Volume 31, Issue 1 (2004)
Editorial 2004E. F. K. Koerner | pp. 1–6
Tense, mood and aspect in the first grammar of Croatian (Kašić 1604)Zvonko Pandžić | pp. 7–32
Discovering Aryan and Dravidian in British India: A tale of two citiesThomas R. Trautmann | pp. 33–58
Contested past: Anti-Brahmanical and Hindu nationalist reconstructions of Indian prehistoryMichael Bergunder | pp. 59–104
Leonard Bloomfield: Linguistics and mathematicsMarcus Tomalin | pp. 105–136
Sylvain Auroux, History of Linguistics 1999. Selected Papers from the 8th International Conference on the History of the Linguistic Sciences, 14–19 September 1999, Fontenay-St Cloud (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2003)Reviewed by L. G. Kelly | pp. 137–144
Michael Bergunder & Rahul Peter Das, Ed. by, “Arier” und “Draviden”: Konstruktionen der Vergangenheit als Grundlage für Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmungen Südasiens (Halle, 2002)Reviewed by Bernard Mees | pp. 145–150
Frank-Rutger Hausmann, Anglistik und Amerikanistik im “Dritten Reich” (Frankfurt am Main, 2003)Rezensiert von Clemens Knobloch | pp. 151–157
L. G. Kelly, The Mirror of Grammar: Theology, philosophy and theModistae. By L. G. Kelly (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2002)Reviewed by Anneli Luhtala | pp. 158–163
Cordula Neis, Anthropologie im Sprachdenken des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Berliner Preisfrage nach dem Ursprung der Sprache (1771) (Berlin & New York, 2003)Reviewed by T. Craig Christy | pp. 164–169
Paolo Silvestri, Le grammatiche italiane per ispanofoni (secoli XVI-XIX) (Torino, 2001)Compte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | pp. 170–175
Italian linguistic thought of the 14th to the 16th centuries: English summary of a monographLarissa Stepanova | pp. 177–186
Tenth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS X), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Call for papersDouglas Kibbee | p. 187
Publications received / Ouvrages reçus / Eingegangene SchriftenE. F. K. Koerner | pp. 189–195
Articles / Aufsätze
Book reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen