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Konrad Koerner
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. 1979 . I dialetti e le lingue delle minoranze di fronte all’italiano. Atti dell’XI Congresso Internazionali di Studi (Cagliari, 27–30 maggio 1977) . Roma : Bulzoni , 2 vols. [ Vol.1, XIII, 458 pp.; vol.II, [461-]743 pp. The congress papers are organized under 5 headings: 1. “Aspetti generali e questioni di metodo” (3/5–116); 2. “Alcune situazioni” (117/119); 3. “Dialetti, minoranze, educazione linguistica” (459/461–616); 4. “All’ estero” (617/ 619–52), and 5. “Dialetto e letteratura” (653/655–76). Important remarks from the discussion of individual papers have been published (679–731). There is an index of authors studied, not of contributors (735–42) and a brief “Indice degli argomenti” (743). The contributors include the following: Francesco Sabatini, Annibale Elia, John Trumper, Anna Giacalone Ramat, Corrado Grassi, and some 25 other scholars .]

. 1979 . ‘Be’ and Equational Sentences in Egyptian Colloquial Arabio . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 2 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , [V,], 128 pp. Bound, Hf1 . 30 ,-, [ “This study attempts to deal with equational sentences in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) and their remote structure. The main aim is to show that equational sentences in ECA are derived from underlying sentences that have transitive or intransitive verbs and that the verb be in its overt form is only a tense marker.” (Introd., p.l). There are bibliographical references (123–28), but there is no index .]

Ars semeiotica: International journal of American semiotic . Vol. 11 , No. 3 , [257-] 387 pp. Vol. III , Nos. 1–3 , 394 pp. Amsterdam : John Benjamins , 1979–1980 . [ Of special interest to readers of HL are: “Charles Standers] Peirce’s [(1839–1914)] Arabic Grammar”, by Janice Deledalle Rhodes (2.365–68); “Lintsbach: A Russian ‘Saussure’?” – the author establishes little beyond the title, publishing date of a certain ‘Ia. Lintsbach [perhaps better either Russian Lincbax or German Lintzbach]’, Principij filosofskogo jazyka (Petrograd: n.p., 1916) by Luigi Romeo (2.369–74), who also contributed two other items in the same issue: “Medieval food signs in the monastery of Cluny” (375–379), and the obituary, “Charles (William) Morris (May 23, 1901 – January 15, 1979)” (381–83). – “Toward a History of Semiotics: The German translation of B[enjamin] H[umphrey] Smart’s [(1786–1872)] Sematology”, review article on the occasion of Achim Eschbach’s translation (Frankfurt/M.: Syndikat, 1978) of Smart’s (Lockian-type) Outline of Sematology (London, 1831; sequel, 1837, and appendix, 1839), by Eugen Baer (3.129–36) .]

eds. 1980 [C. 1978] . The Sign: Semiotics abound the world . (= Michigan Slavic Publications, 9 .) Ann Arbor, Mich. : Dept of Slavic Languages & Literatures, Univ. of Michigan , IX, 363 pp. Bound , $9.50 . [ This volume consists of original papers originally prepared for the Intl. Conference on the Semiotics of Art held at the Univ. of Michigan in May 1978. They include the following contributions (inter alia): Tzvetan Todorov, “The birth of occidental semiotics [in Greek antiquity]” (1–42), Richard W. Bailey, “William Dwight Whitney and the origins of semiotics” (68–80); Elizabeth W. Bruss, “Peirce and Jakobson on the nature of the sign” (81–98); “Modern American semiotics (1930–1978)” by Wendy Steiner (99–118); Emery E. George, “Ernst Cassirer [(1874–1945)] and neo-Kantian aesthetics: A holistic approach to the problems of language and art” (132–45); Ladislav Matejka, “The roots of Russian semiotics of art [From Aleksandr A. Potebnja (1862) to the writings by Mixail Baxtin and Valentin N. Vološinoy]” (146–72). There are in addition papers devoted to individual semioticians, such as Jurij Lotman, Jan Mukařovsky, A. J. Greimas, and others. There is no index to this very informative collection of papers .]

Balkan-Archiv . Vol. 4 ( Hamburg : Helmut Buske , 1979 ), 232 pp. [ Contains five articles on ‘Aromunisch’, two on Rumanian, and one each on Hungarian/Italian and Serbo-Croatian/Italian language contact .]

. 1980 . The Comprehensive Russian Grammar of A. A. Barsov / Obstojatel’naja grammatika A. A. Barsova . Critical edition by Lawrence W. Newman . Columbus, Ohio : Slavica Publishers, Inc. , LXXXVI, 382 pp. Clothbound , $24.95 . [ This is a critical ed. of a Russian grammar written by Barsov (1728–91), who, during the last 30 years of his life was a professor of rhetoric at the Univ. of Moscow. The text worked on by Barsov during 1783–88 was never published; it was originally planned to be a grammar of Russian for the use in schools, but was never accepted by the commission, probably because of its length as well as the originality of Barsov’s grammatical analyses. The present ed. is based on 3 surviving early 19th-century manuscripts, all different in organization and size (cf. the description of the MSS (xxix–xxxvii)). The critical text (1–332) is following by copious notes (333–74) and a select bib. of secondary sources, from the late 17th century to the present (375–82). To this has been added a substantial introduction (xxi–lxxxvi), which relates life (xxixxiii), “The commissioning of the [i.e., Barsov’s] grammar” (xxiii–xv), “The writing of the grammar” (xxv–xxviii) and its fate (xxviiif.). The main portion of the introd. is devoted to an historical and critical account of Barsov’s achievement (xxxvii–lxxix). Here, B’s grammatical thought is placed in historical perspective, and compared with the tradition of Russian grammar from Mixail Vasil’evič Lomonosov’s (1711–65) Rossijskaja grammatika of 1757 onwards, but also with the pedagogical grammars written outside Russia, e.g., Johann Christoph [not Christian, cf. p.xxxix] Adelung’s (1732–1806) Umständliches Lehrgebäude der deutschen Sprache (1781). This is followed by a detailed account of Barsov’s (at times innovative) grammatical terminology (lxxx–lxxxvi). Since the volume has no index, the latter may be used to locate the various technical terms .]

comp. 1980 . Alo Raun: Bibliography . (= Arcadia Bibliographica Virorum Eruditorum, 2 .) Köln : E. J. Brill , 29 pp. , 1 portrait . [ Raun, a distinguished Finno-Ugrist, was born in Tartu, Estonia, in 1905; cf. the dedication of HL 2:2, 1975. The pamphlet includes a brief biographical sketch of the scholar (22–24). – Cf. the other personal bibliographies compiled by Décsy (1980) and Feldstein (1981) listed below .]

. 1980 . Geschichte der sprachwissenschaftlichen Theorien . Übersetzt und herausgegeben von Hans Zikmund . Leipzig : VEB Bibliographisches Institut , 344 pp. [ German transl, of B’s book of 1975, Istorila lingvističeskix učenij (Moskva: Izd.“Nauka”). Cf. the reviews of related publications by the same author in HL 4. 69–88 (1977) by T. M. S. Priestly and 4.388–91 (1977) by Jivco Boyadjiev, as well as a contribution by Berezin , “The History of General Linguistics in 19th Century Russia”, HL 6.199–230 (19 79) .]

. 1981 . Ezik i obšĉestVO [Language and society]. Sofia: Izd. Nauka i izkustvo, 1981, 113 pp. [An introduction to sociolinguistics, with a historical chap, relating central ideas of European scholars of the late 19th and earlier 20th centuries, including F. F. Fortunatov, J. Baudouin de Courtenay, Saussure, Meillet, Vendryes, and others (10–26). Bib. (104–112).]

. 1980 . Guzmán de Alfarache: Conversión o proceso de degradación? Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Ltd. [VII,] 230 pp. Cloth , $11.00 . [ The author regards his interpretation as “una posible lectura”, which “podría resumirse asi: es una danza carnavalesca en torno a la ética y religion cristianas” (p.vii). The vol. contains a very detailed bib. (201–229). There is no index .]

1980 . “ A Bibliography of Recent Publications concerning the History of Grammar during the Carolingian Renaissance ”. Offprint from Studi Medievali , 3a serie , XXI , No. 2 . 917–23 . [ Revised version of the author’s paper presented at the (First) International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (Ottawa, 28–31 Aug. 1981) .]

eds. 1980 . Wundt Studies: A centennial collection . Toronto : C. J. Hogrefe, Inc. , X, 445 pp. Paperbd. , $28.00 . [ Like the vol. ed. by R. W. Rieber (1980) – see below – the present vol. has been prepared to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the first Psychological Institute at the Univ. of Leipzig in 1879 – cf. Edwin G. Boring’s 1965 paper on the difficulty of verifying that date, “On the Subjectivity of Important Historical Dates: Leipzig 1879”, J. of the Hist, of the Behavioral Sciences 1.5–9. The vol. has 4 parts: I, “The Heidelberg Years” (13–120), which consists of 4 biographical and/or historically slanted articles beginning with Wundt’s formative years (1832–74) and ending with “Wundt’s changing conceptions of a general and theoretical psychology” (by Willem van Hoorn & Thom Verhave); the other contributors are Wolfgang G. and Norma J. Bringman & William D. G. Balance, Carl F(riedrich) Graumann, Robert J. Richards (in that order). The section is concluded by a repr. of William James’ 1875 review of W’s Principles of Physiological Psychology (Leipzig, 1874), a review which can also be found in the vol, ed. by Rieber (infra). Part II, “The Leipzig Period” (123–325), consists of altogether 10 items, several of which are biographical in nature; perhaps most interesting are the accounts that deal with W’s impact on American students, psychologists, and theories in psychology. Compare John A. Poppelstone & Marion White McPherson’s paper, “The vitality of the Leipzig model of 1880–1910 in the United States in 1950–1980” (226257). There is, inter alia, an account of “Wundt’s doctorate students and their theses, 1875–1920”, compiled by Miles A. Tinker (269–279). The last two items in Part II are obituaries and/or letters read at a commemorative meeting in honour of Wundt at Chicago by the American Psychological Association in December 1920 (ed. by Bird T. Baldwin [1875–1928] in 1921 and published in the Psychological Review 28.153–88) and a death notice written by his former student Edward B. Titchener [1867–1927] and published in the American Journal of Psychology 32.161–78 [1921], Part III consists of “Illustrations from the life and work of Wilhelm Wundt” brought together by W. G. Bringmann, Gustav A. Ungerer and Holle Ganzer (330–59). The 4th and last part is devoted to W’s “Impact and assessment” (363–445), with contributions by Kurt Danziger (his name and address has been inadvertently omitted in the list of contributors [ix–x] – he is on the faculty of the Psychology Dept. of York University, Toronto), Ryan D. Tweney & Stephen A. Yachanin, Mitchell G. Ash, William A. Hillix & James B. Broyles, and Arthur L. Blumenthal. One regrets the absence of any index from this highly informative volume .]

. 1980 . Quaestiones super Priscianum minorem . Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Heinz W(erner) Enders and Jan Pinborg . (= Grammatica Speculativa: Sprachtheorie und Logik des Mittelalters / Theory of Language and Logic in the Middle Ages, 3:1–2 .) 2 vols. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Friedrich Frommann Verlag – Gunther Holz-boog GmbH & Co. , 460 pp. in small-4° [ paginated consecutively, vol. II beginning with p.207]. Clothbound. [Critical edition of an important early 14th-century modistic treatise by the French theologian Radulphus Brito (c.1270/75-c.1320/35) (89–435), followed by an “Index terminorum” (437–46) and an “Index locorum”, i.e., references to authors, such as Albertus Magnus, Aristotle, Boethius, Petrus He-lias, Priscianus, etc. made in the text (447–60). The front matter consists of a bib. (9–11), “Leben und Werke des Radulphus Brito” by Jan Pinborg (13–26) and “Die logischen und semantischen Thesen des Radulphus in der grammatischen Spekulation seiner Zeit” by Heinz Enders (27–86), which places the grammatical thought of Radulphus Brito [he was probably born in Brittany] in historical perspective .]

eds. 1979 . Text Processing: Papers in text analysis and text description / Textverarbeitung: Beiträge zur Textanalyse und Textbeschreibung . (= Research in Text Theory / Untersuchungen zur Texttheorie, 3 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , X, 466 pp. Cloth, DM 156 ,-. [ The vol. consists of 15 contributions (8 in German, 7 in English), of which most – it is not indicated, which – “are contributions to the “conference on the role of grammar in autonmatic and non-automatic text processing” held at the “Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung (Bielefeld) in 1974”, Individual articles (by Lennart Aqvist, Joseph Courtes, Teun A. van Dijk, A. J. Greimas, Mihály Hoppál, Walther Kindt, Sheldon Klein, Elli Köngäs Maranda, Werner Kummer, Pierre Maranda, Dieter Metzing, Maria Nowakowska, Jacob Palme, Wolfgang Samlowski, Siegfried J. Schmidt, Dimitri Segal, and Götz Wienold) are arranged under the following headings: 1) Linguistic aspects of text processing and aspects of the study of literary texts (4 papers); 2) aspects of logics and text processing (3 papers); 3) aspects of the analysis of ethnopoetic texts (4 papers), and aspects of computational text processing (4 papers). There is an index to the contribution by J. Palme only .]

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin . Nos. 35–36 . Copenhagen : Institute for Greek and Latin Medieval Philology, Univ. of Copenhagen , 1980 , 142 ‘and XXVIII, 108 pp. , respectively . [ Cf. HL VII, No.3, 413–14, for previous entry. – No.35 carries 3 articles, namely, N. J. Green-Pedersen, “Two early anonymous tracts on consequences [both early 14th c., one anoymous, the other erroneously ascribed to Walter Burley]” (1–28); Katherine Tachau, “Adam Wodeham on first and second intentions” (29–55), and Jan Pinborg, “Radulphus Brito on universals” (56–142) – cf. also Brito 1980 (above). – No. 36 consists of a partial edition, plus a thorough introduction (on life, work and thought of Jordanus of Saxony (d.1237)) of “Notulae super Priscianum Minorem” (1–88) by Mary Sirridge. Index of terms and subjects (89–93) and “Tabula quaestionum” (94–104) .]

Cazhiers Ferdinand de Saussure . Genève : Librairie Droz . [ Vol. 31 , 1977 , “ Mélanges de linguistique offerts à Robert Godei [on the 75th anniversary of his birth on 7 Aug. 1977] ”, contains the following items: Photograph of Prof. Godel, followed by his bib. (7–11), compiled by Jean-Pierre Métral, and articles by the following scholars: René Amacker, Charles E(rnest) Bazell, Giancarlo Bolognesi, Eric Buyssens, Robert de Dardel, Urs Egli, Rudolf Engler, Henri Frei, André Hurst, Alex Leukart, the late Manu Leumann, Mortéza Mahmoudian, J.-P. Métral, Martiros Minassian, Luis J. Prieto, Aldo L. Prosdocimi, Paolo Ramat, Georges Redard, Ernst Risch, Eddy Roulet, Claude Sandoz, and Berke Vardar, of which the following, in turn, are of particular interest to readers of HL and especially those interested in the interpretation of Saussure’s theory: R. Engler, “Premiers spécimens d’un index des matières au CLG/E” (89–99); L. J. Prieto, “Signe zéro, absence de signe et analyse de l‘énoncé en signes” (185–204); P. Ramat, “Ferdinand de Saussure e la ‘Legge de Verner’” (215–22); B. Vardar, “Le terme ‘objet’ dans le CLG” (269–76). The volume is rounded off by a very valuable second instalment of R. Engler’s “Bibliographie saussurienne”, this time covering the years 1970–76, Vol.33, 1979, published late in 1980, contains the following contributions of interest to HL readers: Christine Bierbach, “Eine ‘vergessene’ Dichotomie der saussureschen Sprachtheorie : La langue/ les langues. Zum Verhältnis von allgemeiner Sprachtheorie und Beschreibung von Einzelsprachen” (21–30); W. Terrence Gordon, “Les rapports associatifs” (31–40); the third instalment by R. Engler of his “Bibliographie saussurienne” (79–145!), adding to the years 1970–76, and covering the years 1977–79, and, finally, a review (by Georges Redard) of Giuseppe Carlo Vincenzi’s 1978 Italian translation of the Mémoire (153–56) – cf. HL 7:3.397–400, for details – and Robert Godel’s brief obituary of Albert Riedlinger (1882–1978), the contributor to the edition headed by Bally & Sechehaye of the CLG (157) .]

eds. The Languages of Native America: Historical and comparative asessment . Austin, Texas, and London : Univ. of Texas Press , [VI,] 1,034 pp. [ This volume constitutes a ‘stock taking’ of the work done on Amerindian languages over the past 50 or so years, each article being written by a distinguished scholar in the particular field of specialization; they include the following: Ives Goddard, Wallace L. Chafe, Davis S. Rood, Mary R. Haas, James M. Crawford, Irvine Davis, Susan Steele, William H. Ja-cobsen, Jr., Margaret Langdon, Michael Silverstein, Lawrence C. Thompson, Michael E. Krauss, and Eric P. Hamp (1001–1015) writing a summary statement concerning the state of the art and the achievement of the present volume. The editors, too, contributed an article each; M. Mithun (133–212), which displays, inter alia, the author’s awareness of the history of research in the study of Iroquian, and Lyle Campbell (902–1000) surveying what he calls “Middle American Languages” (i.e., American Indian languages of Central America, in particular Mexico). These individual articles are preceded by an Introduction, “North American Indian Historical Linguistics in Current Perspective” (3–69), which traces (at least part of) the history of 19th-century research, e.g., the work of Boas, Daniel Garrison) Brinton, Johann Carl Eduard Buschmann, Peter Stephen (Pierre Etienne) Duponceau or Du Ponceau, Albert Gallatin, Albert Samuel Gatschet, George Gipps, Horatio Hale, Robert Gordon Latham, John Pickering, James C. Pilling, John Wesley Powell, and others. Unfortunately, no life-dates are supplied to any of these pioneers. – The vol. is rounded off by a detailed index of names, language(name)s, and places (1019–1034), but there is no index of authors .]

Canadian Journal of Italian Studies. (Official organ of the Canadian Society for Italian Linguistics and Language Teaching) . Vol. III , Nos. 3–4 ( Spring-Summer 1980 ), 139 – 296 . [ Editor: Stello Cro, Dept of Italian, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S ICO .]

1980 . A Bibliography of Netherlandic Dictionaries Foreword by F. de Tollenaere . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XVI, 314 pp. Clothbound, Hfl. 136 ,-. [ This compilation (subtitle: Dutch – Flemish) constitutes a comprehensive, if not exhaustive, bib. of over 3,100 entries covering monolingual (1–94), bilingual (95–218), and polyglot (219–85) dictionaries published between 1477 and 1977. It ends with an author index (286–305) and a language index (306–309) as well as a subject index (310–314). The front matter consists of a brief foreword (ix–x), which gives a brief vita of the compiler, an introduction (xi–xii), which contains in nuce a brief history of the term ‘Dutch’ (which changed its meaning through the times and is therefore avoided in the book title), and a list of bibliographical sources (xiii–xvi) .]

, 1715–80 ]. 1981 . La Langue des Calculs , Texte établi et présenté par Anne-Marie Chouillet . Introduction et notes de Sylvain Auroux . [ Lille :] Presses Universitaires de Lille , XXXVIII, 537 pp. [ The volume is not a critical edition of Condillac’s posthumous treatise in the regular sense of the term, but in effect a repr. of the 1798 (Paris: Ch. Houel) edition, namely, as vol.23 of his Oeuvres completes [pp.1–487]. To this have been added – next to a very informative introductory article by S. Auroux, “Condillac ou le vertu des signes” (i–xxx, bib., xxviii–xxx) and a “Notice” (xxxi–xxxviii) concerning the original printed text and the state of the original MS – variant readings (with reference to the reprinted text) of 35 pages (489–523), notes of a critical nature (525–32), and an “Index analytique de la Langue des Calculs” (533537) .]

. 1980 . I dialetti e la dialettologia in Italia (fino al 1800) . (= Ars Linguistica: Commentationes analyticae et criticae, 4 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , 146 pp. Paperbound, DM 48 ,-. [ The book constitutes a first attempt to write a history of Italian dialects as well as Italian dialectology. It begins with the 10th century (to the end of the 13th, 11–25) up to the end of the 18th century (92–120). One chap, each is devoted to the intervening centuries 14th (26–38), i.e., Dante and the aftermath; 15th (39–49) characterized by the rivalry between Latin and the Italian dialects; 16th (50–72) showing the growing importance of the Volgare’, and 17th (73–91), in which there is rivalry beteen the literary language and the dialects. Bib. (121–35), followed by an index of personal names (137–41) and an index of places and of ‘cose notevoli’ (142–46) .]

comps. 1980 . Bibliographie de la recherche en psycho-systématique du langage . Fascicule I [ 1905–1969 ]. Québec : Fonds Gustave Guillaume, Univ. Laval , 90 pp. plus 1 sheet of addenda & corrigenda . [ A reworking of existing publiographies, two of which had been compiled by L. Meney, but with more restrictive scope, cf. the compilers’ preface (p.3). Fasc.II, which is supposed to cover the 1970s, will contain the index for both .]

. 1980 . Linguistic Studies . ( =Monographien zur Sprachwissenschaft , 8 .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter Universitätsverlag , 153 pp. [ The vol. brings together a selection of 8 articles, some of them written especially for the book, dealing with a wide range of linguistic topics, from ‘transversal relations’ and ‘semasiosyntax’ to the discussion of the concept of ‘case’ and that of ‘sentence’, illustrated with language material drawn from German, Welsh, Lithuanian, Japanese, and others. Some of the papers are highly personal (some even polemical), but all of them in any respect ‘interesting’ and attesting to the author’s versality (with regard to the practical knowledge of languages) and universality (in the Hjelmslevian sense). Bib., compiled by Gertrud Urbaniak (149–53); no index .]

eds. 1980 . First Person Singular: Papers from the Conference on an Oral Archive for the History of American Linguistics (Charlotte, N.C., 9–10 March 1979) . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 21 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XIII, 239 pp. Bound, Hfl. 65 ,-. [ The vol. consists of autobiographical sketches by the following scholars, together with pictures and autographs: Raven I. McDavid, Jr., Henry M. Hoenigswald, John B. Carroll, William G. Moulton, Archibald A. Hill, Yakov Malkiel, Charles F. Hockett, Harold B. Allen, William Bright, Einar Haugen, George S. Lane, Frederic G. Cassidy, James B. McMillan, Winfred P. Lehmann, Fred W. Householder, and Dell Hymes (in order of presentation at the Conference and in the volume). A “Master List of References” (215–32) and an index of persons mentioned in the proceedings (233–39) conclude the volume .]

. 1980 . Erich Kunze: Bibliography . (= Arcadia Bibliographica Virorum Eruditorum, 3 .) Köln : E. J. Brill , 33 pp. , 1 portrait . [ Distributor in North America: Eurolingua, P.O.Box 101, Bloomington, Indiana, 47402. – Kunze (b. 1905) is Germanist and Finno-Ugrist. The compiler wrote a detailed biographical sketch on the scholar (16–29) .]

. 1980 . Idee e ricerche linguistiche nella cultura italiana . (= Studi Linguistici e Semiologici, 11 .) Bologna : Società Editrice II Mulino , 159 pp. Paper, L 6.000 .-. [ Apart from an introduction (5–25) , the book consists of biographical sketches and obituaries published before in various places, including the journal “La Cultura”, the newspaper “Paese Sera”, and the dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, of the following Italian scholars (in chronological order as presented in the collection): Giambattista Vico (1668–1744), Giacinto Carena (1778–1841), Bernardino Biondelli (1804 to 1886), Graziadio Isaia Ascoli (1829–1907), Corrado Avolio (19th-century Sicilian dialectologist, no life-dates given), Napoleone Caix (1845–82), Ugo Angelo Canello (1848–83), Luigi Ceci (18591927), Giuseppe Lombardo Radice (late 19th – early 20th c., ‘applied’ linguist), Matteo Giulio Bartoli (1873–1946), Francesco Beguinot (1879–1953), Vittorio Bertoldi (1888–1953), Alfredo Schiaffini (1895–1971), Salvatore Battaglia (1904–1971), Giorgio Pasquali (fl. mid-20th e), Antonino Pagliaro (1898–1973), Giacomo Devoto (1897–1974), and Bruno Migliorini (1896–1975). Index of names (153–157) .]

eds. 1980 . Alfonso El Sabio: “Lapidario” and “Libro de la formas & ymagenes” . (= Spanish Series, 3 .) Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies , XXIV, 203 pp. [ The vol. consists of an ed. of the ‘Lapidario’ (MS Escorial h.I.15) and of ‘Formas & ymagenes’ (MSS Escorial h.I.16 and Vatican Reg. Lat. 1283) by Alfonso X, King of Spain (1221–84) – cf. HL 6:1. 87–102 (1979) – (pp.1–147, and 149–78 and 179–93, respectively). It is preceded by an informative introd. (i–xxiv); the back matter consists of variant readings (195–98) and a bib. (199–201). There are complete concordances on microfiches !]

. 1980 . The Syntactic Development of the Infinitive in Indo-European . Columbia, Ohio : Slavica Publishers, Inc. , 220 pp. Paper , $14.95 . [ The study consists of the following chaps.: 1. “The Indo-European problem [of the (origin of the) infinitive]” (9–25); 2. “Syntax of the infinitive in the Rigveda” (27–85); 3. “Syntax of the Old Iranian [Avestan] infinitive” (87–102); 4. “The Indo-Iranian infinitive” (103–133); 5. “The Celtic verbal noun” (135–59); 6. “The Hittite infinitive” (161–80), and 7. “Reconstructing the Proto-Indo-European infinitive” (181–98). Endnotes (199–205), followed by a bib. (207–215), and an index of grammatical terms (217–20) .]

ed.-in-chief 1980 . Russkoe i slavjanskoe jazykoznanie V Rossii, serediny XVIII–XIX vv . ( B biograficeskix ocerkax i bospominanijax sovremenikov ). [ Russian and Slavic linguistics in Russia, from the mid-18th to the 19th centuries (With biographical sketches and contemporary recollections)]. Leningrad: Izd. Leningradskogo Univ., 212 pp. Paper, 45 kop. [This textbook consists in effect of biographical accounts, by various authors, frequently abridged, of the following scholars: Mixail Vasil’evič Lomonosov (1711–65), Alek-sandr Xristoforovič Vostokov (1781–1864), Osip Maksimovič Bodjanskij (1808–1877), Petr Ivanovic Prejs (1810–1846), Izmail Ivanovic Sreznevskij (1812–80), Viktor Ivanovič Grigorovič (1815–76), Fedor Ivanovic Buslaev (1818–97), and Aleksandr Afanas’evič Potebnja (1835–1891). Index of authors (207–210) .]

. 1980 . Indogermanische Religion oder Kultur? Eine Analyse des Begriffs indogermanisch . (= Studies published by the Institute of Comarative Religion at the University of Stockholm, 2 .) Stockholm , 15 pp. [ Discusses the term and concept of ‘Indo-European’ in post-Trubetzkoyan fashion; cf. N. S. Trubetzkoy’s posthumously published paper, “Gedanken über das Indogermanenproblem”, Acta Linguistica (Copenhagen, 1939), 81–89 .]

. 1980 . Grundlagenstudien zur Linguistik: Wissenschaftstheoretische Untersuchungen der sprachphilosophischen Konzeptionen Humboldts, Chomskys und Wittgensteins . (= Sammlung Groos, 7 .) Heidelberg : Julius Groos Verlag , 526 pp. Paper, DM 54 ,-. [ The bulk of this (former Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg) dissertation concerns the linguistic theories of Humboldt (53–153) and Chomsky (154315). Connections between the 2 theories are discussed (316–44), and little in terms of similarity found. Wittgenstein’s ideas about language (cf. the reference to ‘Theorie von Sprachspielen’, p.345) are not discussed at any length but have to be ‘discovered’ in between the chapters of the book. There are (perhaps too) detailed endnotes (367–502), a bib. of primary (505–507) and secondary (508–526) sources, but no indices .]

ed. 1980 . Maschinelle Übersetzung, Lexikographie und Analyse: Akten des 2. Internationalen Kolloquiums Saarbrücken, November 1979 . I . Vorträge . II . Workshops . (= Linguistische Arbeiten, N.F. 3:1–2 .) Saarbrücken : Univ. des Saarlandes, Sonderforschungsbereich 100: Elektronische Sprachforschung , IX, 99 , and VIII, 210 pp. [ Vol.I contains 7 papers, most of which concern themselves with automatic translation; vol.II contains 30 short papers from the workshops; they present especially the systems SUSY and COMSKEE, both of them developed by the Univ. of Saarbrücken .]

ed. 1980 . Language & Communication . Columbia, South Carolina : Hornbeam Press, Inc. , XIV, 360 pp. Paper , $8.75 . [ The vol. brings together the findings of various disciplines concerning communication, including anthropology, biology, cultural geography, linguistics, psychology, and other fields. Contributors are all members of the various departments at Texas Agricultural] & M[edical] Univ. Apart from the ed., there are 3 more scholars associated with the study of language: Garland Cannon, Chester C. Christian, Jr., and Paul J. Anglis. The vol. has a very useful index of subjects and terms (347–60) .]

comp. 1981 . Felix Johannes Oinas: Bibliography . (= Arcadia Bibliographica Virorum Eruditorum, 4 .) Köln : E. J. Brill , 51 pp. , 1 portrait . [ Distributor: Eurolingua, P.O.Box 101, Bloomington, Ind. 47402, U.S.A. – The appendices to the bib. of Oinas (b. 1911) consist of a biographical sketch (unsigned: perhaps autobiographical), followed by individual appraisals of his scholarship by various colleagues at Indiana Univ. (43–48) .]

. 1978 . Wstȩp do wspótczesnych teorii lingwistycznych . Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne , 155 pp. [ 1st ed. appeared in 19 75. This is a textbook offering a survey of the major Western schools of linguistics, (though) beginning with the ‘Kazan School’ of J. Baudouin de Courtenay and M. Kruszewski, both scholars of Polish origin (20–24). Brief chaps, are devoted to Saussure (26–33), the ‘schools’ of Copenhagen (34–39), Prague (40–48), and London (49–56), the work of the late Jerzy Kuryłowicz (1895–1978), both as general theorist of language and Indo-Europeanist (57–63), American structuralism, i.e., Bloomfield, Sapir, Whorf, and the Neo-Bloomfieldians (64–79), Pike’s Tagmemics (80–86), Transformational-Generative Grammar (87–128), and Lamb’s Stratificational Grammar (129–35). Bib. (136–45, with addenda made to the 2nd ed., 146–49). Index of subjects and names (150–55) .]

ed. 1980 . Historical Morphology . (= Trends in Linguistics, 17 .) The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton Publishers , XIII, 476 pp. [ “The present volume contains twenty-three papers prepared for presentation at the International Conference on Historical Morphology held at Boszkowo (Poland) between the 15th and 18th of March, 1978.” (Preface, p.v). The topics include: morphological change, the relation between morphology and syntax, word order, child morphology, sound change, paradigmatic displacement, morphological instability, morphologization of phonological rules. The contributors are: Henning Andersen, Stephen R. Anderson, Mark Aronoff, Bernard Comrie, Xavier Dekeyser, James Dingley, Stig Eliasson, Martin Harris, Joan Bybee Hooper, David Huntley, Dieter Kastovsky, Roger Lass, Helmut Lüdtke, Witold Mańczak, Frans Plank, Blair A. Rudes, Russel G. Schuh, Sarah Grey Thomason, Josef Vachek, Nigel Vincent, Jerzy Weɫna, Werner Winter, and Wolfgang Ulrich Wurzel. There are indices of terms (463–64), of languages (465–69), and of authors (470–76) .]

[ eds. and] transl. Ockham’s Theory of Propositions. Part II of the Summa Logicae . Notre Dame, Indiana & London : Univ. of Notre Dame Press , VIII, 212 pp. Bound , $20.00 . [ This is an English transl, of William Ockham’s (d. c.1349) Summa Logica, Part II, as published in the critical ed. prepared by Philothenus Boehner, Gedeon Gal, and Stephen Brown in 1974 (Bona-venture, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute). To this transl, (pp.79–196) there has been added a research article, “Ockham’s Theory of Truth Conditions” (1–76) by the first of the two editors. The back matters consists of notes (197–205) and an index of terms and authors (207–212) .]

. 1980 . Paraphrase et théories du langage: Contribution à une histoire des théories linguistiques contemporaines et à la construction d’une théorie enunciative de la paraphrase . Thèse de doctorat d’Etat , Univ. de Paris VII , Paris , VI, 546 (typed) pp. [ The study consists of 3 major parts: I, “Les deux sources de la problématique de la paraphrase” (1–107); II, “Quelques approches linguistiques de la paraphrase” (109–293), and III, “Eléments pour une théorie enunciative de la p.” (295–461). For readers of HL, Part I is of particular interest, but also a portion of Part II, in which conceptions of paraphrase of 20th-century authors are discussed. The ‘Annexes’ include: “Note sur le statut de la p. dans la pensée arabe médiévale”, par D. Kouloughli (471–77); “Article PARAPHRASE dans les dictionnaires et encyclopédies français du 17e au 20e siècles” (479488); “Articles SYNONYMIE et SYNONYME dans l’Encyclopédie (résumé et extraits)” (489–92), and “Extrait d’un brouillon de manuscrit de Proust” (493–96). Bib. (497–530), followed by indices of names (531–538) and of terms (539–46) .]

. 1981 . La Langue introuvable . (= Théorie .) Paris : François Maspero , 248 pp. [ A typically French text, well written, ‘lettré’, mixture between linguistic interests and literary aspirations, it makes pleasant reading and many interesting observations. It is badly structured, has a cavalierly organized bibliography, and no index. It contains chaps, on Saussure (51–59), the linguistic circles of Prague, Copenhagen, and Vienna (105–111 & 112–114), and several ones on Chomsky, his philosophy of language and his grammatical theories (Part II of the book, 121–232 passim) .]

, et al. eds. 1981 . Istorila na slavistica ot kraja na XIX i načaloto na XX vek [ The history of Slavistics from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century ]. Sofia : Izd. na Bulgarskata Akademija na Naukite , 272 pp. [ This vol. brings together contributions by scholars from 9 different countries writing in 7 different languages, namely, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, German, French, and English, a very laudable enterprise indeed. These altogether 14 contributions give an account of the development of the study of Slavic languages and literatures, from its early professionalization during the 1870s to the end of World War I, in the following countries: Bulgaria, Russia, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Germany, France and the United States of America. Naturally, there are more than one (in effect 4) contributions on Slavistic studies in Bulgaria, nemely, by Emil Georgiev (Slavistics in general), Konstantin Popov (linguistics), Petar Dinekov (literature), and Georgi Dimov (on Ivan D. Šišmanov [1862–1928]). The last two contributions are by Daniel Beauvais (“La slavistique française à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle”, 251–66) and by Thomas Butler (“The development of Slavic studies in America at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century”, 267–71). One misses a comprehensive bib. and an index .]

Germanistische Linguistik 1 / 78 . Hildesheim : Georg Olms Verlag , 1978 , 132 pp. [ This issue, prepared by Reiner Hildebrandt and Ulrich Knoop, is dedicated to ‘100 Jahre “Deutscher Sprachatlas”’, i.e., an important event in the history of linguistics, namely, the appearance of Georg Wenker’s (1852–1911) Sprach-Atlas der Rheinprovinz nördlich der Mosel sowie des Kreises Siegen, nach systematisch aus ca. 1500 Orten gesammeltem Material zusammengestellt, entworfen und gezeichnet (Marburg, 1878). The issue includes, apart from the text of addresses made by R. Hildebrandt, Hugo Moser, and Hugo Steger, which contain historically slanted information on the study of dialects during the past 100 and more years (cf. the work of Johann Andreas Schmeller on the dialects of Bavaria published in 1821), there are reports on dialectology meetings held in Marburg in 1977 as well as, among other original contributions, an article by Sergej Aleksandroviĉ Mironov (Moscow), “Deutsche Dialektgeographie im Verlauf von einhundert Jahren” (63–80), transi, into German by Werner Wolski from the Russian original which appeared in 1976 in “Voprosy Jazykoznanija” No.4.118–130 .]

. 1980 . Hua: A Papuan Language of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 5 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , LII, 550 pp., plus several maps. Bound, Hfl. 100 ,-. [ A detailed description of the language, its phonology, morphology, and syntax, preceded by a general introduction (xxix–lii), placing the language and its study into a perspective of scholarly work .]

1980 . Stormy Petrel Flies Again . Watkins Glen, N.Y. : American Life Foundation , VII, 194 pp. [ A continuation of the author’s 1975 Stormy Petrel in Linguistics (Ithaca, N.Y.: Spoken Language Services), now covering the years 1965–1975 and beyond of the author’s autobiography. Under “Sins of my youth and old age” (119–86), Hall brings together a full list (including reviews of his books) of his publications, from 1936–1980 .]

. 1980 . Louis Meigret: Humaniste et linguiste . (= Lingua et Traditio: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 6 .) Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , X, 302 pp. Paper, DM 68 ,-. [ Biographie de Louis Meigret (c.1500-c.1588), author of Le Trȩtté de la grammere françoȩze (Paris, 1550), consisting of the following major sections: “L’humaniste” (3–73); “Le linguiste” A. ‘Réformer l’orthographe’; B. ‘Régler la grammaire’ (77–209) – “Résumé biographique” (210–11), followed by appendices containing texts of prefaces to other of Meigret’s writings and other items of literary and/or biographical interest. The back matter consists of the following: a n extremely detailed and carefully annotated bib. of M’s writings (245–278, with both an alphabetical (p.246) and a chronological (p.247) listing of his works; secondary sources (divided into pre-1800 and post-1800 publications, 279–84 and 285–95, respectively), with first names of authors and names of publishers omitted. There is an “Index des noms cités” (296–302), but no index of terms and/or subjects/ – Cf. also the author’s article in HL 7.335–50 (1980), “Louis Meigret, humaniste et linguiste”, and his critical edition of M’s ‘Traité’ (in modernized orthography) published with the same firm – cf. HL 7.424425 (1980), for details .]

. 1980 . [Jacob] Grimm’s Grandchildren: Current topics in German linguistics . (= Longman Linguistics Library, 24 .) London & New York : Longman , XVIII, 230 pp. Paperback , $22.60 . [ In Canada to be ordered through Academic Press Canada, Don Mills, Ontario. – The book constitutes an attempt to acquaint linguists outside Germany with developments of present-day linguistics as well as the traditions on which these more recent trends are rooted. It consists of the following major chaps.: 1. a very rapid survey, “German linguistics to 1900” (3–14); 2. “Content-oriented [inhaltbezogene] grammar” (15–23); “The functional approach [based to a considerable extent on Karl Bűhler’s (1879–1963) ideas and those of the Prague school]” (24–31); “Valency and sentence patterns in dependency grammar” (32–46); “Pragmalinguistics” (47–61); “Text linguistics” (62–69); “Transformational generative grammar [in Germany of little influence, according to the authors – cf. p.viii]” (70–78); “Some issues in German semantic studies [with especial reference to the work of Eugenio Coseriu]” (79–93), and “Sociolinguistics” (94–101). The remaining chaps, are devoted phonetics & phonology, and various issues in syntax and morphology. Select bib., with particular regard to German linguistic literature (211–226) – for “Col. I. Leipzig: Enyelm” of the Wundt 1900 entry read “Vol. I.Leipzig: W. Engelmann” – and index of names and terms (227–30) .]

. 1980 . Syntax: Fragen – Lösungen – Alternativen . (= Uni-Taschenbücher, 251 .) München : Wilhelm Fink Verlag , 384 pp. [ The study, which sets out to present different models of syntax, consists of the following major chaps.: 1. “Problematik der Syntaxtheorie” (12–48); 2. “Grundprobleme am Beispiel der Generativen Transformationsgrammatik” (49–118); 3. “Die strukturelle Abhängigkeitsgrammatik von [Lucien] Tesnière [(1893–1954)]” (119–66); 4. “Formale Dependenzgrammatik (DG)” (167–266), and 5. “Kategoriale Grammatik” (267–307). There is a supplement, “Einige mathematische Grundbegriffe für formale Grammatiken” (308–319), a glossary of technical terms and grammatical concepts (320–32), endnotes (333–58), a bib. (359–69), and indices of names (370–73) and subjects (374–84) .]

ed. 1980 . The Nordic Languages and Modern Linguistics: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics in Oslo 1980 . Oslo-Bergen-Tromsø : Universitetsforlaget , VIII, 392 pp. Nkr. 200 ,- ( US$40.00 ). [ Distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Columbia Univ. Press, New York, and, in Britain, by Global Book Resources Ltd., London. The some 30 papers reproduced in the volume are devoted to subjects such as Child Language, Word and Sentence Semantics, Recent Trends in Old Norse phonology and Syntax, Sociolinguistics and Dialectology. The contributors include the following: M. A. K. Halliday, Renate Bartsch, Hreinn Benediktsson, Anders Ahlqvist, Kurt Braunmliller, Einar Haugen, Neal R. Norrick, Kristian Ringgaard, Ernst Håkon Jahr, Wolfgang Ulrich Wurzel, and many others. There is no index .]

. 1980 . The Framework of Language . (= Michigan Studies in the Humanities, [1] .) Ann Arbor, Mich. : Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, Univ. of Michigan , X, 132 pp. Paper , $4.00 .[ The booklet constitutes a selection of papers, some of which translated from the Russian and of a recent date. Their titles are: “A glance at the development of semiotics [from John Locke to Saussure]” (129); “A few remarks on [Charles Sanders] Peirce [(1839–1914)], pathfinder in the science of language” (31–38); “Glosses on the medieval insight into the science of language” (39–60); “The twentieth century in European and American linguistics :Movements and continuity” (61–79); “Metalanguage as a linguistic problem”, a paper going back to Jakobson’s Dec. 1956 address as President of the Linguistic Society of America (81–92); “On aphasie disorders from a linguistic angle” (93–111), and “On the linguistic approach to the problem of the consciousness and the unconscious”, which contains frequent references to the work of J. Baudouin de Courtenay and Mikoɫaj Kruszewski (113–32). There is no index .]

, with the assistance of Kathy Santilli . 1980 . Brain and Language: Cerebral hemispheres and linguistic structure in mutual light . (= New York University Slavic Papers; Interdisciplinary Studies, 4 .) Columbus, Ohio : Slavica Publishers, Inc. , 48 pp. Paper , $ 4.95 . [ Publication of J’s lecture on “Brain and Language” given at New York Univ. on 6 May 1980 (9–41), references (42–46), and a selected list of “Recent books by R. Jakobson” (47–48) .]

ed. 1980 . NELS X . (= Cahiers Linguistiques d’ottawa, 9 .) Ottawa, Ont. : Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Ottawa , X, 421 pp. [ This volume publishes the large majority of papers presented at the 10th annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS) held at the Univ. of Ottawa (2–4 Nov. 1979).It includes papers on general linguistic theory, particular concepts of (transformational) grammar, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, dialectology, and other subjects. Contributors include: Ed Batistella, Michael Canale, Anne-Marie Di Sciullo, Margaret See Gebauer, John Goldsmith & Erich Woisetschlaeger, Jacqueline Guéron, Lars Hellan, John T. Jensen, Ian R. A. MacKay, Judith Mac’Nulty, William D. O’Grady, Maria-Luisa Rivero, and others .]

. 1979 . Pānini as a Variationist . Ed. by S. D. Joshi . (= Publications of the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Class B, No.6 .) Poona : Poona University Press. Co-published in North America by the MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. , XI, 304 pp. Bound , £ 15.80 .[ Pre-face dated: 15 Nov. 1979. The study, which tries to show that Pānini was a ‘variationist’ in the modern sense of the term, consists of the following chaps.: I. “Introduction” (1–18); II. “Pānini and the Astādhyāyī” (19–55); III. “Panini and Vedic” (56–75); IV. “Pānini and Sanskrit” (76–192); V. “Minor devices for expressing optionality” (193–208); VI. “The Samjñā system” (209–234); “Pānini and the tradition” (235–49). Bib. (250–55), followed by “Index of Sutras” (259–275) and “Index of Words” (276–94), incl. non-Sanskrit expressions (295). There is finally an “Index of Technical and Significant Terms” (299–301) and 3 pages (302–304) of addenda & corrigenda .]

( 1911–77 ). 1980 . Studien zur modernen deutschen Lexikographie . Auswahl aus den lexikographischen Arbeiten, erweitert um drei Beiträge von Helene Malige-Klappenbach . Herausgegeben von Wernel Abraham unter Mitwirkung von Jan F. Brand . (= Linguistik aktuell, 1 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XIII, 313 pp. Bound, Hfl. 55 .-. [ Bib. of the late scholar (xiii–xx). No index of terms, subjects or authors .]

eds. 1980 . American Indian and Indoeuropean Studies: Papers in honor of Madison S. Beeler . (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Monographs, 16 .) The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton Publishers , XVI, 495 pp. Clothbound, DM 135 ,-. [ The front matter includes, inter alia, a portrait of M. S. Beeler, classical scholar and specialist of Amerindian languages, as well as his list of publications (vii–viii). The impressive list of contributors includes the following: Richard B. Applegate, Catherine A. Callaghan, Wallace L. Chafe, Mary M. Haas, Wick Miller, Bruce L. Pearson, Hansjakob Seiler, William Shipley, Murray B. Emeneau, Alice Wyland Grundt, Eric P. Hamp, James T. Hooker, Johanna Nichols, Herbert Penzl, Werner Winter, and others. Readers of HL will be particularly interested in Yakov Malkiel’s contribution, “August Friedrich Pott [(1802–1887)] as a pioneer of Romance linguistics” (409–420). No index .]

eds. 1980 . Studies in Medieval Linguistic Thought, dedicated to Geoffrey L. Bursill-Hall on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday on 15 May 1980 . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 26 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , VI, 321 pp. [ Text is identical with HL VII: 1/2, 1980. – See there for details .]

eds. 1980 . Albert the Great: Commemorative essays . Norman, Okla. : Univ. of Oklahoma Press , XIX, 297 pp. Cloth , $12.95 . [ The vol. brings together original articles written on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Albert the Great’s death. Albert (Count of Böllstedt, c.1193?–1280), sometime (1160–62) bishop of Regensburg, contributed to ‘four generic areas of knowledge: logic, philosophy, theology, and natural science’ (cf. Kovach’s Introd. (vii–xix, on p.xv)). This is reflected in the contributions by Ralph Mclnerny, John M. Quinn, O.S.A., Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg, Leo Seeney, S.J., Francis J. Catania, Leonard Ducharme, O.M.I., the chief ed., James A. Weisheipl, O.P., and William A. Wallace, O.P., which are arranged under the following headings: I, Logic; II, Physics; III, Metaphysics; IV. Physics and Metaphysics, and V, History. The volume contains little, if anything, on grammar and /or linguistic theory. The back matter contains biographical sketches of the contributors (285–88) and an index of authors and subjects (289–97) .]

. 1980 . Desire in Language: A semiotic approach to literature and art . Ed. by Leon S. Roudiez ; transi, by Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine, and Leon S. Roudiez . Oxford : Basil Blackwell , XII,305 pp. Cloth , £ 8.95 . [ The volume constitutes an E. transl, of articles by the author published between 1967 and 1974 and brought together – in French – in two volumes, Σημειωτιχὴ: Recherches pour une sém-analyse (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1969) and Polylogue (ibid., 1977). The ed., Leon S(amuel) Roudiez, has added an introduction (1–20), which, apart from discussing Kristeva’s approach to semiotics, contains “Notes on the translation and on terminology” (12–20). Index of names (295–305) .]

Langue Française . No. 48 ( December 1980 ), Paris : Larousse , 118 pp. [ This issue is especially devoted to the “Histoire de la linguistique française”, though its scope is (happily) somewhat larger than that. Articles of particular interest are: Sylvain Auroux’s general introduction, “L’histoire de la linguistique” (7–15) – see also the ‘Eléments bibliographiques et informatifs’ by the same author (113–118); André Joly, “Le problème de l’article et sa solution dans les grammaires de l’époque classique” (16–27); Barrie E. Bartlett, “Les rapports entre la structure profonde et l’énoncé au XVIIIe siècle” (28–43), Sonia Branca, “L’art d’écrire de Condillac (1775); à propos de quelques règles prescriptives: traitement des ellipses et des anaphores”; Charles Porset, “Note sur le mécanisme et le matérialisme du président De Brosses” (44–56 and 57–61, respectively), and Rudolf Engler, “Sous l’égide de l’histoire (Les métamorphoses d’un terme et ses enjeux théoriques dans la constitution d’une science linguistique au XIXe siècle)” (100–112) .]

Language Sciences . Vol. II , No. 1 ( 1980 ), 185 pp. [ The issue contains 8 articles on 2 reviews by scholars such as Maija S. Blaubergs, Yvan Lebrun, Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Witold Manczak, and others, devoted to subjects such as semantics, sign language, sound and/or meaning change, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, etc. ]

. 1979 . Qu’est-ce que la langue? Chomedy, Laval : Mondia, Editeurs , XVIII, 173 pp. in-4° . [ This fairly unusual and quite informative textbook, prefaced (v–xiii) by Gilles Bobeau, consists of the following major chaps.: I, “La langue” (3–11); II, “La langue et la société” (15–47); III, “Les composantes de la langue” (51–106); IV, “Les langues et leur évolution” (109–138); V, “La langue au Québec” (141–72). “Conclusion” (173). Bibliographical references at the end of chaps, and/or sub-sections. No index .]

. 1980 . Culture in Comparative and Evolutionary Perspective: E. B. Tylor and the Making of ‘Primitive Culture’ . (= Beiträge zur Kulturanthropologie .) Berlin : Dietrich Reimer Verlag (Friedrich Kaufmann) , 183 pp., 5 plates . Paper, DM 80 ,-. [ The study examines the most influential works by Edward Burnett Tylor (1832–1917), his Researches into th- Early Ristory of Mankind and the Development of Civilization (1865) and Primitive Culture (1871), which in the author’s view represent a significant accomplishment in the development of anthropology as a science of ‘culture’ in the English-speaking world of the 2nd half of the 19th century. Following an introductory chap., the study deals with “The development theory of evolution” (27–39), “Independent invention, inheritance and diffusion; psychic and environmental unity” (40–54), “Methods [of anthropological analysis]” (55–66), and “[The concept of] culture [in relationship to civilization]” (67–115). “Conclusion” (116–24) followed by detailed endnotes (125–78) and other back matter. No index .]

. 1980 . Les Grands Courants de la linguistique moderne . Deuxième édition revue et augmentée; huitième tirage . Bruxelles : Editions de l’Univ. de Bruxelles , XV, 208 pp. [ Repr. of the 1971 rev. ed. of the book first published in 1963, and transl, into Italian (1965; 3rd ed., 1973), English (1967), Spanish (1969; 2nd enl. and rev. ed., 1977), and Portuguese (1971; 2nd rev. ed., 1977. – Cf. E. F. K. Koerner, Western Histories of Linguistic Thought [Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1978], pp.37–38, for details .]

Lingvisticae Investigationes: Revue internationale de linguistique française et de linguistique générale . Vol. IV ( 1980 ), fase . 2 , [245-] 456 pp. [ Includes a paper by Konrad Koerner, “L’importance de William Dwight Whitney pour les jeunes linguistes de Leipzig et pour F. de Saussure” (379–94) .]

LLINGUA. Language and Literature Index Quarterly . Aachen : CoBRa Verlag , vol. 1 , No. 1 ( April 1980 ), III, 315 pp. [ Editor’s*(and Publisher’s) address: Ottostrasse 88, D-5100 Aachen, Fed. Rep. of Germany. This is the first number of a quarterly intended to survey the linguistic and literature publications in journals throughout the globe. “Directory of periodicals” (2–17), alphabetical list of periodical publications during 1979 and early 1980 (18–261), over 5,000 entries, “Index of authors reviewed” (262–74), and comprehensive index of subjects, authors, and titles (275–315) .* Ed. : Wendelin Rader .]

1979 . Anatomy of the Verb: The Gothic verb as a model for a unified theory of aspect, actional types, and verbal velocity . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 4 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , X, 351 pp. Bound, Hfl. 70 .-. [ The study is structured into two major parts, namely, “Theory” and “Application: The Gothic Verb”, which in turn are subdivided into several chaps, and subsections, such as “Predicational bidimensionality”, “Verbal velocities and the classification of verbs”. “Predicational time and the present”, etc. The back matter consists of an “Afterword” (321–23), a bib. (325–36), an index of Gothic verbs (337–43), and a general index of names, subjects, and terms (345–51) .]

. 1981 . Everything that Linguists have Always Wanted to Know about Logic (but were ashamed to ask) . Oxford : Basil Blackwell , XV, 508 pp. Hard cover , £ 15.00 . [ Also published in Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press; paperback, $12.50.] [This voluminous work – the result of the author’s many years of teaching linguistic logic at the Univ. of Chicago – consists of the following chaps.: 1. “The subject matter of logic” (1–13); 2. “Propositional logic I: syntax” (14–56); 3. “Propositional logic II: Semantics” (57–86); 4. “Predicate logic I: syntax” (87–138); 5. “A digression into set theory” (139–60); “Predicate logic II: Semantics” (161–75); 7. “Applications and extensions of predicate logic” (176–204); 8. “Speech acts and implicature” (205–234); 9. “Presupposition” (235–72); 10. “Modal logic” (273–310); 11. “Applications of possible worlds” (311–59); 12. “Many-valued and fuzzy logic” (360–94); 13. “Intensional logic and Montague grammar” (395–424), and 14. “Further topics in quantification” (425–59). The back matter consists of endnotes (460–86), a bib. (488–98), a list of symbols (499–502), and a general index (503–508). At the end of each chap. there are exercises to allow use as textbook .]

ed. 1980 . Godfrey of Fontaine’s Abridgement of Boethius of Dacia’s Modi significandi, sive Quaestiones super Priscianum Maiorem . (= Studies in the History of Linguistics, 22 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , IX, 237 pp. Bound, Hf1. 65 ,-. [ Presentation of Latin text, critically established by the late Heinrich Roos, S.J. (1904–1976) and Jan Pinborg (Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad, 1969), together with an English translation on opposite pages (22–233). This is prefaced by an introductory article (1–20, Bib., 17–20), which places Boethius the Dane’s Modistic grammar into historical perspective. A detailed “Index of technical terms” (235–37) rounds off the volume .]

. 1978 . Modern Lithuanian Declension: A study of its infrastructure . (= East European Series, 1 .) Ann Arbor, Mich. : Dept. of Slavic Languages & Literatures, Univ. of Michigan , [VIII,] 303 pp. [ The study consists of 4 major parts; following an introduction (1–30), these are: I. “Noun and its structure” (31–54); II. “Paradigmatics and prosodigmatics” (55–138); III. “Modeling the infrastructure” (140–212) – the central piece of the book-; IV. “Infra-structural paradigmatics” (213–68). “Conclusion” (269–70). “List of important abbreviations and concepts” (271–79); bib. (281–86), index of names (287), “Lithuanian word index” comp, by A. Zubras (288–300), and “Index of other languages” (301–303). ‘Saussure’s law’ is only mentioned in passing (237) .]

ed. 1979 . Dutch Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists (Zagreb, Ljubljana, September 3–9, 1978) . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , IV, 425 pp. Paperbd., Hfl. 90 .-. [ Contributions in German, French, Russian, and English. Many papers are devoted to literary topics; linguistic contributions are on phonological questions, morphology, syntax, and dialectology by scholars such as Jadranka Gvozdanović, André G. F. van Holk, Fredrik Kortland, and others .]

. 1980 . Einführung in die Methodologie: Elementare allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Denkmethoden im Ueberblick . Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , VIII, 133 pp. Paperbd., DM 18.50 . [ An introduction to general scientific methodology, with particular chaps, devoted to ‘defintion’ (13–37), ‘difference [identity, similarity, etc.]’ (38–83), ‘categorization’ (84–99), ‘heuristics’ (100–106), ‘reasoning’ (107–18), and ‘on scientific approach’ (119–22). Bib. (123–27), indices of authors (129–31) and of subjects (131–33) .]

ed. 1980 . Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding . (= Research in Text Theory / Untersuchungen zur Textheorie, 5 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter & Co. , XI, 167 pp. Cloth, DM 68 ,-. [ This vol. brings together original articles devoted to “frame conceptions, their application and development in the domain of natural language and text understanding” (Preface, p.vii). Authors of the contributions are: E. Charniak (Brown U), I. P. Goldstein (Xerox Palo Alto Res Ctr), P. J. Hayes (Essex U), W. G. Lehnert (Yale U), Marvin Minsky (MIT), R. B. Roberts (ibid.), St. T. Rosenberg (Lawrence Berkeley Lab), C. Sider (MIT), and Yorrick Wilks (Essex U). These highly theoretical papers (most contributors are associated with Artificial Intelligence departments or computer science institutions) are briefly introduced in the ed.’s Preface (vii–xi). There is an author (165 to 166) and a brief subject (167) index .]

. 1980 . Struttura sociale e politica linguistica . Transi , [ from the Span, original, published at Valencia : F. Torres , 1975 ] into Italian by Salvatore C(laudio) Sgroi . (= Serie di Linguistica teorica e applicata, 17 .) Roma : Armando Armando, editore , 136 pp. [ Contains more on sociology than on linguistics; references are made, however, to the work of linguists such William Bright (27, 28, 37), Chomsky (9, 29, 31, 38), M. A.K. Halliday (27, 37, etc.), Jespersen, Saussure, and a few others, usually with respect to sociolinguistic ideas .]

ed. 1980 . Juan Fernández de Heredia’s Aragonese Version of the ‘Libro de Marco Polo’ . (= The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies; Dialect Series, 1 .) Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Ltd. , XXXVI, 14 unpag. facsimiles of MSS , 123 pp. Cloth , $12.00 . [ The text constitutes the first reliable ed. – the 1902 ed. by Knust & Stuebe was unsatisfactory – of a unique Aragonese version (going back to an abbreviated Catalan archetype) of the ‘Book of Marco Polo’. There are copious notes (63–90), an Aragonese/English glossary (91–101), an index of proper names (103–107), and a well-informed bib. (109–121) .]

eds. 1978 . Avant Saussure: Choix de textes (1875–1924) . Bruxelles : Editions Complexe , 213 pp. [ The anthology of texts or excerpts (most of them translated from German) from linguists such as Albert Sechehaye (1870–1946), Albert Dauzat (1877–1955), Antoine Meillet, (1866–1936), Jacobus von Ginneken (1877–1945), Leskien, Brugmann, Schuchardt, Baudouin de Courte-nay, Whitney, and Saussure as well as from authors from other fields such as Adrien Naville (1845–1930) and Durkheim is arranged according to the following topics: 1. “La linguistique: quel objet, quelle science?” (11–42); 2. “Le débat néogrammairien” (43–79); 3. “La langue comme fait social” (81–115); 4. “De Whitney à Saussure” (117153), and 5. “Les lectures du Cours de Linguistique Générale” (155199). There are a few “Notes biographiques” (201–205) on the authors excerpted, a very poor bib. (207f.), and indices of subjects (209211) and names (213). Each section is briefly introduced; unfortunately, the original pages and exact places, from which the texts have been chosen,are not indicated .]

Obščestvennye nauki v SSSR [ Social sciences in the USSR ], Serija 6 : Jazykoznanie [Linguistics] . Moskva : Inst, naučnoj informacii po obščest-vennym naukam, Akad. Nauk SSSR , Nos. 3–6 ( 1980 ) and No. 1 ( 1981 ), ca. 200 pp. each . [ Cf. HL VII : 3.426–27, for preceding issues. – The historical sections of the these nos. contain, inter alia, reviews of the following books or articles (I give the English renderings): Essays in Russian and Slavic linguistics (1979), Essays in the history of Russian linguistics in the Univ. of Moscow (1979), A. Sabalyauskas: The history of lithuanian studies (before 1940), and A. A. Magometov: P[etr] K[onstantinovič”, alias Peter, Baron von] Uslar [(1816–75)] – the investigator of the Dagestan languages (1979), all in No.3; Papers on the history of Slavic and Balkan linguistics and Essays in Italian linguistics of the Renaissance, both of 1979 (No.4); Dictionaries and lexicographic work in Russia in the 18th century, and, among other things, P. K. Uslar (see above): The ethnography of the Caucasus: Linguistics, VII: The Tabasaran language (Tbilisi, 1979) in No.5; Essays in the history of Arabian linguistics (Baku, 1979) in No.6, and History of linguistic concepts: Ancient world (ed. by A. V. Desnickaja et al., Leningrad: “Nauka”, 1980) in No.1/1981 .]

Obščestvennye nauki za rubežom [ Social sciences abroad ], Serija 6 : Ja-zykoznanie . Moskva : Akad. Nauk SSSR , Nos. 3–6 ( 1980 ) and No. 1 ( 1981 ), ca. 200 pp.each . [ Of interest of readers of HL are in particular the reviews of the following items: Marcelo Dascal, La sémiologie de Leibniz (cf. HL 5.356, 1978); J. T. Waterman, Leibniz and Ludolf on Things Linguistic (ibid., 372) in No.3 (9–12 and 12–15); James Mona-ghan, The Neo-Eirthian Tradition …(cf. HL 6.426) in No.4 (9–13); André Robinet, Le langage á l’âge classique (cf. HL 7.144), and Jeffrey F. Huntsman’s ed. of A. F. Tytler’s Essay on the Principles of Translation (cf. HL 6.253–59) in No.5 (9–12 and 13–15); Istoria ling-visticci româneşti by Iorgu Iordan et al. (cf. HL 7.381–85) in No.6 (9–12), and E. F. K. Koerner, Toward a Historiography of Linguistics (cf. HL 5.363), and Vivian Salmon, The Study of Language in 17th-century England (cf. the review by Herbert E. Brekle in the present issue) .]

[† 5 Dec. 1980 ], ed. 1979 . Language, Literature & Meaning I: Problems of literary theory . (= Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, founded by John Odmark, 1 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , [IX,] 467 pp. [ It was the late Dr Odmark’s brilliant idea to make East European, mostly Slavic, literary theories available to Westerners by asking the respective authors to translate their papers into English (or having them translated into that language), with the editor revising the texts. This first volume – there are a number of other, posthumous volumes to appear – contains articles on the poetical theories of Jan Mukařovský, Sergej Karcevskij, Roman In-garden, and others, written by Czech, Polish, and other scholars. There is no index .]

( of, d. ca. 1349 ), see Freddoso & Schuurman , eds. 1980 .

. 1979 . Sprachtheorie und Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft . (= Reihe Siegen – Beiträge zur Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, 15 .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter Universitätsverlag , 394 pp. [ This work on linguistics and philosophy of science consists of the following chaps.: 1. “Die Problematik der Positionen heutiger Wissenschaftstheorie” (11–46); 2. “Der Stand eines wissenschaftlichen Paradigmas: Die strukturale Linguistik und ihre wissenschaftstheoretischen Optionen” (47–107); 3. Elemente einer Kritik der metalinguistischen Grundüberzeugungen der strukturalen strong-theory-Linguistik” (108–156); 4. “Der Stand eines wissenschaftlichen Paradigmas: ‘Sprache als vollendete Tatsache’” (157–223); 5. “Dimensiomen eines unverkürzten Sprachbegriffs: Eine sprachtheoretische Skizze” (224–256); 6. “Der Gegenstandsbereich der Sprachwissenschaft: Wie autonom ist die Linguistik?” (257–97), and 7. “Die Integrationsproblematik der translinguistischen Dimensionen des Sprachthemas: Sprachtheorie oder Sprachphilosophie?” (298–315). There follow: a substantive bib. (319–39), detailed endnotes (341–76), and indices of authors (377382) and subjects (383–94) .]

eds. Trends in Romance Linguistics and Philology . Volume I : Romance Comparative and Historical Linguistics . (= Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Mongraphs, 12 .) The Hague-Paris-New York : Mouton Publishers , IX, 386 pp. Cloth, DM 148 ,-[ Under 3 headings, the volume brings together original writings, most of them dating back to the mid-1970s, by the senior editor, Jerry R. Craddock, Peter F. Dembrowski, Steven N. Dworkin, Thomas E. Hope, Clifford S. Leonard, Giovanni B. Pellegrini, Cicerone Poghirc, Julius Purzinsky, and the late Knud Togeby (1918–74). The areas covered are: Comparative Linguistics, Historical Phonology and Grammar, and Historical Lexical Studies. There are two important appendices: I, “Selected [Romance] dictionaries” (289–95) and II, “Selected bibliographies (relating to lexical studies)” (296–98), and an impressive bib. (299–376) of some 2,000 titles. The vol. is rounded off by an index of names (377–86) .]

Pragmatics and Beyond: An interdisciplinary series of language studies . Nos. 5–8 . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , 1980 , VIII, 133 ; VIII, 109 ; VI, 124 , and IX, 125 pp. [ No.5 = Geoffrey N. Leach, Explorations in Semantics and Pragmatics ; No.6 = Herman Parret, Contexts of Understanding; No.7 = Benoît de Cornulier, Meaning Detachment, and No.8 = Peter Eglin, Talk and Taxonomy .]

Purdue University Monographs in Romance Languages . Nos. 1–4 . Amsterdam : John Benjamins , 1980 , XIII, 139 ; VIII, 107 ; VII, 119 , and IX, 125 pp. (in that order). Bound, Hfl. 40 ,- each . [ No.l = John R. Beverly, Aspects of Góngora’s “Soledades”’, No. 2 = Robert Francis Cook, “Chanson d’Antioche”, chanson de geste: Le cycle de la croisade est-il épique?; No.3 = Sandy Petry, History in the Text: “Quatrevingt-treize” and the French Revolution, and No.4 = Walter Kasell, Marcel Proust and the Strategy of Reading.- General Editor of the series: William M. Whitby, Dept of Romance Langs, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, In 47907 .]

Quaderni di Semantica: Rivista internazionale di semantica teorica e applicata / An International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Semantics . Vol. 1 , No. 1 ( Jan.-June 1980 ), 177 pp. Bologna : Il Mulino . [ Editor: Mario Alinei, P.O.Box 639, NL-3700 AP ZEIST, The Netherlands. – This is the first journal especially devoted to semantics .]

Rhetorik: Ein internationales Jahrbuch Herausgegeben von Joachim Dyck , gemeinsam mit Ludwig Fischer, Walter Jens, Klaus Pawlowski, Gert Ueding . Bd 1 , Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt : Frommann-Holzboog , 1980 , 167 pp. [ The advisory board includes James J. Murphy, Brian Vickers, and others. Of particular interest to readers of HL may be the paper by Egidius Schmalzriedt, “Sophokles und die Rhetorik” (89–110). “Bibliographie zur Argumentationsforschung 1966–1978” (153–59) .]

, with the collaboration of Arthur L. Blumenthal et al. ed. 1980 . Wilhelm Wundt and the Making of a Scientific Psychology . New York & London : Plenum Press , XII, 252 pp. [ The vol. is the result of a tribute to Wundt (1832–1920) on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Psychological Institute at the Univ. of Leipzig in 1879. It has 4 parts: I, “Personal history [i.e., a biographical account of Wundt] before [the appointment at] Leipzig” (3–70), by Solomon Diamond; II, “‘Influenc’ after Leipzig”, which consists of 4 articles on Wundt’s psychological theories and their impact (or lack of it) in North American professional circles; authors: Kurt Danziger (2 contributions – see also the same author’s paper, “The Positivist Repudiation of Wundt”, JHBS 15.205–230, 1979), Arthur L. Blumenthal, and R. W. Rieber (73–151); III, “Wundt in English translation” (153–95), which consists of selected texts from W’s writings, including Section V of his Outlines of Psychology, “The principles and laws of psychological causality”, transl, by Solomon Diamond (who also supplies ‘commentary notes’) and Charles Hubbard Judd, respectively, and IV, “A critical appreciation of Wundt as reflected in the literature of the past” (199–249), which consists of i) a reprint of William James’ (1842–1910) review (in North American Review 121.195–201, 1875) of W’s Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie (Leipzig: Engelmann, 1874); ii) a repr. of a 1932 paper by a certain S. Feldman, who had been a pupil of E. B. Titchener, and iii) a repr. of a 1916 paper by Herman K. Haeberlin, “The theoretical foundations of Wundt’s folk psychology”, Psychological Review 23.279 to 302. There is a brief index concerning Wundt and his theories (251 to 252, a picture of W. [p.v] and a select bib. of W. (68–69) .]

ed. & introd. 1980 . Die mittelalterlichen Traktate De Modo opponendi et respondendi . (= Beitr. zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, N.F., 17 .) Münster : Aschendorff , VII, 379 pp. Paper, DM 134 ,-. [ Following a very informative Introduction (1–104), which discusses the nature of the texts here presented (their historical-philosophical background, the tradition of the texts, etc.), the vol. prints critical ed. of the following texts: 1, The ‘Thesaurus philosophorum’ ascribed to a certain ‘Aganafat’ (106–158); 2, the Prague version of a text by the same title (159–92); 3, ‘De Modi opponendi et respondendi’ traditionally (but wrongly) ascribed to Albertus Magnus (193–286), and 4., ‘De Arte et modo disptandi’ by Gentilis de Monte Sancte Marie in Gregorio (287–353). There are the following indices: of MSS (356), of authors (357–58), of locations of texts quoted (359–63), and, finally, an ‘Index verborum et rerum notabilium’, a very detailed index of important words and subjects (364–79) .]

. 1980 . General Linguistics: An introductory survey . 3rd ed. London & New York : Longman , XX, 330 pp. Paperback , $22.60 . [ To be purchased in Canada through Academic Press Canada, Don Mills, Ontario. – Rev. version of a book first published in 1964, 2nd ed., 1971. It covers a wide range of subjects: 1. “General linguistics: the scope of the subject” (1–34); 2. “Theoretical and methodological considerations” (35–62); 3. “Phonetics” (63–94); 4. “Phonology” (95–141); 5. “Grammar: grammatical elements” (142168); 6. “Grammar: grammatical classes, structures, and categories” (169–219); 7. “Linguistic comparison” (220–64), and 8. “Recent developments” (265–96), and, finally, “Wider perspectives [devoted to linguistics and its rapport with other fields, such as anthropology, psychology, etc.]” (297–323). Index of authors & subjects (324–30) .]

SAIS Arbeitsberichte . Aus dem Seminar für Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft , Christian-Albrechts-Univ. , Kiel , Heft 2 ( März 1980 ), [V,] 170 pp. [ Contains papers by Ekkehard Hörner, Marie-Louise Liebe-Harkort, Ursula Pieper, Rosemarie Radomski, and Werner Winter, in honor of Erich Hofmann on the occasion of his 85th birthday .]

. 1979 . Analyse syntaxique du français: Grammaire en chaine . (= Linguisticae Investigationes: Supplementa, 2 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XVI, 334 pp. Bound, Hfl. 60 ,-. [ This investigation of French syntax has the following major parts: I, “La conjonction” (1567), II, “Le lexique” (69–140), and III, “Grammaire en chaîne, grammaire transformationnelle, et langages formels” (141–211). There is an introd., “Précis d’une grammaire en chaîne du français” (1–14), and a further chap., “L’analyse automatique d’un texte” (213–323), which includes a computer analysis (224–323). There is a bib. (325–27) and an “Index analytique” (329–34) of grammatical terms and subjects .]

. 1979 . Liberty and Language . Oxford-New York-Toronto-Melbourne : Oxford Univ. Press , IX, 251 pp. Cloth , £ 5.75 . [ The book constitutes a critique of Noam Chomsky, not so much of his linguistic theory, with which the author largely agrees, but of the connections he has been making between his philosophy of language and his political views (of leftist ‘anarchism’). The author argues that, from his linguistic views, it would follow that traditional liberalism would be the answer, not a kind of authoritarianism .]

. 1981 . Bernardo Biondelli e la linguistica preascolina . Roma : Cadmo editore s.r.l. , 319 pp. Paper, Lit. 10.000 . [ This historical account of (comparative-historical) linguistics in Italy in the 19th century before its domination by Graziadio Isaia Ascoli (1829–1907) by the mid-1870s (at the latest – cf. his founding of the “Archivio Glottologo Italiano” in 1873) is largely devoted to the work of Bernardino Biondelli (1804–1886), whom T. De Mauro (cf. the volume mentioned above, p.49ff.) associates with the beginning of linguistics in Italy, namely, “La fortuna del Biondelli nella linguistica italiana” (87–152), and “L’attività divulgativa del B.” (153–216). The first chap, is devoted to accounts of the life and work of other scholars of the early 19th century, e.g., Giovenale Vegezzi-Ruscalla (1799–1884), Aurelio Bianchi Giovini (1799–1862) et al. There are detailed endnotes (219–311) and an author index (313–19) .]

. 1980 . Lingvističeskaja teorija I. A. Boduena de Kurtenè i ee mesto v jazykoznanii XIX–XX vekov [ The linguistic theory of I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay and its place in the 19th and 20th centuries ]. Moskva : Izd. “Nauka” , 134 pp. [ An evaluation – in historical perspective – of the work of Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929). It includes a survey of the literature on Baudouin until the mid-1970s; bib. (121ff., western sources, 128131) .]

. 1979 . Introduzione allo studio comparativo delle lingue germaniche antiche . Bologna : Patron Editore , XLVII, 591 plus 2 pp. of errata . (= Linguistica Generale e Storica, 15 .) [ The study consists of 2 major parts, each of them subdivided into individual chaps, and subsections; the first part has the chap. headings “Alcuni cenni sull’indoeuropeo” (3–25); “Lineamenti di fonetica indoeuropea” (29–56); “Lineamenti di morfologia indoeuropea” (59–119); the second part: “Cenni storici sui Germani” (123–59), “Nozioni di filologia germanica” (163–262), “Elementi di fonetica del germanico” (265–357), and “Elementi di morphologia del germanico” (361–536). There is a bib. of traditional, ‘classic’, literature in the field, from Bopp to E. Prokosch (xxix–xlvii), and there are special bib. references at the end of individual chaps. The vol. is richly indexed: Index of subjects and terms (539–45), index of lexical items, e.g., Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, etc. (546–85), and an index of authors (586–89). it contains altogether 36 illustrations, tables, inscriptions, etc .]

. 1977 . Die Adjektive auf -isch in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache . (= Monographien zur Sprachwissenschaft, 5 .) Heidelberg : Carl Winter Universitätsverlag , 208 pp. [ Originally a doctoral diss., Univ. of Augsburg, the study analyzes the various types of adjectives in Modern German – there is a list of some 900 compounds (202–208) – ending in -isch. Bib. (10–14); sources on which the corpus was established (14–21) .]

1980 . Indo-European Linguistics: A new synthesis . University Park, Penn. & London : The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press , [XI,] 211 pp. [ This study, which draws mainly from Slavic and Baltic languages, consists of the following major sections: 1. “Introduction [to various theoretical issues of comparative-historical linguistics]” (1–20); 2. “Monophthongizations” (21–45); 3. “Noun morphology” (46–87); 4. “Verb morphology” (88–165), and 5. “Indo-European as a topic-prominent language” (166–88). In other words, the book begins with phonology and ends with syntactic features. There is a good bib. (189–207), but only a brief section of notes (208–211), and no index .]

Sigma: Revue annuelle . No. 4 , 1979 . Montpellier : Univ. Paul Valéry. (Publication du Centre d’Etudes Linguistiques d’Aix-Montpellier.) [ Rédaction: Jacky Martin, UER V, Univ. de Montpellier III, B.P.5043 F-34032 Montpellier, France, Papers on strategies of argumentation, quantification, sentence stress, word stress, and other topics .]

Sopostabitelno ezikoznanie / Sopostavitel’noe jazykoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics . Nos. 3–4 ( 1980 ). Sofia : Izd. na Sofijskija Univ. “Kliment Oxridski” , 96 and 104 pp., respectively . [ The 2 issues are in effect already part of volume V of the journal, which only recently has become more widely accessible in the West, having been started as a national enterprise at first. Indeed, while No.3 is entirely printed in languages using the Cyrillic alphabet – the most interesting contribution of which may be Petăr Dinekov’s “90 years of the history of Bulgarian linguistics” (33–40) – No.4 prints an article in French – Francisco Adrados, “Les langues slaves dans le contexte des langues indo-européennes” (3–14) – and supplies each contribution with an English (and a Russian) summary. – Editorial address: Blvd “Ruski” No.15, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgaria .]

. 1980 . Peter of Ailly: Concepts and Insolubles. An annotated translation . (= Synthese Historical Library; Texts and Studies in the History of Logic and Philosophy, 19 .) Dordrecht/Holland & Boston/U.S.A. : D. Reidel Publishing Company , XIII, 193 pp. Cloth, Hfl. 60 .-. [ This is the first English translation of Petrus de Allia-co’s (1350–1420) logical treatise written around 1372, Conceptus et insolubilia, of which there were made at least two incunabula editions. The work deals with Peter’s contribution to the medieval theory of mental language and to the discussions of the period of semantic paradoxes. The translation (16–94) is preceded by an introduction, in which Pierre d’Ailly’s (this is the name given to Peter in most of the English literature) life and work is recounted and his theories placed within late medieval logic It is followed by altogether 988 notes (95–161), a bib. of 131 items, and a comprehensive index of terms, concepts, and authors (162–68 and 169–93, respectively) .]

. 1979 . Studies in Slavic Morphophonemics and Accentology . (= Michigan Slavic Materials, 16 .) Ann Arbor, Mich. : Michigan Slavic Publications [Dept of Slavic Langs & Lit., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.] , XI, 266 pp. Bound , $9.50 . [ A collection of previously published papers – cf. pp.265–66, for details. The papers – 16 in number – originally published between 1959 and 1977 (1–226) are followed by a detailed word index (227/228–61) and a list of acronyms employed for reference works used in these studies .]

Studies in Language: International journal sponsored by the foundation “Foundations of Language” . Vol. IV , Nos. 1–3 ( 1980 ), 451 pp. Amsterdam : John Benjamins . [ Of particular interest for readers of HL may be the exchange between Pierre Swiggers and Jacques Durand (125–130 and 131–37, respectively) on certain interpretations of the Port-Royal Grammar and Logic ]

. 1980 . Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft . 2 ., überarbeitete Auflage . Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft , XIV, 311 pp. Paperbound, DM 44 ,-. [ 1st ed., 1971. This introduction to comparative(-historical) linguistics consists of 9 parts of unequal length: 1. “Einleitung [history and object of Indo-European philology]” (1–12); 2. “Sprache im Wandel” (13–27); 3. “Aufgaben der indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft” (28–30); 4. “Phonologie” (31–64); 5. “Morphonologie” (65–103); 6. “Vorgeschichte des indogermanischen phonologischen Systems” (104–142); 7. “Morphologie I: Nomen und Adjektiv” (143–85); “Morphologie II: Pronomen, Zahlwort” (186–211), and 9. “Morphologie III: Verb” (212–3111). Bibliographical footnotes, but no comprehensive bib., and no index .]

ed. 1980 . An Annotated Discography of Music in Spain before 1650 . (= Bibliographic Series, 2 .) Madison, Wis. : The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Univ. of Wisconsin , XVI, 145 pp. [ Altogether 2,146 entries, various indices .]

ed. 1980 . Issues in Vowel Harmony: Proceedings of the CUNY Linguistics Conference on Vowel Harmony, 14th May 1977 . (= Studies in Language Companion Series, 6 .) Amsterdam : John Benjamins , XX, 340 pp. Bound, Hfl. 85.00 . [ Contributions to the topic by the following scholars: Stephen R. Anderson, Jean-Roger Vergnaud, John Crothers & Masayoshi Shibatani, C. Douglas Johnson, Eric P. Hamp, Robert I. Binnick, Catherine 0. Ringen, Robert M. Vago, Leon C. Jacobson, Beatrice L & R. M. R. Hall, Marc Picard, Lyle Campbell, and Lloyd B. Anderson. There is no index .]

. 1980 . Deutsche Schulgrammatik im 19. Jahrhundert: Zur Begründung einer historisch-kritischen Sprachdidaktik . (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 25 .) Tübingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag , VII, 209 pp. Paper, DM 50 ,-. [ The study presents a thorough account of the development of the teaching of German grammar, especially in secondary schools, during the 19th century, and traces the impact of the findings of historical-comparative as well as general (Humbold-tian) linguistics on its evolution. It discusses in particular the grammars and didactic reform proposals of Johann Christian August Heyse (1764–1829), Karl Ferdinand Becker (1775–1849), Friedrich Schmitthenner (1796–1850), and a number of other influential grammarians, and places them in the socio-political and educational context of the period. There is a detailed bib. (190–209), which, however, does not include first names of authors and of publishers, but no index, which could have added to the usefulness of the study .]

. 1981 . La Phonétique de l’Anglais . (= Que sais-je?, 1885 .) Paris : Les Presses Universitaires de France , 128 pp. [ A condensed study of the phonetics – and phonology – of Modern English, with particular emphasis on articulatory aspects and suprasegmentals. It contains a brief history of the English language (17–20) .]

. 1980 . Juan de Valdés und Bermúdez de Pedraza: Zwei spanische Sprachgeschichtsschreiber . (= Studien zur Literatur- und Sozialge schichte Spaniens und Lateinamerikas, 3 .) Bonn : Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grundmann , 166 pp. Paper, DM 28 ,-. [ The study discusses the work of two Spanish philologists of the 16th century, namely, Juan de Valdés’ (1509–1541) Diálogo de la lengua (Naples, 1536) as well as other works by the same author (cf. p.106, with various ed. of the ‘Diàlogo’ listed on p.107), and (Part II, 123–61) Francisco Bermudes de Pedraza’s (1585–1655) Libro quatro del Santo Mōte Ilipu-litano, y sus excelencias (1607), with its chaps.4–9 devoted to difficulties of ‘la lengua castellana’ and various solutions to these. There is an index of authors (162–66), but not of subjects and/or terms. Indeed, the book is poorly organized, with a bib. of 203 items appended to the first part (106–121), including items of economic and social history – the author advances a Marxist view -but none for the second part .]

. 1980 . Zeit und Kultur: Geschichte des Zeitbewusstseins in Europa . Wiesbaden [& Opladen] : Westdeutscher Verlag , 720 pp. Cloth, DM 48 ,-. [ This is probably the first comprehensive cultural history devoted to Western consciousness of the phenomenon ‘time’. It begins with those countries and cultures which are regarded as the cradle(s) of Western thought, namely, Babylonia, Iran, Israel and Egypte, followed by Greece and Rome. After these fairly brief chaps. (13–76), there follow individual chaps, on the following periods : “Frühes Christentum” (77–91); “Frühes Mittelalter” (92 to 111); “Hoch- und Spätmittelalter” (112–150); “Renaissance” (151–211); ‘17th century (212–52); ‘18th century’ (253–338); ‘19th century’ (339–454), and ‘20th century’ (455–663). Endnotes (667–99), index of names (700–708), and index of subjects and terms (709–720). On languages as a means of expression of the consciousness and concept of time, cf. pp.26–27 (early Jewish tendency to regard time as linear), past/future distinction (29), the use of ‘day’ (2352 times), ‘year’ (834 times), month (250 times), but ‘week’ only 26 times in the Bible (33); the expression of time in Latin (71), in early Christianity (84), in Old French (131–33) and Middle French (133–34 and 162) and, finally, in Modern French (192). There are otherwise few references to language and not a single one to linguistics, but many to philosophical systems, incl. Marxism (408ff.), also in relationship to Darwinism (413–14) .]

. 1979 . The Life and Growth of Language: An outline of linguistic science . [ Paperback reprint of the volume first published in 1875 ] With a New Introduction by Charles F(rancis) Hockett . New York : Dover Publications, Inc. , XV, 326 pp. [ In his introd. Hockett places Whitney and his linguistic ideas in historical perspective; he shows that W’s thought is still fairly up-to-date in many respects .]

. 1981 . Lingua Mentalis: The semantics of natural language . Sydney : Academic Press Australia [also available through Academic Press, New York, etc.] , XI, 367 pp. Hardcover , $54.00 . [ The work consists of the following chaps.: 1. “Introduction [in which the author outlines her philosophical position inspired by Leibniz and discussed in our times by the Polish linguist Andrzej Boguslaw-ski]” (1–37); 2. “Translatability and semantic primitives” (39–75); 3. “Parts of the body” (77–97); 4. “Perception: The semantics of abstract vocabulary” (99–157); 5. “Why ‘kill’ does not mean ‘cause to die’: The semantics of action sentences” (159–84); 6. “Tenses: The semantics of grammatical categories” (185–221); 7. “Coordination: The semantics of syntactic constructions” (223–85); 8. “The ignorative: The semantics of speech acts” (287–345), and 9. “Concluding word” (347–48). References (349–60); author index (361–63), and an “Index of lexical items explicated or discussed” (365–67) .]

1980 . Uit en rondom de Spreeckonst van Petrus Montanus (1635) . Assen/The Netherlands : Van Gorcum & Co. , VII, 179 pp. Paper, Dfl.24.50 . [ A study of the work of the Dutch scholar Petrus Montanus, Bericht van een niewe konst, genaemt De Spreeckonst … (Delft, 1635) – cf. also the ed. prepared by W. J. W. Caron (Groningen: Trivium, 1964), with particular attention to phonetic detail. There is also a small chap, on Montanus and the work of the Danish scholar Jacob Madsen (alias Jacobus Matthiae, 1532–86), De Literis libri duo (Basel, 1586), from which Friedrich Techmer (1843–1891) published excerpts in his “Internationale Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft” 5.90–132, 1890 .]

comp. 1980 . Textverarbeitung: Eine Bibliographie zur empirischen Erforschung der Rezeption sprachlicher Texte . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft, 4 .) Münster : Institut für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität , 90 pp. Paper, DM 4.50 . [ Preface (7–18), bib. (19–83) – 582 entries in all – and index of terms and concepts (84–90) .]

ed. 1980 . Theory and Method in Lexicography : Western and non-western perspectives . Columbia, South Carolina : Hornbeam Press, Inc. , VII, 189 pp. Paper , $5.75 . [ The vol. prints the papers presented at a special meeting held at the University of Illinois at Urbana on 27 July 1978, plus two other papers, namely, Sumitra M. Katre’s “Current trends in Indian lexicography” (177–89) and Braj B. Kachru’s “The new Englishes [sic] and old dictionaries: Directions in lexicographical research on non-native varieties of English” (71–101). The other papers are authored by Clarence Barnhart, Andres Gallardo, Sharon Butler, Sherman Kuhn, Adam Makkai, Frederic Cassi-dy, and Dinh-Hoa Nguyen. They are grouped under the following headings: “Dictionaries and the description of the norm” (33–101), “Dictionaries and the structure of language” (105–121), “Dictionaries and the computer” (125–60), and “Dictionaries and culture” (163–89). There is no index .]