Table of contents
Genre is a concept used in many disciplines, ranging from linguistics, literary studies, cultural and film studies to rhetoric, folklore and educational research. Its roots are in Greek antiquity, but in language studies the concept has gained salience only in the past few decades.
Askehave, I. & J. Swales
Bakhtin, M.M.
Bauman, R.
2001 The ethnography of genre in a Mexican market: form, function, variation. In P. Eckert & J.R. Rickford (eds.) Style and sociolinguistic variation: 57–77. Cambridge University Press. BoP![Google Scholar](
Bauman, R. & C.L. Briggs
Bazerman, C.
Beaufort, A.
Berge, K-L. & E. Maagerø
Berkenkotter, C.
Berkenkotter, C. & T. Huckin
Björklund, M.
Christie, F. & J.R. Martin
Cope, B. & M. Kalantzis
Devitt, A.
1991 Intertextuality in tax accounting: generic, referential and functional. In C. Bazerman & J. Paradis (eds.) Textual dynamics of the professions – historical and contemporary studies of writing in professional communities: 336–357. University of Wisconsin Press. BoP![Google Scholar](
Dittmar, N.
1995 Register. In J. Verschueren, J.-O. Östman, J. Blommaert & C. Bulcaen (eds.) Handbook of Pragmatics. Benjamins.
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Eggins, S. & J.R. Martin
Fairclough, N.
Flowerdew, J.
Freedman, A.
1994 “Do as I say”: the relationship between teaching and learning new genres. In A. Freedman & P. Medway (eds.): 191–210. BoP![Google Scholar](
Freedman, A. & P. Medway
Freedman, A. & P. Richardson
Halliday, M.A.K.
Halliday, M.A.K., A. Mcintosh & P. Strevens
Hasan, R.
(1996) [1984] The nursery tale as a genre. In C. Cloran, D. Butt & G. Williams (eds.) Ways of saying: ways of meaning. selected papers of Ruqaiya Hasan: 51–72. Cassell. BoP![Google Scholar](
Hymes, D.
1974 Foundations in sociolinguistics – an ethnographic approach.University of Pennsylvania Press. BoP![Google Scholar](
Levinson, S.
Linell, P.
1998 .Approaching dialogue. Talk, interaction and contexts in dialogical perspectives. Benjamins.
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Louhiala-Salminen, L.
Luke, A.
Macken-Horarik, M.
Martin, J.R.
Martin, J.R., F. Christie & J. Rothery
Medway, P.
Myers, G.
1990 Writing biology. Texts in the social construction of scientific knowledge. University of Wisconsin Press. BoP![Google Scholar](
Orlikowski, W.J. & J.A. Yates
Paltridge, B.
Pilegaard, M. & F. Frandsen
Rothery, J.
Samraj, B. & L. Monk
Schryer, C.
Sidney, P.
Smart, G.
Swales, J.
1998 Other floors, other voices: a textography of a small university building. Lawrence Erlbaum. BoP![Google Scholar](
Swales, J. & C. Feak
Tardy, C.M.
Ventola, E.
Wodak, R.
2006 Critical linguistics and critical discourse analysis. In J. Verschueren, J.O. Östman (eds.) & E. Versluys (coll.) Handbook of Pragmatics. Benjamins.
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Yates, J.A.
1989 Control through communication. The rise of system in American management. The Johns Hopkins University Press. BoP![Google Scholar](
2007 Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on genre studies, SIGET. (University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil.). Available at (Accessed 4 December 2008)