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E. F. Konrad Koerner
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Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics, in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledge separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed.

Ars Semeiotica: International Journal of American Semiotic . Vol. 11 , No. 2 . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , 1979 , [ 133-] 256 pp. [The issue contains 4 articles, 1 review article, and 5 reviews; of interest to readers of HL may be Luigi Romeo’s paper, “Charles S. Peirce in the History of Linguistics: An outline of research” (247–52) .]

. 1975 . Il linguaggio nella filosofia di Aristotele . Roma : Università degli Studi di Roma ( Libreria Editrice, Piazza Bor-ghese , 6 , Roma ), 291 pp. [ This monograph on (the) language in Aristotle’s philosophy, in fact the author distinguishes between ‘teoria del linguaggio’ and ‘teoria della lingua’ (p.5), consists of the following chaps.: “La vita di Aristotele e la fortuna dei suoi scritti nell ‘antichità” (15–23); “La ‘linguistica’ di Aristotele” (27–61); “Valore e modi del contributo Aristotelico” (62–65); “Le occasione e gli scopi” (66–71); “Aristotele e la tesi convenzionalista” (75–78); “Il linguaggio, la scrittura, l’anima e il mondo” (79–88); “Linguaggio e mondo oggettivo” (89–95), and many more chapters devoted to individual aspects of Aristotle’s ‘linguistic theories’. There are bibliographical notes (257–88), but no comprehensive bib .]

. 1979 . Obščee jazykoznanie [ General linguistics ], Moskva : “ Pros-veščenie ”, 416 pp. Cloth, 1R, 30 kop . [ A textbook consisting of 20 chaps, of which the first 14 are devoted to (the analysis of) language, the remaining six to ‘Linguistic trends and methods in the 20th century’. There is a comprehensive bib. of Russ. (400–406:155 items) and Western (407: 26) titles as well as a detailed index of terms and subjects (408–414) .]

. 1978 . Modern Hebrew Structure . With a chapter by Shmuel Bolozky [ i.e., chap.II : Somes Aspects of Modern Hebrew Phonology , pp. 11–67 ]. Tel-Aviv : University Publishing Projects, Ltd. [ Exclusive Distributor: ISBS, Inc., P. 0. Box 555, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116, U.S.A.], XIX, 453 pp. Paperbound, $16.00. [The vol. has altogether 12 chaps.; next to the introd. (1–10) and Bolozky’s contribution mentioned above, they are entitled: 3, “Morphological patterning” (69–117); 4, “Case and Government” (119–38); 5, “Tense and Aspect, with particular reference to benoni verbs” (139–81); 6, “Copula constructions” (183–230); 7, “Construct state (smixut) genitives” (231 to 276); 8, “Nominalization” (277–86); 9, “Verbal nouns (gerunds)” (287 to 323); 10, “Abstract and derived nouns” (325–86); 11, “Other verb-related nouns” (387–418), and 12, “Some conclusions” (419–29). Bib. references (431–40) and an index of subjects and terms (441–53) .]

eds. 1980 . Re-cherches de linguistiques: Hommages à Maurice Leroy . (= University libre de Bruxelles; Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, LXXIII .) Brussels : Ed. de l’Univ . de Bruxelles , XX, 216 pp. [ This festschrift, prepared on the occasion of M. Leroy’s 70th birthday in 1979, contains some 25 contributions, only few of which may be of particular interest to the historian of linguistics: Eugenio Coseriu, “Un précurseur méconnu de la syn-taxe structurale: H[ariton or Heymann] Tiktin [(1850–1936)]” (48–62), which sketches the use of ‘Stammbäume’ in syntactic analysis prior to Lucien Tesnière’s work; Rudolf Engler, “Ni par nature ni par intention” (74–81), which traces all the textual sources of the concept of ‘arbitraire’ in Saussure’s work and indicates his attitude toward the traditional dichotomy of phúsei/thései; Konrad Koerner, “Sur l’origine du concept et du terme de ‘synchronique’ en linguistique” (100–109), which suggests several sources of the term, including V. A. Bogorodickij (1890), Ottmar Dittrich (1903), and Raoul de la Grasserie (1908), and Rosane Rocher, “Nathaniel Brassey Hal-hed, Sir William Jones, and Comparative Indo-European Linguistics” (173–80), a paper first presented at the International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, Ottawa, 28–31 Aug. 1978, in which it is shown that Jones, in his famous address of 2 Feb. 1786, was doing little more than repeating observations (and indeed formulations) made earlier by his compatriote Halhed, an Orientalist who resided in Bengal from 1772 to 1778 and with whose work Jones was familiar .]

. 1979 . Ferdinand de Saussure e il pro-blema del linguaggio nel pensiero contemporaneo (da Herder a Chomsky) , Messina & Firenze : Casa editrice G. D’Anna , 429 pp. [ As the subtitle hints, the volume is not a study of Saussure, but in effect an anthology of linguistic thought from Herder (1744–1803) to the present appearing in the series “Classici della filosofia con inquadramento storico-antologico”. As a matter of fact, there are three main sections in the volume, of which the central one is taken up by selections from the Cours (172–287). These are preceded by a general introduction (153–72), which however ignores all but few works in Saussure scholarship, and a concluding note (287–91) speculating whether Saussure upheld something like the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Part I consists of selections, with introductory comments, from the writings of Herder, Johann Georg Hamann (1730–88), Novalis (i.e., Friedrich Leopold Freiherr von Hardenberg, 1772 to 1801), Schelling (1775–1854), Hegel, Humboldt, Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach (1804–1872), Schopenhauer (1788–1860), Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, followed by a section entitled “Il po-sitivismo”, with selections from Comte, Carlo Cattaneo (18011869), Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Roberto Ardigò (1828–1920), John Stuart Mill, and Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920). Part III (297 to 408) contains selections from Karl Vossler’s Positivismus und Idealismus in der Sprachwissenschaft (1904), Croce’s Es-tetica come scienze dell’ espressione e linguistica generale (1902), vol.1 of Cassirer’s (1874–1945) philosophie der sym-bolisohen Formen (1923), Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen (1900f.), Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit (1927), and Bergson’s La pensée et le mouvment (1934); they are supposed to be representatives of such labels as ‘neoidealismo’, ‘neocriticismo’, ‘fenomenologia’, ‘esistenzialismo’, and ‘spiritualismo’. The selections are followed, under headings such as ‘pragmatismo’ and ‘marxismo’, by extracts from C. S. Peirce, William James, on the one hand, and Giovanni Vailati (1863–1909), Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937), Stalin, George (György) Lukács (18851971), and Adam Schaff (b.1913), on the other. The final subsection presents selections from Frege, Wittgenstein, Carnap, Karl Popper, Gilbert Ryle, A. J. Ayer, Charles Morris, and Chomsky. The back matter consists of the following items: a brief bib. of secondary sources (409f.), a chronological list of the anthologized texts (1772–1969, pp.411–12), an analytical index (413–21), and the table of contents (423–29) .]

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin . Nos. 31a and b , 81 pp. ; 32, 128 pp; 33, 113 pp., and 34, XLVIII, 197 pp. Copenhagen : Institute of Greek and Latin Medieval Philology, Univ. of Copenhagen [ Distributor : Erik Paludan, International Boghandel, Fiolstræde 10, DK-1171 Copenhagen K, Denmark]. [No.33 consists of a critical edition of the Tractatus de se-missis “ascribed to Petrus de S. Audomaro and written in 1293/4, probably in Paris, [which] describes an instrument designed to simulate the Ptolemaic planetary models mechanically” (p.3); editor: Fritz S. Pedersen. No.34 constitutes a critical edition of a Commentarium in Sophisticos Elenchos by an anonymous author [called Anonymus Aurelianensis I by the ed.], prepared by Sten Ebbesen, together with a detailed introd. (v-xlviii), consisting of the following sections: I, “Boethius [cf. Stump 1978 (below)], Jacobus Venetus [James of Venice], Michael Ephesius & ‘Alexander’ [wrongly ascribed to Alexander of Aphrodisias in previous scholarship]”; II, “Anonymus Aurelianensis I [1. Structure of the commentary; 2. The text’s affinities and date; 3. Assimilating the Greek material]”; III, “The text of the Elenchi”; IV, “Corrigenda et addenda to CIMAGL [i.e., Cahiers de I’Insitut …] 8, 9, 10, 16, 21”; V, “The texts in this volume; Manuscripts and principles of edition”; VI, “Bibliography”. The edition has an Index verborum (189–95), and an Index locorum laudatorum (196 to 197) .]

. 1980 . Rules and Representations . Oxford : Basil Blackwell , VIII, 299 pp. Cloth, £7.50 . [“ The first four chapters … are based on lectures delivered as the Woodbridge Lectures at Columbia University in November 1978 and, in a somewhat different form, as the Kant Lectures at Stanford University in January 1979. Chapter 5 is a slightly modified version of a lecture delivered in honor of Eric [Heinz] Len-neberg [(1923–75)] in April 1976. The final chapter is the text of the Edith Weigert Lecture, […], November 1976.” (Preface, p.vii). The chaps, are entitled: 1, “Mind and Body” (3–46); 2, “Structures, Capacities, and Conventions” (47–87); 3, “Knowledge of Grammar” (89–140); 4, “Some Elements of Grammar” (141–81); “On the Biological Basis of Language Capacities” (185–216), and 6, “Language and Unconscious Knowledge” (217–90). Index of names and terms (291–99) .]

XIV Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza (Napo-li, 15–20 aprile 1974). Atti, III: Communicazioni Ed. by Alberto Vàrvaro . Napoli : Gaetano Macchiaroli ; Amsterdam : John Benjamins , ( December ) 1979 , 561 pp. in small-4° . [ Cf. HL 4.117–18 (1977) and 4. 431 (1977), for information on vols.l and 4, respectively. – Vol.III is devoted to Grammar; the papers are arranged according to “Fonetica e fonologia”, “Morphologia” and “Sintassi”. It includes contributions by scholars such as Rebecca Posner, Dieter Wanner, Edward F. Tuttle, Lauri Lindgren, Jean Casagrande, Philippe Martin, Jacques Phohl, Lorenzo Renzi, Gerhard Boysen, John Hewson, Raffaele Simone & René Am-acker, Marc Wilmet, Martin Harris, Wolf Dietrich, and many others .]

. 1980 . Idee e vicereine linguistiche nella cultura italiana . (= Studi linguistici e semiologici, 11 .) Bologna : Societàeditrice Il Mulino , 159 pp. Paperbd., L.6.000 . [ A collection of previously published biobibliographical accounts of major Italian scholars, from Giambattista Vico in the early 18th century to Bruno Migliorini (1896–1975), preceded by an introduction, “Discutendo di ricerca lin-gùistica italiana: ut earn civilis scientiae partem dicamus” (5–25) dedicated to Eugenio Coseriu. Part I includes, next to Vico, accounts of the life and (linguistic) work of Giacinto Carena (1778–1859), of Bernardino Biondelli (1804–86), with whom De Mauro associates the beginnings of linguistic studies in Italy, of Ascoli, Corrado Avolio (1843–1905), Napoleone Caix (1845–82), Ugo Angelo Canello (1848–83), Luigi Ceci (1859–1927), Giuseppe Lombardo Radice (no dates given), Matteo Giulio Bartoli (1873–1946), Francesco Beguinot (1879–1953); Part II, “Pro memoria”, presents obituaries of Alfredo Schiaffini (1895–1971), Salvatore Battaglia (1904–1971), Giorgio Pasquali (no dates supplied), Antonino Pagliaro (ditto [1898–1973]), Giacomo Devoto (1897–1974), and Migliorini. Index of names (153–57) .]

. 1980 . Guida all ‘uso delle parole [ On outside cover : Come parlare e scrivere semplice e preciso. Uno stile italiano -per capire e farsi capire ]. (= Libri di base, 3 .) Roma : Editori Riuniti , 175 pp. [ In 23 small chapters the author covers the realm of linguistic expression, non-vocal (e.g., written) as well as vocal, with chapters on the philosophy of language, rhetoric, syntax, etc. There is an appendix (prepared in collaboration with Stefano Gensini and Emilia Passaponti) devoted to “I1 vocabolario di base della lingua italiana” (6690 items in toto), from Abbagliante to Zuppa (143–70). Index of terms (171–173); Index of names (172) .]

eds. 1980 . Istorija lingvističeskix učenij [ History of linguistic studies ]. Drevnij mir [ Antiquity ]. Leningrad : Izd. “Nauka” Leningradskoe otdelenie , 258 pp. [ Preface (3–6) by S. D. Kacnel ‘son, the volume of contributions by individual scholars writing on the subject of their specialty consists of 2 major parts, the first dealing with the Ancient East, namely, Egypt (7–17), Babylonia (17–37), the Hittites (37–58), Eastern linguistics and philosophy (58–66), which includes early Semitic, Ancient India (66–92), China (92–109); the second with Western classical antiquity, namely, Greek (linguistic) thought (110–130), with a special chapter on Plato (130–156) and another on Aristotle (156–80), the Hellinis-tic schools (180–214), the Alexandrian school (214–33), and Rome (233–56). There is no comprehensive bib. (there are bibliographical footnotes only) and no index. Individual contributors are: N. S. Pemrovskij (1 chap.), I. M. D’jakonov (ditto), Vjač. Vs. Ivanov (ditto), I. Sh. Shifman (ditto), T. E. Kamenina & B. I. Rudoj (ditto), S. E. Jaxonmov (ditto), I. A. Perel ‘muter (4 contributions, i.e., the Greek tradition until and including the Hellenistic schools)., R. M. Olenič (1 chap.) and S. A. Shubik (ditto) .]

ed. 1980 . Varieties of American English: Essays . By Raven I(oor) McDavid . Stanford, Calif. : Stanford Univ. Press , XIII, 383 pp. Cloth , $15.95 . [ The vol. brings together 16 articles by Raven I. McDavid, Jr. (b.1911) written between 1948 (“Postvocalic /-r/ in South Carolina: A social analysis”) and 1979 (“Social Differences in White Speech”). They are arranged under the following headings: I, “American English: Social and regional Varieties” (9 papers); II, “So-ciolinguistics and dialectology” (4 papers), and III, “Lexicographic and onomastic studies” (3 papers). The bulk of the papers here reprinted, usually with some revisions, were written between 1970 and 1979 (11 papers). Following the Acknowledgments (vii-ix), there is a brief biographical introd. by the ed. (xi-xiii); the vol. is rounded off by an “Author’s Postscript” (353–55) and a “Bibliography of Raven I. McDavid, Jr.’s Works”, compiled by W. A. Kretzschmar, Jr. (356–83) .]

Dilbilim: Revue du Département de Français de I’Ecole supérieure des langues étrangères de l’Université d’Istanbul . Tome IV , 1979 . Istanbul , 208 pp. [ Text largely in Turkish, some contributions, notably those by the chief editor, Berke Vardar, in French; cf. HL VI:1.139, for a reference to Tome III, 1978 .]

. 1979 . Handbook of Australian Languages . Vol. I . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XVIII, 390 in small-4°. Bound, Hfl.90.- . [ Three vols, are planned, each containing about four grammatical sketches of important languages of the Continent. Vol.1 consists of the following major contributions: “Introduction” by Barry J. Blake and R. M. W. Dixon (1–25) detailing the important recurrent features of the Australian languages; “Guugu Yimidhirr” by John Haviland (27–182); “Pitta-Pitta” by Barry J. Blake (183–244); “Gumbaynggir” by Diana Eades (245–361), and “Yay-gir” by Terry Crowley (363–90) .]

. 1979 . Langue/Parole und Kompetenz/Perfor-manz: Zur Klärung der Begriffspaare bei Saussure und Chomsky. Ihre Vorgeschichte und ihre Bedeutung für die moderne Lin-guistik . (= Bonner Romanistische Arbeiten, 7 .) Frankfurt a.M.-Bern-Cirencester/U[nited] K[ingdom] : Peter D. Lang , 194 pp. , SFr 35,-. [ Apart from a general introd. (11–20), the study consists of the following chaps.: “Die Sprachwissenschaft vor de Saussure” (21–36), which surveys the field from Bopp to Hermann Paul; “Die Lehre Saussures” (37–63), which also includes a discussion of G. von der Gabelentz’ supposed influence on Saussure (58–63), based on secondary sources, namely, Coseriu (1969), Hiersche (1972), and Christmann (1974); “Die Bedeutung Saussures fur die moderne Sprachwissenschaft und die Fortset-zung seines theoretischen Ansatzes” (64–122), which surveys the theories of Leo Weisgerber, Karl Buhler, Trubetzkoy, the Copenhagen, Prague, and the various American ‘schools’; “Die Lehre Chomskys” (123–56), and “Die Kritik an Chomskys Begriffs-paar Kompetenz/Performanz und die M???glichkeiten einer Erweite-rung innerhalb der Psycho- und Soziolinguistik” (157–79). Conclusion (180–86). Bib. (187–94). – There are considerable gaps in (especially Saussurean) scholarship .]

ed.-in-chief 1979 . Russkij jazyk: Enciklopedija . [ Encyclopedia of the Russian language ], Moskva : Izd. “Sovetskaja enciklopedija” , 431 pp. plus 1 map [ depicting the distribution of languages in the Soviet Union, and the distribution of dialects of Russian]. [This is an important 1-vol. encyclopedia of Russian as well as the major scholars in Russian linguistics (which may explain the exclusion of Mikoƚaj Kruszewski who, unlike his teacher Bau-douin de Courtenay, wrote little about Russian), It contains many portraits of linguists and Slavic philologists as well as (at times coloured) reproductions of book titles, pages of medieval texts, and other historically important documents .]

. 1979 . Segno e significato: John Wilkins e la lingua filosofica . (= Esperienze, 59 .) Napoli : Guida Editori , 246 pp. [ A study of John Wilkins’ (1714–72) Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language (1768) organized under 4 major headings: 1, “John Wilkins e la cultura linguistica del suo tempo” (9–69), 2, “I principi generali e і presupposti teorici della lingua filosofica di Wilkins” (71–127), 3, “Le categorie di Wilkins come tentativo di creare un inventario esaustivo dell’universo” (129–69), and 4, “Wilkins e la grammatica universale” (171–227). The back matter consists of: Appendix A (Examples of transcriptions with real characters), Appendix В (Phonetic values of real characters, 229–35 and 337–40, respectively), and a bib. (241–44). There is no index .]

ed. 1980 . Matthew of Vendôme: The Art of Versification . Translated with an introduction . Ames, Iowa : The Iowa State University Press , VIII, 127 pp. [ Engl, transl, of Matthew of Vendôme’s Ars versificatoria (written ca. 1175), on the basis of Edmond Faral’s edition of the text in Les Arts poétiques du ХІІе et du ХІІІе siècle (Paris, 1924), pp.109–193. It is of interest to the historian of medieval linguistic thought. The book consists of an Introd. (3–22), transi, of Matthew’s Art of Versification (23/25–112), a list of defintions of the 29 rhetorical colours listed by Matthew (113–14) in Part II, sect.47 (including repetitio, conversio, complexio, etc.), Notes to introd. and transl. (115–23), and an index of names and terms (125–27) .]

. 1980 . Narrative Discourse . Translated by Jane E. Lewin . Foreword by Jonathan Culler . Oxford : Basil Blackwell [ Copyright: Cornell Univ. ], 285 pp. [ A transl of a portion of Genette’s Figures III (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1972), “Discours du récit”, the “specific subject of this book is the narrative in [Marcel Prousts] A la recherche du temps perdu” (p.21). Apart from a brief introd. (25–32), the study consists of the following chaps.: “Order” (33–85), “Duration” (86 to 112), “Frequency” (113–60), “Mood” (161–211), “Voice” (212–62), and “Afterword” (263–68). There is a bib.(269–73) and an Index (275–85) .]

. 1979 . Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachphilosophie im Zeitalter der Romantik . (= Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 123 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , 201 pp. Paperbound, DM 48.- . [ Revised version of the authors’ contribution by the same title to Current Trends in Linguistics, vol.XIII: Historiography of Linguistics (The Hague: Mouton, 1975), 481–606, this study is an important Forschungsbericht of the development of linguistic science from the (re-) discovery of Sanskrit in Europe to or, rather, including the Humboldt renaissance in the 20th century. It consists of 2 major parts, “Die Begründung der historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft” (18–59) and “Die Begründung der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft und der modernen Sprachphilosophie” (60–155). While the former is essentially in line with ‘traditional’ analyses of the development of historical-comparative grammar, the latter contains much which is the result of individual research. It contains sections devoted to Hamann and Herder, Humboldt, the contributions to linguistic thinking by Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleichermacher (1768–1834), who is usually known as a theologian and philosopher only, as well as more recent studies on Humboldt and Humboldtian philosophy and esthetics of language. Two somewhat unexpected chapters appear in the volume, unexpected because they do not seem to have anything to do with the scope of the book (though at least in the case of the first with the period under investigation): “Die französischen Ideologen” (144–53), which is largely based on H. B. Acton’s 20-page paper “The Philosophy of Language in Revolutionary France” (1959), and “Die Begründung der Semantik (Bedeutungslehre) als sprachwissenschaftliche Disziplin” (153155). In addition to bibliographical references added to most individual chapters there is a comprehensive bib. (156–90). The remainder of the volume consists of a list of sigla of periodicals (191–92) and an index of authors (193–201), compiled by Kirsten Nabrings .]

. 1980 . Semantics: A bibliography 1965–1978 . Metuchen, N.J. & London : Scarecrow Press , XIV, 307 pp. [ The 3,326 entries are arranged alphabetically under 23 different headings, including Reference/Pragmatics, Ambiguity/lndeterminany/Generic Meaning, Synonymy, Antonymy, Polysemy, Homonymy, Kinship Terminology, Color Terms, The Semantics of Negation, Case Grammar, Comparative Semantics, etc. Emphasis was placed on recent work in the areas of philosophy, linguistics, and psychology; the publication of Chomsky’s Aspects (1965) has been taken as the beginning of a renewed interest in the field. Excluded have been publications in (Korzybskian) General Semantics, the history of semantics, semiotics, meaning & style, semantics applied to teaching or to translating, discourse analysis, lexicology, and logical semantics (cf. ‘Note to Users’, p.xiii); etymology has been excluded as well. There is a brief Lexical Index (277–79), and a full author index (280–307). – Specialists in bibliographic work may note the absence of a reference to the 938-page volume by Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Werner Wolski, Gesellschaftsbezogene und sprachgelenkte Semasiologie. Marginalien anhand der ‘Einführung in die Semasiologie’ von Thea Schippan. Mit einer Arbeitsbibliographie zur Semantik in Sprachphilosophie, Logik Linguistik und Psycholinguistik (1963 – 1973/74) (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1975), which in fact contains a bibliography (pp.183–671), with addenda (674–826, 827–40), which consist of altogether 8,000 items .]

. 1979 . e Ligu Lehm: Das Berner Mattenenglisch und sein Ausläufer, die Berner Bubensprache . Mit einem Vorwort von Walo von Greyerz . Bern : Edition Erpf , 64 pp. Bound, SFr 12.80 . [ 2nd rev. ed. of 1967 republication of 0. von Greyerz’s 1929 paper published in Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde 29.217–55. The present booklet contains historical pictures of the city of Bern, Switzerland, a select bib. (53), and a lexicon of Bernese thieves’ cant (54–61). The bulk (pp.9–50) is devoted to the description of the ‘language’ .]

ed. 1979 . Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Beiträge zur Erforschung indo germanischer, finnisch-ugrischer und kaukasischer Sprachen bei Pallas . (= Kommentare zu Peter Simon Pallas, ‘Linguarum totius orbis vocabularia comparativa’, 2 .) Hamburg : Helmut Buske Verlag , 252 pp. Paperbd., DM 36,- . [ Cf. HL III.143 (1976) for a reference to vol.1 of the series, namely, István Fodor, Pallas und andere afrikanische Vokabularien vor dem 19. Jahrhundert (Hamburg, 1975). – The present vol. brings together the following original papers: “The Icelandic Part in Pallas’s Dictionary” by Anatoly Liberman (17–43); “Die Klassifikation der romanischen Sprachen in den Werken der Komparativisten aus der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts (Rüdiger, Hervás, Pallas)” (actually previously published in a somewhat shorter version in the 1976 vol. of the Trier Colloquium on the History of Romance Studies, ed. by H.-J. Niederehe et al.) by Harald Haarmann (45–69); “Das ossetische Sprachmaterial in P. S. Pallas’ Linguarum totius orbis vocabularia comparativa” by Roland Bielmeier (71–137); “Bemerkungen zum tscherkes-sischen Wortschatz bei Pallas” by Johann Knobloch (139–42); “Two Vocabularies of the Votie Language” by Paul Ariste (143–90), originally published in 1937 in the Sitzungsberichte der Gelehrten Estnischen Gesellschaft (Dorpat, now Tartu); “Das lappische Material bei Pallas” by Mikko Korhonen (191–204), and “Das tschermissische Material bei P. S. Pallas” by Alho Alhoniemi (205–237) and “Zu den ostjakischen Materialien bei P. S. Pallas” by Gerhard Ganschow (239–52). No index .]

ed. 1979 . Sprachenstatistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart . Hamburg : Helmut Buske Verlag , 237 pp. Paperbound, DM 32,- . [ The vol. consists of the following texts: Preface by the ed. (dealing, in 3 sections, with language statistics in relation to sociolinguistics, nationality policies, and comparative macrosociolinguistics, pp.5–31), followed by 2 reprints, first, Richard Böckh’s 1866 article, “Die statistische Bedeutung der Volksprache als Kennzeichen der Nationalität” (first published in Steinthal & Lazarus’ “Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft” (4.259–402), and Heinz Kloss & Grant D. McConnell’s monograph, Linguistic Composition of the Nations of the World (Québec: Les Presses de l’Univ. Laval, 1974) .]

, and James Campbell eds 1979 . Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History . Vol. I . (= B[ritish] A[rchaeological] R[eports], British series, 72 .) Oxford : B.A.R. , 122 Banbury Rd., 0X2 7BP , IX, 273 pp. in-4° . [ As its last of 9 studies devoted to Anglo-Saxon archeology, philology, and history, the contribution by Raymond A. Wiley, “Anglo-Saxon Kemble: The life and works of John Mitchell Kem-ble 1807–1857, philologist, historian, archaeologist” (165273), is of particular interest to readers of HL .]

Histoire – Epistémologie – Langage . Tome I , fascicles 1 and 2 . Lille : Presses de l’Université de Lille III , II, 63 and 98 pp. respectively . [ Official organ of the Société d’Histoire et d’Epistémologie des Sciences du Langage (S.H.E.S.L.), founded in Paris in early 1978 this periodical is scheduled to appear twice a year and available to members of the Society. Membership is FF 65,- p.a. for Europeans, FF 70,- for oversea scholars. For further information on the Society as well as the Journal (we will adopt the siglum HEL for it in the future), write to: Mlle Anne Nicolas, HEL, В.P. 149, F-59653 VILLENEUVE-D’ASQ Cedex, FRANCE. – No.l contains the following items: Sylvain Auroux, “Catégories de métalangages” (3–14); Josette Rey-Debove, “Les logiciens et le métalangage naturel” (15–22); Noël Mouloud, “R [ichard] Montague: la tentative de construction d’un métalangage formel” (23–38); John M. Vickers, “Définition et métalangage: les arguments de Frege contre la définition implicite” (39–44), and Françoise Soublin & Joelle Tamine, “Métalangage, définition, métaphore” (45–51). The backmatter consists of a select bib. on metalanguage (53–55), a statement on the goals of S.E.S.H.L. (59–60) and a “Note épistémologique sur le statut fr l’historiographie de la linguistique” (61–63). – No.2, largely devoted to ellipsis and grammar, contains the following major items: Geneviève Clérico, “Rhétorique et syntaxe: une figure chimérique: l’énallage” (3–25), Claire Lecoin-tre, “Figure ou chimère?” (27–32, followed by a brief bib. on the subject, 33–37), and a bib. by Hans Aarsleff, “Supplementary Bibliography of Recent Studies in the Historiography of Linguistics relating to the Eighteenth Century, including Leibniz” (41–73). An innovation (whose value should not be judged on the first instalment) is a “Répertoire bibliographique 1978” which includes a number of references to publications in the history of linguistics (75–98). It is classified and slightly annotated .]

. 1979 . Allgemeine Sprachtypologie: Ansätze und Methoden , (= Erträge der Forschung, 118 .) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , IX, 211 pp. [ This survey of linguistic typology consists of the following chaps.: I, “Die Grundlagen des Sprachvergleichs” (7–21); II, “Konzeptionen der Typologie” (22–36); III, “Grundbegriffe der klassischen Typologie” (37–54); IV, “Die morphologische Typologie” (5574), V, “Die quantifizierende Typologie” (75–89); VI, “Die Arealtypologie” (90–110); VII, “Initiativen der strukturalistischen Typologie” (111–20); VIII, “Typologische Ansätze in der Transformationsgrammatik” (121–29); IX, “Die Wortfolgetypologie” (130–48), and X, “Zum Problem des typologischen Wandels” (149–65). There is an introd. (1–5) and the following back matter: a language catalog according to language families (167–79), a general bibliography (181–203), and an index to the languages referred to in the book (205–211). – Readers of HL may regret the slight treatment of the 19th-century forerunners of 20th-century work in typology (cf. pp.56, 59, 62), to the extent that F. N. Finck and Sapir for instance are (unintentionally perhaps) presented as major figures, but not as much in line with 19th-century work in the field. (Cf., however, the remarks on p.67 regarding Finck; Schleicher’s proposals of 1859 in his “Zur Morphologie der Sprachen” are overlooked.) .]

International Journal of the Sociology of Language . [ Special issues ] Nos. 15 ( 1978 ), 102 pp. ; 21 ( 1979 ), 155 pp. , and 22 ( 1979 ), 142 pp. The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton [ Distributor: W. de Gruyter, Berlin & New York], paperbound, DM 32,-to 36,- each issue. [No.15, ed. by Albert Verdoodt, is devoted to the linguistic situation in Belgium; No.21, ed. by Ulrich Ammon, is entitled “Dialect and Standard in Highly Industrialized Societies”, and contains articles on the socio-linguistic varieties and language problems in Great Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain and the United States; No.22, a ‘singles1 issue, ed. by Joshua A. Fishman, contains inter alia a paper (pp.5–26) by Isabelle Kreindler, “Nikolai Il’minskii [(1822–91)] and Language Planning in Nineteenth-Century Russia” .]

ed. 1980 . Eine Wissenschaft etabliert sich, 1810–1870. Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Germanistik III . (= Deutsche Texte, 53 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer , 340 pp. Paperback, DM 19.80 . [ This is an anthology documenting the development of German philology from the first decade of the 19th century to the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 (and the resulting unification of Germany). The selections are prefaced by a very informative introd. (1–60) by the ed., which has some 140 footnotes documenting the modest beginnings of this branch of scholarly activity during the first two thirds of the 19th century, and the important, though in a way positivistically narrowed, upswing of German philology after 1870. The anthology suggests the important position that Jacob Grimm held in the evolution of the field (about half of the selections are from his writings). There are extracts from other 19th-century figures, such as August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798–1874), Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen (1780–1856), Joseph Görres (1776–1848), Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859), Johann Andreas Schneller (1785–1852), C. Hinrichsen (alis Claus Manicus, 1795–1877), Ludwig Unland (1787–1862), Georg Gottfried Gervinus (1805–1871), August Friedrich Christian Vilmar (1800–1868), Moriz Haupt (1808–1874), Franz Pfeiffer (1815–68-), Karl Lachmann (1793–1851), Karl Bartsch (1832–88), and several others; cf. “Quellennachweis und Kurzbiographien” (324–33) for further Information. Indices of names (335–37) and subjects (338–40)

. 1977 . Grammatica Lituanica (Regie-monti 1653). Compendium Lituani co-Germani cum, Oder Kurtze and ganz deutliche Anführung zur Littauschen Sprache (Königsberg 1654) . Herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort versehen von Harald Haarmann . (= Linguarum Minorum Documenta Historiographica, 1 .) Hamburg : Helmut Buske Verlag , 10, XXXI, 174, and VIII, 116 pp. [ Repr. of 2 grammars of Lithuanian, both published in Königsberg, one written in Latin, the other in German, by the Rev. Daniel Klein (no dates or any other biobibliographical information supplied by the ed. in his brief ‘Vorworť (5–7)). The subtitle of the second book (as well as the prefaces to both) indicates the pedagogical intent of the grammars: “wie man recht Littausch lesen/schreiben und reden sol”. Price for the paperbound vol.: DM 44,- .]

eds. 1979 . Magister Siguinus: Ars lectoria: Un art de lecture à haute voix du onzième siècle . Edition critique sous la direction de Joseph Engelst† ( 1909 – 1975 )]. Leiden : E. J. Brill , XLIV, 215 pp. Paperbound, Hfl.60,- . [ Critical ed. of a (probably late 11th-century – the editors (p.xxiv) indicate that the date of writing lies between 1087/88 and 1167) instruction manual of loud reading, including ‘enuntiatio elementorum’, ‘ipsitas homonymorum’ and ‘accentes syllabarum’. The actual text (1–184) is preceded by a detailed introduction (ix-xxxvii), a bibliography (ixl-xlii), and both a list of sigla and abbreviations and a table of contents of the edited text (xliii, xliv). The back matter consists of very detailed Indices Locorum subdivided into “Index locorum qui in editionibus inve-niuntur” (185–96), “Index locorum qui auctoribus ignotis attribuun-tur” (196–97), “Index locorum quorum quorum auctores incerti sunt, necnon exemplorum notabilium” (197–99). Similarly, the Indices Rerum Notabilium are subdivided into an “Index rerum et nominum notabilium” (200–212), an “Index terminorum qui ad lectionem spectant” (212–214), and an “Index dictionum quae ut opinamur ad mediolatinitatem pertinent” (214–15) .]

. 1980 . Progress in Linguistic Historiography: Papers from the International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (Ottawa, 28–31 August 1978) . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 20 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XIV, 421 pp. Bound, Hfl.90.- [ The vol. prints revised versions of some 30 papers presented at the Ottawa Conference; for summaries of all papers, cf. International Conference …: Handbook (Ottawa, 1978), 48 pp., which can still be acquired from the Ed. of HL for $2.50 a copy. The volume has been organized under the following headings: I, “Classical Traditions in the Middle Ages and Medieval Thought in the Renaissance and after” (contributions by: William E. McMahon, Bernardo Carlos Bazán, Brian 0 Cuív, Anders Ahlqvist, Manuel Breva-Claramonte, E. J. Ashworth); II, “Sixteenth through Eighteenth Century Linguistic Ideas” (contributions by: Constantine Bidat, Cesare G. Ce-cioni, Tetsuro Hayashi, Richard Ogle, David F. Cram, Daniel Droixhe); III, “Eighteenth-Century Thought in England, France, and Germany” (contributions by: Aldo Scaglione, Rüdiger Schrey-er, Barbara Kaitz, Julie T. Andresen, Sylvain Auroux, Patrice Bergheaud); IV, “Late-Eighteenth to Mid-Twentieth Century Linguistics” (contributions by: Jean Rousseau, Craig Christy, Rudolf Engler, Leo Zwadowski, Hans-Heinrich Lieb); V, “Linguistic Pursuits outside Europe and Points of Contact between East and West” (contributions by: Matthew Y. Chen, Rajendra Singh & Alan Ford, C.H. M. Versteegh, Loraine Obier, David Téné), and VI, “Supplementa: Beyond the History of Linguistics” (contributions: Ranko Bugarski, Roger G. van de Velde). Postscript (403–406) by R. H. Robins. Index Nominum (407–416), Index Re-rum (417–21). – Cf. also HL V.347–52, 1978, for Conference program .]

1980 [ copyright , 1978, 1980 ]. The Structure of International Meaning: Evidence from English , Bloomington & London : Indiana University Press , XI, 239 pp. Cloth , $18.50 ( £11.00 in the U.K. ) [ The book consists of the following chaps.: I, “General introduction and review of past work” (1–33); II, “Evidence for the rhythmic nature of prominence” (34–49); III, “The Phonology of deaccenting” (50–69); IV, “The grammar of accent placement” (70–99); V, “Paralanguage and gradience” (100–118); VI, “Around the edge of language?” (119–29); VII, “Intonation and grammar” (139–68); VIII, “Stylized tones and the phonology of intonation” (169–96); IX, “Intonation and phonestesia” (197202), and X, “Conclusion” (203–206). Endnotes (207–220); Bib. (221–28), followed by Name index (229–31) and Subject index (232–39). – The book is based on the author’s 1978 Ph.D. diss., Cornell Univ., and largely influenced by the work of Dwight Bolinger .]

Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics , Volume 50 , Nos. 1/2 , Amsterdam : North-Holland , 1980 . [ The ‘golden’ double issue of the Journal first published in 1948, containing the following article of interest to readers of HL: Bennison Gray [i.e., Barbara Bennison & Michael Gray], “The Impregnability of American Linguistics: An historical sketch” (5–23), which deals with epistemological and philosophical questions of American linguistics from Bloomfield to (and including) Chomsky .]

Lingvisticae Investigationes: Revue de linguistique française et de linguistique générale . Tome III , 1979 , Fase. 2 . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , [ 211 -] 451 pp. [ The issue carries altogether 8(!) articles, 3 contributions to discussions and a squib, and 4 reviews. Of particular interest is the printing (pp.425–51) of summaries of recent theses written at French universities on general and French linguistics. Of interest to readers of HL is Pierre Swiggers’ detailed review of the book by Irene Monreal-Wickert, Die Sprachforschung der Aufklärung im Spiegel der grossen französischen Enzyklopadie (Tübingen: TBL Verlag G. Narr, 1977), on pp.383–96 .]

ed. 1980 . Kommunikationstheoretische Grundlagen des Sprachwandels . Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , VII, 270 pp. Cloth, DM 98.- . [ The vol. consists of the following articles: Helmut Lüdtke, “Sprachwandel als universales Problem” (1–19); Karl Horst Schmidt, “Typologie und Sprachwandel” (20–36); Witold Mańczak, “Frequenz und Sprachwandel” (37–79); Willi Mayerthaler, “Aspekte der Analogietheorie” (80–130); Hermann Bluhme, “Über die Ursachen des Sprachwandels” (131–38); Charles-James N. Bailey, “Old and New Views on Language History and Language Relationships” (139–81), and Helmut Lüdtke, “Auf dem Weg zu einer Theorie des Sprachwandels” (182–252). There is a master list of references (253–66) of some 420 titles, an index of names (which does not cover either the bib. or the footnotes, 267–68), and an index of languages (269–70) .]

. 1980 . Semantik . Aus dem Englischen übertragen und für den deutschen Leser eingerichtet von Brigitte Asbach-Schnitker, Jean Bo-ase und Herbert E[rnst] Brekle . München : Verlag C. H. Beck , 399 pp. Paperback, DM 38,- . [ German transi., with examples of the original replaced by German equivalents and minor revisions (cf. “Vorwort der Uebersetzer”, p.14), of Lyons’ Semantics. Volume I (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1977), which, according to its author (cf. Preface to volume II, p.xii), could be read independently of the other volume .]

ed. 1979 . Ethnolinguistics: Boas, Sapir and Whorf revisited . (= Contributions to the Sociology of Language, 27 .) The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton Publishers [ distributed by W. de Gruyter , Berlin & New York ], X, 323 pp. Cloth, DM 80,- . [“ The Boas-Sapir-Whorf tradition is based on the premises that since language is part of the culture, the investigation of language entails accounting for this relationship. Linguistics, as viewed by Boas, Sapir and Whorf, was closely connected to cultural anthropology. The post-Boasian period was marked by the overwhelming influence of Bloomfield and neo-behaviorism.” (From the ed.’s conclusion, p.321). The vol. brings together studies by the ed. (in collab. with Mar-jorie Roberts), Blair A. Rudes & Bernard Healy, Sally McCon -nell-Ginet, Harriet E. Manelis Klein, J. Peter Denny, again by the ed., Richard Anderson, Carol Rinnert, and Christine von Glascoe arranged under two major headings, “Analysis of grammatical meaning” and “Analysis of lexical meaning”. The “Overview” (317–23) by the ed. considers “what progress has been accomplished in empirical semantics since Boas, Sapir and Whorf” (p.317). There is no comprehensive bib. and no index .]

eds. 1980 . The Sixth LACUS Forum 1979 [ held at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, 2428 August 1979]. Columbia, S.C.: Hornbeam Press, X, 537 pp. [The vol. prints altogether 46 papers organized under the following headings: I, “Expanding Horizons in Linguistic Theory”, II, “Refinements in Established Approaches”, III, “Stratificational Grammar”, IV, “Introducing Junction Grammar”, V, “Processes in Bilingualism and Language Learning”, and VI, “Speech Act, Discourse Analysis”. There is no index. The 1979 presidential address by Ernst Pulgram, “Pulgram’s Progress” (3–17), is of particular interests to readers of HL, though some may be disappointed not to learn more about Pulgram’s formative years at the Univ. of Vienna during the 1930s when Karl Bühler (18791963) and N. S. Trubetzkoy – hinted at on p.4 – were teaching there .]

. 1980 . Le Traité de la Grammaire française (1550). Le menteur de Lucien. Aux Lecteurs (1548) . Edition établie selon l’orthographe moderne, subdivisée en paragraphes, annotée et augmentée d’ime introduction, d’un glossaire ainsi que d’un index par Franz Josef Hausmann . (= Lingua et Traditio: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 5 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , XXIII, 172 pp. [ This is the first edition ever of Meigret’s (c.1500-ca.1555) Le trętte de la grammęre françoęze (Paris: Christian Wechel, 1550) in modern orthography (not the one that M. himself had used but later abandoned in other studies and which, according to the editor, has until now been in the way of recognizing M’s linguistic insights); cf. the “Principes de l’édition du texte” (xvi-xix) for details. Apart from an introd. (ix-xiii), which places M’s work in the context of 16th-century French grammatical scholarship (especially the works of the post-1550 period, e.g., Robert Estienne 1557; Pierre de la Ramée, alias Petrus Ramus, 1772), and the text of M’s Traité (1–141), the ed. presents the “Aux lecteurs” section of M’s translation of 1548, Le Menteur ou l’incrédule de Lucien, traduit de Grec en français par Louis Meigret, Lyonnais, avec une écriture cadrant à la prolation française: et lesx raisons (143–59). There are concordances to the 1550 and 1888 (by Wendelin Foerster) editions of the Treatise, and to the 1548 ed. of the ‘Menteur’ (160–61 and 162, respectively), and a very detailed and useful glossary of lexical items and terms (163172). – Cf. also F. J. Hausmann’s article, “Louis Meigret, humaniste et linguiste” (above), and his forthcoming monograph by the same title (Tübingen: G. Narr, 1980), ca.280 pp .]

. 1980 . Alla riscoperta della didattica del latino in Italia nel settecento e nell’ottocento . (= Piccola biblioteca pedagogica, 34 .) Roma : Edizioni Nuova Rivista Pedagogica , 117 pp. in-16° . Paper, L.3.000 . [ A survey of the study of Latin in 18th and 19th-century Italy. The biographical notes (111–15) supply brief biobibliographical accounts of A. Bandiera (1699–1770), G. Tagliazucchi (1674–1751), A. Zorzi (1747–79), G. D. Piscera (no dates available), V. Rosi (1782–1851), R. Lambruschini (1788–1873), F, Soave (1743–1806), D. Pesavento (1809–1877), N. Tommaseo (18021874), R. Bobba (1828–1905), A. Rosmini (1797–1855). No index .]

. 1979 . L’esame di italiano: Lingua, letteratura, metodologia . (= Universale Economica Feltrinelli, 844 .) Milano : Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore , 191 pp. Paperbd., L.3.000, - [ This useful guide to the study of Italian language and literature consists of the following four parts: I, “Guida alle biblioteche italiane” by Raffaele Giampietro (7–55), which gives a useful list of the research libraries available in Italy; II, “Linguistica italiana e scienze del linguaggio” by Salvatore C(laudio) Sgroi (57–95), which is rich in bibliographical references. Parts III and IV (by Riccardo Merolla and Carlo Muscetta respectively) are devoted to literature. No index .]

1980 . Linguistic Theory in America: The first quarter-century of transformational generative grammar . New York-London-Toronto, etc. : Academic Press , XIII, 290 pp. Bound , $23.00 . [ This book attempts to survey the development of TG from Chomsky’s 1955 study (first published in 1975!), The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory, to the present day. It consists of the following chapters of unequal length, of which the first two are of particular interests to readers of HL: 1, “The state of American linguistics in the mid 1950s” (1–17); 2, “The Chomskyan revolution” (19–59); 3, “From Syntactic Structures to Aspects of the Theory of Syntax” (61–92); 4, “The late 1960s” (93–132); 5, “The linguistic wars [i.e., between the Generative Semanticists and the orthodox Transformationalists]” (133 to 173); 6, “Syntax in the 1970s: Constraining the syntactic rules” (175–207); 7, “On the boundary of formal grammar” (209226), and 8, “Recent developments in syntax and semantics” (227250). Bib. (251–76); “Name index” (277–81); “General index [of subjects and terms]”, and “Index of rules and constraints” (283287 and 289–90, respectively). According to the author, owing to the ‘scientific idealization in TG “more has been learned about the nature of language in the last 25 years than in the previous 2500.” (250) .]

Nordlyd: Tromsø University Working Papers on Language & Linguistics . Nos. 1–3 , 1979 . Address : Institutt for Språg og Litteratur, Universitetet i Tromsø ( Ernst Håkon Jahr et al. , eds. ), 96, 82, and 77 pp. , respectively . [ Contributions are in Norwegian, English, or German. The paper by Ernst Håkon Jahr, “A Rationale for Language Planning Policy in Norway” (2.67–82) may be of some interest to readers of HL because of its historical background to the development of Norwegian .]

. 1980 . Late-Scholastic and Humanist Theories of the Proposition . (= Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen; Afd. Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks, Deel 103 .) Amsterdam-Oxford-New York : North Holland Publushing Company , [IX], 237 pp. in small-4°. Paperbd., Hfl.75,- . [ The present work is a sequel to G. Nuchelman’s study of 1973, Theories of the Proposition: Ancient and medieval conceptions of the bearers of truth and falsity (Amsterdam: North-Holland). It consists of two major parts: I, “Late Scholastic Theories of the Proposition” (3–140), and II, “Humanist Theories of the Proposition” (143–203), in which Petrus Ramus’s work figures prominently. “Epilogue” (204–208). Bib. of primary and secondary sources (209–218, 219–23). Index of proper names” (224–29), “Index of Greek Terms” (230), “Index of Latin Terms” (231–36), and “Index of Topics” (237) .]

Obščestvennye nauki za rubežom [ Social sciences abroad ]. Serija 6 : Jazykoznanie [ Linguistics ], Nos. 4–6 ( 1979 ) and Nos. 1–2 ( 1980 ) – ca. 220 pp. each. Moskva : Institut naučnoj informacii po obščestvennym naukam, Akad. Nauk SSSR . [ No. 4 contains, inter alia, reviews of the following items: V. Bojić, Jacob Grimm und Vuk Karadzić: Ein Vergleich ihrer Sprachauffassungen und ihre Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiete der serbischen Grammatik (Munich: Sagner, 1977); Peter Ganz’s essay on Eduard Sievers in PBB 100.40–85 (1978), and of Kamp 1977 (cf. HL V.212–13, for details); No.2 contains, among others, reviews of Marga Reis’s study of Hermann Paul in PBB 100.159–204 and Ch. Schmitt’s paper, “La grammaire de Giles du Wes, étude lexicale”, which appeared in RLR 43.1–45 (1979); No.6 carries, among other reviews, accounts of Joly & Stéfanini, eds. 1977 (cf. HL IV.440) and of Armstrong & Van Schoonevelt, eds. 19 77 (cf. HL V.353, for details), and No.l (1980), for instance, includes a review of Ricken 1978 (see below for full info.) ]

Obščestvennye nauki v SSSR [ Social sciences in the U.S.S.R. ]. Serija 6 : Jazykonnanie . Nos. 4–6 ( 1979 ) and Nos. 1–2 ( 1980 ). Moskva … (as above) . [ No.4 includes reviews of T. S. Shara-dzenidze’s 1978 biography of Arnol’d Čikobava and of the Russ. contributions to the vol. in honour of Jakobson (ed. Armstrong & Van Schoonevelt) mentioned above. No.5 includes a review of the same author’s 1978 337-page book on Baudouin de Courtenay and, among other things, a review of L. I. Kiseleva’s book (Leningrad: “Nauka”, 1978), Latin Manuscripts in the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences : A survey of the 10th-15th century manuscripts in Latin writing (in Russ.). No.6, for instance, carries a review of V. V. Nimčuk’s 1979 ed. of Meletij Smotгускуj’s ‘Grammatica’ of 1619 (24–28). No.l (1980) contains, inter alia, reviews of Kondrašov 1979 (cf. HL VI.424, for details) and of A, P. Pocxišvili’s 1979 375-page History of Georgian Grammatical Thought (in Georgian). No.2 has reviews of various recent Russ. histories of linguistics, incl. 2 essays by B. A. Ol’xovikov & Ju. V. Roždestvenskij (13–15), papers by В. I. Rudoj, V. N. Toporov, and N. A. Šamatov on ancient Indian linguistics (20–22), and articles by M. Ju. Xa-kimdžanov and U. S. Kariev on the history of Arabic grammatical thought (22–24) .]

1980 . Le langage en contexte: Etudes philosophiques et linguistique de pragmatique . [ Additional note on the title page: Cet ouvrage a été réalisé sous la direction de Herman Parret (Fonds National Belge de la Recherche Scientifique) .] (= Lingvis-ticae Investigations: Supplementa, 3 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , IV, 790 pp. Bound, Hf1.150.- .[ The vol. unites the following original monograph-length studies: Herman Parret, “Pragmatique philosophique et ep-istémologique de la pragmatique: Connaissance et contextualité” (7/9189); Leo Apostel, “Pragmatique praxéologique: Communication et action” (191/193–315); Paul Gochet, “Pragmatique formelle: Théorie des modèles et compétence pragmatique” (317/319–88); Maurice Van Overbeke, “Pragmatique linguistique: I. Analyse de 1’énonciation en linguistique moderne et contemporaine” (389/391–486); Oswald Ducrot, “Pragmatique linguistique: II. L’énonciation – délocutifs, performatifs, discours indirect” (487/489–575); Liliane Tasmowski-De Ryck, “Pragmatique linguistique: III. Essai d’application: Impératifs et actes de langage” (577/579–629); Norbert Dittmar et Wolfgang Wildgen, “Pragmatique psychosociale: Variation linguistique et contexte social” (631/633–716), this last study going back to earlier studies by the two authors. (Dittmar 1974; Wildgen 1974b and 1977a). The back matter consists of the following items: “index des sujets” (725–32), i.e., subjects and terms; “Index des noms” (735–38), and “Bibliographie générale” (741777) .]

. 1979 . Einführung in die romanische Etymologie , (= Dіе Romanistik: Einführungen in Gegenstands Methoden und Ergebnisse ihrer Teildisziplinen, [1.] ) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , VII, 228 pp. Paperbound, DM 62,- ( DM 36,- for members ). [ The work consists of 3 major parts, an introductory one (1–25), which defines both the term ‘etymology’ and the range of its application as well as outlines the development of etymological research from the early beginnings to the onset of the scientific period (since the beginning of the 19th century); Part II (26–120) entitled “Methodik etymologischer Forschung”, presents the varying approaches to the subject since Friedrich Diez (1794–1876) and Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke (1861–1936). Part III, “Die etymologischen Wörterbücher” (121 to 187), analyses the various etymological dictionaries of Romance (Diez, Gustav Körting, Meyer-Lübke,Walter von Wartburg and others), Italian, Spanish, Portguesee. etc. The back matter consists of a list of acronyms (189–91), a bib. listing dictionaries (193–96) and secondary sources (196–204) separately, and the following indices: A. Names and authors (205209), B. Subjects and terms (209–212), and C. Lexical items (212–28), the latter organized by language .]

. 1977 . I sistemi dell’esperienza . (= Saggi, 172 .) Bologna : Il Mulino , 471 pp. [ The subtitle Psicologia, logica e teoria della scienza da Kant a Wundt’ indicates the thrust of the argument: the revival (‘Zurück zu Kant’) of Kantian ideas in the mid-19th century in the work of Eduard Zeller, Hermann Lotze, Wilhelm Wundt, and many others, including Hermann von Helmholtz, Adolf Trendelenburg, E. Du Bois-Reymond, Ernst Mach, as well as the ‘Geisteswiisenschaftier’ Heymann Steinthal, Wilhelm Dilthey, and others. Bib. (9–12); index of terms (663–66); index of names (667–70) .]

Pragmatics & Beyond: An interdisciplinary series of language studies Ed. by Herman Parret and Jef Verschueren . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , 1980 . [ No.l: Anca M. Nemoianu, The Boat’s Gonna Leave: A study of children learning a second language from conversations with other children, VI, 116 pp.; No.2: Michael D. Fortescue, A Discourse Production Model for ‘Twenty Questions’, VII, 137 pp.; No.3: Melvin Joseph Adler, A Pragmatic Logic for Commands, VIII, 131 pp.; No.4: Jef Verscheuren, On Speech Act Verbs, VIII, 83 pp. – Price per no.: Hfl. 30,-; price for 8 numbers: Hfl.200.- .]

. 1979 . Sprache und Gesellschaft im Mittelalter: Untersuchungen zur mündlichen Kommunikation in England von der Mitte des elften bis zum Beginn des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts . (= Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 18 .) Stuttgart : Anton Hierse-mann , VIII, 235 pp. Cloth, DM 136,- [ DM 118,- for subscribers to the series]. [The study of oral communication in medieval England has 4 major parts: I, “Grundlagen” (consisting of 2 chaps.: 1, “Sprache und Geschichte” and “Die normannische Eroberung und ihre Folgen: Mythos und Geschichte”) (5–46); II, “Sprache und Gesellschaft in England im zwölften Jahrhundert” (49–104); III, “Sprache … in England im dreizehnten und frühen vierzehnten Jahrhundert” (107–169), and IV, “Detailstudie aus dem späten 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhundert an Hand der Aussagen im Kanonisationsverfahren um Thomas Cantilupe [bishop of Heresford, d.1282] im Jahr 1307” (173–201). There is a brief Preface (1–4) and a still briefer conclusion (202–203). The appendix (205–219) supplies the list of witnesses at the cononization procedures of bishop Cantilupe in 1307. There is further a detailed bib. (220–28) and an index of names and subjects (229–35) .]

, n.d. [ 1978 ]. Grammaire et philosophie au siècle des lumières: Controverses sur l’ordre naturel et la clarté du français , Villeneuve-d’Ascq : Publications de l’Université de Lille III, 241 pp. [ This study has 3 major sections of unequal length: “L’ordre naturel du français. Naissance d’une théorie rationaliste” (13–25); “Premières critiques d’une conception rationaliste du langage et mises en question de la théorie de l’ordre naturel” (27–81), and “Les grammairiens-philosophes et le problème de l’ordre des pensées et des mots” (83–169). Apart from a brief preface (9–11), the volume contains a conclusion (171–81), endnotes (183–205), a bibliography (207–233) divided into texts and secondary sources (neither of which has first names of authors, names of publishers and similar information which could have increased the value of the references), an “Index des auteurs antérieures au 19ème siècle (i.e., one that leaves the major figures of the study aside)” (235–36), and a “Table analytique des matières” (237–41), which enlarges somewhat on the “Table des matières” (7–8) at the beginning of the book. In the text itself one regrets the absence of life dates of the scholars whose theories have been analysed in the study; the many 17th and 18th-century protagonists remain therefore more difficult to place for those not already initiated to the period and its main figures, the authors of the Port-Royal Grammar and Logic, Gérauld de Cordemoy, Bernard Lamy, La Bryère, Fénelon, Dumar-sais, Condillac, Charles Batteux, Diderot, and many others .]

. 1977 [ appeared in 1979 ]. “ Notas romances en gramáticas latino-españolas del siglo XV ”. [ Offprint from: ] Revista de filologia española 59 . 47–80 . [ A well documented investigation of the use of the vernacular in the Latin grammars of Juan de Pastrana (1462), Antonio de Nebrija (1486), Andrés Gutiérrez de Cerezo (1485), and of the hitherto unknown Daniel Siso (1490). It contains an extensive analysis of the grammatical terminology employed in these works .]

ed. Psychology of Language and Thought: Essays on the Theory and History of Psycholinguistics , New York & London : Plenum Press , X, 270 pp. Cloth , $27.50 . [ The vol. contains 11 papers by different authors arranged under the following 3 headings: “Seventeenth and eighteenth century contributions [to language and mind]” (53–102); “Nineteenth century contributions” (105–184), among which the first title of the next section should have been placed, namely, “Hermann Paul’s [(1846–1921)] View of the Nature of Language” by W. Keith Percival (187–96), which in effect goes back to the author’s introd. to the 1973 repr. of Herbert Augustus Strong’s (1841–1918) et al.’s adaptation of H. Paul’s Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte of 1880 (2nd enl. ed., 1886), which appeared in 1891 (London: Longmans, Green & Co.; New York: Macmillan); and “Twentieth Century Contributions” (187–262). There is an index of terms and subjects (263–70).-These papers are preceded by “An Overview” offered by R. W. Rieber and Harold Vetter (3–49), “Theoretical and Historical Roots of Psy-cholinguistic Research”, which tries to cover the field of psycholin-guistic interests and research from Aristotle to Chomsky. Several of the studies here included (and only one of them refers to this fact) constitute revised versions of introductions to the reprints of works by Cordemoy (Karl D. Uitti), Condillac (James H. Stam), Diderot (Jules Paul Seigel), Paul (W. Keith Percival), and Scripture (John W. Black). Others (John J. Sullivan’s “Noam Chomsky and Cartesian Linguistics”, 197–223, and James H. Stam’s “An Historical Perspective on ‘Linguistic Relativity’”, 239–62) had previously been published The Roots of American Psychology (New York: New York Acad, of Sciences, 1977), pp. 287–305 and 306–316, respectively. There are a number of important contributions (apparently written for the present vol.), such as “James Rush [(1787–1869), author of The Philosophy of the Human Voice (1827; 7th ed., 1893)] and the Theory of Voice and Mind” (105–119) by Peter Ostwald and R. W. Rieber; “William Thornton [(1759–1828), author of studies on phonetics] and the Practical Applications of New Writing Systems” (121–51) by Jeffrey Wollock, and “Jean Itard [(17741838)]: A memoir of stuttering [i.e., his Mémoire sur le bégaiement of 1817, translated here into English for the first time, 167–80]” (153–84) by Michael J. Clark .]

. 1979 . A Short History of Linguistics . Second Edition . London & New York : Longman , VII, 248 pp. Cloth, $23.00 . [ A somewhat rev. ed. of the 1967 (1968 US-edition at Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Press) edition, with minor textual and bibliographical changes (cf. pp.168, 172, 183, 190, 199, 203, 204, 207, 208, 211–12, 214, 220, 221, 226–32 pass., to mention the more imoortant locations). The first chapters are largeley unaltered, the chap, on the 19th century shows a number of corrections and a few revisions, whereas the last chap., “Linguistics in the present century” (198–240), has a number of pages entirely rewritten .]

Romantisme: Revue du dix-neuvième siècle . Nos , 25/26 , 1979 . Paris : Librairie Honoré Champion , 258 pp. [ The inside cover indicates inter alia “Revue de la Société des Etudes romantiques”, i.e., a different subtitle than the outside cover. – The present double issue is devoted to “Conscience de la langue” and contains the following contributions: André Chervel, “Le débat sur l’arbitraire du signe au XIXe siècle” (3–33); Hans Aarsleff, “Taine: son importance pour Saussure et le structuralisme” (35–48) – actually a transi, of the author’s “Taine and Saussure”, which appeared in The Yale Review 68. 71–81 (Oct 1978) – Michel Pierssens, “Le signe et sa folie: Le dispositif Mallarmé/Saussure” (49–55); Henri Meschoonic, “Ce que Hugo dit de la langue” (57–73); […]; Jean-Claude Chevalier, “Un obstacle épistémologique en 1825: le chinois à Paris” (107–116); Johann Gottfried Herder, “Des âges d’une langue ('Von den Lebensaltern einer Sprache’, 1766)”, fragment traduit et présenté par Denise Modigliani (117–22); Patrick Tort, “L’histoire naturelle des langues: Darwin, Schleicher” (123–56); Sylvain Auroux, “La catégorie du parler et la linguistique” (157–78); Charles Porset, “Notes sur les langues artificielles au XIXe siècle” (179–89), … idem, “Langues universelles, langues philosophiques, langues auxiliaires au XIXe siècle: Essai de bibliographie [chronologique, 1800–1918]”, and several other contributions .]

. 1979 . Ecco Homo! A lexicon of man . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XVI, 163 pp. [ A list of a few hundred appellations of man, arranged alphabetically with the sources of the particular expression given, from ‘home abiectus’ “dishearted or worthless man” to ‘homo wadjakensis’ “Name given by E. Dubois in 1921 to two skulls found in Wadjak, Java”. References conclude the book (151–63) .]

eds. 1979 . Vingt-cinq ans de linguistique au Canada: Hommage à Jean-Paul Vinay par ses anciens élèves . Montréal : Centre Educatif et Culturel , Inc. , 582 pp. [“ Note liminaire” by Guy Rondeau (5–7); “Préface” by Jean Darbelnet (9–11) followed by 2 parts entitled “Jean-Paul Vinay, pionnier de la linguistique canadienne” (13–135) and “Hommages à Jean-Paul Vinay par ses anciens élèves” (137–580). There is no index. – Part I consists of 3 sections, 1, “L’école de Montréal: Un quart de siècle de linguistique” (17–108) by Vinay himself, where a hint may be found (on p.47) as to the date of the autonomisation of linguistics at the Univ. of Montreal – 1949/50 – which explains why the individual papers in Part II of the volume date from 1973 and 19741 Later, pp.109–123, there is the “Bibliographie chronologique de Jean-Paul Vinay, 1936–1974”, ending in fact with 1 entry for 1973; the 3rd section consists of a list of “Mémoires et thèses de linguistique et de traduction sountenus à l’Université de Montréal de 1943 à 1971” (125–35), in alphabetical order by author. Part II prints 22 original contributions by former students of Vinay arranged under 5 different headings: 1, “Linguistique générale”, 2, “Phonétique et phonologie”, 3, “Stylistique, traduction et bilinguisme”, 4, “Linguistique appliquée et enseignement des langues”, and 5, “Psycholinguistique et apprentissage”. These are: André Dugas (avec la collaboration de Thomas Ronald Hofmann), Philippe Barbaud, Maurice J. Ghayen, Gilles-R. Le-febvre,,Hubert Séguin, Gilles Des Marchais, René Charbonneau (avec la collaboration de Alain Marchai, Laurent Santerre, Jeanne Goldin, André Clas, M. T. Wilton, Jean-Claude Corbeil, Guy Rondeau, Raymond LeBlanc, Gilbert Taggart, Claude Germain, Gilles Gagné, Irène V. Spilka, Jacques D. Girard, Gilles Bibeau (in that order). Of particular interest to readers of HL may be the contribution of Blake T. Hanna, “Mather Flint et la prononciation de l’anglais vers 1750” (363–75) .]

. 1979 . An Introduction to the Historical Study of English Syntax . (= Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis; Stockholm Studies in English, 51 .) Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell International , 58 pp. Paper , 33.50 . [ This monograph consists of 3 major sections, namely, 1, “Some Aspects of Historical Syntax” (9–24); 2, “The Study of Historical English Syntax” (25–37), and “Select Bibliography” (38 to 54). It surveys the study of the historical syntax of English, from the mid-19th century to the present; the Bib. is classified according to (1) Bibliographical guides, (2) General works on historical linguistics and language change, (3) Histories of English, (4) Histories of English syntax, (5) Early English grammars (17th and 18th centuries), and (6) Other books or articles .]

ed. 1979 . Carteggio Rajna-Salvioni . (= Biblioteca degli studi mediolatini e volgari, N.S., 4 .) Pisa : Pacini Editore , 260 pp. L.16.500 . [ After a detailed and very informative Introd. (9–47) there follows the first publication of the correspondence between Pio Rajna (1847–1930) and Carlo Salvioni (1858–1920) from the years between 1885 and 1920. The 139 letters and postcards (48 by Salvioni, 91 by Rajna) are annotated. The most important subject, of the correspondence, esp. during the years 1908–1910 (about 40 letters) concerns the much-debated project of an Atlante dialettologi co italiano. This explains the 2 addenda to the volume, namely, “Relazione di Pier Gabriele Goidanich sull’ ‘Atlante dialettale italiano’” (229–42), and a letter by Clemente Merlo addressed to Salvioni dated 3 Nov. 1909 concerning the same subject (243–44). There are numerous bibliographical footnotes throughout the book, but no general bib. The back matter consists of an index of names (247–51) and an “indice lessicale” (253–58) which lists the lexical items dicussed in the correspondence .]

. 1980 . Documentation in the O.E.D.: Shakespeare and Nashe as Test Cases . Oxford : Clarendon Press , X, 176 pp. [ A thorough statistical study of the lexical entries in the Oxford English Dictionary (1888–1927) and the Supplements taking the works of Shakespeare (who has been credited with thousands of neologisms) and of his close contemporary Thomas Nashe (1561–1601) as the basis, and contrasting the findings with an investigation of the lexicon of Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503–1542) and of Sir Thomas Malory (d.1471) to check the possible or actual antedatings of particular entries in the O.E.D. in their works. The study consists of 2 major parts, a presentation of the research methods and findings (8–71), and appendices consisting of statistical evaluations of many hundreds of lexical items in the works of the 4 authors (75–176) .]

1980 . Ferdinand de Saussure: Rezeption und Kritik . (= Erträge der Forschung, 133 .) Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , X, 222 pp. Paper, DM 45,- . ( DM 26,50, for members ). [ The book constitutes, essentially, a research report of the studies on Saussure undertaken since the publication of the Cours, with particular emphasis on the scholarship of the past 25 years, more exactly, during the past ten years following the appearance of Rudolf Engler’s édition critique of the CLG (1967ff.). The study consists of 4 parts of unequal length (quite in accordance with the importance of the particular topic): 1, “Der wissenschaftliche Werdegang”, i.e., a short curriculum vitae of F. de Saussure (1–7); 2, “Das indogermanistische Werk” (8–29), i.e., the writings published during Saussure’s lifetime, such as his Mémoire of 1878, his dissertation on the Absolute Genitive in Sanskrit of 1880, his article on Lithuanian accentuation, and his other papers on etymological and other historical linguistic problems; 3, “Der Entwurf einer allgemeinen Sprachtheorie” (30–151), i.e., the CLG and its sources, S’s theories and their development, and 4, “Die literaturwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten” (152–77), i.e., on S’s unpublished (or largely unpublished) writings on Germanic mythology and anagrams in classical and modern literature. There is a select bib. (179–210) and an index of names and subjects (211–22) .]

. 1979 . Die Grammatik der Stoiker . Einführung, Uebersetzung und Bearbeitung von Karlheinz Hülser . Mit einer kommentierten Bibliographie zur stoischen Sprachwissenschaft (Dialektik) von Urs Egli . (= Schriften zur Linguistik, 12 .) Braunschweig & Wiesbaden” Friedr . Vieweg & Sohn , [VIII], 216 pp. Paperbd ., DM 29.80 . [ To this (first German) transi, of Schmidt’s (1815–1893?) Stoicorum grammatica (Halle: Eduard Anton, 1839; repr., Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967), preceded by an introd. (1–28, notes 29–35) analysing the Stoic tradition and subsequent scholarship, including Schmidt’s life (see pp.24–26) and work (15–24). The editors added to the original work (which contained a bib., here: pp.162–72) a useful index of sources (173–81). A bib. on Stoic linguistic thinking (182–213), together with an analytical key (213–16) round off the volume .]

. 1979 . Basukugo Nyūmon [ Introduction to Basque ]. Tokyo : Taishukan Publishing Company , IX, 388 pp. [ The book is subtitled, both in Jap. and in Span., ‘Language, people and culture of the Basque country’ and ‘Manual de lengua y cultura vascas’. In fact, the inside page indicates, in Spanish, the contents of the vol. : ‘Lengua, literatura, folklore, método de vasco unificado, antología, gramática y glosario’. This handbook of Basque language and culture consists of 4 chaps.: 1, ‘Language and Culture of the Basques’ (3–89), which supplies historical and geographic information, and cites literary and other folkloristic texts; 2, Practical Basque largely based on Paxti Altuna, Euskara, hire laguna!, 2nd ed., 2 vols. Bilbao, 1972 and 1978 (91–150); 3, Anthology of Basque literature (151–236), Basque texts with Jap. transl, and commentary, and 4, Compendium of a Grammar of Basque (237ff.), giving a description of ‘euskara unificado’ “Unified Basque”, which the Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca (founded in 1919) has been trying to promote since the 1968 quinquagenary of the Academy. The book is rounded off by a detailed glossary of some 3,500 Basque-Japanese entries and some 200 Jap.-Basque items (314–79), a select bib. (381–86), and a postscript (387–88). The book contains a number of illustrations, including portraits of scholars such as Humboldt, Schuchardt, Louis Lucien, Prince Bonaparte, and others who have studied Basque. (Paxti Altuna served as supervisor of the edition.) .]

. 1978 . Zur Typologie des Georgischen (verglichen mit dem Indogermanischen). Mit einem Exkurs zur Sprachbundtheorie . (= Gakushuin- Forschungsreihe, 4 .) Toshima-ku, Japan : Gakushuin University [ address: Mejiro 1–5–1, Tokyo 171 ], 248 pp. [ In 1847 Bopp believed to have established that Georgian was an Indo-European language; in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th century other scholars believed that Basque was related to Caucasian, especially Georgian. The present study analyses Georgian, the only Caucasian language that can boast a distinguished literary tradition, in its own right and in contrast to Indo-European. After a general description of the language (1–9), there follow its phonology (10–17), its morphology (18–148), with sections on the noun, the adjective, the pronoun, etc., its syntax (149–64), its lexicon (165–75) and its typology (176–87). To this the author has added an “Exkurs zur Sprachbundtheorie” (188–210), a sample text (211–18), a bibliography (219–30), a Jap. summary (231–35), and an index of names and subjects (236–46). The postscript (247–48) – in Japanese – repeats part of the information of the preface and makes some additional points. The lower part of p.248 gives a chronology of the author (b. 1935), who studied comparative linguistics at the University of Bonn during 1965–6 7. – Cf. the review note by Bernard Comrie in Language 56.233 (1980) .]

. 1979 . Problemy Sovetskoj istoriografii nauki o jazyke: Naučno-analititčeskij obzor . [ Problems in Soviet historiography of linguistic science ], Moskva : Akad . Nauk SSSR, Inst, naučnoj informácii po obsščest-vennym naukam , 57 pp. [ A survey of the state of the art in the writing of the history of linguistics in Russia; bib. of Russ. titles (207 in number) – only ten Western titles are mentioned (nos.208–216) – (40–56) .]

. 1979 . Modem Linguistics: The results of Chomsky’s revolution . Bloomington & London : Indiana University Press , 334 pp. Cloth , $17.50 . [ The textbook consists of the following chaps.: 1, “What is a language?” (3–31); 2, “Knowledge of, language” (32–49); 3, “Types of linguistic knowledge”; 4, “Formalizing linguistic knowledge”; 5, “For and against deep structure” (100–124); 6, “Phonetics and Phonology” (125–47); 7, “Semantics and meaning” (148–71); 8, “Pragmatics and communication” (172–89); 9, “Language variation” (190–207); 10, “Language change” (208–229); 11, “Evaluation or grammars” (230–48), and 12, “What is language?” (249–66). There is a detailed glossary of terms (267–91), a list of “Abbreviatory notations and phonetic symbols”, a list of “Further reading[s]” (97–314), followed by a bib. (315–25) and an index of terms and subjects (327–34). According to the authors, “The publication of Noam Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures, in 1957, marked the start of a revolution in linguistics” (Introduction, p.9). They “deliberately decided to avoid historical and comparative treatment [of Chomsky’s linguistic theory with the ideas of others, notably his predecessors] as much as possible.” (10) .]

Studia Ucrainica . No.l. (= University of Ottawa Ukrainian Studies / Etudes ukrainiennes de l’Université d’Ottawa, 3 .) Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press , 176 pp. [ Dedicated to the memory of Constantine Bida (1916–1979) and marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev, this vol. prints individual contributions by some 15 authors devoted to political sociology, philology, literature, particular research projects, and reviews of publications in these fields of Ukrainian studies, to which geography, lexicography, history, and pedagogy may be added .]

. 1978 . Boeťhius’s De topicis differentiis . Translated, with notes and essays on the text . Ithaca , N.Y. & London : Cornell Univ. Press , 287 pp. Cloth , $18.50 . [ The volume consists of the following parts: an E. transi, of Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius’ (480-C.525) work on the discovery of arguments (dating from before 523 according to L. M. de Rijk), followed by extensive commentaries and notes (29–95 and 97155, respectively), and a study entitled “Dialectic in Ancient and Medieval Logic” (159–261), which is in effect a history of dialectics from Aristotle’s Topics to the commentaries of Peter of Spain in the 13th century. There is a comprehensive bib. (263–73) and the following indices: A, Authors and works referred to by Boethius in De topicis differentiis (275), B, Examples used by Boethius in … (275–77), and a General Index (excluding A and B) of subjects, terms and authors (277287) .]

( Ludvig Peter ). 1979 . Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft bis zum Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts: Kurzgefasste Darstellung der Hauptpunkte . Uebersetzt von Hans Pollak . Faksimiledruck mit Erlaubnis des Max Niemeyer Verlags. Mit einem Vorwort von Christoph Gutknecht . Bern-Frankfurt am Main-Las Vegas : Peter Lang , [VI,] 101 pp. Paper , SFr 19.80 . [ This vol. 18 of Chr. Gutknecht’s series “Forum Linguisticum” reprints the 1927 transi, of Thomsen’s (1842–1927) Danish original of 1902. (There exist a Russ. and a Span, transi, of 1938 and 1945, respectively; cf. HL 1.89.) Thomsen’s is a much shorter account of 19th-century linguistic thought than the various other books available, e.g., Benfey 1869, Delbrück 1880 (6th ed., 1919), and Pedersen 1931 (Danish original, 1924), to mention these ‘classics’ only. However, it contains passages not found in these, especially the extensive account of Rask’s work (44–51), a short account of J. N. Madvig (64–65), and a number of observations that are not opinio communis in the annals of linguistic science .]

. 1979 . A Descriptive Catalogue of Middle English Gramma-tical Texts . New York & London : Garland Publishing , Inc. , XVI, 369 pp. Cloth , $35.00 . [ This thorough research tool consists of the following major parts: I, “An Introduction to the Material” (1–47), in which 36 Middle English grammatical texts are presented, their authorship discussed, their educational and grammatical background analysed; II, “Catalogue of Texts” (49–97), in which the MSS are first listed alphabetically by shelfmark and subsequently described with reference to authorship, provenance, and especially contents; III, “Catalogue of Manuscripts” (99–326!), in which the MSS (2 at Aberystwyth, 5 at Cambridge, 2 at Dublin, 1 at Lincoln, 7 at the British Museum, 1 at Norwich, 5 at the Bodleian Library, and 1 at the Worcester Cathedral Library – 3 MSS are in fact lost) are fully described, page by page. IV, “Indices and Bibliography”, consists of “Incipit Index to the Middle English Grammatical Texts” (327–28), “Summary Index to the Manuscript Contents” (329–38), “Indices of Names and Places mentioned in Part III” (338–50), “Index of Manuscripts Cited” (350–52), “List of Early Printed Books Cited” (352), “List of Other Works Cited” (353369), actually a bib. of secondary sources, and a brief note on “Bibliographical Sources” (369), which refers to the present rubric in HL: “Notices of current publications can be found in Historiographia Linguistica (John Benjamins B.V., Amsterdam, published triannually)” .]

eds 1980 . Papers from the 4th International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ held at Stanford University , 26–30 March 1979 ]. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 14 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , IX, 437 pp. Bound, Hfl.95.00 . [ The vol. prints the bulk of the papers presented at the Conference – cf. Language and Language Behavior Abstracts, Supplement 3, 1979, for summaries of all papers. Contribuors include Lyle Campbell, William M. Christie, Jr., Michael Shapiro, Martin B. Harris, Marianne Mithun, Carol F. Justus, Anders Ahlqvist, Theodora Bynon, Mario Saltarelli, Joseph H. Greenberg, Emily Klenin, Henning Andersen, Yakov Malkiel, Paul Kiparsky, and many others .]

. 1978 . La fonologia . (= Biblioteca Linguistica, 8 .) Bologna : Nicola Zanichelli , [VI,] 170 pp. [ This textbook consits of the following parts: 1, “La teoria fonologica: origini, sviluppo, tendenze” (1–56), which surveys the field from antiquity – via the work of Baudouin de Cour-tenay, Kruszewski, Sweet and Winteler (2–6) – to the present; 2, “L’analisi fonologica: aspetti e problemi” (57–87); 3, “L’analisi in tratti distintivi” (88–105); 4, “Il cambiamento linguistico” (106–126); “Il contatto linguistico” (127–44), and a bib. (145–65). “Indice analitico” (166–70) .]

(= Weinreich, Uriel, 1926–66 ). 1979 . Jazykovye kontakti: Sostojonie i problemy issledovanija . Transl, from the English, with a commentary by Ju A. Žluktenko. Introd. art., ‘The theory of language interaction in U. Weinreich’sLanguages in Contact ” ( 5–17 ), by V. N. Jarceva . Kiev : Izd . “ Višča škola ”, 263 pp. [ Transl, of Weinreich’s Language in Contact: Findings and problems, first published in 1953 as No.l of the “Publications of the Linguistic Circle of New York”, and frequently reprinted, in fact 8 times between 1963 and 1974, by Mouton & Co., The Hague. In addition to the commentary (211–18), the transi, added a bibliography of Soviet Publications on language contact problems (246–61), i.e., about 280 titles in addition to the 658 of the original .]

. 1978 . Forelesninger i almen språkvitenskap (Det propedeutiske kursus) . 2 . utgave . Oslo : Lingvistisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo , [V], 128 pp. [ 2nd ed. of the author’s Lectures on General Linguistics, which first appeared in 1945 as an underground publication. Copies are still available at 75.- Norw. kroner a piece through the Ling. Institute’s address: Boks 1012 Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway. – Preface by Even Hovdhaugen (p.I) The brief bib. (pp.12–13) includes G. von der Gabelentz’s Die Sprachwissenschaft (2nd enl. ed., Leipzig, 1901), Saussure’s Cours (Geneve [sic! recte: Lausanne & Paris, 1916), and the wellknown books by Sapir, Jespersen, Bloomfield, and others .]

. 1980 . On Semantics . Ed. by William Labov and Beatrice S. Weinreich . Philadelphia : Univ. of Pennsylvania Press , XVII, 420 pp. [ The vol., ed. by his former student (b.1927) and his widdow, brings together the late U. Weinreich’s (1926–1966) studies devoted to semantics and lexicography, 13 in number, of which “Explorations in Semantic Theory” (originally published in Current Trends in Linguistics, vol.3: Theoretical foundations, 395–477. The Hague: Mouton, 1966, and separately, ibid., 1972) is the best known. These studies are arranged under the following 4 headings: I, “The study of meaning” (3 items published in 1968, 1959, and 1963); II, “Semantics within the generative framework” (3 items first published in 1966, hitherto unpublished but presented at a conference in 1965, and posthumously published in 1969, in that order); III, “Lexicography” (3 titles, the first hitherto, unpublished, the other two first published in 1962 and 1963, respectively), and IV, “Brief reviews and proposals’” (four items dating from 1964, 1955, 1963, and 1961. The back matter consists of a bib. (393–404), which lists only two papers by Weinreich – one might have expected a full bibliography of his writings’. – and both an index of authors (405–410) and of subjects (411–20) .]

. 1979 . Französische Sprachgeschichte . (= Uni-Taschenbücher, 823 .) Heidelberg : Quelle & Meyer , 220 pp. [ A concise survey, richly documented, of the history of French from the Latin period to this century. Particular emphasis has been laid on phonology, morphology, and etymology. In addition, particular attention has been given to the discussion of the sociologically relevant groups in the formation of standard French. There is a ‘kurze Auswahlbibliographie’ (192 to 194), and a detailed word index, ‘Französisch’ (195–214), ‘Lateinisch’ (215–18), and ‘Andere Sprachen’ (219–20) .]

. 1979 . The Grammatical Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt: Contributions to the study of the ‘ars grammatica’ in antiquity . (= Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Jaargang XLI, 1979, Nr.92 .) Brussel : Paleis der Academiën , 333 pp. , 21 plates, all in small-4°. Paperbd., BF 2.000.- [ This thorough study and text edition of ancient grammatical texts transmitted in papyri form consists of two major parts, “The technai grammatikai” (33–210), in which the various fragments, together with variant readings, are presented, and “The scholarly treatises” (213–97), in which fragments are analysed under the headings of prosody, nominal inflection, particles, the augments of verbs, etc. To this the author has added a general introd. (15–21) and bib. of primary and secondary sources (21–30), an extensive summary of the study in Dutch (299–308), and valuable indices, i.e., “Index verborum” (311–26), both in Latin (311–12) and Greek (313–26), and an “Index nominum et rerum” (327–30). The present volume brings together all the papyri containing grammatical manuals and scientific treatises for the first time. While these texts “have certainly enlarged our knowledge of the various fields of study of the ancient grammarians [, …] they do not reveal new, previously unknown interests.”(213) .]