The Traditions of Grammar Writing in Karl Philipp Moritz’s (1756–1793) Grammars of English (1784) and Italian (1791)

Ute Tintemann
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Until the late 18th century, authors of vernacular grammars often adopted the categories of Latin grammar to describe these languages. However, by adapting the Latin system to English, German or Italian, grammarians could succeed only in part, because these languages work in different ways. In the present paper, the author discusses the solutions that Karl Philipp Moritz (1756–1793) proposes in his Englische and Italiänische Sprachlehre für die Deutschen, textbooks for German learners. The author analyses to what extent Moritz’s grammar descriptions were influenced by the Latin model as well as by the traditions of English and Italian grammar writing that he encountered in his sources. It will be demonstrated that he translated extensively from the works of other authors: For his English textbook (Moritz 1784), he mainly used James Greenwood’s (1683?–1737) The Royal English Grammar (1737), and for Italian (Moritz 1791), he profited especially from Benedetto Rogacci’s (1646–1719) Pratica, e compendiosa istruzione circa l’uso emendato, ed elegante della Lingua Italiana (1711).

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