Volume 1, Issue 1 (1974)
Purpose and scope of Historiographia LinguisticaE. F. K. Koerner | pp. 1–10
Theory-Orientation Versus Data-Orientation: A recurrent theme in linguisticsR. H. Robins | pp. 11–26
Zur Saussure-Rezeption Bei Gustave Guillaume und in seiner NachfolgePeter Wunderli | pp. 27–66
La Critique Sensualiste a L’Encontre Du “Discours Sur L’universalite De La Langue Française” D’Antoine De Rivarol : Quelques aspects des liens entre politique et théorie linguistiqueUlrich Ricken | pp. 67–80
An Annotated Chronological Bibliography of Western Histories of Linguistic Thought, 1822–1972: Part I: 1822–1915E. F. K. Koerner | pp. 81–94
The Neogrammarians: A re-evaluation of their place in the development of linguistic science. By Kurt R[obert] JankowskyBoyd H. Davis | pp. 95–110
Arthur L. Blumenthal, Language and Psychology: Historical aspects of psycholinguistic (New York, 1970)Reviewed by Wilbur A. Hass | pp. 111–116
Charles P. Bouton, Les grammariens françaises de Claude Mauger à l’usage des Anglais (XVIIe siécle) (Paris, 1973)Compte rendu par Jean Stefanini | pp. 116–123
Edward Stankiewicz, A Baudouin de Courtenay Anthology: The beginnings of structural linguistics (Bloomington and London, 1972)Reviewed by D. Barton Johnson | pp. 123–129
Oswald Szemerényi, Richtungen der modernen Sprachwissenschaft I: Von Saussure bis Bloomfield (1916–1950) (Heidelberg, 1971)Reviewed by T. L. Markey | pp. 129–136
Miscellanea: Notes/Notizen – Discussions/Diskussionenpp. 137–138
Carl Svedelius (1861–1951)E. F. K. Koerner | pp. 139–140
Publications Received / Ouvrages Reçus / Eingegangene Schriftenpp. 141–145
Articles / Aufsätze
Review article / Rapport critique / Forschungsbericht
Book reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen
Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene Schriften