Erving Goffman

Jim O’Driscoll
Table of contents

Erving Goffman (1922–1983) was not a linguist. Although he admired linguists as the only group of scholars with “the capacity to study the small behaviours of their own society and to treat the conduct of their own familiars objectively” (1971: xviii), only one aspect of language form, tangentially, attracted his attention (see end of Section 4). He was not interested in semantics at all. He did, it is true, quite frequently have recourse to examples of language in his writings, but his examination of these was always perfunctory in the extreme because, for him, they were never the object of examination themselves; they were there only as illustrations of something else.

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NOTE: The Goffman references in this list are incomplete in two respects. First, they refer only to the volumes to which I had recourse; his papers, collected in many of these, are not recorded separately. Second, it is not a bibliography; only works cited in the text are recorded here. For attempts at comprehensive bibliographies, see Ditton (1980) and

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Cromdal, J. & K. Aronsson
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Ditton, J.
1980A bibliographical exegesis of Goffman’s sociology. In J. Ditton (ed.) The view from Goffman. St. Martin’s Press. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Drew, P. & J. Heritage
(eds.) 1992Talk at work: interaction in institutional settings. Cambridge University Press.  BoPGoogle Scholar
Drew, P. & A. Wooton
(eds.) 1988Erving Goffman: exploring the interaction order. Polity Press. Google Scholar
Friedson, E.
1983Celebrating Erving Goffman. Contemporary Sociology 12(4): 359–262. Google Scholar
Goffman, E.
1959The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Penguin.  BoPGoogle Scholar
1961Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. Penguin. Google Scholar
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1964The Neglected Situation. American Anthropologist 66(6), part II (Special issue): 133–136. DOI logo  BoPGoogle Scholar
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1974Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. Peregrine Books (Penguin).  BoPGoogle Scholar
1981Forms of Talk. Blackwell.  BoPGoogle Scholar
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Watts, R.
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