Volume 38, Issue 3 (2011)
The ‘Glaring’ Place of Prepositions: Grammar, Rhetoric and the Scottish CodifiersNuria Yáñez-Bouza | pp. 255–292
The End of the Jesuit Lexicographic Tradition in Nêhirawêwin: Jean-Baptiste de la Brosse and his compilation of the Radicum Montanarum Silva (1766–1772)John E. Bishop and Kevin Brousseau | pp. 293–324
A propósito de las fuentes gramaticales francesas en la Gramática general española de J. Gómez Hermosilla (Madrid, 1841)Brigitte Lépinette | pp. 325–342
Vološinov between Marx and Saussure: Critical observationsJonathan Hall | pp. 343–354
Zellig Harris: Science, language, and radical transformation of societyBruce E. Nevin | pp. 355–366
Marc Baratin, Fréderique Biville, Guillaume Bonnet, Bernard Colombat, Alessandro Garcea, Louis Holtz, Séverine Issaeva, Madeleine Keller & Diane Marchand, Priscien. Grammaire Livre XVII – Syntaxe, 1 (Paris, 2010)Reviewed by Anneli Luhtala | pp. 367–373
Angela Beuerle, Sprachdenken im Mittelalter: Ein Vergleich mit der Moderne (Berlin & New York, 2010)Rezensiert von Wilfried Kürschner | pp. 374–381
Susan Petrilli, Signifying and Understanding: Reading the works of Victoria Welby and the Signific Movement (Berlin, 2009)Reviewed by Jean Paul Van Bendegem | pp. 382–388
Julie Coleman, A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries (Oxford & New York, 2004–2010)Reviewed by John Considine | pp. 389–395
Carita Klippi, La Vie du langage : La linguistique dynamique en France de 1864 à 1916 (Lyon, 2010)Compte rendu par Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gerand | pp. 396–407
John Leavitt, Linguistic Relativities: Language diversity and modern thought (Cambridge, 2011)Reviewed by Matthew J. Lauzon | pp. 408–414
Christian Timm, Europäischer Strukturalismus in der spanischen Grammatikographie (Tübingen, 2010)Reseña de Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres | pp. 415–422
Alexander M. Kalkhoff, Romanische Philologie im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Institutionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven (Tübingen, 2010)Reviewed by Rolf Kemmler | pp. 423–427
Giorgio Graffi, Due secoli di pensiero linguistico: Dai primi dell’Ottocento a oggi (Roma, 2010)Reviewed by Maria Patrizia Bologna | pp. 428–431
Douglas A. Kibbee, Edited by, Chomskyan (R)evolutions (Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2010)Reviewed by Gregory Radick | pp. 432–435
Hella Olbertz & Sijmen Tol, Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2009 and Supplement for Previous Years [Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2009 et complément des années précédentes] (Leiden & Boston, 2010)Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | pp. 436–439
Koerner’s KornerE. F. K. Koerner | pp. 441–442
Articles / Aufsätze
Book reviews / Comptes rendus / Besprechungen