Historical pragmatics
Table of contents
Historical pragmatics (HP) is a field of study that investigates pragmatic aspects in the history of specific languages. It studies various aspects of language use at earlier stages in the development of a language; it studies the diachronic development of language use; and it studies the pragmatic motivations for language change.
Arnovick, L.K.
Bertuccelli Papi, M.
Brinton, L.J.
1996 Pragmatic markers in English. Grammaticalization and discourse functions. Mouton de Gruyter.
Brown, R. & A. Gilman
1989 Politeness theory and Shakespeare's four major tragedies. Language in Society 18(2): 159–212.
Brown, P. & S.C. Levinson
Busse, U.
2002 Linguistic variation in the Shakespeare Corpus. Morpho-syntactic variability of second person pronouns. John Benjamins.
2003 The co-occurrence of nominal and pronominal address forms in the Shakespeare Corpus: Who says thou or you to whom? In I. Taavitsainen & A.H. Jucker (eds.) Diachronic perspectives on address term systems: 193–221. John Benjamins.
Collins, D.E.
Culpeper, J. & M. Kytö
Deutschmann, M.
Dossena, M. & I. Tieken-Boon Van Ostade
Ehrismann, G.
Fitzmaurice, S.M.
Geis,M. & A.M. Zwicky
Hickey, R.
2003 The German address system: Binary and scalar at once. In I. Taavitsainen & A.H. Jucker (eds.) Diachronic perspectives on address term systems: 401–425. John Benjamins.
Hope, J.
Jacobs, A. & A.H. Jucker
Jucker, A.H.
2008 Politeness in the history of English. In R. Dury, M. Gotti & M. Dossena (eds.) English historical linguistics 2006. Volume II: Lexical and semantic change. Selected papers from the Fourteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 14), Bergamo, 21–25 August 2006: 3–29. John Benjamins. 

Jucker, A.H., G. Fritz & F. Lebsanft
1999 Historical dialogue analysis: Roots and traditions in the study of the Romance languages, German and English. In A H. Jucker, G. Fritz & F. Lebsanft (eds.) Historical dialogue analysis: 1–33. John Benjamins.
Jucker, A.H., G. Schneider, I. Taavitsainen & B. Breustedt
2008 Fishing for compliments: Precision and recall in corpus-linguistic compliment research. In A.H. Jucker & I. Taavitsainen (eds.) Speech acts in the history of English: 273–294. John Benjamins.
Jucker, A.H. & I. Taavitsainen
2000 Diachronic speech act analysis: Insults from flyting to flaming. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 1(1): 67–95.
2003 Diachronic perspectives on address term systems: Introduction. In I. Taavitsainen & A.H. Jucker (eds.) Diachronic perspectives on address term systems: 1–25. John Benjamins.
2008 Apologies in the history of English: Routinized and lexicalized expressions of responsibility and regret. In A.H. Jucker & I. Taavitsainen (eds.) Speech acts in the history of English: 229–244. John Benjamins.
Koch, P.
Koch, P. & W. Oesterreicher
Kohnen, Th
2000a Explicit performatives in Old English: A corpus-based study of directives. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 1(2): 301–321.
Kohnen, Th.
Kohnen, Th
Kohnen, Th.
2008a Linguistic politeness in Anglo-Saxon England? A study of Old English address terms. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 9(1): 140–158.
Kopytko, R.
1995 Linguistic politeness strategies in Shakespeare’s plays. In A.H. Jucker (ed.) Historical pragmatics. Pragmatic developments in the history of English: 515–540. John Benjamins.
Kryk-Kastovsky, B.
Lebsanft, F.
Lenker, U.
Listen, P.
Lötscher, A.
Mazzon, G.
Nevala, M.
Nevalainen, T. & H. Raumolin-Brunberg
Onodera, N.O.
Pakkala-Weckström, M.
Person, R.R., Jr
Schlieben-Lange, B.
Schrott, A.
Schrott, A. & H. Völker
Simon, H.J.
Skewis, M.
2003 Mitigated directness in Honglou meng: Directive speech acts and politeness in eighteenth century Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 35: 161–189.
Söll, L.
Somolinos, A.R.
Taavitsainen, I.
Taavitsainen, I. & S.M. Fitzmaurice
Taavitsainen, I. & A.H. Jucker
2008a Speech acts now and then: Towards a pragmatic history of English. In A.H. Jucker & I. Taavitsainen (eds.) Speech acts in the history of English: 1–23. John Benjamins.
2008b “Methinks you seem more beautiful than ever”: Compliments and gender in the history of English. In A.H. Jucker & I. Taavitsainen (eds.) Speech acts in the history of English: 195–228. John Benjamins.
Traugott, E.C.
Valkonen, P.
Watts, R.J.