J.R. Firth
Table of contents
Renewal of connection with the processes and patterns of life in the instances of experience is the final justification of abstract linguistics. (Firth 1968: 24).
Bazell, C.E., J.C. Catford, M.A.K. Halliday & R.H. Robins
Bloomfield, L.
Butt, D.
Coleman, John S.
Eggins, S. & J.R. Martin
The Firthian Prosodic Archive
http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/lang/research/fpa. Accessed 15.9.2008.
Fowler, R., B. Hodge, G. Kress & T. Trew
Halliday. M.
1978 Language as social semiotic: The social interpretation of language and meaning. Edward Arnold. BoP
Halliday, M.
2009b Language and society. Collected works of M.A.K. Halliday, Volume 10. J. Webster (ed.). Continuum. BoP
Halliday, M., A. Mcintosh & P. Strevens
Halliday, M. & J. Webster
Hasan, R.
HawkinsS. & R. Smith
Hoover, D., J. Culpeper & B. Louw
Kress, G. & Hodge, R.
Langendoen, D.
Leech, G. & M. Short
Malinowski, B.
1923 The problem of meaning in primitive languages. In C.K. Ogden & I.A. Richards (eds.), The meaning of meaning. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 296–336. BoP
Mitchell, T.
Moon, R.
Ogden. R.
2006b Phonetics and social action in agreements and disagreements. Journal of Pragmatics 38: 1752–1775.
Ogden, R., Hawkins, S., House, J., Huckvale, M., Local, J., Carter, P., Dankovicova, J., & Heid, S.
Ogden, R. & J. Local
Östman, J. & A-M. Simon-Vandenbergen
1995 Firthian linguistics. In J. Verschueren, J-O. Östman & J. Blommaert (eds.) Handbook of pragmatics. Manual. 278–282. John Benjamins.
1998 Firth and the London School. In J. Mey (ed.) Encyclopedia of pragmatics. 1061–1065. Elsevier Science. BoP
Plug, L.
ProSynth http://www–users.york.ac.uk/∼lang19/. Accessed 22.9.2008.
Sinclair, J. & M. Coulthard
Sound to Sense http://www.sound2sense.eu/. Accessed 22.9.2008. The website contains a list of publications.
Stubbs, M.
Trubetzkoy, N.S.
Ventola, E.
Whittaker, R., M. O'donnell & A. Mccabe
Wodak, R.
YorkTalk http://www-users.york.ac.uk/∼lang4/Yorktalk.html. Accessed 20.9.2008.