Mexico and Guatemala since the 16th century .]

1975 MLA International Bibliography . Volume III : Linguistics . New York : The Modern Language Association of America , XXXI, 167 pp. [ The rubric “History of Linguistics” lists altogether some 115 items, a substantial portion of them for no cogent reason (pp. 4–5). Only few of these are included in the companion volume, 1975 MLA Abstracts, which, curiously enough, does not contain a rubric on history of linguistics .]

. 1977 . Die Sprachforschung der Aufklärung im Spiegel der großen französischen Enzyklopädie . (= Lingua et Traditio: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 3 .) Tübingen : TBL Verlag Gunter Narr , 199, 9 pp. [ Originally a doct. diss., Univ. des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1975, this study consists of three major parts, devoted to the work of Nicolas Beauzée (1717–89), César Chesneau Dumarsais (1676–1756), and Anne Robert Jacques Turgot (1727–81), respectively. All parts are embedded within the intellectual milieu of the period; the book in effect treats the Grammaire générale tradition from 1660 to the end of the 18th century, including the work of Charles Batteux (1713–80), Condillac (1715–80), and Diderot (1713–84). To this the author has added a methodological introduction (9–24), a list of the articles on grammatical and general linguistic questions contributed to the Encyclopédie (171–79), a bib. of primary (181–85) and secondary literature (186–93), an index of pre-19th-century scholars of language (194–95), and an analytic table of contents (197–99) .]

. 1975 . Die syntaktische Terminologie bei Sībawaih . Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München . 2 vols. München : no pub. , XIII, 363 , and 45 pp., resp. [ A study of the syntactic terminology in the Kitāb [book] by the Arab grammarian Sibawayhi (d.793), preceded by an introd. in which S’s grammatical theory is placed in historical perspective and his theory outlined (1–24). Vol.2 consists of an “Index der arabischen Termini” (1–4), “Arabischer Wortindex” (5–9), an “Index europäischer Termini” (10–11), and a detailed “Belegstellenindex” (12–45). A brief curriculum vitae of the author is found in vol.1, p. 363 .]

. 1977 . Caught in the Web of Words: James A. H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary . New Haven & London : Yale Univ. Press , XIV, 386 pp. Cloth, P.St. 6.95 . [ A most complete and carefull researched biography of (Sir) James Augustus Henry Murray (1837–1915), the first editor of the New [now Oxford] English Dictionary, written by his granddaughter, who was able to locate many documents, including hitherto untapped correspondence between M. and his contemporaries, and to make use of accounts by members of the family. The author has added careful documentary notes (355–77), and a valuable index of names and subjects (378–86). – Cf. the reviews by Lance Morrow in Times (New York, 26 Dec. 1977), p. 50, and, especially, by Anthony Burgess in TLS 30.1094–95 (30 Sept. 1977), and Eric Partridge in Books and Bookmen (Dec.1977), p. 26 .]

Obščestvennye nauki v SSSR [ Social sciences in the U.S.S.R. ]. Serija 6: Jazykoznanie [Linguistics] , Moskva : Institut Naučnoj Informacii po Obščestvennym Naukaum, Akademija Nauk SSSR [Inst, of Scientific Information on the Social Sciences] , Nos. 1 to 4 of 1977 . [ For further details on this and the subsequent series, especially with regard to the organisation of these bibliographical publications, cf. HL 2:3.424–25 (1975). – Note that only the first section of these bibliographies, “History and Present State of Linguistics”, are mentioned here, unless indicated otherwise. – No.l includes reviews of the following Russ. publications: Potebnja 1976 (cf. HL 3:3, p. 390, for details), by F. M. Berezin (11–13); Bulaxov 1976 (cf. op. cit., 385–86, for details) by B. A. Plotnikov (13–15), followed by accounts of articles published in recent Soviet periodicals, one by Valerij Georgievič Kuznecov on Bally’s linguistic theories, the other by N. D. Andreev (“Kvazilingvistika xomskogo”), which appeared in VJa 1976/5.58–73 (15–17 and 17–19, resp.). – No.2 includes, apart from a review by C. N. Ivanov of historical overview of research on Turkish by Andrej Nikolaevič Kononov (13–15), and a review of an article on contrastive linguistics (15–16), a review by S. Ju. Medvedeva of MSS by Sergej Ignat’evič Bernštejn (1892–1970), dating from 1923 in which he criticized Saussure’s Cours, ed. by N. A. Sljusareva and V. G. Kuznecov (11–13). – No.3 contains nothing of particular interest to the general hist, of ling., except perhaps A. S. Mel’ničuk’s brief paper in VJa 19 76/6.19–23 on the philosophical roots of glos-sematics (reviewed by V. G. Kuznecov, 19–21). – No.4 contains at least the report of one 90-page study, namely, N. A. Sljusareva and V. S. Straxova’s account of the 20s and 30s in Soviet 20th-century linguistics, done by V. G. Kuznecov (9–11) .]

Obščestvennye nauki za rubežom [ Social sciences abroad ]. Serija 6: Jazykoznanie [ Linguistics ]. Moskva : Inst. Naučnoj Informacii … [etc.] , No. 4 ( 1976 ), 309 pp. [ The rubric on History of Linguistics and Present State of Linguistics contains, inter alia, a review of René Amacker, Linguistique saussurienne (Genève: E. Droz, 1975), by N. A. Sljusareva (11–18), an account of X. Pur-vev, Očerk po istorija na bulgarkata grammatica (Sofia: Izd. “Nauka i izkus tvo”, 1975), by A. T. Lazarova (18–22), a review of Joann Vogt 1974 (cf. HL 3:3.366–73, for details) by V. A. Vinogradov (22–25), and a résumé of Philip Mattson’s article, “Wilhelm von Humboldt und die Anfänge der Slavistik”, ZSlPh 38:2.303–23 (1975), by the late B. V. Gornung (27–28) .]

Obščestvennye nauki za rubežom . Etc. Nos . 1 – 4 ( 1977 ). From the contents: V. G. Kuznecov, review of R. Simone’s art . in HL 2 : 3 . 353 – 78 ( 1975 ), and B. V. Gornung , review of Rüdiger Schmitt’s art. , “ Von Bopp bis Hübschmann ”, KZ 89 : 1 . 3 – 30 ( 1975 ), in No. l , 9–11 and 12–13, resp.; No.2 includes, inter alia, reviews of J. F. Eros’ art. on Casaubon (cf. HL 3:1.1–15), of Ian Robinson’s The New Grammarians’ Funeral (cf. Lg 53.406–11/1977), and of George Steiner’s After Babel (London: OUP, 1975), by R. A. Ageeva, M. M. Makovskij, and V. V. Bibixin (11–13, 13–17, and 26–33, respectively). – No.3 prints accounts of Fontaine 1974 (cf. above), V. G. Waterhouse’s The History and Development of Tagmemics of 1974 (cf. HL 2:3, p. 427), the portion on hist, of ling, of Teoria e storia degli studi linguistici of 1975 (cf. HL 3:1.151–52, for details), and of Elmar Holenstein, Jakobson ou le structuralisme phénoménologique (Paris: Seghers, 1974), by V. G. Kuznecov, I. S. Kecel’man, I. A. Ščekina, and M. M. Makovskij (and that order, pp. 11–17, 17–19, 19–23, and 23 to 27, respectively/. – No.4 includes a review of E. Roulet’s booklet on Saussure (cf. HL 3:1, p. 150, for details), a review of In Memoriam Friedrich Diez ed. by H.-J. Niederehe & H. Haarmann (cf. HL 3:3.388–89), and accounts of Enders 1975 (cf. HL 3:2.230–34), and of Baum 1976 (cf. HL 4:1, p. 115), by V. G. Kuznecov, id. & V. P. Tjul’nina, R. M. Venckovič, and A. R. Arutjunov (in that order, pp. 9–11, 12–19, 23–27, and 29–32) .]

. 1975 , Idéologie et sémiologie chez Locke et Con-dillac: La question de l’autonomie du langage devant la pensée . Lisse/Holland : Peter de Ridder Press , 28 pp. $1.10 . [ Repr. from Ut Videam: Contributions to an understanding of linguistics, 225–48. Lisse, 1975 .]

. 1975 . On Plagiarisms in the ‘Minerva’ of Francis cus Sanctius . Lisse , 15 pp. $.80 .[ Repr. from the same vol. as Parret (above), pp. 249–61, this article is largely a listing of passages from Sanctius’ (1587) Minerva paralleled by the plagiarized sources, namely, Thomas Linacre’s (1460?-1524) De emendata structura Latini sermonis libri sex (London, 1525; Paris, 1541), Julius Caesar Scaligera (1484–1558) De causis linguae Latinae (Lyon, 1540), and various writings by Petrus Ramus (1515–72) .]

Paulinus a Sancto Bartholomaeo, see Rocher 1977 .

ed. 1977 . Sigerus de Cortraco: Summa modorum significando; Sophismata . New edition, on the basis of G. Wallerand’s editio prima, with additions, critical notes, an index of terms and an introduction . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 14 .) Amsterdan : John Benjamins , XLI, 108 in small-4°. Bound, Hfl. 46 ,-. [ Repr. of Gaston Wallerand’s (1884–1941) ed. of Sigerus (Louvain, 1913), pp. 93–165, with the following additions: Preface (V–VI), Contents (VII), Introd. (IX–XXXVI), in which the earlier ed. and the scholarship concerning Sigerus’ work is treated, bib. of primary and secondary sources (XXXVII–XLI), Critical Notes to S’s Summa (34–40), Sophismata Nos.5–7 edited from MSS (78–95), with crit. notes (97–106), and an index of terms (107–08) .]

ed. 1976 . Philosophische Positionen und Kontroversen in der Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft . (= Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, 29:5/6 .) Berlin : Akademie-Verlag . [ 451 -] 603 pp. [ This double issue of ZPhon prints the papers from a colloquium organized by the Wissenschaftsbereich Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle, German Democratic Republic, which took place on 11–12 December 1975. The following contributions appear of particular interest in the context of the present journal: U. Ricken, “Zu einigen Aufgaben und Problemen einer Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft” (452–457), Rainer Eckert, “Zur Problematik Sprache und Gesellschaft in der Geschichte der sowjetischen Sprachwissenschaft” (458–463), André Joly, “Le débat sur les parties du discours à l’époque classique” (465–67), Gottfried Graustein, “Tendenzen in der Beschreibung englischer komplexer Sätze (besonders im 18. Jahrhundert)” (468–71), Peter Suchsland, “Gibt es Widersprüche zwischen Leibnizens theoretischen und praktischen Bemühungen um die deutsche Sprache?” (472–75), Hans-Manfred Militz, “Bemerkungen zu Rousseaus ‘Essai sur l’origine des langues’” (484 to 487), Gerda Hassler, “Ansätze zur Diskussion um ein sprachliches Relativitätsprinzip in der Auseinandersetzung Turgots mit Maupertuis” (491–94), Paolo Ramat, “Das typologische Sprachproblem im 19. Jahrhundert” (495–98), Werner Neumann, “Über Dynamik und Statik in der bürgerlichen Sprachtheorie des 19. Jahrhunderts: Eine Kontroverse in der Humboldt-Rezeption” (499–502), Harry Spitzbardt, “Zum Darwinismus in der Sprachwissenschaft” (506–11), Wolfgang Fleischer, “Sprachwissenschaft und Weltanschauung: Zur Position Wilhelm Scherers in seinen sprachwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten” (512–15), Gertrud Bense, “Bemerkungen zu theoretischen Positionen im Werk von F. A. Pott” (519–22), Günter Feudel, “Baudouin de Courtenay und F. de Saussure – Zwei Traditionslinien in der Entwicklung der Sprachwissenschaft” (529–33), Frank Häusler, “Bemerkungen zur Stellung der Kazaner Schule in der Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft” (534–38), and, finally, Klaus Welke, “Zur Kritik der Sprachkonzeption F. de Saussures” (542–44), and Thea Schippan, “Hugo Schuchardts Beitrag zur Wortforschung” (556–59).1

ed. 1977 . Paulinus a S.Bartholmaeo: Dissertation on the Sanskrit Language . A reprint of the original Latin text of 1790, together with an introductory article, a complete English translation, and an index of sources . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 12 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V. , XXVIII, 224 pp. Bound, Hfl. 65 ,-. [ The vol. presents the introduction to the first grammar of Sanskrit printed in Europe, namely, the Dissertatio historic-critica which Paulinus (alias Philipp Wessdin (1749–1806) prefaced to his Sidharubam, seu, Grammatica Samscrdamica of 1790. Apart from an introd. the ed. has added a full translation of the ‘dissertatio’, together with explanatory notes (81–174), and a very detailed index of sources, i.e., titles of books, technical terms, names of authors, etc. (177–224) .]

. 1977 . Die Wahrheitstheorie der deskriptiven Sätze . München-Paderborn-Wien : Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag , 134 pp. Paper, DM 20 ,-. [ A logico-linguistic treatise on signification of marginal interest to historians of linguistics, but certainly of importance to linguists working toward the establishment of a valid theory of semantics. It contains references to classical and medieval ideas in the field, but the epistemological background is based on late 19th and 20th century concepts of mathematics, logic, and philosophy of language. Bib. (133–34); no index .]

. 1977 . Trudy po jazykoznaniju [ Works in linguistics ]. Transl, from the French under the editorship of A. A. Xolodovič . Moskva : “Progress” , 695 pp. Cloth, 3R 9kop. [ This volume of Saussure’s collected works contains Russ. transl, of the following works, each of them introduced by an evaluation of the particular text by a contemporary scholar (A. A. Xolodovič, A. A. Zaliznjak, I. M. Tronskij, V. A. Dybo, and Vjač. Vs. Ivanov, in that order): I, Cours de linguistique générale, 3rd ed. (1931), based on the 1933 version executed by A. M. Suxotin and revised by A. A. Xolodovč (31–273), followed by a select bib. of secondary sources (274–84), which ignores post-1970 publications in the field; II, Memoire sur le système primitif des voyelles (Leipzig, 1879), transl, by A. S. Bobovič and A. B. Cernjak (302–562), III, 3 articles on particular topics in historical linguistics, (1) “Une loi rythmique de la langue grecque” (1884), introd. by the late Iosif Moiseevič Tronskij (1897–1970), transl, by I. A. Perel’-muter (569–82), (2) “A propos de l’accentuation lituanienne” (1894) and (3) “Accentuation lituanienne” (1896), both transl, by E. E. Kord (598–619 and 620–32, resp.), and prefaced by V. A. Dubo, “F. de Saussure’s works on Baltic accentuation” (583597), and IV, “Anagrams (fragments)”, introd. (635–38), selected [from J. Starobinski, Les mots sous les mots: Les anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure, Paris: Gallimard, 1971, pp. 35–37, 37–39, 59–60, and 126–27] (639–45), annotated (646–47), and with a select bib. added (648–49) by Vjač(eslav) V(ladimirovič) Ivanov. To this has been added a biographical sketch of Saussure, “Life and work” (650–71) by the ed., a list of S’s publications (672–74), incl. a list of the papers he presented at linguistic meetings (p. 674), an index of terms (675–89), a list of booktitles and journals (691–94), all supplied by the ed .]

. 1977 . Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier: Ein Beitrag zur Begründung der Altertumskunde . New edition, with an introductory article by Sebastiano Timpanaro ( translated from the Italian by J. Peter Maher ), prepared by E. F. K. Koerner . (= Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics 1800–1925, 1 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V. , LVII, 190 pp. in small 4°. Bound, Hfl. 66 ,-. [ This vol. reprints F. Schlegel’s epoch-making book of 1808, together with the E. transl, (by Ellen J. Millington) of Book I (“On the Indian Language”), both items having two pages of the original reproduced on one page. To this has been added a portrait of Sch., a preface (VII–X) by the ed., an introductory article by Sebastiano Timpanaro, in which Sch’s work is placed in its historical context and subsequently analysed with regard to the impact the book had on 19th-century linguistic scholarship (XI–XXXVII), with copious notes (XXXIX–XXXVIII), and a detailed bib. (XXXIX–LVII) .]

ed. 1976 . Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft III: Methoden sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung . Ins Deutsche übertragen und hrgg. von Hans Zikmund und Günter Feudel . München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , VII, 296 pp. Paper, DM 28 ,-. [ German transi, of Obščee jazykoznanie: Metody lingvističeskix issledovanij (Moskva: Izd. “Nauka”, 1973); cf. EL 1:3, p. 438 (1974), and HL 3:2.271–72 (1976), for details on vol.I and vol.II of the 3-volume work. The present vol. contains the following chaps, authored by the editor, G. A. Klimov, N. D. Arutjunova, T. V. Bulygina, and others: (1) “Die Methoden der genetischen Sprachforschung” (5–81), (2) “Die Abgrenzung zwischen Synchronie und Diachronie” (82–92). (3) “Sprachgeographische Forschungsmethoden” (93–131), (4) “Die grundlegenden Prinzipien und Methoden struktureller Analyse” (132–77), (5) “Die Methoden der Typologie” (178–203), and (6) “Der Zusammenhang zwischen der allgemeinen Methodologie der linguistischen Wissenschaft und den besonderen Methoden der linguistischen Forschung” (204–52). There follow: A select bib. for each individual chap. (253–72), an index of authors (273–76), and an index of languages mentioned or treated in part in all 3 vols, of the series (277–83), and, finally, an index of linguistic terms covering vols.I–III of Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (284–95) .]

Sigma: Revue annuelle . Publication du Centre d’Etudes Linguistiques, Université Paul Valéry , Montpellier , No. 1 ( 1976 ), 169 pp. [ For info, write to Prof. J. Martin, C.E.L., B.P. 5043, F-34032 Montpellier Cedex, France. – The present vol. contains: “Théorie de 1’énonciation” by Philippe Rothstein (1–94); “Les pronominaux allocatifs anglais” by Christian Ferrer (95–139), and “A propos et autour de la modalisation pragmatique” (141–169) by Jacky Martin .]

). 1977 . Maksim Grek v Rossi [ Maksim the Greek in Russia ], Moskva : Izd. “Nauka” , 332 pp. Cloth, 1R 95 kop. [ A monographic study of Maksim (Mixail) Grek alias Trivolis (1480–1556), his life and linguistic work, with particular reference to his sojourn in Russia (1518 ff.) .]

). 1977 . Očerki istorii russkogo ki-taevegenija [ Historical sketch of Russian Sinology ]. Moskva : Izd. “Nauka” , 505 pp. Cloth, 4R 2kop. [ A fairly substantial history of Russian Sinological scholarship, from its early beginnings in the 17th century to the early 20th century, with extensive notes (292–349), and the following addenda: Correspondence of the author with M. F. Dostoevskij between 1928 and 1929 regarding the above project (353–57), a select bib. of primary sources (358–61), additional notes (362–87), biobiblio-graphical information on distinguished Russian Sinologists and description of important historical documents in the field (388 to 459), followed by detailed induces of authors (461–86) and subjects (487–504) .]

Social Research: An international quarterly of the social sciences . New York , vol. 43 , Nos. 3 ( Autumn 1976 ) and 4 ( Winter 1976 ), [ 387 -] 915 pp. [ The present 2 issues print the papers presented at the conference on “Vico and Contemporary Thought” held in New York City on January 27–31, 1976, in celebration of the 250th anniversary of Giambattista Vico’s ScienzaNuova (1725). From the contents: Giorgio Tagliacozzo, “Introductory Remarks” (391–98), Max H. Fisch, “What has Vico to Say to Philosophers of Today?” (399–409), Ernan McMullen, “Vico’s Theory of Science” (450–80), Lionel Rubinoff, “Vico and the Verification of Historical Interpretation” (484–511), Ernesto Grassi, “The Priority of Common Sense and Imagination: Vico’s philosophical relevance today” (553–75), Michael Mooney, “The Primacy of Language in Vico” (581–600), Robert Nisbet, “Vico and the Idea of Progress” (625–37), among various other contributions. No.4 (= vol.2 of the conference papers) “focus on [the] social-scientific and pedagogic significance” of Vico’s thought, e.g., Edmund Leach, “Vico and the Future of Anthropology” (807–817), and Fred R. Dallmayr, “’Natural History’ and Social Evolution: Reflections on Vico’s Corsi e Ricorsi” (857–73). The vols, are rounded off by a transl, of a public address by Vico (of 20 Oct. 1732) entitled ‘On the Heroic Mind’ (886–903), and “Critical Writings on Vico in English: A supplement [to the 1976 bib.in Giambattista Vico ‘s Science of Humanity by Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Donald Phillip Verene (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press)]” comp, by Molly Black Verene (904–914) .]

1977 . Defamiliarization in Language and Literature . Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse Univ. Press , XI, 193 pp. Cloth , $14 ,-. [ A detailed investigation of Viktor Shklovsky’s concept of ‘defamiliarization’ in the literatures of different languages, including classical Greek as well as examples drawn from Sanskrit and Japanese. There is a detailed index of terms and names (179–93) .]

. 1976 . Baudouin de Courtenay and the Foundations of Structural Linguistics . Lisse/Netherlands : Peter de Ridder Press , 62 pp. Paper , $3.00 . [ According to the imprint on the back of the title page, the present item “is a slightly revised and shortened version of the ‘Introduction’ to A Baudouin de Courtenay Anthology, edited by E. Stankiewicz [London & Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1972]”; indeed, the various factual inacuracies mentioned in a careful review of the Anthology in Language Sciences No.27 (Oct. 1973), 45–50, have not been corrected; the bib. of Baudouin’s writings still follows the one compiled by St. Szober in 1930 (which is incomplete and, at times, unreliable), although new and at times fuller ones have appeared in recent years (Moscow, 1960; Warsaw, 1974, and Venice, 1975) .]

1975 . English Translation Theory 1650–1800 . (= Approaches to Translation Studies, 2 .) Assen & Amsterdam : Van Gorcum , VIII, 159 pp. Paperback, Dfl. 40 ,-. [ A rev. version of the author’s 1967 Columbia Univ. dissertation, the study consists of two major parts: “The Theory”, from the early beginnings in Western civilization to the work of Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee (1747–1813), and “The Documents” consisting of brief accounts, with illustrating excerpts from their works, of the following authors: John Denham (1615–69), Abraham Cowley (1618–67), John Dryden (1631–1700), Wentworth Dillon, Earl of Roscommon (1633?-1685), Laurence Echard (1670? to 1730), Alexander Pope (1688–1744), William Guthrie (1708–1770), Thomas Gordon (d.1750), Philip Francis (1708?-1773), Thomas Francklin (1721–84), Samuel Johnson (1709–84), George Colman (1732–94), Christopher Smart (1722–71), William Cowper (1731–1800). Notes (143–55) and an “Index of Names and Principal Subjects” (157–59) conclude the vol. – Cf. also the review of this book by R. van den Broeck in LB 66:2.239–41 (1977) .]

Intercalation between Schlegel 1977 and Serebrennikov 1976 or the latter title and Sigma No.1/1976 (see page 448 above) .

. 1977 . Die Sprache Huldrych Zwinglis im Kontrast zur Sprache Luthers . (= Studia Linguistica Germanica, 14 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter Verlag , V, 257 pp. Clothbd., DM 80 ,-. [ Habilitationsschrift, Univ. of Trier, this study constitutes a linguistic analysis of the Swiss reformer Zwingli’s (1484–1531) translations of biblical texts, comparing them with passages from Luther’s (1483–1546) versions, in particular those from the Gospel according to St. Matthews. The study is of interest to (historical) linguists but offers little to the historian of linguistics; the application of modern theories to the textual analysis of early varieties of High German may elucidate certain linguistic intricacies and indeed problems facing Zwingli, but they do not make up for the lack of a historical perspective in the book. Bibliography (250–55); no index .]

. 1977 . Die romanische Philologie ander Universität München (1826–1913): Zur Geschichte einer Disziplin in ihrer Aufbauzeit . (= Ludovico Maximilianea – Universität Ingolstadt-Landshut-München; Forschungen, 8 .) Berlin : Duncker & Humblot , 278 pp. Paperbd., DM 66 ,-. [ This history of the establishment of Romance studies at the Univ. of Munich in the 19th century (evidently written by a non-linguist) consists of the following major chaps.: I, “Die Situation der Romanistik an den deutschen Universitäten in der ersten Hälf te des 19. Jahrhunderts” (14–35), which includes a brief account on Friedrich Diez (22–25); II, “Die romanischen Studien an der Ludwig-Maxi-lians-Universität bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts” (36–79), which surveys the period between 1625 and 1826, when the university was located in Ingolstadt and, since 1800, in Landshut, before being transferred to Munich in 1826, and includes mention of Johann Andreas Schmeller’s activities at the latter (72–74); III, “Die bayerische Studiengesetzgebung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Romanistik als Universitätslehrfach”(80–124), which includes a brief account of the early careers of F. Bopp and Othmar Frank (1770–1840) – cf. pp. 120–23; IV, “Konrad Hofmann [1819–89], der erste Münchener Romanist (1853–1890) – cf. the list of his publications (“Anhang 1”, 244–50), and V, “Die neue Einrichtung des romanischen Faches als Berufsstudium”(177–243), which gives a detailed account of the establishment of a chair for Romanistic-Anglistic studies at the Univ. of Munich in 1875, a position that was given to Hermann (Wilhelm) Breymann (1843–1910), and concludes with the firm establishment of a separate chair for Romance Studies there in 1913, with the advent of Karl Vossler (236–43). Apart from various appendices there is a detailed “Quellenverzeichnis” (257–61) – the book is very well documented – a bib. of secondary sources (262–74), and an index of names (274–78) .]

Semiotic Scene: Bulletin of the Semiotic Society of America . Vol. 1 , No. 2 ( April 1977 ), and No. 3 ( Sept. 1977 ). [ For information write to the Editor, Daniel Laferrière, Department of German and Russian, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, U.S.A. [No.2 includes, inter alia, a paper by Luigi Romeo, “The Semiotic Foundations of Linguistics” (31–38); No.3 a paper by Jerzy Pele, “On the Prospects of Research in the History of Semiotics” (1–12), which makes particularly interesting reading for historians of linguistics .]

. 1976 . Die Lehre von der Sprachrichtigkeit und ihren Kriterien: Studien zur antiken normativen Grammatik . (= Studien zur antiken Philosophie, 5 .) Amsterdam : Verlag B. R. Grüner B.V. , IX, 177 pp. Cloth, Hfl. 80 ,-. [ Originally a doctoral diss., Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 1973, this study investigates the development of grammatical theory in the classical Greek period, from Protagoras, Prodikos, and Plato to the téchnē of Dionysius Thrax (c. 100 B.C.), and with frequent discussions of grammatical doctrines put forward in Marcus Terentius Varro’s (116–27 B.C.) Be Lingua Latina, (5–6, 8–12, 113–15, and elsewhere). The book consists of the following main chaps.: I, “Die Entwicklung des Begriffs der Sprachrichtigkeit bis zur Entstehung der Systematischen Grammatik” (14–31), II, “Helle-nismos und latinitas als Bestandteile des grammatischen Systems” (32–52), III, “Kriterienzusammenstellungen [for the subsequent analysis]” (53–55), IV, “Die drei Hauptkriterien: Analogie, literarische Tradition und Sprachgebrauch” (56–139), the most substantial portion of the study (which includes a brief account, p. 85 and 92–93, respectively, on the different uses of the concept of ‘historia’ among Greek and Roman grammarians and treats in particular the various interpretations of the concept of ‘analogia’ (passim);, V, “Die übrigen Kriterien”, such as ‘etymologia’, ‘diálektos’, ‘natura’, ‘euphonia’, etc. (140–58), and VI, “Die Herkunft des viergliedrigen Kriterienkanons” (159–63). There is a select bib. (164–69), an index of authors (171–72), and subject and term indices for Greek, Latin, and German (173–77) .]

. 1974 . Teorii pol¿a v lingvistike . [ The field theory in linguistics ]. Moskva : Izd. “Nauka” , 255 pp. Paper , 89 kop. [ A summary statement on the main problems in linguistics surrounding the concept of ‘sprachliches Feld’, a subject in which the author has distinguished himself since the early 1960s – cf. the bib. (Russ., 235–43, and non-Russ., 243–254), on pp. 241–43 and 251–52, respectively. There is no index .]

. 1977 . Grammaire philosophique; ou, la Métaphysique, la logique, et la grammaire, réunies en un seul corps de doctrine . Nouvelle impression en facsimile de l’édition de 1802, avec une introduction par Daniel Droixhe. En deux tomes [bound in 1 vol.] , Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog KG, 65* , XXXI, 308 , and 250 pp. Cloth, DM 128 ,-. [ Facs.-repr. of D. Thiébault’s (1733–1807) Grammaire philosophique (Paris: Courcier, 1802), with a detailed and informative introd. article by D. Droixhe, which consists of the following sections: (1) “Notes biographiques” (7*-10*), “Bibliographie [of primary sources – with critical comments – as well as secondary literature” (11*-21*), (3) “Empirisme, histoire et fonction: les Mémoires de l’Académie de Berlin et le Journal littéraire” (22*-38*), which analyses in some detail various writings of T., including his Précis de la Grammaire générale de M. [Nicolas] de Beauzée of 1771 (26*-33*); (4) “Enseignement et Idéologie: de l’Ecole militaire de Berlin à l’Ecole centrale [de Paris]” (39*-45*), and (5) “Entre l’histoire, l’idée et l’esprit de système: l’impasse de la Grammaire philosophique” (46*-65*) .]

. 1975 . Lord Monboddo: Dalla metafisica all’antropologia . (= Filosofia, Pedagogia, sociologia, 7 .) Ravenna : Longo Editore , 169 pp. Paperbd., L. 5.000 .-. [ A study on the work of James Burnett, Lord Monboddo (1714–99), in particular his two major works, On the Origin and Progress of Language, 6 vols. (Edinburgh, 1773–92), and Antient Metaphysics (1779–99). The book consists of the following chaps.: I, “Monboddo, l’antimo-derno” (9–36), II, “L’originaria natura umana” (37–59), III, “Natura e società” (61–82), IV, “Il mondo delle istituzioni” (83–97), V, “L’origine del linguaggio” (99–116), VI, “Natura umana ed educazione” (117–31), and VII, “Linguaggio e civiltà” (133–54). In an appendix Herder’s introd. (1784) to the German transl, of part of Monboddo’s Origin and Progress of Language is reproduced in It. transi. (157–63). There is an index of names (165–68), but no index of terms and/or subjects. – See also Robert Wokler’s review in TLS (11 March 1977), 262–63, entitled “The Analogies of Nature” .]

. 1975 . Introduction to Anthropology . (= Language, ‘Man and Society .) New York : AMS Press , [VII], XVI, 403 pp. Cloth , $26.00 . [ Repr. of the 1863 E. transl, of Theodor Waitz’ Über die Einheit des Menschengeschlechts und den Naturzustand des Menschen (= vol.1 of his 6-volume Anthropologie der Naturvölker, published between 1859 and 1872), preceded by a new preface, “Anthropology as a Science”, by Joan T. Mark ([i]–[vii]), in which the anthropologist’s life (1821–64) and work is sketched .]

. 1977 . Tai-Khamti Phonology and Vocabulary . (= Beiträge zur Südasienforschung; Südasien-Institut, Universität Heidelberg, 27 .) Wiesbaden : Franz Steiner Verlag , V, 92 pp. Paper, DM 18 ,-. [ The presentation of the phonology of Tai Khamti (1–27) is followed by a vocabulary of approx. 2 thousand lexical items elicited by the author from native speakers of the language (28–92) .]

ed. 1977 . Langue et société / Language and Society . (= Les Conférences Georges-P. Vanier 1975–1976 .) Ottawa, Ontario : Univ. of Ottawa Press , 83 pp. [ This book reproduces three of the 4 lectures presented at the University of Ottawa during the academic year 1975–76 “around the general theme ‘Language and Society’”, namely, Jean Darbelnet, “La situation du français au Québec” (11–34); Léon Dion, “Langues d’enseignement et système scolaire au Québec” (35–64), and Einar Haugen, “Linguistic Pluralism as a Goal of National Policy” (65–82) .]

ed. 1977 . The Lautgesetz-Controversy: A documentation (1885–86) . With essays by G. Curtius, B. Delbrück, K. Brugmann, H. Schuchardt, H. Collitz, H. Osthoff, and O. Jespersen . New edition with an introductory article . (= Amsterdam Classicsin Linguistics 1800–1925, 9 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V. , XCV, 161, 49, 144, 39, 40, 20, 32, and 6 pp. (= ca. 600 pp. in all ). Bound, Hfl. 108 .-. [ This vol. combines the main contributions to the 1885–86 ‘War of Monographs’ (Jan-kowsky) between Curtius, on the one hand, and the neogrammarians on the other, with Schuchardt, Collitz, Jespersen, and others attacking them on their own grounds. These are: Georg Curtius (1820–85), Zur Kritik der heutigen Sprachforschung; Berthold Delbrück (1842–1922), Betrachtungen über Georg Curtius ‘ Schrift “Zur Kritik … “; Karl Brugmann (1849–1919), Zum heutigen Stand der Sprachwissenschaft; Hugo Schuchardt (1842–1927), Ueber die Lautgesetze: Gegen die Junggrammatiker; Hermann Collitz (1855–1935), Die neueste Sprachforschung und die Erklärung des indogermanischen Ablautes; Hermann Osthoff (1847–1909), Die neueste Sprachforschung … ; Antwort auf Hermann Collitz, and Otto Jespersen (1860–1943), “Zur Lautgesetzfrage”. In addition, Collitz’ reply to Osthoff, “Wahrung meines rechtes”, has been reprinted from Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen 12.243–48 (1887). To this collection of studies the ed. has added an introd. article of some 85 pages, which gives a detailed account of this important public controversy, and includes informative biographical sketches not only of the participants in this debate, but also of the bystanders, such as Hermann Paul (cf. p. XXVIII) and August Leskien (pp. XXIV–XXVI), but also (pp. XXXI–XXXIII) of Heinrich Hübschmann (1848–1908), Wilhelm Theodor Braune (1850–1926), Eduard Sievers (1850–1932), and Karl Verner (1846–96). However, the main bulk of W’s introduction constitutes a careful anaysis of both the events and the linguistic intricacies surrounding the ‘sound law’-controversy .]

Compiled by E. F. K. Koerner [ Closing date: 5 Feb. 1978 ]